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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 4, 2024 3:20am-4:01am MSK

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wow, you have to throw yourself like that, and they sat with matvey for no more than an hour, yuri only drank beer, something is wrong here. pasha, come back. it is quite possible that matvey took the order, he had time to add something to the bottle, but we cannot see this, so we can only assume. well, a man couldn’t
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be fooled like that from a bottle of non-alcoholic beer, there was clearly something wrong here, and he lied to his wife that yura was afraid to meet him. pasha, why don't you take matvey's phone for wiretapping? i’ll do it, by the way, there’s another camera at the end of the bar, i’ll let it go. i think it was matvey who decided to put yuri in front of zangelina. i sat everything down. pasha, are you his car? yes, the motive is obvious? compromising a lover in front of his wife. yes, but you couldn’t pretend to be, yuri. they are completely different in set, don't you see? mikhailich, before i had time to connect to vikhorev’s phone, he received a most interesting sms, i’m reading it out. i did my job, send the money, or everyone will know everything. us, and the phone is of course a one-time phone,
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of course, but matvey is already scribbling an answer, yeah, in 2 hours he offers a meeting in pinta, this, by the way, the same bar where he hung out with yurik. i wonder how this blackmail is connected with the disappearance and frame-up of the designer? we'll find out soon. as far as i understand, truffles are tight in this place, so we'll count. that you gave dinner to the enemy, you don’t let him get used to good things, damn it, matvey’s son is in the cafe, well, he brought money, but hold your horses , be more polite, he ruined everything , he ruined it, this designer won’t be jailed for theft, he turned out to be deprived , i told you, look after him more closely, and what’s wrong with him now? pavlik, come to me
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information on the guy, and let me look again at the recording from angelina’s office, when money is being stolen there, it looks like anton played the role of yura, i see, and i also see that anton has a lot of credits, plus several arrests during raids on an underground casino . i sent both of them a cell phone recording from olga’s camera, well, from what just happened, what they were discussing now. olya, come up to the men and invite them to talk to us. we have already met today, is this your job? do you
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need money, how much? ugh, how did it go, i'm from detective agency, i need to talk to you, but if you’re against it, i can call the police, no need, then let’s go, i ’ll escort you. the first question: where is yuri zagrebnev now and what’s wrong with him? you rented an apartment for him, he’s resting there, you probably didn’t spare sleeping pills for him yesterday if he’s still resting. address: vernadsky avenue 15837. keys, hello,
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angelina, we found yuri, now to the cinema address. wait for you at the entrance, as i understand it, matvey, you found out about your ex-wife’s affair and decided to get her back, denigrating the good name of her lover, yes, yes, i was counting on lina herself to turn yuri over to the police and detain him for... listen, don’t look at me as a villain, the most he could get was a suspended sentence, and roman and my wife would obviously have been given a life sentence, that is, according to your plan , yuri should have woken up somewhere in an unfamiliar area and not remember anything, the recording shows that he is committing a crime, only
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you miscalculated with his left hand, by the way, you asked your son to play the role of yura, they also found me an innocent one... ovechikov, you wrote it down yourself, how he blackmailed me, i caught him more than once when he was cleaning my mother’s safe, uh-huh, dad, a kind soul, didn’t say anything to my mother, and then went around just poking me with it, how could i refuse him to play this yura, well, in general, the picture is clear, i hoped that everything would be as before, family, that it would be better this way, a woman’s heart is a mystery, let’s see if the ex... wife can appreciate your noble impulses, thank you very much, and this is from me, and this is yuri to you he says hello and expresses his
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gratitude, thank you, i don’t know how i can live with all this now, but matvey understands, we can share the business with him. break all contacts, but with anton, with my son , okay, i’ve already loaded you with my problems, thank you, i’ll go, good luck and patience, goodbye, i feel sorry for her, i don’t know how i could forgive a loved one for is that? i’ve heard this expression, love is when you don’t have to say, i’m sorry, i’ll remember.
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drive quickly to the notch, drive to the notch, quickly!
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this is an unusual case, but, as always, my guest will tell you the details, this is fsb general igor sergeevich fedortsov, please! a few hours ago, in the south ural forest. 30 km from the highway, a broken jeep was found with
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two corpses in it. in addition, another corpse was found nearby in the forest. all three are real ghosts. in what sense? and in the sense that all these found former special forces soldiers who have been considered dead for 5 years already. they were also found in the jeep. broken boxes with a whole mountain of gold bars , a total weight of more than 90 kg, the bars have no markings, that is, the gold is clearly of illegal origin, exactly where these forest ghosts came from in the ural taiga, where for what purposes where this gold was headed, where it came from, you actually have to answer all these questions: find the answer. oops, look here.
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here she is. markov's four. nothing is known about the last operation yet. information is classified. look, these three, ignatiev, bobylev, sosnora, these are the three who were found in the ural forest. but this is markov. captain, excellent shooter. in terms of survival, during combat operations he was particularly cruel, for which i received the nickname darkness. it's me, you screwed up, it was an accident
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you can’t plan for everything, i need to rest somewhere, it was a good idea to go today, look, man, you’re fine, can i help you? so, look, it means that markov has a wife and daughter in belogorsk, here is belogorsk. this is the place where they found the bodies of three special forces soldiers and an overturned jeep. so, we will proceed from
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the fact that markov gets to the highway on foot, well, it ’s 30 kilometers through the forest to the nearest road, which means that we have time. vadim, let's go, max, you stay here, you have analytics. hello irina alexandrovna, colonel pastukhov, captain karasev, i called you an hour ago. yes i remember. good afternoon. can talk? what do you want to talk about? about your husband, captain markov. maybe we can go in after all? okay, come on in. irina alexandrovna, tell me when you saw yours. husband for the last time 5 years ago, before he left for his
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last business trip, are you sure, i don’t understand, my husband died while performing a particularly important task, 5 years ago, what questions might there be? the question is quite simple: are you sure that your husband really died? i i don’t understand, we have a suspicion that your husband is still alive, do you understand what you are saying now? “just recently, with such difficulty , i was able to come to terms with his death, now you come again and begin to get into my soul, you will forgive me, but i had to ask this question, my husband is dead, and i ask you not to disturb his memory, until goodbye,
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goodbye, what do you think?" there's a cap on his head, a hood, when did you last see him, last night, two people came to me, some kind of special service, yes, yes, i'm holding on,
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okay, but i have to know that everything will be okay ok. yes, max, i'm listening to you. i dug up something here. so, let me explain it. in the city of belogorsk , two criminal groups are rampant in the surrounding towns and villages. so, these two gangs are the complete masters of the area? well, yes, one of them is led by veniamin pak. 36 years old, has a legal business, several gas stations, a
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service station. in addition, pak, a member of the board of directors of the southern ural bank, is the owner of a sugar restaurant. well, we haven’t been convicted, we haven’t been prosecuted, i’ll send you the information on your phone. come on, who's second? now a certain igor artemyevich tarasov, nickname taras, rose to prominence among businessmen, in 1999 he went to the zone for fraud, and there, according to some sources, he became close to thieves in law. i don’t know what he used to buy them there, but after his release tarasov quickly rose to become one of the prominent ones. criminal authorities, i ’ll send you information on him, come on, that’s it, lights out, so, the local masters of life, bandit veniamin pak and businessman igor taratsov, well , let’s involve the local cops, no, we’ll wait for now, first we’ll look around, come on, you stay
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wait here for markov, and i’ll go to the local police department, i’ll talk to the chief , you from... report the situation, okay, yes, that’s it, get in touch, get in touch, what do you have left, but it’s okay, you’re not annoying, i’ll go out, call, no, of course, yes.
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the investigator has become a problem again, you have to solve this right now, just not like last time, where is he now, at home, a cop from moscow is on his way to see him now, hurry up if you want to be in time, so what about you specifically interested? bear with me, i don’t quite understand something, are you accusing me of forgery, but what else can you call it, this
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nonsense, this is nonsense! hello, police, a supporter of the shepherds, from upsm, is bothering you. well, no fingerprints for you, it was done professionally. the number of the carbine was punched, yes, the owner is kuznetsov igor sergeevich, born in the seventieth year, owner of a couple of trading tents, married, three children, no criminal record, i
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don’t think he’s a sniper at all, he’s not interested in where he’s hunting now, i think the carbine was just stolen, we of course , we will put him on the wanted list, until everything is understood, comrade general, that’s for sure. "i'm listening, tavich colonel, vadim, as we expected, no trace, the carbine belongs to a small businessman, what do you have? sergey sergeevich, in my opinion, i’m wasting my time here, if captain markov is alive, he’s unlikely to return home, after everything that happened, do you want to remove the ambush? yes, if you don’t mind, decide for yourself , okay, then.” i’m leaving, you’re still on the roof with the apers, yes, well, i’ll be there in 20 minutes, okay, i’m waiting, leave already, yes, thanks for
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not sending me away earlier, and sorry to bother you, it’s okay, i didn’t get to drink your herbal tea. well, if if you want, i can fix it quickly. yes, what nonsense? this is not tea, slop. okay, it was nice meeting you. goodbye. damn, of course, why do i need a phone, forgive
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me, i have to leave, again, i haven’t seen you for several years, you promised that we would get rich, we would leave together, we would leave, we would definitely leave, but not now, now it’s not working out. open, excuse me, i have your phone number, eh!
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damn it, world, but you hold on, i hate you, i hate you, i’ll soon call you, i hate you, and why are you standing there, what? what about his wife? they took us to soon the condition is serious. yes, who would?
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well, what are you, what are you, what unaccounted gold , boxamae, ordinary, the same that washes up in spent mines, free-bearers, i don’t want to run around you, but you’re talking nonsense, you came to our wilderness with an unworn coin, more serious matters brought you , i'm right? are you right, on waste placers? most of the polygons have been mined out to a minimum, how much gold do you think can be found there? well, i don’t know, but i ’ll tell you, it’s mere nonsense, it’s a thankless and not large-scale task, but it will wash our a free worker, a little gold worth 100 dollars, so it will take him a whole week, and then if he tries very hard and works without straightening from early morning until late evening,
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then it’s all right. that, excuse me, a little later , a little later, yeah, comrade colonel, i assure you, this is not on the scale of your department, shop workers earn more than our free laborers, the state has no loss from this, but people, people need something to eat , sorry for being so frank with you. yeah, i can read it on your face doubts, don’t believe me, ask anyone else, it’s extremely gold-bearing, all the townspeople are in the know, well, okay, let’s assume that this is so, you, as an informed person, have probably heard about veniamin pak and deletz tarasov, of course you have heard, these are very influential people, very dangerous, just 7 years ago.
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an estate in a suburban maslovka, but he rarely gets out of there, why? because it is very difficult to get out of the house if you weigh two hundredweight. good afternoon, good afternoon, do you have a table reserved? i don't think it's a big deal, do you need a table for two? that's it as your host decides, we are venemin’s guests
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for now. guests of honor, any problems? the young people say that they are guests of veneamin konstantinovich. veneamin konstantinovich always warns me about guests. but he didn’t say anything to you. okay, i admit we're not guests of honor, but we have an invitation card. complimentary ticket? which? yes, like this. colonel pastukhov, directorate for planning special events, captain karasev, now take us to the pack, okay, one minute, i’ll find out if he’s there, there are guests from the owner here moscow, okay, i understand, the owner is at training now, please take a seat. should
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i bring you some tea, no, and we won’t wait, where is his office, at the end of the hall, i’m sure you want to continue. calm down, put the weapon on the table, i ’ll sort it out, hello, i’m sorry, but i have to. interrupt your ballet, i didn’t introduce myself, colonel pastukhov, at the psm,
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stand, raise your hands, face to the floor, hands behind your head! we need him alive, damn, we missed him, well, i also knew that he would give in to running, okay, let's contact the police and put him on the wanted list, your lip is broken, the little one got me, can you imagine, that’s general pastukhov, we paid a visit to veniam pak, but he ran away, yes, so unexpected. turn, we are going to raid taras, but for this we need the help of the local police, well , in case he suddenly wants to go on the run, and i would like it without much coordination, i understand, thank you, there will be help,
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i have one any ideas on how to approach taras more gently? it seems to me that you, it seems to me, are thieves, i’m listening, hello, taras, you don’t care who i’m talking to, i’ll talk, you’ll listen, talk, you’re completely crazy, you don’t want to share, the lads are worried. go, i don’t understand what’s going on, about two murdered geologists, about gold, or should you chew everything in detail, i have nothing to hide from my brother, in short, there’s a market, we
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’ll come to you today and we’ll sort everything out, we’ll come together, don’t take bagpipes with us we'll arrive clean, okay, come on over, i have nothing to hide from the lads, just like that... let me tell you, wait for us in a couple of hours, two geologists, yes, i tried my luck, i think it worked, the taiga is in position , reception, i understand, my people are in place, okay, we will enter the mansion together, if someone tries to leave the territory, detain, hear a shot, enter, don’t do anything else for now, the task is clear, that’s right, exactly. let him stay with you for now, we’re sure, well , we’re honest thieves, they said, we’ll come without bagpipes, that means we’ll come without bagpipes, that’s it, we ’re off, not bad,
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who? we are visiting taras, guests from the big city, good afternoon, how did we get there, in a normal way, somewhere, he is waiting for you, but first, i we need to search you, buddy, you now... realized what you blurted out, mistook us for fraters, hands up, hands up, i said, they came into the tent slumped, search them, what’s there, and the cops,
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eh... just try where taras is - in the sauna. there are also two guards, they will immediately start shooting, before you show your id. well, risk is okay, and why not? come on, come on, more, more, come on, hold on, okay. calmly, calmly, calmly,
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slowly take out the trunks and place them on the table, only without sudden movements, otherwise i i got worried, somewhere around the salon, let's go, let's go, let's go. guys, get into the pool. come on, come on, just quietly, no splashes, how about some water, hold on? well, hello, taras, who
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are you? colonel pastukhov upsn, there is a conversation, i didn’t talk to the garbage, i’m sure there will be no more arrests, go ahead , but you and i won’t have a conversation, well, as you know, what are you doing? boy, what are you doing, i’m going to feel bad, my face, open the door, guys, which of you swims faster, i propose to organize a swimming or diving competition, and sergei sergeevich, what open, hurray, open, i hurray you, open. open, open, i’m telling you, i feel bad,
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open, open, i’ll tell you everything, i’ll tell you everything, i’m sure, open, i’m sure, vadim, the competition is cancelled, the swimmers are leaving. i have an underground gold processing workshop, but i, i’m not the only owner, i have a business partner, beniam buck, where
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do you get the gold from? where? from everywhere? prospectors freely steal from official claims; they bring them without bringing them to the processing point. well, it settles down, and in general, then they sell it to us, in general, from different places criminality is a great idea, but with an airbag for russian waste dumps you won’t bring much gold, so where do you get the gold, caras?


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