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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  March 4, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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today in our program, a self-exposure session in the bundesfer confirmed the authenticity of negotiations on the attack on the crimean bridge, who will be blamed for the scandalous leak? this is part of the information war that putin is waging. virtual war. commander of the ukrainian air force. published a fake with an allegedly shot down russian fighter, why does kiev need imaginary victories on the internet, and strict face control: a teacher was accused of immorality because of personal photos, and a deputy was reprimanded for wearing jeans, isn’t it time to introduce a code of conduct for public sector civil servants? good question, watch it now.
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hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, today we will start our program with reports from operational services from the samara region, but we generally start each program with some information coming from the fsb or the ministry of defense, well as a rule, we always talk about what happens directly on the line of collision. to shell us there in the belgorod or bryansk regions with with the help of drones, here samara , to put it mildly, is far from the front line, but nevertheless, it means i’ll give a quote there today, the explanation is this: there was illegal interference by outsiders in the work of railway transport, well, simply put, they wanted to blow up a railway bridge, which known at the moment, at approximately 6:00 am in the area of ​​the railway bridge over the chapaevka river. an explosion occurred, according to
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preliminary information, it was a homemade bomb, judging by the published footage that you will now see, sorry, the metal structures and fences are damaged, the concrete bridge supports and tracks themselves are intact. the ria novosti agency, citing the unified dispatch service at the fsb, reported that no one was injured. traffic on this section of the railway is temporarily suspended. experts assure, check, excuse me, whether the bridge can do it. to withstand the weight of trains, the russian department has not yet commented on the attempted detonation, but in ukraine, the main department of local intelligence confirmed, and quite quickly, that there was an explosion in the samara region explosion, they claim that military cargo was allegedly transported by rail, but what is interesting is that they did not take responsibility for what happened, this is also such a rare thing. ukraine traditionally increases terrorist activity in moments of aggravation of a difficult situation for it on the fronts, so it became from...
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the fleet is planting its flag on the ruins of one of the buildings in novomikhailovka. novomikhailovka is approximately 60 km from the recently liberated avdeevka. at the same time , in the video that we show you, if watch with sound, you can hear shots and explosions, that is, the battles are taking place somewhere very close to the place, to the place of filming. the ukrainian general staff does not comment on the situation around novomikhailovka, while the ukrainian telegram channel deep state has practically admitted the loss of another settlement. this channel publishes a promotion map. russian troops concludes: in the current conditions , the task for the ukrainian armed forces to return novamikhailovka has become almost impossible. well, today, although, probably, even yesterday evening the day before , footage of the destruction near avdeevka appeared on the internet, already the second abrams tank. the video was published by the developers of the russian drone, which bears this name. you see, a ghoul. successively, two of these drones, one after the other, fly up to the standing abrams and hit it in the thinnest place, this is where, in
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the area of ​​the tower, it turned out that before that the fabrams were hit from the rp, hit the caterpillar, directly immobilizing the tank, and then our tank crews have already worked on it, and they arrived at pyri, as they say, in finland. well, tymes analysts were excited by what it chief artie margarit published simonyan records conversations between high-ranking luftwaffe officers about how they are going to better bomb the crimean bridge using german long-range taurus missiles. from this transcript, from this recording, it became clear how long-range missiles get into ukraine in general. this was not only about german ones, for example, french officers allegedly transport their scalps in audi q7 suvs, it is unclear whether they were special, or simply somehow converted. boxes with missiles, the british in richchback armored vehicles. here you go the times writes that this is very valuable information for russian special services and intelligence, because now it will be possible to find these machines and track exactly how, when, and how many such cargoes and long-range missiles are transported. well, let's look
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at the footage again, if we can see the hunched over man in a hat, can we move it? yes, this is her alexander lamsdorff, the german ambassador in moscow, he was summoned today to smolenskaya square, this is the meade building. you see how he enters there, in fact, her lamsdorf spent time in the mead building for about 15 minutes, he came out, then refused to comment, but in the kremlin they comment on the story of the german leak in extreme detail. the record itself suggests that neondeswehr is discussing substantively and specifically plans to strike the territory of the russian federation. this does not require any legal interpretation; everything here is more than obvious and remains to be found out. do the bundeswehr do this on their own initiative, then the question is how manageable the bundeswehr is, or is it part of state policy, the federal republic of germany, both are very bad. andrey vladimevich, i don’t know about you, but all weekend i watched german publications as they tried
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to work on this topic, it was a pleasure to watch how they shifted the focus directly from what they were talking about, the very fact of the leak, oh my god, we are being tapped by putin in every phone in every one of these. then the transcript of this conversation, we quickly paid attention to some moments right on the air, but we didn’t have the text then, much less we hadn’t listened yet audio recording, this is the most important thing, the most interesting thing for our program, we did not yet know the reaction from the other side, but
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now it is not only unofficial and media, but quite official, this is where we would like to start today, last saturday in the bundesweir confirmed the authenticity... of a recording in which high-ranking german officers discussed plans for an attack on the crimean bridge. german press politicians demanded an explanation from the ministry of defense as to how the russians managed to wiretap. report to sunday fell to the head of the defense department, boris pistorius. he announced the beginning of an investigation and promises the first results within a few days. at the same time, pistorius urged quote: not to fall in love with vladimir putin, and traditionally placed the responsibility on russia.
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the germans had a problem, but it also brought a significant victory to the kremlin. moscow indicates that the west is aiming for further escalation. this is generally a blatant self-exposure. there's such a small discrepancy between how the media is covering this and the official version, which in general
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, apparently has already been formed, that’s all, what happened, russian propaganda, well, of the latter, you can probably remember a similar story with the scandal in the canadian parliament, if you remember, when it already turned out that justin trudeau the prime minister personally signed the invitation to that nazi old gonki, remember when he was asked, mr. prime minister, what can you say about this? that you personally, he says, this is all russian propaganda, it won’t work, we do, yes, well, you see here, here it’s the same thing, though there are still some here who promise the results of investigations , vitali leonich, that’s how much in your opinion, this is the version that this is russian propaganda, we need to pay more attention to the very fact of the leak, it seems to be more effective , more working, this is what will be discussed in germany, as for germany, then for that reason...
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though with still unclear consequences, why? that means, on the one hand, now, this is not only what you paid attention to, but there is also another aspect, this is an attack on scholz, why? because in this almost forty-minute conversation it was mentioned that scholz uses incorrect information about taurus, about their capabilities, he proceeds from the fact that it is irrational to use taurus in ukraine, and this phrase of the german military now appears as an element of pressure precisely...
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well in general, in short, either the peace party wins, or the war party wins, that is, with one we attribute it to the peace party now, wait, you will attribute this yourself now, i will now throw smart thoughts at you on the fan, and you will mean them develop.
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they are discussing disloyalty to the current chancellor , he says: the chancellor is a fool, because they don’t send taurus, we now need to create such a present, as he says, small, i read the whole thing, a small file , there is a fifteen-minute report, we need to show that...
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and the minister defense is responsible for financing the military armed forces, but at the same time don’t interfere with them, let’s have yours after all, it will be for me, so when we talk about the leak, papitorius it doesn’t hit at all, because it’s the military, which is separate from it, it’s the general staff, there is military intelligence, who else are there rocket scientists and so on, discussed this story, this is firstly, that is, it does not relate to him, but what if he is like a manager, and he turns out that secret information of these people is flowing secret.
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about their indirect participation has not leaked, when today they discuss this story , scholz is absolutely right, and there is no actual intervention of the german army yet, there is a leak, and a leak of information and there is a certain plot that was discussed there, but direct intervention of the german army in conflict for now they didn’t see it, so there’s a slightly different aspect, which in general needs to be understood correctly, let’s try it a little differently, is this leak far away from us? this is because the german army, in one form or another, whether with taurus or without taurus, somehow gets deeper into this conflict or, on the contrary , brings it closer, that is, i don’t understand how, but if some reshuffles begin there, dragging of the rope , maybe this brings us closer to the fact that, on the contrary, the hawks will win and the germans will get even more involved in this, look, i would just from our position
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precisely because russia is interested in this in general, and i considered this leak, because, well , just sharing this kind of intelligence data is a big sin, because you have a channel for receiving information, for some reason you are leaking it, no , in order to continue to use it, receiving invaluable information about what the enemy is up to, there is such a version, if you want, we have in russia the concept of sergei karaganov, which assumes the following, we are not interested in crawling up the ladder of escalation, because what the... a waste of resources, and this should not continue for long, therefore, according to karaganov’s concept, we are interested in flying up the escalation ladder and reaching
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a certain catharsis, so that the threat of a nuclear conflict is already palpable, and after that the gentlemen have the opportunity to sit down at the negotiating table start seriously negotiating, and if we follow this concept, then we are not interested in the war party in germany.
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according to her, in paris they are discussing the idea of ​​​​allowing special forces and military units of france to cross the border with ukraine. the presence of french forces is supposedly necessary to limit attacks on some ukrainian territories and thus put russia in front of a certain strategic dilemma. apparently, the russians will not attack the french under the french flag. at the same time , journalists emphasize: there are already representatives of all western intelligence services in ukraine. president macron again fueled talk of sending nato troops. tse sozhet sufam. which i pronounce in this context is balanced, thought out and verified; this is a rather serious topic. woke up and german hawks. in the bundestag, the refusal
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of liver chancellor scholz to send troops to ukraine was called a threat to european security. but canada is ready to send military personnel to ukraine, although for now only on the condition that they will not participate in hostilities and will only advise the ukrainian armed forces. there was a lively response in the baltic states. lithuanian authorities said they welcome talk of sending troops and are ready. as for sending soldiers to ukraine, i think that we should not refuse to consider this option. we're not talking about combat connections, this could be training and other types of assistance to ukraine. the american press is now discussing the possibility of a direct clash between russia and nato. the washington post newspaper estimated that about 2,000 foreigners from more than 50 countries are already fighting in ukraine. moreover, according to journalists, they are working in kiev. yes, this war is much more complicated than
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in iraq and afghanistan. on top of that, there were times when the entire division didn't have the best leadership. and many of these people found it very difficult to work, especially when they came from very well trained units. anton vadelevich. and the story with the taurus? this is macron’s proposal , when one after another they begin to join it, even if not the first leaders of europe, but nevertheless, these are all steps along that same ladder, escalation, our reaction, so let’s take it one step at a time, these negotiations - this is a blow to the war party, lavrov calls it a war camp, i call it a war party, it seems to me that this is a more accurate definition, we need to understand who our enemy is, when communicating, i get the impression that people... it seems to people that the war party is a coalition, only a coalition of certain aggressive states, there with leaders at the head, in fact it is more, in my opinion it is an octopus that is present one way or another in all
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countries of the war. somewhere more clearly with leaders at the head, now macron is also there, for what reasons this needs to be further understood, and somewhere less clearly, such as, for example, there are generals, which means the german military department, who, like remember, i said on the last broadcast, let’s not draw conclusions, don’t rush about scholz, when they began to say that scholz was playing a double game, based on that, we don’t know, yes, but based on the correspondence that was published from the transcript, based on his public statements, we can do. it seems that in this situation, these negotiations took place behind scholz’s back without his direct sanction, in my opinion, i agree with my colleague that the main character here is pistorius, which is important, he also noted that it was this person who was named in as the most likely successor in the event of scholz's replacement, and in this way, germany would turn into just that option, where the war party is represented with the leader of the country, so far this is not happening, as for escalation,
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as i said... colleague, a beautiful version, it does not take into account one thing that the party wars, which , as i say, are an octopus, and there are military and politicians and the media, everyone, they benefit from this escalation, if we assume that we, that we assume that we will then force them to sit down, they they won’t be afraid, they want to have additional arguments, to send in troops, to do something else, no, it seems to me that it is beneficial for them to stretch it all out over time and the longer.
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he says in plain text that the use of taurus will mean the impact of the involvement of germany, and germany will become a party to the conflict. by the way, we know that they are now discussing all these things in the media from the point of view of the actual entry of nato troops in one form or another into territory of ukraine is also beneficial, because if previously the voter of
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macron, scholz, who... the war party is not weakened at all, it received a blow, she will resist, and naturally her representatives will do everything. today, in my opinion, or yesterday bilt , that means the editor-in-chief, or one of the editors there, accuses scholz of, just imagine, that he is trying to repeat, that means, schröder’s maneuver at one time, which led germany away from involvement in this military operation in iraq, as if forgetting that thanks to schroedr, germany was in the country and in
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all this. the third world war, so he understands that he will leave the next term, he has no chance practically, that he will leave, but he can become a person who will go down in history as the author of the third world war, because if they pin this on someone, then it will be on the germans, although at first they denied it as best they could, but what is important here is this, we we don’t ask ourselves why, so to speak, the french, americans and british feel completely calm in ukraine, including the military, and are not worried about what germany, so
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to speak, has revealed. in germany the parliamentary army sends military personnel somewhere... contains, so to speak, not only secret information, but information that the german military is not only planning a strike on the crimean bridge, but is also discussing a variety of options on how to secretly deliver
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information to ukraine about what is included in the military operation, so that they are not directly coordinated the military, and the military sitting at the manufacturers of these missiles, so that on the military, i just re-read the entire encryption last night, so that the shadow would not fall directly on the military, which... ivan, excuse me, very briefly, already during the delivery of marders and leopards there is such a scientific service of the bundestag, it provided an examination that this, in fact, according to german law, can be considered a reason for direct participation in the conflict. let's alexander nikolaevich still have time for this part? we’ll have time, we’ll have time, we can, well, let’s do this , so it’s clear that the german government is faced with the task of doing it in such a way that if something happens, if something happens.
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then germany will be careful, but at one time nicholas ii said that russia does not want to participate in a world war, but not will allow little serbia to be crushed, it has begun. so, neither germany, nor the nato countries, nor individually canada, france , and so on, will allow the defeat of ukraine, as they do all the time... they say, russia’s victory on the battlefield, accordingly, we will have an escalation from the western side , insofar as the likelihood of a russian counter-offensive and, in general
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, the offensive and occupation of additional territories by russian troops will increase, but then it is necessary to clarify what we mean by the defeat of ukraine, because after all, serbia was really small, ukraine is bigger, you can leave it there. so again, i don’t have a definite point of view, the question arises , how, strictly speaking, do they see, on the one hand in the kremlin, on the other hand, well , relatively speaking, at nato headquarters, a victory, because neither nor the occupation of additional russian territory, so not even destruction or...
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it turned out that this video appeared on social networks on february 28th. footage of burning grass on the field was published by a driver who was driving from taganrog to mariupol. later, this video was picked up by ukrainian social networks, the original sound was removed and the footage was presented as footage of a downed russian plane. and even when all this was revealed, alishchuk decided not to delete the fake; instead, he released a new post, where he called on ukrainian journalists. to be warriors on the information front, thus apparently justifying such false publications. well, let’s say a few more words about the leaders of the fake front; the british newspaper times published an article where it is stated that there are no excesses with mobilization in ukraine, but what is being shown is who invented it all? russian propaganda. the publication states that dozens, if not hundreds of videos where ukrainian military commissars forcibly take men to the front are all isolated, meaningless incidents, and moscow is trying to inflate all this in order to deceive the poor ukrainian
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population. as evidence of this stunning version, the words of the head of the national security and defense council of ukraine , danilov, are cited. he claims that russian agents. they create, attention, more than 160 million fake publications in a week , where such fantastic figures came from is unclear, but as danilov again says, impressionable women first of all become victims of such propaganda, and , apparently, in order to somehow convince this impressionable female audience , the fashionable ukrainian magazine work came out with a cover like this, where the cheerful vysushnitsa flaunts in the foreground, it’s true that everything went well here too. not as hoped. the cover features the ukrainian model karina mazyar, together with cadets of the kyiv military lyceum. they are all so very textured, sweet, kind to all of them, which is surprising, very, very fun. however, readers did not appreciate the idea of ​​their favorite magazine; people considered it inappropriate to use military themes in a fashionable context, and accused the editors of hypocrisy,
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saying that behind all this they were trying to hide the harsh reality of war. when i saw this vogue cover, at first i thought it was all american. there is, because now they are actively trying to find some additional opportunity issue weapons to ukraine, look for them somewhere on the free market, maybe this is somehow combined with what macron said and some change in attitude towards his initiative, but
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the fact remains a fact, now they are actively looking for, will find there i don’t know what artillery shells are for, but let’s see. that's how things are today. chancellor scholz's indecisiveness is already being actively criticized on german television, even in children's programs. for example, the taurus rocket is represented by animated characters, who complains to young viewers that he can’t get to the ukrainian front. all because of scholz's hesitation. other animated cruise missiles, stormshadow and scalp, as well as the german leopard tank, tease the taurus and boast that they are already at war in ukraine.
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ammunition in third countries 200 million euros, supported in belgium, allocating another 250 million euros for the purchase of the netherlands. on friday
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, prime minister rutte signed a 10-year security agreement with terrorist president zelensky, therefore. information from the local press that the authorities they don’t mind the vysau hitting targets in russia with finnish weapons, apparently, so as not to be left without protection, helsinki said they would buy from the usa.
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nuclear deterrence, which come from the united states. so, let’s leave finnish desires aside for now, a clarification has literally just arrived, here’s a czech piece, not within the next few weeks, as i said in this story, within the next few months. why such a change in timing, i don’t know, alexey nikolaevich, to what extent this operation is such an outsourced search weapons, allocation of money, it can be successful. well, because there is quite a large volume of shells in the world, they seem to be everywhere, this is a standard caliber, 155 mm, a lot of caliber, 152, and russian caliber, in
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general, the question is to come to an agreement with the countries where it is, in particular turkey, again has not yet participated in such serious deliveries, and turkey has a lot of weapons, south africa and so on, that is, this is a matter of agreement with those countries that, until recently , did not participate in this war, including supplied look, the same turkey today depends very seriously on the united states, part of the stabilization of finances, the economy, they have a bad situation with inflation and so on, well, probably within the framework of some agreements on stabilizing the lira and financial assistance, well, they probably could have agreed on the supply of such weapons there through third parties, that is, turkey is directly understandable. and will not participate in this, but sell it to someone, and then go to ukraine, why not, i think this is a matter of agreement, exactly the same as it was with
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fighters of azov, that is, erdogan at first swore by the organization that was banned in our country, yes, the organization that was banned in our country, which he had there, they were supposed to sit there on the beach in a hotel until the end of the war, then they ended up not only in ukraine, but at the front, okay , but how can this combine with the attempts of european states to find some on the side?
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this tool is breaking down ; there will simply be no one to supply shells, but if there , by the way, regarding the theory of vladimir vitlyevich, that escalation is beneficial for us, oh viktorovich, i apologize, escalation is not beneficial for us, it is beneficial for us if we smash some fortified areas, sections of the front, we achieve the collapse of the ukrainian front, then without any special losses we would roll forward there to odessa, that’s what is beneficial for us and so that no one is here for us didn’t interfere, no rockets from the storm, no taurus, no french ones, no one is needed, no, this is not an illusion, this is an illusion.
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and not to delay the whole conflict at all, they are really trying to delay and stretch it out at the moment when everything collapses, which is what says a colleague, because they are now in a stalemate, they see the situation on the battle line, they see...
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the czech republic is announcing there, including in a row: you say correctly, not a few weeks, but a few months, at least, well, that’s it now i’ve arrived , so it’s impossible to solve this in a few weeks, but most importantly, colleagues, i want to remind you that comrade, as you call him, an old fascist, barel, he actually promised last year a million shells, yes , accordingly set at the end of last year there were only 300,000 and pistorius also honestly admitted that they couldn’t supply more, so this search is also an attempt.
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mega-popular stars participate in it, who have chosen for themselves humorous team, dmitry malikov, no one will believe you anyway, stranger, philip kirkorov, salam alaikum, wa alaikum salam, my bunny, i’m your bunny, denis dorokov, preparation. the elections are going well, one hundred percent nafta is expected, alexey chumakov, alexey chumakov, with a team of funny dudes, lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv, why, well, you have the faces of victims, alexander leva, how i miss you, what’s your name anyway, miguel! well, yes, i'm russian, what? no, what you have there is also a shaman in your tribe, i have no doubt, applause. italy! marina fedunki, dzhigan. my cat, i miss you.
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ah, pranksters. azamat musaagaliev. i wanted to be your star. stars, new comedy show. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we will now continue our conversation about morality again, so van, here you go, you see, this is about morality, no, well, hello from the house of cinema, from the friday concert, you are a wonderful journalist , distract yourself, listen to what i'm telling you, i i’ll share with the editors that your moral position was especially noted. in connection with the story with the cat who was thrown out and the conductor whom you protected, for this i just say a big sincere thank you to you, that’s true, on
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the other hand, in general, you and i both got it for the fact that we were somehow there vanya’s position is written that he doesn’t like animals, i say he doesn’t have such a position, well, in general, the topic of gold defenders, i sometimes don’t like these owners, a message about the fate of wikipedia, which suddenly found itself in danger of being blocked, deputy chairman of the duma committee on information policy anton gorelkin stated this. according to him, wikipedia can be blocked under the new
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law banning the popularization of vpns. the reasons are as follows: the encyclopedia has articles about using such services and bypassing all kinds of blocking. gorelkin said that blocking wikipedia should be carried out in such a way that it does not cause severe discomfort among our users. and for this we need our russian analogues, roskomnadzor has not yet commented on the deputy’s proposals, here is a new law banning advertising foreign agents have already begun to bear certain fruits, so foreign agent journalist alexei pivovarov had to fire a significant part of the staff of his editorial project. according to pivabarov, due to the new law and lack of advertising, he can no longer pay salaries to employees, moreover, all legal rights to...
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rub. like this, andrey vladimirovich , with regulation, there was something of a reproach in yours, like this, andrey vladimirovich, and you loser can’t earn that much money, yes, i’m nothing like that, okay, that means i’m already i’m searching, i’m blowing on the water, in fact, this is putting things in order on the internet, it ’s still, again, directly related to our topic, because when you and i here start some kind of regular discussion about morality, or the lack thereof .
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in our society, every time the reason is in the networks , agree, van, yes, someone saw something like this, so a discussion began, we have already managed to talk about a lot, today we would like to discuss this, this is a discussion about the admissibility or the inadmissibility of any excesses in appearance, well, i’m not very i love dress, which is generally considered excessive, but actually, yes, we want to especially emphasize that we are talking about people.
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let's start with teachers, probably yes, van, because for some reason this category of our citizens, they most often end up in these scandals, that some girl, a young teacher, posted some photographs, she is dressed inappropriately , let's fire her, or let's fine her. a big scandal broke out in the novosibirsk region at the end of february, where an anonymous person complained to the regional ministries education for a russian language teacher, because of this photo on social networks, in which... a woman was photographed hugging her husband against the backdrop of an orthodox church. the twenty-five-year-old teacher, after an explanatory conversation with officials from the ministry, hastily deleted the photo and wrote an explanatory note, although she admitted that she did not understand what her fault was. i was in complete shock, i have never posted vicious pictures on any social networks, i basically don’t have any, i didn’t have to make excuses for the photo at the temple on the wedding day, there my husband and i together, and he hugs me. it is possible that
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this might seem too intimate to some. some social activists felt that officials reacted too harshly to the anonymous slander. the prosecutor's office became involved in the case. now the regional minister of education will be checked for abuse of power. the department itself claims that there was a substitution of materials. allegedly, the teacher was initially complained about because of a more intimate photo in which she kisses her husband against the backdrop of a temple. the story was so resonant. no one stood up for their colleague, no one defended the honor of the teacher and her right to personal life outside of school, including on the internet. but last year's scandal in one of the schools in the tyumen region. to the dismissal
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of the teacher-organizer because of the published erotic photographs of her, in which she wears short skirts with a deep neckline and even kisses another girl. a local moral fighter drew attention to them. the teacher explained that in her free time she works as a model. the school management did not appreciate this forced the teacher to choose: either she deletes the pictures or quits herself. the girl chose the second. i was told that i was the face of the school and that i was a model. they don't need it and i need to delete all the photos, otherwise i have to write a letter of resignation, what do you think? i really want to keep this job, i wrote a letter of resignation. another scandal occurred in karelli, on the personal page of a thirty-eight-year-old primary school teacher on social networks, moralists saw two photographs in which she posed in a lace bra and demanded that the woman be fired from the school. the local ministry of education intervened because of the teacher, citing the fact that she...
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published pictures even before working at school; several years ago, a pediatrician in the ivanovo region was persecuted for similar photos in underwear. the woman responded to criticism that these photographs were taken within the bounds of decency, and most importantly, that she was a competent specialist. so, igor vladimirovich, for some reason you and i have come to the common opinion that first we want to listen to you, most likely you will have the most bloodthirsty. well, let's see, let's see, it will be. i have a proposal: let’s legally prohibit teachers from taking photographs at all and the whole question is like a problem: who are who are the teachers?
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what is necessary, what must be balanced with the life of society at sea on vacation has no right to take photographs, but if this girl is resting in pain, being a primary school teacher, playing, the question arises, how did she
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get there? and you yourself go somewhere, somewhere in abkhazia exclusively.
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always for a reasonable, balanced approach, so i i understand perfectly well that, of course , it is impossible to regulate this issue legislatively, well, why can you, because this is , first of all, an issue that is regulated by the citizen himself, elena nikolaeva was a deputy of the state duma, remember
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when we had one deputy who went, it seems that this is not prohibited, but he walked around, a torn sweater, stretched out jeans, zhirinovsky yelled at him, get out of the hall, you are disgracing the parliament, but... she was pecked, it’s just a disgrace when cowardly officials stream in silently,
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firstly, it is not clear why anonymous messages are considered, according to our law , the consideration of citizens' appeals, anonymous messages should not be considered at all, but these moralists, writers, are in prison. the cheekbones have nothing to do, here they are sitting, occupied with such trauma, and also this woman who is pregnant against the backdrop of the temple, you know that she is pregnant and today she is experiencing certain moral suffering, about the first women’s region, she is in the fourth half month of pregnancy, she was hounded, she actually advertises and promotes those the most traditional family values ​​that the president speaks about, in full, of course, so wait, it means it was said here that this is not possible by law. somehow register, dmitry vladimirovich, well, let’s start with the fact that almost all professions, including, excuse me, i ’ll formalize it, for state employees, there for officials, well, doctors.
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what the hell, if i’m even just too provocatively dressed or too richly dressed, this is a very conservative profession, they simply won’t listen to me, because they meet support, not at work, that’s right , outside of work hours, outside of work hours, i try not to post such photos; they’ll look at it and may not choose it , that’s absolutely right, there are no, there are serious ones, now there is, i have to take photos on the beach, exclusively in short fur coat, i take photos on the beach.
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the fact that they got money for points from somewhere, in my opinion, is also somehow not very good, that’s another question, there’s another question,
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that there is such a thing as an internal brand, if you and i want, oh 'kay, for the old people, and this means, when necessary, among young people or potential employees, future employees of budgetary institutions, we must work on the brand of companies where they can get a job on the brand of schools and hospitals, respectively, so that young students would like to go there to work, so for this , so that this works in business, for example, such... are used as ambassadors, so that those same yesterday's students go to work there, but ours, what do officials, public sector employees do, fire a young girl who really could become the face of this school, and they could conclude an agreement with it and normally interact well with it, the face of the school as someone, an ambassador for working with a young person, that is, if you are young, then you show more, if you are old, you show to be just that.
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the thing is that right after our discussion here, i’m going to moscow fashion week to participate in a show for a russian brand, so this is the image that the designer chose, i won’t have time, but i’m paying attention to whether it affects, wait , some damage to the perception of your voters, about the deputy of the moscow city duma of nikolaev, that today she is something like this, wait igor vladimirovich, an excellent question.
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and are you waiting for me? when you arrive, you will kneel down and repent, we have trained soldiers on our buses, so what if the russian border guards,
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you turn dance into a world heritage, spot into an invincible machine, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, tradition into innovation, only here in a country over which it is never... clear, we continue, from the appearance of teachers, doctors, let's move on to the appearance of the people's representatives, although we have already partially touched upon the appearance of the deputies in the state. such scandals don’t happen very often, but sometimes these discussions happen start right within the walls, right on okhotnaya row, well, let’s take an example, in february
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, state duma deputy from the new people party, vladimir plyakin, received a scolding for coming to meetings in jeans. deputy speaker irina yarovaya called this something new in parliamentary ethics; state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin considered this appearance not very correct. deputy plyakin himself later stated that he always comes to work in a suit and tie. but situations are different, this is not very correct, and this is the attitude towards our voters, towards each other, because if the person leaving behaves like this , well, then everyone else should , let’s broadcast from the sofa tomorrow, a party colleague, deputy sordana avksentieva stood up for plyakin and published a photo with a fellow party member, in which she is also wearing jeans. according to avtseneva, such clothes do not interfere with being responsible at work and pointed to her turquoise socks with dogs. deputy vitaly milonov joined the discussion; he proposed introducing a uniform form for
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parliamentarians and even turning to the experience of tsarist russia. i believe that in uniform for deputies should use pre-revolutionary elements of the uniform of senators and members of the state imperial council. we had a great tradition. brocade, velvet. judging by the appearance of the deputy, you are immediately imbued with some kind of awe and respect for the country they serve. deputy mikhail matveev also decided to take a closer look at the appearance of his colleagues. on social networks, he published an abstract video where he criticized men with small briefcases, calling them women's bags, after which he called for bringing order to the state duma. is it true, after the resonance on the network, matveev said that he was joking. there has been some strange fashion going on for several years now. men began to walk around with women's bags, so think about whether it is necessary, maybe it is necessary to restore order in
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the state duma, because the people have become looser, someone in jeans, you know, is coming out. earlier, journalists already had questions about the appearance of deputy anatoly wasserman, then the deputy head of the united russia faction, andrei isaev, said that there is no single uniform for deputies, but wasserman already, quote, established image. moreover, isaev compared wasserman’s appearance with the image of stalin, who always wore a jacket. so, yaroslav evgenevich, tell me, is there in the state duma, not in the parties , in the state duma, some kind of code for a deputy, as you should, which states that a deputy must adhere to certain ethical norms and rules, further, everyone for this concept reveals itself, it is you.
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society is hot, tense, aggressive, and any moment that can cause irritation immediately becomes public, criticism begins immediately, jeans for deputies - this is such a moment that really, you raise this, discuss, you teach one thing, and another thing, that’s it, this is an isolated case, not only this deputy wears jeans, and others walk, without a tie
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, look at... some negative emotions among patriotic people.
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said about the first block, about the reaction of society, look what is happening in the country, on the one hand, games of the future, cool event, hundreds of countries, young people, charged, active, multi-colored hair, bright, creative, youth festival now. young people come, they’re cool, we’re proud of these events, we focus on them, we show them regularly on the news, at the same time there are some stuffy ones, which means the grandfathers suddenly start moralizing and looking at the edge of a lace bra in some teacher’s photo, to go in, and i'm not even talking about how much magnifying glass you need to have to see the lace on...
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these stuffy old men who are charged from the very beginning, they start screaming the loudest, screaming the loudest, normal people will never scream, that’s why their opinions are not heard on the internet, they don’t write slander, they don’t write comments and so on, but this is a hysterical reaction to which... well , there are much more normal people than flogged, stuffy grandfathers who will still feel somehow, i don’t think that young people, there are comrades who are bored, so that’s what this is about soulful grandfathers and fathers, this can of course be quoted, but the point is that a stubborn part of society is paying
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attention to this, officials.
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the contract said that when he appeared in a movie, he never smiled in public, he had no right to smile, and he knew it, so if you think something is important for the image, artist or official, write it in the contract, because , when a person does something, and you tell him after the fact that we recognized it, then it doesn’t turn out that it can still be prescribed and regulated. most likely yes, but start with officials at a certain level down gradually, when the people who pass the laws say: we have limited ourselves, and now we are passing this on to you, anton valerievich, the funniest thing is, first a small remark, what we are now experiencing and
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this is a wave of conversations about what is right, what is wrong from the point of view of moralizing , not moralizing, this oppressive west, including the united states, has gone through countless times in its history, they have had whole waves of moralizing, which means... and rollbacks, they have been doing this for an infinitely long time, for us it’s just new, it means it’s serious now , firstly, i would like to briefly talk about the situation in the state duma, and if i spoke from the stands, i would be in a suit, but that’s what i would have decided, i don’t see any crime the fact is that the person came out in kezhul style, he has a jacket, he’s not wearing anything like jeans, and if a vest with 116 pockets, what am i saying, and now i wanted to say about this, you know what’s the matter, i i am sure that if a more authoritative, higher-status deputy were in his place, no one would notice comments.
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what is allowed to the teacher, what is not, what is allowed to the teacher is not allowed to the policeman and so on, this is normal, because these people work with different audiences, for a short example, if a doctor, relatively speaking, at one time posts these photographs, well , he takes pictures, no problem
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, he is not a moral standard for his patients, he treats, he is a teacher, he is not , he heals, his task is to treat, but a teacher is still a moral example, he works with children, a teacher, of course , must do everything so that... teachers, as for the teacher near the temple, if our
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judicial system as a whole were structured a little differently, then this teacher would go to court and would already be very rich, because the state would pay me, and this is actually, in fact , the problem of the entire system of power in this region, which is poisoning it and did not protect it, the third level, in short, the third level, this is public opinion, why doesn’t he wear underpants, so to speak, he has no underpants you think comes to the program. gentlemen, i ask you to sing to my beautiful daughter,
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now you are ready to make any noble husband happy. did you promise the king of france, father? our sovereign, pyotr alekseevich, died. empire, heirless. you are peter's daughter and you must not give up. what price will she pay? are you proposing to send peter’s daughter to the settlements? i believe so!
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of energy required. call and order a cordless chain saw. and you will get a reliable and faithful one. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, let ’s look at a few more such examples related to representatives of the bureaucratic class, last year a scandal erupted in ugra, an official from the mayor’s office of the city of pytyakha, ekaterina.
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party. the photos ended up online and predictably aroused criticism, however, the official replied that she knew foreign languages ​​well and was sure that the inscription translated as party. a few years ago , the former minister of culture of crimea, arina novoselska, was criticized for her inappropriate outfit. she came to the school assembly in a translucent lace suit, which caused outrage. parents of students, the official did not hide her love for jewelry and furs. and what will happen to the lenin monument? it’s already falling apart here. in this year they will be, thank you very much. recently, officials have increasingly come under criticism because of foreign inscriptions or flags
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of unfriendly states. a month ago, the head of the perm administration , alexander molokovskikh, wore a norwegian hat to a meeting with the mayor of the city. the official had to apologize, the city mayor’s office said that he was actively helping the svo participants. vice-governor of the omsk region andrey shpilenko also got it. he is remembered for the fact that at a meeting with local students he criticized a young man wearing a sweatshirt with the inscription brooklyn. new york is either a bungee there or someone else, i don’t know, but judging by the fact that you don’t know anything about new york, put on some nice t-shirt, we agreed, don’t embarrass yourself, you’re indignant. after the meeting, students dug into the social networks of the vice-governor himself and accused him of double standards, there were photos of his son wearing an american brand sweatshirt with the inscription los angeles, and shpilenok himself had different genders and t-shirts of foreign brands,
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that is, dmitry vladimirovich, an official should look more modest, and modesty is a must be ideological. firstly, that’s exactly what is more modest, an official should look businesslike, by the way, jeans are completely inappropriate in parliament and inappropriate in judges, these are very serious strict places, but besides everything else, an official should not anger people with his appearance, luxury with these fur coats, especially now, now people are fighting , people are working, they don’t live very well, don’t, remember in fight club, don’t make us angry, don’t make people angry, yes, maybe you shouldn’t watch fight club too, ideologically harmful. the president also recently i said yes, that we need to behave somehow more calmly, but it seems to me that still not all officials and politicians heeded this advice, they continue to walk around in very luxurious clothes, which you support here, i have a very simple position, there are state employees who they get pennies , as a colleague said, he looks at his salary
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, gets 20,000 there, i have friends who, after university, went to school as child psychologists, and they’re like, that’s why i’m even sitting here, for me more hate, no thanks. how is she in general, she will see how she will react to this comment, well, in general, i mean that there are state employees who receive pennies, which supposedly is the norm of morality in our country and with him, at the same time, there are parents who, for me personally parents are a great moral guide for their children, but apparently they can drink and behave as they please, in public, and not really for the child to see, but for some reason we have public sector employees with all the responsibility, and of course there is a separate really servants of the people, officials and politicians, here i understand why they should not irritate with their...
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any intelligent person should have it, but pay attention, a politician is a politician, his task is to attract attention first to himself, and then to what he says, if you come absolutely nothing, no one will ever hear you, understand you, and you will not be able to prove your position; the official must wear tarpaulin boots, a padded jacket, a cap with earflaps, preferably with one ear still like this.
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speak when time is running out you have an amazing ability to start a short pause, antonukhashchenko will definitely give statements, a woman is jealous of her lover for a couple of hunchbacks. homewreckers, i don’t have enough attention , care, he’s happy, he takes care of his camels, as i understand it, you and the camel are not separated for a minute, of course, you’re with him all the time, her chosen one spends days and days tinkering with his beloved camels and unleashes everything on them money, clothes for a camel 40,000, but excuse me, i can’t even dream of such a thing, it’s just insulting in general, the local residents are afraid that the neighbors camels will trample their children to death, the animal weighs 500 kg vi. this leash won’t even hold 10 people, if he wants to break free, he bit my hand off, the camel grabbed me from behind, threw me to the ground, started
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pressing me, he tried to bite my head off, will the camel owner be able to maintain happiness in his personal life and come to an agreement? with your neighbors, you are risking the lives of others, this is already impudence, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on antv. gdr, premiere, today at... 20:00 on ntv. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay? commission from transfer to cash account? then open a business account on we take loans. easy to arrange. we are all in the commercial bank. we take loans. was it approved quickly? we are at sofcombank. loans that everyone knows. after winter i want color power. with a free tenkov credit card you pay. to have time to open the season on time, so as not to save up,
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3:58 pm
do it and we are very used to it, right? you need to understand that there are revealing clothes , and there are frankly expensive ones, this worries me more, when the blouse of the officials costs as much as the salary of a school teacher for several years, this, in my opinion , is truly indecent, i absolutely agree, moreover, i think that it is indecent, indecent to have an expensive bag, expensive shoes there , because it is indecent, while time, how much they cost, well, not that expensive, not so much.
3:59 pm
meeting, i didn’t have a suit at hand, i ran into a russian one, into a russian network, bought a suit of thousands, probably for 9 to 10 thousand somewhere around, then when i put it on, people told me, damn, what an expensive suit, so when an official or politician puts on a suit, he must still understand, he puts it on, that’s what i’m saying. comments come to the teacher who showed herself in swimsuits, for example, parents of students, how dare you, you are a teacher, and at the same time you click on these parents, you go out, there are the same photos in a swimsuit, but still the dress code is
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probably a useful, correct thing, because it sets some rules and explains these rules, what kind of stupid word is hoodie, why is it stupid, a very useful, correct word, right away everything is clear, hoodies are for thin people, and sweatshirts for fat ones, this was the meeting place, battle trophies, what equipment did the nationalists abandon when retreating from ovdeevka? political crisis in the kingdom, why are supporters of the british prime minister predicted to collapse?


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