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tv   DNK  NTV  March 4, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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let's start construction, we can't do it earlier, the snow is more than waist deep. i really want to believe, evgeny, that you will keep, firstly, your promises, and secondly, that you were not joking and were speaking absolutely seriously now. now let's deal with the claims of your beloved woman against you. you can start devoting more time to your woman on a regular basis. we promise. julia, for your part, can you help alli evgeniy maintain family happiness? if necessary, of course, i will always be ready to help, i hope, allaniy, you will accept this help, of course, let's turn, evgeny, i really want you to say some of the most important, warm, tender words to your woman, your beloved woman who is now sitting next to you, peace to our home.
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you don’t understand what alla wants to hear from you, honestly, well, there is no zaksa here, we don’t have a zaksa, we have a zaksa nearby, yeah, we need a zaksa, don’t be sad, darling, then it’s better to give gifts, okay, remember that with any problem, you can always turn to our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, right now new dna test. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. a resident of novosibirsk found a newborn baby in a garbage container in twenty-six-degree frost. either meowing, a kitten, or something alive. i opened the garbage bag and saw that there was a diaper in it. i opened the diaper and saw a child. things were cool, but he moved and gave in.
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signs of life, the woman who gave birth to the baby was found, but her relatives had never seen her pregnant and do not believe that she could do this. i didn’t know she was pregnant, i talked to her mom, she didn’t talk about it either knew, she threw him out like garbage, she really, well, loves children, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. the father confessed. daughter, that she was adopted from a dysfunctional family with a bird's surname, either chicken or cuckoo. yulia skvartsova turned to us for help and a dna test. hello, julia. hello. did you always know that you were growing up in foster care? no, not always, because my parents surrounded me with love and attention. they gave me everything. so that i grow up like an ordinary child,
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your adoptive parents are still alive, your father is alive, my mother died when i was 5 years old, and well, my father raised me alone after everything, and what happened to my mother, my mother had an illness, brain cancer, we went to her hospital, constantly, she spoiled me with everything, left me oranges , tangerines in the nightstand. she never got discouraged and didn’t show me that she was in bad pain, what kind of mother do you remember? well, she was like a ray of sunshine to me, she always treated me very, very well, it even happened that i went to work with her and then you missed her, yes, you missed her. well maybe
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perhaps your father managed to find you a new mother? yes, he later got married, but at that time i was already living with my grandmother, since it’s bad for a man to raise a girl, he sent me to my grandmother, to his mother, i felt good there, my grandmother and i, well, very... so close the same as with my mother, she replaced my second mother, but then one day my father came and said that we went to the river, well, we loved nature, we went to the river and he introduced me to his new wife, well, i liked her, we we sat together on the river, everything was fine, then they took me from...
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i went there with my family, i began to live with them, but over time i seemed to show my character and grew up. something, well, maybe i did something wrong, well, our relationship with my dad’s wife deteriorated, but my father explained to me that well, well, well, i understand that this is not my mother, but maybe somehow, well, let’s leave the family, that we will all live together, i didn’t listen to this, i was just at a transitional age then, that’s all, maybe i played it. in my destiny, that is, it turns out, she could not replace his mother, and you did not become a daughter for her, no, i later lived with grandmother, my father also came for the weekend, we went somewhere to the river, yulia, when did you find out that you were not your own daughter, not your own
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granddaughter, i found out about this, i was already 13 years old, my friend and i went for a walk, she asked me, her mother... was visiting, she asked me: let's go, let's go to my mother, well, she wanted, we went there, we went in, they asked me, whose are you, i said, whose, then, when we were sitting in hallway, the adults were in the kitchen, they started talking about me, that i was not their own daughter, i was like boiling water scalded me, i flew out of there
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, came running... i had to tell it, and he sat down with me and started talking, but he didn’t hide it, he already knew that, well, he’s an adult child, he needs to explain it all somehow, well, that’s how dad was able to explain this is what he told you, he said that, well, yes, we accepted adoption from you, that my mother and i did not have children, and we had to make such a decision in order to take the child, maybe something biological... he told the family , he then only told me that i was from a large family, that my mother was deprived of rights, and there are more of these , well, he didn’t tell me anything right away, but i calmed down, because i knew that i had
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a family here, that they loved me, that i was valued, that is, then you didn’t immediately want to look for your relatives, no, i didn’t immediately want to look then. he told me that my last name was either kukushkina or kurochkina, something like that, some kind of bird, and that he was with me, where they took me in the baby’s home, that my brother was with me, he was 2 , 2 from to, about
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a year old, you were about a year and a half, about like that, a little older brother, yes, brother, he was older than me, why didn’t they take the boy, well, as his father said. that one child is enough, two wouldn’t be enough, no, dad said, where did they get you from, where were you born? yes, he said that i was born in the village of izvara, volosovo district, leningrad region, and did they change any of your information during adoption? yes, i asked him, because somehow i doubted the date of birth, he told me that only the date and month had been changed. from which one to which one they changed, you know, well, my father told me that it was my birthday it was december 24, and according to the data now i have february 8, 1993, and before that the year was also ninety-three or ninety-two, but i don’t know, probably ninety-two
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, maybe, or something like that, and you tried to look for biological parents , somehow i didn’t try to search, i stopped working and, well, i worked. now somehow, well, i wanted to find in the future, so that someone would support, someone could be there, you need close people, well, yes, it seems to me that every person needs this, because one’s own blood should somehow- then, well, you’re in the reception area father, he approves of your search, yes , we talked about this, when i was about to look, he said at first, why do you need this, how, well, and then he said, i will support you in any case, well done for trying , you're already big. you already make your own decision, well, how i want this, i want to do this,
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let it be as it will, but well, i’m careful that it’s a dysfunctional family, but if the family really is dysfunctional, will you be ready to communicate with these people? well , of course i will, and did you imagine meeting with one of your biological relatives? well , i imagined it, of course, with whom did you imagine it? well, with my brother, maybe with my mother, if she... she’s alive, everything’s fine with her, i just want to know why, why this happened, why i ended up in malyutka’s house, your neighbor heard that in your biological family you were the eleventh as a child, in the studio of olga bazhukova. hello olga. hello, tell me, where did you find out this information that julia is the eleventh child in
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the family? well, we learned this information from a distant relative, from a granny, she told me, that yulia was from a large family, that there were supposedly 11 children, and the family seemed to be not prosperous, and you always knew that the neighbors took the girl in to raise her from maludka’s house, well, they probably found out when yulia had an appointment at... the girl is adopted, but it remains that one was left with the adopted girl, that is, everyone began to talk about it after her mother’s funeral, and if it weren’t for rumors from the neighbors, it would have been impossible to guess that yulia was not part of her family, no, it’s impossible, she she looked like her mother, but her mother was dark, yulia was also dark, and her mother was round.
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olga, do you approve of yulia’s desire to find her biological relatives? yes, i support her, she wants to find her relatives, but they are also worried that they will be prosperous, she is worried, well, since her parents were dysfunctional, she wants everything to be fine. during our investigation, we came across... a woman who, before her adoption, lived in the village of izvara, leningrad region, and bore the last name kuritsyn. in the studio natalya fedorova. hello, natalia. hello. do you remember how you became an adopted child in your family. yes. our parents, they led immoral lifestyle. and - they took me as a little girl from the entrance, and a woman from the village council
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, she found me on a cardboard under the radiator, i was lying there curled up, hiding from the cold, how old were you then at that time, well, i don’t remember exactly, but maybe four five, like that somewhere, and how did you end up in that entrance, you know, no, unfortunately, apparently, i ran away from home, and that you ended up in the hospital, well, first, this woman called the guardianship authorities. we went to our house when they came home, of course they saw everything not in in very good shape, and we were all loaded onto a bus, they took us to the hospital in red, all of us, brothers, sisters, there are a lot of us, well, a lot of us, that’s what 12-13 people, where were they taken? well, i remember this hospital, the red manor, and you were there for a long time, about a year or so. you were there alone, i was with my brothers, kolya, vitya, dima, i remember, but then they
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disappeared somewhere or what? this is me, yes, i no longer really remember, because later i remember the foster family who went to see their children, they were sick there, i always ran up to them and mom called her, then her father came to them, i called him dad, you were so drawn to these people because you missed your mother’s father’s love when her children recovered. you are a mother, yes, i am very grateful to her, you were officially adopted, yes, what kind of child were you in this, how did you live, together, yes, we lived well, dad was always kind to me, mom tried very hard, raised us very good, we always had birthdays, my mother turned it on, put it in,
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like a tape recorder, probably even i stood in the window, and we danced there, went crazy, well, those days we... spent our birthdays, the new year , my mother always turned on the light music , we always danced, well, everything was fine, food, clothes, there was enough of all this in your large family, everything, and you didn’t feel like you weren’t part of the family, but you knew that you’re not my own, at first, probably not, i didn’t know, didn’t understand , maybe then over the years i began to, well, at school they started calling me names, welcome, welcome, i once approached my mother, i said: mother, why do they call me foster child, my mother said, don’t listen, it’s not true, on... i even went to this girl, figured out why she calls me that, and you believed that you were my own? yes, i always considered myself close to my sister there. when did you find out that they were yours? in the seventh-eighth grade , a belated girl was brought to school, and she studied very poorly, she said: i know from some village, and where you were born, she told me
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this village in the eighth grade, i went without permission, i i missed classes, went to look for this one... he was tall, curly, blond, he was about two meters tall, he served as a morph, well, a sailor was, that is, you remembered what dad looks like, you remembered that you have brothers and sisters, what mom looks like, mom was always plump, beautiful, curly, she always wore makeup, mom was nine, her breasts were
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very large, ninth size, you yourself remembered all this, yes, then i already left to study in... first in my first year, i started digging further, with a friend, i asked her, come with me, i say, please, to my village, to izvaru, yes, we reached this house, and a little of me, well, maybe even me i was somehow embarrassed to go in, the same fence , how it hadn’t changed, as if this gate had not changed, only there was a big gate, it was already broken, and the door was closed, and i went down, opened it, rang the bell, and my father opened the door, but he didn’t recognize me, neither mom nor dad recognized me, but you recognized me, but he was no longer the same as i remember him, he was a little old, he’d lost weight, they didn’t recognize me, i went back out onto the road, that
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was the end of it, no, we stood for about 10 minutes, my mother probably came out and said, natasha, this... you, i say, yes, well, that's it, we went onto the veranda, started talking, i started telling them everything, asking them everything, we cried, what did you feel when you saw your natural parents, well, i felt some kind of joy that i finally saw them and found them, but nothing seemed to happen, at that moment, natalya, how they lived, they had a household, there was nothing anymore, and you... what it used to be, we had a large farm, dad had a garage, there were two motorcycles, we had a bathhouse, and we there was a good garden, a chicken, a cow , well, a bull, a pig, we were very, well, everything was good, well, you made this visit to your biological mom and dad, looked at them, talked to them, you didn’t want to talk about
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them , maybe i care, maybe i tried to help them. i even carried some food, i remember for a while, but nothing changed, but you lived in a foster family at that time, and how your foster parents reacted to this, nothing, i didn’t tell anything, i told my mother, when dad just died, i i asked my mother for financial help then, so what kind of dad died, dear, how did my mother react, sympathized with me, helped, but there was no jealousy, no, i think not... well, maybe she was jealous, but she never showed it me this. did you continue to communicate with your birth mother? yes, for some time i lived with kolya and vittey with dima, did we even live?
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then that’s it, dad passed away in 2005, mom started leaving home, leaving me alone again, she didn’t improve, she still led a moral lifestyle until her last days, you asked your mother how it happened that you ended up in an orphanage, when my mother and i talked about this, she and my father also said that he worked when his service had already ended, he worked in an ambulance, and he always used - well, the moral way of life when he came home from work was not in good condition, they had fights, dad always, for some reason
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, always swore at mom very strongly, as if she hadn’t done something at home or something else had happened there , and we saw it all, these fights between parents, yes, yes, i even remember a case like dad threw an ax at mom’s head, that’s how it happened, but dad came home from work. mom was sitting on the sofa and dad just, somehow they didn’t get along again, i can’t say for sure, and dad threw an ax at her, we ran after the neighbors to call an ambulance, mom was seriously injured, well , there was probably most blood, what, well, the forehead was pierced, as it were, and you stood up for mom, tried to somehow always stand up for her, we always ran in a heap, shouting, dad, don’t touch mom, you got it too, once... well, mom so she told me, though later, when i had already found out that my dad, i was a big girl, i couldn’t walk well, and i
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was always in a stroller, and that he also came home from work and pushed the stroller, broke my hip, i was one year old then, in my opinion, or it wasn’t even a year old, what else do you remember about life with biological parents, we wandered, we begged, there was even a case when dad was in a moral... way of life, asked us to walk along the roads, collect swag because he, yes, children, yes, i even remember the incident, when i ran away from home, and again there was a fight with my mom and dad, i ran away, and i was very thirsty, and i drank water from the asphalt, i served, i even remember this, they called me little gypsy, because when people were resting somewhere nearby, there is a river where we have keys. they say, i always ran up , asked, to me, he says, the gypsy child came running, the gypsy child came running, they turned to people for help, yes, always, us, who would give what, and we still
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carried everything home, to the parents, yes, and to feed the younger ones, people all knew which family he was from, yes, what were the names of your parents, and tamara, volodya, the kuritsyns, and they maybe told you how many you have, your mother told you, your mother said that you have 12 people, but... that she doesn’t know where , but she would really like to find them all, i said that i might try to do something, but it’s unlikely that we will find them. natalya, which of these twelve do you remember? but i remember kolya, vitya, dima, claudius, andrey, and that’s all, in my opinion, but you don’t even know the rest. mom, i remember, told me that i was very similar to... katya, it’s true that katya, curly, took my father’s hair, and i took my mother’s straight hair, katya was older, younger than you, well, most likely she came after me, but you didn’t have a sister yulia, i don’t know,
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unfortunately, well, older brothers , for example, they never called this name, yulia, no , they never called it, in childhood we just know that we were always friendly, like chickens running after each other, now you communicate, unfortunately, no, natalya, a resident contacted us konstroma... region, she grew up in a foster family and her dad confessed to her, that she’s from a family with a bird ’s name, either kukushkina or kurochkina, this woman’s name is yulia, she’s here in our studio today, well , there’s a girl sitting there who she looks like, like her mother , in my opinion, even a little like me, ah... our eye shape is similar to hers. olga, what do you say, are the girls similar to each other? well, both are chubby and dark. yulia, what can you do?
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say, yes, it seems that you see something similar, well, too, here are the eyes, the nose, it seems, tell me, natalya, everything that you know about your biological family is that i was born in a large family, the fact that my last name was kurochkina or kukushkina, the fact that my mother was deprived of parental rights and my brother, natalya, was with me in malyutka’s house or in the house, well, i know my mother, do you think it could have been? she has a daughter, yulia, i don’t know, unfortunately , i can’t say anything that she even talked about her pregnancies, that i only remember her in this state and that’s all, but my mother didn’t tell me how many children there could have been, she told me, that she had miscarriages, she kept them behind a birch tree under home, well, that’s how she told it, i don’t know how much she was telling the truth in your garden, yes, but why did it happen,
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because probably one of these. it’s most likely that in the end she couldn’t bear the child, that’s how it turned out, but i realized that you and your mother never developed a close relationship, no, unfortunately, i was drawn to her, she had the feeling that she didn’t like us i loved her, the resentment remained, well, no longer, i already let go, in childhood, of course, i was very angry with her inside, that she abandoned us, she betrayed us, one might say so. even, why didn’t she turn around and leave him, didn’t take us away because of this, well, then i let her go and forgave her, i tried to dissuade her, to use a moral way of life, but she still did it for a day or two , the person couldn’t cope, even when i came to her, brought her hair dye so that she could remove her nits, she was very
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neglected already in... recently, it was so neglected, yes, i even wanted to take her to my place , asked, stop, i ’ll take you to my place in st. petersburg, she said, yes, yes, when i arrived once, i was already picking her up, i was bringing her a jacket then, she didn’t even have clothes, and she swore very strongly and was needed, and i left, i got on the bus, i said that i wouldn’t come again, i won’t she came, you haven’t seen her since then, at my place... and 2 years ago they probably called and said that she had died, they said that she was buried under a number, but do you know where the graves are? no, you didn't want to go there? no, i just let the person go and everything is inside, you said that your biological dad died, how did he die, what happened to him? dad died in my presence, he was sick, and they cut out his bladder, he walked with a tube, he asked me for an apple, i went to the store for an apple, i came, dad was already
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cold. was, we called the police, kolya and livite closed his eyes, i remember, that is , the brothers were there at that moment, yes, you still communicated and lived there with your parents, yes, with the same house that is now, where you grew up , the house burned down, there was no home, they called me, this woman with whom she led a moral life, i said that they had fallen asleep, they had time just run away, there were a lot of photographs, where dad was, where i was, there was a lot of everything left, especially in the attic, if there was a whole house, you could even find children's things, even onesies, when i found them, and i was in i’m shocked, to be honest, when i arrived at this house, my mother said that there were even diapers in the attic, and i went to this attic, indeed, even my small turquoise sandals were left there from childhood, as i remember, they kept them like that
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carefully, yes, my mother kept everything. in the attic everything burned down there. julia, what is your impression? what's going on with your supposed biological family? so dubious that it upsets you? well, what did my mother behave like that, if she told me, well, if my mother. whether the older brother or the family with many children remembers yulia’s sister has nothing to do with yulia. we’ll have to look for another family with a bird’s surname, we’ll find out very soon. this is a star show, it features 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen their comedy team. dmitry malikov. no one will believe you anyway, stranger. denis dorokov. preparations for the elections are going well, expected 100% skill. lera kudryavtseva. girls, you know, it seems to me that
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nikolai and dmitry. 2 years ago. kolya came to see me once, we exchanged numbers, he left for work somewhere. kolya disappeared somewhere, and dima too. natalya, your brother nikolai was waiting for you. meeting you in the studio nikolai kuritsin, hello, hello nikolai , nikolai, glad to see your sister, glad, well, you haven’t been in contact with natalya for some time, somehow the connection suddenly broke off, i tried to on social networks to find her, but there were no results, i was not, unfortunately, there, so i thought maybe she was no longer alive, because she suddenly all disappeared and no connection, no call, nothing, no letters, i didn’t disappear anywhere, i thought something had happened to them. i was looking for you, i even called the district
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police officer in izvara to find you and dima, the district police officer said that you were in prison, no, at that time i was working far in the forest, engaged in forestry, you had no problems with the law, no, nikolay, tell us what you know about the brothers and sisters, well, we have a big family, 13 children, here i am the fifth, there are older ones. zhenya sasha, there was tatyana, but she had already died , and there was bitka, so did the eldest, he also died, and evgeniy alexander is alive, evgeniy alexander may be alive, but we don’t keep in touch, you don’t know anything about them, no, not i know because i tried to find it on social media, but that's it. i didn’t find it, but they didn’t grow up with you or
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what? they came to their parents’ home a couple of times, well, at that time i was 8 years old, but where did they come from? from moldova, they they lived there with their maternal grandmother, and do you remember the other children? yes, i remember dmitry, natalya, claudia, olga, katya was still there. what's wrong with all of them, do you know? no, i do not know. natalya, tell nikolay, who did you meet here in our studio today? with yulia? i'm sorry, what? julia, maybe our sister? well, that would be nice, but somehow her face on the poppy looks like her mother? do you remember sister yulia? no, i vaguely remembered her. when were all the children taken to the orphanage?? you remember, well, i
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was eight years old, that’s what a year it turns out to be, i eighty-three, it turns out, well , somewhere in the nineties, yulia, tell nikolaev, in what year did you end up in a foster family? - i’m 93, they changed the date for me, so my birthday was supposed to be december 24, 1992. could it be that after you were all taken away, your mother would still have children? yes, it could, so tell us what you remember about your childhood, what you remember about your parents, how you lived, we didn’t live very well, so our parents led an unhealthy lifestyle, so we ran away, gathered everyone children, they ran away, we were like chickens, but we ran away to somewhere, well, to the village, to the entrance, where it’s warm, to the basement. we spent the night, behind the dcc
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there was garbage, they threw out boxes, brooms, where they made them, we lit a fire and warmed ourselves, everything was in good condition, we somehow ran into the entrance , sat down near the radiator, at that time there was vitka, i, natasha was there, claudia and olga were there, we ran into the entrance, there was a warm radiator. we all joined her in a group, so we began to warm ourselves, well, a woman came out, i don’t remember, she was from the village council, so she brought out a pan , i don’t remember, then she gave us bread, she brought it out, we started eating there in the entrance, i’m older, i say, eat, i ’ll be patient, they ate it. to sleep, that’s how it was, well, then the woman invited
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her home, so we went in, she washed us, we ate too, went to bed there, laid it out on the sofa, then the doorbell rang, it was, yes, it was already at night, i’m like i would have looked while the children... were sleeping, looked out the window, there was already an ambulance there, well, they dressed us, put shoes on us, took us to the ambulance, put us in...
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ended up in a foster family? no, when i approached the teacher at the orphanage and asked to adopt her, she said that this is a very troublesome job, you wanted a family so much that you asked your teacher to adopt you, but you didn’t even live with her, why did she take me under her guardianship, so well, without documents without all unofficially . to say in the apartment i lived with her, helped take care of the cow, planted potatoes , she had her own children, yes, she had a son and a daughter, and your biological mother never visited you, no, she never visited you, neither letters nor this nor
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gifts, didn’t write anything, and you waited, waited, yes, someday, when mom comes in the door , she will find. well, nothing happened, but you always remembered what she looked like, well , she remained in memory, but what she looked like, she was like a mother, so it will always be in my heart, in mine, when you left the orphanage, you and your mother met, well, first. my brother went home, they gave us the address, and then you arrived, yes, he came to his parents, he was happy, and his parents immediately recognized you when you arrived, yes, right away, the first meeting passed - in tears, in hugs, here
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they asked for forgiveness , they asked for forgiveness, i forgave them, here they were, as if my mother immediately began to bake something delicious for dinner, so we sat, talked, communicated, whatever, so i asked about brothers and sisters, but she told me, that everyone there might be living their own lives, but she was trying to find out something about their lives, yes, she said that half of them were sons... also, i found dmitry, whom have i remembered for a long time? yes, i tried to find it through social networks, i came to his orphanage, i
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visited him, now in adulthood, you are you communicating? yes, we communicate, not far away. a friend lives, that is, your brother dmitry is a friend of ours, for me this is very important, he is literally there, 20 minutes away from me , the only person with whom you maintain a relationship of all, of all, yes, yulia, you understand that if natalya nikolai is your sister, brother, then you also have sisters and brothers, yes, i understand that, but i already have a feeling that natalya and nikolai are yours, i don’t know. i’m just so confused that today i found out that i’m not alone, only after leaving the orphanage did he find out how much there were chicken children in his family, whether the girl yulia was among them, he will tell you himself, in a few minutes, at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially
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his mother had. in the studio dmitry kuritsev. dmima, hello, why have you become so big? dmitriy, whom? you hugged me so tightly, my sister, sister, and who is next to you, and this is my brother , kolya, that is, you recognized everyone, yes, of course , you kept in touch with natasha, of course , you still kept in touch with kolya, and why in at some point the connection with natalya was interrupted, listen, there was such a story, once when i was in college, i came to visit her, she lived with a man even then, worked in a bakery, and i constantly visit i ran to the bakery with her so that she could give me some pies there, well , it was very tasty, and i, well, there we lived with her for a while, but then i had to leave, because i
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had to study, and i couldn’t just be with her any longer, but we... among the older ones, i remember vitka mostly kolya, because more often than not there was one vitya came to the orphanage once, we talked with him , sat, but then he left, so kolya came, kolya came twice, kolya came once with his mother for my birthday, and then he came alone, on may 9 it was a holiday then, and he arrived, kolya is all in a jacket, such a handsome man, he brought me
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a large hotel bag, where i put it all in the refrigerators, i even remember. and kolya says: well, what are you going to do? i say, well, i don’t know, while the teacher decides, and kolya says: let ’s gather everyone, he calls the teacher, they talk to him, and we all go. kolya starts taking everyone on the rides, starts treating everyone, feeding them, then here we are they bought flowers for everyone, they laid flowers on the monuments, i remember this, then they returned, and kolya was about to leave, i tell him, kolya will stay, even the teacher tells him, kolya stay, but kolya tells me about work, if anything happens. i’ll stop by again, kolya left, and we were constantly in touch, he called, i ran and talked to him, then when i got a phone, we were constantly in touch, but you said that your mother also came to you i came to the orphanage , yes i came, of course, well, you are the only ones from whom i hear that your mother came to you, came, came, it was my birthday just so kolya, my mother and i went to a cafe, we sat and talked , we ate, she
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then we went to the market, she bought me a hat for my birthday, it was my very first gift from her, but i was so pleased, to be honest, what year was it when my mother definitely gave me about a plus or minus i won’t let you collect it, i don’t remember, but it was probably about nine years old, and what year were you, ninety -six, i’m 27 years old, what year did you end up in an orphanage, uh, well, you ended up at 6, 7 years old, just like that approximately, plus or minus, that is, you remember how they took you away, how it all happened, it turns out it was winter, it was very cold. so like our father, he thought that i was from another mother, from another father, that is , from another father, yes, it turns out that he felt his dislike for me a little and i was very afraid of this, and i ran away from home , when i ran away from home, it turns out, and it was freezing, i was in sweatpants there, as i remember, in some kind of t-shirt, it turns out i fell asleep in the entrance, well, in
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the near future, it turns out that in the morning my grandmother came out she... me by the door a little hurt me, here it is for me: get up, but i get up, and i can’t get up, i’ve had perthes’ disease since childhood, perthes pain is when a joint crumbles from, well, frost, because it’s frozen, it’s falling apart, she got me up, but i can’t get up, that is, well, it hurts, she invited me to her place, fed me, gave me something to drink and i called an ambulance, and from that moment the guardianship authorities began to take care of me. that is, you alone ended up in an orphanage, yes, and among your brothers and sisters, according to your recollections, there is a sister yulia, honestly, i don’t know, have you heard that name, yulia, no, well , as an older brother, tell me to his brother dmitry, whom you met here in our studio today, here is yulia, maybe even our sister, they look like my mother, yes, yes, with my mother
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it looks like there is a little bit of... forever, well , here are the outlines of the face, here i am, as it were, more -i remember less, but there is something, there is something similar, looking at yulia, what does your heart tell you? maybe julia is your sister? it’s quite possible, i remember, when i got an apartment, i had to take some kind of paper, i don’t remember exactly, on this piece of paper i had a lot of brothers and sister, there was an inscription right there like brothers and sisters, there was a whole list, well, that is , well, there were a lot of them, about 13 people, well, did you remember any names from this list, honestly no, i tried to look, me and the girl was told that let’s, well , let’s try to find, but i somehow tried to find, but there were too many people with similar last names, and as if, well, i just couldn’t do it for everyone, but when they jumped out, they entered some data , just by last name, by last name kuritsin, so i
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tried to find it, that’s what i thought, well how... literally after a while, yes, of course, i had to draw up documents for the apartment, and when i came to receive it, i of course wanted to see my mother, see how she lived, what was happening to her, and in general communicate, i found her through friends, i went into the house, but there were such conditions there, there were cockroaches, bedbugs, i didn’t really like it, and it’s like an immoral way of life to lead, as it were, and i decided to give her a chance, i told her i say, let's go, i got an apartment.
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after a short commercial, watch at 19:00 the future of the planet, young, beautiful and talented from all over the world gathered in sirius for the youth festival. what is happening at the sites, how does the single participant passport work and what is the soul of russia like? near avdiivka, russian drones destroyed another abrams tank. the pentagon dryly forwarded comments about the loss to the ukrainian side. how much cheaper drones deal with the most expensive american tank, watch this evening on air, on the website in the application now. gdr, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. zinkov -
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for free, find out how by calling 8800 2009 456, all conversations are confidential. stars, premiere on march 9 at 21:20 on ntv. i have an idea, but i don't want to set anyone up. mister you wake up on a beautiful day, look out the window, and there is no union, so what will you do then? i repent , you won’t receive my forgiveness, but what if i’m a traitor, good one, i never expected any favors from you, i’ll do without your sympathy at the tribunal, gdr is the main premiere of the year, complete the last task, i’ll let you go, today at 20:00 on ntv. and dna programs,
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brothers and sisters who grew up in a large family met their supposed sister for the first time. dmitry, while your mother lived with you, did she remember about other children? well, she, well, kolya, of course, she often remembered, natasha too, as it were, mostly she also told me about two brothers who were in moldova, who work as border guards, she also told me about them, of course, i was interested, but to find i also seem to be especially... not able to, i tried, but nikolai , what do you know, they came once, they gave us sneakers with vitka, they gave us shoes, one smaller, one larger, then the sneakers were very fashionable , these are white with red, as i remember now, they said that we would come , take you, to stay with us there in moldova, well, they never came
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, it was over, or even stolen, so at the moment i don’t remember, i know what he has in his hands now there is also an old esser passport. evgeniy often shared his thoughts with elena, he really missed his mother, his mother, of course, he tried to find, even when he worked in the church here, he told me, i say, i don’t even know whether to give it to me for peace or health, so he really wanted to find them, well, unfortunately, we couldn't. to do this, evgeniy also remembered his father , he was in unbearable pain due to the fact that they had not communicated for many years, his grandparents took him , they went there to live in transnistria, and he was raised mainly there by his grandparents, then he established a connection with his father, even so that they buried him with dignity, so that everything was remembered, sasha knows that he has an older... brother,
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or rather, he died about a year ago, so that’s what happened to sasha , he was constantly in touch with his niece, who is also there i was in constant contact in moldova, nikolai , we hoped that both brothers were alive, yes , i have no words, i was very upset, we hoped until the very end that we would meet, i always dreamed about this, brother evgeniy, well, yes, we will try to help in any way , and i will be very happy to see him, in general i want to see everyone, who is left, who is, i really want to know.
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we will sign for the pension, she sat down, signed, i say, you see that she is feeling bad, they say, yes, i say, you called an ambulance, the most interesting thing is breakfast on ntv, right after the talk show abroad.
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previously, the temperature was as dry as it was outside, in the winter they were freezing, they ran to the stove to warm up, now it’s comfortable, and people don’t get sick, and the productivity has improved, and now these are where, as a memory, for gifts. hundreds of languages , cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers.
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the russian military knocked out another abrams near avdeevka. the pride of the american military industry , worth many millions of dollars , was destroyed with the help of drones. we agreed that after a frank conversation between the german military was leaked, the german ambassador was summoned to russian foreign ministry, in berlin, while the local media are trying to convince the population that the russians and the opposition are to blame for everything. conduct an investigation into the insidious plans of their own generals, about a scandal with signs of sabotage, alexey prokin. a passport without citizenship, an airport without visas, a bazaar instead of an ice palace and the ruble - the main market currency, as well as the participants of the world youth festival.


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