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tv   GDR  NTV  March 4, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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our peoples will rise to the occasion. paradise, what do you think, is the new capital.
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what if we sort of rustle under the carpet and look at kolya’s reaction. misha, what do you want to offer kolya? a project for the confederation of the federal republic of germany and the gdr, which would exist side by side for some time. why is the confederation better than the unification of germany? the confederation project, well, formally, freezes the existence of the gdr, well, in order to protect it from being absorbed by the west. germany, unification will happen later, only on our terms, we seem to be telling the germans, don’t rush, that’s it perhaps, well, kolzhe is not a fool, he understands that the americans also don’t want the revival of germany, well, why should he rush, let ’s play for time together, yes, such a public project cannot be proposed, how will you convey the message, here, here is the most interesting thing,
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what there’s a lot of food now, don’t you think so? well, are you satisfied? they croaked on the wall, comrade colonel, don’t confuse the cause with the remedy. i talked about inevitable things, yes,
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everyone knew that it would fall, but why now, at any time, whenever the wall fell, it would not be at the right time, the system went to the point, we don’t control anything anymore, don’t go too far, michael, the fall of the wall is not a revolution, the system works quite well, everything is in its place, let’s do without panic. have you been to the wall today? near the wall? admire it! on all channels, people are rejoicing, champagne, fireworks, everyone is hugging, as if the unification has already happened, right? the cork is open, we can no longer put the genie back in the bottle. spare me your pretentious rhetoric. i need specific suggestions. milki cleverly jumped out of office 2 days ago, resigning. you know,
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what to do, you are already doing this, we have 90 thousand employees and about 200 thousand people. tsirova will not be substituted so cheaply. the wall is old, the architecture is paternal, the lighting is poor, the basement is like basements in berlin. if this is berlin, and they could have taken him outside the city, they could have taken him outside the city. vasya,
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turn it on, play the recording, maybe you missed something, not on business. san, wait a few words. they'll tear out your shoulder straps and meat, nisha, i'll pull you out to the world, then let them do what they want, even execution, we'll find her all together, the office will need too much time for i don’t have time to swing, i have an idea, but i don’t want to set anyone up , it won’t work, i’ll answer myself, okay, maybe too much, that’s what i decided, you know, i was waiting to contact you, yes, find it for me, then why, so okay, the berlin comrades made a lot of mistakes, with your, one might say, connivance, let's be honest, eduard
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ambrosich, today is germany, who tomorrow is bulgaria, czechoslovakia, in czechoslovakia, the flywheel is spinning up much stronger, the cluster is simply open there. to these advisers , led by havel, the question of division of the country into the czech republic and slovakia, do you understand where this leads? an artificial state created after the first world war, well, if something happens, instead of one court, we will have two countries. isn’t everything too simple, simple, because i think on a broader scale than the operational map of the general staff.
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did your diplomacy in berlin in 1989 help you? helped. everything went bloodlessly. dmitry timofeevich. isn't this a success? the frg will swallow the gdr. this is success. we
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extended our hand to the west for a handshake. so she chops off her elbow for us. yes, vladimirovich, you are right, we are not germans. we will all end in a lot of blood. comrades, mikhail sergeevich invites you to the meeting, as if against a wall, why did they open the border so soon? gentar shabovsky announced the lifting of the border restrictions, but the document did not indicate when, journalists asked at what time, he said immediately, the ministry has been on the alert since the morning, no one is ready for this, any trouble.
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alexander nikolaevich, have you decided to give up? alas, no, there is a large list that i can show you, including night friends in car. and what complaints can there be against me, we prevented a terrorist attack, i saved your life, and the game that was in the car was intended for you, or do i need to explain ingrid’s special attitude towards you, i didn’t believe that she could go so far, women, your colleagues are looking for you, why do you need me, help me save my wife.
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so dad, hello dad, talk to me, beating, please, klaus is dead.
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forgiveness, i repent, dad, you won’t receive my forgiveness, poor thing, you can’t beg for it, you killed everyone, first mother, now klaus, what you repent, hell-spawn, mom hanged herself when she saw your photos on tv... after the auction robbery, get out, leave forever, dad, forgive me
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, please forgive me, dad,
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there is no one else left.
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why here? here i met with the cia resident. ed pechius, do you know each other? what a pain,
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local pastor, it’s possible to use him blindly. let's see if it's on our map?
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a unique blend, author's roasting, jardín original oro is a multifaceted pleasure to feel. gdr. watch all episodes now new you, nikolai, do you want me on the phone? 10 days until spring premiere soon on ntv stars premiere march 9 at 21:20 on ntv, it’s just
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softcombank. loans that everyone knows. when it hurts somewhere here. neobutin. it acts selectively on pain, spasm and stool disturbance. neobutin. when it hurts somewhere here. hearts sounded in unison. love melody played. what a pity, but it was just a dream. goodbye, my hope was fading. there is a rebub for parting. we'll see you again. and i want to say fireworks louder, then the feeling is complete. give love and technology with sumptuous speakers. alen, shopping again. i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, stars , premiere on march 9 at 21:20, on ntv, hello, great, are you so happy, oh, yes, i
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spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i was thinking from bed don't, listen, i don't understand how you do it, i started to forget how it is it happens, well, what should i buy, what is there, as they call it, prostatricum, do you remember? also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what , i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, i now have my wife, you know how, and what, how to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying. that's it, i 'm done, keep it, try it, then you'll say thank you, okay, i'll think about it, i'll probably buy it too, what can i think, call me and order it, remember, it's better to do it once
8:22 pm
try, than think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it... for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold. the empress premieres on march 8 at 15:15 on ntv. touching, gentle,
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beautiful, but today very brave. once the anniversary fifth season is on march 8 at 19:25 on ntv. what have you decided? confront me with the head. fine. so simple. so simple. then i have one more question for you. how did you recruit my husband? you know his weak point, you can answer the question yourself,
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empty words, you have nothing, and you have no idea no, and you’re lying about sasasha, a person can get used to a lot of things, even physical pain, but it’s complex. it’s just a collapse of the picture of the world, they cling to it to the last, god, how your heart is beating, you need to calm down, but why a defibrillator, we said that it’s an experimental drug, it has a lot of side effects, amnesia, insomnia and... stop hearts, we will definitely save you, as if we really need you, but what about your child?
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here. seriously, you're pregnant, that's not true, i can show you a blood test, stop lying, that’s enough, i can’t be pregnant, that’s enough, we don’t know how the vaccine works for pregnant women, we know it, say it, say it, we have it.
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ed, we have a problem, the pulse is going through the roof, cardiac arrest is possible, can you hear me, svetlana, can you hear me, her heart can’t stand it.
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hast nichts gefunden? nein, nichts. alles leer, gar normal.
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there are no americans here. no, i was not mistaken.
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nikolaevich, in this case, we’ll take the pastor away and arrange an interrogation with bias, he’s not in our file cabinet, we have nothing to show him except your words. i'll beat the information out of him.
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places, and i'll be nearby. you look bad, alexander, you need to get some sleep. thank you, i will definitely use your advice. until i take you, i must stay close. now no one has any doubts. germany will unite. the only question is how and when. let us remind our radio listeners that on
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october 23, 1989, hungary became the first satellite country of the ussr to abandon the socialist system. kohl finished his speech. it seems that they don’t need us to unite germany, since kohl decides everything himself. yes, why is he assumed that he would manage without us. after the fall of the wall, the germans felt their strength. now there is little that can stop them.
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we have carefully preserved a whole world of juicy berries and fruits for you in dzhemakh maheev. jam makheev is 100% natural. where are you going? i'm looking for brother nadezhda. that there is, there is always hope, the call sign is a passenger in the cinema from march 14, this is a show of stars, it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen a humorous team, dmitry malikov, no one will believe you anyway, chushpan, philip kirkorov, salaam alaikum, vaaleikum salaam, my bunny, i am your bunny, denis dorokov, preparations for the elections are going well, as expected.
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unison is a wonderful textile for your home with discounts at wildldbri. pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is. regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. and everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved. everything is being decided with the national education project. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. girl. gentlemen, please sing to my beautiful daughter. ivan! ivan! ivan! now you are ready to make any noble husband happy. did you promise the king of france, father?
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are you ready to serve me with faith, truth, how did you once serve my father? vivat, elizabeth, brothers, vivat, vivat, empresses, i am the daughter of peter and i will rule according to his behests, premiere on march 8 at 15:15 on ntv. ansanta, the queen is in admiration, we are in admiration, the queen of admiration. the master and margarita is already in the cinema. “everyone to west berlin, maybe we
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too, let’s break with the germans, although we’ll take a quick look at capitalism, in the residency, one, yes, he hasn’t spoken yet, but because of our heroic deeds they ’ll immediately bang us against the wall, muskaya won’t let me go, what if the traitor and the stasi, how could he know that sasha was changing the colonel for svetlana, what about him?” “i didn’t know, but the cia knew, which means they received information, so russians, drink with us to freedom, thank you, i don’t drink, i eat for smoking, thank you. “thank you, soon you will have freedom , just don’t choke on your own, after all, this may not be a good idea, i just started to like you, again for the old things, well, by the looks of it, svetlana dug for him, blacks, but there is no such thing without fire ,
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sanya is looking for light, digging the ground with his nose, the whole of berlin has raised its ears, how do you explain this, betrayed his wife, and then he saves her, and for..." vodoglaz was kidnapped by a colonel of the gdr army, well, naturally it looks like an excellent cover, i 'll hit you now, i'm not saying anything, but i can't ignore the facts either, but no , but not sanya, by the way, kohlra stuffily invited the european economic community, other warsaw pact countries, but it goes according to my plan for a pan-european home, well, how do we keep eastern europe, he invited me? that means he accepted, at one time khrushchev asked to join nato, no, edward, this is a wake-up call, very anxious, what went wrong, and the wall collapsed, everything went wrong, and i warned you, i said that you need to pay attention to kissinger’s words, you should have
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shaved your weapon then, it would be interesting to look at the face of the krens now . do you know kolya, you’re not a shepherd, you ’re more of a confidant, in principle, you could talk to kolya without the politburo’s knowledge, offer him something, promise him, what are you hinting at, and let’s
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finish this, besides, you have eyes on your back by the way, about the movie, raisya maksimovna and i watched... the black a pink emblem of sadness, well, the artist abdullov has a very interesting phrase: i had such hope for shivarnadze, i don’t know what he meant by eduard, i can’t imagine, but you do, on occasion i’ll ask abdullov or director, if the americans are behind kolya, we need to know this, eduard, how do you ask them, we’ll suggest... i’ll listen to the meeting, we’ll hold it ourselves, in my opinion, now is the time, it’s a good idea, misha, do you think, i’m sure, here take care of it, i think the staff showed up cool, where did you get the idea, i still don’t care
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they give you peace with medzhik ions, you don’t believe in tragic accidents, namely, they handed tsarev over to moscow. a parcel to the courier and staff , one of your contacts must have received it, that’s why jack was removed so that through him it was impossible to get to the kratan, a good version, but it’s difficult to confirm, what if i or michael are the traitor, good version, it somehow doesn’t work out well, i don’t know why.
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go get the cart.
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god, you see our sorrow that sudden death took our sister from this life. stand, urgently, doctor, documents, i said,
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your documents, employee of the berlin kgb station gate, how are your documents, i bake your weather for you, open the gate, open, open, return here, i’m running, viktor ivanovich, lieutenant colonel ratarguev, major nichaev brought his wife to karlhost, die öffentlichkeit weiß immer noch nichts darüber, was von hunderttausenden demonstranten aufgerufen und lautstark gefordert wurde, über privilegien und machtmissbrauch.
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but who would have thought that from this text they would take only two phrases: perhaps that’s all, and
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take it as a signal to action, well try to look at it differently, since he will be grateful to you for carte blanche, but what carte blanche, well, he didn’t give him anything, he even asked him to hold it all, well, he’s a muggle, but he’s inviting the warsaw pact countries? join the european economic union , maybe he didn’t understand, you don’t want to discuss this with him again, but he understood everything, heaven, he even thanked me for giving him the impetus for his plans, his points for the unification of germany, he snatched everything from possible , well, no, well, can you imagine, mish, let’s go for a walk, you'll unwind while we walk, we'll come up with something, relax. well, it was your fault that you were hit, breathe out this guilt, let it go, because there is a discount on a helmet, even if something
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happened due to your fault. renaissance of insurance, you can exhale. the killer is somewhere here, among the prisoners. you will find it for me. artyom tkachenko. there are no ordinary maniacs. north star on wednesday. and thursday at 20:00 on ntv. stars. premiere on march 9 at 2120 on ntv. someone is always in a hurry to help. aim exactly for the pain. knee pain. pain in the back, neck doesn't matter. the shoulder may give out. let's call pentalgin soon. extragel. pentalgin extragel. against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. so many people love hockey, there are few good sticks today, so i decided to make my own, the quality is no worse than imported ones, and
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in order to keep up with demand, i... i act proactively, take out a loan for business development. manage your loan cost, reduce commission by 11% more. tinkov, business and the job is done. when you want to please your loved ones, yourself, but your toad is against it. split the payment into parts with yandexplit, split everything, whatever you want, in different stores without overpayments, this spring, discounts squared, selection squared, gifts squared, take your rifgosh, spring squared.
8:53 pm
previously, the temperature in the workshop was like outside, in the winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, and now these are much better for gifts.
8:54 pm
ocetel solicylic acidval effervescent tablet. we trust renival, we choose renival. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. what, what, it's the holidays again, does everyone need gifts? present! a toy for my daughter, a bag for my mother, a jacket for my husband. present! everything all at once split 006, now 0 rub, everything else then electric grills and coffee maker 3 in one kitford with discounts up to 28%. hearts sounded in unison, the melody of love played, what a pity, but it was just a dream. goodbye, my hope was fading. but parting is a rebuff, we’ll see you again, and i want to say fireworks louder, then the feeling at a glance. give love and technology with
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sber smart speakers. in novosibirsk, a newborn baby. it was a miracle that he didn’t freeze alive -26 it was, the child’s body was numb, the body was cool , but he was moving, showing signs of life , a child wrapped in bags was found in a yard trash container, i heard, maybe there was no miuk, a kitten, well, something alive, went up to the container, opened it, saw the child , thanks to the cameras we managed to find the mother who coldly threw her son out to die, she calmly goes there, calmly... goes back, what is most surprising is what kind of person should be, how is she still breathing, i don’t understand whether she will really be able to avoid punishment, you want to say that the grandmother, the mother of this woman is to blame for the fact that her grandson ended up in the trash heap, yes , i think so, she constantly trimmed her hair, she constantly used it, she needs to be given a chance, she needs help, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45
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on ntv. we have a new neighbor, who is he? are you kind? it was your decision to work with us, accept the consequences, fuck you, i don't do anything else i have to, i'm leaving, don't touch me, you'll finish when i say, you'll go back to the gdr, understand? i
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’d rather die than go back, you ’re wanted for murdering police officers, you’ll rot in prison for the rest of your life, don’t, i did everything as you wanted, i can’t do it anymore, please. no, i don’t want to, please, i’ve already
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lost everything, will you complete the last task?
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what are you going to die soon?
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our peoples will rise to the occasion. of course call, thank you.


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