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tv   Pyat minut tishini  NTV  March 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:36pm MSK

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don't miss the final tomorrow. who was in charge here? cia, bnd, french. it turns out that either you or nichaev are a traitor? i don’t believe it, prove it’s not sasha. there may also be students from moscow, they will have their archive there. everyone is looking for the archive, and sooner or later they will find it. take him. as we leave, there is a thought, gdr finale, i sincerely wanted peace, so that everyone would feel good, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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did you fall asleep or something, what are you doing? you’re doing this, but you’re a bastard, damn it, wow, how did it bring you here, goosepas, leave me alone! mind your own business, what about
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tank? what's your business, take care of your geese over there, otherwise they'll fly away , don't worry about my geese, i 've been tending them since childhood, not one has flown away yet, and what's that leaking there? yes, it’s chlorine, god, let’s get lost, it’s poison!
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aleftina, don’t worry, everything is fine, there were no calls. vitya, tell me, you can’t replace me for a couple more hours, i need to go away. well, of course, i can, are you going to go choose this wedding dress, or have you already chosen it? no, i haven’t chosen it yet, why did you decide that i would be on duty choose? well, because? and what could be
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more important and better than a wedding, here you can ask to take time off from duty, yes, detachment 9906, the duty officer listens in anguish, okay, i understand, the group is leaving, there is an accident on the highway, the chlorine tank is damaged, but you are nonsense! that’s it, they scare us with fog, it’s not fog, it’s gas , you’ll breathe twice into the landfill, the geese over there all died in a minute, and you believe more, i’m not going anywhere, who are you leaving all this to, we need to leave and we need to take the cattle away, but maybe it will carry the truth, the wind will rise soon, which one will carry it, is approaching us, you saw my little cat, little bird, no, well, i haven’t lost a single goose, not once, well, except for the mad lyokha, and now all at once the bam is gone, i ’m asking you about the children, do you hear, yes, yes i didn’t see anyone, but you saw my geese, they were all lying dead. hey, he doesn’t need to carry such
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junk along the road. so, look, if the situation is serious, announce it. general alarm, set the uncoupling and start evacuating people, so where is the greek? he was in town, he said he’ll be here soon, don’t be afraid, you were worried about where your favorite partner is gone, latvian bitch, and so, you write to him, send him a tag and so that he immediately comes to you, saidych, why are you so gloomy, there is a cloud of chlorine coming to our village, maybe you will go with the guys, i can’t, khlyustov removed me , in the sense in general, that is , absolutely, fight without me, they’ve completely lost their fear, let’s discuss it later, everyone go! hurry up, it’s fine for me to get so lucky, yeah, you wanted to punish vichka, in the end it turned out even worse,
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now this major will be trampled, so what, they’ll be trampled, what a joy it was for us, it was worth it there for this reason, i still want to mess with him, i’m not for this reason. i understand, there’s the village of budeeva nearby , i understand, we’ll evacuate everyone, bring the transport here, guys, look, the beads are lying dead, it’s so pitiful, pitiful, but it’s good that they’re not people, we heard, yeah, budeeva, that’s what we
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need , let's go, be quiet, slow down. a tank with chlorine had an accident, decompression occurred, chlorine fumes create a toxic cloud that goes towards the forest and your village, while the accident is being eliminated, everyone passes the passenger urals, animals will be brought in
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special equipment, i repeat once again, a passenger urals for everyone, animals will be transported using special equipment, is anyone in the house? hey , do you hear me, what do you need, the evacuation has been announced, come out, i refuse, i’ll be here , i mean, you refuse, a cloud of deadly chlorine is coming here, you’ll get poisoned, but no, i’m about to caulk it, it’s gas, not gas, but i’ll survive , yes, the house cannot be airtight , i say, you will get poisoned, yes, which, of course, is possible, and you know how cold it is here and nothing, i’ll caulk this right now, that’s all , i say, the gas won’t get through here, the gas will come, now i i'll show you, so what?
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you see, come out, come on, okay, let's go, to hell with you, oh, i'll just take a raincoat, why do you need a raincoat, you're too young, we'll end up in a cloud, if you leave, you won't get there, even the grandfather who won't help you, let's go, sergey savidovich, i'm oleg pavlovich, i talked to pyotr, the evacuation is going on... normally, there are no casualties, only geese, what geese, they were dangerous there, next to the tank, there are no casualties among the people, can i excommunicate, semechkin will stand watch for me, yes , of course, go,
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well, i’ve been telling you about these damn things for a long time waste said that it was necessary to report them. nothing would have happened to zoe, since the commission did not find any violations, there would be no complaints against you, he spoke, spoke, and maybe not only spoke to me, in the sense? and who else? well, for example, khlustov, where to say, this way and that, gireev saw violations at the plant, but kept silent, and kept silent because he had quarrels with the director of the plant, that’s what you’re talking about, no, he didn’t say or write, woman , wherever you go with the goat, so with me, she, i won’t leave her here, of course, she’s with you, only she is a train in another, more. comfortable transport, come on, come on, goat, goat, goat, load it, well, dear,
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you need a special offer, let's get on the bus, quickly, well, how many forests of geese do i graze, so that they all die at once, and rebo, and matika and gulenka, i sympathize with you, i feel sorry for the bird, it’s a pity, well, just now you need to think about living people, but what should you think about them, they only do what they think about themselves, well then think about living animals, listen, run through yards, see if there are any cattle left somewhere, you’ll do it, i’ll do it, commander, don't worry, that's it. woman , just leave him at home, what if something happens, it’s not a fire, it’s not a flood, the gas will dissipate, everything will be fine, but whoever steals it, everyone will evacuate, woman, i personally guarantee you, nothing will happen to him it won’t happen, let me take it home , while you go to evacuation, okay, i trust you,
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there you go, woman, over there, here, quickly, let’s go, we need your help, unique blend, original roasting, jardin original oro, pleasure to feel multifaceted. i’m listening to kolya, russian military transports are landing at the next guards station, you see me and you’re waiting for me, no, it’s a pity, there’s a guy here, what’s berkutnya, we’ve arrived, you’ll get on your knees. you will repent, we have 100 armed fighters on the buses, the flag was lowered, so what if
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the russian border guards, let’s say, we know, what, our own, 10 days until spring, the premiere will soon be on ntv. stars. premiere on march 9 at 21:20 on ntv. after winter i want color power. with a free tenkov platinum credit card. to have time to open the season on time, so as not to save, buy right away. with tenkov platinum. hurry up to get a tenkov platinum credit card with bright. limited design until the end of march, get free service forever. tinkov. this is an amazing
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10:16 pm
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other insurance and take part in the drawing. compare on your side. the empress premieres on march 8 at 15:15 on ntv. each of your performances is truly fiery. they each sing in different voices. now i can’t even imagine a mask show in russia without zmey gornych. mask is a holiday on friday, march 8 at 19:25 on ntv. genergy fcint motor oil presents. the source of my victories is how you prepare for the race, keeping yourself and your automobile. genergy f sind motor oil is intelligently formulated with targeted additives to protect your
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vehicle. genergy - keep your engine in shape. woman, you asked me, lilyanovna, alevtina, i didn’t recognize you , i ran here for practice as a girl , i became so important, but how important is it on paper, and you still work one and a half shifts without rest, i’ll rest there, and you go see who? yes, i ’ll check on you, but i need to be careful so that no one asks unnecessary questions, who needs it, can you lend me a white robe and show him to the room, the owners
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have left, and the stipashka is alone here, in general, we need to save him, let’s help. great , we still have to catch the piglets, otherwise he will suffocate if he is left here, well, come on, come in on the right, as if he had gone into the forest into the forest, thank you grandma , we will check your signal, be sure
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to send a car with animals too , what else is that? oh, they found another living soul , great, let's load him into the car, come on, come on, i won't let him go near the dogs, well then let's get into the cabin , the piglet will ride in comfort, well, that seems to be all, but not yet, let's go to the urals, our woman has disappeared, she has gone into the forest, the falcon and i will organize a search for her, and you stay here in case she returns, let's go and get a respirator. katya, peter, oh my god, where are you, katya? about! who are you anyway?
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i’m an expert, you and i need to work out our testimony, let’s start from the very beginning, you were driving along the bridge, and well, yes, denis’s mother-in-law kept calling him, and well, he was angry because he was already fed up, what happened next? then he accelerated, there were airbags, so good, there was an orange fuel tanker in front of you, so yes, there was and he just wanted to go around it, otherwise it wasn’t a fuel tanker, but a truck, you see, the little deer usually falls apart on such little things, so he sent me to check everything, otherwise you’ll get at the trial to ask questions, and what trial are you at , he, he said that there will be no trial, he said that if only for... you don’t write to the investigator to answer the questions, you will still have to go to trial, don’t worry, we will rehearse everything, will he pay you twice as much as he promised? no, no, i, i can't, but
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this, this is a court, they lie there, they are imprisoned for it, and the task of false testimony is necessarily imprisoned, especially if you gave it for money, how much you have already received from him, he only promised that... when he is discharged, so don’t take it in any case, tell the investigator how they tried to bribe you, but i won’t do anything for it, you received a severe injury, you were unconscious for several days , you only came to your senses now, he took advantage of your weakness, because this so, yes, he came, i didn’t even understand where yet i said that i would have to pay for the treatment, and he would help, i…
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i’m already here, where are you? sanya, well, we ’re done in the village, we need your help in the forest, we’re looking for a woman, i’ll reset the coordinates, but i understand, i’m on my way. and welcome, the evacuation to the village is over , let's go to the forest, people are needed there to search
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for a person, so we know, we were sent to the village from marauders to protect, what other marauders, everyone here is our own, okay, happily, happily, who was it, yes , that good boy who was hanging out with a switch drove off into the forest, said that the village was free, fartanula, everything quickly let's take it, we have to hurry.
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hello, nikolai, i found the missing person’s phone number, it’s in the house, and this woman also seems to live with the children, she called them several times, but never got through, apparently she ran to look for it, yes vika, i understand you, well done, well done, try call them from her phone, all connections, men, orientation update, the woman we are looking for has children, a boy and a girl of school age, she went into the forest to look for them, voluminous, heavy, we are not taking anything, we are looking for stashes of money, iphones , shall we take it? if
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they’re old, we’ll take tchotchkes, well, what kind tchotchkes, who carries them to the village , it’s a sin, well, where are you, the man will say in spite of himself, yes, i’m going, i’m going, if you need people that much, why did you send the police to the village, what is there to guard? i don’t understand which policemen? sash, who are you even talking about? yes, i met three people, they say they were sent to the village to guard something there? why protect? your man stayed there, our people are all here, they also asked from other areas, i don’t like all this, which of our people stayed there? vika? vika? kolya, i ’ll go and check, okay, go ahead, maybe i won’t.
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closer, we need people here, sash, come on come back, just quickly , you never know what’s there, and you find out from your people, someone, maybe from the police, maybe neighbors, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, go ahead, hello everyone, dear subscribers, sometimes when mom orders cosmetics,
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oh, lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv, why? well, you have the faces of the victims. alexandrev, how i miss you, what’s your name anyway? miguel, yes, i’m russian, what? no, the fact that you also have a shaman in your tribe, i have no doubt, applause. itali, marina fedunkev, dzhigan. my, i miss you, oh
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pranksters, azamat musaagalyev, i wanted to be your star, stars, a new humorous show on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. gdr. the final. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.5% for 3 or 6 months. download the financial services application. financial services from the moscow exchange, various deposits. in one application. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. two phosphoglyph components they help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes. she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy. i started the timer. alice,
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the new grounds near the house in any weather. this sign does not stand out against the backdrop of great talent in the renovated cultural center; it will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. sign of the national project of russia. and the children from the kuritsin family themselves do not know how many of them their mother had, a lot, about ten people, half adopted, half in orphanages, she also told me talked about two brothers who were in moldova, will it be possible to meet all the brothers
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and sisters who grew up in orphanages and foster families, most likely i was the youngest, this is my sister, olya, no, this is my brother , not very similar, i from their family. i had rough ears, with him it looked like i was opening the envelope, dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. something is scary, ramses, if they grab us for looting, then the article will be worse than ruining an apartment, then they will grab us, people, oh, what if, what if suddenly, then?
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we found a woman, don't worry, everything will be fine it’s good that there’s something serious with my leg, but it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, falcons sprained her leg, there are children, children. there, help, find them, yes, we know, they are already being looked for, you have an idea where they might be, so how do i know, they walk through the forest all day long, yes vic, yeah, yes, found, found we found it, well, tell me, tell me, it looks like the guy
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is interested in birds, i know there’s a place not far away where falcons are found in large numbers, maybe he went there, oh, what a fool i am, i, i completely forgot, yeah , there they are, they nest there in the hills behind the forest, wait, wait, there, the paths have been washed away by the rain, you can’t go there, everything will break, thank you, we’ll sort it out. “i told you, it’s slippery, that’s it, let’s go home again, now i’ll look at that hill, that one, it’s generally high, sing, let’s sing next time, when it’s dry, katya, if you want, go home, but what am i to aunt i'll say, she's already searched us , but i'll quickly. now i'll find sokol, take a photo and come back. levtina, what happened?
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nothing, nothing happened, but what? well , i see. which one of us is a psychologist? you or me? psychologist? you just have your face upside down, my face is normal, i did one important thing here, this girl, olga, had a hospital, yes, and what did she say, she said that she was bribed, the airbags worked after the accident, she gave false testimony and is ready to say so to the investigator, well, i’m great, you’re just a miracle, who is she? pyotr
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vitalievich musorsky. well, go ahead and tell everyone about it. hello, i, yes, leave me alone, why aren’t you letting me pass? i just understand how he feels now. damn, you don't understand. that's it, i don't want anything hear. i'm just stopping it. hysterical. physical contact, it works, well, this is the place, yes, a quadcopter wouldn’t hurt here, oh, it’s a pity they didn’t capture it, okay, let’s go.
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comrade policeman, hello, and i thought i was alone here, well, it’s somehow calmer with you , i was told that all the police were searching, we were sent from another area to check everything, but it’s clear, oh well, i won’t bother you then, do your job. and i’ll go do my own thing, we can do our job without any problems, don’t worry, ramses, look how fat, antorge it'll take five pieces, vichka, long time no see, ha, you're the only one here, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, come here, don't run away, get up, get up! you'll get tired of me saying that i'm a good girl, that child,
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katya, children, katya, oh, girl, hello, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we're doing nothing wrong. we’ll do it, we’re rescuers , come out, come out, come out, don’t be afraid, your name is katya, yes, katya, that’s great, and we ’re rescuers, i’m uncle kolya, this is uncle lyosha, your brother was with you, yes, he climbed up, and it’s dangerous there, you’ll scold us, but we won’t we scold you, do they scold children , we are a rescuer, and your brother climbed onto the cul-de-sac, yes , he wanted me to take a picture of him there with the falcons, but i was scared , everything is crumbling up there, you’re great, you’re a very brave girl, we very helpful
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, let's go, show me where my brother went, lieutenant, you're done with the woman there, we found the girl, let's urgently go to the tallest dog, vika, why are you running, you're tired, well, where is she, yes, here, we'll find her now, let's find it, have fun, we can't see it, we have to climb,
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come on, falcon, this seems to be the gentlest climb, scurry up, just take the insurance , why, the fact that skolskaya is nonsense, i ’ll go carefully, falcon, of course you’re a cool guy, you’ll go carefully, back like with a boy you’ll take the shivaruto, attach it to yourself, you’ll definitely insure yourself at the top, okay, come on, hey , rescue mouse, save me, "hello, romzes, we are here, well, thank you for the last kiss, stop, vandam, stop,
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stop, i myself." it’s a pity, but i liked you, uh, with a girl, you can’t do that, it’s not good to do that with a girl, now everything will be bad.
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kohl found the guy's phone, accepted, falcon, accepted. nice case, i need to find one for myself, so where is the owner of the phone, i wonder, christmas trees, where is the phone? okay, the falcon is still asleep, what should i do now, girl,
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gentlemen, please sing to my beautiful daughter, ivat, ivat, are you ready now? to make any noble husband happy, did you promise the king of france, father? our sovereign, peter alekseevich has passed away, the empire is heirless, you are the daughter of peter, and you should not give up, what price will she pay, you offer your daughter send peter away to exile, but i trusted you so much, this is a lie, i swear to you, to save the empire, i swear to you, lord! i will not shed blood in my reign, yulia peresilt, are you ready to serve me in faith, in truth, as you once served my father, vivat, elizabeth, brants, vivat, vivat, vivat, empresses, i am the daughter of peter and i will rule according to his testaments, premieres on march 8 at 15:15 on ntv.
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stars, premiere on march 9 at 21:20. on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu. and maxicold lore spray helps relieve sore throat and fights it reasons. the renovations have been done and you can relax. a cash loan with a comfortable payment will be enough for what you need and what you want. come for the money. post bank. i'm surprised by the sales on ozone. have time to surprise. incredible. discounts, don't miss out, elikata hair set for 429, osm aparel women's dress for 739, agroholding step buckwheat for 309. well, what did he ask? asked: can i work? are you an olympian? i watched the webinar, i studied so much, it needs people with
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history of the car according to twenty criteria, it’s safer to buy with an auto library on avito auto. empresses, premiere on march 8 at 15:15 on ntv. where is it cheaper to buy osaga? is it cheaper where there is competition? choose! compare on your side. 25 years ago you first came to us and asked, is there enough for a chocolate bar? enough even for two, for breakfast, dinners - everything you want, especially with a holiday discount of 25%. five helps out. petelinka - pure products without harmful additives. find out your credit score on the compare website or app. it's
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free. see if you have any arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name? keep your credit history under control. your credit score may be better than you think. compare, on your side. stars. premiere. march 9 at 21:20 on. tv the killer is somewhere here among the prisoners, you will find him for me. artyom tkachenko. ordinary there are no maniacs. northern star on wednesday and thursday at 20:00 on ntv. listen, let the girl go, and you join,
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vika! but nothing will happen brother, nothing will happen, everything will be fine, katya. i promise, well, lieutenant, we seem to have gone around everything, the guy is missing. falcon, there’s no guy below, listen, we
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still have one problem here, a chlorine cloud is approaching the hill. can you really hear me, so hurry up, hurry up, take the girl away from here, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, and vic, are you fine, damn, you're bleeding, well, you're a terminator, handsome guys, quiet, quiet,
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quiet, quiet, can you hear? take it halfway, there were rats, to the left, to the left, there, to the left, we washed off the liquid chlorine. the fence is installed, the leak is almost eliminated, thanks guys , great job, they told us that the wind may get stronger, this cloud may rise higher, be careful there, done, to the right, to the right, higher, there.
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no matter where you are, well, you got in, hold your phone, yes, thank you, and who are you, like sokol, just kidding, my last name is sokolov, what’s wrong with my leg, nonsense, scratch, yes, you’re right, before the wedding it will heal, but what is it? this is a cloud, a bad cloud, which is better not to fall into. why? because it's poisonous. come on, get up. kohl, now we’re going down, do you hear the reception? so, look, i’ll bring you to my place now,
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we’ll go down together, if anything? i will support you, yes, i can go down myself, i know you can, just be faster to escape from this poisonous cloud, we agreed on what we will do, improvise, ramza, hora, we have to go, no, they won’t go already behind us, and we ’ll burn them, why don’t you set fire to them, are you crazy? set it on fire, burn it out. good, not being stupid, ramses, that's it, jumped to the rescue, quietly, quietly, quietly,
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quietly, quietly, ramses, good.
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you are mine, but this is what a photo it turned out to be, wow , oh, what a cool photo, uncle lyosha, and this is for you, wow! cool, now i have my security phone, my falcons, thank you, but that’s not it, well, let’s go, let’s go, well, zoya sergeevna, everything is in order, i ’m happy with the conditions, we can, so to speak, close the deal. first i, yes, we are moving forward, and don’t worry, the plant is going into good hands, and you can finally breathe easy, yes,
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zoya, put down your pen, for sergeevna, wait, leave the office, antonina, pyotr vitalievich is aware that you own a considerable number of shares, this does not bother him, the truth is , not at all, i hope we will get along, i have no doubt that you are it doesn’t bother me, but it won’t work to manipulate me, like sergeen. all your arson poisoning, it won’t work on me either, what are you talking about? and you ask sergei saidovich, two people have already confirmed that all your troubles are from this good man, he hired the punks in order to later accuse you of dumping waste, it was he who bribed denis’s girlfriend to lie to us about airbags, just like that, you hear, he... did everything to break you, so that you would sell the entire stake, but you also bought shares, and bought so that to protect the plant so that you don’t get all of it, what nonsense, zoya, do you really
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believe them, and you know, yes, well, of course you do, then... they didn’t believe it, but this brave major, as i understand it, is ours the deal didn't go through, no, it's a shame, well, you 'll be even more annoyed when the investigator comes, and he will come, he will definitely come , i am always glad to have guests, but that’s why he will come, even if he believes some punks, what he will show me, from someone else’s garbage, and this is a girl with pillows, for goodness sake, she has a head injury, she she got everything mixed up, she could have dreamed of me, i certainly didn’t bribe her
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, she didn’t receive a penny from me, i have no doubt that it’s very difficult to prove your guilt, but we’ll try, the main thing is that you don’t squeeze out the whole plant, squeeze out, what jargon, you know, at first we also... doubted until the last, as they say, until levtina went to the hospital to see olga and got her talking, aleftina, yes, aleftina, the leak has been completely eliminated, we are taking away the cessrna, the evacuated residents can be returned. so let's go out, let's go out, thank you guys , it was you who recovered the cloud, yes, we, we, we, thank you, let's go, oh, thank you, i'll go, i'll go,
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i'll check, your little girl told me that nothing will be lost, so she almost lost her life because of your property, stop lying, but tell her thank you, we will definitely pass it on, do you hear, the grass is my dawn you can eat it, you have it here without any chlorine, don’t worry, the chlorine is on top... it’s gone , don’t worry before dawn, no problem, oh, everything’s fine with the piglet, i think he’s alive and well, yes i i already took it home , thank you, dear ones, for people, for animals, no , i'm off, ah, well, thank you for people for animals, download the application and get a bonus charged for luck 2.2 22 rubles from the betting league, go to green, he he wanted to take my sneakers, i took them off, so take them off, and i’ll go out in something, let’s figure it out, they live
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according to the laws of the streets, but they should pay for the horn, right? our road, you are an intelligent young man, we are the street, we are the street, we are the street, we are the street. we the street fall in love according to the laws of the streets, do you want me to sing you something about love, our hearts demand change, i’ll tear out our legs, the bride about...
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you always valued me as a good performer, but did not trust me to make independent decisions. you know, parents don’t notice how their children grow up, semyon and i.
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you will be the ceo and i will chairman of the board of directors, i think the board will agree, and you agree, i do, sergeevna, well, then let’s switch to you, well , let’s, well, i mean, come on. somehow our base is turning into a passage yard, then you arrive, then your bandits. i won’t respond to your provocations now, i
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’ll just go to my fiancee. there is no need to bother our dispatcher, he is on duty now. dear doctor, are you so confident in yourself? are you sure you want to get in my way? i don’t see anything wrong with this, when you see it, it’ll be too late, look, let me, ala, everything that you have been told about me, everything you say now has no meaning, ala, ala, take your hands off, it will disappear. okay, let's talk another time.
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so what should we do now? well, what? saidoch is not worried, this bandit , whom you carefully pushed, vika and the greek have finally finished off, so this greek will definitely be taken off you, but he will give testimony about the waste at the plant of four, then when i understand that it was a performance, no one will rub in it will be, on the contrary, thank you, he will say that you are their you don’t bombard with reports every day, ah, let’s face it, you won’t get any thanks from them, well , let’s face it, it doesn’t hurt much, but about this performance. but how did musorsky know that we would ambush these plants? from alevtina? aleftina didn’t know, 100% pronchenko reported , oleg pavlych, then he wrote a report on you, and not just one, guys, yes, i’m a lousy
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psychologist, it was necessary to understand for a long time what kind of person this was, you couldn’t know what was in him head, i could, but that’s not the point. not about fraud or business, the point is what he did to me, he always said that i had the job is stupid, when a person almost died because of me, he didn’t support me, but convinced me that i had a lot of work to do as a professional, and you decided to leave, i... decided to stop being a psychologist, and you believed in me, thank you huge to you, vinline presents unique betting races, where you
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compete with other players, choose tournaments that you like, place more bets, beat your opponent. taking the maximum bet race from the prize fund only on winline winline makes the difference winline gives a free bet of 3,000 without conditions to all new ones players who ruled here the cia bnd the french turns out to be a traitor, either you or nichaev, i don’t believe it, prove it. sasha, there may also be students from moscow, they will build everything from there, and sooner or later they will find him and take him. how are we going to leave? i have an idea. gdr final! i
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sincerely wanted peace for everyone, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. well, okay, rapports are reports, here you can understand him, maybe oleg pavlych was aiming for commander, but it was musorsky who found out about the ambush in the first place. what does this mean? did pronchenko work for him? yes. oh, excuse me, you have a meeting here, comrade captain, some woman came to see you , who is tired of driving you to work, or something, the union has gone crazy, what kind of woman, well, she says that your wife, i mean wife, hatch has arrived, lyuska has arrived, now, here’s a lucky guy. i'll go and see if she's not a slob.
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lyusya kulya, you are my sweetie, you are my wildcat, i miss you, new horizons.
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technologists like you should be carried in your arms, happy birthday to tatyana semyonovna, oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, lick, maybe a drop of champagne after all, we here everything is a little bit, we still have to work, no, i can’t, i still have to go, tatyana semyonovna, again. i congratulate you on your birthday, but unfortunately, i have to go, how to go, sweetie, well, i still need to get my documents, but i can’t be late, well, let lisa go, well, anyway, we’ll all be leaving soon too, but we have schoolchildren over there they come with a tour, okay, here’s the cake, oh, eat it, a new recipe, by the way, i prepared it myself, hm... come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, amazing, of course.
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the children have arrived, okay, then take them to the workshop excursionist, okay, what's wrong with you , there was cognac in the cake, but i'm not intolerant, so, you need to sober up, i
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can't be seen like that at all, so, i went for air, where did you go , where , there are children, we need a warehouse then, a warehouse, maybe one of ours, they’ve already finished celebrating there, galya, i’m missing, wait, hide in the refrigerator, i’ll take the schoolchildren away and let you out, why in the refrigerator? , that’s where the ice cream is stored after spilling, or i put away the ice cream just in case, so that no one breaks in, it’s my own. come in, that’s it, i went, it’s cold here, i
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’ll freeze here, you won’t get sober, that’s it, quickly. everyone has their own image of success, some dream of overcoming gravity and flying into space, others of having personal space. own apartment, and for another it is important to take their business to a new level, we will not achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything so that you can do it yourself,
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the factory burned down, i didn’t know that he was capable of such a thing for this, but that’s why his factory burned down, he bought it in some kind of disrepair, didn’t have time to put it in order, couldn’t put it in order i managed to do it, but i managed to insure it anyway.
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has everyone already left? yes, they have already separated. and i ’ll go take the children on an excursion. so, i hope you won’t lead them on. yes, probably not, i’ll take you through the workshops and that’s enough. well done, tick, come on, come on. oh, hello. come in, come in, please, welcome to the best refrigeration plant in the area, i hope you enjoy our tour. aleftin, there were other things like that, when he was buying something, and then, well, something happened, there was also a poultry farm, but i flooded it, there was a pipe there broke through, it was a long time ago, so, and at that time he had the same poultry farm, yes, in
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another area there is a clothing factory, and there is also a metallurgical plant. everything is clear, it’s clear, it’s clear, it’s clear, he buys competitors’ enterprises at a cheaper price, makes them like zoya, and they agree to sell to him, and then he announces that the plant or factory is in disrepair and then an accident occurs, musorsky gets insurance, gets rid of from competitors and becomes a monopolist and raises prices for its products, it’s just strange why the enterprise destroys, he could just produce more , which is strange, managing many enterprises is not so easy, they need to be monitored, there is no factory, no problems, the strange thing is that he has not yet been caught with these frauds, but if it was only twice, they simply might not have guessed, it’s good that the plant didn’t turn out like that, listen
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, the last time, well, what did you buy, where did pronchenko and semechkin go, to this cold storage plant, by the way, pronchenko, in my opinion, a lot. i found all sorts of violations, so, so, so, so, interesting, oh, i don’t like this partisanship. i enter my own office like a thief, i don’t like it either, saidych, but in silence, you can’t wait for a setup either, but why did you bother? i understand, petrov, he has an irrepressible nature, but where are you going, semechkin, or do you want to end your career as a rescuer before you even start, why can’t we kick him out ourselves, because plonchenko is right, we have nothing on him, no, musorsky would be shocked, but we
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also have nothing on this eagle, maybe not on the eagle, but you need to look at pronchenok. his last report, he's for sure i even attributed something, i didn’t see these violations, so, the last report, the last report, so, let’s say, he attributed something extra for a bribe, but no one saw how he took this bribe, no, well, yes, i should go there , to find out what’s what, but i was suspended, you can’t either, they need someone they haven’t seen yet, i understand, i’ll move out, saidych, just a little later, now lyusya and i will look at the apartment, oh, wouldn’t you rush with apartment, kolya, as if we hadn’t returned to severogorsk today. download the application and receive a bonus charged for good luck of 2,222 rubles from the betting league, go to green, you are nikolai,
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formula of genergy fsint motor oil contains targeted additives that protect your vehicle. genergy keep the engine in shape, we pass, we pass, we pass, faster. this is a tasting room, besides the fact that this is the most delicious place in the factory, it is also the most ideal place for a selfie, and what is more beautiful in the frame, the machines or the ice cream, ice cream? let's take a photo, who has a camera? how do you like it? well, 10 years ago, i would have admired it. my aunt works here, and i know one very interesting place. do you want me to show you? come on, but we not for long, about 10 minutes, just let’s see. let's go to. let's get started, check in and treat ourselves. i'll go away for a while, just don't wander off, okay?
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let's start right away with the violation according to the report, let's go with the electrics, why? these are the ones pronchenko clung to most of all, because it’s the easiest way to cause an accident, well, yes , i agree, it’s a really cool sound, but you ’re already sick of the phone, do you hear, don’t be rude to the authorities, you’ll get me bosses, turn around, i mean, i can’t let you in , we have a check, man, you go check every day, and we're on a tour today, if i let them in, they'll fire me, is it okay that we've come?
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be careful, let's go, let's go, be careful, well, where are you leading me, you said it yourself, everything that happens for the first time must be special in order to be remembered, yes, and that, believe me, you will remember this, you can open it, no, be careful, interesting, but you won’t let the police in either, without a warrant, maybe i won’t let you in, this is... for an enterprise, and aren’t you obligated to notify in advance? well, a little longer, a little more, that’s it, you can open your eyes, well, do you like it? amazing! let's take a selfie!
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damn, we didn’t have time, what is it, vika , follow me, hit the car, where, we don’t have anything, there’s a fire, can anyone hear me, can you hear me, what ’s going on there, help, lisa! lisa, go now, can you hear me, lisa, wait, it’s okay, it’s really delicious, where are we going to go next? can we go to the park? don't you think it smells like doom? maybe their ice cream
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was burnt? guys, smoke, help, lisa, i’m here now, hit me, i’m here, there’s a fire, i’m shaking, i ’ll call for help, here it is, listen, why are you trying to get ready? smoke, no fire yet no, there is always smoke and fire, i know who will save us, please, give us an ambulance, but why is there an ambulance, but it hurts me, what is it, lord, what happened, who screamed, they didn’t do anything, that’s the sun, it hurts, i’m the one who adored the gnat, it’s okay, now let’s go out, we’ll help, everything will pass, so guys , follow me out, there’s a fire, then we’ll stay here, listen to my command, take napkins, take napkins.
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quickly, quickly, quickly, give everyone away, so let’s seal the cracks tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, i left my phone there, you crashed, you will burn here , wait, now the messenger at the top will not catch fire, now it will all burn out and we will calmly go out , it’s hard to breathe, but calm down, now i ’ll go down and think of something, stay here, just be careful, okay, share, roofing felt ! that's it, let's go in, you go, i'll go around, i'll see what's happening on the other side, maybe there's a blockage, come on,
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what are you doing here? what's wrong with the window, there 's a grate, we're all going to burn, quietly, quietly, go help, now the firefighters will come and save us, they're already here, hey, we're here, here's the grate, behind the door is already on fire. i understand, we’ll make it in time, i’ll quickly,
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poke you, i can. i’m scared, is there someone here, help, listen , the guard said they’re on some kind of excursion, you understand what kind of excursion, schoolchildren, damn, it’s not for nothing that it seemed to me that the girl was screaming, empty, the fire is here, it’s too dangerous there, do you hear, you go up the stairs, i go further along the corridors, there is a lot of smoke.


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