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tv   Odin protiv vsekh  NTV  March 5, 2024 1:30am-2:26am MSK

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ban, i’ll kill you now, but where is vanya? timofeno, what, what is this, what happened to him, what happened, why are you silent, where is vanya?
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hello, hello, are you awake? no, i'm a little busy. did you interfere? ilona, ​​i'm working.
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who is this, my friend, how do you manage to do everything, igor, we have serious money ahead of us , which we have been working on for a long time, here is a woman, i separate, personal and public, well done, leave her, i understand, exactly how much time you need to prepare the property for sale. 2 weeks, a week, in a week , the trade in diamond dust on city streets must stop, you have all the powers, it will help, but you must take dealers from city streets, there are plans, zzhonov,
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if he is properly motivated, he will read primorsk, i am aware of that... attachment to zhonov, there is no need to make a superhero out of him, he made himself, such policemen in primorsk.
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how many years? what's the difference? you yourself ordered that personal matters be removed from the file; your daughter’s age is a personal nuance that should not interfere with our plans. so what next? we ’re not going to ban synthetics, we just want to change chaotic trade to a civilized network of distributors, and the owner of the network pays us so that he doesn’t have there were problems. what should we do with our wives? let him do the job, and then we’ll decide. aren't you afraid of losing a friend? and he is not my friend. welcome. igor, i’ve known you for several years. i know who you hate, who you respect, who you fear. you won’t forgive your daughter zhenov. bon appetit.
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i'll be back soon and now all the nation is here. yes it hurts, of course it hurts, come on, let's go, great, great, great!
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ivan rykov was one of the first people i met here, it was a case of the kidnapping of a girl, i didn’t even really have time to imagine. but one cannot remain silent in this situation, because
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that this happens in our profession, people leave suddenly, vanya was the greatest, the kindest, let him remain like that in our memory, to be honest, i don’t know who. fill the gap in our ranks.
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i didn’t notice my wife, did he take time off? igor, vitalievich, why did you leave him with the police? were you arguing? and we fight all the time. but what he did here yesterday is beyond anyone's control. first of all, i don’t care about my wives. and secondly, he can break down, okay, here, but if this happens somewhere in public, in a store, in transport, or anywhere, it turns out that this man is dangerous, especially now after the tragedy with rykov, well, listen, zhzhonov, yes, not a gift, but yesterday at the scene of rykov’s murder he was restrained, they told me
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how he behaved, how he behaved in front of him this killer fell to his knees, are you defending him again? lidia nikolaevna, i’m not a lawyer and i don’t intend to be a prosecutor, but zhonov doesn’t hide his antipathy towards you, listen, i’m aware, it’s very good that i wasn’t at the scene of ivan’s murder, otherwise i would have been to blame for this, i i know why he is opposed to me, because my appearance in primorsk coincided with the fact that the world he was accustomed to had collapsed, times are changing and the structure of crime is changing even faster, only votzhonov. doesn’t want to change, he was stronger than that, he was strong as a team, but the team broke up, and he decided to stay alone, he consciously decided, you know, because no one pushes him away, and he remains with his friends, the dead, the throaty one and the roaring one, and
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we , we living are to blame for this, and you, and i, and varlamov, and mokhov, i think... he’s a psychologist needed, well, dare to mention it? you know, i won’t babysit him anymore, now i have to take the rap out of town, you work with him, so you decide whether to fire him or not, only then don’t torment yourself, yeah, that means it works out, you’re a good cop, and i’m a bad one , no, igor vitalievich, things won’t work that way, so be it. dzhonov is working, let him go free for a week, don’t overload him with routine, he will deal with the murder of gorly. okay, we'll see for another week, but if it fails, then we'll decide. fine,
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competently, you, as a boss, act competently, because... thank you, he has only one mother left, first gorlov, then ivan, all these are people who were burned if we don’t help yegor. no psychotherapist can handle this.
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who was in charge here? cer? bnd, french. it turns out that either you or nichaev are a traitor? i don’t believe it, prove it’s not sasha. there may also be students from moscow, they will have their archive there. everyone is looking for the archive, and sooner or later they will find it. take him. how are we going to leave? i have a thought. gdr final! i sincerely wanted the world to everyone. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. well, yes, yes, i've been here for 15 minutes already.
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fskn gives you money along with a suit or you still have to work there and work money for the funeral. well, go give your mother what you brought me? you were partners for 4 years, galina timofek treated her son, go, give it into her hands, now, if you had not left, vanka
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would be alive, you two already brought this owl here, and now vanka is home, he went alone, and why alone, boss? you go and explain to your mother how you took your friend, your partner, and exchanged it for this money, and now it’s for me you're fussing, you want to pay off, but we don't need this money, but what kind of money, this kind of money, it's diamond dust, maybe i sold out, but you're the boss, ivanka's death is on your conscience. yes, i’m listening, lady nikolaevna, i’ll be right there, it’s better not
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to come to the funeral, i don’t know what zhonav will do to you, but i won’t interfere, take the money.
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i called andrey, why go to the club, the guests would be in a cafe, like last year, or at someone’s apartment, it would be possible. of course i have, but now my father has problems at work. yes, y now we all have only problems, a course session, practice, when to live, oles, it’s scary to say, i’m already 22, i’m already an aunt, well, you’ll only become an aunt in 20 years,
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what’s the plan? yesterday, when we were leaving for business, zhonov asked us for help, well, help in the investigation. and i refused, because i have a lot of work to do, and it’s not our business, the investigative committee’s. and vanya agreed. if i had agreed, everything would have been different. we would still be teams. mokhov just came and brought this money, supposedly for the funeral. i ran into him, he ran into me, and he i’m right, lady nikolaevna, if the boss has to answer, and i’m not the boss, well, yes,
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let’s all run away, who will work? dzhonov? we ourselves hang everything on him, and then we wonder why he is like this. have you started talking about the plan? egor wanted to find the one with whom fers was last on the horizon. and before , yegor thought it was gonensky. who really is? don't know. i refused to help him, but he won’t contact me anymore.
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hello, hello, are you checking in? no, i'm talking about it. murder on october 22, but a terrible story, but i didn’t work then, here there was my cheater, but the recordings from the surveillance cameras remained, but i don’t know, we usually write a new recording on the old one, so as not to buy extra disks, but after 3 days, if there are no incidents, we put on the same disk, and the murder is a serious incident, yes
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, yes, well... the first one to ask, here, of course, i didn’t notice, you understand, this is an emergency, my blood pressure jumped, i walked around drunk for 2 days, and the next day the girls started writing the disc again, well, they rubbed it, i scolded them, of course, but what a great demand, so there is no record, bad, bad, really, nothing good, but what if
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you look into it? why do you need this recording? is it clear? for whom is it clear? so it was your colleague who shot, shot at a criminal? here, if my colleague judges, yours is absolutely right. is there a protocol? what protocol? well, the investigator must write a report on the destruction of the vichdocs. are you serious about forever? protocol? no. yes. so, let's go through the article. obstruction of the investigation. no need for an article. i remembered. there is a recording. wonderful. how can you occupy such a position with such lapses in memory, huh? lev borisovich. which failures? i thought you were like everyone else, like other policemen. you'll say there's no record. but no.
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they'll be left behind, no, they're not here either, yes, let's go to the reception, let's go , please, after you, please, please , uh-huh, thank you, come on, this, wait, this, this truck was standing at the time of the murder , he was definitely standing, i remember the driver, and yes, he was still getting into the fight when the riot started, come on, come closer, let me copy the number. yeah, yeah, yeah, wait, wait, yeah, yeah, yeah, wait.
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geng, come to me and contact me about the owner of the truck, daf license plate r490 et, our region, i understand, passport, details of where you live, i’ll drop by to see you in an hour, okay, that’s it, come on.
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“great, hello, well , what did you do, i found out, listen, why do you need this driver, and that before they somehow worked without questions, so it used to be, i understand, and egor, don’t think, i’m sure that you’re zhenya i didn’t kill, but there are other opinions, but i don’t care, just the other day , well, right after you were released, the security department received information, i spoke with the guys from customs, the same thing at the federal drug control service, at the prosecutor’s office, i was burned to cooperate, plus resignation sorokina, i don’t know how to squeeze you out of the police, i don’t know, whoever is squeezing him out
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killed zhenya, you’re talking about the messenger, well, that’s stupid, okay, did you get the information? kharchenko, ilya zakharovich, everything is on him. thank you. you're not just dealing drugs, you're assaulting an employee. so the nightingale shines for you at the age of 15 as a planer. how do you like this prospect? but i didn't hit him. you can at least go to the toilets , i’m taking you, please
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, you’re afraid, i’ll run away, i won’t even try , i’ll pay, let me go yourself, only i... will make a disabled person out of you, and i’ve filed a report against you, yes, it’s not like you can write, you won’t be able to moo, who is the supplier, rustic, address, chikalova 10, smart girl,
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how many of them are there in the house? three with guns? i think yes. rustik, rustam minvaleev was convicted of armed raid, and what’s good with weapons? there is a woman and a child in the house, a girl of about five. risky. come on, don’t croak at your friend. let's figure it out. you cover the woman, i cover the child. they open fire, we respond. let's go, captain, command yours. attention, we are entering the house. target. doors, windows. went.
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nice cops, lena, lena. hello, come here, i'll take you to your mom. come on, come here, come here. wow
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, come on, turn away for a second, lena, lena, well , how is she, yes, everything is fine, lena, don’t yell, don’t yell, here, jaana, we ’ll carry the baby ourselves, then you’ll take her, yes, what’s here, there are still drugs, i’ll take the child out, let’s go, me, who’s here? there is, oh, you're lucky, it's today, and if he had taken it a little higher, i shouldn't have felt sorry for the panty, but i was on the machine, shot in the shoulder, and then i realized, i should have hit the head, i should have had a control shot in the head, kostenko, wait, child.
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ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel.
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dochnova moves every day along the same route, home, college, home, the day before yesterday she was training in the pool with her friend irina kuptsova, and the guy, there is no permanent boyfriend, but there are many friends, girlfriends, the girl is always in sight, but you can choose the moment to capture , no, no, capture is not good, why, there will be questions to ask who seized, why they seized, we , well... well, so that everything would be natural, natural and organic, well, tomorrow is this
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merchant’s birthday, where they are celebrating, they wanted to go to the club, that’s how, and the guys say that she doesn’t have, and of your younger, prettier ones, is there anyone who is interested? let him be ready, we can’t manage without our daughter, i feel sorry for the girl. or he got scared from his wife, seryozha, well, it’s ready, here, come on, one piece, you’d better
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starve. rather than eat anything, and it’s better to be alone than with anyone, eat, eat, hungry.
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what, i just somehow didn’t even empty it at all, and you don’t know, no, well, yes, well, they
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have 325 - your half, you’ll count, i’ll have time, here’s dust for 3 million net profit, from where, from the camel, your job is to sell, but it’s not a question, listen, you can still get it, otherwise my moscow supplier is not reliable, of course, i’ll sell with you on the street, i just asked. unreliable supplier, look for another, agree to all the conditions that i have to teach you, this is a case, there may not be another, snowmen, what, tomorrow you will go to negotiate, the future
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we need to create ourselves and do it together , we are very different, we speak different languages, com, sorry, last night, last night i was not alone, an important meeting, for work, you don’t have to tell me, i’m not interested, well, you don’t have to pretend, you're interested, that's for sure. i actually came to say. that mokhov proposed to me, i’m getting married, mokhov, mokhov,
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mokhov, mokhov, who is it, funny, to marry mokhov, no, to marry even the lit one, you’re not such a fool, you understand perfectly well that venice is better than when . if you could choose, you would of course go to venice, you yourself said that without hesitation , you would go there, if you had such an opportunity, so this opportunity, i, i’m absolutely honest with you, yesterday i had a serious conversation with a serious person, but how did i know that you would come? i need to get on my knees so you
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can forgive me, get up! well, here i stand, i forgive, somehow, after all, igor, do you believe in fate?
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pa, i'm home. i decided to go on a hunger strike, you ate today, turn off the light. i called you all day, but you don’t answer, and ivan’s funeral, when
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soon, turn off the lights, listen, ira invited me to her club for her birthday tomorrow, can i go? we'll talk tomorrow.
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michelle, hello, i'm here for you. i don’t know, i don’t know you either, but we have a mutual friend, talk to him, who are you, what are you talking about, tell him what you’re saying, hello, it’s mokhov, that i don’t know him anymore, wait, do you hear you, i’ll see you again, or i’ll stab your comrade, understood, my, mutual acquaintance, are you still here? yes, i refused.
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lesya, yes.
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