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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 5, 2024 2:25am-3:16am MSK

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and already beautiful for vodka!
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uh, who's here? hello, seryozha, ol, hello, what are the fates, we can talk somewhere, well , yes, of course. when did it happen? 3 weeks
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ago, oleg went hunting, fell into an enemy and came across sharp branches. was he alone in the forest? yes, oleg always, when he went hunting, left guards in the car and said that there was no one to be afraid of in the forest. yes, it's creepy, i don't even know what to say. i don't see that he was unfortunate. why? do you remember ivan sobnyuk, he has his own steel plant. about two months ago he drowned in his own bathtub. my husband and ivan have been friends since college. that's not all. look, this is valerova pechugin. a month and a half ago he died of a heart attack.
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right at the charity party, these two were friends with my husband, and now they are dead, just like the oreg. “seryozha , i ask you, help me find out the truth, okay, okay, i ’ll try to find out everything, gentlemen, and you know what has already blossomed, yes, well, go home, yes, perhaps, sergey sergeevich.” since when have you been interested in oligarchs? i was i’ve known him for a long time, about 20 years ago, i was even in love with a girl who later became his wife, condolences, wait, he
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died recently, i watched on tv, are you conducting a private investigation? i wouldn’t call it an investigation, oleg kersanov’s wife doesn’t believe that his death was accidental, so she asked me to look into it, and find out something? i reviewed the kersanov case and found one strange thing there, what? one of the branches of the windfall pierced the eyeball and entered the brain, but the branch was removed and sent for analysis, and so the examination showed that this boxwood branch, yes. uh-huh, for some time now boxwoods have been found in the ural forest, they are not found, max, they are not found and do not grow, africa, america, china, there is as much of this stuff as you want, but not in our forests, well, how can i explain this, for now i don’t know, sergey
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sergeevich, well, if our help is suddenly needed, well, i hope it won’t be needed, but thank you. great, where are you going, and i’m home from work.
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damn, that means there were two killers, yes, this one
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was waiting for me at the entrance, the second one was standing on the street. near the car, he is there, he saw me in the entrance window and shot twice, that place, where he stood, to the window, 25 meters, yes, he is an excellent shooter, comrade colonel, his identity has been established, this is andrei osin, nicknamed asa, a well-known killer in certain circles, wanted for 3 years, he only took on himself. big things, it’s great that i annoyed someone , yes, even in the car, the expert found fat and sweat, we sent them for examination right away, okay, thank you, yes, tech, general, yes, that’s right, i’ll be there now, golubev
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is calling urgently on the carpet, max is already there. kirsanov, pechugin, stadnyuk, that means so. from now on it's not just your private investigation, you need to take a boxwood sliver from the woodworking warehouse and give it to the ballistics, i agreed, he is waiting for an analysis of photofat traces to show that in the wrecked car there was someone gennady burakin, nicknamed brown, two convictions, the last time i was in prison was 8 years for murder, was released 3 years ago, today i will contact mr. and ask for a distribution. okay, so
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what do you think about this thing? i will say that your suspicions are justified. boxwood wood is one of the hardest and densest. its density is about thousand kg. per cubic meter , hardness is about 100 ni per square millimeter, that is , this is a fragment of a boxwood bullet, clear traces of thermal effects are visible on it, but look for yourself, in my youth i experimented with training bullets from different materials, so... with 200 m boxwood bullet pierced right through an inch pine board,
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please give me 40 rubles. oh, why don’t i have less money, i don’t have change, change it somewhere. holy mother! i just saw him, he ’s gone, he’s gone, who cares about the criminal who now that i'm sure, guys, i have a photographic camera, well, run, run, stand, stand!
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well, that means we need to look for a banker, i’m listening, i understand,
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bring burakin, playing the silent game won’t give you anything, the murder of a policeman is hanging on you, i ’m sorry, well, i think there’s a trial. will not take your regrets into account, i will cooperate if you fulfill one of my requests, which one? i have a sick mother, she lives in tver, i want to see her before i marry her, i think we will arrange it, thank you, so what do you want to know, huh? let's start from the very beginning was it you who shot oleg kirsanov? yes, i, and
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you pulled out wooden bullets, i, a person of my profession must be able to do this, and whose idea was it, the customer, he himself developed the plan, i had to kill businessman kersanov with a wooden bullet, then throw his body on a windfall, staging an accident . who is the customer? don't know. we communicated with him via sms message. and he deposited the money for fulfilling the order into my bank account. did he order me for you too? yes. and the customer’s phone number, he’s on my mobile phone, under the name bp, a rich guy, who killed pechugin and studnyuk, ace, andrei osin, the guy you killed, oligarch pechugin was the first, the customer sent
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osya an invitation to a charity party and an ampoule with taxin. who is not identified in the region, after 30 seconds he fell and died of a heart attack, and stadnyuk, but in general everything was simple, the customer sent electronic keys to his house, so getting into his house was not difficult, and where were they at that time you, when a wasp drowned a stadnyuk on the street? well, i was monitoring the situation, i have nothing to do with pechugin’s murder. how much did the client pay you for these murders? 15 million dollars, plus 100 thousand on your head. i cooperated with
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the investigation. i confessed everything. i will say this in court. convoy. take out stand on the exit, so what do you think, this is a business, and you think something personal, i am absolutely sure of this, i knew that it was not just an accident, and the police looked at me as if i was paranoid, thank you, big. well, the investigation is not over yet, we found the perpetrator, but not we found the customer, yes, but you already suspect someone, not yet, but we are working on it, i will keep you informed, thank you, i will take a look, of course, i didn’t even know that
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they hunted together. this is an old photograph , she is about 15 years old, once they were inseparable while hunting, fishing, sauna, everywhere together, and then some cat ran between them, i never saw them together again, the cat ran, uh-huh, when did this happen? yes, after this hunt, i’ll take this picture for myself for a while. of course, let's just take it out of the frame, you see, below is the date, october 12, 2000, at the top is a sign, now i’ll enlarge it, black lakes,
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well, yes, then it was a matter of technology, it was necessary to find out where this hunting ground was located, quite far away. and where is this huntsman pavlov now in the village of yakhantovka near yaroslavl, but he also has a son dmitry, now the guy is 24 years old, studying at festikhe in graduate school, it means so, i’ll wave to this yegor pavlov, vadim, and you allow his son dmitry, have a heart-to-heart talk with the guy, find out what and how it is, he
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publicly promised to take revenge, that is, you want to. to say that an industrial magnate kills an emergency dispatcher because of unrequited love? what about running around with a gun? i had to calmly collect evidence, put this creature to jail for murder, i didn’t kill anyone, that’s for now, we don’t have evidence, but i know where it is, who is our boss, but he ’ll kill me, yeah, but i don’t, i won’t give you life, but i somehow got life without your help, you have no... no chance to even ruin it, he thought of everything, 5 minutes of silence, tomorrow at... 2:00 on ntv.
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tisha. you can’t be quieter, lie on the spot, who is this? what do you need? colonel pastukhov, upsn, i ’m my own man, colonel and general, step up to the car, otherwise i’ll fire a bullet, i won’t leave until we talk, there’s nothing for me to talk to you about, you’re wrong, well then kick yourself. and you, i see a stubborn guy, okay, next to you, be quiet, let's go,
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let's go, be quiet, next to you, come in, i've been out of the jaeger service for seven years now, yeah, you live alone, alone, well, he doesn't count the tishki, danishka, i have to you, conversation 14 years ago your daughter disappeared, 3 days before she was put on the wanted list, they came to you to hunt
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three businessmen: kirsanov, pechugin and stodnyuk. do you remember them? suppose, why these questions? these three men are dead. they were killed, they died, and finally, where do they go? yes, why is this so? want to know? what happened 14 years ago
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? , you counted us, please, here in the background of the forest, where to press, there’s a button on the top right , come on, stop already, wait, stop, come on, danilovich, let’s do it again, they won’t believe you, that’s it, thank you, that’s it, yeah, listen, danilovich, one more request, we want to relax a little with our friends, ask your daughter to serve us, here in the gazebo, what about the food? the booze is all in the trunk, take a couple of sticks of sausage for you, okay, well, in general, whatever you want, come on, not guys, well , thank you, thank you for taking me out hunting,
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well, such a drive, not a rule, a rule, now i’d like to shoot some more, look how you're going, listen, where are you going, fat one, where else are you going to shoot, you can barely stand on your feet, no, well... that's it bottles, dad asked to know if anything else was needed, not everything is fine, daka, honey, i forgot, what’s your name, nastya, nastyusha, listen, you’re not pestering me, nastyuzha, you want to earn money, who he doesn’t want to, but what needs to be done, but play with us, i am such a game, kitty, laugh, i’m in such and such a movie, listen, the rules are simple, look,
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take the money first. the hunt was over, the hunt continued, so they decided to continue, they seemed to jokingly shake out the shot from the cartridges, cuckoo, where are you? ay, cuckoo, i’m writing to you, where are you, both, uh, little couch, well, come here, where are you, kuku, koku, what are you shooting, it’s my turn, and what are you shooting, i want. after shooting, i want
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to shoot, valerka, what happened, it’s not breathing, what have you done, fat, i, all my cartridges are blank. some of us didn’t finish watching, who didn’t finish watching, well, what difference does it make to you, who didn’t finish watching, what’s going on there,
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what? what did you say to him? he said that we would kill his entire family and burn down his house if he ever told anyone anything. damn, damn, damn, we 're in trouble, we need to give him more money, 10 thousand damn it, i didn’t say anything to anyone, not for my sake, for my son’s sake, for my daughter’s sake. i buried him in the forest, but
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i lost this filthy money for my son’s studies, but what can i do? “you won’t bring your daughter back, put them in jail, i wouldn’t put them in jail, i wouldn’t be able to, well, you remember what time it was, why are you looking at me like that, yes, it was a terrible time.
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” i’ll go out, i need to call, with tail cartridges, yes, but one of the cartridges turned out to be real, the shot hit the girl in the head and killed her on the spot, and from whose gun this fatal bullet was fired remains unknown.” i see, okay, i’ll call you back, pablov has arrived , hello, you called me, you’re dima pavlov, i’m pavlov, well then sit down, but i don’t have much time, i have work to do, so why did the police need me, i’m not from the police, office of special events planning, never heard of it,
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there is always a first time for something... and do you live far from the institute? well, relatively speaking, from the institute to my community there are four bus stops, to chagi? why don’t you rent an apartment? so which ones? money, i'm kidding, but part-time jobs enough only for clothes, for food , well, to go to the sea once, of course, but what do you do part-time as a programmer, i develop computer games, well , of course, i’m not the only one on the team, so what did you want to talk about, you had a sister nastya, 14 years ago you didn’t have her, you know what happened to her, her father said... she disappeared, went into the forest, didn’t come back, well, i don’t remember her well, it was a long time ago, but was she really found, no, she wasn’t found, that the day she disappeared,
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three hunters visited you, remember? no, well, i ’m telling you, it was a long time ago, but we always have hunters visited, always different, hello, dim, you're coming, right? this is my classmate inna. i'm sorry, i have to go. yes, of course, thank you for agreeing to talk. now, if you decide to chat, call. all the best, goodbye. goodbye. in general, our boy is clearly not cut out to be a vengeful rich man. it was a good version.
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look, here is eremin igor anatolyevich, owner of the mdr bank of russia, through this bank, kirsanov and pechugin spent money for incidental expenses, that is, for bribes and kickbacks? well, yes, then this is our banker? probably yes. what’s most interesting is that a year and a half ago, the money of kirsanov and pechugin disappeared into the virtual corridors of mdr bank. they demanded their return. over the course of a year and a half, the debt accumulated, that is, it doubled. so, i think that our banker eremin simply decided to get rid of his creditors by destroying them. let's dig in this direction. write down the coordinates of this eremin for me, i’ll talk to him personally, captain of the caravan, now, i’m listening, yes, i remember,
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okay, when, where, yes, yes, i know, okay, see you. why did dima pavlo’s girlfriend call? wants to talk, hello, good afternoon, hello, i called you. “no, thank you, thank you, sorry for bothering you, i just really needed to talk to you, dima, he remains silent, but i can guess why you came, really, yes, it’s one of these people to whom dima sold his business, i immediately
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i told him not to get involved with these types, he just said that they offer quick money, quick money, yes, you know, he initially did not start all this for the sake of money, just..." he thinks, please tell me, he has will because of this there is trouble, because of this it is unlikely, thank god, you see, dima, he is a brilliant programmer, but he is completely unsuited to ordinary life, so i try to protect him from trouble,
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you understand, thank you very much, don’t tell them please that i came to you, thank you for listening to me, goodbye, good afternoon, who are you? i'm mr. eremina. eremin is not in the office, he was traveling on business, right? and at the entrance they told me what? you have been misled, listen, man is a mountain, either you let me into the office, or i will move in go there, thank you, why are you hiding from me, igor anatolyevich, why am i hiding, i just felt bad, but now you’ll feel even worse. and you , in fact, and i, in fact, so what, you
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have some claims against me, well, why are there some, of course, a definite one, look, you help big businesses evade taxes, you are engaged in laundering dirty money, here in total... in organizing the murder of businessmen kirsanov,
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pechugin and stodnyuk, an unexpected turn, osmova, you close it, aspalov, got a weapon took him at gunpoint, quickly, well, he’s like a representative of the authorities, here i am for you a representative of the authorities, sheep, where is the confidence. so good, that's what osmolov, he shouldn't leave here until i call you, i understand, this is stupid, eremin, you won't get far, but we 'll see, tosmulov, drive!
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do you really think you're doing the right thing now? arthur, are you okay? go! stand! where did he go? speak up if you don't want to upset your family? she has a private plane to london, sheremetyevo airport, tramenal. when is departure? soon, i don’t know exactly, yes general banker ermakov is heading to
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chermetyevo airport, in terminal a, he has a private plane booked to london. yes of course. pray to god that eremin will be safely arrested aside. banker eremin is silent for now, but i am sure that. allow me to enter, well, you have already entered, well, tell me, a few years ago pavlov opened his website on the internet selling tickets, and then he organized a hosting company, it should be noted that it was a very successful hosting company, and a little less than a year ago he sold his business, both the website and company, and you know how much he earned for it, 5 million dollars, which means we are changing the direction
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of our investigation and taking this guy into development, that is, general, i have one idea, however, to implement it we will have to involve burakin, and what is stopping us, you promised that you would allow me to see mother, and you promised full cooperation with the investigation, what else should i do, call the customer, that’s it, this is the text you should say, i’m putting it on speakerphone. “listen, we need to meet, who is it? i stood up, the cops are looking for me and i’m going fly away to warmer lands, for this i need money, oh, you probably made a mistake with the number,
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please check this number and don’t call here again, all the best, wait, i know who you are, since i know, then people can do this find out, i need money." where did you get this number from? it doesn’t matter. okay. meet me today in the park of the fiftieth anniversary of october. evening everyone . pavlov is in place. got you. continue observing
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. we’re releasing burakin, everyone be ready, i got you, come on, just please, no nonsense, okay, and hello? did you call me? i, what do you need? necessary? i already said, i need money. this is out of the question. do i know you. i love you too. i guess we have nothing more to say. you owed yourself money. i want his share. give me his share, i will forget about you. or i'll call the police and tell everyone. your colleague otsa
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failed his last task. i don't owe him or you anything. it's clear? eat. or are you giving me the money? or will i call the police, no, don't, why? because you are labor, come on behind him, that pavlo, stand, yes, raise your hands so that i can see, raise your hands!
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stronger than an oath, boy, now with us, we streets, we are alone in this city, people, you think your boys will save you when you pull, stronger than fear, older, who, me, are you immortal or something, it’s scary when your son is stronger than pain, but what we
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will do something when the batch starts. here you are like, yes, stronger than tears , you're lying, you've driven your mother crazy, i'm sorry, the boys aren't apologizing, what are you doing, bitches, they're all in the ground, the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, come on guys, let's give our word, word boy, boy's word, boy's word, boy's word, boy's word, the most... anticipated television premiere of the year will soon be on ntv. what it is? “your sincere, you can’t pin me down,
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you have no direct evidence, no witnesses either, okay, i’ll try to convince you, firstly, burakin survived, secondly, we have a recording of your conversation with him, and thirdly, in august last year, we found out that during this time you essentially bought yourself the citizenship of this country, and when preparing the documents you changed your name, and we also have testimony from your friend inna korobova, yes, she is everything to us told in detail how you went with her to switzerland, where she opened.
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you're a talkative fool, everything i did, i did for the sake of my sister, of course, she was like a mother to me, i don't regret anything, i have to write, and dima loved and idolized his sister very much, and after her death he vowed to take revenge on the murderers, he knew that... that they were rich people , it was almost impossible to get close to them, so he decided that he would get rich himself and spend
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the money he earned to take revenge, what he did, it’s a pity, the guy has a really bright head, as they say, his talent would yes for a good cause. it’s not good to make a girl wait so long, the girl couldn’t find a quieter place, i’m not very good at finding places with an intimate atmosphere, unlike you, a bottle of the best wine, why don’t we have dinner together? look for someone simpler. i hope that in terms of money you are more clean, the extortionist speaks about cleanliness, i am not extorting, i am providing a good
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service, if these pictures got on the internet, that is, you guarantee that this will not happen, i repeat to you again, i am not an extortionist and not a blackmailer, this one to me the amount is quite enough, if i promised, then i will do it, i will delete the photos, but why? i have to believe you, because i would have earned much more if i had left you to be torn to pieces by the newspaperman and your competitor, i did not do that. well then we should celebrate this event. you know, i believe that you should drink wine with a person who you like... at least it’s nice, that’s for my glass.


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