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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  March 5, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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well, so that there is a place to go. about a hundred visitors are friends, former colleagues and relatives of those involved in a criminal case regarding the theft of natural gas amounting to almost 4.5 billion rubles. there were also 14 people cramped in the dock, some of whom bear the well-known surname arashukov. behind the glass are relatives and part-time accomplices of the former senator of the federation council rauf arashukov and his father raul, who are serving sentences behind bars for the same theft, as well as for embezzlement and organization of registered murder. they tried to stop checking the facts of financial fraud with murders , they failed to hide it, when the main defendants ended up in prison, it was the turn of the rank-and-file performers, here beslan arashukov in green , the second cousin of the former senator, headed one of the company’s departments in stavropol, and this is the cousin in a ruslan suit, led an entire branch, the third brother-in-law of rashukov jr., and others close to the family clan, so it was obviously easier for the influential father and son to control the influx billion the court established that from
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2009 to 2019, these persons stole natural gas supplied to the territory of the stavropol territory and karachay of the circassian republic. the total amount stolen exceeded 4 billion rubles. state charges in the criminal case were supported by a representative of the prosecutor general's office of the russian federation. the defendants are accused of embezzling a criminal organization on an especially large scale . the family operated in a row for 10 years, involving them in games with big and very big people. money not only from relatives, among the defendants are former employees of the investigative committee and the ministry of internal affairs of korachaev of circassia, who obviously benefited from not noticing anything. the collapse of the arashukov empire dates back to the nineteenth year, when the security forces raided the soffed building right at the meeting and announced that senator rauf arashukov had been detained, then on the same day they knocked on the door of his father raul. then it became clear who attached legs to the missing billions. here, for example, is one of the members of an influential clan in the village of khabes karachayev cherkessia. a fleet of vehicles, a rare collection
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of bladed weapons with precious sheaths, safes where the family kept gold bars, it is obvious that rashukova surrounded themselves not only with luxury, but also with people they could control, however, the defendants’ defenders have a different version on this matter: you understand that the korachay-cherkess republic, yes, it is - firstly, the population is small , and even more so aul-khabes, and people live compactly there, naturally, all are natives, they know each other, they have certain connections with each other, then most importantly, such ethnocultural connections, the result of these connections brought father and son arashukov to life imprisonment, they are serving the term in salt letsky, black dolphin. the court gave their relatives less severe punishment. ishurin’s cousin will be sent to a maximum security colony for 16.5 years, both second cousins ​​will be sent to 16 with multimillion-dollar fines. but even at this meeting it is too early to draw an end to the case of billions of dollars in theft. folders with data on other crimes committed by the same organized crime group, and the number, continue to accumulate on the investigators’ desks.
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even now, after so many years, the defendants have not been officially identified. diana kavando, anton molokoedov, nikolay malyagin and larisa kapinskaya, ntv. an amazing story is now unfolding in nizhny novgorod. the man accused of assault did not appear in court for sentencing. instead, i went to the bathhouse. it’s unclear whether to wash away what happened. probably not. there, in the sauna, he again got into trouble and started a fight. he was detained at... was going to, but was forced to sound the alarm that he had lost an eye, mikhail varoshilov did not personally take revenge on the person who beat him like that, when he realized that the offender easily escaped punishment, first to decide the fate of the person who made him disabled, as expected, he entrusted to the court, there, by the way, a sentence was passed, but the accused never heard him, he did not appear in court. where he was sentenced to 4
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years of general regime custody in the courtroom, went on the run, went to another city or abroad, the first thing that came to mind, in such cases the defendant is immediately put on the wanted list, but chulkov was not hiding anywhere and didn’t hide, went to the sauna, that saturday he was in the sauna, where he was wounded, ended up in the hospital where he was stitched up, after which he wrote a statement against the person who did this too and still continues to walk around, that is, he feels completely impunity, in other words, stockings after the verdict and new pothos. he himself came into the hands of the police, but the criminal on the wanted list , who had already been serving his sentence for two weeks, was for some reason interrogated and released home, where chulkov arranged a vacation for himself . first of all, on the twentieth, before the verdict, my blood pressure jumped to 190, they barely pumped me up, yeah, i'm physically twenty-first i couldn’t come, now why are you free, it was in the cabin that you were wounded, and why the pressure didn’t stop you from going to...
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i couldn’t explain that punishment is inevitable, alexander chulkov knows like no one else, he’s already once he was convicted of beatings, but now he had the chance to delay day x due to the incomprehensible sluggishness of the law enforcement officer.
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the verdict was supposed to be announced, but until now . so, this morning, all these people have not been given a decision, why does ntv correspondent tamara simonova know, she is following the process, we are now joining to us live. tamara, what happened in
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the meeting room? well, the meeting dragged on because the judge, unexpectedly for everyone, decided to add several more documents to the criminal case and... one of them is precisely the characterization of marina rakova, who, according to the investigation, came up with a fraudulent scheme with her friends , in addition to the already former deputy minister of education in the organized group, as it was established, there are six people, all of them are now together with the cancer dock, these are its main companions - the director of the moscow higher school of economic sciences, sergey zuev, director of the institute of industry management. this is ivan fedotov, they, together with their subordinates, according to the investigation, from 2017 to 2020 organized a large- scale scheme for the theft of budget funds. today the accused came to court on their own, many of them were under house arrest, others were
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prohibited from certain actions, although it seems that few were interested in the progress of the hearings. rakova, for example, preferred to correspond with someone on the phone, and we know that they are counting on have you already spent everything? it is also interesting that when the defendants began to be detained and charged, almost everyone not only filed reports from poivina, but also began to actively cooperate with the investigation and voluntarily compensate for the damage caused. for
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example, urakova offered to withdraw 23 million rubles from her seized account. but mr. fedotov even decided to overpay 2 million. well, apparently, so that... for sure, let's return to the main thing, please remind us what the fraud scheme was , who actually came up with it? uh-huh, yes, yes, yes, investigators managed to establish that the organized group stole the first 20 million rubles from the federal budget, this money was allocated to the ministry of education for the implementation of such a project as a teacher of the future, but urakova used this money... she had her own plans, with the fund for new forms of development education, which rakova was in charge of, concluded fictitious contracts, supposedly for various studies, well , of course there were no studies, but there were bills to pay for them, in the end all the money
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rakova and the company shared among themselves, but these are not the only facts; this was clearly not enough for rakova, so she and her companions also decided to organize fictitious employment.
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who was in charge here? cia, bnd, french? it turns out that either you or nichaev are a traitor? i don’t believe it, prove it’s not sasha. there may also be ears from moscow. take him. how are we going to leave? it makes sense. gdr. the final. i
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1:39 pm
do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission on transfers to your personal account? then open a business account on mask march 8 at 19:25 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body produce a collection? is it possible to stop these harmful changes? can. our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system. it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. with age , changes occur in the brain, brain cells age and... scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese
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eat a unique mollusk called azektinida. turns out, azumopectinide contain unique components that promote brain restoration. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 8 800 100 exactly 19 85 800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement. mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese product mosktherapy. it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be
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reversed. and he will serve you faithfully again. your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brainterapy empress premieres on march 8 at 15:15 on ntv. there's another emergency going on live. we are continuing production. doesn't leak. hope to go on a cruise or at least to return money for an unrealized trip from clients of a travel company that has irrevocably ruined its reputation. applications to the police are being received all over russia among unrested employees of the agency itself, who sold tours and bought them for themselves, but none of them went on sea cruises. moreover, clients
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note the existence of two sites that are very similar in appearance, but which one is the correct one... how its clone came about, i was figuring out. shock, anger, disappointment, acceptance , natalya krylova went through all these stages when the long-awaited seven-day sea cruise on a luxury liner led her into the harbor of deception. even when they later tried to provide us with some kind of cruises, they said, first you buy from us, first a new cruise, and then we will pay you off, well, what you have there. remained, and what was left, for some reason , was in very less equivalent than we paid. i bought a ticket on the website of the travel agency cruise house, sea and river cruises, now i find inconsistencies. the status of the order is something that really confused me, that's all services were confirmed on january 1 , 1970, it’s not clear that in 1970, although
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the start date of the tour was the seventeenth, tenth, twentieth, that was the time. pandemic the cruise was postponed, but better times never came for the company, rtos declared themselves bankrupt, shortly before the flooding procedure , konstantin puchkov was at the helm of the company, a booking confirmation came with his signature, later the directors were replaced. konstantin turned out to be the brother of igor puchkov, who in 2012 decided to get rid of debts according to the same scheme, by recognizing another company, lanta travel salesman is financially insolvent. it's yours. with a queue, yes, these are two sheets with a queue, a nightmare, this is how many people, now number 187, after that the victims had the first suspicions that the puchkov brothers were muddying the waters, now the eldest igor, the founder of the company llc yazh technologies under the brand cruises and travel , sells cruises and travel, you think that in russia everything
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is fair everywhere, but you work in every company, so yours turned out, well, you see, i’m worried, questions about the connection of this agency with the bankruptcy of the rto company led to the fact that our film crew urgently needed a ticket to the exit. you will leave, well , you will work, continue to deceive people , i will work, you leave, i don’t know anything, remembering that there is video surveillance in the office, the manager opened the door, but there were no fewer questions, even on the banner they have marine and river cruises, a striking similarity in the websites of two supposedly unrelated...
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the devil was detained by police in ivanovo, no
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joke, that’s the name of an adherent of highly spiritual practitioner, the surname attached to the name is also non-standard, successful, however, the further course of events in her life argues with this, the girl is fighting for an environmentally friendly life for herself and her subscribers, although this, for example, does not affect the purity of the russian language, it was her speech that became the reason for close attention attention. law enforcement officers marchenko with details: meet diavol sergeevna, successful according to her passport and for her followers, an adept with high vibrations and a yogi. he feels at home in the cemetery, does exercises on the mat among the graves, gains energy, and at the same time celebrates the public. the inner compass of spirituality of a girl with a demonic name, however, failed after a recent incident; she was put on a federal wanted list. the mystically minded young lady insulted the patrol officers . it must be said that this is not the eco-friendly behavior of an adherent of exclusively healthy food, a raw foodist, as she calls herself. six months from the day i switched to live food, to
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exclusively vegetarian food, not subject to heat treatment, without salt and sugar. social network bloggers are making controversial videos, then she herself lying down in the flesh with children's red horns on his head in only underwear with tattoos of cartoon characters all over his body, grimacing at the phone camera, then an inspired personality. the devil believes his highest purpose is to bring knowledge to the world. i am incredibly happy about this gift, because now i don’t need this whole mountain of bags and bags. i took this path almost blindly, relying only on my inner voice and trust in nature. and this support has now become my main authority, people often say this to her first, and then think, they tell her old acquaintances, in moscow
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, an ambiguous lady, together with her boyfriend, somehow entered someone else’s apartment and lived there happily, and then the owner appeared and declared his rights, when the door was broken down, the successful devil came into mysticism, began to insult the police, and then she ran away, caused a scandal and... got into an absurd situation, in her spirit it was she who published an intimate video with artyom dzyuba, after which the famous football player had to leave the national team, it was already there from the very beginning that the person somehow strange, there was this moment with duba, well, it’s strange for me personally, and she threw a lot of guys like that into conversation, she also boasted about it, let’s just say that she does this to guys, well, yes, why not , for publicly insulting government officials , they looked for the devil everywhere. first in moscow, where she was last seen, in her native jewish autonomous region, found in ivanovskaya, on a bus at ten o’clock in the evening, the passenger
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was dropped off and taken to the capital’s investigative committee, successfully interrogated, now the devil is under by signing up, and not leaving, under a criminal article she faces up to a year of correctional labor and a fine of up to 40,000 rubles. aleftina marchenko, natalya popova, larisa kapinskaya and vladimir talyzin, tv component. but that's not all, see below. dismantle the past in order to live fairly in the present. investigators from the investigative committee uncovered a crime committed decades ago and told how they managed it. more details after the ad.
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which is sometimes challenging. brothers faces. over the past year, investigators managed to solve 900 murders committed in the distant past. we not only talked about this at the annual collegium, which was attended by our correspondent, pavel kuznetsov. well, here's the apartment. this is, of course, not a real crime scene, but a training class for investigators, but the setting is, as they say , close to a real apartment, a human body recreated in the smallest detail, covered with a blanket, traces of blood, a pistol, a knife, broken dishes. criminologist artyom voroshovets has this surroundings. evokes an even stronger feeling of dozha vu. most recently, he and his colleagues spent many hours carefully studying photographs from the murder scene. twenty years ago, which was undisclosed for a long time. among the evidence there was only one shoe print, the detectives even decided to resort to reconstructing that very situation, in
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the hope that it would help. during a detailed study of the repeated inspection materials of the crime scene, they found another identical mark on one of the photographs on the body of the deceased, and an examination was also ordered. and as if they finally decided the question, but the shoe print was the same, the owner of the shoe, as it is not surprising, was also found after carried out a genetic examination, the motive was banal, they argued, quarreled , now 20 years later and thanks to the work of investigators and modern technologies, the criminal went to a colony, the man lived there for 20 years and unexpectedly, he was surprised at least that people in uniform suddenly knocked on his door, no, that is, that is, he assumed.
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who strangled his victim, but if you have the ability to view in infrared, then i think that you will see very clearly and well the traces that are now displayed here. both of these crimes have actually been going on for many years were unsolved only because 20 years ago there were no such modern technologies, for example, it was thanks to the new capabilities of the detective that last year repeat offender ivan popenko was caught, he abused a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl and killed her. there were no witnesses, but genetic traces were found. a dna test confirmed the murder.
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the extended damage has no signs of healing . the need to continue work on crimes of past years was discussed today at a meeting of the investigative committee board. the head of the department , alexander bastrykin, emphasized that in the past year, detectives quickly solved many high-profile crimes thanks to new opportunities. investigators of our department in the twenty-third year using progressive achievements.
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so that’s all in an hour, thank you for your attention , today in our program, we are ready to provide such a service, that’s enough, the european commission wants to deprive ukraine of money for the transit of russian gas reminded about... kiev must purchase some of the ammunition on its own, ears stick out, there’s a new one in the bundesphere leak due to too simple password minister pistorius.


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