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tv   DNK  NTV  March 5, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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she did not register the child, this is all clear , accordingly, now there is a legal procedure ahead, this is the establishment of the fact of his birth, where it will be necessary to determine his name, his surname and his patronymic, the parents will have every right in the future to allow her to see the child, will not be resolved, it will be entirely up to them, whether it will be useful for the child, this is a big question, let him grow and develop.
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sdn. watch tomorrow in the program abroad. amazing kids who already earn more than adults. what was it like in the end? profit? 2 million rubles. how many clients did your daughter have? about 170. how many employees do you have? two. it brings good profits, sometimes 500 thousand rubles a month. what is their secret to success? “we raised wonderful children, and wasn’t an adult business depriving them of their childhood, there could have been an injury, then he would have said to himself never again, that’s it, i’m a loser, the adult world, this scary world, an adult doesn’t always pass such a test of money, but here child, this is beyond the bounds, don’t miss it, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. kvartsova
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from the village of shekshema, kostroma region, dreams of finding out her blood relatives , whose surname was suggested to her by her adoptive father , he told me that my surname is either kukushkina, or kurochkina, something like that, some kind of bird, and what’s wrong with me was where they took me to the baby's home, that my brother was with me, yesterday in our studio yulia met for the first time in her life with her supposed brothers and sister, until the moment when they...
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somehow looked at their mother, and do you remember sister julia? no, i vaguely remember her, the answer to the question will be given by a dna test. nikolai, let's go with let's try to remember together all the children you know? evgenia, sasha, vitya, olya, natalia, claudia, katya. so andrei
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should be, but i understand that the name andrei is known only to you, natalya, none of you brothers have heard of it, but it should have been before dima, that is , a little older dmitry, you should have andrei, yes, but what- then you know about his fate, no, unfortunately, no, his mother just sometimes called his name, a resident of the leningrad region, found the medical record of her partner, found out that his... adopted from the kuritsen family from the village of izvara. in the studio irina usacheva. hello irite, tell us about your man. well, i met my man 3 years ago. his name is andrey, he is 33 years old. he had his own beauty salon, and i got a job there. that is, you have... an affair, one might
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say both, and love at first sight, an office romance, all together, that is, everything is serious, everything is serious, yes, but we still live together and, as it were, we are going to get married, we are going . how did you know that he grew up in foster family? well, one evening we were sitting, drinking tea, so he decided that he needed to tell me, he was very worried about how i would react to this, so he just told me that he is from a foster family, with his foster parents, how is his relationship? he has a good relationship with his adoptive parents, that is, he could never even think that he was from a foster family and that his mother and father were alive and well, unfortunately his mother.
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she said something about andrei’s biological family, well, about the biological one, she said that there were a lot of them in the family, and she said, that there was an older sister, ekaterina, that ’s a lot - that’s how many, a lot, that’s about 10-13 people, after her death i started sorting out the documents for the apartment there, personal documents, and i came across his medical card, from which i found out that he was chicken, that he was born. was july 2 , 1990, volosovo district, izvara village, and even there on the next page it is written that he had more than five, no more than five, and five are written down - brothers and sisters, five, five, who could be the names
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you remember, the names i only remember are that chicken on te, this is how the mother was registered and kuritsin er as the father, there was also one with an unknown surname chubuk. did you show this map to andrey? yes, she showed me, he and i looked at this map together, he saw it, probably at a conscious age, for the first time. and after that andrey didn’t want to find his relatives? well, we talked to him about it, well, his mother said that it was useless to look for and seemed impossible to find, and somehow the conversation about it ended, and of course he would like to see his brothers and sisters get to know them, what about you? they wanted and i would, of course , but you don’t have any concerns about your relatives, well, i think not, because it doesn’t matter, i think what kind of relatives, i’d really like to get to know them, but good relatives won’t leave their child
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, well, these are already parents, and children still build their own lives, and that is, first of all, they are interested in brothers and sisters, who, as your chosen one, are not guilty of anything, yes, but why do you think they are? all the relatives weren’t looking, but i i assume that maybe all the data has been changed - well, the month of birth has been changed, the last name has been changed, the patronymic has been changed, that is , only the name remains from a past life, the name remains, but he is now andrey valentinovich ionov, born november 2, 1990, well , they really changed quite a lot of data in fact in fact, only a general thing, only a name, really, but what do you think andrey? should be like his brothers and sisters? well , i think yes, it should be similar, since mother, father, in that case, look at the people present in our studio, maybe perhaps someone will seem similar to your chosen one? well, it seems to me that the girl in the gray dress may be similar, in the shape
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of her face, in the shape of her eyes, the girl in gray is named yulia, and yulia is here in the studio today in order to... these are also the supposed brothers and sister of your chosen one, they grew up in izvar, their last name is kuritsyn, they are from a large family, well, it seems somehow, we will only be glad,
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he hopes that he really has many brothers and sisters. in the studio of andrey ionov. hello andrey, hello, tell us how you even found out that you were growing up in a foster family? and i found out from my mother’s words, one day i came home from a walk in the evening, i saw that my mother was upset, she was crying, and i asked her a question, what happened, what was happening, she said that my dad was leaving us, i i calmed her down, i said, well, in what sense, what is it, how does it happen? he says, we’re getting a divorce, and in general he’s not your father, i say, in the sense
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of what kind, well, how can you understand, not a father, then she began to tell me that they adopted me, that i have another family, there was another family, and she began to tell me that they could not have children. she wanted to adopt a child, but how old were you? i was 8-9 years old when i found out, to be honest, i didn’t really understand, didn’t feel or realize, since all my life i felt like i was in my own family, and how old were you when you were taken into foster care? you are three years old, you were taken from an orphanage, it turns out, yes, yes, according to my mother, i was taken. from the orphanage, but do you remember anything about your past life before adoption? no, i
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don’t remember anything at all from the past, i only know from the words of my mother, she said that when they arrived at the orphanage, and she was offered, of course, other children, she said that she paid attention to the small child. who was lying, dying, well, he was blue , she told me that he was very thin, there were bones covered with skin, she said that i felt very sorry, at that time they told her that i literally had 50% survival, but despite this, she agreed to take me, you they spoke well at... no , i didn’t speak at all, i only knew three words
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from my mother’s words, these are aunt, vodka, bread, all that i knew at three, that is, these are the words that you apparently heard, which were ours, who simply, well, according to my mother, i was dying of hunger, no matter how they fed me, i did not receive normal food, i did not receive any porridge there, like ordinary normal children, milk, and well , apparently, that family led a riotous lifestyle, and how did my mother know this, who told her, well, in those years she told me that she came, she saw that chaos was going on there, she says that everything was dirty there, the condition of the house was very bad, why did she go, she wanted to meet, as i understand it, with my... mother, maybe she wanted, i don’t know how it all
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happened there, refusal, not abandonment of children , maybe because of this, they needed a refusal certificate for your adoption, yes, most likely, maybe because of this it was, that’s why she and she told me that the house was in a deplorable state, i somehow - a little later i asked her, mom, maybe, well, together let's go and see what's going on there, she says, but you need this, i say, well... okay, mom, what? and he calmed down, well, i understood, i saw from her that she really didn’t like it. now your adoptive mother is no longer alive. yes. how did you survive it? hard. what happened to her? no one can say anything, i found her, just dead at home. the morgue did not give any answer, they did not say what happened. no autopsy was performed. more likely. they didn’t do it because they said it was pointless, a lot of time had already passed, i didn’t find it
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right away, now i understand that you have neither an adoptive father nor an adoptive mother left, i have an adoptive father, and maybe the adoptive father told you exactly how many children there were in your own family? he said that a lot, from the words of my mother, i know that she said something around 13, one small child died in our family. from hunger, from hunger, yes, and how were you? dad told me that - most likely i was the youngest, but did they name any names? yes, my mother said that when they came to take us to the nursery house, ekaterina was with me, this is my older sister, she was 13 years old at that time, and as if my mother met her personally, as i understand it, because, as she
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told me, she always protected me, about me only she cared and in the orphanage. she was with me, the only thing was that at that very moment they took me away with everything already here and there, her way somehow, well, like let’s move away, let’s go, they took her there and took me away, she didn’t want you let go, well, yes, most likely, but you don’t tried to search on the internet, enter data, ekaterina kuritsina, no, because... well, by my current age, i already thought that this was unrealistic, as if everyone’s last name had been changed, the date of birth had been changed, everyone had been sorted out, i i just hoped that someday, since she is the eldest, i hoped and expected that she herself would somehow
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click first, marina said that she found the documents when she was sorting out her things. yes, was there some information about biological relatives? yes, kuritsyna t, and, uh, kuritsyna r. have you thought about how they can actually call, what does t, r mean? well, i guess, i don’t even know, well, tatyana, roman, renat. andrey, let's bring a little clarity to what is happening here in our studio. opposite you, can you guess? who, this is my brother, in the center, yes, this is my sister, and this is my brother, but he’s not very similar, because there is a chebuk, maybe he’s a chebuk, there’s also a girl named yulia, your wife irina immediately noted
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your similarity with julia. do you think, yulia, may well be your sister, but it seems to me that in general it’s a copy of the eye, the oval of the face, and eyes, look, well, in that case , let me introduce everyone so that you already know who , what’s their name, i’ve already introduced you to yuli, uh-huh, opposite you are dmitry, nikolai and natalya, they all had a surname before, chickens , uh-huh, let's do it. together we’ll look at andrei’s medical record, which irina found. nikolai , please try to decipher for andrey what is written here , what you see in these records, izvara house 9, yes, where we are registered, where we were born, there is no house there now, it burned down, but here it says kuritsina
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tamara evgenievna, kuritsin volodya vladimirovich. this is so your parents, yes , these are the parents, chubuk zhenya, he is from moldova, this is a brother from his first marriage, but kuritsyna natalya is sitting with us, there is kuritsyna olga, kuritsa nikolai, it’s me, kuritsin victor, he’s older than me, he now he would be 41 years old, but he died, that is, the names are listed here in a scattered manner, not by seniority, but simply indicated. and not all. dmitry, do you think andrey is from your family? i would ask a question, i am from their family. julia, what do you think? it seems to me that i am very similar to him, i have even the little one in the photo , there was a photograph, my ears are generally such huge ears, i have an oval face, everything is similar, well, with
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him, it seems to me, here with the girl, i can still somehow, well, here. with him it’s similar, i see a smile, a smile, i’m watching from here, it’s absolutely similar for everyone, and the general character, yes, that’s exactly how they smile from the heart, it seems to me, absolutely identical, well, besides, here here, of course , it’s very similar, just a copy on the face including the ears. and the eyes and just the whole look coincides completely, andrey, you don’t know anything about your biological family, you’ve never seen anyone, yulia is like this...
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that’s all my dream is, well, try to visit everywhere, i haven’t been to abkhazia yet, i haven’t even gotten to kazakhstan yet , well , i think it will work out, natalya most often spends her time on the road reading, she read pushkin, now she’s starting to read chagers dickens, my husband reads it, recently a woman decided to try her hand as an artist, her first works were written with colored pencils in this album, it's me i was drawing.
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loved to play the guitar, if natalya is a creative person, then her brother dmitry kuritsin is partial to sports, the warm season, he gets around the city on a bicycle, i ride my own bicycle, well, when it’s warm i ride it to work, and so go for a ride in the park there, well, we also get together with friends , we go to the lake there, swim there, dmitry spends his free time on the football field, we also have 15 people, so 20 gather, we play with...
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for the stove, that’s ten minutes drive from former parents' house, rustic cemetery, all of nikolai’s closest relatives are buried here, his mother, father, brother,
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my elder brother vitka kept my father, they buried me in the spring in march, there was snow, the ground was still frozen, so it was very difficult to dig. well, they dug the grave and buried him , if his father were alive now, he would of course want to meet with everyone, see the children, communicate, he buried his father, that is, you communicated with him, but it turns out that i lived there, and until when, before 2005, who died in our family, mom, dad and... in childhood, and then she died, a small child, died, a small child the child, yes, died, but it’s not like
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that, there was a miscarriage, uh-huh, they just didn’t have time to call an ambulance, but during childbirth, the birth began at home, why this all happened to me, i don’t know, i can’t say, you lived, you should have known, remembered what happened? it was he who left the orphanage, nikolai went to the orphanage like all the other children, no one was raised with his parents, uh-huh, how did it happen that you are the only one buried? i wasn’t alone, i wasn’t the only one burying it, my brother and i were also burying it with vitka, then some time passed, and vitya got sick and he also died, but... katya, my older sister, it turns out that i heard about katya from my mother, she said that i was a copy, i looked for katya, but unfortunately, to no avail.
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natalya and i are very similar, she loves playing the guitar, i love singing, my daughter also sings and draws, did you notice the photo of the supposed dad? yes, didn’t you think that you looked very much like this man, he had such a facial profile, well, he was well-built, well, in terms of his face, well, he was tall, i was kind of round, well, i’m probably small, he didn’t enter the door, andrey, didn’t it seem to you that you
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did you practically see your reflection? photograph, well, yes, there is something like that, let us show it to you again, he looks like, he looks like, he looks like, he’s a sailor, he looks more like nikolai, and like kolya, i said, he just looks like, i won’t say exactly copy, eyes, it seems to me that the lower jaw is similar here, you are right, these parts, yes, yes, this look, yeah, yes.
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irina is responsible for the appearance of visitors, the hairdresser’s room has two seats, we also have eyebrows next to us, andrey resolves important issues, in terms of signing papers, there, coordinating some actions. work, hiring workers , the ioannovs live in an apartment that andrei got from his adoptive mother, household chores are also strictly distributed, irina is responsible for the comfort, she gave this to me and for my birthday, she also edited it herself, ordered it, andrei again decides important questions , we also ordered a bed, i personally
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assembled the bed myself, it was simply disassembled down to just bolts and cogs, this is our bed, to all its advantages, andrey says, he also knows how to handle money, andrey with since childhood, he has been engaged in bathing , that is, he collects paper banknotes, my grandmother used to collect them, i got infected from her, so to speak , we collected this together, sometimes on the street you would find somewhere, well, in the sandbox, yes... all sorts of different foreign beer bottles , that is, they found it, we never had repeats, so she and i also collected lids from her together, so i’ll also come to her, bring her a bunch of lids, we leveled them with a hammer, they turned out to be poski, there is another one in andrey’s life passion - kickboxing, in his youth he
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successful. competed, received first category, and now passes on his love of sports to his stepson. yes, we like to do physical education, we play around in the mornings, let's walk on our hands, let's go back, danya, let's go back, go back, come on, well done, you liked how life turned out for your supposed brother, in general i liked everything, especially the coin, i have it’s just that there are different coins at home, if i had found out earlier that he... likes to collect, i might have brought them, of course, as a souvenir, what would you say, yulia, do you have andrey and i share common hobbies, no, andrey and i don’t have a common hobby, well, i’m very glad that his fate turned out this way, that he found himself in life. nikolai, do you think your mother would be glad to know that her children are looking for each other and may even have already found each other, well, yes, i think yes, she was happy, she
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tried... tried to give something , it’s difficult for her, she taught this, you, natalya, don’t think so, no, of course not. they would n’t care, they could only say in a moral way, shed tears, say, and so no, if they were alive, they would not have come to us today, no, but they never came to me, i don’t agree, my mother came to see me in the orphanage, i don’t think that they would have had everything it doesn’t matter whether tamara kuritsina, who had many children, remembered her children, one of the last times she was seen alive was by the postman in the village of izvara, what will she tell us? we’ll find out after the advertisement redmond is suitable for those who are in style, once dried, twice styled, a redmond hair dryer with a gentle drying mode is definitely suits your lifestyle. everything that interests you now in the vk video application. if you have nothing
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tanka atali premium is a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get a tank. 00 on ntv. the alleged children of the same mother met in the dna program studio. she became one of the last people to see tamara kuritsyna before her death. in the studio, the postman of the village of izvara, olesya vlasova. hello, olesya!
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hello! did you know the chicken family well at all? well, for the first time, i heard for the first time in 200, when my child went to first grade, then i found out that there was a kuritsyn family. what did they tell you about her, i have a child he told me that no one wanted to be friends with the boy because he smelled bad, he was always dressed unkemptly, what was this boy’s name? dmitry, how many children were there in this family? i was told five or six , maybe more, i don’t know who you know from this, i know dima, kolya and natasha, with their mother, olesya, you knew each other well, with tamara evgenievna, well, not so well, once in i saw her for a month, because i work as a postman, brought her a pension, that is, you entered the house, yes, what did you see there, unsanitary conditions, it was a mess, there was always dirt, well, she was a kind woman, she always apologized for it, but... what did she look like?
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untidy too, he was always dressed untidy, some pants, some strange blouse, well, natalya just told us that maybe even lice, but she was always in a headscarf, so i didn’t look there, i put my pension , she signed the piece of paper, i issued the pension and left, we had everything and the conversation was such that when i arrived i said: it would be desirable for her alone, alone, sober, and she continued this wrong way of life until her last days, i think so, because when you come further, it gets worse, worse, you can see from the person, that is, you didn’t even see any glimpses, yes, but the pension, how much she received, was very small , around 5.00, and why is that, but i once asked, i said, why do you have such a small pension, she said that she was being taken away for alimony. for children, natalya, did you receive alimony, no, nikolai, dmitry, yes,
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well, i constantly received money for savings book, yes, this money was preserved and you received it, yes, of course, at the end of graduation, when i graduated from college, i received this money, of course, alesya, where did tamara evenevna live after her house burned down? whoever adopted her lived there, so let her go. there, that means she lived there, who greeted her in such a state? well, the same dysfunctional people, there was also a lot of unsanitary conditions, sometimes there were no doors, toilets, etc., but tell us about your last meeting, well, when i came for the last time, she felt very bad i felt it, she was lying like that, well then a man and a woman looked after her, they washed her, she was lying on the sofa, i give her, i say, tamara evgenievna, let’s sit down, we will sign for the pension, she sat down, signed, i say, you
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see that she feels bad, they say, yes , i say, you called an ambulance, they say, yes, i say, because i say, if you leave her now, she won’t live long with you, i say, just another day or two is all , so they called an ambulance and she was taken to the hospital by ambulance, why did she feel bad, i think she got sick, well, you know, it’s cold in their houses, sometimes there are no doors, there are drafts, and i think i ’m sick, and indeed these men. that’s how my husband worked with him, he
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was a good man, the whole farm depended on him, because he came home and tried, he had to feed him and cook food, and there he still kept some kind of vegetable garden, there he needed was to look after him, well, how he died, everything went then to tartarus, that is, tamara’s life completely collapsed with his departure, except for dmitry, nikolai, natalia, no one i know more, you don’t know anyone. have you heard any other names? well, i’ve heard the names tanya vitya, i don’t know who else, well, i haven’t seen them, i’ve never even heard of them. i can introduce you to someone. alesya, andrey is next to you , hello, hello, on the contrary, yulia , they don’t know anything about themselves, they don’t remember anything about their childhood, they don’t know anything about their parents either, but really, maybe they are from a chicken family, here you are, what do you say, they seem to look alike, yes, because
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they say that the children were similar, so small, all little white and fair, no one did one of your neighbors tell you, perhaps, that there were children? andrey, yulia, no, they didn’t, they just said that there were a lot of children. we talked to the neighbors, even the neighbors don’t know how many children there were in the kuritsin family. attention to the screen. in the village of var , leningrad region, the kuritsin family was often discussed, there were enough reasons: either tamara would give birth to a child again, or her husband vladimir would once again cause a scandal for his wife. dad was so tall and worked from time to time.
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there are many children, i don’t know them all, i say right away, well, nikolai, dmitry, the youngest, alexander and victor, who is not here, natasha , i know five for sure, oh, well, five for sure, and there they somehow deprived me of motherhood, then she gave birth again, i’m still
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giving birth, there was talk like that, it wasn’t it’s nice to hear what they say, yes, well, they’re telling the truth, right? andrei, what do you say , i didn’t imagine that, well, there, i’m always with, well, as my mother told me, she drank heavily, how i would imagine everything differently to her, not the way they now say that she’s up to something... then there could be something there, and i don’t know, somehow that’s all, that is, now what you hear and see doesn’t look like you at all, it’s better than you imagined, well, you got it...
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the death of an enemy, who are the enemies, father, the golden eagle is with you, that means he’s our ksyukha , on behalf of all your asses, i ask you to stop, zaksya, for her laugh, i’m good, and who are you, muscovite, i’m a doctor, i am now too. kolyak , i’m not a single person either, well, i would have gone to my own moscow then, you don’t want to go, i can’t stay, my father was there, we are now on opposite sides, we can’t give up crimea, i’m for russia, you understand what we are going to, pam, leave, they will kill you, 10 days until spring, that this
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there is something to look at, besides him, this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium, you certainly won’t be interested in it against the backdrop of great talents in the renovated cultural center. the sign of russia's national project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. this is the dna program. andrey met with his supposed brothers and sister. but his brothers don’t remember him. julia, you
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are grateful to your foster family for your childhood, for support? yes, i am grateful to them for everything that they gave me, that they raised me, raised me. i was also told that i was a weak child. dad, do you want to say something now? yes, i love him very much. and... i’m very grateful that they took my name, that they raised me, fed me, gave me water, raised me to my feet, that they cured all my whores, i ’m very grateful to them, julia’s house can accommodate all the brothers and sisters they found. let's see, we have a plot. a year ago, yulia skvortsova, together with her husband and daughter, bought a house in the village of shekshema, kostroma region. we celebrated a housewarming and immediately started arranging the site, everything was overgrown, my husband and i designed everything ourselves,
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worked on the house, everything was cleaned , he did everything here so as not to freeze in the winter, yulia is happy with the conditions, there is nature and fresh air outside the window, so we are collecting firewood , we bring it into the house, it’s warm and cozy inside, julia takes care of the flowers for days. water, loosen and master the techniques of crocheting, just like in the videos, well, i watched the videos, then i wanted to knit socks, i watched how to knit a sock, julia's daughter kristina is in the sixth grade, in her free time she is engaged in creativity, lays out pictures from mosaics or paints by numbers, this is her first picture, she has been drawing for a long time, well... in the house , two cats live next to the owners - snezhka and marusya, and
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the territory is guarded by a watchdog, a pirate. we have a dog. well, he’s probably five years old, we took her from my father, our dog died, and his girl gave birth to a dog, here he is, we asked him to leave us a little dog, he left him so smart, so smart, i i love it very much, when it’s my own house, it’s straight, well, it’s actually straight, and what kind of housewife is she, in general , i do tying and i do, do they have something in common? hobbies, do any of you have a vegetable garden, i really dreamed of it, yulia, you will invite your supposed brothers and sister, there we will get to know each other more, and there we will go to visit each other, get to know each other. andrey, if yulia turns out to be your sister, will you go on a visit, dig potatoes, of course, chop firewood, i also love the countryside, i don’t particularly like the city, i and my i tell my wife, let’s buy a dacha, let
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’s sell the apartment, buy a house, i love the bathhouse. julia, are you ready to find out your real last name? yes, i'm ready. are you ready, andrey? yes, check if you really are a cakewalk? certainly. yes, i'm ready. i invite daria popova, our dna specialist, to the studio. daria, you have the floor.
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today, yulia skvortsova from the kostroma region, who grew up in a foster family, asked for a dna test. her adoptive father admitted that she was born in the village of izvara, leningrad region, in a family with a bird's surname. in a studio yulia met with her supposed brothers and sister, who were born into the large kuritsin family. in the village of izvara by nikolai kuritsin, dmitry kuritsin, andrei ionov and natalya fedorova. nikolai and dmitry were raised in orphanages, and natalya and andrey were taken by foster parents. the biological mother, tamara kuritsina, told her eldest son nikolai that
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she had 13 children in total. but neither he, nor his brother dmitry, nor sister natalya know about the fate of everyone, and some, for example, yulia, do not even remember, natalya, nikolai and dmitry were able to find each other, but they saw andrei and yulia for the first time in their lives, unlike natalia, nikolai and dmitry do not remember having a brother andrei, the result of a genetic examination between natalya fedorova, nikolai and dmitry kuritsin , their alleged brother andrei ionov. natalya, are you ready to find out if you are meeting your brother andrey? yes, of course, nikolai, do you agree to find out the result of the genetic examination? dmitry, can we open the envelope? yes, sure. andrey, are you ready to find out the truth? yes, sure.
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attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, relatives, brothers and sister, nikolai kuritsin, dmitry kuritsin, natalya fedorova, on the other, their alleged brother andrei ionov. the probability of consanguinity between you is 99.9. very nice, well, brothers and sister, we’ve met, so it turns out, andrey, i congratulate you, thank you, now you have not only two brothers and
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a sister, uncle. yes, you should be happy, but didn’t you expect that you would meet your brother today? i am very happy, after all, there is justice, you see, andrey, you definitely have a brother, who is happy to tears about your appearance in their family, it’s generally wonderful. irina , what do you say, i’m very happy, i’m also happy to the point of tears, yulia, well, your test is next
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, you’re worried, well, it seems to me that i’m not worried anymore either, it seems to me that i’m from here too, that is, you think too that you will hear your cherished 99.9, probably, probably, yes, i would really like to. to be a big happy family. did julia find her family with a bird name today? or will she have to continue searching? immediately after the advertisement, a second envelope will be opened with dna test result. do not miss! watch at 19:00 on ntv. the german defense minister explained how the conversation was leaked. bundeswehr officers who discussed the attack on the crimean bridge, while pistorius did not explain why the german military is planning to attack russia, how this scandal will affect relations between berlin and nato, and what
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global consequences it could have? russian polar explorers are exploring the climate that existed in antarctica millions of years ago, what modern weather anomalies of ice are did scientists simultaneously discover this on the white continent? why the results of russian research. 16% per annum. rosebank - real opportunities.
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previously, the temperature was as dry as it was outside; in winter we froze and ran to the stove to warm ourselves. and... now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, but where are these now? in memory of gifts, hundreds of languages , cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers. this is just space, the taste of ham from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizova,
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hearts sounded in unison, the melody of love played, what a pity, but it was just a dream, goodbye, my hope was fading, but parting is reborn, we will see you again, and louder i want to say fireworks, then the feeling. without saying a word, give love and technology with sberbank smart speakers. welcome spring with wildbries. fun prints and solid color sets from unicute will lift your spirits and add variety to your bedroom interior. choose with discounts on wildberries. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. today we'll talk about male power, but first about it absence. that sooner or later men’s sexual function begins to fade. this is always the reason for the mental experiences of trauma. those who have gone through this know how difficult it is for men in such a situation, it is necessary that
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the first use, you will again feel forgotten tender feelings and passionate desires, supported by male power. natural the remedy, the secret of the emperor, is a happy opportunity to forget about failures and again feel the enjoyment of long-term intimacy with a loved one. if you want to know more, call 800 100 exactly 30-27. 8 800 100 exactly 30 27 find out details about the emperor's secret, free anonymous call, happiness to you and good luck in love. central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. who was in charge here? cro? bnd, french? it turns out that either you or nichaev are a traitor? “i
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don’t believe it, prove that it’s not sasha, there may also be people from moscow, i’m not from there archive, everyone is looking for the archive and sooner or later they will find it, take it as we leave, that makes sense, gdr, finale, i sincerely wanted the world to be happy for everyone." today at 20:00 on ntv. in the studio of the program dna, a resident of the leningrad region, found his siblings, right now we’ll find out if there was a girl named yulia in their family? darya, continue. in this envelope is the result of a genetic examination between siblings, andrei ionov, nikolai and dmitry kuritsin natalya fedorova, their
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supposed sister, about whom no one doesn’t remember them and who was seen today for the first time in her life by yulia skvortsova, natalya, nikolai, dmitry, andrey, are you ready to find out if you have a sister yulia? yes, of course, yes, of course, yes, yulia, are you ready to find out if you met your brothers and sister in our studio? yes, attention, i'm opening the envelope. on the one hand, siblings nikolai kuritsen, dmitry kuritsin, andrei ionov and natalya fedorova, on the other, their alleged sister yulia skvortsova. the probability that you are all children of the same mother, and therefore relatives cover brothers and sisters is.
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dna paternity test, wow, and the result showed that you and your sisters and brothers have the same dad. “i’m not going anywhere, i told you, i’m very happy, julia, today you found out that you still have brothers and sisters, besides those whom you were able to hug, yes, you have a desire to continue the search, oh, yes,
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of course , gather everyone, gather everyone, gather everyone, but to do this, you need to turn to your brothers and sisters, dear ones..." brothers, sisters, who might know by facial features, by a similar story , i ask you to respond to us, so that we can also find you, so that the whole family can unite, katya, i hope you must remember everything, if you saw us here, contact us, we will find you, we will find the rest test dna.
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previously, the temperature was as dry as outside, in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, and now these are much better for gifts.
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assault groups take enemy strongholds and move forward step by step, just as fighters work in the southern donetsk vladimir bogomolov saw the direction. who leaked the conversation of german officers? germany nods at singapore, britain and france blame the germans themselves. vladimir kobyakov figured out how this story gets entangled. the ministry of emergency situations warned about a large-scale check of the warning system, how will this happen? take care of antarctica, how scientists from the southern continent monitor the climate of the entire planet, alexey kovashenkin will tell you about the strange behavior of ice and why you should not approach penguins.


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