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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 6, 2024 2:35am-3:20am MSK

2:35 am
my wife’s daughter is in intensive care, i need to buy some shoes, don’t know where there is a good shoe store, alesya, have you met?
2:36 am
2:37 am
so young, god, what a shame, why is this being done? how are you now, boris? i can handle. thank you for supporting such a moment. hang in there. who is this? sokolova, she was friends with your wife. everything is painful.
2:38 am
thank you, tribute. yesterday the russian ministry of emergency situations approached me with a request. you probably know that lovina came down peacefully at the pass. yes, they showed it on tv. but there seemed to be no casualties. well, luckily she got off at night, there were no cars, but the pass, naturally, was closed. airline. received a contract from the russian ministry of emergency situations and now its helicopters are operating at the pass. there is a highlighted article here. shurgin had a tragedy in his family. his daughter died, she crashed, falling from the balcony. shurgin began to miss deadlines, yesterday he threatened to go on vacation in order to deal with this case, because he believes that his daughter’s death is not an accident, but a murder. what about the police? well, the police have this version. i checked,
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by the way, all the data and readings are there witnesses and so on, now one more information, come here, on shurgin, a year ago there was already an assassination attempt, some unknown person shot at his car with a hunting rifle, although the driver was wounded, and so shurgin believes that the death of his daughter... this is not an accident, a well-planned action by his competitors, after the death of his daughter he received an envelope with this inscription, you will answer for everything, it’s not very clear yet, anyone could have sent this, so you have to go there to figure it out, that means ministry of emergency situations asks: that this investigation be carried out
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not by shurgin, but by professionals, that is, you and me, and shurgin, let him go about his business , fulfill the terms of the contract efficiently on time, especially since... not only helicopters, every person counts, so i collected ask you, we’ll help, of course, we’ll figure it out, well , i had no doubt, that’s it, then go ahead, communication is constant as always, hello! "hello, come in, have a seat, thank you for agreeing to help, maybe organize some tea, but no, thank you, vanya, free, okay, then i'll tell you that yes, please tell us why you don't agree with the results of the police investigation
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and believe that it really was a murder, it's not me who thinks so, that's how it turns out, when i saw how she was lying there on the asphalt, i didn’t believe it myself at first. then this strange letter, we saw it, but who could write it to you, anyone, a murderer, a customer, well, well, if there really was a murder, then who could order this, i have many enemies when you have a big business, believe me, you have many enemies, last year there was an attempt on my life, the criminal was never found, before that i received...
2:42 am
i moved with a security guard, to the store, to the cinema, to bowling, to fitness, anywhere, tell me, what happened that day, that day , that day, that day i let lena’s guard go, and we decided to spend the weekend together, we always spent the weekend with our daughter, they didn’t call from work for 14 hours,
2:43 am
let’s go, they had them there some problems with the airport administration, i would have left for just a couple of hours, at 16:30 i was already back home, i locked lyana in the apartment, she asked on the way back to buy her favorite cake, then i saw an ambulance and a body lying under the balcony, i didn’t even recognize her right away.
2:44 am
if we take her laptop and mobile phone for a while? yes, of course, only lena didn’t have a mobile phone, yes, i took it after another drinking party, so that they wouldn’t call the guy, i had to turn off the internet, but she said that he wasn’t needed for studying, the chat says that it’s okay it’s not lost, it ’s true, yes it seems so, all her correspondence is here, if you find something...
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while you were driving, i hacked video from surveillance cameras, these are the cameras at the entrance, these cameras are from the roof of the neighboring high-rise building, here is lenin's house, but the balcony from which she fell... is located on the reverse side, it’s not visible from this point, it’s a pity, but what about her correspondence? there is an account, here is a user under the nickname pollarbear, well, he communicated with her most on social networks, powerbear translates as polar bear, we know, that’s why lena called him mishka, in one of the last letters mishka writes: we need to meet, so.. . here's another to herself, she does a lot of sports
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, she takes up her name, last name, ip, address and no special clues yet, another thing is her friend tanya, she is registered under her real name, it won’t be difficult to find her, okay, give me the address, we’ll go to tanya, maybe she knows more about this bear, and you look around shurgin, maybe you’ll dig up something interesting, well, yes, okay, but first i’ll try to get through the bears’ ip, go ahead. san, how do you turn on your camera? put down the camera, i said, put down the camera, what are you doing, i he said, don’t touch the camera, san, what are you doing? what are you, you idiot, what are you, what are you, i'm going to kill you
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, you're crazy, get out of here, and go , you know where, let's go. this is lyosha, in the ninth grade , they met him before, but you don’t have a photo of her with mishka, she corresponded with him online, i didn’t even see him, she only told me about him, they met on the forum and talked mostly just online, i don’t even know where and when they met, wait. what about her father? he didn’t let her go anywhere, did he? i don't know, but lena to me
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she said that the bear was always coming up with something, in general, their relationship is some kind of detective story, lena wanted to tell me everything, but didn’t have time. that day they agreed to meet, and somehow strangely she said that she was in the same place as always. here is their correspondence, this is him, he said that every evening he runs in the park, and then swims in the pond, even in an ice hole in winter, he is an athlete, but you don’t know where you can find photographs of him, well , normal ones, so that his face can be seen, no, i don’t know, lena said that he doesn’t love take pictures. but i know where this place is, there is a rod in our park nearby, well,
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we should check this place, since we are next to this park, and he plunges there in the evenings, a unique country with a unique fate, a unique culture, people , original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel.
2:50 am
young man, we are from upsm, here. i have a few questions for you, hello, do you recognize this person, well, the picture is pretty
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unsuccessful, but it looks like it’s me, tell me, is polarber your account? i don’t have any account, but those athletes over there took my picture, which athletes? over there, you see, the guys usually train there. max, a friend’s request, while vadim and i take a walk. get dressed.
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out of the way, out of the way, out of the way, nothing.
2:54 am
come on, sergey sergeevich, i’m eager, come on, come on, come on, stand!
2:55 am
that’s it, i’ve reached it, put it on, pick it up for the day, stand there, get out of there, i’ll shoot, get out of there, quickly! that's what i mean too, boy at all. well, our jumper decided to eat? now i’ll feed him,
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that is, you won’t be able to identify him, and i didn’t particularly remember him. his hat is so colorful, what is it? man, where are you entering from the other? i know, security.
2:57 am
excuse me, but where are you rummaging around? stand!
2:58 am
block all the exits, seventh, seventh, block all the exits. galya, live up, come on!
2:59 am
damn, the bastard goes out into the street through the ventilation, we need a future.
3:00 am
com the third corpse in 3 months, the first two of course we hid with you, but now everything that it is and what you can’t see yourself, is the killer here somewhere? northern star on wednesday and thursday at 20:00 on ntv. wait, wait,
3:01 am
here's the boy, you should have shot, well, he would have shot, is this shurgin? yes. photos from the courtroom. 3 years ago, shurgin actually served as a witness in one case of mass poisoning with counterfeit alcohol. on the territory of the airfield there was a small workshop and a body shop. the workshop was located next to his hangars. shurgin then proved his innocence, and a certain vladimir tokarev was recognized as the organizer of the underground workshop. this is it. and that's
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the owner sitting over there in the second row. with simakov airport with his lawyer, he then paid a considerable fine, although he claimed that he did not know about any workshop, which was nevertheless located on his territory, simakov, and whose address can be found out easily, hello, boris yanovich, this is you shepherds i 'm worried, yes, how the investigation is going, well, the suspect has just been traced, no, they haven't detained him yet, you'll definitely keep me informed, definitely, okay, whatever you want to ask me about, of course, i know, i can tell you a lot about him tell me, this simakov is always interjecting i'm struggling, i'm bending over backwards to fulfill the government order, but under any pretext he won't let my helicopters
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out of... why? i do not know why. under any pretext. i wouldn’t be surprised if it was he who wrote these letters to the prosecutor’s office. he's just a raider. he wants to take the airline away from me. he won't be able to do anything. yes, everything is clear to me. we will contact you as soon as there is new information. goodbye. of course, i understand everything, the person is in grief, and the work is stressful, but in my opinion, this shurgin is something sick. look, simakov is now in his office at the airport, everything is marked on the map, let’s go and talk to this raider, so wait,
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churgin’s office is literally next door. yes, based on the signal from your mobile phone, i wrote this program myself and installed it on your tablet, it will come in handy, come on, the secretary warned me, but the truth is i didn’t quite understand what exactly you were interested in. we are interested in your, so to speak, relationship with boris shurgin. shurgin? have a seat, come on in. shurgin, yes. shurgin, or rather, his airline is based at our airport. you did you drive past his hangars? we used to be friends. but that was before. what happened? since in fact his
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airline no longer belongs to him. shurgin owes our airport a very large amount of money. for the past 2 years he has been suing us , trying in every possible way to delay payments. at the moment , the amount of his debt exceeds the value of his entire airline. therefore, in fact, in fact, his entire airline actually belongs to me. in fact? well, we have already prepared the necessary documents, and next week we will submit them to the court. i'm sure i'll win this case. shurgin is bankrupt, although he is trying by hook or by crook to delay his bankruptcy, only this time he will not succeed. we know that you have already had legal battles with schurgen regarding that alcohol shop. to be honest, even remembering exactly how he set me up then, but we must give him his due, he has an excellent lawyer, and he has connections. but
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now i can say with absolute certainty that this underground workshop belonged specifically to shurgin; this matter, to be honest, was then i was hit very hard, i paid a fine.
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no, i have enough to do, and in general i hope that all this will end soon, so i’ll sue the company, pay back the debt, and forget about it all, like a bad dream. well, thank you for your time, there are no more questions, please forgive me, there’s just a lot to do, all the best, all the best, here’s your jumper, perhaps this is the notorious polar bear. sounds like the kletka of some sedeltsy, or chanson performer, mikhail polyarny, only he doesn’t perform chanson, complex acrobatic stunts. yes, we also managed to establish that this bear communicated with lena, sending messages from cafes in shopping
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centers, well, where there are open wi-fi networks. and one of these cafes was located next to the house where lena lived. and what is there according to the recordings from surveillance cameras on neighboring houses on the day lena died? we can’t see the balcony we need, it’s on the other side , there’s no camera on the neighboring house, only downstairs in the parking lot, this, as i understand it, is the time of lena’s death, yes, come on, scroll again, stop, eh come on, enlarge this car in the parking lot, but not this one, this one, yeah. do you see in the reflection? wait, this is the roof above lena’s balcony, now fast forward a little, wait, so in time,
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lena fell from the balcony a minute ago, see who is so good at climbing roofs? yeah, the eye is a diamond, and now we’ll go to... if she knows this acrobat, it won’t be difficult to find him, how come i didn’t notice right away, if she doesn’t recognize him, we’ll ask the athletes about him, but those near the pond. if they don’t start running away too, oh, don’t tell me, we need to buy a special one for such cases gun with sleeping pills, go-vo, with sleeping pills , hello, tan, hello, and we’re just coming to you, and we have one very important question, please tell me, do you know this man,
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i saw him, somewhere here in in your area , no, at the cemetery on the day of lena’s funeral, it seems he was late and not with everyone... yes, hello, i’m a little busy right now, mariyanovich, okay, i’ll take a look, yes, the letter has arrived, i’m opening it now, wait a second,
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what is this, a suspect? no, i can’t tell you anything until only the clown’s hat has been revealed. oh you carrion this is the number, what is it, i swore, i hung up, i probably recognized it as a bear, it’s you my linka, and i got you with my own hands, in my opinion this case smells like lynching, we need to intercept it, side!
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the signal is moving, moving, as long as he doesn’t throw away the phone, yes, while we’re driving straight ahead.
3:13 am
strictly, fathers, wait, what apartment are you going to? please. max, is he still on his way? stopped,
3:14 am
let's turn right. death of an enemy, who are the enemies? grisha, you're talking
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, you have berkut, so it's him, our ksyukha, on behalf of all your asses, i ask you to stop, zaksyukh, for her laugh, uh, good, who are you such a muscovite, i’m a doctor, now i’m also a muscovite, no... well, i would have gone to my own moscow then, you don’t want to go, i can’t stay, my father was there, we’re now on opposite sides, give up the crimea you can’t, i’m for russia, you understand what we’re going to, dad, go away, they’ll kill you, 10 days until spring, that this is the premiere, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. and oh, lord, look, others have arrived,
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what’s this going to happen, and oh, just in case, where is this one, he ran into the entrance, that... who am i, the upstairs neighbor? you bastard! max, block the exit, watch the house!
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open up! i know you killed it. and shoot at him, he’s the killer, quietly, boris yanovich, quietly, don’t twitch.
3:18 am
man, he’s grown up, he really needs it, well, if you need it, sit down, so you’ve come, so you’re saying that no one hired you, that you planned and did everything yourself, don’t believe me? but he deserved it, that is, you killed an innocent girl to take revenge on shurgin, and let him feel what i felt, my father, vladimir tukoriv, ​​is now in prison, because shurgin made him extreme, he himself came out clean, mother i wanted to fix everything she collected evidence and wanted to
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appeal, but shurgin said that the father still wouldn’t come out alive as a mother, it was he who drove the mother to insomnia with his threats. my mother didn’t want to be poisoned, she just drank a little more than necessary, after her death i promised to take revenge, i promised, i promised at her grave, but lena, i wanted him to suffer, to suffer just like me, just him killing him was not enough, let them put me in prison, the main thing is that they put him in prison, search my apartment, our people are working there now, and what? there is a cache up there on the mezzanine, there is all the evidence collected by my mother, i am ready to confess everything, the main thing is to give shurbi the case, let him answer for everything, the gun was sent for a ballistic examination, most likely it was from it that
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shurgin’s car was fired upon, the documents were handed over to the prosecutor’s office . sasha said that they prove shurgin’s guilt in that alcohol case; his wife collected them. vladimir tokorev, sasha’s mother before her death. by the way, i saw a lot of photographs of her in the apartment, apparently the boy has a thing about this. sasha after her death he went completely off the rails, he was already registered in a mental hospital, and after such stress everything only got worse. so, okay, yes. max, report. i downloaded the video from lena's camera. here is this file, the date and time of her death. good weather. and tomorrow they promised rain, now it’s coming, it’s already raining.


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