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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 6, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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yes, only performers, ordinary people, that’s what’s strange. brave, daring, their own, a report on the work of the bars volunteer detachment by podtemovsky. party battle, usa takes stock. tuesday in the primer from democrats and republicans in 16 states, as well as what the president and governor of the stavropol territory spoke about, without panic , the ministry of emergency situations is checking the warning system happy birthday chaika valentina tereshkova accepts congratulations today. this is the program today in the studio dmitry zaboysky, hello. let's start with news from the zone special operations of the armed forces of the kiev regime lost two american multiple launch rocket systems at once. fire.
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russian fighters destroyed hymers in the kherson region, the attack was carried out by iskander missiles. the second installation was knocked out in the donetsk direction. the liquidation was confirmed by objective surveillance footage from a drone. our military personnel have their own methods of fighting against enemy birds; not only a variety of technical means help them in this. alexey chebotarev met members of the famous squad bars-13 learned how combat audacity saves on the front line. this project in artyomovsk bakhmud is under the constant visual control of drone operators of the armed forces of ukraine. kamikazas fly regularly during daylight hours. to ride like this in the middle of bilodnya is a real audacity, which, except for the fighters of the bars-13 detachment , almost no one dares to do. the lyut battalion, called the people, is made up of former police officers, as well as active police officers, and uses prohibited cluster munitions. and a lot of their beer, that is, these are drones that komikaza used to be there, for example, there was a group goal. during the day, people and equipment are under
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roofs in the dungeons, even charged hail, here in artyomovsk in deep underground, but very quickly they can leave here and open fire on ukrainian forces, cross 50-100. an open-air lottery, if you hear a long burst of machine gun fire while running, or an ukrainian armed forces drone is spotted over the city, then you need to find cover in a few seconds. the d-30 howitzer is a time-tested weapon; the artillery loves it for its accuracy, reliability during active fire, and also for its mobility and high deployment speed. in artyomovsk this is especially important now. the artillerymen of the bars-13 detachment work as boldly as possible, practically from the city. well, in general
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, volunteering is always distinguished by this will to win, which means a willingness to adopt non-standard and very decisive and risky methods of work in many ways. gun shot! the sky in artyomovsk is almost always, as the soldiers say, dirty, leaving the shelter you can run into a drone with a drop or drones with a powerful anti-tank projectile on the suspension, but this calculation, getting goal, works day and night. how quickly does it become calculated? to our own, yes , quickly, quickly, if, well, for some reason the bad ones don’t come to us in leopards, let’s say, all the people came here voluntarily, everyone understands why they came, heavy battles for raisins, a fight with the armed forces of ukraine by western mercenaries in the kharkov region , many months of active defense in the kremen forests, the bars-13 battalion was repeatedly mentioned in the reports of the ministry of defense for their heroism, they even awarded fifty fighters of the detachment, the head of one of the departments of the general staff came personally to the front line of the bars...
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who fights for money. drone footage filmed near artyomovsk, the ukrainian fighter decided to surrender and left the position, but could not understand where to go. the vsu officer was not good at following the russian drone. despite the danger, a russian fighter advanced towards him. in open areas, his ukrainians attacked with drops from ukrainian armed forces copters, and then the enemy fired at them with automatic grenades. the kyiv militants also aimed at their own. even being seriously wounded, the volunteer from bars-13 continued to show the prisoner the way to salvation. alexey chapotaryov. and it was precisely
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measures to support the participants in the special operation for their families that the president discussed at a meeting with the governor of the stavropol territory, vladimir vladimirov. the conversation took place late the night before during the head of state’s working trip to the region. according to the governor, 19 billion rubles have already been allocated. this includes payments for awards, injuries and loss of breadwinners. the authorities took on the full cost of educating the children, including clothes, stationary supplies and much more. on your instructions, by the way, i also held a meeting with widows of our children who were sutured, there were questions regarding registration, we are also now introducing questions into our legislation. that is, everything , well, let’s say, what comes from people , we try to react quickly and enter into our legislation, 19 billion were allocated for support, this is social support, 9 billion is our business support for the guys, copters, uniforms, clothes, weapons, everything that
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is necessary so that they can fight today, we sent about 9 billion today to our, as they say, sponsorship in the territory, the question is the question here. also vladimir putin discussed the upcoming spring field work with the governor of russia’s largest agricultural region. stavropol plays an important role in ensuring the food security of our country; it is not for nothing that it is also called the land of grain. according to the head of the region, almost 4 million hectares of fertile land are occupied by agricultural work. it uses 84,000 units of equipment, and, as the governor emphasized, imported vehicles are actively being replaced by domestic and belarusian ones. work is also underway in the breeding industry to use our seeds, and not foreign, earlier vladimir putin inspected the solnechny dar agricultural complex, where vegetables are collected by robots and discussed in detail the problems that concern agricultural producers during a large conversation with representatives of the agro-industrial sector. in the united states, the results
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of the so-called super tuesday are being summed up. sixteen states immediately determined who would become a single candidate from that one. or another party in the election of the head of state, current president joe biden is leading in the democratic camp, he is leading because he simply has no rivals, the republicans are confidently going to his main nomination is donald trump. the counting of votes in some regions is still ongoing, but by this time it is already known: the ex-president is winning in eleven states, including colorado, where they wanted to completely exclude him from participating in the primaries. trump's lead is quite predictable, but the presidential race is still early. north carolina, virginia, iowa, alabama, oklahoma, tennessee, texas, california, almost all 15 states that participated in the republican primaries on super tuesday surrendered to trump alone
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after one, as soon as the polling stations closed and the commissions began to count the votes, it became clear that the ex-president of the united states was his only remaining rival.
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clearly this is a two-man race, donald trump and joe biden. trump has an important momentum on his side: a unanimous victory in the supreme court is also in his favor. many states are voting today, including arkansas, which will give him a landslide victory, as will most other states. super tuesday was a great continuation for trump having started. deal with trump. i am working
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with my colleagues to find new options to revive a bill that could start the process of disqualifying trump from participating in the election. but all the main ones, not only the new york times , have long given victory to trump, here the us president is clearly wishful
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thinking, but super tuesday also brought good news for biden in the democratic primaries, and the democrats voted in sixteen states, biden confidently won everywhere, though in the absence of serious competition, these primaries were more of a formality. both biden and trump have not yet received the required number of electoral votes for the party's nomination, but this is now guaranteed to happen. a little closer to the end of march, there is no doubt that biden and trump will face each other in the presidential election in november, unless something other than politics intervenes. alexey veselovsky, aviaabramov and maxim zaichenko, ntv, usa. digital solutions and high-tech horizontal wells, reminiscent of a ragged bone, made it possible to begin to produce oil of a special composition in eastern siberia. it's hard to name her. black gold , the color is actually closer to gold, the consistency is liquid, there are few impurities, such
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oil is easy to process into premium quality gasoline, but it is difficult to pump out due to the large number of cracks and fractures in the rock, alexander konevich saw how gazprom neft is developing the promising chona group of fields . the chona group of fields on the border of yakutia and the irkutsk region is a total of almost 7.00 km. so even flying around in a helicopter in one day , you can see only a small part of the areas scattered over this huge area, where active work is already underway. the chona group of fields has colossal resources, and the reserves of liquid, geological reserves of liquid hydrocarbons amount to more than 1.7 billion tons. the fields are located in close proximity to the eastern siberia-pacific ocean oil pipeline, which allows for uninterrupted supplies of carbohydrates. peoples to the countries of the asia-pacific region. not so long ago there was no one here
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roads, no directions. now all areas where mining or well drilling is carried out can be reached by land, despite the fact that nature often hides its richest reserves in places inaccessible to humans. gazprom neft is increasingly developing eastern siberia, creating real engineering cities with a unique infrastructure in the middle of the taiga. work here in yakutia. and below, however, gazpromneft is no stranger to hydrocarbon production in harsh, sometimes truly extreme conditions, and the main problem to begin with is active development of the chon group of deposits was not influenced by the climate at all, but by the peculiarities of the geological structure. the bowels of the earth in these places... are designed in such a way that oil does not flow out of them like a fountain. the hydrocarbon reserves of the chona cluster are classified as
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difficult to recover, but difficult does not mean impossible. oil production from the chon reservoirs is complicated by abnormally low pressure. the chonskoye field is characterized by many fractures and faults and low permeability of reservoir rocks. this complicates the work and requires additional impact on the formation. in addition, chonskaya oil is cold, and the temperature ranges from 10 to 25°, this is on average five times lower than in western siberia, to find the key to the chonskaya pantry we used the most advanced technologies, from dozens of studies on how the puzzle was assembled into a geological model of the region, which helped in drilling highly complex wells. recently, here at the ignyalinskoye field, we built the first well of the “ fishbone” design. many side branches extend from the main horizontal wellbore in the formation. and these additional shafts are directed into isolated areas of the reservoir, which increases
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the coverage of oil-saturated zones of the formation and increases the subsequent level of production. the total length of the high-tech well is more than 14 km; by the way, the entire process was controlled from the digital well construction center, which is located thousands of km from yakutia in tyumen. this work requires jeweler's precision. stacked horizontal wells are currently being drilled at the site. we can definitely say that the key is cheon oil. became digital solutions, and earlier the development of such subsoil was almost impossible, now, with the help of digital tools, we monitor the drilling of high-tech wells around the clock , we receive data from collecting equipment online, we specify dozens of parameters, such as formation pressure, temperature, depth, rock type. while the construction of the necessary infrastructure is underway in the areas of the chona cluster, the extracted raw materials are brought to the nearby cheindinskoye field, where the oil is purified from all unnecessary impurities at the treatment plant before
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how to feed it into main pipelines. all technologies and equipment are assembled domestically; it is a complex system, like a construction set. operational with the ability to constantly change and add something, it is modular, it is possible , if necessary, to involve new projects for oil preparation, and it can be retrofitted simply by increasing productivity, adding modular, necessary modular equipment, there, well, definitely aimed at the process. drilling for production is a continuous process, so even the laboratory works here round the clock, its experts speak here too... they show how different oil can be , literally for every taste and color, the darker one from the cheinda field, the rest of the samples from the wells of the chona cluster, and purely visually it is difficult to call them black gold . chon oil - it is quite unusual, it is characterized by a fairly low density, you see, it is quite liquid, there is little gray,
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there are no organochlorine compounds, no hydrogen sulfide, which makes it easier and... its processing, a lot of gasoline is obtained from it, a lot of kerosene, yes, some light substances, because of the low density, chennai oil is called light, such an irony of fate, considering how difficult it is to extract it, but the reward for this work will be not only millions of tons of raw materials, picking up the keys to these reserves, gazpromneft is creating a new production center in eastern siberia, which will ensure long-term supplies of hydrocarbons to the markets of the asia-pacific region that are strategically important for russia. alexander kaneevich. russian winemakers asked to establish duties on wine from france and italy at 200%. business news marina piminova. marina, where does this figure come from? apparently, the previous increase in duties for domestic producers did not help, so now they want to increase them 10 times.
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they want to increase incentives for russians to buy domestic wine. the association of vineyards and winemakers of russia appealed to the government and the state duma with a request to set import duties for wines from nato countries at 200%. nato includes, among others, france, italy, germany, spain and portugal. as announced agency executive secretary of the association alexey plotnikov, this is necessary to protect the russian market. in addition, the association asks to cancel the preferential regime of import duties for wines from georgia. the association also has other ideas, for example, from september 1. a quota for russian stores so that there is at least 20% russian wine in them in the future, the requirement will be tightened. last year , the government already increased import duties on new products from so-called unfriendly countries from 12 and a half to 20%. executive director of the wine trading company ford alexander lepilin, in a conversation with rbc, suggests that previous duties did not help russian
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winemakers increase their sales. and alexander lepilin evaluates new initiatives as completely prohibitive. the russian stock market, after the moscow exchange index yesterday exceeded the level of 3,300 points, today was a little afraid of its courage. the foreign exchange market today will listen to the speech of the head of the us federal reserve, jerome paul, in congress and try to understand when the federal reserve will begin to lower the key rate. dollar 90.53, euro 98.36. emails from the state services portal with invitations to various events may be considered illegal. sent by advertising, that is, spam, the kommersant newspaper writes about this. the moscow arbitration court is scheduled to consider the claim today. the head of the information and analytical service information for all, evgeniy altovsky, is suing the fas moscow department, which previously refused to recognize an invitation to a robot battle as spam. after examining their email inboxes, business news staff calculated that in two weeks, government services were three
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times they reminded the russians about the battle of robots, then about the fact that moscow will be represented by four teams at once at these competitions. joined the space squad in 1962, and the following year she set off on her famous flight. three days later, her call sign chaika became known to the whole world. after 60 years. remains the only representative of the fair sex in the world who went into orbit alone, after returning to earth, valentina tereshkova continued to work at the cosmonaut training center,
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retired in 1997, being a major general, moreover, here she became the first; none of the russian women had previously risen to such a high rank. during the soviet years, the first female cosmonaut successfully combined work with social and political activities and was a member of the presidium of the supreme council. ussr in 2011 she was elected to the state duma. valentina vladimirovna is the recipient of a huge number of domestic and foreign awards, honorary citizens of cities in many countries. streets, museums, parks, a crater on the moon, a small planet and characters in computer games are named in her honor. vladimir putin emphasized in his congratulatory telegram: terezhkova belongs to the illustrious galaxy of brave, strong-willed people who are devoted to their homeland. the president noted her active citizenship.
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the couple came from kalmykia and performed all the rituals according to folk traditions. rastislav skidan saw what else was happening at the festival. you won’t surprise anyone with a wedding dance. at a world festival, how? this is a couple from kalmykia, the first newlyweds of the largest youth event in the world. there is no doubt that this wedding will be seen all over the world. on the official the festival’s social media account has 2,000 followers; at the challenge youth home they are taught how to work with their online image competently. there are three workshops on one site, where participants in the world youth festival are taught to work with a camera, create videos and promote content in... the youth house,
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the girl says, is an example of a combination of modern creative technologies. you also have technology there, there is organization, it’s not only meeting people there, for us, we taught a lot how to organize such a big festival. camera or smartphone at the festival - an irreplaceable attribute, there are too many events, meetings, acquaintances and locations that you want to capture, shutter clicks are heard every second, so i chose a place for a photo as a keepsake. in one of the photographs, and this is a drop in the ocean of content that is published daily on social networks, colleagues from moscow noticed a suspicious resemblance of the ntv correspondent to the image in one of the paintings in the artillery gallery, but we will find out if we are really similar after passing through the entire vfm international airport. along the way there is a zone without... things and souvenirs are sold here made in russia, and there are mirrors everywhere , and this is the exit to an improvised runway, this is one of the many art clusters, several hundred
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creative recreation areas, winnie the pooh wanders here and, of course, the smiling cheburashka, the mascot of the festival, there are several of them in the city of the world’s youth, it would be easy to get lost here, if it weren’t for the volunteers, they will show you the way and give you high fives, this is already a tradition, and this is the library of silius, the shelves can accommodate 25 thousand books , most of them were donated by the foundations. festival participants. there is light in the art-youth gallery muted, dark, so that nothing distracts from the art. and here is the same picture. in my opinion, the similarity is striking. the youth festival brought together those called the digital generation. it's no surprise that there's a lot of talk here these days about technology, especially the technology of the future. everyone is excited about artificial intelligence. german gref captured the attention of the audience with his forecast for the near future. after 3 years, generative. models will become commonplace, they will be used in every family, there is no doubt about that. the next stage of development
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artificial intelligence is called, we call it interactive artificial intelligence, which will be able to independently learn to perform almost any task, it will be able to decompose very complex complex tasks into simpler ones and access other services. users to carry them out, these days in sirius it is especially clear how close this very digital future is, here is an art gallery, all the exhibits are written by a neural network, and diaries are no longer kept by hand, using a video camera and microphone. students from st. petersburg, violetta and stanislav met on the train on the way to sirius, both run media centers at their universities. well, i think it will be cooperation, because i represent an architecture and construction university, this is a polytechnic, we have two strong media centers that will cooperate and... this is further, but there is also something that will remain unchanged for decades, then, that the neural network will not replace, as almost 70 years ago, at the first youth festival in moscow, modern young people
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from different countries want to meet, make friends, and share. experience and believe that the future will be better than the real thing. rastislav skidan, aleya rebzhanov, sergei tashchiev, ntv television company. sirius, city of the world's youth. next, a short advertisement, after which we will show the fire in tets in tyva and talk about its consequences. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get 2% of your interest rate back with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. this is a surprise nazon sale, hurry up to surprise, incredible discounts, don’t miss it, now a beautiful gift for your beloved women, bed linen from the cozy home brand and the dream grill frying pan for 759. at teens
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stars, premieres on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. you are watching ntv. we continue the release. this morning in tuva nats in the city of shaganar there was an explosion and a fire. according to the latest data , he was injured. were looking for three shift workers, later the whereabouts of all employees established that they were not around at the time of the accident, because of the incident, central heating was turned off in dozens of apartment buildings, as well as in two hundred private buildings, classes in schools were canceled in the region, now it’s 12° below zero, at night they promise it will drop to -25, and although
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the city administration hopes that... as emergency teams are mobilized to eliminate the consequences, a criminal case has been initiated; the preliminary cause of the accident was a coal dust explosion in the fuel supply room. today the ministry of emergency situations is checking the notification system, exercises are taking place throughout country from 10 to 11 o'clock local time and in most russian regions sirens have already sounded. in moscow, a signal for everyone's attention will be given in the coming minutes. a scheduled launch will take place. sirens and loudspeakers, television and radio channels will be replaced by the broadcast of a text message about the inspection. this set of measures allows you to objectively check the serviceability of warning systems, as well as conduct training for duty services. this is necessary to maintain alert systems ready for
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timely delivery of signals and information to the population in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, including the threat of flooding of territories and the spread of natural fires. when you hear the sound of sirens, do not panic and save. calmness. the ministry of emergency situations explained that such checks are carried out regularly. the previous test run of sirens was carried out on october 4 last year. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with ovisol. only it contains oats. milky ripeness is enhanced by herbs and turmeric. avisol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with oats, only in them milky ripe oats are enhanced
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with herbs and turmeric. and the cheerful valar is number one for cleansing the liver. and now about the weather for tomorrow. hello, in this issue the european territory of russia, the focus is not on nastya in the south, because its supposed intensity may well lead to... physical consequences, precipitation will be strong, the wind too, this is crimea, but more powerful in the krasnodar region, especially the coast, the caucasus, heavy rain, sometimes turning into snow, because the temperature will drop noticeably, in krasnodar tomorrow it will get colder by 10 degrees, precipitation should stop by the weekend and cold pressure too, we still have precipitation in the north, but less aggressive, precise snow, and there the pressure of cold air has already stopped, it is noteworthy that on the kola peninsula it will become warmer so that the daytime temperature there will compete with... tomorrow afternoon, mainly with minus and the further east the cooler , no special precipitation is expected in the capitals, also in st. petersburg tomorrow 0 +2 in moscow 0 -2 at night up to
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13 below zero, and outside the city all 18. everything about the weather, this was a weather forecast in a country over which never the sun is setting, only here, in the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear. which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tenkov. tinkov: 40 million clients in the largest country in the world, come on, voice. maybe i should give you to your mother for re-education, come in, mom, hello, hello
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, listen, nestilov, why is it that some new person has settled in our monkey, everyone says, you registered him there, yes, they say correctly, i registered him, who else took the situation... hand , that's right , mom, he took him, he detained him, yeah, yes, yes , that's right, igorok detained, mom, not igoruk, but captain gnezdilov, captain gnezdilov detained a maniac, yes, he really detained a maniac, yes, yes, a maniac, pavel tupolev , 46 years old, here you go, the recording clearly shows how, out of the blue, he strangled a man in elevator, and the interrogation report. have you already prepared the interrogation protocol? yes, igor worked quickly, i’m proud, i’m so proud of him. don’t be smart, go ahead, read, read, there he himself clearly and specifically admitted that he was crazy.


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