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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  March 6, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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today on our program, i'm very angry about this story, very angry. internal aggression: germany and france have quarreled as nato allies, and the balts are sharpening their grudge against the netherlands. why has the leaking of bundesphere conversations become a headache for the entire alliance? it is too early to assess the consequences. the failure of the policy of russophobia. victoria nuland is kicked out of the white house. how will the washington hawks replace her cookies? nice to see you, take a cookie. digital abstinence. social activists are trying to deprive children of access to the internet. how they want to punish parents for taking selfies of their minor offspring. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place on
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ntv, and the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrei norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, first, i probably need to ask you a riddle, dear friends, do you know what two to five, this is not the terms of imprisonment of some criminal there, or even the name of the famous book by korniy chukovsky, but yes, in principle, this again has a direct relation to a certain time period, from two to five years. this is the deadline, this is such a temporary varnish, in which a war between nato and our country will begin, this is the forecast of a politician’s publication, i am not inclined to give in to panic and i also don’t advise you to do this, but nevertheless, we often politics we refer to them, to their publications, then suddenly they rolled out such a publication, well, of course they explain it in some way, i ’ll be honest with you, i wasn’t very convinced by them...
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then he warns the politician that the decisive factor will be the degree of involvement of the united states , that is, they do not fully guarantee, in hostilities, because without american help nato is significantly losing in strength. here. let us
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look at the official point of view of the state department, they continue to hope and assure that ukraine will be able to somehow turn the tide on the battlefield. moreover, an official representative of the department told reporters that kiev is preparing a certain surprise for moscow. let's listen to him. "we believe that ukraine has plan, they will be able to implement it to achieve victories on the battlefield, so we believe they have a few surprises in store for putin, we look forward to seeing the result. but in the white house they are responding to the rooster fervor of french president emmael macron, who called for sending nato troops to ukraine, and now demands that allies not be cowards; john kirby, whom you also see here, is not afraid of french anger and says, well, at least officially that american."
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american troops will not fight on territory of ukraine. and you know that president zelensky is not asking for this. he asks only for help. he never asked foreign troops to fight for his country. him and his army. they want to do it themselves, but they need weapons, macron himself, apparently, was so convinced of his role as the leader of the former council that he unexpectedly opposed the agreed line of washington and brussels on the seizure of russian assets in favor of ukraine. macron says this will have a bad effect on europe. we do not support actions that the beginning of such discussions, which, it seems to me, are contrary to international law.
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germany, a frenchman and a medical board, both women and men, after which the army specifically appeals to persons eligible for service. in addition , spiegel said that secret exercises are being conducted to move chancellor scholz's office to a secret bunker in case of some kind of emergency.
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the department refused to name the location of this new residence, while emphasizing that there were some specific reasons for equipping such a bunker and there is no transfer of the chancellor's administration there. yes, the conscription in germany is of course a strong story, you need to read more carefully all these materials about the secret bunker, perhaps there is an address written somewhere in small print at the bottom, the exact coordinates, like the germans now 1234, there was a song, it seems like this, here in general, this storm of emotions that has overwhelmed the western media in connection with the german leak, emmanuel macron’s statements there, is of course a slightly latin american series, because... well, somehow passions are raging, well, at a level that is not very appropriate for a big politician, they need to somehow calm down, for some reason they can’t do it, so one of the versions, one of the explanations, or rather, this is why there is such an intensity of passions, because this supposedly
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indicates a split that is now happening within the north atlantic bloc, in general between america and europe and so on, so they all somehow quarreled. the western press does not skimp on offensive epithets addressed to the germans. british newspaper the guardian called the leadership of the german ministry of defense crazy, and compared the participants in the scandalous conversation. with teenagers, the american publication promises big problems for germany with nato, claiming that the alliance’s trust in berlin has been shaken. former nato secretary general anders fokrasmu stated that chancellor scholz does not look like a real leader and is completely devoid of the required
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qualities. the german press immediately rushed to defend the chancellor, assuring that nothing terrible had happened. it is too early to definitively assess what the consequences will follow after this one.
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instead of germany, amid the wiretapping scandal, while scholz is accused of childishness and indecisiveness, the frenchman rushes into the breach and pretends to be a hawk. your words are quite offensive, i didn’t call you a hegemon. vladimirich, in your pre-interview you have such an interesting discussion, you
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are thinking about coalitions within a coalition, somehow could you explain this as evidence of what? well, now this one. we’ll disassemble the matryushka, there’s a western one i didn’t want to use, i was thinking about the matryushka, but he didn’t, the western pro-ukrainian coalition, where everyone wants, well, if not... an outright defeat for russia, then certainly not a victory for russia, to prevent this. that's it, everyone agrees with this. and then discussions begin about how to achieve this. now the problem is that the line is getting closer and closer beyond which a direct armed confrontation begins between western countries and the russian federation, not ukraine, but directly the western military contingent; these will be separate states, until they are not a nato bloc. here i agree with politics, in the future the next 2 years, i think this is unlikely. individual western countries and the russian federation, this line is getting closer
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, we have almost reached it, and then we either cross this line or not, there are supporters in the western coalition that we need to rush to the brass, as macron says, that according to at least this option now needs to be seriously considered and those same military contingents must be formed, there are more cautious gentlemen who are now trying for... more such calls, while he is only abandoned this idea, which now at the first
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stage will be most loudly criticized, and then they will begin to agree with it, and these supporters of the fact that it’s time to prove it, he described, excuse me, when he spoke, this is a scene from the film prisoner of the caucasus, where the cowardly dunces visited and they stand like this, blocking the path of the car, and here and there the coward in the middle does this, but in the end , no matter how much he kneels there, they still hold him, that is, those who stand and...
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yes, actually in fact, yes, because the poles, the balts, the czechs, conditionally, feel more that’s why we have suffered
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directly, they have directly suffered, here there is no need to suffer, the damned muscovites are again building something in ukraine, as it is now , the geographical proximity to the conflict, and historical experience, no matter how many suffered, did not suffer, but it doesn’t matter, but it’s just in the chapters, unlike france, i don’t remember france anymore, your cossacks are in paris, right? don’t wait, there is a position of your czech leadership, which says that in general troops could be sent to ukraine, it’s clear there, both for training, nevertheless, it would be possible to send , but there are some measurements, here is the czech population, czech people, they are ready to say, yes, we are sending our small czech army to ukraine with the full understanding that a russian bear will come, and this is a czech army will eat, since we are so scary, since you wake up with the thought that you should be afraid of us.
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it seems to me that what he says, this just confirms my doubts, that there are more such decisive people now in europe, macron’s position, to send troops, it will then prevail over the people, our local macron in the good sense, thank you, please,
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and then there is macron in the good sense, well , decisive, who calls for decisive action and walks around like this.
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including one of the elements of this conviction is precisely the demonstration that europe is really not only ready to come to the line of a direct military clash with russia, but also to cross this line, and that not only crazy stubborn people and balts who always think so they think so, but even respect for the collapse of the coalition into small coalitions actually no, they are still united, look, this is not a coalition, these are banks that have been eating each other for a long time, they really have different things.
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but it seems they were bypassed at a turning point, and now this whole story has gone from behind the scenes, it has already spilled over into the public sphere. the politician's publication found out about the squabble that unfolded between the leaders of western and eastern europe for the position of nato secretary general. the main contender is dutch prime minister mark rutte, but they don’t want to see the russophobe kaya kallos in this place. as journalists suggest, rutte was supported in washington london, paris and berlin. mark rutte is the only candidate being discussed. nato ambassadors, although this is happening behind the scenes, callos make it clear that the requirements that were previously considered important for the new leader, and to which she met, seem to have changed. the balts are very unhappy with this situation. the former estonian president, thomas henrik ilvis, lost his temper and said: the dutchman rutte does not have the moral authority to be secretary general,
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because for all the 13 years that he headed the government of the netherlands, his country never failed to fulfill its commitment to nato to spend 2% of gdp on the contrary. if we think about the geographical balance, then this will be the fourth secretary general of nato from the netherlands, then the question arises whether there are countries of the first second rank in nato, are we equal or unequal, as foreign agent deutschevelli writes, the post-secretary general of the alliance is one of the most significant. vacancies in the world, but there is no official description of responsibilities, no list of skills, no way to apply for such a position, as the publication notes, it is important that applicants do not showed an excessive desire to be chosen, and estonian is completely devoid of this quality, as a consolation, ka and kallos wanted to offer the position of the eu high representative for foreign affairs instead of the old fascist joseph barel, but then
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the brussels bureaucrats protested, comparing kalas with a cannibal who, quote: eats russians for breakfast. “i don’t think france and germany will agree to this for the same reasons that she is not suitable for working in nato, are we really going to put in this position a person who loves to eat russians for breakfast." kallos was so offended by the politician's publication that last morning she even posted a photo of her breakfast, porridge and berries. in response to this, the politician's publication responded in a caustic manner that her porridge in the photo was not at all convincing evidence. my breakfast
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. it seems to me that she is not enough of a cannibal for this post, and most likely someone who will really be a cannibal will do, but will not articulate her cannibalism so clearly,
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unceremoniously, as she does , you say that because she has a husband in russia earns money, and she is not against it, well , in short, regarding erdoganism, which means i dare to disagree with gevorg, in order to engage in erdoganism, one must have the same level of independence in decision-making as erdogan.
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who now rule the united states of america, well, let's say biden, although this is of course ridiculous, you know, those who are developing this plan do not believe that by introducing nato troops into the territory of ukraine, they will get the third world war, they do not believe in it. and why? and then i throw mine away key thesis: for those who today fight to the last ukrainian, there is nothing so terrible about fighting, say, to the last frenchman, and to the last german, if. people sit overseas, then yes, probably , this is some kind of certain old logic, for them jiri is the same untermensch as i am, you see, there is
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no difference, there is a slightly higher level there, the germans, the french , europe is split, but behind all this there are some people who are specific, well, above many, which means, well , first of all, i want to leave out the brackets... but why doesn’t anyone admit the thought, in any case it was not voiced here, that that side is all that side.
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that this will change, yes, inflict on russia , as they say, a strategic defeat, what is behind this, we don’t have the point of view that some are ready to fight to the last ukrainian, czech-french, but others also demonstrate a readiness to fight to the last russian , i don’t see this, we have all the strength
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to contain it,
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but putin never called for a bomb to explode , it’s a question of keeping the west out of our way, i again i’m speaking from my point of view, but on february 22 and so on, it wasn’t the west that climbed, yes, they tell me, this was a response to the fact that the west climbed before that, we can argue about the root causes for a very long time, but nevertheless, still since what you were told regarding the general world order is logical.
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in the fourteenth year no one said what they wanted to do, in the fourteenth year the people who climbed onto the stage directly said what they wanted to do, alexander nikolaevich, and this directly influenced our understanding of safety, today, of course, a lot what can i say, what i want to do, and most likely i will get 8 years in prison for this, but this will be a statement, and nothing more, why didn’t you go to georgia now, please tell me why we haven’t been in february for 2 years.. .they really have a solution for those who are trying to fight us or not, andrei nikolaevich, what was touched upon, because i think that it is serious to discuss that we need to detonate a bomb over kiev, you even understand, the conversation is about where it is necessary to detonate a nuclear bomb - this is a question for the military, he
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strategic. i will return to the caucasian captive, you understand what exactly they are discussing now, they are discussing a little bit not this scene, but another one, where he says: steal, great, but i won’t have anything to do with this, and it’s good that people do it not from our area, of course , what macron says, what the czech president says, i really want, the problem is that i really want to somehow do this in such a way that i bear responsibility for it, that discussed by the german officers, because they were discussing how to hit the crimean bridge. so that it’s not a scholz, you know, because everyone understands perfectly well that they really want to play out this story again in such a mode, that it’s not us who are attacking russia and we’re not, these are some third-party people, and the whole plan that was being built over the last year, it was built
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on the fact that ukraine, and these are people not from our region, but now it is clear that these people are practically in the dock, some can sit, some can no longer sit, this is where the question arises , and what to do about it further, do you understand?
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not needed at all, a short pause, about the price of the issue, let's continue. empresses, premiere on march 8 at 15:15 on ntv. from the first
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faithful assistant. the empress premieres on march 8 at 15:15 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. and we will start this part with messages from the kremlin, where we commented on the latest decision of the international criminal court. let me remind you that the international criminal court in the hague issued two arrest warrants for russian commanders sergei kabylash, commander of russian long-range aviation, and admiral viktor sokolov, commander of the black sea fleet. as stated in this instance, the decision due to the involvement, alleged involvement of generals in conducting a special operation in ukraine. in particular, they are charged with crimes against humanity and other war crimes during the winter of 22-23. “we are not parties to the statute, we do not recognize this, this is not the first
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decision, we also know that there are various closed processes that are done in secret, we treat such decisions accordingly, and now let’s move to washington, because from there came messages about the resignation of the deputy us secretary of state for political affairs and part-time queen of the maidan cookies victorialand, the resignation has already been confirmed by the secretary of state." antony blinken, in his statement there are all sorts of routine words about nulent’s thirty years of experience in the civil service, but the most interesting thing is missing, in fact, why the official who supervised for so many years ukraine, was preparing to leave. the official reason for the resignation still remains unknown, american media, however, suggest that nuland's resignation may be related to the dead-end strategy of the west in ukraine and the sharp escalation of the internal political struggle in the united states itself. another probable reason for the resignation of the queen of cookies was named by the representative. they won’t tell you the reason,
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but it is simple: the failure of the anti-russian course of the biden administration. russophobia, proposed by victoria as the main foreign policy concept of the united states, is dragging the democrats to the bottom like a stone. there is also no clarity as to who will actually replace the ruler of the maidans, because different candidates are currently being discussed, but someone in particular not approved yet. nuland's position was temporarily taken by another deputy. john bass, it was this person who oversaw the withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan in the twenty-first year, he was then the us ambassador to kabul, while western media report that the most likely replacement for nuland will be the us ambassador to nato, juliana smith, the same one who recently annoyed the kiev authorities with words that ukraine should not wait for an invitation to nato this coming summer. about noland - this is of course a very interesting story, because here there are a lot of rumors that biden has... no longer needs hawks, that's all there is a lot, i honestly think that everything is
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completely different there, it is simply connected with her physical condition, because in recent years she has begun to look very bad, you’ve probably seen enough pictures before the maidan and after the maidan , but of course there’s a big difference, the devil knows, in general this is not a figure for which we will somehow shed tears here, this doesn’t bother the bidon, well, that’s also correct, but we... a little bit, let's stay on the american platform , because firstly, here is the price of the issue, yes , as i noted, what andrei nikolaevich said about support for ukraine, well, actually, another illustration of what is there in the west...
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help for ukraine significantly reduced from 61 to 47 billion dollars, but it is not a fact that democratic congressmen will now vote for this option. now, a majority vote will be required to pass this bill. i understand that it now benefits the republicans, but the question is which democrats will refuse to vote for him when he is introduced? against the backdrop of complete uncertainty regarding the financial support of the kiev regime, western propaganda suddenly began to tell the story. the disappointing truth for ukraine from the front, they no longer talk about the imaginary successes of the ukrainian armed forces, but they report how impatiently the residents of the cities captured by the ukrainian military are waiting for russian soldiers. those who remained in the hour yar say that everything will be fine with them when russia comes. i want to see my granddaughter in moscow, grandson, sister in kaliningrad, before
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half, honestly, half of russia, my relatives are there, but i’m here alone, there’s no water. there is no gas, there is no light, there is nothing, drive away from the house, they drive right up to the houses, where people live, they shoot right next to the house, they hide behind the backs of civilians. foreign affairs magazine writes that it is time for the western establishment to prepare the ground for diplomacy; even a scheme is described; international relations experts advise zelensky to lift the ban on negotiations with moscow, and for the west to formulate a proposal to lift sanctions. we need a sign that diplomacy is no more taboo. a change in western officials' emphasis in statements would be a modest but important signal. for example, officials could once again state their readiness to lift sanctions. the united states and the european union should consider appointing special representatives for conflict
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diplomacy. yes, georg valeevich. well, look, let's start from the end, yes, here we go. that article in fornf. which you just quoted, the main authors there are sam sharap and jeremy shapira - this is the mainstream, the most, the most american, the first one is so big a careerist and you will never say anything , contrary to the mainstream on principle, that is, they , in principle, are throwing out options from diplomacy, but i think that they will not listen to them, because although the lady was super ideological, that’s why she is leaving, but nevertheless in the american administration, the number of ideological ones remains, move to diplomacy with russia now. as for biden, well, okay, biden doesn’t care anymore, he already has one foot in the right place, but let’s put it to the same thing , mr. salevan, the subnational security adviser responsible for the russian direction, this is just death, wait, you yourself say that onestream’s citizens and nothing in between
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, which means they won’t do the lines of the washington regional committee, this means that they probably didn’t come up with this themselves, their some part of the obkhoma, maybe small,
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of course it’s time it is necessary, it takes time to rebuild the economy, this process has already begun, you are pushing your
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line, we are talking a little about the fact that this is about the fact that this insight is of such a peaceful nature, but you the result is an epiphany of an exclusively militant nature and everyone will get ready, they are getting ready, well, how hard it is not to notice.
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well, wait, the renewal of the borders of the ninety -first year, this is a victory, well, this is this, this is downright populism, but what do you know, no, on the one
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hand, good, good, but how they should get to this point, it depends on how the ninety- first year is interpreted , if at the beginning of ninety-one, then in general and through what, you understand that a nuclear explosion must occur in order to or how, that is no one can clearly say, a defeated russia is what, a victorious ukraine is that... moreover, there are quite smart people in the west who say, this idea is being heard louder and louder, that a defeated russia is much more dangerous for us, a nuclear loser russia is much more dangerous for us , we don’t even understand what a loser russia is, we ’ve never seen it lose on such a scale, you know, by the way, and this is actually the main impasse into which the west has found itself today, you know, myself in fact, i’m not happy about the resignation of zero, i’ll explain why, why because?
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raise your hand, please, i don’t see you, you see me, the death of the second, who are the enemies there , visha, you have the golden eagle, that means it’s him, our ksyukha, on behalf of all your asses. stop it, dammit, for laughing at her! eh, good, who are you, muscovite? i am a doctor! now i am also a muscovite, they don’t share me either, well , i would have gone to my own moscow then, you don’t want to go, i can’t stay, my father was there, we are now on opposite sides, crimea
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cannot be given away, i am for russia , you understand what we're up to shall we go? fan, go away, they will kill you! 10 days until spring, what is it? premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. stars, premieres on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account? then open a business account on what, what, it’s the holidays again and everyone needs gifts? gifts, daughter, toy, mother, bag, husband, jacket. buy them all at once split 006, now 0 rub. everything else comes later. electric grill kitforрд and coffee maker 3 in one kitford with discounts up to 28%. gotcha. feel the silky softness of zeva delux absorbent pads for the most delicate skin. it's good where there is care. you can
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i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors , this is a show of stars, 10 mega-popular stars are participating in it, who have chosen a humorous team, dmitry malikov, no one will believe you anyway, chushpan, denis dorotov, preparations for the elections are going well, one hundred percent is expected, lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know, it seems to me. everything will work out for you on ntv, why? well, you have the faces of the victims. dzhigan. my dear, i miss you. oh, naughty girls. azamat musagaliev. i
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wanted to be your star. stars. new comedy show. on saturdays at 21:20 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, now let’s move on to one of our traditional topics, as freken god said, what a torment it is to raise, so let me briefly remind you that the day after tomorrow i’m flying to perm, and today i wasn’t too lazy, i counted there in the uec there are less than eighty tickets left for gagarin, so if you want to congratulate your ladies in the right way, hurry up, on the sixteenth in yekaterinburg at the railway workers' palace of culture on april 3, the magnus locus club in moscow, on the sixth tambov center.
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in britain, no, since i have not been to britain, but the dish itself in moscow is made perfectly from our beautiful triska, in fact, why are we pros, to the fact that they will no longer have fish, they started talking. now, due to london’s unfriendly actions, they decided to terminate it, especially since that it still did not bring income to the russian treasury. the british were allowed to rip for free. from now on, if their trawlers try
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to approach the fishing grounds, they will be met by our patrol boats. it is necessary, together with the ministry of foreign affairs, to once again carefully analyze all the agreements that were signed by some khrushchev.
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for us, fish is like going out for potatoes. this deal was a big deal when it was done. but today fishing fleets are good for the urgent need to get to extreme. there is no north, although much of what they can do irritates us. problems in russia can now also await wine producers who belong to nato countries. it is proposed to immediately raise import duties for their products by 10 times to 200%. the association of winegrowers and winemakers of our country made such a request to the russian government. they believe that the increase in duties will help protect the domestic market from competitors from italy, france, spain, and portugal. speech. about
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regular, sparkling and fortified wine. along the way russian winemakers propose to cancel the preferential treatment for georgian wines. well, let's end this news part with a story from adygea. there, the court recognized the ukrainian billionaire igor kolomoisky as an extremist for financing ukrainian militants fighting with russia and ordered the confiscation of his assets in russia. and this, my friends, is quite a lot, buildings and six premises in the center of moscow, almost 500, here.
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children should not spend so much time on social networks, well, by and large , and in general playing games too, well, let me in order, tatarstan children's ombudsman irina volynets has made a request to the state duma committee on family, women and children, she proposes that children under 14 years of age should be completely prohibited from using social networks, and those under 18 years of age only have parental consent. the main argument is that children are not able to understand information and protect themselves from illegal content. the scammers here are not the best. it’s scary, these are extremist groups, this is lgbt propaganda, and also propaganda, by the way, of suicide, also through social networks, children are lured there, parents often do not know what is happening, the excitement is not unfounded; the other day in karelia, millionaire blogger evgeny egorov, the author of a popular children's youtube channel, was detained. on his page, he published re-voiced cartoons, but also introduced intimate correspondence with little girls. asked them to record a video with
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sexual overtones, they complained about the mountain blogger and his colleagues, but the social activists turned the pervert over to a law enforcement agency. egorov forces children to perform tasks with sexual overtones, for example, one he forced a girl, or rather a girl of nine or ten years old, to kiss her sister. egorov also requires children to record various circles where children moan. stories of extortion from children using various online games have become more frequent; for example, in st. petersburg at the end of january , a ten-year-old girl transferred 2,000 from her father’s card to an unknown player who promised her unlimited bonuses in a computer game. a similar story happened in february in krasnoyarsk, where the amount of damage was already 800,000, the unknown person also promised the child desired bonuses. an advertisement for accruing free bonuses appeared in the chat. she was immediately
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contacted by an unknown person who allegedly was the chat manager, the criminal controlled all the girl’s further actions, namely, take her mother’s phone and log into all banking applications. children fall into the trap not only of financial scammers, but of ukrainian terrorists. they also operate through social networks. last november , a twelve-year-old schoolboy from ulyanovsk tried to set fire to a bridge after threats in a telegram. the attackers threatened child that they will kill his entire family if he refuses to complete the task. will tell adults anything, at a recent state duma meeting, deputies assigned responsibility for children’s correspondence on social networks to their parents, they say, if they are not in the know, then what can the intelligence services do? the kyiv regime is becoming very difficult.
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however, only half of parents believe that their children can be threatened by something online, and as many as 42% believe that they are completely in control of the situation. parents take real safety much more seriously than virtual, of course, because the internet is something so ephemeral that you can’t touch it, that can’t affect the real safety of the child, but this is not so, so vladimirov, i understand and share your concerns, i don’t understand who it is should be controlled, in general, even today it is impossible for us to register on a social network without a phone number, which is usually tied to passport data, and if... some kind of emergency occurs, then it is quickly revealed who did it, but sometimes before the incident occurs tragedy, maybe to take action, namely to log in using a passport, this is now in effect in most countries, and the united states of america is making it even more difficult
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for children to use social networks, because they were, in principle, undesirable, and will now be prohibited by law, in china there is such a department on issues cybersecurity and in general. not being able to cope with this, the first interested are that the children will be fine in their safety, but the parents therefore the state must lend its strong shoulder and i can, but the question is not very i understand how the state specifically lends its shoulder to the state if it accepts your proposal, for example, teenage children under 14 are generally not...
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yes, not every child, let ’s agree, will be able to buy a left sim card, moreover, there are parents who even today prohibit their children from using social networks , but these children may feel somewhat inferior compared to their peers who calmly use them, on the basis
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of this they may have another request from us, you can clarify, here is what is prohibited until 14, and then only with parental permission, this is only on social networks or using the internet on phones and computers in general. raised the issue of social networks, but now china has proposed a rather interesting alternative, it was at the state level that they proposed to prohibit children from using smartphones in general, for more than two hours if the child is 16 years old, and if less than eight then we were told that your children sometimes play tanks there , let it be a phone with a connection to a mobile phone, a smartphone is not necessarily the behavior here the state is dual, on the one hand, it’s somehow...
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for some reason, parental chats are evil in general, it ’s insane, let’s fuck it all, so why did you first develop the internet at school, reach out to every villages with their own computer with the internet then converted everything into digital, they put their entire educational process on the internet, they trained during the pandemic, and so it was all immersed there, and now talk, listen, and this is dangerous. everything is fine, there are digital services, there are government services, this everything is fine, but for children this is absolutely in my opinion, i absolutely think it’s right that in fact you can enter with a passport, only with a passport, it will cost even more.
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quantity, it is quite obvious that he is more interested in the internet than in real life, before he is banned, and his parents , first of all, yes, who forbid it, and you suggested some kind of alternative, to catch up with the football players, sections,
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you know, these are the latest march 1, in the range of electromagnetic radiation, a child cannot be in front of a screen for more than 15 minutes tv, gadgets and so on, if more, there is a whole series of just mental illnesses, test syndrome, electromagnetic.
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i pick up the push-button phone, and someone is trying to tell them something that cannot be conveyed, because all the children’s data has been merged and there is such a social thing there. they just approached children on the street and there weren’t really any fewer of these bad people compared to the number of threats on the internet, this is hundreds of times less pedophiles.
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people also have extensive parenting experience, so svetlana, the internet is bothering your children, you how does the internet work for mom and child, does this cause some kind of problem? i don’t think we need to try to stop progress, so we are talking about, well, i hear from time to time , yes, let’s ban the internet, let’s remove the computer, remove smartphones, and at the age of 18 we will get a person who has to go to work and he doesn’t know how to do anything , don’t work, don’t use a phone or a computer, we’ll still have him for a few years... we’ll train him, yes, that’s the first, second, well, i think it’s wrong to try to stop progress, yes, we often hear, yes, that how they used to live without chemicals, where they gave birth in the fields, they lived well, that means until they were 38 years old, but, that is, i think that in general we should not try to stop progress, we should learn to use it, use for good, i can say that
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now there are a huge number of very useful and necessary applications in the same smartphones, where children earn some kind of points. a parent can quite easily come up with a motivational scheme himself, i have for the number of points scored in study applications english, they receive gifts, that is , your children do not watch any crap on the computer and they did not become victims of some bad people, well, they did not become victims of good people, because what i do is that i constantly tell them about what happens here this, this, this, listen, we have grown people giving 10 million to these scammers, yes, give the grown people...
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the third corpse in 3 months, of course we hid the first two with you, but now everything is what it is, and what is it don't you see, the killer is somewhere here, among the prisoners, you will find him for me, i'm afraid if you take off his robus, just the cop's shoulder straps, who will throw a cop into a strict zone, it doesn't happen, tell me, at least...
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on marketplaces with a vtb debit card cashback 25%, i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where all. it becomes clear, we continue, we continue, probably from the moment that irina vladimirovna briefly mentioned, about different experiences in europe, america, and china, where step by step they are trying, if not to completely limit the activities of children on social networks and the internet, then how -at least bring this into some kind of channel that the state can understand. at the end of january, state duma deputy yana lantratova made a proposal to create an all-russian unified system of parental control. she wants to connect this service to to all russians. internet platforms to communicate to parents what their children are doing online. the proposal is still under consideration by the government. each digital platform or browser will record data about
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the child's activity and provide it to the parent. all data can be accumulated in the parent’s personal account, on the government services portal or in a separate application on a smartphone. according to bloomberg, this year the british authorities intend to tighten access to social networks for children under 16 years of age. parliament does not exclude complete ban on some sites. and applications for teenagers. since 2010, throughout the english-speaking world there has been a marked increase in the number of cases of deteriorating mental health among teenagers, teenage suicides and cases of children becoming addicted to pornography. it's time to consider banning social media, perhaps even smartphones, for children under 16. since 2016, in the countries of the european union, children under 16 years of age have been officially prohibited from registering on social networks without the consent of their parents or guardians. there is a ban in the usa, where there is a minimum the age for opening an account on social networks is 13 years old, although there is no data to what extent such prohibitions are observed and who controls all this. how did you manage to ensure safety?
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the federal trade commission will be empowered to monitor content offered to children on the internet. there are many mechanisms for more reliable age verification. previously, the child simply clicked: yes, i am over 18 years old and have already visited the site. so far it works the most effectively. chinese authorities. last year, the country proposed limiting internet access for children under 18 years of age. according to the initiative, children under 8 years old will be able to access social networks for 40 minutes a day, and teenagers 16-17 years old will be given 2 hours. the country already has strict restrictions on online gaming, with gaming platforms only required to operate for an hour on fridays and weekends from 8 to 9 p.m. pavel anatolyevich, well , suppose we introduced some restrictions, i ’m not saying at what age, they were introduced. and if these restrictions...
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happen, i was just wondering, i well, this is so, just in case, it means that i communicate with igor ashmanov and am friends with natalya kasperskaya, so she has an interesting report on digital hygiene, so actually here i try to rely on the opinion of professionals, in fact, well , there is also someone who knows andrei afanasyev, who wrote the book, so to speak internet security and so on, that is, what we are talking about. that social, that is, relatively speaking, with the help of social networks, you can steal a country from a country, that is, more precisely, you can steal a people from a country, that is, this people as a result will not be the people of this country, we basically stated everything , excuse me, i’m interrupting you, but just because you said that we don’t hear each other, you are saying the right things, but we already said them some time ago, vanya asked you a question, in order in order to prevent all this, there must be control; if something does not work, who should we
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it naturally should be like in france there are not 100 staff, but 400, as if yes, in order to have full monitoring, they can do this, yes, this is it, this is what punish whom? once again, if we ban these social networks on the territory of the country , they will not appear here, this time, if de-anonymization occurs, we understand who is spreading this or that destructive, if we understand yes, that relatively speaking, the transition of our children to the virtual space, yes, forms virtual thinking in them, that is, they also lose an objective assessment of the situation, superimposed on ignorance of history, and, by the way, what’s interesting is who we, we parents, should be fined for this, that all this is not superimposed on them what listen, the very system of restrictions
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and fines should be after... the parents come knocking , they should control it, i don’t understand the system, yes, so let’s understand that the task of social networks, in fact, initially, is the formation of a social space around the child , therefore, a ban is impossible here for one simple reason, because it is necessary to teach , of course, why it is impossible to ban, you can ban what is clearly bad, stealing is bad, even killing for the sake of any good, but i will not continue, there are social networks
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there is a colossal benefit there, because children. with a child from vladivostok and really around absolutely amazing initiatives and the development of a colossal number of examples, project activities, unification around these interests in social networks, including among children, a huge number, so there is no teaching sopret, but this applies not only to the digital space, which was very correctly said, as in the yard. i'm sorry, who can go and smoking, and i don't even want to continue everyone else, and the parent, the first, of course, the parent there may be a second state here. as, through the same school of systemic education, teach digital hygiene, teach digital understanding, how to use security, the financial state, well , parents, i understand, svetlana valerievna is there talking to her children, and the state is supposed to do this, or something within
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the same framework general safety, life, there is the concept of fraud, digital literacy and so on, it can be conveyed, 100% can be conveyed, and there are, moreover, amazing examples for this. around some problem through vkontakte,
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i just know for sure, they are concentrated through the same damned and bad facebook, owned by bad people, because that’s how it works, on social networks young people, without any other ulterior thoughts, concentrate around some topic or interest or something?
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at the same time, in my season, well, as the ombudsman for children’s rights in a juvenile colony, more than 90% of all children are under article 228, for example, this is the distribution of drugs, in which they were drawn in through social networks, that’s who will be responsible for it and how, and this is often decent. families, children who end up in these terrible structures through courier work, that is, the child wants to earn some pocket money, they deceive him, they say that this is a courier job, he thinks that he is participating in something good there, in fact he finds out about the fact that
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he distributed drugs only when he was caught red-handed, but at the same time, children, of course, cluster in other systems, as ivan said, it’s great, but parents don’t always can track it.
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of the complete liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay 299 rubles for delivery. preserve the memory of the heroic victory and pass it on to your children and grandchildren. call to order an anniversary medal toll-free: 8800 600. mask march 8 at 19:25 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue and now let's give a few more examples from there we let’s look at these, but these are examples of a slightly different nature.
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perform the functions of a telephone, this is enough
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to make a call on the street in case of an emergency. the settlement of greenbank, in the northeastern united states, is called the quietest place in america. in the city. the largest telescope is located, the task of which is to receive weak signals from space, so mobile phones, radio and the internet are prohibited here, a 4-hour drive from washington. tourists often come to the city for a digital detox; cell phones do not distract them from the beautiful local landscapes. i didn't even know such a place existed, my daughter told me about it. i was sitting at home with a terrible headache trying to unravel corosword, suddenly i read her message about greenbank. it was incredible, she wrote: "oh my god, mom!" and i replied: “yes, i know, i can’t believe it either.” increasingly, there are enthusiasts who, of their own free will, abandon those gadgets and the internet. this is how a couple from great britain became famous after they showed journalists their stylized life in the thirties of the 20th century. the house has
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only a small tv and an old telephone. the british claim that for them the world is interesting and vibrant without the internet and social networks. they say: oh, this is not what i imagined, i thought it would be dark and dusty. people think that in the thirties everything was black and white, but in fact the colors were the same as now. however, scientists from the same uk argue that not everything is so simple. their latest study showed that giving up gadgets and social networks does not always improve mental health. digital detox reduces the amount of not only negative, but positive emotions. 50 active social media users after a week.
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well, they’re a bit of a freak, they don’t really keep up with the times, there can’t be many of them , they’re freaks, they’re not freaks, it’s always every now and then someone goes to live in the forest, and with children there, that’s a common story , there are such people, but nevertheless they still enjoy all the digital benefits, including civilization, banks, yes, in stores the digital distribution of all products is always that is, they are not ready to give up all the benefits of civilization, they just maybe they are great, they approach this in a reasonable way.
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to be in some dangerous places, where adults communicate in another adult language and raises a huge number of some, which in our society are carried around by adults, actually criminal ideas, and this is very dangerous, but on the other hand, you know, here it seems to me that the main question in all these thoughts of ours is whether our state can solve this problem purely technically, so could she, for example, be in favor of us having only russian social networks?
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a technical question is a technical question, it is probably the simplest, to make a decision, i think that it is very complex, that it is difficult to come to an agreement at all. they drink, let’s say, for a reason, but the children have absolutely nothing to do with it, somehow this issue is resolved when it was written
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that parents will be provided with a special structure about where your child sits, this is very useful, i would like it i would really like to speak, another question is who should answer social networks must be held accountable for what happens there, the question asks: does the state have sufficient motivation to spend money? look, it is very important to understand, if we are talking about the state, once again, all color revolutions were carried out on our planet with the help of social networks, this is a challenge, a challenge, this is a threat, this is a threat, further, social networks do not have objectivity , so.
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i say again, today, in fact, through social networks, the same mental war that is often talked about there is being carried out defense department. so, through social networks you can absolutely recode the consciousness of our children who will come to vote tomorrow, that is, actually through social networks.
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for rubles, and his peer receives 500,000 a month, how many employees do you have? two , brings good profit, girls also don’t lag behind boys, they earn more than their parents, starting from the age of 9, she will have the opportunity to earn a piece of bread, she will have a skill that will always bring her some income, how many clients did yours have daughters, about 170, when i was in the hospital, i had nothing to do , i had to be occupied with something, but how much did you manage to earn from this?
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national security of russia, digital, spiritual, mental sovereignty of our country. yes, nikolai nikolaevich. the thirteenth article of the convention on the protection of the rights of the child strictly establishes the limitation of access to information on issues of public morality and children's health. it's time for the state to remember this. so, victoria, of course, we need to direct this away from the fight against the svetrian melintsy for the development of learning. and when at a family dinner parents will communicate with their children. in schools they will explain how to protect yourself from scammers in the digital, in the real space, then these efforts will give a much greater result for the healthy society of our children, yeah, i was recently riding in an electric bus, the other minus was on the street, an electric bus, that’s what instead of trolleybuses now, riding around the garden, there was a girl sitting on the seats, the glass was foggy, the girl was about five years old, at first i didn’t understand what she was doing, she just put her hand like that
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so i tried it with my fingers, and then i only tried it later. okay, a very short story, we won’t get it a little, colleagues there, i hope, are ready from the program today, a short story about parental control, a mother puts her four-year-old daughter to bed. in the evening, dad stands next to her and says to her: mashenka, do you want a brother? she says: i want to, then sleep. this was the meeting place, which cannot be changed, it will be 14:00.
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volunteers of the bars gun unit are boldly and boldly confronting the enemy under artyomov shot. the results of super tuesday, what result did trump get in the primaries, who will ultimately face each other in the us presidential election. new fields are being developed in eastern siberia for special quality oil. polish farmers' anger is taking to mass protests against their government's policies. they want to encourage russians to buy domestic wine; we will tell you what measures they propose in business news. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello!


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