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tv   Za granyu  NTV  March 6, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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finally, how you grew up, and now to the point , this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where did all this come from, you are retired, and you applied for a pension at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is right up to 18% per annum, how skinny you have become and it’s good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement, vtb, together everything will work out. beyond the limits, a fourteen-year-old teenager dreamed of saving 50,000 rubles for a game console, but earned almost 2 million. in our studio daniil krushnitsky with dad maxim. hello, daniil maxim, daniil, where did you manage to earn that kind of money? hello, i am. i sold 35,000
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tulips that i grew myself in the garage, these are the same 35,000, and even in the growth stage, here it turns out that we have already filled them with both solution and water, this is the intermediate stage of their growth. natalya, is this number of flowers impressive? yes, i’m impressed, i just saw it at the exhibition, but for one person to have that many, i’m shocked. daniil, why did you decide to make money specifically... from flowers? it so happens that i am a third generation florist, my grandmother does this, father, went to the exhibition in september, met agronomists, found out that there is a flower that grows on water, so i chose flowers, thought that this was a more suitable profession for me, and when you went to the exhibition, you already received father, this is the instruction, if you want a console, then earn it yourself, that is, at this exhibition you already looked, so to speak, in general, how to
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earn money? yes, it was my initiative, i looked at it myself, took a closer look, but why did you turn your attention specifically to the flowers that grow on the water? it's more technologically advanced, we can see as the root develops, it’s easier, because it’s like a box of earth, so to speak, well, much heavier, maxim, and you told your son that he needs to start this particular business, not really. it so happened that we are engaged in the retail trade of flowers, but we have never grown flowers ourselves, so when we arrived at the exhibition, and - daniil was interested in the bulbous topic, and he came with this proposal: dad, let's try, i even became interested, how will this whole story end, and how many onions did you buy? well, we approximately purchased a little more than 35,000 bulbs and hydroponic trays,
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premises, what kind of premises? we decided to transform our garage into this kind of artificial greenhouse, how much money we spent on equipping it all, on bulbs, on arrangement, and so on. approximately 800,000 rubles were spent on bulbs and hydroponic trays. well, this is a large amount, of course i was very worried about these actions, that is, the finances are large. but even if it happened that nothing would grow, i initially i looked at this as an experiment , to be honest, i’m wildly surprised that we succeeded at all, wouldn’t it have been easier to give my son 50,000 rubles for the console he asked for, that is , you gave him 8,000, but not 50,000, but i wanted my son i felt that money , big and small, does not come out of thin air, it is earned. labor-intensive way, and
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buy consoles, today one console, tomorrow a second console, all the time give, give, give, so it’s better to let him try to take part in this whole thing. svetlana, this is the correct position of the father, the father must realize at this moment, and those who want to follow this example, that at this moment the parent-child relationship ends, at this moment you, as it were, sign a new contract, conditionally sign, where there is an adult adult. from now on, you are unlikely to be able, as a father , to make any directives or adjustments to him , this scheme is very dangerous, you see, you nod your head, there are certain points, is your child personally ready to cope with this task, what other responsibility, and if not coped with it, what sanctions would a child, roughly speaking, incur, yes, this is a big responsibility, i’m a loser, my father entrusted me with it at the age of 14, i couldn’t, i didn’t...
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which needs to be lived, there could have been an injury, then he would have told himself , never again, that’s it, i’m a loser, nothing will work out for me, and in general this adult world, this terrible world, anything could happen, that is, here we need to look, of course, take into account these risks from all sides, the sum is large, no, it’s good that it worked out, i sincerely congratulate you and in general i’m glad that there are such families, you understand correctly, but we are setting you as an example, and i would like other parents to approach this more responsibly. they knew the pros and cons of this example, this is important. maxim, you weren’t afraid that your son wouldn’t succeed, and he would worry about it very much , he worried, of course, but you laid this possibility in advance, before everything worked out, told him about it, that it might not work out. work, of course, that is, if, roughly speaking, he didn’t succeed, then
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my idea doesn’t work, daniil, to what extent you quickly sold all the tulips, 35 thousand, we cut them in about two weeks, probably, but sold them in 3-4 days. my father also helped me with the sale, but what was the profit in the end? 2 million rubles for all the flowers turns out , this is impressive, you showed us where and how you grew 3500 flowers, this spacious garage in the city of sertolovo, leningrad region, intended for two cars, in just a few months, daniil krushnitsky and his father turned it into a real one an oasis for tulips. basically, but still it was no help at all. next came provide flowers with round-the-clock
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air circulation and a comfortable temperature and humidity for delicate plants. to do this, father and son installed fans and made an exhaust hood. remote sensors that i can work with. sit at school and look at how and what, if something goes up or down there, i can call my dad there and say, like , open the window there so that the humidity goes down, the schoolboy grew flowers not in the ground, in water, for this he bought special hydroponic trays, daniil planted all 35 thousand bulbs with his own hands, spending on this is 2-3 hours a day after school, we poured the solution here, planted the bulb between three, so that... the root was at the bottom and not touched by the needles, and initially filled it all with water, and so that the tulips grew healthy and beautiful, the young gardener fertilized them with potassium calcium nitrate. i had to face some difficulties during the growing process. when draining
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the water, it was necessary to take each box separately, take it away from here, drain it, put it back, especially since boxes filled with water are also not light, but with the ground would still be heavier. such a flower dynasty, thank god that dad, as they say, began not only as an adult, an adult, after all, he is a mentor, i have a question for daniil, do you plan to continue doing this? yes, most likely i ’ll leave the profit next year, so perhaps i’ll do the same thing, that is, next time 70,000 tulips, with this money you can buy 70, but i think with my parents we can manage 200, 200,000?
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can do all this, growing flowers, which daniil did, i prohibited, all this was voluntary, no one forced him, but regarding the sale and payment of taxes - these are questions for his father, daniil does not bear any responsibility, it is very convenient, by the way, he grew flowers, received money, responsibility lies with his father, taxes on dad, yes, taxes are on dad, i assume, dad paid everything in good faith, everything is fine, maxim, you and your wife. you will support your son in all his endeavors, if i see that he is thinking in the right direction, as a businessman, of course, in everything, that is, we kind of uh, but i don’t force him into anything, he himself, daniil, and growing flowers did not interfere with my studies at school, no, in fact, i
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study well with it even without it, at school they knew that you were into flowers, your classmates, of course they know about it, they said that it was like, well done, how... that you began to be interested in this so early, did no one want to repeat your success? no, i haven't heard that from anyone. the most important question has been bothering me since the very beginning of the program. did you end up buying it for yourself? actually not yet, but i i argued with one person that if i sell all my flowers, he will personally buy it for me, that is, you won the argument and he should buy you a console, but it should arrive to me on monday. do you have brothers and sisters? yes, i have two brothers, both younger, with my profits some gifts for them, mom, dad, what did you buy me? i’m cooking, but it’s a secret, that is, you haven’t forgotten your family, and you’ll surprise them,
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yes, of course, i’m grateful to everyone to my parents, the agronomist with whom we collaborated, because without them i honestly wouldn’t have been able to cope, so i’m very glad that i have such parents and such an environment, at the age of 9 she became a professional makeup artist, at 12 she did makeup for almost two hundred clients at our place... guests varvara bulikh and her mother yesinenia lyazhe, hello, hello, yesenia, yours the work is related to the beauty industry, this is also a dynasty with you, no, i work in vital services, and sometimes i have to, but only a little different specificity, unexpectedly, then why does my daughter have such a craving for cosmetics, well, all girls are probably interested in it at a certain age mother’s cosmetics, and there somewhere... for about 7 years, it so happened, in principle, varvara simply became interested in cosmetics when
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i was putting on makeup, but her interest was not in putting on makeup herself, but in order to specifically put on makeup for me, so they decided to send me to training , to learn professional make-up, but in general it was easy to find a specialist who would teach a nine-year-old girl how to do make-up, who would even undertake this, no , in general it’s very difficult for us, because they didn’t want to, they didn’t take it seriously, there was one specialist who also not i’m very confident, but nevertheless i took her to a basic full-length course in professional make-up artist barbarian, you liked studying, yes i liked it very much, they were done two or three times a week for 3-4 hours and what about those 3-4 it happened for hours, makeup was done, on whom? on the models, there were models, we called relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, mother’s, what did you learn in these courses, makeup, eyeliner? creative makeup, everyday makeup, nude makeup, and other courses besides this one did you
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take? yes, i went through separately shooters, various online master classes, yesenia, but still, did you regard makeup as a hobby or as a way to make money in the future? i was counting on the fact that, starting at that moment from the age of 9, she would have the opportunity to earn her own piece of bread, no matter what she wanted to become in the future, a doctor, a lawyer, i don’t know, no matter what, she would have the skill, which will always bring her some income. svetlana, i didn’t get the impression that by sending her daughter to these courses, my mother somehow, well, realized her own dreams, desires, maybe perhaps she projected them onto her daughter. parents often do this, yes, but in a particular case i saw a very psychological story. please note, my mother said: i work in funeral services, death is always before my eyes, she has increased anxiety. what it means to raise a child is when there are no adults, and i have to be sure that she will survive. she could just train on dolls, on friends, on girlfriends, but
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it was important to her mother that she get a profession now, no matter what happens, she has she already has a profession, she will earn a piece of bread, but in this case it ’s her mother’s anxiety, her mother calmly played a good role, and the girl got a profession at such an early age, yesenia, tell me when varya got her first clients, in general, when she was given a job training, it wasn’t the goal that she should finish everything now, she started.
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the studio is lit by six lamps, this suitcase was given to me by my grandmother , my grandmother also helped fill it, well, two grandmothers, here are the blushes. brushes, tone, lipsticks, and well, everything for applying makeup. the young makeup artist admits that she is ready to use brushes day and night. what do we do? i need everyday makeup, i prefer nude shades. with careful movements, varian applies the tone, then shadows and blush,
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outlines the lips with a beige pencil, fills them in, then sets the eyebrows with a special gel and. ready, you can look in the mirror, thank you, she is combing her eyelashes, the makeup is ready, that’s it, it’s all very beautiful, varvara, you do makeup with both hands at the same time, yes, i can, but this it’s very rare when one of the makeup artists can work with both hands, so this is unique, i also have to say how... for a long time varvara studied marksmanship, because it’s, it’s very difficult, we try every time to do something, but for it to be a beautiful line, it is extremely difficult to do for yourself, and rarely do any professionals do this, here is a girl with two hands at once , maybe yes here, if it is with two, this is absolutely amazing, from the world of fantasy, you you know how to draw arrows for yourself, very crookedly, if you want
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master class, let's try it, varvara? please, varvara, what is better to use when you draw arrows, a pencil or liquid eyeliner, and for the eyes, a pencil, i think, because it’s easier to shade and rub, if anything, please share a life hack for our tv viewers on how to draw beautiful arrows, you can definitely use a brush, and so of course, as you did just now, but how can you use a ruler, but yes, yes, it ’s expensive?
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i'm tired and so on, so just yourself, go to a cafe, buy some clothes for yourself. it happens that your daughter had to deal with negativity. during the holidays she had projects in tyumen, where we have a modeling school, they invited her to be a makeup artist for their photo shoot, and there she painted children from three to 18 years old. there parents didn’t know who the makeup artist would be, were they indignant? yes, we paid money, why would a child do this here? i say: well, wait, you try it first, then you’ll figure it out. well, no, then everything was fine, yes, then they honestly apologized, came over, i liked everything, well, yes, lilia, 15,000 a month or even more, this is a good income, additional, and for a child this is generally a wonderful income, this is not just a hobby, yes, this is monetization, in general at that age, if considered from the point of view of the labor code , persons under 14 years of age are not allowed to work,
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only creative professions are allowed, these are filming in the theater, cinema, commercials, circus, everything related to creativity, and makeup is not creativity, does not fall within the scope of creativity, there is a certain list which is listed in the labor code, from 14 to 16 years of age you can enter into labor activity if there is a notarized agreement between the parent and the guardianship authorities. after 14 years , by the way, our child already receives a passport, has the right to put his signature, and can... pay taxes from the age of 16 , you can already work without the consent of the parent and the guardianship authorities, and well, 18 years , if we think about it, then this already has the full right to conduct labor activities. also, if we talk about paying taxes, an adult can
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add, there is such a family tab on the tax service website, and where he can add a child to...
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tankat ali premium is a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get the atali premium tank right now for free, find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. mask march 8. 19:25 on ntv. by personal decree of zelensky 851/2023. the kiev gestapo is looking for him. from time to time i change hotels, change cities, change countries. for the first time from turkey, fugitive head of yanukovych’s security. viktor fedorovich, i must report to you that the situation is somewhat different. how was the coup d'état being prepared before his eyes? there at night four cars arrived to talk with soros: poroshenko, yatsenyuk, klitschko. what does only yanukovych’s former personal know know about zelensky? zelensky stayed to sleep where
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they were. and what secret information did he take abroad, with himself, if they think that this is just a secret witness of kiev intrigues, on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. beyond the limits, this will all pass for them, then they are mistaken, at the age of 14 the guy earned almost 2 million rubles selling tulips, and the girl at nine became a professional makeup artist. svetlana, are you ready to evaluate the result? yes. a mirror for you, oh, i can say what i will do for the performances, well, in any case , today i will try for a very long time to study how it was all done, and i will do just like this, i really like it, natalya, what do you say, if you invited me to this chair, i would not have gone, she is still too small, that is, you, natalya, are carefully leading to the fact
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that... then varya still has room to grow, there is, there is, she has practically not even begun yet, var, what are your hobbies besides makeup? i i play the guitar, study two languages, french, english, a slab of beads. what grade are you in? in the sixth, do you have enough time for everything? yes, both guitar and languages, but what are your grades? good, five, four, great, what do you plan to do in the future? i haven’t thought about it yet, but i think it will be something related to makeup, we certainly wish you success in this, firstly, and secondly , good luck. our next young guest, at the age of 9, became a dj and has been successfully performing at city events for 3 years. in the studio timofey lebedev with his mother ekaterina. hello.
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timofey, how did your musical career begin? initially, my older brother began to get involved in music, listen to it loudly, i always sat next to him and listened to it too, i really liked it, and what kind of electronic music, there is house, dubstep, maybe later i decided, thoroughly decided that i would become a dj 100% and organized a recording studio for myself in the closet, i cut out a semblance of a remote control from paper and pretended that i was playing on it on my laptop , i turned on different tracks, but it was a game, when from paper remote control, did you switch to a real one? about 8 years, 8 years, it’s difficult, well, i learned, you went to some courses. my mother
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found this one tutor for my brother and me and we studied with him. ekaterina, how did you find out about your son’s hobby? well, at first i didn’t take it as a hobby, i thought he was just playing, because he was just a child, he was 6 years old when he made this remote control, but then i noticed that he began to climb into the computer, trying to figure out the music program for writing music, and although this program is entirely in english, he was still just a child and he didn’t even have basic knowledge of english. it was, this was before the course, yes, in the end he somehow , i don’t know, intuitively, apparently, figured out this program, started trying to write something there, and but i, in turn, had already decided to support his hobby and i began to find out what courses we had, what tutors there were in the city, such a young dj was easily hired, in general it was difficult to find a place where he could trained at that age? no, it wasn’t difficult to find a studio, i found the studio quickly enough, but since at that time i was
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on maternity leave with our fourth child , that’s why i started looking for someone who would teach him privately, who i could just pay by lessons. timofey, how often do you work out? now about 3 hours every other day, what can you already do? i can. that is mixing with low and medium frequencies, i know how to mix with loops, that is , loop some short moment of the track and output it to another, or just with one filter. do you write the tracks yourself? yes, i write it entirely myself. how old were you when you wrote the first track? also about eight and a half there, perhaps, well, this is exactly when i was just guessing, so are you able to make money from your hobby? yes, it works. about once every 3
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months they send me money from the label with which i am under contract and when you have a contract with the label, wow, how old are you? how could they sign a contract with an eleven-year-old boy, lilya? possible, yes imprisonment for a person under 14 years of age with a number of conditions, firstly, his work activity must be observed and he must work several hours a day, most likely this agreement was not concluded with him personally, due to the fact that he does not have the right to put his signature, there is not quite a signature there, there that is , consent to... without the parents, without the signature of the parents, without
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the consent of the parents , no one can conclude any agreements with him as a child. ekaterina, did you sign something for your son, no? no, i didn't sign. there is a very subtle point here, because the label can pick up his tracks. to say that nothing happened between us, in fact, this is a serious story, he works, he creates, perhaps, a unique product, and this unique product goes into the hands of some scammers, and here the question is, is it dangerous for the child, that he earns a lot of money, an adult does not always pass such a test of money, but here is a child, whom we see without proper legal protection, there is actually a lot of danger here.
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kopecks does one audition cost 10 kopecks? yes all this money goes to you or the platform does some label take a commission? does it take something? i have 80/20, but aren’t you offended that it’s very little money, that you don’t earn much from it yet, although i understand that you put your soul into it? no , it’s not offensive, because it’s just fun for me to do this and it’s just like money for chips, that’s nice, that’s the main thing that you get from... pleasure, that’s the most important thing, believe me, you perform often, more i often get to perform in the summer, in the same big place i played in, in general such a circle gathered , they danced like this, in short, class, well, how did they react to such a young dj, well, they were surprised
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, they came up that you were playing right, well , they were convinced of something that i was doing, you are worried before performances, well now no, after that incident when everyone seemed to like it, in a big audience, when they danced, now i’m not too worried, but a fan... you already have, well, there’s a couple, who are they? well , i don’t know someone, maybe i talked to someone , i talked to them, they write comments there, they praise you, you can we can demonstrate our talent right now, of course, let's go.
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well, cool, rocked it, rocked it, good , natalya, you liked it, honestly, yes , you liked it, well done, keep it up, timofey, what plans for the future, i’m planning. to develop, then somehow buy yourself a house, equip it for a studio, well , continue, good plans, good plans, that is, you decided for yourself that you don’t want to do anything other than music, and not really, this is not the most stable area of ​​income , because
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you understand it, well done, one day you can have a million listens, and then after 3 months you don’t know, you’re just eating a quick meal. who would you like to work as? well, maybe borista or a bartender there. catherine. who would you like your son to be? first of all, i would like to see him as a happy person. good luck to you, timofey. thank you! two sisters from chelyabinsk also have a very unusual hobby. twelve-year-old almena rainbekova from chelyabinsk crochets bags and weaves beads. at the moment, her collection includes five different models, two of which are girls sold. i really wanted to make my own bag. mom ordered me what i needed, beads, chains.
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hello valentin, you are the mother of two beautiful daughters, did you teach them to do needlework? they wanted it themselves, and i already helped. my daughter has epilepsy and mental retardation, the eldest? yes, at the age of 7 we started having seizures, i decided, i think, to borrow money from volunteers, or whatever, well, it wasn’t possible then. and what about the money? for examination? on mri and night monitoring, and almen says, i’m
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telling you i’m not a beggar, that is, i’m money i'll earn it myself. how did she earn them? felted felt boots, that is, i called the volunteers , i said: guys, borrow some money, i said, there’s also a lemyanka felting felt boots so that motor skills develop, she says, let’s buy it from her, and we’ll help her, support her, otherwise it’s double benefits, and develops motor skills, and earns money for his health, it turns out volunteers. back then they were planting seedlings, peppers, tomatoes, oh, almena , what beautiful peppers you have, there are tomatoes, she says, well, yes, she says, let’s buy it from you, someone for 200 rubles i bought felt boots, some for 300, some for 2.0, also seedlings, how much two sisters from chelyabinsk managed to earn by knitting fashionable blanket bags, why children give almost all their earnings to charity, all the most interesting things after a short advertisement.
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girl, in honor of women's day, a film about great women, gentlemen, please sing to my beautiful daughter, biwat, iwat, now you are ready to make any noble husband happy, you promised the king of france, father, our sovereign, peter alekseevich died, empire heirless. you are peter's daughter and you must not give up. what price will she pay? are you proposing to send peter’s daughter to the settlements? and i trusted you so much. it's a lie. i swear you. to save the empire. i swear to you, lord, i will not shed blood during your reign. yulia peresilt. are you ready to serve me with faith and truth, as you once served my father? vivat, elizabeth, brothers. empress, i am the daughter
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for business on, vtb is a bank for your business, or maybe you and i also open an account in the vdb when it hurts somewhere here. it acts selectively on pain, spasm and bowel dysfunction. neobutin, when it hurts somewhere here, raise your hand, please, i don’t see you, you see me, the death of the enemy, who the enemies are there, i see, you have batyazh berkut, that means it ’s him, our ksyukha.
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it’s impossible, i’m for russia, do you understand what we ’re going to? fap, go away, they will kill you, 10 days until spring, what is this, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, beyond, beyond, at the age of 7 the girl took up knitting to save up for examination, and now 5 years later she and her sister earn money from handicrafts and spend this money on helping. valentina’s people, how much money did you manage to raise ? thousands, is this the amount that was needed, it was enough, even more, they were cherished, but mris are not given to children for free? currently mri can be done under the compulsory medical insurance policy with a referral from a doctor. this is a long queue, 3 months, 4
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months, but at that time she had sutras, the night ones were really strong and you needed to do it urgently, just do night monitoring, as i understand it. they didn’t give us disability, and why didn’t they, they said that we don’t have enough seizures, we can try again and pass a medical commission, and also register with the social and support fund, and there, among other things, you can apply for an mri, there are amounts from they gave 10 thousand, but they definitely stand out now you can tell me some of these charities, contacts, where to go, yes, of course, definitely after the program. with my second husband, i have children from my first marriage, and my father, he doesn’t help you, but no, he lives in another country and is sick, that is, he communicates. every day on the phone, but there is no opportunity to help my children. does your daughter need any help now? today we are in remission, that is, we
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had massages, we were treated, well, there’s a neurologist who prescribed the drugs, we were treated, then we began to lose our hearing, we came here to moscow, we were assigned to a clinic, admitted to a hospital, we were given a blood test, we were given a coke, well, that is, you received all the medical care at your own expense, but what weighs... the income that you have it turns out that you give to charity, the main part goes to charity, just recently we collected sweets for tea at the hospital, told you how great you are, and you didn’t give up, you helped others, let’s get to know your daughters, craftswomen, almena and arlana also came to us, hello, hello, this is a pillet gift for you, thank you very much, it’s huge , my sister and i took this together, can you help me, yes, it ’s really huge, here i think the whole studio can now be wrapped up, cool, how much
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time did it take you to do that? , to knit such a huge blanket, well, 3-4 months, thank you very much, listen, i’m really really moved, thank you, eagle, and i see you have something else, show me, it’s on the spit, i knitted it , you often have such handbags. you’re doing, well, you’ve already made five and two have already been submitted, but from what she, she’s made from visor on purpose, and how much do you sell for, if it’s not a secret, it’s how much you don’t mind or give away, if you liked it very much, then you can give it away, and if we made it for a very long time, then the price tag will appear on its own, so this handbag, how long did it take you to make, well, 2 weeks, if you were selling this handbag, how much would you sell it for, for 3,000? i want, make me a contract to match my outfit, i’ll pay for it, when you started knitting, when i was in the hospital, i
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had nothing to do, i had to keep me occupied with something, and mom bought me threads with a hook already there, and i started knitting, and before that you knitted, no, the first one you knitted, two snoods, one small tooth, then i started doing this, i taught her, what else? i am fond of soap jam, you make soap yourself, yes, cats, dogs , lizards, and dinosaurs, what are these lizards, lizards, tell me how you do it, you have to be very careful, because you need to buy a big bottle of such soap and then take some dye for the cubes, if you want to color them, there are dyes here, yes, everything here is multi-colored, these are dyes, and dyes, and then... we also mowed brushes there, besides soap, blankets, handbags, what else are you doing?
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i roll felt boots, decorative little ones, i make chas, watches, candles, we bought special plates like these and then rolled them up, and how much you managed to earn from this is personal, a trade secret, yes, yes, eagle, what can you do, tell me , i know how to sculpt from plasticine, very... small figures, somewhere they are this size, who taught you this? and i learned it myself, and my sister in everything you help, you knit blankets together, and you make handbags, yes, because when it’s hard for me, i want to help her, when it was hard for me, she will help me too, well , that’s how sisters should behave, and what do you like to do most, knitting blankets, how much time can it take for you and your sister to make one blanket? as i understand it, the one you brought is kind of gigantic, are you making smaller ones? smaller thing, i still remember that we knitted some kind of braid, i don’t remember how long, because i was still leaving, girls
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are fond of chess, go to tournaments , that is, yes, they have medals, first place, what are their schedules, they have a free minute, then blankets, then bags, then candles, then chess, they do not coincide in time , because one goes to school in the morning, goes to training in the evening, and comes to training in the morning. it will be in the evening after school. almen, your mother said that you give all the money you earn to charity. we will spend this money on foundations, helping foundations where people who are in hospital are in serious trouble. condition. and even i bought two injections for 32,000, which my mother really needed, i just felt sorry for the mother of her children. how.
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walk around with things or something, the main thing is that other people are healthy and if they are in need, why not help, you raised wonderful children, and their future will be no worse than now. arlana, what do you and your sister plan to do next? we plan to continue working on weaving bags and blankets. saniyam,
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agree, but almena and orlana. thanks to all the parents with whom we we met today, and it’s really a great happiness when you live in such a family, that is, if i understand correctly, you will give your support to the girls, absolutely, at the age of 12 the guy became the director of a store where he sells goods for his own hobby, in the studio matvey valevsky and his father pavel, hello, hello, matvey.
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how long have you been a director? 2 years. how old are you? 14. what kind of store do you have? graffiti shop that sells spray paint, markers, sketchbooks and clothes. pavel, who opened this store? the founder of the idea and the main initiator was, after all, matvey. he suggested the idea that in omsk it is necessary to open a store, with goods, with goods for graffiti. and we listened, and this is what happened. everything happened very quickly, because the premises were being rented out, we had to quickly make a decision, literally within a few days we had already found all the main players, well, suppliers in this business, contacted them and started a dialogue. matvey, why exactly this topic? because i've been since i was 4 years old i'm interested in graffiti, i originally painted a picture on the paper of the planet using
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spray cans, but now i do the design and... fonts on the walls, did that bring you any money? yes, it did, paintings, for example, they brought me 500 rubles. for the picture. i wonder, pavel, did you know about this? well, at some point in time it was kept secret in our family, well, from me, my wife supported matvey, and i, that is, you didn’t know that your son was selling paintings, actually painted by hand, well, when he was already selling paintings, i knew , but i didn’t know, so to speak, the scale of his hobby, how much he was drawn into it, then i somehow understood. and agreed, how did you feel about your son’s hobby? initially with such suspicion , it seemed to me that this is how to say, this is something on the verge of hooliganism, on the verge of hooliganism, plus it is harmful, constantly dirty hands, there are also dirty clothes, so i was more worried about this, but then i i realized that the passion is so strong that it is impossible, it is already an obstacle, it is easier to accept, now my son
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is making great progress, i think that on this age. the successes are quite great, because today they have already ordered decorations from him for beauty salons from omsk, and some musicians there asked to draw graffiti, well, on such legal walls, uh , where their logo was drawn for their achievements in the musical field. matvey, does this bring you good income? yes, it brings good income, well, how much do you charge for the design of, for example, a beauty salon? 2.0 rubles per square meter, what did they ask you to draw? they asked them to paint the glass, the toilet and also the glass inside premises. lily, from the point of view of the law, again, can a child do all this? he can theoretically do this, but again, if we are talking about taxes, then taxes on such profits must be paid. well, in fact, this is how it is, everything is registered in our name, in my name as an individual entrepreneur, of course, we pay for everything, everything is fair.
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how much income does the young man bring per month? what does he spend the money he earns on? still a woman in elementary school. is there a woman named olga among your relatives? my sister is olya. do you have children?
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your sister? three sons. knowing your sister, can you assume that she could give birth to a child and leave him? i couldn’t get my head around it. looks like my sister. i open the envelope. dna. today at 17:50 on ntv. empress. premiere on march 8 at 15:15 on ntv. i opened the application and selected the car brand. avito will pick up everything for that. he took the family prisoner, quickly got into action, ismigen. ismigen activates the immune system with one tablet for money. i will quickly treat my cold. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air. they talk about converting transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer , the throwing engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you,
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fill out applications on the website beyond. this is beyond the bounds. at the age of 14, a teenager from the leningrad region earned almost 2 million rubles from selling flowers. and a guy from omsk became a store director at 12. matvey, what are your responsibilities as a director? well, i initially helped to do the repairs. um, then, well, now is the time. i place orders, help unload everything, and sometimes i work, but how many employees do you have? two, how do they feel about the fact that they have such a young director, they treat well, we have friendly relations, you go to work every day, well, i try to devote free time, after school i always pop into the store, let's see how you cope with position of director, immediately after school, a twelve-year-old from omsk hurries to his store, he has no time. a lot of
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the boy admits, after all, i still need to learn lessons and have time for boxing and football training, there are only a few hours a day left for business, after studying, training, if possible i try to come here, i ask my parents to let me spend more time here . matvey says that he put his whole soul into his business; he painted the façade of the store with all kinds of graffiti from the foundation to the roof, which his parents are happy about and his son is busy with. inside, the young entrepreneur decided to decorate the interior in strict colors: i decided to design the store choose in black and white colors, because there is a huge palette of colors, and if we did graffiti here, everything would get mixed up, the director’s work at work is not going well, while his peers are thinking about their future profession, he himself puts the goods on the shelves, advises visitors, places orders from suppliers and even stands behind the cash registers. employees
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assure that you can’t look for such a boss again, he’s the coolest boss in the world. danil, what do you think of the plot? great, i once also drew on fences, i was also 14, only on abandoned or not? and it was all abandoned then, so i had my own group, but it was called world cat, they drew some cats. but now i already draw 200 paintings per year, but i paint with watercolors and acrylics, i like it when i see as if this photograph, it is clear that there are graffiti that are drawn as if it were a portrait or as if it were a landscape, but you you’ll probably draw something more stylish, with fonts and brightness, yes, i mostly draw fonts. pavel, such a hobby for my son doesn’t harm his studies, you know, 2 years ago he already took an active part in the opening of the store there and just a lot...


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