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tv   Severnaya zvezda  NTV  March 7, 2024 12:00am-12:56am MSK

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cop cars, you're a dreamer schmid , who would throw a cop into a strict zone, it doesn't happen, they 've been hanging around in their cop zones for centuries, that's why corruption flourishes in our country, because on our own, if it's my will, i i would close all these red zones in one fell swoop, and then what, what next? a cop has to do his job, if a cop puts up roofs or does something else, what kind of cop is he, they are such greyhounds because they know that they will sit among their own people, but if they were sitting with us, they would think 10 times whether the game is worth it good stuff, it’s a pity you’re not a politician schmidt, i would vote for you, it’s a pity, but maybe you’ll be lucky in your next life, just tell me everything about this.
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now it was insulting, it means you don’t believe me, i’m a stupid tusk, come on, tusk, no tusk, you yourself know how to deal with the offended, i know.
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are you going out? you. thank you, sit down. maybe someone will explain to me on what basis i was detained. sit down, i say, we are already on speaking terms, please introduce yourself. are you so impudent, actually, i’m a famous journalist, what are you talking about, well, i don’t read newspapers, sorry, i’m on i work on television, especially since there’s nothing to watch there, dirt and darkness, nothing human , so, firstly, i demand that they call my lawyer, and secondly, i, and maybe throw you in a cell with homeless people, i haven’t been in a long time due to frequency i was treated, honor said, on the bench.
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that means you’re anna sergeevna belonogo, why were you running away from the patrol there, anna sergeevna , why am i mumbling, i didn’t understand the question, why am i, so that we have a labor force here, it’s very interesting, the last place of work, the dawn of service. assistant manager, secretary, or what? answer the question is, why are you silent? your documents? mine, yes or no? my, what about our education? let's see, pedagogical? notice, not a word about your journalistic activities, why? who are you, girl? i was joking! what am i kidding? was i
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kidding? well, i understand that, i also like to joke, five years of general regime, place of work, temporarily unemployed, it’s clear what you were doing there, but answer me, walking, walking, alone with whom? i was visiting a friend, i was going from a friend’s house, she can confirm, let’s call her right now, and i’ll listen, i don’t i remember the phone number, what are you talking about, i just wrote the phone number in the phone book, i didn’t remember it, where is your phone number, gavrilov, yes, comrade major, we work, but in different ways. i understand, yes, listen,
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maybe you can explain it to me? why was i detained, what did i do, you, for your beautiful eyes, what do you think, i’m the only one sitting here so beautiful, we had a drug raid, and you’re right there, come here, why, you got up, came over, quickly, and kakiely, don’t let me go, shut up, your veins are clean or else. check, let me go, it hurts me, or maybe you’re injecting it under your tongue, but take your things and get out, sanych, there’s a girl
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running out from me, belonogova, let her out, she looks clean. you're lucky that they don't watch tv, otherwise you'd come out the other side. every cloud has a silver lining, and since they released you, that means there is no doubt about the authenticity of the documents, have you seen your work record? yes, everything is fine, have you changed your mind about going north? no, i haven’t changed my mind, i want to know what’s really
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chasing brats around the maidan, closing the ranks, i’m andrei officer and my job is to carry out the order, you are not an officer, listen, take it easy on the turn, in the soviet union they took the oath. are you crazy, you didn’t have time to meet, you’ve already gotten into trouble, if your siblings are so crazy, what can you expect from the others, your dad has a golden eagle, which means he killed our ksyukha, grisha, we need information about one person, he was involved in extremism with us , you will find him, 10 days before spring, he was there, burning our buses, the premiere, the russians came? who are you going to fight with me here in crimea on our land from monday at 20:00 on ntv. raise the scores! stars, premieres on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. it's just plastic, and this is alpha pay. freedom
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the presidential elections on march 15-17 and cast my vote for the future of our country, for the future of my children, together, we are strong, we vote for russia, allow me, comrade general. well, i made it at the last moment, our bird is already free, she didn’t suspect anything, i think not, but in general, you should have seen her face, she flew out the publication is like a scorcher, its local opera has fully loaded it, yes, they know how to load it, yes, alexander nikolaevich, but maybe we should have interfered in this in vain, would have opened a case under 327 and would not have gotten in the way, no, borya, this is already too much. “we already cleared the entire clearing around the rocket, then the general director of the channel
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was found to have left guns, and now his fiancee has false documents, it’s too much, the journalists will swoop in, so what, the journalist, so what, they’ll start asking questions, let them ask, you already know what they will do to us it’s like a joke about how elephants and ants played football, you know, yes, they ran back for two halves, and then the elephants in the locker room apologized, saying sorry, they trampled a lot of yours, and the ants responded. you checked her, of course, like everyone else, and
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that she is as pure as a baby’s tear, well, there were some mistakes in her youth, but this is all not our part, in short, i myself will look at everything that you dug up on her, and then we’ll accept decision, don’t trust, yes, i’m checking, fighting, and you, myself, the situation is too complicated, well, how do you like our food, i’ll get used to it, the old one told me to show you everything here, but no i’m getting confused, everything is clear, there’s a detachment here, there
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’s an industrial complex, there’s a library, and you’re just such an observant, keen eye. tell me about the woodcutter, and why tell about him, everyone knows everything about him and no one knows anything , why did the woodcutter drive this from, we know where from the past, comrade colonel, you have something urgent, i’m going to the village and back, only documents for signature, a list of people for cutting down forests, clearing the territory, what kind of clearing, what kind of forest, so you promised kuzmina yourself to allocate people, he has been cutting off my phone all week, this is when it was last year, i forgot about it,
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well, no, i’m against it, it’s not a zone, it’s a forest, if someone breaks into an escape, write about... lost, and mobile phones work there, well, what am i, your business is the boss’s , i’m only responsible for the convoy, then you tell him not to bother me anymore, the phone has been cutting me off for a week, okay, i’ll talk to him, let the documents lie with you, one brother escaped from here from the colony in the thirties. how he escaped, this is an island, well, somehow he escaped, either someone helped him, brought him a boat, or something like that he was strong, he swam across the river, well, in general, he escaped, well, of course, they sent a firing squad after him, they found his tracks on the shore, they set dogs on his tracks, so they
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chased him like an animal through the forest, and the sentries, no one else. i didn’t see those people from the team , i chopped off the wood from everyone’s heads , and there were about 10 of them, and nailed the bodies to the trees in the clearing so that they could see from afar, and the dogs, and what about the dogs, well, you said that there were dogs with them that they were later shot. well, how can i explain to you, they’ve gone crazy, but they’ve lost their way hundred began to howl at the moon, howling so vilely that they say, even here in the colony it was heard, and the ax, and the ax, well, did he swim across the river with an ax or find it in the forest, but how do i
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know, only a woodcutter from those since then no one... has seen, but in the sense of the living, yes, no one went into the forest unnecessarily, you know, they say that he built himself a hut there, started a farm, tamed wolves, wolves are now his best friends, if anyone a stranger entered the forest, they drove straight at him, to where he was, a woodcutter with an axe, you yourself were in do you believe this nonsense? who cares whether i believe it or not, one thing is clear that the woodcutter is alive, and he is somewhere here, somewhere nearby, what are you
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doing, i almost shit myself, you filter the market, and let's get out of here, quickly , i’m here with a man. but i’m not afraid of work, i can even do carpentry, even so, but what can i do, you can die of boredom, you know what, while the other one has missed the mark, it’s you. not a threat to any of us.
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have a nice time, buddy, take the plate, thank you, i'm full, everyone's fed up, why did you call, but there's strange talk going on here, let's be more specific, this is your lunch, and i have a lot of things to do, about the woodcutter, your dizia, and you asked me to come over because of this nonsense? fedor, you’re a normal guy, and you also fell for these stories, you know, stories, not stories, only now, because here you understand that the point is not whether i believe it or not, it’s how i
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react to it, read, read, read , it’s interesting, two of our locals saw some chugars buying a new ax in the store, and they decided that this was a famous maniac named lumberjack, but chugarov did not want to give up and between them for... because you know, you know how much i respect you, only you are responsible for all sorts of trash over there, and i am here for the completely respectable citizens who think that there is a real a maniac
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that a woodcutter leaves the colony at night and goes out to hunt, fedya, as he leaves the colony, with his legs, his legs, he walks straight through the water, like a staff, silently, like a ghost, only waves... such a splash on the shore, slap, he’s not there, he’s not there, there’s no woodcutter, you know, there’s no one, but you understand, that i didn’t mind it either, if something happens in the village, they’ll ask me, not you, vitya, fuck you, just wait, vity, vity, vity, just wait, you’re such a vasilevsky, remember, well... nickname he also had such a funny one, like there, the sorcerer, 5 years ago he fell back, well, he stayed in the settlement, but what? well, he
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wants to talk to you, he has a vision of what he has, a vision, not often, it’s true, but it always comes true, because you. i talked to him, but for the sake of our friendship, maz, he was in hamer’s brigade, they were collecting debts. well, there kommers alone wrote an application to the cops, mozai went for three rubles of extortion, rewinded, came out podo, further,
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further, by that time they had filled up the hummer, mazai succumbed to the collectors according to the profile, so to speak, there was one patient, to hell there must have been money for sure, mazaev was found on..
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let's go ivanovich, slow down for five seconds. i listen carefully. let's step aside, we need to whisper. no, that won’t work, this is a market. what are you striving for? i’m afraid that the old man will then ask me that i ’m messing around with you in the quiet, i need it, or they’ll find me in the corner without a head with my hands pierced nails. no, let's go here. yes, who knows... who knows, shamir asked me to bow to you for sharing your blood with him, back to him, but why should he? well, for the fact that he didn’t take all the blood, he can, yes, shamir says, you’re making a mistake that you made friends with the old man, the old man doesn’t care about his people from a high bell tower, he’ll chew it out, and
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shamir helps his people. fully harnessed, accepted the information, accept, accept, shamir will come out of the hospital to meet you personally, but for now, vadim ivanovich, breathe quietly, sit upright, if you have eyes in the back of your head, don’t close them, you yourself know what kind of things are going on here, be there, vadim ivanovich, be there. download the application and receive a bonus charged for good luck. 2,222 rubles from the betting league. go green. this is the star show. it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen a humorous team. dmitry malikov. no one will believe you anyway, stranger. philip tirkorov. salam alaikum. valeikum salaam. honey. i'm your
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bunny. preparations for the elections are going well, one hundred percent nazca is expected. alexei chumakov, alexey chumakov, with a team of funny dudes. lera kudryavtseva. girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv. why? well, you have the faces of the victims. alexander reva. how i missed you, what is your name anyway? miguel, yes, i’m russian, what? no, the fact that you also have a shaman in your tribe, i have no doubt, applause. itali, zhulebina, marina fedunkev, dzhigan. i miss you. ah, pranksters. azamat musaagaliev. i wanted to be your star. stars. new comedy show. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv.
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10 days until spring, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. yes, alekich, this is a priority task, i’m accelerating as best i can. now i 'll speed up the process. everyone is delighted with the taste of aromatic freshly brewed coffee, tasty and to the point. favorite cappuccino, as well as raf, flat, hot chocolate and desserts in the cafe. a real legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to touch it, but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free credit card with a whole year of interest-free and receive a superkick in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, it’s a surprise sale on ozone, have time to surprise,
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butterfly, do you know how to confuse the jury? mask: holiday, friday, march 8 at 19:25 on ntv. i rented this section of the forest, and for ridiculous money. remember, i went to the governor during the election campaign. he personally signed it all then. yes. look, there will be berths here. there’s a hotel right here, yeah, so it’s convenient to go straight up the stairs to the hotel, hotel with 30 rooms, full board, can you imagine, a bathhouse, a swimming pool, anything, billiards, it looks beautiful on paper,
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but who will go to our wilderness, oh, i beg you, before they go on our fishing trip, our hunt, so many people will find it, and for very good money, and we serve them, we accompany them, and what is required of me, what is required of you, cheap labor, everything, well, cut the wood , clear the area over there, and then more construction, well, time is up to the task. now inappropriate, you frightened me yourself as a lumberjack, in the zone over there there are also conversations about him, so i’ll start supplying prisoners to your construction site, but you understand, their tendency to escape will only increase, such strong security, which
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is easier, by the way, this is for you, for you personally, as advance payment, but if everything goes well, then you will be my partner, 60 to 40, 40% is yours. this is real money , you see, but much more real than your pension, you definitely noticed that, and so you were worried about the seat, you were afraid that they wouldn’t be re-elected and your construction project would be closed, but i ’m telling you, the governor was in good shape mood, i signed everything literally without looking, well, make up your mind, vitya, make up your mind. do you have anything to report on the case? no. bye. i'm getting used to it. well , let's get used to it quickly. time is
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running out? yes, by the way, just so you know, schmidt has already made inquiries about you. of course, no one will give the prisoner's file into his hands. but your story was conveyed to him. shmit with brains. maybe he won’t believe it, don’t worry , he’ll believe what you got it from, he has my opera in his possession, who... told a fairy tale, and how did you do it? do you think you’re the only one who knows how to work in the capitals? shmit caught him on a slippery topic, but also bent under himself. i just didn’t take into account that it was i who set him up for recruitment. normal, that is. for the old one, i’m now a collector, that’s good, listen, mazaev,
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why exactly a collector, well, i’m just wondering, collectors are looking for people. when they find it, they ask harshly if they believe it, if, then just like you bet on me, they themselves will ask you to find this lumberjack, woodcutter, well , yes, convoy!
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hello, citizen, boss, how did you know it was me, by the smell, you, listen, sit here somewhere nearby, well... with your back not hang around, sit down, sit down, don’t be lazy, i’m sitting, now close your eyes, closed, closed, so what do you see, nothing. and i see a boat, it’s petka
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siva and sashka the brave coming from fishing, well, over there they are now behind the toe, and in about 10 minutes they will show up here, everything is clear, it’s your blind people who have a sense of hearing and smell, they drank a little too much yesterday, almost the boat not destroyed. it came to a fight, the gray sanka slashed his hand with a knife , then he stuck his face into the fire, by the morning they made up, well, tell me, can you hear or smell something like that, why did you call me, our home-grown psychic, give me your hand , you want to check your life line, everything is fine with it... fine, i’ll live happily for a long time, yeah, if you don’t go far into the forest
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, listen, sorcerer, you’re local you'll be driving around your ears, this number won't work with me, i'll quickly put you in a psychiatric hospital, well, whatever you want, citizen, boss, i only warned you, evil has broken free, the woodcutter is already axing... a new victim is waiting, so that you don’t go far into the forest, boss, you’ll find your death there, you better take it wife and get out of here while you're still alive, but i read somewhere... that you can't deceive death, even
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if you run away, it will still catch up with you , it will probably catch up with you, sooner or later, so run away, so what about life? snatch another piece, she’s not a quick death for an old woman, in another year you’ll get it, and then maybe you’ll have more grandchildren to look after. what kind of grandchildren are there, my son in moscow is all in business, from morning to evening, like a lathered bobby, he has no time for his grandfather, oh, here are my kids in floods. hello, nikolaevich, hello, well, as i said,
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i found out your biography, so i have to offer for you. you are a new person in the zone, and the main thing is that you have a special experience, to look for people who spend a lot of time, you have to find someone, you can’t, i need a woodcutter, while this crazy guy is causing mayhem in the zone, we all have problems, the administration has tightened the screws,
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there’s nowhere else to go, not to sigh, not to groan, let’s strangle this demon, a completely different life will begin, i promise, well, let’s say, but my interest. why do you want to bargain, they show you respect, but i like grandmas more, you can buy as much respect as you want with them, half a ton from greens is normal, listen, according to the zone cash doesn’t go around , what are you going to do with it here, and i said that i need it in the zone, but in the wild they definitely won’t be superfluous, i ’ll give the contact of a person, he works in a bank, you give him cash, he’ll give me the money in the account , then we'll talk? previously, i would have arranged this in a couple of days, but now you understand that there is no connection with the will, but as for the landline connection, i don’t believe that you can’t mess up one call , you can mess up everything, only these calls keep getting through, it’s a shame , in
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general, i give you 50 pieces of greenery, and so that you believe me, another 50 on top, that’s seriously. money, okay, you heard , we agreed, according to zelensky’s personal decree 851/2023, he is wanted by the kiev gestapa, i periodically change hotels, change cities, at night four cars arrived there to talk with soros, poroshenko, yatsenyuk, klitschko, what does he know about zelensky, only a former
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sharpens his teeth on us, no one likes that we are the power of the boy’s word: blood on the asphalt, the boy’s word is only for boys, this is just the beginning, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, coming soon to ntv. thanks lin for the ride! yes, i’ll spend it, don’t, i don’t like it, but then bye, then bye and reed, wait, you, you! be careful there, okay, call, if anything happens, you’ll arrive right away, who knows, in general, not
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disappear, thank you, laziness, yes, comrade general, as i said, our bird is flying north, a plane will land in moscow, i will give the command so that, as usual, it will be met by... put aside observation, the final destination of its route is known to us , make sure that the girl gets on the plane, come here to the department yourself, we’ll figure out how to proceed further, i understand, comrade general. i see that you are in the authority of the old man, he
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said to look after you, almost blow away specks of dust, so blow them away. you are not a greyhound, you know, the wind will change, today is your suit, but tomorrow it will be mine, aren’t you a little place, damn it’s not russian, what a touch, and this is the magician, he’s a spy, what a spy, what, what, real, american, like in the movies, what, they didn’t tell anything about him, he’s 3 years ago they were caught in some kind of sabotage, now here... the bastard, he was preparing some kind of dirty trick against our beloved homeland, yes, natasha, you’ll be there soon, i’m worried, don’t
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worry, i’ll be there in half an hour, the fly is howling again, it’s just not... you hear, we need to take him to the vet, maybe he’s just sick, because, wait, i wanted to wait for you so that not on the phone, but i just can’t restrain myself, pavlik called from moscow, but he has a new girlfriend, they’ve been together for almost a year, because they’re going to have a child, a son, you understand , you’ll become a grandfather, and i’ll become a grandmother, hello, because ...can you hear me, hello, see, can you hear? yes, i hear you, natasha, good news, wait for me, i’ll be there soon. okay, i'm waiting, are you okay?
12:54 am
12:55 am
don’t miss tomorrow, this woodcutter is really giving me a hard time, the old man won’t like my proposal, it’s really dumb, but it may pass, but the situation obviously left. what do you suggest, borya? we are talking about state security. north star. but he’s not, they’ll tear him to pieces. final episodes, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.


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