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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 7, 2024 4:10am-4:56am MSK

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i grabbed his hand, he jerked sharply, and i only had him and the glove in my hands, and then i passed out again. anh, the print here is pretty clear. excellent, andryush, very good. good afternoon, general golubev. upsm, this case has been transferred to us,
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so thank you all very much for your service, everyone is free, on what basis, comrade general, i don’t understand how to trust you, captain kuvshinova, police department investigator. max, explain to the young lady, the fact is that this coin is the property of the ambassador of the united states, it is exhibited in your museum unesco program, small towns, big masterpieces. the coin is valued at $5 million, if the ambassador receives information that the coin has been stolen, there will be an international scandal, so there are still questions, no, there are no more questions, volodya, we are going, let us go, yes, give the materials to colonel pastukhov, once again thank you all so much for your work. well, comrade general, allow
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me to appeal, i allow it, just please, quickly, let me participate in the investigation, i heard a lot about upsm, and i always dreamed of working with you, i don’t i will be a burden, however , i am a cultural specialist by first education, i... defended my diploma in nomismatics, and i also have idiocy, why do you have a daughter, innate photographic memory, vech general, it’s not contagious, that’s for sure, the main thing is not with idiocy confused, sorry, got the shepherd, well done, right, so it is, as you say, this thing is called, come on?
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stay, and then we’ll look at your personal responsibility, understand? yes sir. i won’t let you down, comrade general. so what do we have? we have pretty clear prints fingers of a possible criminal. if we're lucky, we'll figure him out from the card index, that's the first thing. we have a hair found at the crime scene, it is now in the laboratory and the dna results will be coming soon, this is the second. so, what about the cctv cameras, have the materials been confiscated?
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confiscated, we are studying, yes, come in, allow it too, leave, well, i found it, don’t bother, i found it, i found it, judging by the prints, uspensky, all volat ivanovich, born in 1980, third year of birth 15 days ago, he was convicted of petty hooliganism for a fight with a neighbor , call from the police arrived at 10:00 p.m. from an anonymous person, had not previously been seen in criminal activities, moreover, only positive characteristics from his place of work, but who does he work for? he is an assistant professor at the department of higher mathematics at a local university, then, then, and what ’s most surprising is that his prison term ends today, today, right? so urgently find out the phone number of this pre-trial detention center, seryozha, call there, immediately, let him be detained and not released, hello, hello, colonel pastukhov, tell me, who can
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give me information about the prisoner uspensky everything volodya ivanovich, who, well, give him here, why are you mumbling like a child, right? i understand, that means, our man will contact you now, urgently send him the video from the surveillance cameras from the entrance to the pre-trial detention center, lights out, he was released 4 hours ago, act, yes, it turns out that our main suspect has an iron aled. well, i’ll go to our citizen, and for now you talk to the local population, yes, comrade, captain, you’re our boss here, let’s get to work,
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eh, a deer, quickly ran up here, i didn’t understand, maybe i’m deaf ? uh, can't you hear? what did i tell you, come over, let’s talk, now, come here, don’t be afraid, let’s go shopping now, well, everyone lay down on the ground and sat. “i won’t repeat it a second time, stand, look how fearless you are, just lie there and don’t get up, i’ll come back, even if i get a scratch on the car, i’ll see you, i’ll punish you, go away,
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rest!” oh, thank you, please, owner kukshinov, i’m trying, comrade captain. got up, got up, get up, get up, come on, tell me that you were running, it’s just fun, maybe go to the police station right away, he’s pissing me off, don’t be stupid, tell me, milk it. released, so he ran , i don’t want to go back to the bunk, come in,
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come in, let’s say he threw a punch at me, and i thought you were a friend of this nerd, what a nerd, uspensky, my neighbor, you rang his doorbell, and uspensky -what did he do to you, a couple of weeks ago he came at me, always so clean, calm, here he turned out to be such a wolf, well, in general, it was he who flashed the penal to me. in more detail, well, i’m sitting near the entrance this evening, i’m sitting, not bothering anyone, lyubka is coming, oh, hello, see, hi, listen, can you help us, there are pipes that have failed, they need to be fixed, at your nerd's, well, yes, let's go, well, let's go, come on, mick, good luck.
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i don’t know, he turned out to be a bastard, but when i came to my senses, i thought i was going to tear him into a british flag, then the cops came, basically , they took his goat, but you understand, he humiliated me in the whole area, in front of the woman too, well, i decided to give him a warm welcome after the kichi, which is true when i say guys, but really mikha says, a real boy, it’s clear, well, what are we going to do with him, hands on, forgive me, lady, what happened? nothing, what is it? your
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brother is on the bunk, i’ll call the police to take him away, but where are you going? yes, stop, damn it! keep him in the cell for another day, well, no, there’s no need to open a case, all the best. well, what did you manage to find out? yes, one granny told me about this lyuba neverva , spanish height in the same yard , he was in love with her since childhood, but she always ignored him, then suddenly, unexpectedly, a month ago she moved to him from her mother’s apartment from the neighboring house. oops, is this a twist? yes, by the way... i still had time talk to lyuba’s mother, so she claims that her daughter fell in love with uspensky poush, this loser, as she herself
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put it, well, in general, she is not happy with her daughter’s choice, it’s understandable, lyuba is a beauty, she has a wide choice, then suddenly uspensky , they didn’t quarrel with their mother, they haven’t spoken for two weeks, so where the daughter is and what’s wrong with her is unknown , yes, she’s a good mother, but i understand her in some ways, listen, what exactly is this? are there some numbers in the notebook? looks like a code, so he’s a fan, where did you get the idea, karasev, here these numbers are the dates of the champions league matches for the last month, do you follow football, i don’t, my father does, we even have a sign hanging on the wall, but i have eidetism, listen, these numbers seem to be a value bets and winnings, so what are you? yaniy? no, do you live with your father? yes, i live, my
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ex and i rented an apartment, and after the divorce, i moved in with aks. in general, during the entire term, uspensky behaved more than decently. i can't say anything. calm, quiet, intelligent, with cellmates? well, i practically didn’t communicate with my cellmates, but how it says. within the limits of what was necessary, he was polite, did not take part in conflicts, did not provoke himself, you know, in our dining room, the boiler broke down, so he volunteered to fix it. works, you know, and here there were so many craftsmen, they kept poking around, poking around, poking around, to no avail, these are golden hands, that means, that’s it, in general i have to tell you that this is a normal, good guy, well, there are still questions, colonel, boiler - it works like clockwork, after that i allowed spensky to use a notebook and a pencil,
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he wrote down everything there with his formula for the remaining term, scribbling, not complaining about his health. although yesterday afternoon he complained of sharp pains in the abdomen, the doctor examined him and identified him to a sanitary block, from there this morning he left, our food is not dietary, not a sanatorium, you know, anything can happen. vladimir petrovich, i would like to talk with this doctor, it’s possible, of course. hello, colonel pastukhov, upsm, i need to ask you a few questions, excuse me, about, about one of your patients, uspensky, and uspensky, village, yes, yes, yes, please, sit down, yes, i
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’m listening to you, why there was a need to transfer him to the sanitary, so as not to be unfounded yet. no, everything is written down here, i had a map somewhere, so no, yes, so , now, yeah, yes, i’ll help, look, look, so, yeah, yeah, that means, yes, usprensky, so , that means, yeah , at night i complained to uspetsk about stomach pains, i had to transfer him to the sanitary block, and from there to the district hospital, why? well, in our institution we don’t have special equipment, with the stomach, jokes bad, whatever you want, maybe, yes, so, in fact it turned out, a simple attack
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of gastritis, at what time it happened, so, tonight, so, so, so, so. here at 4:50, at 7:00 he was already in the sanitary block, who accompanied him, as expected, me and the duty officer, it is clear in which hospital the examination was carried out, in the central, regional, endocrinology, maxim lyadilovich, perfilov disappeared there again, look, it’s already there now, excuse me, service, one? a fighter against the administration, he gets hurt in every possible way,
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he’s an artist, huh? a simple scratch, a screaming noise, they’ll write a complaint , so that’s where we stopped, but in general i have everything, thank you very much, all the best, leb, these are shepherds, we need to quickly break through one little man, hares, now, wait, see the hares, yes, a difficult task, i understand, that’s why i’m calling you, i’ll be with you in 20 minutes, that’s it, lights out. well, genius, did you take anyone out? but of all the hares featured, here is sergei mikhalovich the hare, better known in the criminal world as the authority mikhalych. well done! vadim, it's me! urgently establish
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surveillance of mikhail leonidovich zabotkin. yes, a doctor from the pre-trial detention center, where uspensky was held. there is a reason, then i’ll tell you, well, of course with anna, where now without her? that's all, before we get in touch, thank you, i made you happy , yes, but that's not all, look, i managed to talk with uspensky's colleague stepan anatolyev, a senior lecturer at the department, and so, he claims that uspensky has always been a confident, moderate, sensible person, in last month it was as if he had been... replaced, i mean, well, i mean, he became interested in fashion, dressed brightly, bought glasses with gold frames, dear ones, all the time i was in a hurry to get home, once i confronted the rector himself, which had never happened to him before, well, i became interested in the change that was too radical. well, maybe you were right
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to be interested in this, shahshelyam. it seems to me that this could not have happened without a woman. yes, interesting, interesting. karasev and anya reported to us about a girl named lyuba, lyuba neverova, exactly, so this is the love of our mathematician’s life, he sought her for many years, suddenly she reciprocated his feelings, well, tell me, what is not the motive for committing crimes of the century, yeah, so to speak, to please your beloved, you get it, right?
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if you allow me, just a second, look, well, now i’m showing another recording. and so,
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yes, if this is the same person, then how could such a severe lameness go away in one day, maybe we are looking for the wrong person? on the contrary, there is a version of dna analysis of a hair found at the crime scene showed that it belongs to the local authority, mikhailych. in addition, this mikhailych is very lame, a birth injury. maybe mikhailych acted together with uspyansky? so why did the video camera show one person? and then the guard didn’t tell us anything about the second person? something is not right here, perhaps someone wants to set someone up,
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so let’s not rush to conclusions, but let’s work a little more, will anything happen? oh, are you giving me a treat? well yes, so romantic. hey, don't start, listen, is someone joining our doctor? i think i know him, this is the six mikhalych. huy from mikhallich, on authority, owns a network of sports catalysts in the city. by the way, there is information that inside the network he uses there are many small agents who offer particularly gambling players loans at high interest rates. well, then they install a meter, take out all the money, force them to rewrite the property, and so on until they are completely ruined, listen, he shows him something in his bag,
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now we’ll see. but let's still go outside.
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well, i’m not blocking anyone, i went around the corner, you’ll figure it out, i’m getting my bag, oh, wait, i came up to a friend, wait, wind up, sit still. i still can’t believe that everything worked out, and you, let’s get to the airport first, and you know that soon we’ll have a drink with
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beer for you, do you know why? because we will be in prague, there we will meet with the buyer, do you believe that this is happening to us, dear, to be honest, with difficulty, yes, wait, have you paid off with the doctor? yes, i transferred all the money, he will pay off mikhalovich’s debt, it seems to me that you can trust him, he is a good person, but what is it, do you doubt something? yes. no, but dear, well, it’s completely in vain, with me you feel like behind a stone wall, with me you have no one to fear, i’m like a chess player, i predict several moves go ahead, well then, please predict that everything will be fine, everything will be fine.
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what it is? open it up! “calm down, citizens, the bus will leave soon, everything will be fine, i just lost my friends, my young and deceitful friends, we are sitting, we are getting out.
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well, fraer, he wanted to cheat me. sorry, you misunderstood, we hid the coin in in a safe place, in a very safe place, let's go to the hiding place to bring it to you. stop this lichilova, golimaya. and who is my hair? i planted it in the museum, and you think it's in my mind you don’t have your own people, fraer, you’re crazy, don’t, please don’t, here, here, take your coin.
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look, where the hell, go get her urgently, at the nose, wait, wait, he said. that bastard, what are we going to do, what are we going to do, let’s say, she got away, yes, she’ll die on her own.
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do you recognize that i found it near your bucket, and do you recognize this boy?
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the formula stopped working, the whole point is, but then suddenly uspinsky disappeared somewhere and that your friend began dating the love of his life, this love cost you a fortune, you got into debt and were already going to rewrite the apartment in the name of your creditor , but then suddenly your old acquaintance appeared again... pensky, it was he who offered you a good deal and good money, and all you had to do was get him out of the house for a couple of hours prisoner and let him steal the coin. this doesn't prove anything. max, tell him
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another story. we carefully studied the clinic where you allegedly admitted ouspensky. at first glance, everything is clean. you have arrived there. the police escort stayed with.
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tell the guard, i'm waiting in the car, confused me, like a fly in a web, comrade colonel, lyuba neverova was found, where, they called from our rvd, they said she came herself, karasev is already downstairs, max, finish here, let's go, the duty officer called me and said that neverova came herself. the clothes are wet, well, in general, he immediately decided to call us, that is, you, us, us, everything is correct, what else, but he got the impression that she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, i ordered her to give her some tea and a warm
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blanket don’t touch it until we arrive, well done, you’re thinking, i’m telling you, ours man, okay, we’ll come now, we’ll figure it out, here she is, comrade colonel, i was thinking, thank you, i’m free, if i need it, i’ll call, there, lyuba, i’m colonel pastukhov from the upsm. lyuba, can you hear me, i hear me. verification, please show me, he was killed,
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you know, right in front of my eyes, he, he, he raised the gun and i shot, here, have a drink. you need to calm down, excuse me, we have to continue the interrogation, try to pull yourself together, try to remember as much as possible about these scoundrels. mikhalych killed seva, took the coin, how do you like it? managed to escape? i don’t know, i... “i just ran and that’s it, i warned
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him, i told him not to get involved with this mikhalych, and he kept repeating that don’t worry, i calculated everything, i’m a mathematician, he and i were traveling on a bus, we were talking about prague , then they stopped
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the bus , where is your phone? general, we assumed that from... uspensky's eight mailboxes i also i found several accounts in the name of lyubov
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nevera and uspensky himself , about $300,000 was transferred to these accounts less than a week before the crimes. wow, what is generous? this is the portuguese nomismatist, federico stefansov. how? may i allow you, comrade general? yes. fedorika stefansa is one of the richest modern nomismatists. it is known that his collection. reads about a thousand copies, and the cost of the cheapest coin is something like 100,000 dollars, his personality is very mysterious, few people have seen him in person, because he operates either through electronic auctions or through his representatives, thank you for the information, sit down , well done, learn how to work, we learn, here is the general, we learn, here karasev is trying very hard, and don’t you envy? wait, what
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else? in addition, i also discovered several accounts, again for uspensky, earlier your smaller amount had already been transferred there by sergei zaitsev mikhailovich. it looks like our shooter got everywhere, took money from mikhalych, and then decided to simply entice the buyer, in other words, to cheat mikhalych, well, it’s logical to not return the money to the bandit, so he decided to take a risk and use it. luspinsky.
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good afternoon, gentlemen, we are from mr. stefans, documents, do you not trust us?
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show me the money, check it, you are very distrustful, mr. zaitsev, mr. stefanov is betraying his reputation, everything is in order, a coin, please. capture, captain karasov oopsm, just move, tables to the ground, slowly, this is arbitrary, i
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won’t say anything without a lawyer, stupidity, sergei mikhailovich, you’ve got green, it’s all over, well done, clearly worked. well, as our clients say, greed ruined phrases, mikhalych turned out to be an intelligent person, he is actively cooperating with the investigation, i think we will put the pressure on him to the fullest. yeah, what about the coin? already waiting for the owner at the museum, as if she had never left. has the coin been authenticated? of course, our expert checked everything very well.
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well, no, well, this is completely different. karasev, shut up, which means that if i manage to get you into our department, no one should know who helped you, of course, after all, you’re seducing me, of course. i wasn't hiding from you, no, it was you who started having problems, by the way, i risked
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my life saving your skin, and i want you to pay me, no, you know what, i don't want to wait. a month, not a year, not six months, i want you to pay me now, do you hear, or i will get everything now, or you can forget about your disk, i’m telling you this, believe me, i will find someone to offer it to, i have that's it, damn it, the key.


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