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tv   Pasechnik  NTV  March 7, 2024 4:55am-6:31am MSK

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problems started, by the way, i risked my life saving your skin, and i want you to pay me. no, you know what, i don’t want to wait a month, a year, or six months, i want you to pay me now, you hear, or i’ll get everything now, or you can forget about your disc, i’m telling you this , believe me, i will find someone to offer it to, i have everything. damn, key.
4:56 am
call a doctor, woman, not bad, i’m a doctor, what happened, i don’t know, i was walking, i looked, he was lying down, woman, can you hear me, can you hear me, right? how are you
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are you feeling? do you remember what happened to you? take it!
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congratulations, thank you that you have a dead woman, the identity cannot be established, there is no passport or mobile phone, robbery, well , it doesn’t look like it, the wallet is in place, there are no signs of a struggle, witnesses, a janitor or speaks russian, just repeat, he killed the woman , he killed a woman, which means the janitor claims that the deceased was killed by a woman, i understand correctly, yes, they encountered her in the yard when he came running in response to a scream, by the way, maybe we can talk to him, don’t let zenkin finish, i won’t interfere, tell me why you decided that it was murder, the janitor, you will witness a few more. and they say
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that they heard a woman calling for help, by the way, according to the janitor’s testimony, it was the killer who defended himself when they collided, well, this is clear for examination, tell me there are two exits from the yard, one and the other. take care of the surveillance cameras , okay, find out everything you need, okay , great device, yakov, envy the white death lead, it’s an excellent device, but i don’t understand anything about it, at least show me the settings that are there, come on, what -help a good person, especially to the boss, this will count, so let’s look at the lid, so these buttons are called zoom, well, approaching removal. yes, here is portrait photography, here it is a portrait , yes, like this in normal light, yes, like this in bad light, yes, like this in bright light, yeah, i understand, like that, it’s simple, uh-huh, like that , i found out that one goes
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into the horns in translation, the other in the arch does not work, so, come on, take the janitor, let's go watch a movie, for that, thank you, thank you, cadaveric examination, let's go to the movie, i'm asking you, i see that this woman, you i personally saw her with my own eyes, and i saw, i saw, he was there, he was the one, he was a man there, men, you told me what kind of man, he was, he left to cook, a man, and there the camera doesn’t work, so , do you remember what he looks like, you can describe him, yeah, such a lichen, makarych, makarych, you again, what again, what
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again, can’t a person get a hangover? you ’ve been so hungover for a week now, we agreed to do the pazik today, he said it himself , he said it, but you’re in trouble, you’re in trouble, go off to your apiary and read the lectures there bees, they love it, but i don’t dare, stop playing the fool, i can’t do it alone, and am i a robot, maybe i have a day off? maybe you just can’t explain this to bees, but try, you’re a beekeeper.
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hey, help, they're completely crazy, you assholes.
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infection, you were the only one missing here.
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great eagles , they looked healthier, it’s not good to be rude to your uncle, well, dear uncle, from here, i see you are cool guys, and what do you need, you need to open one car, take the camera out of it, and what will happen to us for this, bring a foot . you can’t throw the same amount more, zayankin, that’s enough
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fire shells, it’s time to shoot yourself, that’s it, come on and keep me informed of events, i understand, i understand everything, come on, come on, i can’t see the camera. yes, maybe he hid it at the dacha? now let's see, did you see the cop? well, shall we go? let's go, there's no march, he's here, we're leaving everything, oh, well, stand there, there's been an attack on the car, the glass was broken, well, they brought it, hold it. was it lying in the glove compartment
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, that they were idiots, i asked to bring a camera, there was no camera there, under the seat they looked, looked, deafly, yes, this is bad, listen, uncle, he promised us to grandma, but don’t give it to me, but you you promised a camera, you brought it to me, listen, uncle, let’s clear out everything you have, okay, okay, okay, let’s not quarrel, right? to be truly cool, you need to have brains, remember, if you say a word to someone, i’ll find you and kill you, got it, hello!
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yes, there is no one there and there wasn’t, how come, i’m sitting here sick, i’ve been waiting for half an hour, you can’t be so late, there are sick people here, we need help, you never know, hello, oksana valerievna. ksana, where are you going, i came first, please, well, why am i, why am i, why are you standing here, what am i doing? here comes the birth, what nonsense,
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why, hello, schnitz says, i need it urgently. try to remember again what happened to you, you didn’t use anything, in the earrings, where are my earrings, my grandmother’s earrings with a ruby, they disappeared, calm,
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calm, the earrings disappeared, where they disappeared, i don’t know, i don’t know. maybe in a bag? no, look, did we forget at home? no, they were on me, they were on me. actually, i was the first to arrive. now one second, you see the person is feeling bad. yes, i feel bad too, but i sit and wait for an hour. i ask you one second, wait. who are you? i'll call the police now. let's calm down and try to remember. what's happened? my grandmother gave me earrings. these are a long time ago. what, ksyosha, do you want some water? yes now.
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dozhi, this is some kind of thing, i’m not blowing, it’s just some kind of mate , you won’t get to the doctor, just try, listen, woman, calm down, i’ve done it, clearly, what are you looking at, yakov, what are you doing here, no one has come through me yet passed by, and what are you doing here, this is for me, i was the first to ask, and i was the first to come and the first? i'll pass, listen, madam, don't stop me from fulfilling my official duty, major schnitz, investigator committee, wait in the corridor and don’t make noise, it ’s definitely the mafia, i’ll complain, oksana, oksana, i don’t know what’s wrong with her, listen, gleba.
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today a murder was committed in the regional center, i have every reason to suspect oksana of this. oksana, do you recognize me? yakov schnitz, yakov, try to remember where you were this afternoon? don't know. look, this is a trace from injection, oksana, i don’t know where you got it from, we want to help you, remember why you went to the regional
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center today, you went. i was on the bus, there was someone there, a woman, a gypsy, she had a mole, here here yet, i don’t remember, calm down, everything is fine, everything is fine, tell me, you were in the area of ​​​​rogovo street, i don’t know, she’s not a gypsy and she doesn’t have a mole, presumably the murder was completed by intramuscular injection, but the worst thing is that the camera cctv recorded her leaving the crime scene, she had a syringe in her hands, you want to say that she is a suspect, i am obliged to support her,
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ksana, forgive me, but you must come with me. look at you don't need medical help, i'll organize everything, we have a good specialist, i’m ready, but understand , i can’t take you with me, well, i won’t put you in a cell with her, okay, i’ll come later, don’t you mind, of course not, come on, we ’re off. large-scale projects, modern technologies , new horizons, russia of the present and
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future, touch all the achievements on the main exhibition site of the country, 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts, and dozens of other events, everything that delights russia, immerse yourself in the incredible atmosphere of pride in one's country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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great, great, let's talk, well, it depends on what we're talking about, we need your help. using your thieves' connections, can you track down and identify me as a buyer of stolen goods? i can’t, you see , today is my fasting day, i gave her a sedative, so she will sleep until the morning, now she needs complete rest, preferably. that she has amnesia, but a more complete answer after the examination, well, examine her, okay, we’ll start tomorrow.
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watch the girl all the time, that everything was fine, clear, clear, i need to find one stolen item, oksana suffered, gold earrings with rubies were stolen from her in the regional center, listen, what do i care about your earrings and oksana, come back tomorrow. “i have to rest, okay, if you don’t want it to be good, it will be bad, and are you scaring me,
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or something bad, why are you loud, atlantis stepanovna, i need your help.”
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i won’t give you the buyer, i’ll talk to him myself , and i’m waiting for you tomorrow morning, why tomorrow morning, but because my buyer is not in the city, tomorrow he will be there, that he didn’t tell me about oksanka, that she was the one who suffered, i did he say, did he say, what is on your cheek, a gift from atlantis?
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describe the earrings, yes i will.
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grandfather, maybe you’ll still let me talk to your buyer? don’t even think about interfering with my affairs, you’ll ruin everything, how could you not ruin everything yourself? don’t be afraid, i have my own proven methods. give me, give me your mobile, you need to call people, aren’t you afraid that the number will remain, it won’t remain, i’ll erase it, did
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you learn something in the zone? where necessary, there i learned, hello, hello, klech, hello, well, you have klets, everything is like not with people, kles, it’s me, grandpa, great, bro, understood? i’ll be there in an hour, hold the pink cardboard, it’s him, sign, here, here
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, you’re free, we’ll call you when... oksan, we’re not your enemies, we want to help you prove your innocence, what are they accusing me of? yes, no one is accusing you of anything , but the facts remain facts, you must understand us too, the camera saw you, saw you, the witness identified you, identified you, but you cannot explain what happened, that we must. i do not understand anything. this leads to bad thoughts. thoughts about what? about what you don't want cooperate with the investigation. tell me, do you at least remember how you ended up in this yard? i was walking. i don’t remember anything else, how i cut it off. well, did you take the syringe with medications from home? yes, i didn’t take anything. how did you end up with a syringe in your hands? i don't know. if you accuse me of
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murder, i demand a lawyer, but no one is accusing you of anything, we are just trying to figure it out. how is oksana? don't worry, she's much better, though the only thing is that she doesn't remember what happened yesterday. what about fingerprints? on the syringe and her fingerprints. i have business with you listen. where is she now? don't worry, that's how you talk to neisen. yasha, i want to help you with your investigation. you do not mind, do you? hello, yakh aleksandrovich, i object, you know perfectly well that this is impossible, it is illegal, but for you i will make an exception, are you happy? listen, help me, i was followed all day yesterday, then
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they broke the glass in my car, hooligans, i also thought they were hooligans, and at night, when i was sleeping, someone broke into my house, you’re fast asleep, yes , the most important thing is that they are nothing they took it, i can’t understand anything. is he security? no, they don’t seem to act like that, then i called my man, he said that the security service had no complaints against me, are you sure that there was anyone at all? i look like crazy, well, they lost this, took off my fingerprints, it’s clean , they worked with gloves, there’s no clue, no, look at the batteries, yes, that’s an idea, that’s a thought, okay, thank you, batteries, that’s it, i need look at the cctv footage, yes, yes, of course, let's go, i'll show you everything i have, so what? you don’t remember anything, it’s unfortunate, and what are you
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doing here, hello, hello, i came to say that vadik is okay, don’t worry, atlantis will sit with him, thank you, you don’t mind if i’m present here. i don’t care, gleb, come here, i’ll show you something, it’s ready, yes, stop, look, you see, i see, it’s oksana, and then you’ll say, it’s not. the thing is, the earrings, you see, exactly, the earrings, and what are the earrings, but the fact that they are here, when she returned, they were no longer there, and what does this give us? she doesn’t
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remember how they disappeared, and the janitor doesn’t either they remember, it follows from this that something happened to her before this recording, but it is clear that something happened, the question is that she took them off, and then pretended to be a gray kazan, i don’t remember anything, i don’t know anything. don't you see that she is telling the truth? the truth is very difficult to discern, especially when it was invented by an experienced person. gleb, stop it, stop it, put your hands away, stop it, i said, put your hands away, i won’t leave it like this. wait, gleb, i think, i’m even sure of this, they injected me with some kind of drug, what kind of drug is it, i don’t i know. we urgently need to take blood and carry out an examination, so we’ll do it, gleb, you better leave, everything will be fine, the old ones, you say,
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the old ones with the slaves, they didn’t come across , but what happened to the detective, well, the countrymen took them off, we need to help, why weed it yesterday . says some gypsy, gypsy, well, yes , a mole or a wart under the eye, you don’t know it, no, you know, i don’t have anything to do with these anymore, i have a different culture, i know, i know, well, just in case asked, well, can you help me, where do you go to the bus station, ask the taxi drivers, maybe they what do they know, in short, i am the only foreman, go up to him, tell him that he is from me.
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vada is very short, it could be anything, from pills, from cough, but that’s not the most important thing, what else, huh? here , here, here's a bigger one, uh-huh, look, look, the injection mark on the dead hand is exactly the same as oksana's, uh-huh, it looks like oksana urgently needs to be examined, she is in danger, i've already organized everything.
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so i’m looking for one gypsy, well, does she have a birthmark or a wart under her eye, do you know her, knowledge, strength? i realized that there is no more, well, there is one here, nina her real name, i don’t know, where can i... find her, she’s hanging around here
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, i just didn’t see her today, just wait, maybe she ’ll come up, okay, come on, bro, there’s a body card, there’s fingerprints, yes, there’s no one to humiliate antonushna’s battery-powered fingers. they’re definitely already a policeman
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, well, no, not in the cop’s stable, he knew, he knew, hold on, well, i’m telling you, no, well... there’s one with a mole, her name is nina , she’s often here, but today she is, today she’s not we saw her, maybe she’s lying down, or maybe she’ll show up again, so let’s take a walk, we’ve already arrived, do you hear, nephew, i am in command here, okay, okay, well , so you go, i go, i go, come on, you go there, i go there, and why am i going there, and you
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there, well, let you go there, i’m going there, okay, i’m going, i concentrate. good afternoon, good health to you, hello, what are you talking about, this is interesting, after all, what’s interesting is, well, how to judge what or how, who? snoopy, judge, but you didn’t see him today, he didn’t leave the house, you didn’t see him, you didn’t see him, no one came to see him lately, a man, a man came to him. yesterday, what man? well , so thin, like a shaft, bald, of course, well
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and why man? nothing, we talked, got into the car, and drove off, but after snooping around he became kind of crazy, in what sense? well, as if under a spell, while he was walking around the car, uh-huh, he stumbled several times, okay, we’ll go and have a look, and you should go in the shade, otherwise the sun is so hot, it’s just creepy, yeah. take care of yourself, well, good day, goodbye, goodbye, dear ones. okay, okay,
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don't you see where it's going? eyes are different, where are you going, you need to look at the road, and what are you doing, and what are you doing, don’t see me, you and you eyes, oh you! yes, i’ll talk to you later, let go of your hand, let go, i’ll just catch my breath.
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are you upset? heart again? we need to catch up with her. yeah, now. i'll wait until you leave your horses right behind her. where is your mobile?
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should i call an ambulance? no need. riveting. what are you doing? well, have you come to your senses? not even a year has passed, young man, are you feeling bad? everything is fine, maybe i can call the skin? only one doctor can help him, but she is in prison now, you say, you yourself
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don’t know what i don’t see, that you have a crush on her, i see right through you. come on, get up, also not a radiologist, it’s better for you, yes, it’s better , well, i went then, yes, go, go, go, attention, train number 32, i saw a good person, nothing, it won’t melt like sugar, you better think about where we are now this we’ll look for the gypsy, she definitely won’t come back here, we must...
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they couldn’t have gone far, we’re looking, looking, getting up, but in my opinion, this is a stupid idea, that he’s a fool or something, telling us everything? don't let him split, there he is, where is he, great, boss, free? it's like saying, no question, let's agree, sit down, come on, let's go, what are you
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you're going to do, snooping, not your business, go, listen, my business, while you can only be here for illegal entry into my house, if you don't let me go, and if, and if not, then you'll still be given a sentence for assaulting an employee at fulfillment, but i won’t owe anything, let me go now, and i’ll forget about the attack, only the house will remain, where should i go? take him to where he took the gypsy, what other gypsy? nina, who has a mole, i’ll pay you a lot, i don’t need money, guys, come out, listen, i’ll tell you now, no, guys, get out, listen , i’m hanging now, you won’t think it’s enough , it looks like he wants to talk like a boy, are you really crazy, what a house, i know my sins, i won’t shoulder other people’s mistakes, it’s clear, yes, i fell back like a jack , i haven’t been to any house yet, fershtein, fershtein,
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what about a flashlight, what a flashlight, your thief’s flashlight, which you lost at my house, what, yes, an ordinary flashlight, the simplest one, in it the batteries are also so simple that they have your fingerprints on them, or maybe you the tulku came, and well, this is the state of the effect, that the boklan, let’s go by the concepts now, can i tell the lazy pin to persuade you or? now the pin is no longer a decree for you, and you don’t walk under it, but okay, okay, okay, okay, just don’t tell the pin why you need me, explain to me, you ’re my hostage, you’re my hostage, but not a hostage i’m for you, and the sentence, i should post about important matters, you know, do you know what you ’ll get for me?
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but when they catch us, nothing can be changed either, decide now, zhnyreev, come out, you are surrounded with your face to the ground. well, we’re standing there, accept the client, come on
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guys, i don’t understand how you feel about all this, i ’ll tell you later, let’s go, it’s here. hello, here's her entrance, what kind of apartment, i don't know , honestly, guys, here you go, thank you, let's go, grandfather, hello, nina , we're talking, i decided to run, guys, let me go, what do you want, what can you take from poor unfortunate gypsy, what do you want? you stole earrings from a woman who is now accused of
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murder, or you return the earring and tell how it all happened, or i turn you in to the police for complicity in murder, take your pick, ah-ay, it’s all lies, havesa, lies, holen, what are you, nothing, master, well, you’re a kind person, onina, a simple gypsy, helps people, who is more? nothing good happened, guys, we don’t need problems ourselves, we wanted to talk in an amicable way, what are you doing, are you a shmakandos,
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have you decided to show off or something? what are you saying, what are you doing to pon or something, you’re taking kolya, but i’ll give it to you, i’ll shove it in your ass, nothing, chavells, let’s draw attention to it, well, well, don’t touch your son, i’ll tell you everything,
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what it is was? i don’t understand, is it me or what? you know, next to the station, it was, i’m walking , she’s coming towards me, staggering like a drunk, she didn’t drink that day, yes, i feel the same way. it seemed strange, she didn’t smell, she could barely stand on her feet, and you took her earrings, i’m telling you, no, i asked her for money, suddenly she takes off the earrings and gives them to me, and you took them, i didn’t ask her do this, and then i suddenly understand why she did it, what are you talking about, hypnosis, someone
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brainwashed her, andai, earring... “i don’t have them, you know, i don’t have them, i gave them away and i’m unlikely to be able to return it, but you try, if you don’t find the earrings, i’ll come back, then the conversation will be completely different, listen, glebka, i don’t know what atlantis gave you, but i ’m not after these damn earrings anymore, i wanted offer you the same thing"? offer, i decided everything myself, myself, without snotty ones, you can handle it here without me, just take it away from me, it’s the second day your head is shaking, there’s no time for a hangover, are you enough, what did the gypsy spit on you there, have you
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swallowed your tongue, where? moscow, where, stanislav ivanovich, this is zbroev, yes, everything is fine, stanislav ivanovich, we can meet in three hours, i have a serious conversation with you. a blind, homeless man with a disfigured face declared that he was the father of anna and olga posko from petrozavodsk. there are doubts, of course, he has no documents. in general , no heart tells me that this is dad. but the women’s father disappeared 26 years ago, when they were still teenagers. i went to work in adygea and even my wife came to terms with the fact that her husband had been dead for a long time. and the answer is not hello. will the residents find out? karelia of his handsome and kind father in a man without documents who has lost his memory? from the house of mercy, post posko vasily
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antonovich is looking for his daughter, anna, olga, son anton. and wife tatyana, well, don’t cry, i would like my daughter later, i imagined a different meeting with him, i open the envelope, dna today at 16:50 on ntv, this is the stars show, it involves 10 mega-popular stars who have chosen a humorous team. dmitry maleyka. no one will believe you anyway, chushpan, denis gorotov, preparations for the elections it’s going well, one hundred percent navigation is expected, lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know , it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv, why, well, you have the faces of victims, dzhigan, my darling, i miss you, oh naughty girls, azamat
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musagaliev, i wanted to be your star, new stars! humorous show on saturdays at 21:20 on ntv. hello, is it possible? come on in. are there any brains left there or worse , no, what have you, well, been detained, examine the doctors, the results will be ready tomorrow, the most important thing is that there is no danger to life, that’s good, then gleb called, he was talking about some kind of gypsy, he either caught it, or found it, or more specifically, but i understood almost nothing, it was hard to hear and there was some noise like at a bazaar, maybe... he’s still calling, i think so and didn’t call back, gypsy you say , thank you, i need to call, that’s it, i understand, i’m leaving, thank you, get well, jacob alexandrovich, i can’t
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say for sure, but this is probably a sedative-type antipsychotic, which has a chilling effect and subjugation of a person’s will, at the current level of chemistry it’s not difficult to create something like this even at home, whatever? i just bought it at the pharmacy like that, came home, no, of course, first you need to have good knowledge of biology and chemistry, which implies a good higher education, then only doctors have access to many ingredients, so i want to say that many scammers used , for example, one gave tea to drink before the start of the session, but what was unknown there, but we still remember what kind of basin his experimental subjects were in, then this vicious practice of zambirs was used as in ancient times, here at least that...
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you were hit so hard, okay, the skull is strong, here’s a drink, thank you, and the skull is strong, it’s a family thing, you’re lucky, but please don’t rejoice ahead of time
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, a concussion is an insidious thing, okay, peace is vitally important to you now, you know , the word peace is not in my vocabulary, i don’t even know it, well, now you’ll find out, have a drink, okay, right now on the phone. says schnitz, write out a pass for stanislav ivanovich yarovov, the detainee was delivered,
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come on, finish the tea, which is not strong without sugar, i won’t sit down, she is severely dehydrated body, that’s how you can not notice it, but who knew, this woman had the same thing, yes, it’s understandable. well, let’s introduce ourselves, my name is stanislav ivanovich, what’s your name? oksana, here you go, a wonderful name. oksana, i’ll give you a polish now, it will help you relax, it’s added a lot, and then we’ll try to remember what happened, okay? yes, here, take another sip, everything is fine, well, we are ready, so, both of you sit down , try not to interfere during the session. so, you hear only my voice, only mine voice, nothing else bothers you , well done, i’ll start further, we’ll try
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to remember now what happened, i ’ll ask you questions, and you’ll answer them, if it’s hard to speak, you can just nod your head, right? you are relaxed, completely relaxed, nothing bothers you. “look into my eyes, i will count from one to five, counting five, you close your eyes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, okay, you are relaxed, completely relaxed, nothing bothers you, you only hear my voice. only my voice, you are walking down the street,
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you go into the yard, and what do you see, i see a woman and a man, describe them, a thin man, tall, bald, a woman, she, what, what , she is dying, you don’t remember anything, he searches her, what - he gets it, well done, well done, he gets it, keys, documents, so, so, what next, i, i go. gypsy, she
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says something, what she says to me, she says, what beautiful earrings i have, cue, so, oksana, i count from three to one, count one, you will open your eyes, 3, 2, 1, well done, everything is fine. stand against the wall, come in, she needs rest, good sleep, tasty, and peace, and also try to find this figure, i’m looking, stanislav ivanovich, look, you’re a detective, i ’m no longer a detective, you’re not a detective, there are people.
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i’ll tell you a story now, it was 20 years ago, but i’m late, i ’ll tell it to you when we meet, be sure to remind me, but i’d better even tell you this evening, you know, when i call you on the phone, that’s it, let’s happily, then everything, everything, all the best, don’t bury your talent, goodbye, petrovna, hello, and i want to tell you:
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he was there with this camera, well, yes , and then they broke the window of his car, they climbed into the house, well, yes, come on, just you’re careful, okay, i didn’t really kill myself , god forbid it breaks, everything’s fine if i i'm not mistaken, there must be something here, why is the criminal there, or what? shnareev , the one oksana described, thin, bald, tall, just to understand what he needed, this is exactly the place of the murder, here he is, who he is, thin, bald, tall, let's go to you, hello, lyosha, punch the man covering his face, gleb.
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lyosha, hello, this is gleb, go to your email and look at the pictures that i sent you, i really need to get through the little man in the pictures, you can, okay, i’ll call you in an hour , well, now we can snatch him, by the way, what do we have on him , let's go, i'll tell you on the way. we have been convicted three times, all 158 burglary, no accomplices, no accomplices, behaved quietly in the zones, never went to executions, recently retired, no family, everything seems to be a normal burglar. let's go, i wouldn't go into any apartment, especially without counterfeiters, i'd find out everything first if only the owners, it turns out, would have found out that oska’s employee still came to him, and he didn’t even take anything, but it’s some kind of nonsense , it follows that either he was paid , i’m snooping, bring him, or or or forced, the guy
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on foreign cars, thin, tall, by the way , i recognized the number, it wasn’t the grannies who instructed me, listen, gleb, what do we need, interrogation, the first one, uh, yes, i said the first one. polderev is on the first floor today. sneak out. face against the wall, hands behind your back. yes, the snoopers are in trouble. why did he run away? believe me, boss, i didn't do anything i remember for the life of me. where? with you , i don’t know, i don’t remember, i’ll remind you now, wait , so look, the picture has been outlined for you, you see your own prospects, but you can
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expand these prospects further, you know , do i understand what needs to be done? who ordered you to climb into the schnitzel, to whom the schnitzel, let’s remember, yes, i try to remember at first, i try , but i can’t remember, what about the guy, he came to you yesterday in a foreign car, who is he, man, yesterday, what kind of guy?
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raise your hand, please, i don’t see you, you see me, the death of the enemy, who are the enemies, father you have a golden eagle, so it’s him, our ksyukha, on behalf of all your asses, i ask you to stop me. well, i would have gone to my own moscow then , you don’t want to go, i can’t stay
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, my father was there, we are now on opposite sides, we can’t give up crimea, i’m for russia, you understand what we’re going to, dad, go away, they will kill you. 10 days until spring, which premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. stars, premieres on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color. things like new at three times longer. there is no new one, i wash it with affection. we take loans. is it easy to apply? combank , we take out loans, and we got them quickly, we are at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, prices are just a holiday, we always have a holiday, and it’s been like that for 25 years, it’s profitable on the price tag, which means a low price, chocolate straws 99.99, five, helps out, opened the application, chose
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only it contains oats of milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs, turmeric, and cheerful valar is number one for cleansing the liver. so, the entire vast far eastern region accounts for only one cyclone, and even then it is only allowed to circle the bereng sea and dump all the snow in the north of kamchatka. in other areas there is no precipitation again, in the north the temperature is slightly above normal, in the south - slightly below. weather forecasters in siberia. the situation is brighter: the northern cyclone not only covers it with snow, but drags on the cold, positive anomalies and temperatures there will soon become negative. in the south-eastern siberia there is quite a pre-holiday mood, sunny and warm up to +3, in the south of western siberia there is snow and light frosts in places, but they will intensify, in the center of european territory it is better not to count on warming for now, especially at night, but at least during the day you can count on the sun, but in the south the cooling takes place against the backdrop of stormy weather. precipitation from moderate to heavy in the mountains with snow, in st. petersburg today the maximum air temperature is about -1,
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no precipitation, there will be no precipitation in moscow it will be about zero, by night it will drop sharply again , that’s all i have for now, watch the weather on ntv, hello gleb , struck, i’m sending his photo, i’ll say the main thing in words, call with respect lyosha, lyosha, you're me again, you wrote the main thing here in words, now for a second, but here... look, in the photo semyon kontsevoy, a psychotherapist, a bunch of scientific titles and other good stuff, too , in bulk, specialized in restoring male strength, the so-called end method, many of respondents were assured that after his session they felt 20 years younger , wow, yeah, but in fact there was no rejuvenation, during the sessions of this hypnosis, when, according to him, he allegedly inspired the patients that they were something else, they were injected drug...
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caused, now, caused by sildenophil, this is the word for viagra, then why else did he die of a heart attack, freedom, what does free mean? gleb, the endman, died last year, on november 17 , burned down in his own house the day before the trial, thank you, lesh, i’m owed what’s due, the wound says thank you, the endgame is a very serious matter, very, where he is... it’s always dangerous there .
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for a long time she deceived her patients, leading them into hypnosis and slipping them drugs with a high content of saldanophil. after using this of the so-called end method , a city duma deputy died and... in whose blood an increased content of seldenophile was found. investigators associate the disappearance of grishaeva, the financial director and part-time mistress of the leader accused of fraud, with allegedly leaking incriminating evidence. on november 17
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, a completely burnt corpse of an unknown man was found in the mansion; the investigation suggests that this body of the deceased is the sadness of the unknown hypothesizer kantselov. "one thing is that the guard cannot cure his closest assistant from his current schizophrenia is evidence of his imaginary professionalism. slava, you can find out if anyone lives in the region with the last name grishaeva." imagine, only one was found, grishaeva, a 75-year-old granny, lives nearby in rogovo, do you know where it is? i’ll try to guess, they found it near that local gi a murdered woman, yes, and as you guessed , the name of the murdered woman is greshaev, it’s stupid, of course, to hide with her grandmother, or maybe she simply had nowhere to go, the grandmother is her only relative, i think the end officer found her through her grandmother, the whole psychologist probably knew that she was hers educates, go.
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do you know the owner of the apartment, grandma, or what? i know, god, dandelion, in the summer at the dacha, and in the winter visiting relatives, that is, now she is at the dacha, but i think i told you from the very beginning that she would not be at home. hello, hello, i'm the depository,
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cell 117, yeah. uh-huh, thank you, please, write it down here, please, please, thank you, please, who are you going to, grandma, hello, we would like to see grishaev, anya. not in the village, but i haven’t seen her granddaughter since yesterday, but what’s the granddaughter’s name? ina, yeah, what do you actually need, captain, call the locksmiths, we’ll open the apartment, please, thank you. all checks are addressed to anna
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grishaeva. slava, try the phone, i’ll find out where they called last time. yes, i called, no one answers. call again. here you go, thank you,
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the neighbors say they saw it today, just, just now, is that so? or two ago, exactly, i was walking out of the house, i even told my husband that our nun had become taller, taller, interestingly, yes, bigger, describe everything in detail. do you know where she called? to the depository, it's not her i called, i found out the address of the bank, otherwise, call the team, he probably left his fingerprints here. “make sure that no one comes into the apartment, okay, i’ll make
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sure, thank you, everything is fine, you don’t remember anything, you don’t remember anything.” we are investigating a murder case, we would like to ask a couple of questions, yes, please, we are interested in whether grishaeva and nessa georgievna are renting a safe deposit box at your bank, yes, of course, we immediately remembered, but what is there to remember here, right after my replacement left soon took it away, and what happened to him is that and the thing is that no one understood anything, he walked around like some kind of plague, you know, he seemed to be drunk, but he didn’t seem to be, somehow retarded. he felt bad right after she left , well, i’m telling you, she was the last one he checked in with, right after she left he felt bad, and we called soon, he lost consciousness when it happened, well, probably
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an hour and a half ago, now wait, exactly 20 hours ago. gleb, gleb, pick up the phone, okay, what should i do?
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hello, don't miss me, i'm on a visit, my brother is lying here, here at many brothers, you see, i am very worried about his well-being, who is this ad for? well, i understand everything, but i really need to see him urgently, and the head doctors have a different opinion, patients should be visited first by doctors, and then by brothers, which means you won’t miss me, strictly during visiting hours , sorry, but no problem, what a strange one. what are you doing? i'm going to leave, i feel great, i'm fine , i have a lot of things to do, no need to go, you need to talk to the doctor, listen, there 's a killer walking around the street and i have to
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hold up, you know, i, i, i’ll call the doctor, that’s right, call the doctor, but i went, it’s a pity, there’s not enough time. medvedka 300 350 300 will be enough, oh, oh , quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. quiet, i need your camera,
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you go, i’m heart now, yes, like this, let’s turn it here, i’ll call you. i don’t need it, go, go to the schnitzel, see how he is, come back. okay, i'm here now, here you go. i didn't understand what was happening there.
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what are you allowing yourself to do? well, you've got it.
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adiski, the remains of a neuroleptic were found in his car. now it's up to the court. tell me he confessed to murder? how cute? grishaeva had a rare disease. kontsevoy feared that the drug might not work and deliberately injected her with a double dose, from which she died. where's the disk? he is already studying it, this is written down. well, that seems to be all. let's go, oksana , oksana valerievna, i am happy to inform you that you are absolutely free, gleb, and i have an offer for you, you come to our region, you will be a consultant, salary, benefits, think about it, no, yakov, i can’t, i made so much for the apiaries, oh honey, i love it, well, you’re a bee, you’ll be my first customer.
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agreed, good luck, bye, happily, let's go , look who's coming, hello, hello, le, thank you, but i thought gypsies had no conscience, but conscience is here... why should you thank your grandfather for persuading me, how did he succeed, and you need to know the approach, the magic words, yes i, yes, so that i contact the gypsies again, what are you, hey, what are you doing? everything, everything
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is fine, everything is over, nothing is over, gleb, nothing is over, you are still afraid, your arrested, you will never see him again, really, am i ever deceived you, no, listen, i have a proposal, let's go somewhere , let's celebrate the salvation seryozhik, come on, i'm sorry, please, yes, yes, my beloved, hello, hello, my dear, yes, yes, of course, i kiss you, i'm sorry i didn't call, i was just a little busy, i'll be there soon, i love you, come on, this is vadik, yeah, he misses me very much and is waiting for me, i have to go, well, i have to, so, i have to,
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yes , let's go,
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oh, you're showing up, where are you going, give me some sugar, why, why, why, we'll feed the bees. so you don’t have normal sugar pawn, whether? no, okay, this one will do, come on, put the kettle on, run the water, now. beekeeper, now here’s a little syrup, we’ll kill you with bangs, there’ll be a little bit of cash,
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we wish you the best morning, come on! in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we study the news of the auto world in the first program, on ntv, the emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, risk, his middle name of the siberian, who, for the sake of love and forgiveness, stole a horse and rushed to his home of heart in the apartment on the fifth floor. i must say, i made an impression not only on my wife.


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