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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 7, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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the formula of friendship and unity of the future in sirius , the world youth festival ended spectacularly vladimir putin could not miss the closing ceremony at the stings, if necessary, our correspondent saw in action the calculations of the igla osa air defense system in the special operation zone. thousands of people helping vlad kopyllovsk, the work of volunteers in the altai territory, and planes are not flying there today and even trains are not traveling, there are new major strikes in germany. this is the program today, in the studio of dmitry zaboysky. hello. the largest, brightest and most hospitable event ended in sirius, it went there. the grand
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closing ceremony of the world youth festival, which is already history. this holiday brought together 20,000 young people from almost 190 countries. at the bolshoi sports palace, popular hits were heard in hindi, arabic, chinese, and russian, performed by both beginners and already popular artists. a colorful show for a multinational audience sounded in one language of love and friendship. look, tell me, the most active, creative and talented young people have gathered on the black sea coast, they have destroyed all the myths about isolation of russia and learned what a real russian soul she is, the guests at the ceremony were welcomed.
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thank you guys, we are all equal from the moment we are thanks to mom and dad, this is how people appear in the light today.
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there is no other way, even with, even with modern technologies, by the way, and the week flew by quickly, today the participants are leaving for home, which will take the youth of the world away from the city, something they will remember, perhaps for the rest of their lives, svyatoslav gordin found out. big sports palace, final show festival closing president.
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this book contains, well, some part of our globe, and this is cool in its own way. behind 5 days of the festival, like an immersion in such a different russia, 826 events, light funny ones, spoons, motrezhki, bololayki quite serious expert level, like lectures from the knowledge society, for example, on how to get rid of stereotypes about russia or what patriotism is without there were a lot of slogans, a lot of discussions, on the closing day they talked about family traditions,
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russia is giving a signal, it is a symbol and guarantor of this diversity. one of the main results the festival could have been summed up at the beginning, when it became clear that participants from 190 countries came to russia. there are a little more of them on the planet, in the united nations there are 193 registered states. here the guests were not divided into representatives of friendly and unfriendly countries, everyone was united by the city of the youth of the world. the president was shown the international airport of the festival: knowledge, education, technology and family, such terminals at the airport and many other zones. participants move from one to another. exhibition space at the festival - 2500 km. a new one has appeared in sirius.
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and this is another international meeting, more like a press conference , the president is asked a question, he answers or rather improvises: i would so like to become your son from africa, i would like you to be my mentor, mr. president, what can i tell you , son? on behalf of the us delegation, we thank putin for his dynamic interview with tucker carlson, which was viewed by hundreds of millions of people. the topic, it seems, is already beyond the agenda of the youth festival, but the audience was waiting this opportunity. putin talks about relations with serbia, call them special, about the loss of full sovereignty of today's germany,
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about the fact that the world cannot be governed from one center, it is young people in the future who can fix this, make the world more fair for everyone, putin says about events in ukraine, promises not to give. which poisons the lives of many peoples, including today in ukraine. two world festivals of student youth in 1957 and 1985, moscow, last century, were held under the slogan for peace and friendship, the current festival is an opportunity to think about the future and do it all
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together, when people are equal, it is easier for them to understand each other. at the closing ceremony, women were given flowers on the eve of the imminent holiday, and foreign guests also raised posters with photographs of those killed in the second world war. in addition to the news from the special operation zone in the zaporozhye region , needle wasps help russian fighters literally sting the enemy. these are anti-aircraft systems of soviet design, but they again prove their effectiveness even against modern drones. from the front edge of the air shield of russian troops. report by mikhail chernov.
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the front line of air defense, if they let the enemy get closer, ground- based guided missiles will be used. an anti-drone crew is on duty nearby. these fighters land reconnaissance drones that are trying to identify russian positions in the shelter without firing a single shot. this is one of the ukrainian reconnaissance drones, it did not reach the position less than a kilometer, the breakdowns
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are minimal, after repair it will be able to fight on the russian side. wasps and anti-aircraft missile systems conduct their anti-aircraft battles. there's another goal on the horizon. narrow. tification is ours, we capture the target, report to the authorities, the coordinates of the target, the parameters of the target, and wait for further instructions whether to destroy the target or not, it happens that it is our target, it flies, if not our target, then we destroy, of course, if it is ours, then we reset the target, look for another target, they can hardly overcome modern rap protection, the technology is still on lamps, developed in the sixties, modified in the eighties, but still in service, and as the soldiers say, if the wasp is controlled correctly, then the lady... she is from the heart, a young officer with the call sign cossack, a recent graduate of the military academy
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, was assigned to the marine infantry of the pacific fleet , to they are fighting this machine together, first the svo. calculation is a single organism that we can no longer live without each other, we live together, eat together, now everyone understands everything, not even at a glance. the wasp is spinning as fast as it can, counting two hundred downed targets from this crew, which means that soviet technology is still effective, at least confirms that the enemy does not spare shells for them, loitering ammunition appears on the radar, an attack drone appears, another target is shot down, for the record holder’s crew this is already familiar work. mikhail chernov, andrey belyanov, dmitry tsalkov, ntv, donetsk people's republic. today, germany is once again plunging into a transport collapse, both on the ground and in the sky. on railways, only a fifth of passenger trains operate. the reason is management conflict. railway monopolistan and thousands employees. workers are demanding a serious
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increase in wages against the backdrop of rising inflation, as well as a reduction in the working week from 38 to 35 hours. trade unions have been negotiating working conditions since november, but they have reached a dead end. employees of the ground services of the country's largest airline, lufthansa, are on strike. they also demand higher wages. 2.0 flights canceled today tomorrow. the largest. the air harbor of continental europe, frankfurt am main , asks passengers not to even come to the airport, the chances of flying are zero. the dollar is gradually losing its position as a world reserve currency. the fact has already been recognized by economists on both sides of the atlantic. experts note that the number of trade transactions in which american money is not involved is growing every day on the planet. countries in the global south tend to conduct payments in national currencies. why is this happening?
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if they can force india to agree to this, the creation of a common currency, then the process will become irreversible. look at the brix nations, they are very young, their population is young, the old countries, especially europe and japan, are not will withstand competition. the brix countries already control half of the world's resources and are ready to make a big push to either catch up with the dollar. services,
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only half of the amount was paid in american currency. at the top of the trade and financial pyramid, the dollar last felt great in 2015, in response to the remark of the brix leaders that for international trade today, in fact, american banks are no longer needed, in the usa, at least, nothing has been found yet better way to respond to old people on... and really the only serious candidate to be the world's primary reserve currency, and that's because of our democratic institutions, our liquid markets, the rule of law, and all those things. it is an undeniable fact that the dollar has maintained its value over time. experts warn nostalgic senators and congressmen. interventions to maintain
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the exchange rate came with the free conversion of currencies, however, there are more and more people in the united states who look at the situation soberly. it's actually funny that you can often hear how financial analysts in the united states , us politicians claim that the dollar will always be king, yet we have seen, for example, that the us congress passed a special... to do with frozen russian assets, shifting the burden of making unpopular decisions to europe, condemning the euro to bear the costs of loss of investor confidence, but the history of american expropriations is all too well known. many countries say: if we hold dollars, these dollars can be confiscated, especially if we pursue policies that we don’t like
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washington. the famous financier dick bowe, who is called the loneliest analyst in the states after he... said that china will overtake the united states, has now directly told the new york times that the dollar is no longer the world's reserve currency. other analysts are not so categorical, but also come to the conclusion that the brix currency will be able to reduce the dollar’s ​​holding. when you have russia and china showing other brix members: look, we have a road map, where is dollarization, are you in? and everyone will say: yes, we are in business, then it will begin to spread throughout to all world cells. brix countries have been working for several years to create a brix system. pay, when it appears, it could happen as early as next year, countries and citizens will be able to make payments without converting national currencies into dollars and euros. they want to calculate the exchange rate of the new brix currency on the basis of a basket of currencies of all members of the association, while no one is going to replace either rubles, yuan, or rupees with supranational money. alexey prokin, anastasia medvedeva, ntv television company. this
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applies to everyone, including barnaul volunteers. talking about their work in the capital of the altai territory, activists have set up an entire sewing factory where they make camouflage nets, suits, and underwear for soldiers in the special operation zone, and every day with their activity volunteers infect more and more caring fellow countrymen. today , the things needed by soldiers are no longer sent in pieces, but in tons. vlada kopyllovskaya met with activists. in this improvised workshop they weave, cut, sew and package. it seems that work is going on in an oval mode. this is what happens most often when orders are urgent, activists of territorial self-government live here their second working youth. who sews panties for soldiers? well, of course, not a pilot, our girls, olya sveta and natasha, sew underwear. initially, the backbone of tos of the western microdistrict was nine activists, through their organizational efforts
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children's playgrounds and street exercise equipment appeared, sponsors were attracted and grants for improvement were won. when 2 years ago gryal. the svo set up an aid station for soldiers, and residents of the neighborhood flocked to it. it turned out that many volunteers know how to sew well, so in tos premises opened a sewing workshop. the permanent roster of activists soon expanded to 70. yes, because this concerns almost everyone. for example, i have a nephew there, he sent it yesterday via whatsapp, thanks to all the girls for their work. they sew tactical stretchers, bolsters for hospitals, boots, and underwear. sewing figure above. fastens with these little carabiners, he also has a hat, a mink one, every day up to twenty volunteers come to the workshop, not counting the homeworkers, elena shamova sews stretchers,
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tries to make them durable and comfortable with with plastic handles, so that the fabric would not dig into the hands of the fighters, with their own, so that they ... would take it in their hands, i don’t know, they would feel it, so that it would help them in some , maybe even difficult moment. at first , finished products in workshops were counted in pieces, then in hundreds and thousands, now in tons and cars. they say that they have already sent eight truckloads of bed linen alone. sponsors and the popular front authorities help with fabric consumables. help flows to them from all over the altai territory. only in our direction of the project everything is for victory, together with the siberian intelligence council for support of military units, and also a large number of volunteers. groups in the altai territory, that is , probably within four or five trucks it definitely leaves. most of all, the activists are waiting for news from the fields. evgeniy safronova has been on the front line for her grandson for the second year. for the guys, so that it would be simpler and easier for them there. and even more so since he is a grandson. when grandson danil was at home on a short vacation, he dropped in on the volunteers and
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told them how it was at the front and how important it is for the military to connect with their home through parcels, when you can touch the care. with with their hands, all the guys know that yes, this was sent precisely from us, from the tosovskys. it is not always possible for the military to convey an advanced response to packages, but when possible they do it. for the provided copters, the guitar that warms our souls, to the volunteer group for the kindness, for the provided gas generator, for the honey, for various goodies from our native land. ladaplovskaya, victor melnik, svetlana zakharova, evgeniy motivitel, ntv company, altai region. i certainly don't like it. this is the program for the viewers of the central part russia is completed. thank you for being with us. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum.
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double-digit temperatures remained only in the sochi region. in the center there is a cold night, but during the day the frosts are not serious, the main sun will appear again. in the northwest too, this region was affected to a lesser extent by the cooling. in the north it is still warmer than usual, but there is snow and blizzards, and a new cold snap is already being prepared there. and capitals. today -1 zero in moscow and no precipitation everywhere. everything about the weather. this was the weather forecast for the country over which the sun never sets. only here, in the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tenkov. sinkov: 40 million clients. in the largest country in the world.


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