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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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friendship and unity of dozens of countries in sirius hosted a large-scale closing ceremony of the world youth festival. new reality, what alternative to the american dollar can the brix countries offer the world community? european protest : transport workers are on strike in germany, and farmers are taking to the streets in the czech republic. russian doctors diagnosed a patient with an aortic valve protest; why is it better than its foreign counterparts? about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello! in sirius has ended, sirius
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sums up the results of the world youth festival, 20.00 people from 190 countries took part in it. today at a press conference , sergei kiriyenko said that the majority of citizens of our country like holding such large-scale events. as kiriyenko noted, the most popular souvenirs at the festival were t-shirts with quotes from vladimir putin. there are 193 countries in the united nations. here we have 190 of these 193 countries. this , of course, indicates that this is the main point that causes such dissatisfaction and irritation among our opponents and, of course , causes pleasant pride in all of us participants, that in fact the whole world had gathered , you know, i had this feeling yesterday, when the evening meeting of the president with 250 of us there were festival participants from all over the world, you know, well, i don’t know , i just had the feeling of one of. ..
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emphasized what the future will become depends, among other things, on everyone who gathered in sirius. you came to russia, you...
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we will consider that the future has begun, but what it will be depends on you. i wish you success, be happy, large-scale strikes of transport workers begin today in in germany, only a fifth of passenger trains operate on railways. the reason for the conflict between the company's management. its
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employees. workers are demanding a serious increase in wages against the backdrop of rising inflation, as well as a reduction in the working week from 38 hours to 35. trade unions have been negotiating working conditions since november, but have reached a dead end. employees of the ground services of the country's largest airline, luft hansa, are standing by, and they are also demanding a salary increase. 2,000 flights canceled today tomorrow. management of frankfurt am main airport, the largest in the country, appealed to passengers not to come today, there is still no chance of flying away. the czech republic is also on strike, farmers came out to protest in prague, they blocked part of the center, dumped mountains of manure on the embankment, and right now hundreds of tractors and other agricultural equipment are flocking to the city. farmers are going to extreme measures, demanding the return of state support for the agricultural sector and a reduction in taxes. in addition, they are dissatisfied with the supply of cheap ukrainian grain to the country. the dollar is gradually losing its position as the world reserve currency. experts note that the number of traders on the planet is growing every day. in fact, russia is preparing
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to offer the brix countries a financial system that would be independent of politics, with the idea of ​​using digital principles, in particular blockchain technology, to create such a system, including russian finance minister anton siluanov. analysts in the west, looking at global figures and trends, are increasingly saying that the throne under the dollar is shaking. there is a lot of talk about saudi arabia and that other countries join brix. they have accumulated a lot of gold over the past few.
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the us is the only, widely recognized, widely accepted, and indeed the only serious candidate to be the world's primary reserve currency. and that's because of our democratic institutions, our liquid markets, the rule of law and all those things. it is an undeniable fact that the dollar
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has maintained its value over time. experts warn nostalgic senators and congressmen that the power of the dollar is not remembered by the reverse woods system. resurrect. it is no coincidence that the fixed price of gold was replaced by foreign exchange interventions to maintain the exchange rate and was replaced by free conversion of currencies. however, there are more and more people in the united states who look at the situation soberly. in fact, it's funny that you can often hear financial analysts in the united states and us politics argue that the dollar will always be king. and yet we have seen, for example, that the us congress held a special session dedicated to discussing de-dolarization and the threats it may pose. for american hegemony currencies. the united states, in order not to shake the reliability of the dollar, has been trying in vain for the third year to do something with frozen russian assets, shifting the burden of making unpopular decisions to europe, dooming the euro to bear the costs of losing investor confidence, but
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the history of american expropriations is all too well known. so many countries are saying, if we hold dollars, those dollars could be confiscated, especially if we pursue policies that... after he predicted that china would overtake the us, now the new york times has directly said that the dollar is no longer the world's reserve currency, other analysts are not so categorical, but also come to the conclusion that the brix currency will be able to reduce the dollar's holding. when you have russia and china showing the other brix members, look, we have a roadmap to de-dollarization, you're in, everyone will say, yes, we're in...
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what a year ago. if we count the number of loans issued, then the dynamics are approximately the same. this is under the account of the analytical company frenk rg. they note that high
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interest rates do not yet have a significant impact on lending volumes. and this is probably happening because russians really want to meet the deadline for purchasing cars by april 1st. kazakhstan, armenia and belarus. the essence of the changes is that if the buyer in these countries managed to obtain customs documents. per car is cheaper than in russia, then all taxes and fees not received by the russian budget will be included here in the recycling fee. director of the group of ratings of financial institutions, nkr agency, yegor lopatin, speaks in the newspaper merchant that high loan rates and exhaustion of demand will make themselves felt in the spring, and the car loan market will then slow down. the founder of one of the largest russian developers of the lsr group, andrey molchanov , left the post of general director of the company. as stated in the official statement, due to personal circumstances, this position will now
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be taken by dmitry kutuzov; before that, he worked for the company as a financial director for more than 10 years. andrei molchanov founded the lsr group in st. petersburg in ninety-three, when he was not yet 25. at times he moved away from the management of the company, then when he was an assistant to the minister of health mikhail zurabov in 2007, then when he represented the leningrad region in the federation council from the eighth to the thirteenth year. now. its share in the lsr group at the end of last year was estimated at 55%. 2 weeks ago canada imposed sanctions against andrei molchanov. the russian stock market grew for 6 days in a row, but now investors, apparently, have finally decided that the time has come for a correction, especially since there is a long reason ahead. weekend. the ruble, as often happens, before the holidays, is getting cheaper, the dollar is now 90.72, the euro is 98.85.
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russian customs began to massively check goods at the border to see if they had come from america, the vedomosti newspaper writes about this, citing several importers, customs lawyers, and the business association delovaya rossiya. the essence of the checks is that if the american origin of the goods is discovered, the duty increases sharply. the duties are regulated by a decree that was adopted in russia back in the eighteenth year. then russia decided to respond to the americans by limiting russian steel and aluminum. the measure concerned goods that are primarily made of metal: construction equipment, equipment, and work tools. as a general rule, the duty on them is 3-5%. but if they come from the usa, then the duty immediately jumps to 25-40%. moreover, such duties apply not only to american goods, but also to those whose origin the importer could not confirm; in the current conditions, confirming
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the origin is another problem. one of the logistics companies says that, for example, if the goods are from the european union, then it is simply impossible to obtain a certificate of origin from an eu country. you have to prepare documents through the country from which the goods are purchased, for example, turkey. but some transit countries refuse to issue certificates of origin. these are difficult times for importers. says one of the newspaper's interlocutors. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. today vladimir putin is in krasnodar and the president began his visit to the city with a meeting with graduates of the krasnodar higher military aviation school. over the years of its existence, the educational institution has trained more than 27,000 highly qualified aviation specialists, including over 18,00 pilots. in september 1917, the school began training cadets. in your career
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and family happiness, i’m sure that everything will work out for you, because you are people with character, you act purposefully, you go towards your goal, sergei kuzhgedovich told me how the first recruitment was carried out, i don’t know whether this girl is present here or not , it didn’t work out for one of the future cadets to do, so she pitched a tent here somewhere in front of the gate, in front of the gate, yes, such an attitude towards life, towards the future profession, but it really costs a lot, i’m sure that with such an attitude you will succeed, the traditions of classic documentary films and new ...forms of spectator content will be united by the first all-russian documentary film festival unknown russia, which was launched
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today as part of the russian exhibition at vdnkh. the selection committee received 261 applications, of which the competition program will include: 36 films are presented in six categories. history of russia, geography, production and technological films, characters, ethnocultures, popular science films. according to the organizers, a new language of documentary film-truth is born precisely at the junction of different formats. and we now have a category for film announcements related to industrial cinema, that is, with films about some companies, maybe new commercial projects in russia, which used to be the case, well, so to speak, there are enough of them...
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russian cardiac surgeons for the first time we implanted an aortic prosthesis of our own design; the imported ones that were used before had to be adjusted to the required size directly during the operation; now there is no such need. svetlana gordeeva found out what other advantages the domestic model has and how the first patient feels. saved the memory of the doctors.
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doctors compare the aorta to a main oil pipeline, through it the heart pumps blood to all organs and tissues, and if an accident occurs at the main section, the entire complex will be left without vital fuel. we see the aorta, the descending section, it is dilated, and this is fraught with the fact that it can rupture at any time, with any physical activity or injury. and again, by analogy with an oil pipeline, just as a damaged section of a pipe can be replaced with a new one in time, so a part of the aorta can be replaced. for prostheses, before the advent of our current prostheses, we used foreign prostheses, but unfortunately, foreign prostheses have a small drawback that they need to be modified directly during the operation, roughly speaking, surgeons had to to adjust the prosthesis to the size of each patient’s aorta, so surgeons at sechinov university came up with a universal implant that would fit each patient.
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you could say it's custom tailored. for each specific patient, a finished product of domestic production that can be replicated, helping people with complete peace of mind. this will save an entire hour on the operation, about the same amount of time previously spent on finalizing the product to the required parameters. the operation itself lasts 4-5 hours, minus an hour is the time of anesthesia, the time of skilled blood circulation. surgeons came up with the idea, and engineers implemented the production. implants were taken up by a company that has been producing prostheses for various vessels for several years. this product is not a standard one, but our vascular prostheses were perfect for solving this problem, and we were able to make this unique product. in the manufacture of vascular prosthesis , biopolymer modified coatings are used, which ensure its biocompatibility,
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non-pyrogenicity, antithrombogenicity, etc. further. the last characteristic is the main advantage of the russian one. unlike its imported counterparts, it does not contribute to the formation of blood clots, which means that the patient will not have to take blood thinning drugs for life, so in just a few weeks, retired lieutenant colonel ivan nikolaevich will be able to return to his work at the parachute factory without any restrictions. in any case, they did a great thing for me, so that i could look at this white light, stay longer with my relatives, and watch them grow up. all cardiac surgeons in the country will be able to use it in matters of the heart. svetlana gordeeva, alesya selivanova, maria popov, vadim kovalev and oleg gorkov, ntv, moscow. now the word from my colleague, valeria gavrilovskaya, host of the emergency program. lera, what will we talk about today? ilya, today on
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our air there are candid shots from a beauty salon near moscow, which somehow ended up. publicly available on the internet, a video straight from the office where hair removal is done, it couldn’t be more intimate, i had to answer the same frank questions answer the director of the studio, how a hidden camera ended up in his premises and why the filming was carried out, what we managed to find out, we will tell you in the episode ilya, thank you, this is not only in the program, an emergency after a short pause, that ’s all we have for now, go to, see you soon. a loan with cashback from sberbank is even more opportunities, because every month you will receive... return to 2% rate with sber bonuses thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback in sberbank with prime more profitable. well, are the credit card debts still hanging and accruing interest? needed
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in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live on ntv, emergency program, air. hello. and we begin the issue with a very intimate story that led to a serious scandal. clients of a beauty salon near moscow, who regularly do bikini area treatments, learned that a hidden camera was installed in the master’s office. the women turned out to be the heroines of the video. networks. according to preliminary data, more than 50 people became victims of perverts. the police began an investigation, our correspondents went to the scene to find out who installed the hidden camera and why. all versions from aleftina marchenko. it is not simple shock, it's a double shock. first they filmed what the mother was wearing when she gave birth, and then it all surfaced on the internet. and such a former client of a beauty salon near moscow will not recover for a long time, while women were told. in the intimate area they were filmed by a hidden video camera, disguised as a standard fire detector; the device was installed in the corner of the office, right under the ceiling and under the...


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