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tv   Dekabristka  NTV  March 8, 2024 4:20am-8:01am MSK

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the trial is starting, zenoid, yes , yes, i’m coming, you’re waiting for levitsky, what kind of a sign is this stupid of you, definitely, we need to meet before the hearing, good luck, well, yeah, don’t have time, today the judge detained you, and your lawyer won’t win, it's a failure. before us is an ugly case of deliberate damage to socialist property, our country is recovering after difficult war years, this, i’m not afraid of this word, wrecker, deliberately damaged factory equipment, this is not so, comrade levitsky, you were not given the word. but i don't
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i can remain silent, comrade judges, mashkov has a wife and four children, why would he spoil the machine, mashkov, the breadwinner of the whole family, does not need reasons for sabotage, that is, you want to say that mashkov just like that, in front of everyone, decided to spoil the state machine, only a crazy person could do that. comrade judges, i ask you to draw your attention. the defendant's defense lawyer has just given reason to classify this crime under a more serious article of the ukrainian sfsr. treason. after all, the deliberate destruction of socialist property from coral motives is one of the signs of this crime. and i want to remind you that the defendant worked at a defense industry enterprise and had mental illness...
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which, defense lawyer levitsky is hinting at, is not a mitigating circumstance? i am not hinting at anything, comrade judge, it is quite obvious that there was a malfunction in the operation of the machine, and the reason for its breakdown is very simple: its technical malfunction, i believe that all the accusations against my client, the defendant mashkov, are far-fetched and not... colleague although it has been working recently moscow collegium, but with the realities of metropolitan life. a sign announces
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a break in the court hearing, the trial will continue tomorrow at 9 am, so let's go, let's go, everything is fine, listen to me, anyura, the homeland of thunder will not prove any betrayal, he blurted out angrily, he is losing. he’s angry, without a husband we’re at least our kameyuki and in the river for everyone, maybe he wandered off from hunger, don’t you dare think that, we are soviet people, we won the war, your children are stupid, so take care of them, i’ll sort it out with your husband, understand? you're my beauty, i'm worried, you're not did you like how i performed? i’ve been in this court for 10 years, all the defense lawyers have the same brush, yes , comrades judges, no, comrades judges, this is for you...
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my grandmother was 86 years old, she got married for the fourth time, and she put that photo on, upload it , comrade levisky, you are grandfather domsky, well, i ’m a lawyer, zin, it’s supposed to clean me up according to my status , that is, this is all about the best , about beauty, about love, this is also all fiction , no, this is true, wow , i’m not such a good lawyer.
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we'll talk at home, bandits, let's go, let's go, i fought again over a folder, how many times have you repeat, your folder is not a deserter , he died at stalingrad in 1943, after all, he says that he’s a spy in america, your fool, vitka, your folder was the best, it’s clear, but vidka is just jealous, even his mother is his folder doesn’t know what zina is, i have nothing to be ashamed of, half the kids in our yard look alike, i never looked at anyone before kolya’s death, then i wore mourning for 6 years, everyone teases the bear over there, spy, spy, and they all the children
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of front-line soldiers, nothing, mishka will soon have a new folder, he won’t, what do you care, uncle lyosha like? i like him, but he’s not my father, but my father’s, mish, but it’s okay, he’ll get used to it, i know, i ’m always like that, at first they’ll stubbornly, then you can’t pull him away by the ears, why are you frowning, but i don’t know, he’s anxious, like you, or maybe big, uh , the best medicine, for... that is, you, comrade sukharkov, as a shift foreman, confirm that citizen mashkov deliberately damaged the machine, yes, in what way, well, with a blow from the sledgehammer
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on the right side, you personally saw it. yes, comrade judge, i have no more questions. wait a minute, so the blow was from the right? comrade lvitsky, the interrogation of the witness is over. one question, comrade judge. can you answer the witness? well, yes, right, i said so. mashkov, tell me, which hand are you holding the spoon with? left? are you working? there is the left one. what mit is this? attitude to the case , the most direct, moshkov poured out, no, the right one is just a fragment in the way, the witness shows that the blow was from the right, comrade sukharkov, why are you misleading the court, i was mistaken, they probably
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made a mistake five times during interrogations, and now in the hall court, i ask you to take this into account, mashkov, tell me, you...
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thank you, thank you, a boy will be born, i’ll call him by your name, thank you, thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart, i thought, i ’m naked, stop, that’s it, you’re scaring the children, run home, thank you, that’s it, thank you, oh, you’re a liar you,
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levitsky, sent an honest man to trial, i may be a liar, but your sukharkov is as honest a man as a very fascist. what it is? i was thinking of setting up a simple worker, prepare first, well , you know perfectly well that together they turned this case around, they wanted to get a new machine, the trial is over, my defendant is acquitted, if there are objections, you know where to go, levinsky, your insolence will not lead to any good, you will call them to wash them, i would not refuse, i’m at 6, i hope you won’t come? wage earners of the prosecutor's office, why is there
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a thunderous, gloomy, newlywed comrade, why rejoice, the first acquittal in his career, no matter what happens, what? bring more combos, well, let’s do it again for us, nothing happened. what did you find in him,
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who are you talking about, and about your fool, levitsky, who just appeared, his mind has gone beyond reason, comrade thunder, this phrasebook sensed what you’re missing, i don’t understand, i’ve been passing you around for 2 years. zinochka, zinochka, and you’re making a fuss about me, go to bed with this lawyer right away, i don’t love you, but i love him, that means that’s all, but we didn’t have anything, there’ll be something to remember, why don’t you, let go of your hands? removed, quietly. why have you completely lost your mind,
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zinochka, what’s wrong with you, are you so worried before the wedding, for a hundred years? not a single woman worked for this thunderous guy for a long time after his harassment, why do you need to work, i work, darling, you’re like from another planet, that’s already disgusting they’ll sew you up, let’s get married tomorrow, what about tomorrow, you need a statement, well, tomorrow you’ll have a statement, and after 3 days of the wedding,
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i’m yegor semyonovich, you know , i respect you deeply, you’ll be the one telling your women from the subbotnik cadres, but i need results , well, you yourself understand perfectly well, well, there is nothing on your levitsky, well, well, well, i read the article, well, i read it, here i am. i argued with a comrade prosecutor, well, well, well, well, read on, i would argue with a comrade prosecutor of the rsfsr that women secretaries in the moscow bar association are, after all, the most beautiful.
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well, you understand, yes, that you yourself are a master of shit, so, that’s another reason, how you detained a lawyer without any reason, he will come out, put you in, and i will refer to you. and this is the first time i’ve heard about this, this conversation never happened, 2 days ago, if you weren’t my friend, then you wouldn’t be the chief of police.
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what is this, comrade prosecutor, and why are you so illiterate and even a stupid order to evict within 2 hours, you are obliged to vacate the barracks. yes, why is this housing official, official, a family is moving in here? a new master, the one who is replacing sukharkov , and why is the new master here, i was acquitted, he is a master, and you are a worker, there is no other place to live where the kids and i can go, i repeat once again, the state has allocated you a room in a dormitory, but there are six of us , we can’t fit in one room standing, mind you, you know,
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you yourself went against the master. so you’ve been imprisoned, comrade prosecutor, comrade, sit down, my wife is pregnant, she’s out of her mind, come on, there’s one option,
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okay, so be it, i’ll write it for you myself, just sign for me here, i only with a cross, give me at least a cross. well done, well, go, run, stop people, stand, unload, pull out, that’s it, take it off,
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come on, come on, this, come on, come on, come on, come on! go to your
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girl’s home, dinoida, what do you want, i heard about your livitsky, although you don’t have to answer, and so i see, you won’t cry in vain, hmm, don’t be afraid
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, how could you, how could you, that’s it, stop fighting , lady, lady, i am the fiancée of comrade levinsky, he defended you, he didn’t sleep at night, you... against him, but i didn’t understand it myself, the prosecutor came, some papers he brought it, he said that we owe 300 rubles, everything is so fast, he was arrested, he will be tried, go to the police, tell him there was a mistake, but i can’t, i almost got imprisoned, aren’t you a man or something, here you go, take it, why take it, take the children, do with them what you want, what am i going to feed them, huh? we divide the loaf among everyone, you say something, he’ll go to the police, that ’s it, you send him to the investigator, then take him away, so i’m not your enemy, only your husband is at home, and
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we’re in prison, i beg you, don’t ruin it, i can do everything , if you want, i’ll wash your floors, you want to share a bed with us, only if they put him in jail, that’s the end of it, that’s it, yes, let’s go home , come on, come on, come on, dean, i’m sorry, if i knew, if my mother hadn’t died, she would have taught me to read, i’m sorry , stand up, the trial is coming, in the name of the union of soviet socialist republics. based on the stated guidelines in articles 58, part 7, 58, part 11, 58, part 14 of the ukrainian ussr, the judicial panel for criminal cases of the moscow city
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court finds alexey konstantinovich levitsky guilty and sentences him to 10 years in prison forced labor camp with subsequent loss of rights and confiscation of property. the conviction is clear. why am i so unhappy, i just thought , everything is fine with me, i have everything, please, daughter, men come and go, but you take care of yourself, how can you say that, he’s not some kind of guy, i love him, but didn't merge. you’d better cry, the anger would go away with tears, otherwise you fainted, damned nerves, not nerves.
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“i’m pregnant, and i’ve been pregnant for a long time, two months already, oh, it’s okay, daughter, i’ll…” one raised her, the bag has already grown, and we’ll raise another one, well , morning and evening are wiser,
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citizen boss, my stomach is twisted, well , let me out, just dare to let the pigeon go, i’ll tear it to hell, when will it be? “as much as possible , for the first time, or something, on this side, yes , it’s rubbish, lawyer, man up lawyer, then there will be more, you’re talking about the camp, you still have to get to the camp,
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if of all, it’s already good, with the rest, what it will be, it’s better for you not to know about this, citizen, boss, i can’t, obgadii, they gave, i said, closed their mouths, head down, let’s go, let’s go, forward. exit, forward, let's pass, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's pass.
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“it’s easier to start, what are you , you’re going somewhere, i’ll go, mom, to pick up lesha in irkutsk, well , i can’t just sit there, mishka, while he stays with you, how do you get settled, i ’ll take him right away.” you're pregnant, are you crazy ? i don’t know, but what about without lyosha? lord, out of the blue in the wilderness, no one will hire you there, no one will give you a corner, some other, god forbid, sore, i don’t know, will attach itself to you, but can you even figure out anything, so what? you are you silent? come on, repeat, i want to have an
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abortion, ah, abortion. wait, what are you doing, where are you calling? to the police. abortion , citizen, is prohibited in our country, if you don’t know. i’ll explain to you, i have an exceptional case. according to medical indications, you are fine. this means this is not an exceptional case. this is a crime , you are also a woman, well, well, get into the situation, i can’t give birth now, it’s not the time at all, that’s how it is, at first everyone says it, and then the tears flow, when it’s too late, hold it.
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how far is it to irkutsk? 6 days, if there are no overpowering prisons along the way, but five already. i have no legs since this morning, i have legs, you can look, if not, be happy, you will go straight to the medical unit, and there
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will be a resort, at the toilet stop, what do you think, we will suffocate here. “nothing , on the third day you will get used to it, then some will die , it will become easier to breathe, what a beam behind your back, cold, some kind of piece of iron, but it doesn’t seem like someone is standing, it looks like this toston. at first nothing, now it’s just icy, it means he’s dead, but it hurts, and the dead
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they’ll unload it, we’ll get to the embankment and bury it, but you’re not a tree, lean against it calmly, like feathers, but there will be less noise from the issatsu. hello, i have a note from the doctor. what should i do? just please , don’t call the police, drink half a glass every hour,
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then sit in a hot bath so that you can just stand it and sit until everything comes out, and buy vodka, but why vodka? when the blood comes out, drink it in one gulp and go to bed, the longer you sleep, the better. tell me, does it hurt? it hurts, it’s easier to give birth to three.
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forgive me, tur, but there’s no way i can deal with you now, do you hear? mom, i’ve come, mom, you’re home,
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i’m taking a bath, mishenka, okay, enjoy a light steam, mommy. i love you, i love you too, dear. next, let's go in, faster, faster, i said, let's undress, take off our clothes, quickly, take everything off. and the underwear said everything.
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hello, what are you doing here? by ambulance? no i myself. have you gone crazy after having an abortion? i won't go to jail with you. you don't understand, i didn't do anything. i wanted to, but changed my mind. only fear is something in the stomach pulls. i don't understand why. this should have been said right away. so, you and i need to register first. here's the form for you. fill it out. “hold on, you won’t understand,
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i don’t want a child, then i want a child, i should have thought before spreading my legs, for the sake of everything, let’s look, well, well, okay,” go to the chair, you understand, i’m just i was confused, but now everything will be fine, yes, i doubt it."
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earth, why are you so limp? we got there, we got there, you know, i didn’t even think, don’t be cool, the next bath is not soon, let’s wash, wash , wash yourself!
5:00 am
mommy, are you feeling bad? misha, go for a walk, dear, go, go, you see, mom isn’t feeling well, why not? women say that a miscarriage makes the soul even more bitter, as if it had burned everything inside, well, this is our lot, first we carry it, then we give birth in pain, then we mourn, and you bear with it, i didn’t...
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wanted it, i did it myself i was going to kill, why are you gnawing at yourself, why are you gnawing, it’s good that everything happened in the hospital, and not somewhere on a train, i could have died, you pray for the children, i know you can do it, i would do everything i gave it to you yesterday... melman, rasokhin, obliyukhov, as i can imagine, so many years, i’ll leave here an old man, what are your years, the first 10 years are difficult, then
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you get used to it, a kumanian, a man, a tenacious beast. i’m going crazy, you’re not going crazy, you’re slowly dragging yourself, you have women in the wild, a woman, a woman in the wild, yashnikov, well, think about her, the surest remedy, so we won’t see each other again, i’m a wretched deputy, your job is to believe him it’s up to you to decide what happens next , as the cards fall, ala b well, see you, third barracks, and where should i go, don’t talk to me, well, why at least prepare for the worst, last name, levitsky,
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levitsky, second barracks, the rest remain. here, i don’t want to be a nuisance, i’ll go, when the letter is arranged, i’ll write it, i’ll wait, girl, don’t leave, i know everything , i understand everything, well, you’re the only one i have, my little daughter, well, well, what if something happens to me ? well, where are you going?
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where it’s free, it’s free there, from here they rammed you, move here
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, whoever... you won’t be, i’m condemned, just like you, well, yes, hello, blurted out and is walking around with a trump card, here it seems like there’s no one like this no one, but what about us? we’re walking, quietly, who are you, what do you breathe, what kind of ointment will there be, was lawyer in moscow, lost his nickname, and what else?
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listen, of course i heard about registering in the camps, that you have to prove yourself somehow, honestly, i have nothing to say, well, exactly, a lawyer, say something to the strikor, but there ’s no point, uh, idiot, be damned! to the bucket of this.
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let's wait a minute longer, what if someone comes up? no, i want to say goodbye to moscow, in case we don’t come back again, let’s go.
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from the incoming trains, look who's coming, who's coming, girl, okay , yeah, we waited for the morning and let them doze off, yeah, and marya petrovna, why did you come, you've grown up
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here, they decided to remember the old life, yes , rather, they started a new one, clearly, don’t sleep at the station, why the hell is he stealing , they rent rooms to the left of the station, maybe... we can come to an agreement, thank you, all the best, what’s wrong, i’m on ice or something it didn’t work out, you have a child, so he doesn’t seem to be a baby, he doesn’t cry at night, and if he gets into bed, woman, he’s 10 years old, he’ll soon pick up girls, i won’t take him.
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sorry, sorry, i heard you are looking for housing? yes, only i’m on stage, there’s a very nice room and it’s inexpensive, but it’s okay that i’m husbandless,
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the women there didn’t want to take them, or what? they are jealous, they didn’t have a man with the revolution, and never will, let’s go, let me help you, let’s go, i’m working. here's the key, apartment 10, it's better to pay now, so maybe we'll have a look first. if you don’t like it, i’ll return your money, and you have a lot of choice, but we don’t have anything, don’t worry, it’s an excellent place to live,
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you’ll thank me again. yes, get up, damn it , we've run out of papyrus, i'm going to the store in a minute, tell the owner if you're sick, hello, what do you think about the room, i'm zina, this is misha, hello, if he comes up now, he ran for cigarettes, it’s good that you have kids too, then i thought that with... the mick said back there, but what about the key, let it be with us for now, or give it to you and you can see who the room is such kolya, we figured it out in fives. come on,
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show me your mittens, come on, come on! it’s cold, they don’t let anyone in, damn it, what’s the matter, we’ll be late for the gluttony, and you and the lawyer and glitch mostak on the sham, they’re recalculating again, why go, someone did the legwork, makagon, well, you’re retiring, we’re friends
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for the monastery. two prisoners of the eighth brigade attacked the guards went to the taiga. additional restrictions will also be introduced on squads, forward, forward, two in the winter in the taiga, i’m not crazy about
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ice cream, but what will i get there? ay, how can you trust so much? that's almost all my money. what a country we have, there are only prisons, so they make a living. did you get a head? where did he get the key? come on, semyon, we buy locks from the same market, and the keys are the same. so what should we do now? you
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'll forgive us, but we can't leave you. there are two more babies, or we can fit in, yes, let’s go, i see, wait, at least take this, go home, it ’s still calmer there.
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aren't you into poetry? no. but in vain, you , deep in the siberian ores, maintain proud patience, this is right about us, you know, i’m not the best company here, and why don’t i know the rules. he hit the bucket right away , you will still have a second chance, it’s like when
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they put out a bucket of water, go out to the center of the barracks, shout water at your head, goodbye to the bucket, ask who, say man, and don’t take a work order to dig. how do you know this? i've been with parashen for three years now. he’s new to us, as i see it, yes
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, you’re giving something away, yes, i forgot where i ended up, well , let’s report on the form, but how should i address it, comrade, what kind of comrade am i to you, bastard, am i the boss? of this camp, for you, a citizen , the chief, next time you will go to the pre-trial detention center until you learn, well, citizen-chief, convict lyuvitsky alexey konstantinovich, second barracks, third brigade, that’s it, okay, that’s enough, they unloaded the logs in the backyard, until lunch should be moved to the warehouse, okay? go ahead, negolnikov, where are you going, idiot? come with me, i have a special task for you, into the forest you’ll go, you’re collecting firewood, alone, and if you’re afraid of a bear, i won’t carry much,
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well, it’s okay, as much as you drag, as much as you need, you go, open it, come on, come on! well, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, hey, idiot, what, what, bear! run quickly, bear, let's run, you're lying, run quickly,
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why are we standing, does anyone else want some firewood? “you again, that’s what honey has been smeared on you here, but they robbed us, that is, i kind of
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gave the money myself, in general, we have nowhere to live, you’ll write a statement, you’ll find it, but it’s unlikely well, our city is not calm, we could have sat there, but what’s the point , you’ll just be left completely without sportswear, that’s all, you know what ’s going on? you took the guy’s ticket when you were driving home, i can’t, i have business here , it’s okay, so be it.” “i’ll help you, let’s go , it’s not far, let’s go, let’s go, don’t lag behind , i have a friend, wait, we don’t have money, but shut up, you’re restless, in general, she can give up room." i’m ready to wait, in
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general the girl is not bad, but i don’t know if she’ll fit, and why she won’t, you have son, my son hasn’t slept for a day , hasn’t eaten normally for almost a week, he made a sound at least once in front of you, but it’s not suitable for her, for you, and that the conditions are bad, but no, the room is just good, so what then, let’s go ? fathers, what kind of people are you, meet me, this is katyusha , hello, so get up, come in, my dear, you lead them here, and i’ll hurry up now.
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oh, get up, sit down, you scumbag, you again, are you a fool, i said in the form, prisoner luwisky, second barad, third brigade, in short, what is needed, i’m talking about that guy, is he alive? what the hell are you doing? he wasn't in the barat, he was in the dining room did not come. what are you doing here? i eat, i came to eat, eat. but they didn’t grind with their tongue, and so on
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for a week. oh, okay, the last time, or something, a whine, but no, one might say, there is abundant love, and she has a lot of these guests, a lot, oh, i beg your pardon, the tide is like a bathtub leaf, and you are with us, means master, master. and
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who is this? michael? oh, my goodness, you are so pretty , your eyes are just oh-oh, you are beautiful too. you know, we really shouldn’t have come, you have a lot of guests, but i still have a son, what’s wrong with my hands? gloves in moscow, i forgot. were born on the road, sit down, now, i don’t even want to listen to anything, look. “lower it, lower it, i say, oh, my god, this
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hurts like hell, run!” i asked a question, it just doesn’t happen here, i created a long circus, now everyone is rowing, i’m just a tongue, short life, quit. this afternoon the guards stopped an escape attempt; a prisoner of the third brigade of needle-cutter crossed the convoy zone and intended
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to hide in the forest. it is not true. this is already the second escape attempt. in order not to provoke this, the camp authorities developed educational measures for prisoners. oh, look, i like it, the same thing is expected of anyone who is about to run. disperse to the barracks
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, you hear, who killed the guy, “san sent , shoot, ordered, told someone, no , so be silent, he’s talking about how everything is going smoothly with you, make an agreement with the foreman, otherwise you won’t last until spring, talk.” , well, make it easier for you." yes, oh, and take off your cloaks, let me give you some slippers, yes, i have a bag, come on, get up, you will help me, we will look after your mother, you know, like in a fairy tale, first, feed, give me a drink, then the word is young, how good it is,
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well, stay, i won’t get up, even if you kill me, you’re a child. i’m tired, who is she to you, a neighbor, a sister, a cat, and what are you doing, sitting there like you’re not your own, let’s get to work on the samovar, of course, you don’t have to answer.
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well, don’t let him attack the naar, fuck you, listen, hero, i made the wrong place, with my head. but no, then shut the bucket and sniff it there,
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thank you, katyusha, we’re like in a sanatorium, we ’ll get round soon, right, bear? it's better to plump up than to plump up from hunger. i’m telling you this as a siege survivor. are you from leningrad? yes, zelenika, yes, my whole family is from there, my grandparents. a folder with my mother, five sisters, i survived the blockade alone, how
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it ended, i left, i can’t go there anymore , please forgive me, nothing, i’m sorry, i was in prison for the past, so, where is your court, i want to know about work, with work here bad , but i’ll go there, i can accompany you, you’re so kind, you took strangers, you’re ready to wait with payment, why do you need us, the neighbor’s women, they don’t favor me, all my gentlemen are either husbands, or someone’s fathers, chat like a woman, i want to go to work, it wouldn’t depend on guys, what kind of job, you never know the profession , you can get a job, oh, you go to... then the court, then we’ll talk,
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what happened, they don’t let me eat, they drove me away, i’m with you, work all day today , and my legs are like rubble. they all have sharpening points, i also made them, from what , what should i do, i can’t fight with them, they don’t even give you a spoon, bread from a bucket, like a beast, and why isn’t the bucket made of iron?
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fix this and fix it, the chairman will not accept such papers, okay, thank you. yes, yes, i understand. hello, how about the chairman of get the reception? excuse me, i'm talking about working with the secretary. yes, what is it, you can’t answer? there is a waiting list for years to work in court. don't waste your time, dear.
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list of outfits for tomorrow, i read by squad,
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thank you, no thank you, thank you, there are idiots and there are others. there are still three shovels left for tomorrow to dig graves, there are people willing, so, well, there’s one more shovel left, i’ll assign it. i’ll go, well, that’s great, so,
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i’ll go now, thank you, comrade lin, hello! hello, do we know each other? not yet, my last name is uvarova, i worked in moscow city court secretary. it's clear that we don't have any places. but maybe not necessarily a secretary, i can do a lot of things, you never know what professions. girl, find out where the newcomers are hired. but i'm a good specialist,
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yeah, go ahead!
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comrade, please wait, i sense it, comrade elen, i’ve been waiting for you all day, i’ve even been to the market, everywhere is useless, just a minute, well, let’s go, please. give me at least some work, i really need money, i have a son, i told you, we have nothing, why are you so stubborn, listen to me you, listen to me, citizen, stop persecuting me, i’m a married
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man, a people’s judge, they’ll think of something else, but if i see you here, i’ll turn him in to the police, of course, let’s go.
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where the parachute was not exchanged for a long-range one, quickly come on.
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oh, you bastard, his punishment cell, he might still knock, it’s useless, mom, well, she’s in the way, why can’t we rehearse in the morning, i don’t know, it seems to me that she’s not an actress at all. misha, i ask you, let's not discuss this, they'll get me wet, i really hope so, sleep, don't listen, tomorrow we'll go to
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to register for school, i’ll tell you everything tomorrow, today. another emergency happened, another escape, where is the body? they say someone stole it, one of the convicts, showed criminal arbitrariness, shading. is it so, in connection with this , new rules are being introduced, for each violation of the punishment cell regime, for three misdemeanors, a petition for the transfer of your benefits, no more concessions, no letters to freedom, as you went around, remain silent, i am watching each of you, comrade.
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stalin entrusted the gulag system with the re-education of criminal elements, and we are like real communists and loyal sons of our homeland will cope with this, what a speech i ruined. oh, i woke up, well, sit still, otherwise you’ll pass out again, what are you, a doctor, actually a surgeon, here’s a fake, here’s the news, what do you care about?
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the first secretary of the district committee died during the operation , they accused me, served time, got a job as a driver , worked a lot, slept little, well , he crashed into the bus of the same district committee, five people died, that’s fate, eat it, come on. gain strength, because the checks will end sooner or later, and i’ll have to live, it looks like i won’t be able to, well, you can’t, that means you’re a fool, i’m sorry no one will, that’s it, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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it was, it wasn’t, i forgive you, it’s okay!
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well, have a seat, lawyer! mom, i didn’t get enough sleep, neither did i, i’m not cheating , let’s go to school tomorrow, and i’ve missed so much, why is this school, mom, i studied at the institute, they don’t hire you, you know that i’m an assistant from moscow i took it, i have enough critics here. get dressed,
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where are you going? i’ll ask aunt katyana not to make noise, but can i listen? no, this is an adult, oh, linochka, hi, katyusha, i would like to talk, halfway to work, and i told you, she’s not here, no, i’m oh friend, i’m talking about myself, but wait, katyusha , don’t interrupt, please, otherwise i won’t get it together anymore, give you some tea, yes, i’m talking about your hotels, you again, but i didn’t understand something, do you know each other, whether? bring my klizha, come on,
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come on, come on, how's your aldezhka, uvarova is my last name? you guys come tomorrow, we need to decide something, then i’m already afraid of meeting you in some completely inappropriate month, okay, thank you, women. all the best, hello, i’m umarova, new to the position of archivist, sit there, you know, well, it’s already 8:00, and sergey petrovich said yesterday, you’re in the way, i don’t want
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to be late, i was already hired temporarily to take the place of one woman from the archives while she’s on maternity leave, sergei petrovich, sorry. varoov is here, i should tell her, it’s good, but what can i say, in, you’ll forgive me, but our archivist has returned to work, but how is it so, well, how is it? i heard about you and immediately came running, should i go home now, we have another place, like this, if
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you want, of course, good things, rags. mop, robe, don’t come before 7:00 tomorrow evening, clearly, when will she be with her, your third floor and staircase, okay, rejoice, stupid, anyone else would bite for such a place, for such and such a penny, you know, you don’t need a lot of intelligence to wave a broom? wait, should we tidy up the archives too? well, isn't he on the third floor? certainly.
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red to me, i wish you great, exactly major, great, that’s all. you’re already busy, we’re working, but you need to work, work, that’s right, i understand, i didn’t finish my vacation , yes, they pulled me out ahead of time, well, i’m sorry, we know this is happening here, yes, we’ve heard a lot,
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they delivered the red one, allow a couple of minutes, come on , come on, who is it, the organizer of the escape is silent, bye, citizen, boss, time. you’ve already called and you’re sending me back right away, you’d better finish on the spot, you don’t have any strength anymore, what’s serious , you’ve called 30 times and you can’t do anything, in my lubyanka everyone was injecting themselves from top to bottom, but he doesn’t know his son, he’ll also sing like kursk nightingale, what is this telephone message, are the roads covered in snow? there won't be any bread, are you
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crazy? what do you mean there won't be any bread? i have a thousand bunnies, should i feed them gruel? i 'll figure it out, 5 minutes before dinner, i'll figure it out, i this is why i was put here, comrade major, so decide somehow, comrade major, go ahead and announce, the devil knows what? red prisoners in the catering unit for me, there will be no announcements, are you buying newspapers? someone else left one of the men, throw it away,
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what are you doing? you’re stalin, the father of nations, uh-huh, i’ll let you drink some water, no matter how you look at it, it’s good enough for third grade or should i worry, oh, okay, i joked, you ’d better tell me why you went to court? well, you won’t charge me straight for the apartment, will you? ay, for playing around, she came to court and got a job, a man was in her camp, but she definitely had something in mind, i didn’t have anything in mind, cross yourself, but i don’t know how, you can show me, but i’m an atheist, don’t torture me, katya, the time will come, i’ll do everything myself i’ll tell you, okay, then with god. you’re an atheist, but with those with whom you’re calmer, you eat, it’s delicious,
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too, let’s go faster, faster. yes, you will have time, but what is this, what is this guarantee, there is half a fine, listen guys, it seems that the rations have been cut, that they have been cutting off the rations in kind , there is no meat, there is no group, bread is being cut here, why now work in the cold all day?
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more important than the driver, the prisoners refuse to work , they demand a conversation, they sent a whole delegation , which means the instigators are shezo, but it’s easy to say, but if there is a riot, we will calm down the enemies of the people, some talkative person today, do something, boss, open up, talk... yes, we came for bread to talk about why
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the ration was cut, leave, there will be no reception, well, leave, i said.
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comrade, dear, i only
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took 100 g of chaff for the children, one time, i have nothing to feed them, wait with me. five, husband died for theft of socialist property, entailing treason, larisa mikhailovna konyulina is sentenced to 10 years in prison. the ax doesn’t cut, it’s dull, you see, try it with a knife, i don’t have a knife , you’re the priest’s son, they say, so what if the cudgel cuts off
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the branches, it’s of no use to you, at least pray that they don’t catch you, since i’m of no use. .. why, why did you take me on the run ? there he put on his skis, and onto a freight train it takes two people to climb up from the supports. have you heard about the cow? i heard, i’m a rural person, we’re not talking about different cows, you listen to me and pray, pray, you don’t have long left, people always take a cow with them when escaping, and
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you’re new to the zone, young, healthy, a first-class cow . i ’ll last a month in your month, no, well, if you cut it up correctly, you ’re a nit, but you hit it deftly, your dad taught me, don’t worry that you won’t touch me, now i’m me. i still stuck the feather, lord, lord, forgive me, fool, you don’t know the way,
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comrade boss. where is krasnov, did you bring him? no, why? he hanged himself in the chaise, what a weakling, what did they find with the vigliets? no, i
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wanted to ask about our business, about bread? no, i canceled the bread machine, as you said, i was talking about the search in the barracks, did i do it? yes, but i don’t understand why? you don’t need to understand, there is something going on, eh? no, i’ll kill the rat, what is this, a thief , what are you doing, quietly, quietly, i said,
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they don’t drag my brigade from their own people, apparently there was a disturbance, bugger, go to the authorities, the makagon will accept you, no, the lawyer will go, why me, he doesn't like lawyers he brings it out, but we don’t offer him a bouquet of violets, let him not smell it. and she will answer for the lawlessness
6:11 am
, get ready, once again, i see, i will punish you, i understand, get dressed, mom, why did aunt katya stand all night, maybe she was rehearsing a role, that’s how they punished her in the theater, and she called some cat, and you are ears i hung it up, get dressed, i tell you what to do. no matter what this mask
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there are few good clubs today, so i decided to make my own, the quality is no worse than imported ones, and in order to keep up with demand, i act proactively, take out a loan for business development. manage the cost of your loan, reduce commission by 11%. girl, in honor of women's day, a film about great women. gentlemen, please sing to my beautiful daughter. and you, and you. ivan! now you are ready to make any noble husband happy. did you promise the king of france, father? our sovereign pyotr alekseevich died. empire, heirless. you are peter's daughter and you must not give up. what price will she pay? are you proposing to send peter’s daughter to the settlements? i believed you so much, it's
6:17 am
a lie, i swear to you to save the empire! i swear to you, lord, i will not shed blood in your reign, julia peresilt, are you ready to serve me with faith, with truth, as you once served my father, vivat, elizabeth, brothers, vivat, vivat, vivat, empress, i am the daughter of peter and i will rule according to his behests, premiere, today 15:15 on ntv. "but what is your foreman like? kravchenko is a brute, but he knows how to make me angry, he sent a lawyer, why don’t you like lawyers so much, why and why should you love you, creatures, i’m also a lousy intellectual,
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why are you looking at me?” “tell you, it was the case, i trusted i’m a lawyer , my brother served in the household services department, the purges began, he got caught up in distribution, then the trial, but we hired a good lawyer, my brother was jailed anyway , under what article, i don’t know under what article, i wasn’t at that trial, i only know that after the war my brother stayed, but now there is no one left, ours said it was to leningrad. i was there, i worked there, maybe i heard something, leningrad, it’s a big city, you never know how many such brothers there are, maybe you need to look for someone who’s still alive, write a petition, do something, if you’re so smart, why are you here, well, you you will say to the point, no, there was a search in the barracks, they took away
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personal belongings, ours still... they think it’s chaos, when yesterday, okay, i’ll figure it out , but i think, if this is true, then it’s neither shag nor crackers there’s nothing left, i’ll figure it out, i understand, go, that sable, machka, where the cannula’s belly is, you don’t know, we don’t know. what are you doing, stop
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this is mine, i won’t give it away, there are no rolls, no seeds, and only a pitak of money, they swooped in again, here i am for you now, oh, don’t be angry, they are orphans, there is nothing to eat, so... oh, stalin, stalin, our father
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dear, stalin, steel, he will always be, mountains, rivers and seas, this is all my country, for days the sun, you are looking for, and i will help her, as there is one way, you just don’t make lena overweight, without this there is something to do, here nice, zin, just keep in mind
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lin to come to visit mostak, bring food, and if something happens, it’s unlikely to help you. but i don’t need help, but luck.
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who's there? open it, you see, the door slammed, but i was cleaning and didn’t see it.
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well, did you count? even 300 g does not work for everyone. listen, what's going on, what
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's going on? so, there’s a problem with bread, why the hell did the security need it there? i have already figured it out, the culprit has been punished. they were punished, but did they catch the poor people too? are looking for. weren't you the one who wanted to solve everything quickly and easily yesterday? i made a mistake. no, i was the one who made the mistake about you. you suck, deputy sobolev. i'll fire you to hell. citizens are prisoners, the roads are snowy, so there will be no bread today, bread, bread, quietly, and what, and what should we eat, as soon as the message is restored, the bread ration will be returned.
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oh, moms , i scared you, the car drove up to the police, look, it’s to the next store, i can’t sleep, it seems to me that they’ll come for me, what’s this , you’ll go for it step by step, don’t ask, so you can do something do it right now? no, that’s it, go to sleep
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, come on, the bear will come home from school soon, what if they fire me from the court, oh, dina, then we’ll think, something’s completely unstuck, lick it, i’ll bring you some medicine, right, come on, come on quickly, hold your nose and gulp. okay, what is this? this is moonshine, fuck the infusion of valerian, you’ll fall asleep like a baby, sleep.
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lord, god, lord, god, you know salvation for me, please help me, don’t continue to sin before you.
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to perish in my sins, lord, for i am a sinner , lord, do not betray me to my enemies, please, lead me onto the road, show the way to... lord, let me at least hear the sound, the sound of the train, lord, and don’t drive me around, don't go where you won't go, are you here? damn, you're late, sorry, i now i’ll tidy everything up, oh, zenoid, you’re still here,
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and i’m still here, i was a little late with my colleagues, thanks to me. congratulations, thank you, well, sit down, i’ll sit down , you, and what do we have here, like there are no others anymore, so, well, what are you doing, zinaid, and i yakped right away. you were in the archives, yes, that’s it, and the archivist came to see me and said that you were there, hey, hey, hey, hey, uvarova, uvarova, what are you, zina, zina,
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iznoida, too much, why worry, i just. did you think i was going to scold you? they don’t scold you for good work, the archivist is with you i’m happy, she said that we have everything in our archive, there’s not a single speck of dust on the files, it’s as clean as in a pharmacy, well done, keep it that way, i was worried, okay, i’ll go, that’s it.
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eh, lawyer, get up, get up, i said it ’s getting up, no, it’s still early, let’s go, where are we going, macaguna, come on.
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eve is not alive, bread, bread, bread, bread! wait, now they’ll make some noise and disperse on their own, so they’re going to set fire, stop panicking and wait for my command, no need for a foreman, the death penalty is in order, but are you serious, that’s the way it is for us? no soldering, execution mortal, what are you standing there, set it on fire, come on, come on, try to kill us, they’ll shoot us all,
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you first, if you don’t shut up now, he ’ll suffocate, you yourself will suffocate, keep pushing until you turn it up. no need, he’s a man, who ’s the man, who’s the rooster, what’s the rooster, and makagon is the rooster, when he was appointed, he changed his last name.
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then i myself, thank you for meeting me, apparently, a lot has changed in 2 years, since court workers escort prisoners home, we are all people, some for their own benefit, what are you talking about, i don’t believe in kindness, you need it to trudge so far. why not escort me from the scrip to the prison, don’t renounce, who are you, you say, why are you in trouble, what do you want, not everything is clean in your case, i won’t tell you anything else, you’re like, take the children, mother, move away, sturela , where, what, where your eyes are looking, don’t ask anything else.
6:38 am
deliver me, lord, for you are my strength, my hope, glory to you and thanksgiving forever
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, i saved you, lord, now i definitely saved you, they found it, it’s him, “mom has arrived, mom, mom, marechka, i’m
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good to you, larochka, mom, larochka, little chest, mom, we need to leave here, like, where , remember, your brother is in tashkent, uh-huh, it’s time for us to visit him, oh, lord, lari, mom, this is a show of stars, 10 mega are participating in it.
6:41 am
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, listen, he’s playing with me, what are you talking about , there were no skids, bread deliveries from the camp were canceled, so what has i got to do with it, we ’ll find out who has anything to do with it, who signed the papers, we know. let them ask him, but he’s not there, he went to irkutsk urgently, but didn’t get there yet, suddenly when he gets there, he’ll point at you, and let him get there first, nothing, nothing, i’m patient , i’ll wait, why did you give the go-ahead to scam the prisoners , after they brought the mukunya, and you’re on he set me on, i have nothing to do with it, i’m just doing my job, it’s an accident, no, you’re aiming for my place, but... therefore, from tomorrow, go finish your vacation, i signed the order, yes, comrade major,
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they delivered it promptly, excellent. great, where is the second one, says the tag-meter, citizen, well, thank you, brother, for what? and you resolved all the issues in the zone, and acquitted us of the main troublemaker in the camp with the bread thugs, you deserved forgiveness. thank you.
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dina, you’ll fight again, no, i want to apologize, i’ve become completely rude in the camp, i ’m leaving for tashkent, the children are with you and your mother, let’s start living in a new way. thank you, zina, i really ask you to save someone else, if you can, i will try,
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friends. we need to talk, well , tell us how you are a savior, let’s go, your brother, the roosters are already knocked, well, let’s say we are what is your mother’s last name, then what? i protected your brother, you bastard, listen, the case
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was complicated, part fifty-eighth part one, they accused him of failing to report the people he worked with, the prosecutor asked for 10 years, but what, what but, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, but what, but you turned out to be an idiot, yes or what, but? your brother was acquitted and released at the same time in the courtroom, as if it were true, where did he go? i don’t know, he didn’t want to go home, he said that he had a difficult relationship with his family, that his only brother didn’t even come to the court because he considered him a waste, shut up, shut up! do not say anything, the surname is common, but you can search for it.
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no need, no need, that’s it, don’t need anything, go, stop, your woman is free, i know, i know she’s a woman, but he doesn’t hide his mother’s photograph under the mattress, right? “here, thank you, it’s okay, you want to get out of here, zina , excuse me, i’ll identify you, now i’ll quickly clean everything up, it’s good that i met you, you don’t need to clean up the archives yet, what happened, but
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a new order came. in the premises with only those employees who have access can keep the documentation, you do not have access, so while it’s in the archives, you don’t need to clean it up, well, i think they’re not in the mood , the salary is the same, there’s less work, lyusha
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, he’s cold, zina, zina, wake up, come on, that’s it, that’s it, that’s all, it’s a bad dream, i dreamed that lyasha died, he almost doesn’t make it up, he dreams of a funeral change by dad, with such a wind it’s no wonder, it will be so, no, something happened,
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zina, nothing happened, bear. i just scared you half to death, that’s it, lie down, and you lie down, like this, a good sunday dream, a bad one cracked in half, that’s it, sleep. the lawyer approached me, now this is your place, why, why? because one face
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narrow-eyed, she decided to knock, wait, wait , are you sure, yesterday i had a conversation here, today the guards know about it, there was no one in the barracks, only this one, we’ll come in handy, that he didn’t think about the interlocutor, that guy had complete trust, and no there can’t be a bazaar, we still need to figure it out, so i didn’t understand something, lawyer, you... i don’t need a prison place, i don’t need problems, so they will be long gone from the parash, i took things to a new shkanar, and this one to parasha, where is the cross, a little portaculum on his forehead, place, mom, are you burned? damn exam
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tinker with mine in cold water, it won’t be the same, but is this delicious food mine? a potion for vision, a decoction for beauty, i guessed, well, where did we wash ourselves, and at 6 in the morning he’s cleaning his feathers, ilyin will come, and you love him, i don’t, of course. why do you need him? oh, zin, that’s another question. why does he need me? suggest? he, no one else, offers me anything.
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legitimate women don’t call me, so at least let me feed you, otherwise i’m turning from a beloved woman into some kind of communism. come and take as much as you want. well? then what's left of me is for you today is a free time, i work during the day, but why did they give me such a promotion? uh-huh, daytime cleaning lady sandina, uh-huh, kat, why, but it seems to me that he loves you, how he cleaned you up, yes he loves, of course, who is this beauty from...
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leviticus makagon, where are we going, medical unit, there's a surprise for you, languages ​​don't like surprises, this one is special, you'll like it. well, ready, surprise!
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what are you looking at, don’t look askance at the paramedic, he’s ours , so that means one died yesterday, the other 3 days ago, and i have something to do with it, they’ll soon have to go to the irkutsk morgue, if you want to go with them, it’s like, we we’ll hide you between them, according to the papers it seems to us that you ran away, we didn’t find you, it turns out that it’s 700 km to irkutsk. lie down, well, nothing, lie down, what will happen to you, you’ve been fasting for 2 days , why are you silent, scary, scary, i ’m scared myself, look, i won’t suggest anything else
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, you can think about it, well, think about it, see you tomorrow, that’s the decision on take kurenkov’s file to the courtroom, and paste the rest into the files. okay, i'll say archivist. no, you do it yourself, she asked. again, her child got sick quickly. it shouldn't be there anymore.
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i'll probably have to ask katyusha to intercede for me. what a lara you are. sergei petrovich, i consider the conversation over, go and work.
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i finished well, everyone returned, dead
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, burned at their posts, what’s good, but if they returned alive, they would have been eaten raw without salt, this is in the best case, but i won’t have another chance, this is not a chance, this is a death sentence.
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tatya, tell me honestly that you’re mad, you didn’t bring food, we had an agreement with him, once a week, something edible, and here natya, he disappeared, as you wish, ekaterina, live like that, like that maybe he was offended, but that he didn’t caress to death, i asked to go to the archive again, it seems he was angry, i don’t care, just let him. katyusha, maybe you shouldn’t be so harsh, i still work for him, maybe you’ll sleep with him?
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here, here, here i am, here you are, my darling , you were born, you were basking in the sun, here, here , here i am, here you are, my darling, basking in the sun, hand, goose fat, here, here, here i am, here you are my darling, i cleaned my hand, for god's sake, i broke my arm, here, here, here i am, here you are, my darling, you broke your little arm, fold your arm, here you go you, i, here you are, my dear, okay, okay,
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okay, okay, i came after all , it’s you, i thought, no, it’s the cat who came to me at night, salsa brought some potatoes, you’re my good one. and elinza never showed up, so it’s not a secret? no, there are just normal people, and there are all sorts of fools, how do you manage? yes, sit down, it’s good, we live in perfect harmony, i work in court, mm, court is
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good, yes, you’ll see ilin today, spit on him, please, i’ll probably abstain, otherwise my comrade policeman will have to. support me, and why, by the way, i don’t mind, i, by the way, too, if you at least pay for the room on time, i’ll probably go, otherwise we ’ll come to an agreement now, oh, child, our sovereign, pyotr alekseevich. passed away , there are still rumors that the empire is heirless , for now we have not decided who will be on the state, ksinia utekhina, empress, empress, catherine the first, vivat, vivat, vivat, anna ukolova, vivat, empress
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annia, vivat, vivat, vivat , julia peresilt, grand duchess elizaveta petrovna. is she worthy to take the throne? i'm ready, and it's a great honor for me, empresses, it depended on them present and future of the empire, premiere, ended without time, i am the daughter of peter and will rule according to his behests, honor of women's day, a film about great women, today at 15:15, on ntv. stars. premiere. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu. and maxicold lore spray helps relieve sore throat and fight its causes. everyone needs gifts again.
7:09 am
a pack of two persil washing gels with a 40% discount. holiday discounts in magnet. bouquets tu 249 what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langidase against prostatitis. home is where the family is, in the bank of home. 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes, she will hear your voice, even if it is noisy around. i started the timer. alice, turn on the music. i turn it on. she 'll like it too. what you love. meet the new spring colors
7:10 am
of the vyandex station midi with alice. buy at yandex market and get cashback 1,500 plus points. can't sleep again. one friend of mine can do everything, but what can you do, and i get gigabytes from the megaphone just like that, naked charisma, the megaphone takes care of its own. ru, that again the holidays everyone needs gifts, buy them all at once split 0.06, now 0 rub, everything else later, premium coffee card noar with a discount of up to 50%
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or terry towels and bed linen with discounts of up to 80%. you can wait endlessly for benefits. conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, and you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. heartburn can cause a lot of discomfort. but it can be stopped. one capsule of rabbi prose - north star in the morning helps fight heartburn all day. northern star, they trust us. 30% discount on the second one. or 50% on the third household appliance product. built-in midea dishwasher for only 14,999 when purchased as a set. in mvidio and eldorado.
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just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine when you want to please loved ones, yourself, but your toad is against it, split the payment into parts with yandex split. split everything you want in different stores without overpayments. this is little dasha. sometimes the heaviness of her tummy spoils her mood. what a relief that her mom has modelax nн. a reliable remedy from the first days of life helps to carefully cope with constipation, relieving the heaviness in the tummy. relieved, my miracle without addiction. modelaxn for adults and children from birth.
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help you, go, they are wrong, you can’t do that. anyone could snitch, facts no, just suspicions, don’t talk to me , it will be worse, go, don’t be like me at the first
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opportunity, the foreman is as smart as a dog, levitsky, why should i drive you with rods to makagon, quickly! excuse me, i’m sergei petrovich, for myself, but what about you? i just wanted to find out before lunch today whether to clean his office or not, well, come in in 15 minutes, i ’ll find out by now if he’s sick, don’t be so nosy. okay, let her in,
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i’ll quickly wipe everything here, you probably want to be alone, sit down, close the door. is katya very angry? very. she's a bitch of course, but he knows himself. this cannot be taken away from her. why didn't you come? there’s a scandal at my house , katya’s wife found a hair on her shirt, but okay there was a hair there, otherwise it’s a fragment
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of no more than three centimeters, well, once you explain mine, give me the katyusha, but what’s the point, you can’t get to it now in a tattered kaz, nothing, let it be, thank you, so maybe you can come up with something for your wife? and this is generally useless, yes, sergei petrovich, your wife called, she said that she would go to the hairdresser in the evening, okay, thank you, the hairdresser was going, of course, now is the time to meet. and i know how to measure you and your wife, what are you up to, everything will be fine, i promise,
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don’t get involved in this matter, you understand, you know, i’m here home tomorrow. zin, i'm sorry. well, you've been thinking for a long time, one already stinks, i made a decision, but what are you saying, so what? i 'm ready, but i have conditions, yes, come on, come on, if they return me to the camp, kill me if
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they return you to the camp. “i ’ll need a bullet myself, okay, after lights out at the northern gate, let him help us, let someone help him, go, i don’t care about all this i like it, so do i, but if we don’t have ilyan, i’ll be left without a job, and you without help, and i’ll live just fine without him, i’ll find someone else, but why do you need to quarrel with the chairman of the court, and why do i need a lover with a lot of problems?” “i’m not some kind of partying person, it’s like we’re out of love, that’s all, i’m not going anywhere, please, i ’ll be left without work, then don’t interfere, i can’t quarrel with ileyny, if you run away, he’ll fire me , so i grabbed a death grip on this court, what have you got there, fell in love with someone, just show me his wife, then i myself, yes, i only saw you once,
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good news, i’ve more than once, well... yes, in an astrakhan hat, that’s it, i went, great, me too. “let’s not, i don’t know, that’s who i am, well, me too then, you’d better ask her, she doesn’t take everyone, yeah, how much hair, they probably all come home in hair,
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probably”? i also had a case, i once came to work covered in white hair, it turned out that it was my son’s hair, how it happened, i have no idea, excuse me, i mean that often the hair of other people, our children, for example, gets on our clothes . a who are you? i'm sorry, i probably should have told you right away, i'm zina uvarova, i work for your husband in court, i know that yesterday you had a scandal about the hair on your shirt, but it's not what you thought, it's mine son, honestly, sergei petrovich took him in his arms, that ’s how it happened, who’s going to cut his hair next?
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and come on in, the carriage has arrived, everyone has been loaded, everyone has taken them where they were, and i went to get the documents, well, come on, it’s unlikely that we’ll see each other. nekarka, i haven’t gained enough sense at all, why the hell are you bothering me? shut up, please, let me break the god, let's say that we got into a fight, then i’ll get settled somehow, no , i’ll go, the japanese are also one of us, but where have you seen a person who
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hasn’t been knocking on the living zones all his life, how can he be sure for a long time that they will say about the barracks? levitsky, you’ll meet your brother in moscow, well , tell me, you’re not a scoundrel to him, and i never considered him an enemy, if i could find him, find out that
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he’s alive, that he’s not in prison, if he shows up, well, at least let him drop a line, i i’ll throw myself at my feet, i swear, well, if i knew, good. that's it, okay, good luck to you, don't come back, close it. just pour some water, oh, well, there’s tea, want? no, thank you, the heat was so hot, we’re hot too, we know that, just wait.
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and so, alive in the room, alive, alive, come on, oh , mommies, what can we do, it’s going to go broke, because, oh , god forbid there’s a fight, i told you, it’s not a secret, viina, but it’s no secret for a cat, lelyina, secret, i wasn’t expecting you, well, i see, i put on a formal nightie, why did i come, but i
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actually didn’t come to you, i came to zina, young man, let’s go out. what did you tell my wife? maybe, what about you? now yes, you met my family, i asked you not to interfere, so you have to to come up with an idea, to track down my wife at the hairdresser, to talk such nonsense about my son, i wanted to help. did anyone ask you, did you at least ask, do you need your help or what? forgive me, please, forgive me,
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please, in general, tomorrow you’re taking your son to our place for lunch, why should nadya have to talk her teeth into it, mili, whatever she wants, just calm her down, what will i say? come up with an idea, you ’re so resourceful, okay, see you tomorrow, then, katyusha has someone there now, no, what are you lying about, well then, that means with his wife it will work out. obey in the soviet union the oath
7:27 am
was taken crimea cannot be given i am for russia 10 days until the spring premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntvera today. pain in the legs, swelling, symptoms of vuricosis, it is important to treat from the inside, troxactiv tablets from traxivozin against swelling and pain in the legs, troxactiv. expert view on the treatment of varicose veins, order medicine with discounts at everyone needs gifts again. a pack of two persil washing gels with a 40% discount. the petrovs have holidays ahead, everyone's day lovers of renovation. putty day and international wallpaper day. do not limit yourself, a cash loan from post bank with a comfortable payment from 1.0 rub. enough for what is necessary and what is pleasant. come for the money. post bank. same. that same hairdryer,
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7:32 am
where does the cargo come from, what’s in the back, well , they’re quickies, ghouls, well, let’s go and have a look, they promise snowfall near irkutsk, don’t drive too hard. mom, where are we going? misha, well, i’ll take you all the way. i realized that there is no need to be rude, and who doesn’t need to be rude, aunt natya lives here, i understand, your friend, she is the wife of my boss, a very respected woman, you understand, well, why am i going, you are my parachute, an emergency situation, i'm nothing
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got it, that's it, smile, hello, again? it’s beautiful here, oh, barely, she kept telling this, he’s a former military man, a conservative, he doesn’t need anything, you sit down, just a chair and a bed. i’ve been fighting all my life, then i wish you victory, get chapped, yes , it started from the water, i don’t know what to do, if you want , i’ll give you cream, a good husband gave it to you, thank you,
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you’ll forgive me, i ran away like that, i was just confused. yes, forgive me, i shouldn’t have pressed you like that, but the hair is true, mishkin, mish, come here, look, excuse me, mish, i saw models there in the hallway ships, go and look there for now, okay, just don’t touch them with your hands, excuse me, what am i doing about my hair? no need, honestly, what does hair have to do with it, you think, i don’t know that my husband is walking around, i’m not blind, just your boy, a bear.
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he looks so much like slavka, this is your son, yes, he died in '42, we were then sent to be evacuated from stalingrad, seryozha, he served there, the train came under fire, i definitely closed it, they should have killed me, i just... i stood up for a second, my hand went numb, just one bullet, a small hole near the beginning and my son is not there,
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since then it’s always been as if his shadow was moving between us. he’s sitting here, we’re sleeping, he’s lying next to us, it’s like so many years have passed, it’s like we’re living together, it’s like we’re family, it’s all like a stranger, it’s an insult, well, don’t, don’t, i’m a bad mother, a bad wife, how can i not cheat? i haven't quit well yet. natishta, why aren’t you crying?
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what happened to the cargo, i got to the morgue, they called, not yet, they say, it should have already, near irkutsk with nevtyanaya, they could be delayed, call every hour when they are driving, report, understood, wait. tell the office, let someone come in, we need to send documents for the deceased, yes,
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levitsky, zina, good morning, hello, pro!
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what better deal, so hand over the inventory and march to the hr department, okay? comrade, investigator, i repeat, i could not design the house so that it would crack, it is not my fault, i am an architect, i am not an enemy, i am guilty, comrade investigator, i stole a collective farm goat. mitya, the wolf tore her up, if
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i hadn’t taken her, the dogs would have taken her away, so damn, what kind of dogs, we’re still forty dogs the second year they ate it.
7:43 am
if the night lights up the stars in the sky again, it means someone needs it, life is a game of stripes, just do what you have to do in it, we accepted the challenge, let it be the motto, we are already behind the scenes, all the roles are written, we are out
7:44 am
again the stars have entered this hour, a new humorous show. with azamat musagaliev tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. 10 days until spring. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. now there are more benefits at bigfest. and a choice of five favorite products at a very competitive price. from march 11th it’s delicious, period. viruses recede when teloride appears. northern star, what, what, what, it’s the holidays again and everyone needs gifts, buy them all at once, split 006, now 0 rub. everything else - redmond coffee maker and redmond fenstyler with discounts up to 42%. or bushedo coffee beans with a discount of up to 35%. with iota you can accelerate, with
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iota you can do everything to the maximum. 50 gigs, 2.0 minutes for 399 rubles. can! iota! but with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean , fresh toilet with every flush. bref at a super price. hurry up to buy in your stores cities. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of work, i mean a sedentary lifestyle. sports on a daily basis. but how to protect your joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix. artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day for protection. joints of the spine. home is where the family is. and in the bank at home in the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months. the most important contribution to the family. premiere at
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kion. how did you end up in afghanistan? marina alexandrova. kravchenko: everyone says no will come back, and you yourself believe that he will come back, return at any cost, look now, only nakion, there, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, the legendary bit, this is bihit, bikit, only at a tasty point , we came up with syrbaka, our own cheese. naturally rich in flavor. we don’t repeat, we create our own. syrbogatov is our cheese. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. langitaza against prostatitis. 30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household appliance product. built-in midea dishwasher for only 14.999 when purchased as a set. and eldorado. are your items
7:47 am
faded after washing? use weasel gel. retains the strength of the fabric and restores color, things are like new three times longer, new, no, i wash it with affection, one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops, i give it, now flowers are at such prices, it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone, mega discounts up to 50% smartphones with communication , only in a megaphone, what is it, it’s the holidays again, everyone needs gifts, buy them. all at once split 0.06, now 0 rub, everything else later, premium coffee cardnoir with a discount of up to 50% or terry towel bed linen with discounts up to 80%. yes alek kurich, this is a priority task, i’m speeding up as much as i can, now i ’ll speed up the process even more, everyone is delighted with the taste of aromatic
7:48 am
freshly brewed coffee, tasty and to the point, my love! enjoyment of life without heartburn. alive, for a long time, close already, i’d rather not have the strength, just a little more, irkutsk is already close,
7:49 am
hey, there’s a pump, we have a flat tire, we saw, there’s someone, oh, it’s me, i’m here, i i say, there is a pump, otherwise we seem to have punctured the wheel, i wish we could get there, thank you, otherwise i’m freaking out.
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did you ask petrovna to hand over the papers for signature? well, why did you leave them before? let's watch. that the sentence has been reduced again, many people have now begun to be released, somehow there have been mitigations, or what?
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what is pale tuvarva? levitsky, levitsky, it’s strange, i don’t remember that last name, hello, welcome to the irkutsk region here. speak louder, i can’t hear you, hello, they hung up, levitsky, and i
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was considering this case, it seems, no, wait, levitsky, levitsky, a bright name, i would remember, okay, we’ll put a stamp in the office, thank you.
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hello, this is taishetlak, office, i’m listening, hello, this is a call from the irkutsk regional court, we have a decree on the release of alexey konstantinovich levitsky. just a minute, let's check it out. i
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just wanted to ask you if the resolution can be sent by mail or is it possible by special order? it’s better by mail, the weather seems to have improved, they’ll deliver it in five days, that’s very good, wait, did you say levitsky? yes, the prisoner died, hello, can you hear me, girl, hello? having entered into an agreement with prisoners, the convicted levitsky escaped from the correctional facility.
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labor. camp in official transport, 2 days later he was detained by police officers. in this connection, i ask the irkutsk regional court to reconsider the terms of punishment for prisoner levitsky. assign him, the boss says, we have everything ready, for now the acting one, don’t drive your horses, yura, so what punishment, you didn’t say, go, then you’ll finish printing.
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remove the bag. shock, fucked up, japanese, set fire
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ah. what kind of torture is this, the water is warm, add fire.
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so, until the ice crust, then set it on fire again, for three days in a row. the sooner, the better. a little bit, tickets sold in 45 days, there is nothing yet , you don’t see the queue, that there is not a single ticket at balhamest, well, like hell, of course, on the first day everything is sorted out, and they are on to moscow
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, somewhere closer, somewhere there, i don’t know, sverdlovsk , maybe there is a transfer, there are fewer people willing to go there, what should i do, i need to leave urgently, you are here, and i know, the next one, come on in. how much does a 50th citizen cost, stop it, i haven’t earned that much in 3 months, look, others said it’s more expensive. oh, lady, how to get to the regional court, ask there someone, why are you too lazy to speak?
8:00 am
hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboisty. representatives of the fair half of humanity in russia and other countries are celebrating international women's day today, flowers and compliments. vladimir putin congratulated russian women on the main spring holiday in his address. he emphasized that respect for women and motherhood is an integral part of our traditions. the president noted the colossal the results achieved by beautiful ladies in a variety of fields and specially congratulated the women in the special operation zone. you, dear women, are capable...


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