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tv   Imperatritsi  NTV  March 8, 2024 3:15pm-4:01pm MSK

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on december 21, 1709 , a grand triumphal procession of the russian army took place in moscow in honor of the victory at poltava over the swedish king charles xii. this victory became a turning point in the northern war, a step towards the creation of a great, young power.
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after 13 years in st. petersburg , a family celebration took place in the winter palace of peter i: the celebration was attended by elizabeth, the daughter of peter i, anna ioannovna, the niece of peter i. and catherine, the married wife of peter i; these women do not yet know what role they will play in the fate of russia, now they are together and even in their dreams they cannot imagine themselves on the throne of the russian state, you like everything, yes, father, gentlemen, please sing for my beautiful daughter who has reached adulthood, vivat, vivat, vivat, vivat, they have different ones.
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in january 1725, peter fell seriously ill, he was dying, quietly, his closest associates, alexander menshikov and others were waiting to see who would be declared heir to the throne, catherine would be able to, in front of the family icon the sign of the blessed virgin mary, revered by all the romanovs, they prayed for the health of the sovereign his two daughters, anna and elizabeth. daughters peter, anna and elizabeth were born from a relationship with catherine. but even before the official
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wedding. peter loved and spoiled his daughters, especially the youngest, elizabeth. charming , very intelligent girl. was considered the most beautiful at court. in 1717, peter went on a second trip to europe. on his first journey, known as the great embassy, ​​peter reached holland and england. now he wanted to visit another great power - france. on may 7, 1717, tsar peter alekseevich arrived in paris. meeting the russian tsar with the young louis x was appointed to the tuelries palace. the magnificent ceremony was thought out to the smallest detail by the french court, but alas, the planned
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ritual could not be observed. clicked: i hold all of france in my hands. court protocols were violated, but louis’s retinue, and the young king himself, were delighted with peter’s act. in those days, peter from paris wrote to his wife catherine, i inform you that last monday the local korolishche visited me, the child has taken a fair amount and is quite reasonable in age, who is 7 years old. elizabeth, please be more careful. elizaveta petrovna, you will have to write this letter 10 more times. you saw sahak pavlovich that i wrote everything. oh, you've
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really grown up, so what successes in science? the princess is very diligent, your majesty , the princess is diligent, which means she deserves the gifts , yes, yes, bring them in, oops, go look, well, barney, the people there walk exactly like that, oh, i met the king there in france, i ’ll tell you so , this is not a king, this is... “a king, as big as you, daddy, as tall as you, but look, look, in what castles live, beauty, beauty, well
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, my four-darling, i would like to become the queen of france, and you have come to think about it." elizabeth's childhood dreams are connected with paris, with versailles, luxurious palaces, the splendor of the royal court, exquisite entertainment, and, of course, fashion ". in those days, as now, paris was the world capital of fashion. the girl was a beauty, she understood early enough what an impression her beauty made on those around her, especially on men. so gradually the mirror became the little girl's best friend. elizabeth grew up a real european princess, the empire created by her father developed with her. it seems to me that she still had an innate sense of beauty, some kind of harmony, she was taught four languages, she played music. he wanted, of course, for her
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to be queen of france. she was a very important diplomatic lever that needed to be used for russia. are you ready? on this day, guests gathered for a family holiday. peter, as a father, according to custom, had to cut off the triplica wings sewn to his daughter’s dress, a symbol of the angelic innocence and thereby symbolically end her childhood. now you are ready to make any noble husband happy.
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things turned out differently for my beloved daughter. if peter had put all his plans into action, and fate
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ii had still lived, i think that this marriage would have taken place, then france would have had an eternal ally in the form of peter, well, look how good that is. that paper paper pen quickly pen paper alive i help quietly quietly quietly quietly quietly quietly quietly quietly quietly quietly.
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what are you saying? let us pray for the health of the emperor ours, let’s pray for the sovereign, holy sovereign
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king, we pray to the lord, he said it well, but i’m afraid they are leaning towards their grandson. only ekaterina, i sent to the guard. he wants to see his daughter, daddy demands you. our sovereign, pyotr alekseevich died, our sovereign pyotr alekseevich
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died, died. peter ii died, he managed to build an empire, but he did not leave a will and did not name his successor. 3 years before his death , peter ii signed a decree on succession to the throne, according to which the monarch could choose his successor. this decree significantly expanded the circle contenders for the russian throne. the charter was
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connected with the fact that the results of all his enormous efforts would pass into some reliable hands. now the highest ranks will have to choose the heir of peter the great from his relatives. peter's nieces - anna and ekaterina ioannovna, peter's two other daughters, anna and elizaveta, were not considered. seriously, only two candidates were considered. grandson, legal heir of peter, grand duke peter alekseevich, widow catherine, crowned empress, but alas, of humble birth, but the main contender...
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gold jewelry, gems, kat, time, days, days, days, yes, of course. how the guards want condolences, girls, the empress is ready
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to accept. our condolences, mother , empress, may god rest the soul of the emperor, father, the empress thanks you, brother , for your help, for your prayers, i hope they conveyed to you that the sovereign is not merciful and forgives all the guards for... this is for everyone, thank you, mother, let's feel sorry for the belly at the indicated hour, come in, this world will be saved
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you can’t give it away, i’m for russia, do you understand what we’re going to? dad, go away, they will kill you, 10 days until spring, what is this, the premiere is from monday at 20:00 on ntv, just so passengers can ride here, i came for my brother, the call sign is a passenger in the cinema from march 14, only the grandson of peter the great can rule . peter's companions did not form a single whole; they were divided into two parties: the first party included nobles ancient boyar families, the most noble
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aristocrats of russia. the second party consisted of the so-called chicks of petrov’s nest, people of low origin, raised by peter to the heights of power. if nine-year-old peter ii had become the new emperor, the entire batch of chicks from petrov’s nest would have been destroyed, both minshikov and catherine. be on the state. the guards approached the winter palace with the beating of drums. what to do, gentlemen? the voice of the guard must also
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be heard. catherine went through more than one campaign with the guards regiments. who else if not them know if she is worthy to take the throne? the guardsmen adored catherine, who gave generous gifts. hears , then we will remind you that the boyars’ heads can burst like pumpkins, hush-hush, but there is no need for this, reasonable people here will not lead to sin, i propose to support this choice of vevat, empress catherine , vivat, vivat. vivat! vivat! god bless the empress! vivat, vivat, vivat!
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thank you, gentlemen, for your loyalty to the legacy of his majesty, by 8 am a manifesto was drawn up, it was signed by the victors and the vanquished, it was all over, minshikov won, his plan worked. your majesty, empress, empress, catherine the first.
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this is how the first military coup in russian history of the 16th century took place. from the amusing soldiers of peter i, the guards turned into the praetorians of ancient rome. the initiative for this coup did not belong to the guards, but to the courtier. therefore, historians will call the coup not military, but palace. and the 17th century in russia will be called the era of palace coups. to be faithful to mother catherine.
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mother, you called me, something happened, news came from versailles, really, really, is it really, i ask, i ask, sit down, calm down, sit down, i ask you, a refusal has come.
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well, like a refusal, we prepared so much, we talked so much about this, it means i’ll die an old maid, it’s not your fault, you promised me that everything would work out, you, that i didn’t let you go, what else do you need from me, mama, so that you
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... give up, and you shouldn’t give up while peter was alive, they could have taken her to france, it was interesting, and then, when her mother stayed, for some time, in general, the russian party wasn't taken seriously, this the refusal was caused primarily by diplomatic measures; they were afraid that elizabeth... the daughter of peter, who would come to paris, would influence the politics of france. having become empress, catherine i sought to continue all the endeavors of her great husband, but the treasury was empty, the people were barely surviving, for decades money was spent on war, the maintenance of a huge army, a fleet for the construction of st. petersburg, it was necessary to reduce military expenses and change
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the tax system. what should the new ruler of a young empire do if she is poorly versed in economics and finance? catherine entrusted all practical government affairs to the menshevik. are you ready about the academy? yes, everything is ready. peter did a great job to stimulate the development of science. and indeed the academy, of course, opened already under catherine i, and the academy was informal, like western academies of that time, but it was
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a truly functioning institute with scientific research. decree on the appointment of an ambassador to china. her majesty, the sovereign has sent an embassy to china. in 1727 , the kyakhta treaty was concluded, which resolved all controversial issues with the borders of countries and gave russia has the right to send its trade caravans to beijing once every 3 years, they have prepared a decree regulating food prices, sign it, of course i will sign it, sash, but i asked, well, to prohibit the repurchase of goods on the way to st. petersburg. prices in the capital are monstrous. the petergovskaya lapidary factory, founded by peter, was opened by catherine and became the first factory for the artistic processing of colored stone. catherine equips the expedition of the navigator vitus bering, who will subsequently open the strait between
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chukutka and alaska, the bering strait. through alaska will appear on russian maps for some time. under catherine , the ural metallurgical industry will continue to grow rapidly, thanks to.
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in the world, she loved to drink, she loved to eat a lot, and her husband, peter i, did the same. this undermined catherine’s health, her legs became swollen, she often experienced suffocation, convulsions, and fevers. menshikov understood that catherine the first’s condition did not inspire much hope; apparently, she had tuberculosis; he understood that he, as a powerful temporary worker, needed it.
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they called him and told him how wonderful he was writer, until they laugh, stand to death, the hall is huge, simply huge, everything is filled with six empty seats, this is a tragedy, this is not vanity, this is the desire to win , now let’s ask the head of the transport department to the podium, this is part of the russian cultural code, you need to be kinder to people, softer, loved, he just talked to people in this regard simply colossus. in which country at what time would you like to live? i live where i want. i had such a look without fear. to the anniversary of mikhail zhvanetsky: i cannot live well, i personally, when everyone's life is bad. mikhail zhvonetsky, do not
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the empress's health was rapidly deteriorating, in fact, the ruler of russia, alexander danilovich menshikov, came up with an incredibly daring plan, he decided to found a new ruling dynasty, the testament was drawn up, the matter was small, i called elizabeth to i signed it, you can do it later, it’s dangerous to put it off, everywhere. in the sense that an empire without an heir, the throne must be given up, petrush, so that everyone can calm down. and i’ll look after him , i’ll betroth him to alexandra, you promised that you’ll look after my daughters, rest assured, well, they’re both like daughters to me, you’ll sign,
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katyusha, sometimes elizabeth signed at meetings. it was with all the rights and prerogatives that we owned it, mama, you want to sign the document, sign it. there is no need
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to worry, elizabeth, you and anna are both under my protection, i promise, in the will that elizabeth signed, the throne after death.
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power, in general, he is the only male heir, he was a young, healthy child, at that time, of course, they could inherit after him, first anna petrovna and her children, and then elizaveta petrovna. catherine i died on may 6, at the age of 43. during the short time of her reign, she... continued peter's undertaking, as a mother, she took care of peter's daughters, anna, elizabeth, took care of russia, but with the death of catherine, the fate of the young russian the empire, like the fate of elizabeth, turned out to be a threat.
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spring, flowers, gifts, international women's day is celebrated in russia. divided unity, how political elites in the united states reacted to biden's message to the nation. lost on takeoff; a wheel fell off the boeing while taking off from san francisco. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. flowers, gifts of congratulations are received today by representatives of the fair half of humanity. international women's day is celebrated in russia and other countries. with vladimir putin, the head of state, congratulated his compatriots on the spring holiday.


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