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tv   Zhdi menya  NTV  March 9, 2024 6:55am-8:01am MSK

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“i hear everything, wow, mentyara , you mentyara, you hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, we ’ll live with you for a while longer, please , yes, things are going on, who would have thought, thank you, happy, happy, well, yes.
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oh, mom, i opened my eyes, well , you see, i told you, now go for a walk, okay, i ’ll call you, hello, hello. no, you scared me very much, i didn’t show it, i was very worried, don’t ever do that again, okay , i'll try.
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tv company vit presents. hello, good evening, you are watching the program, wait for me. tomorrow is one of my favorite holidays, march 8th. i want to wish every woman, every mother, every daughter, every sister, every wife, never have a reason to contact our program. let your loved ones be nearby. alena, dear, happy holiday to you from everyone. our team, yes
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, just like that, thank you very much, thank you, sasha, you know, of course, i agree with what was said, but i noticed that there are much more applications from women in our program than from men, so today we are looking for our there will be close ones women, and more than ever, today i want to do everything possible to help them, so we begin. it’s scary to imagine how a mother feels when her child disappears without a trace, or what a sister feels when she hasn’t heard from her brother for many years? probably only those who have personally experienced this will understand this. unfortunately, just such a misfortune happened in the family of valentina vasilyevna omelchenko. let's support her.
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brothers, both he and two brothers returned, but he was born in 1972, he went to moscow with two and did not return, we then called where he worked in some hostel, what the brothers explained to me they said, uh-huh, well, they came home, but he never arrived, after that we
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had no news from him, no call, nothing, uh-huh, well, we saw, that he wasn’t there, they started looking, first through friends, through... acquaintances, they saw that there wasn’t any, and they decided to give it to the program, wait for me, so that means your brothers left to work, what year was this, this was in 1993, uh-huh, and how did it happen that they returned, and victor disappeared, the first brother returned, the eldest, he said, they quarreled there, i don’t know, among themselves, among themselves, and he returned after that. seryozha also arrived, he said that victor stayed there because he met some girl, uh-huh, uh-huh, so he doesn’t want to come home, and after that we lost contact, we didn’t know anything about him, why didn’t he call , didn’t write, didn’t call, didn’t write,
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there was no news from him, that’s how, but the brothers knew at what address he lived in moscow, uh, they knew. i took everything into my soul, uh-huh, that’s how, i experienced it all, i experienced it all, i was worried all the time, and do you think he could have been offended for 30 years for something, oh, lord, this is what i would also
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like to know, someone else’s soul, in the dark, yes, yes, yeah, tell me, what are your guesses about what could have happened, i have these. assumption that he may or may not have gotten along with this middle brother, so i assume, or got married and you know, how he created his family, in my opinion, this, well, this is my opinion, so that it is neither one nor the other, not a reason to break up with my family, well, yes, for 30 years, here i am, mom, they kept saying, he ’s a belly, yeah, we even went to church, a candle they were betting on his health, we’ll see you someday , that is, you think that everything is fine with him, yes, he just forgot about you and doesn’t want his own, yes, this is a meeting, but for what reason you don’t know, we don’t know, well, i’ll tell you right away,
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he’s really doing well, let’s see. well, i’m viktor georgievich tolmachev, i was born in the moldavian ussr, the city of katovsk, we came to moscow to work, here are me and my two brothers, here are sergei and volodya, here we are in moscow first. we worked, then they put it on us there, we found work in lyubertsy, we went there, we are here in in 1992, we just arrived here in the fall, met a girl, fell in love with each other, i am love, victor’s wife, we met in lyubertsy, i worked in
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construction, well, they also came to us in construction, business trips, so we worked , we received the money and went to celebrate the new year in our homeland. we celebrated the new year there, right now at the moment, lyuba, my wife, she called me, i’m in a situation, what should i do? well, here we are in 4 days, volodya didn’t come with us, he says, i won’t go with you, sergei and i we arrived, we also started working, then my wife went on maternity leave, and we moved here, well, we came here to our parents, well then...
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they kick me off, either go to moscow, or go from moscow to ryazan, we’ve been living in the world for 31 year, we have 8 children, 13 grand. so i don’t have a permanent job, since i don’t have documents, then i’m getting by with one, well, who will hire me, a farmer hires me on a tractor, when there is no work, then in construction, this is my son, i came across, then , that they are looking for me, last name, everything fits, when we found out that someone was looking for dad, of course, it was a very great joy, we once wanted to find relatives ourselves, and also came to wait for me. but somehow we didn’t succeed further, hello, aunt, i’m your nephew, vladik, i’m very glad that we
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found you, we’ll be waiting for you to visit, hello, aunt, i’m your niece diana, i only had aunts on my grandmother’s side, and on my grandfather’s side, i didn’t know anyone, i’m very glad that you were found, i want, of course, to say hello to my aunts and uncles on my dad’s side. very i would like to meet you, to be honest , it’s just such an intrigue , we will be very glad to meet you, we are waiting for you, i remember you all, who remembers me, is looking for my brother sergei, he says that i am offended by him, but i have no offense.
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“i myself am to blame for this , that is, i didn’t see her for one year, it’s hard to remember, i didn’t see my mother , it’s much more difficult, i didn’t even know how she was, i wrote to her, but there was no answer. maybe i wrote to the wrong address , there everything in this moldova all turned upside down, there in general i am, yes, so i wrote, conveyed, and was there alone man, when we were still living in lyubevtsy , i lived there, i gave him a letter, i say, pass the letter, because by mail, you are leaving tomorrow anyway, and in 2 days you will be there, you can give it if you live nearby -i don’t know, he passed it on, didn’t pass it on, well, communication, right? we lost and i don’t even want to go there myself, i already feel like i
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, i know that they drove us out of there, i’m a russian person, the moldovans constantly spread rot on us, not everyone, but the nationalists, that’s why i don’t want to go back there if you want, come here, my relatives are waiting for you here , let’s all gather, hello everyone, i’m waiting for you, i want to meet you... this is the story, what do you say, what do you think of this explanation, oh, there’s not even an explanation, i repeat this often, that in this program we never blame or condemn anyone, yes, life is a series of misunderstandings, but of course, it’s amazing how a person disappeared like that for 30 years. didn’t call anything, let ’s ask him himself, come on, victor, come here and talk,
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go, get someone’s number, call, i understand,
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i’m to blame, mom, how many times i don’t relieve myself of guilt, mom, i was in intensive care, and you say, i won’t die until i see the branch, but i still can’t go there, anyway, let’s sit down, dears , let's go, sit on the couch, discuss everything, talk about it little by little, excuse me, central television is the first information show about the events and people of the week. in the final battle for the white house , only two will remain. bidon, who can only be stopped by time itself, which works.
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and why is the italian actress now everyone says russia is now part of her dna. we found out where the roots of italian beauty come from. it turned out that this is true, it will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. stars premiere, today at 21:20 on ntv. what, what, is it the holidays again, everyone needs gifts? buy them all at once for 006 lucky rubles. redmond and fenstyler with discounts up to 42%. or coffee.
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when you want to please your loved ones, yourself, but your toad is against it. split the payment into parts with yandexsplit, split everything you want into different stores without overpayments. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to the special collagen in the form.
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make your loved one happy every day. make your loved ones happy every march with discounts on goods from stores in yandex food. when diseased joints become an obstacle to a comfortable life, use ambien drugs, which bioactively solve joint problems and take care of you like those closest to you. ambien preparations - for active joints. now at bigfest more benefits. and a choice of five favorite products at a very competitive price. from march 11 , delicious, period. everyone needs gifts again! blues leap pillows from 999 rubles on yandex market! home is where the family is! and at
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domrf bank there is 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months. the most important contribution to the family. oh, who washed everything so well and didn’t budge. liran dishwasher for 41,990. liran, we make comfort accessible. can't get enough to drink again, will you limidin? actually, this is mine, but i’ll dig it up for you. volimedin drops with valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and mint. drops. calm, just calm! everyone needs gifts again! buy polaris equipment with a discount of up to 70%. one friend of mine can do everything. well, what can you do? and i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, naked charisma. megafon takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month. pain in the legs, swelling, symptoms of vuricosis, it is important to treat from the inside.
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troxactiv tablets from traxivosin against swelling and pain in the legs. troxactiv - an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. order medicine with discounts on what, what, what? it's the holidays again and everyone needs gifts? buy them all at once split 006. now 0 rub. everything else comes later. premium coffee cart noar with up to 50% discount. or terry towel and bed linen with discounts of up to 80%. nigga, i saw him once. yes i saw. well, well, he’s not victor, i know that you have a lot of questions for your sister, but we already have a question for you, i understand, of course, the main event happened now, this, this, this is incredibly important , and it is necessary, it is necessary, but still, i understand, eight children are not joke, this is not a joke, yes, it’s a worry
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, your mouth is full, as they say, and yet we live in a civilized world, there are telephones, there is mail, and the internet, after all, but why not make yourself known, that he is alive and well, you know that there are so many sisters, brothers and mother, why not tell us about yourself, no? day and night, day and night, i worked to support my family, to give them an education , so that i could grow up, this is wonderful, this is the duty of every man who has eight children, however, i’m sorry, this does not justify the fact that you never called i couldn’t find the strength to make a phone call or write a letter on the internet somewhere, it didn’t turn out well that you disappeared for 30 years. nevertheless, we will rejoice that you have now met, yes, we will rejoice that this happened, victor, tell me,
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please, i still have a question, how have you lived for 30 years without documents, how have i not 30 years old, my marriage was registered legally according to documents, i went to moscow to work part-time, how old are you? documents - i’ll tell you now, in ninety-seven i had they pulled them out on the train, but i tried to do it, even i participated for 20, 26, 26 years, even the district police helped me, but they kicked me off, i collected documents, it’s possible that there isn’t a single forest anymore, how many documents i collected, of course, they kicked me off to moscow, i came to moscow, honestly, to moscow already to these people - the moldovan embassy came to kuznetsky most. yes, he came and said to me: who are you? i’ll give them a birth certificate, here you go, and you know, he turned around, and you know, you need this, and i’ll give you
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what, a millionaire or something, or or i live with a princess, victor, please tell me, eight children is wonderful, a big family, you work, this is normal for a man, you said that you have two heart attacks, how do you get medical care? help, you have adult children who could get you documents, how come, i’m blaming myself. how do you know that you have two heart attacks? i ate vodka, i just ate it, i didn’t drink it , but that’s the thing, maybe that’s why i quit, i
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don’t drink now, i don’t even despise it at all this alcohol, then maybe, tell me honestly, maybe then this is the answer , that you disappeared and disappeared, no, why, i don’t , no, why, i haven’t drunk for how many years, tell me already, well, i’ll tell you now, i probably already have. here i am, first grade, my teacher , sonny, sonny, sonny, mom, sonny, mom
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, when the children are small, and mom needs it, when i finished school and mom doesn’t need it, doesn’t need anyone, yes, sonny, mom never dreamed of , never, it's my fault. i never dreamed that you would leave me, when he left home, he turned 19 years old, and i told him, vitya, you you go, you take care of yourself, and you, you’re already big, you didn’t even say goodbye to mom , and from then on i don’t know for him where he is... what he is, not letters, no, didn’t call, nothing, i don’t know about him, nothing, ah
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, these mobile phones weren’t there before, but... cars can’t call and he seriously knows where we live, where the street is - but there’s no answer , not even a bit, to say that here, mom, where am i, i don’t hear a word, he’s in the world, he’s not in the light, i don’t know, he doesn’t have one. who does not have children, who has, enough, vitya, if you see me, please call home, come, if you are not busy, if you are not married , come home, and if your wife doesn’t let you in, your wife doesn’t mind,
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your wife doesn’t mind, call anyway, she ’s sick with me too, she’s sick with her too heart, vit , you see what the situation is, my mother is 86 years old, i know she has been since she was three-seven years old, my mother has been waiting for you all her life, she cries every day, don’t you really want to at least make your mother happy by saying that you she has eight grandchildren? say about this, listen, we were ready to bring her here in our arms, we they were ready to do anything , send you by plane, with an escort , with doctors, with anyone, to bring you so that she could see you, touch you on the cheek for yours, but valentina and her relatives and relatives are categorically against her leaving the place of shift, this is correct, because that such emotions at this age are dangerous, i’ll tell you this, we are ready
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for you. popular stars who chose their humorous team. dmitry malikov, no one will believe you anyway, you stranger. philip kirkorov, salaam alaikum. my bunny, i am your bunny. denis dorokov. preparing for the elections it’s going well, 100% infusion is expected. alexey chumakov. alexey chumakov. with a team of
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funny dudes. oh, lera kudryavtseva, girls, you know, it seems to me that everything will work out for you on ntv, why? well, you have the faces of the victims. alexander leva, how i miss you, what is your name anyway? miguel, yes, i’m russian, what? no, the fact that you also have a shaman in your tribe, i have no doubt, applause. new comedy show today at 21:20 on ntv. 10 days until spring. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. everyone needs it again present. buy polaris equipment with a discount of up to 70%. what are men silent about? painful
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urination? with prostatitis, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis, langitaza against prostatitis, one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops, i give them, now the prices for flowers are such, it’s more profitable to buy a smartphone, mega discounts up to 50% on smartphones with communication, only in... megafon, home is where the family is, in domr bank 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family, fire, fire, premiere on kion, how did you end up in afghanistan? sergey puski palys, marina alexandrova,
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alexey kravchenko! everyone says that he won’t return, but you yourself believe that he will return, return at any cost, look now, only at kion, what, what, what, everyone needs gifts, buy them all at once split 0.06, now 0 rub, everything else later, premium cart noir coffee with a discount of up to 50%, or terry towel and bed linen with discounts of up to 80%. my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. the prices are just a holiday. we always have a holiday, and it’s been like that for 25 years, the price tag is favorable, which means the price is low. straw. pyaterochka helps out with yota you can speed up with yota you can do everything to a maximum of 50 gigs 2.0 minutes for 399 rubles you can yota
7:27 am
amilatex gil works exactly in the source of pain the exact solution is free movement that again everyone needs gifts for their wife, a bag for their sister, a jacket for their mother, a fur coat for everyone. buy them all at once split 006, now 0 rub, everything else later, buy polaris equipment with a discount of up to 70%. mask, new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. where it is cheaper to buy osaka, it is cheaper where there is competition. select osaga on the sravniru website or app. this is where insurers fight for you and offer the best prices. buy asag cheaper. compare on your side. with yandex food you can please your loved one every day without waiting for a holiday. make your loved ones happy every march with discounts on goods from stores in yandex food. being
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a woman means waking up with the first rays of the sun, but allowing yourself to lie around some more. just a moment for your pleasure. or maybe this is beyond any stereotypes. to meet the same person, to protect family comfort, or maybe it’s to give free rein to your feelings and be the one who needs care so much, maybe to be a woman is to inspire others, or maybe to find inspiration for yourself, to appreciate the beauty of the world and create it yourself, to be a woman is to be different, combining incompatible things, being yourself and being the most beautiful... version of yourself, being a woman is simply fantastic, from march 8, 10
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days until spring, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. olga timofeevna, come out connection. mom, mommy, here's your son , mom, see me, mom, mom, i'm here, i know you're there, you see me, i see, i see, forgive me, mom, forgive me, for god's sake, i forgive you, for the sake of christ, i... that's it, i've already suffered for this, mom, because i didn't listen to you, mom, you know, i got it in full, god is not yashka, you were right, god is not yashka, he can see who's having a hard time, oh , vitya, vitya
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, vitya, vitya, mom, you understand, forgive me, mommy, grandchildren, you understand, mom, don’t cry, mom, how not to cry, i haven’t seen you for so many years, how not to cry, i’m sorry, it’s my fault, mom, i’ve already
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received full credit for this, and also go home, son, come home, everyone is waiting for you, everyone is waiting for you , this is a difficult question, this is not a question, we will do the documents for you, you will go as soon as possible, as soon as you have the documents , you will come as soon as the documents are ready, i will come, we are waiting for you, we are all waiting for you, this is your brother, seryoga, seryoga, at least let him see me, seryoga, here is seryoga, seriously, come , how old you are, who else is there,
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seryozha, your brother, little brother, how glad i am to see you, also without your brother, vitok, yes, i’m for him for everyone, how i missed you, i looked for you, looked for you, looked for you badly, i’m not a needle, i could have found him, yes, a good handsome man, what did they find, god, what did they find? yours, olga timofeevna, we will do everything for
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vitya to come to you, we will help him with the documents, we will pay for the tickets, the main thing is that he wants it himself, and he will come, he’s not the only one who doesn’t want to, we’ll send him a lot, really, so don’t doubt it , he will be with you soon. god forbid, god forbid, vitekh, gather the whole camp and come home, when you arrive, come, son, come, i can’t do it anymore, i’ll die, and i won’t you'll see, wait, i'll come, quickly, god bless you, just take care of yourself, don't be nervous, don't cry, goodbye, see you soon. goodbye , see you soon, yes, you understand that if you don’t
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go, it won’t be a human act, it’s just clear, and don’t delay, please, i can’t die until i see the video, well, she gave her word , she will keep it, you must keep your word first of all, i will go, overcome all your difficulties and go to your mother, we will all let you go, thank you, thank you guys, who helped, we were told an hour, this is already a whole time for mom, we have a mother indefinitely, god forbid you be stricter with him, okay, stricter, stricter, stricter with him, good luck to you, come on, hello, this is my son, dimka, so , yes, the very last one, this is my son, dimka, this is mine, this is your aunt, i know, yes , i understand, i understand, you told me, yes, i always
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dreamed of meeting you, it was a dream, computer, is there anything, can i was found, there is, there is a computer, there is a telephone, yes, everyone has a telephone, we did not know at all how i arrived at the kazan station, gave find an application, i just saw vai , my son sent me, no, okay, that’s not the point, the most important thing is that you met, you were found after all, that’s the most important thing
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, come on your knees, you will repent, we have 100 armed men on our buses fighters. 10 days until spring premieres from monday at 20:00 on ntv. mask: new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay
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to please your loved ones, yourself, but your toad is against it. split the payment into parts with yandexsplit, split everything you want in different stores without any difference. when relatives are concerned about intestinal problems, give way to hilokforte. thanks to its metabolites , hilokforte is immediately ready to act and can be used together with antibiotics. order medicine with discounts at one friend of mine can do everything. well , what can you do? and i get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, naked hori. megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month, home is where the family is, to the banks house of the russian federation - 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months,
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the most important contribution to the family. 25 years ago you first came to us and asked, is there enough for a chocolate bar, even enough for two? for breakfast, dinner, whatever you want, especially with a holiday discount of 25%. pyaterochka helps out, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, i exercise on a daily basis, but how to protect my joints? thanks to special collagen in a triple helix shape, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. i'm sorry, what? again everyone needs gifts, a bag for my wife, a jacket for my sister, a fur coat for my mother, buy them all at once in split 006, now 0 rubles, everything else later, buy polaris equipment with a discount of up to 70%. special agents against supervillains, it doesn’t light up during the operation, you don’t attract
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to do this, you must submit an application no later than march 11 to any election commission or to the mfc or at government services and you can vote at the chosen polling station. in general, as a mother, i want to appeal to all daughters and sons, the fact that you have become adults and independent is wonderful, but it is not. it means that your mothers have stopped worrying about you, please be there, or at least don’t disappear for a long time, sometimes
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one call or a short message is enough, and your mother will again become the happiest person in the world. so for our next guest, the best gift on march 8 will be news from her son. narusad, nariman, please come to us. hello, here, here, come, here, please have a seat, greetings, have a seat, make yourself comfortable, hello, narusad , nariman, you are a great fellow for coming to hold your mother, i know that you even asked for time off from work, yes, yes, that’s it, well done, thank you very much, narosad, you came from dagestan, yes, well i... he was born to me
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on january 1, 2005, in august he left the house to go to his grandmother, and we thought that he was there with his grandmother, my grandmother thought that he was with us, he came to our house, but it turns out that he was not arrived, it turns out he went to moscow. we didn’t know about this, we only found out when we received a fine that he had taken the transport to the city moscow, without a ticket, i received a fine of 2,000, after that my son called on october 4, found out that he was in moscow, said that why don’t you come home, well... and after that he said that he would return in september, well, after that
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the connection was interrupted, i called, my son called, and how old was he when he left, he was 17, he will turn 18 in january, and what happened, what happened, did you somehow quarrel or what, something happened, nothing like no, everything was fine with us, and how much time has passed since then? almost 6 months have passed, but before that we we turned to the city officials, yep, wrote a statement saying that he couldn’t get in touch like that, they then accepted our statement, they started searching, but to no avail. nuriman, what do you think could have happened? well, he was a little reserved for me, but he wasn’t particularly in the circle with the guys, he wasn’t around the guys,
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he worked part-time, in june when i went to work, i saw him, well, we had a relationship, we talked all the time, yeah, that’s it once he went to work with me once, when i was working in the city in dagestan derbend, yes, in june i already left for moscow. i got a job here on a truck, i’m a truck driver , then i heard that he doesn’t get in touch , he’s not at home, he’s not there, it ’s already october 4th, and i was in contact with him at that very moment, i say, where are you, he told me, i say, somehow in akhtov i went to lipetsk first, because he was picking apples or something or something like that, he wasn’t paid for his work, this one , but for... i bahtu him and he somehow went, i don’t know how he went to moscow, zelenogorsk or zelenograd, moscow region, that’s what he says
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, that i work as security in a store, a shopping center, but he didn’t say which store, i was also in moscow at that moment, i asked him for an address to come, and i contacted my acquaintances in moscow to find out his whereabouts, to somehow go and contact him, because he is young, he doesn’t know anything. he said, i’ll come in a week, well , a week has passed, i’m driving, but i can’t get in touch with him, i call him, write text messages, in short, after that, on october 4, he’s not there at all connections, no information at all, nothing at all, well, we’re looking for it, we wrote it all missing, well, to no avail after that, so i decided to contact the program, well, we did the right thing. because once a guy at the age of 18 said, i went to my grandmother, but in fact, he probably knew that he was going
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to moscow to earn some serious money, he was a closed child. he didn’t say anything to anyone, only if he needed something, he turned to me, said, mom, this is how i want to do it or this is how i want to go, but this moment i don’t know, he didn’t say anything , just like that, there were quarrels, yes, well, let’s say there were quarrels, he wanted to go study law enforcement with us, so, but the fact that it was like that with his father, we didn’t have the finances, he says: you won’t succeed, well, i was a little offended by my father about this, but there was nothing serious , that is, maybe he decided to prove that he could earn money for himself by teaching, i thought about that too, maybe not i know, here he is, well, as i understand it, he went to work anyway, not just for a walk somewhere, to break away from his family, he decided, if
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you say that he is withdrawn, and decided to earn money for himself for education. the fact is that we were contacted by a person who saw islam in moscow this winter, let's see what he told us, it was january 3, it was morning, about 7 am, i wanted to have a quick snack somewhere, i ordered shawarma, on the right side stood a young
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man, the peaks in the hood were in such a dirty state, he was in such a drooping state, i started asking him what your name was, where are you from, what happened to you, he began to say that he came to moscow to work, it didn’t work out for him, it’s like, with his employers, it’s as if they wouldn’t hire him, and how could he be left without a job, in moscow he... seemed to come via long distance, truckers drove a truck , he got to here from here, but he told me he got from voronezh, that his parents live there in voronezh and that he had problems, he crashed the car, well, i decided to help him, i say, let's go back i’ll send you, we’ll decide something on the spot, i’ll give you a car i’ll find it and send it to you, he says, i kind
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of want to earn a little money, he says so that i don’t come home like this, i say, let’s try, in short, you can find a job now, on the spot, as it were, i called , everyone i could, i called, some asked for his passport and photograph, in short, i took a photo of his passport, and i took a photo of him, it turns out that there was no way and nowhere, in short, he, i left him 500 rubles there, and after that i arrived at... mine i have such a moment, as if from within, why didn’t i take it, then i started look for him on social networks, maybe he is there, as if his last name is shorter, wait for me, the first page is right away, well, i click there, wait for me, i start scrolling through it, it turns out by last name, first name and it turns out his photo goes away, i kind of thought, are they really looking for him,
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essan, and can you show us where that shawarma shop is, that’s where you saw islam? yes, of course, let's go through , let's go, hello, don't scare me, bitch, television, wait for me program, we're looking for a man, and he was here just a couple of weeks ago, we have a photo, we saw him in the subway. when did you see him? well, a month ago or 10 days ago, did you see him in the subway or near the subway, near the subway? we interviewed people in the area of ​​the shchelkovskoye metro station, but we were unable to discover the legacy of islam, then we began to check places where they help people who find themselves in difficult life situations, in one of them islam was identified from a photograph. well , it doesn’t go through our database, but the employees
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who register the appeal using a photograph do. that we have seen him and perhaps he comes to us from time to time if a person contacts us, comes again, we will definitely pass on the information and let you know. listen, well, the most important thing is that he’s alive and well, well, he’s confused , he’s a little lost, he wants to make money, it didn’t work out, it’s a shame to come back , unfortunately, we haven’t found him yet, but you see what a world it’s still not without good people, of course, and now thanks to this wonderful man, everyone knows that we are looking for him, that you are looking for him, if you want, narusat, yes, if you want, you can contact him now, what if he sees this program himself? islam, you will hear mom, i hope you come back, because that i can’t, i can’t work now , i can’t get away with anything, because you
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’re not around, we’re waiting for you, we love you, especially your little sister asks you all the time, i hope you come home alive, healthy , if necessary, i will come to you, where you are, i will definitely come back to you, no matter where you are, no matter where you are, well, come home, we are all waiting for you and love you, i hope you you'll come back, you'll come back, you'll come back, of course, you'll definitely, you'll definitely come back, and i hope that soon, hold on, hold on, i hope everything goes well, this photo this guy took. dear tv viewers, in this photo is islam tagirov, if you know anything about him, immediately call our hotline
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or leave a response on the website. his mother is looking forward to islam. i ask you, if anyone knows about my son, i ask you to contact the “wait for me” program. i... hope that everything will be fine and i will see my son alive and well, because his younger sister is waiting for him, every time she asks about him, when will my brother return, and i lie and say that he will come to work, thank you for having such a program, wait for me. well, at least i learned something about him. mothers of missing children contact our program almost every day.
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unfortunately, despite our best efforts, many applications still remain unclosed. therefore, we really hope that on the eve of march 8th there will be caring people who will help restore peace in the souls of these unfortunate people. women, now we will show several photographs, please look at them very carefully. alexander korkina has been dragged by his mother for more than 20 years. alexander suffered from seasonal depression, which often caused ridicule from his father. in 2001, alexander left home and disappeared. it is known that he planned to go on a pilgrimage to the holy demons of israel to ask for healing. mom managed to find out that in 2003 alexander was seen at the kazan train station in moscow, then he said the following phrase to a local saleswoman: i know that my mother is looking for me, i will return to her when she is not waiting for me. in march 2018, zulfira
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nurbaeva quarreled with her mother and left for st. petersburg. since then, nothing is known about her fate. almost 6 years have passed since zulfira’s disappearance, but not a day went by when my mother didn’t think about her. and this is ruslan khamitsevich, in february 2022 he left to work in moscow, although just a few days before that he was visiting his mother and did not say anything to the upcoming trip. a week after leaving, he stopped communicating with his family. the workers' dormitory reported that ruslan had packed his things and moved out. luiza mizhidova i was a third year law student . at the university in grozny. on november 1 , 2022, she left home and never returned. i didn’t take my documents or mobile phone with me. louise's mother cries every day
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and asks her daughter to respond so that nothing happens. last august, alexey larionov left murmansk for st. petersburg for vision correction surgery. when it was time to return home, alexey for some reason. there is also information that in september 2023 he left the territory of georgia, in what direction is unknown, alekseev’s mother is very fears. that he was in trouble and needed help. on december 25, 2022, nikolai bresgalin quarreled with his mother and left home. now his phone number is inaccessible, his pages on social networks have been deleted, and nikolai is also unable to communicate with friends and other relatives . the police were told that 2 days after this quarrel he flew to st. petersburg, and from there to moscow. at this
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point the search came to a dead end. i really want all these stories to end with meetings, and that in the following programs we will show you how mothers cry with happiness, hugging their children. therefore, if anyone was recognized, please let us know as soon as possible. who knows, maybe on march 8th one of these mothers will receive the most long-awaited gift, news from her child. look for each other, no matter what. and wait, places.
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“forgive me, i just greeted you, hello , mom, rahim, it’s you, my beloved son, you ’ve arrived, so you’ve become so fat, i, well , life is like that, oh, life is like that, i guess, yes, everything is fine, don’t cry , don’t cry, my dear, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, we forgive everything, everything is fine,
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zaboysky studio. that night, kiev attempted to carry out a massive attack on russian territory. air defense systems shot down 47 drones over the belgorod, kursk, volgograd and rostov regions. the last one was the most massive raid. an emergency services employee who participated in eliminating the consequences of the attack was injured. in the special operation zone, kiev militants are not giving up their attempts to carry out attacks in the avdiivka direction. asa was brought into battle several meg brigades, but everywhere without success. russian fighters repelled eight attacks, destroyed three armored vehicles, several artillery pieces and a post.


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