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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 9, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zaboysky studio. that night, kiev attempted to carry out a massive attack on russian territory. air defense systems shot down 47 drones over the belgorod, kurdish, volgograd and rostov regions. the last one was the most massive raid. an emergency services employee who participated in eliminating the consequences of the attack was injured. in the special operation zone, kiev militants are not giving up attempts to carry out attacks in the avdeevsky direction. the armed forces of ukraine were brought into battle several meg brigades, but everywhere without success. russian fighters repelled eight attacks, destroyed three armored vehicles, several artillery pieces and a control center.
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as part of early voting, field teams of election commissions deliver ballots even to the front lines. the ministry of defense emphasizes that, despite the field conditions, all legal requirements are fully met. humanitarian aid from the west for residents of the gaza strip ended with a tragic ending. according to palestinian media, five refugees died after the american a military plane dropped food packages on the alshati camp. judging by these images,
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some containers with humanitarian aid did not fully open their parachutes and multi-kilogram parcels fell from the sky like huge boulders, and even those that descended under the domes landed at high speed, as reported by the al-hadah channel, two people died on the spot, three were hospitalized, but could not be saved. here's how the pentagon reacted to what happened. i cannot confirm this information, i have seen publications on this topic, we believe that the us air force is not responsible for the deaths of these people. gaza authorities said they had warned about the possible dangers of such operations. the enclave is one of the most densely populated places on earth, and there simply are not large open areas necessary for the delivery of goods by air. but the west ignored the warning; the enclave administration once again demanded to open it. today
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marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the most famous person on earth, as the world press called the soviet cosmonaut yuri gagarin, the first man to be in space became a global cultural phenomenon, a symbol of progress and upward movement, while remaining a simple guy with an open look and an incredible disarming smile, i tried to understand gagarin’s secret on...
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gagarin is no longer just the first man in space, he a cultural phenomenon, a brand was created in the soviet union, judge for yourself, the name, or rather the surname gagarin, is easy to remember. after the flight, yuri gagarin visited more than thirty countries, he was applauded by the british, arabs, japanese, again tens of thousands of people. story gagarina is ideal for the hero of the era, a simple guy, the son of a carpenter and a milkmaid. who
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was born in the small smolensk village of klushino, who lived in a dugout because the nazis occupied his home, who at first thought about a career as a pilot, was the first to reach the stars. this is probably like this. there is monoliza’s smile, a symbol of rebirth, and there is gagarin’s smile, a symbol of the new space era. i think that fate and god rewarded him with the fact that he was so radiant that it is difficult to repeat him. yaroslav zhalnin played the role of yuri alekseevich in the film gagarin the first in space, directed by
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pavel parkhomenok. the preparation alone lasted about a year and a half, and the film itself was filmed for the same amount of time. for me, the phenomenon of gagarin lies in the fact that he is at the same time an icon for the entire planet, as well. well, in his field, yes, in his achievements, and as a simple person with whom anyone could talk, they remember him as the most ordinary , adequate guy, well, from his street. most people have exactly this image of gagarin in their heads: his signature smile, an orange spacesuit and a white helmet with the inscription ussr, but it appeared by chance, at the last moment, they thought, if he lands outside the territory of the soviet union and he is mistaken for a spy, then engineer viktor davidyants drew in red with a brush: four letters: he is happy to be the first to fulfill the dream of humanity . monuments to gagarin stand in dozens of countries around the world, from the usa to indonesia. streets and avenues are named in his honor, even varieties of flowers, tulips, peonies, roses. andrei
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kozlovsky has a collection of space-related stamps, more than one and a half thousand soviet ones, russian, foreign, the most valuable with yuri gagarin. my mother told me, she was a first-grader there at the time, that everyone ran out into the street, everyone looked at the sky, everyone tried to see where he was flying, it was clear that it was impossible, unrealistic to do, but it was so grandiose, it was such a grandiose event, such a great feat of the soviet union that since those times a lot of people tried to imitate, tried to become pilots, tried to become cosmonauts, everyone dreamed about it, created partly by accident, partly deliberately, the brand... is still working. gagarin inspired millions of people, he became a symbol of limitless possibilities and even part of the global cultural code. nahit baba ivanna martynova, ivan ozerov, artemy chinkov and anton zagorsky, ntv. the prosecutor's office began an investigation in connection with an incident during a ski
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race in sochi, due to a snowstorm of dense fog, young athletes, while descending from a hill, began to fall, crashing into each other. it is reported that 17 people received it. the authorities of the kamchatka territory take under protection pacific walruses, their number on the coast of the region has decreased by 20 times over the past few decades, some rookeries are completely empty, experts blame it all on climate change and poachers, report by sergei antsegin: you sit like this,
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drink tea, watch the margins, without leaving at home, the question of who is visiting whom is not a matter of debate among the research staff; at the checkpoint they annually... watch the herds of pacific walruses. according to census data, the population of pinnipeds with fangs exceeds 256 thousand individuals. this is the total number of sea animals living off the coast of the united states are just a stone's throw from alaska, in the russian far east. they set up mass rookery sites on the kamchatka peninsula, adjacent to chukotka, but after an unexpected statement from the kamchatka ministry of natural resources, the existence of this part of the range is time to be called into question. over the past 40 years, the number of moss has decreased.
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other negative factors are also not discounted. colleagues from the russian finval research center provided scientists with photographs that confirmed the hypothesis: pacific walruses are mercilessly exterminated by poachers. poaching undoubtedly puts increased pressure on the population, walruses are smart animals, they... understand that if they came for them once, they will come for them a second time, it is clear that they
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are leaving the rookery. according to scientists, in chukotka, where hundreds of thousands of pacific walruses still live safely, cases of illegal hunting are almost never recorded; only representatives of indigenous peoples are allowed to catch sea animals here, while the volume of the permissible catch is as a rule, they do not exceed one and a half thousand individuals per year. in kamchatka, traditional walrus hunting is completely minimal and... investigators have no doubt that poachers took advantage of the lack of proper control over the condition of the rookeries. killed animals are abandoned on the shore; only their fangs are sold on the black market. master bone carvers make souvenirs from them. the only way to maintain a margin on kamchatka is to include them in the red book of the region, and this proposal of scientists was supported at a meeting of the regional commission on rare endangered species. extinction of the species. i’m even scared to say where the last walrus rookery is, it really is.
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kamchatka scientists hope that pacific walruses will not fully share the fate of their brothers and will remain protected exclusively by regional environmental laws. in addition to tightening penalties for illegal shooting, he proposes to install camera traps on the only one. time at the rookeries and organize regular eco-patrol from inspection boats. sergey antsirin, maxim mintsev, ekaterina zenina and anton zaitsev, far eastern bureau of ntv. tonight on ntv there is a premiere of a humorous show called “stars”. the project will definitely make you laugh and surprise you, and most importantly, it will reveal new facets of the talent of popular artists; they will compete in wit. anton talpa found out who will evaluate. after all, if.
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their show is that the stars themselves play this wonderful game called stars.
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the jury also includes famous bloggers and musicians; valya carnival, timothy and sergey zhukov will be at the same table. by the way, zhukov chose for himself the role of the kindest member of the panel of judges. i’m really such a good-natured person, well, even when it seems like a command doesn’t work out, but take it and trample it, but it’s also somehow a little wrong, it turns out that. always like this, i ’m probably too good, there are stars in the show, everyone laughs at everyone, there will be very sharp humor artemy lebedev, for example, experienced the talent of marina fedukov’s team, there is more freedom here, freedom of speech, evil, let’s say, and you can, well, kind of go straight hard, in addition to improvisation and humor, there is in this show something no less important, a prize -
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it's go. she is only 7 years old today , she is getting married, and this one is 10, she works as a goddess , there is a year and a half or two left before retirement, here it is 2080, there are not four seasons, but six, and the difference with moscow is not 2 hours and not three, but 2 :45, welcome to kathmandu, let's go, let's go. i don't understand why going to kathmandu is considered swearing, to me it's a great wish, i...


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