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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 9, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. that night, kiev attempted to carry out a massive attack on russian territory. air defense systems shot down 47 drones, mainly over the rostov region, an employee of the ministry of emergency situations was injured, and they also repelled attacks on the belgorod, kursk and volgograd regions. in the special operation zone, kiev militants are not giving up attempts to strike in the avdievsky direction. the ukrainian armed forces led several mechanized brigades into battle, but everywhere without success, russian fighters repelled eight attacks and destroyed three armored vehicles.
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by performing combat missions, russian military personnel can cast their vote in presidential elections. as part of early voting, mobile teams of election commissions deliver ballots even to the front lines. the ministry of defense emphasizes that, despite the field conditions, all legal requirements are fully met. the turkish president again announced his readiness to organize a summit to resolve the conflict in ukraine, and , importantly, with the participation of russia, and b.
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ordinary ukrainians also know, who have already could be convinced that their lives were threatened solely by the actions of an unprofessional ukrainian air defense system, located, moreover, in residential areas of ukrainian cities in violation of international humanitarian law. mr. chairman. in conclusion, polyansky noted that western colleagues are well aware of the real accuracy of the russian aerospace forces’ strikes. humanitarian aid from the west for residents of the gas sector ended with a tragic ending. according to palestinian media, five refugees died after an american military plane dropped food packages on the alshati camp. judging by these images, some containers with humanitarian aid did not fully open their parachutes and multi-kilogram parcels under...
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ignored the warning, the enclave administration once again demanded the opening of ground crossings for the delivery of humanitarian aid. today marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the most famous person on earth. this is what the world
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press called soviet cosmonaut yuri gagarin. the first man in space became a global cultural phenomenon, symbol of progress and upward movement. staying with. a simple guy with an open look and an incredible disarming smile, nahid babaev tried to understand gagarin’s secret. the song, you know what kind of guy he was, is perhaps the most famous about yuri gagarin. words by nikolai dobronravov, music by alexandra pakhmutova, they knew him personally and were family friends. cycle of the constellation gagarin, which came out.
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again tens of thousands of samples. gagarin's story is ideal for the hero of the era. a simple guy, the son of the carpenter and dayarka, who born in the small smolensk village of klushino, who lived in a dugout because the nazis occupied his home, who at first thought about a career as a pilot, was the first to reach
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the stars. this is probably such a complete, you know, symbiosis, and this is both a man and a legend, and a man with limitless possibilities, we are always with... the fact that he was so radiant that it is difficult to repeat him. yaroslav zhalnin played the role of yuri alekseevich in the film "gagarin the first in space", directed by pavel parkhomenok. it only lasted about a year and a half preparation, and the same amount of time spent filming the film itself. for me, the phenomenon of gagarin lies in the fact that he is at the same time an icon for the entire
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planet, and well, in his field, yes, in his achievements, and a simple person with whom anyone could communicate, they remember him as the most ordinary, adequate guy. well, from their street, most people have exactly this image of gagarin in their heads: a signature smile, an orange spacesuit and a white helmet with the inscription ussr, but it appeared by chance, at the last moment, they thought if they landed on the wrong territory soviet union and he would be mistaken for a spy, then engineer viktor davidyants drew four letters in red with a brush: he is happy to be the first to realize the dream of humanity. monuments to gagarin stand in dozens of countries around the world, including the usa. in indonesia , streets and avenues are named after him, even varieties of flowers, tulips, peonies, roses. andrei kozlovsky has a collection of stamps related to space, more than one and a half thousand soviet, russian, foreign, the most valuable ones are with yuri
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gagarin. my mother told me, she was a first-grader there at the time, that everyone ran out on the street, everyone looked at the sky, everyone tried to see where he was flying, it was clear that this was impossible, unreal. to do, but it was so grandiose, it was such a grandiose event, such a great feat of the soviet union that since those times a lot of people... imitated, tried to become pilots, tried to become cosmonauts, everyone dreamed about it, created partly by accident, partly consciously, the brand is still working , gagarin inspired millions of people, he became a symbol of limitless possibilities and even part of the global cultural code. nahid baba ivanna martynova, ivan ozerov, artemy chinkov and anton zagorsky, ntv. the prosecutor's office began an investigation in connection with the incident during a ski race in sochi, due to a snowstorm of dense fog. during the descent from the hill, the athletes began to fall, crashing into each other. it is reported that 17
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people suffered injuries, bruises, cuts and fractures. however, those who were at the competition say that not only the weather was bad that day, but also the condition of the track. in some areas it formed at high speed, and even in poor visibility conditions, the participants simply did not have time to slow down. the organizers , in turn, assure that all the conditions for the start were met, and the fog from... exactly, the celestial bodies in this constellation know a lot about humor. philip kirkorov uses
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homemade preparations. my bunny, i am your bunny. dmitry malikov demonstrates a strong musical acumen. no one will believe you anyway, stranger. star show - a new format of humor. 10 mentors have recruited teams and are now finding out who makes the funniest jokes. kirkorov, or maybe dorokhov, reva, fedmkev, dzhigan or miguel. there are also malikov, chumakov and kudryavtseva, as well as musagaliev, by the way, he is in two guises at once, the leading coach of the team, i wanted to be your star, however, the show will not be limited to jokes from the stage alone, there will be no less humor from the jury , garik kharlamov promised to improvise, the main difference from all other shows is that i am the chairman of the jury here, i call myself that because i’m just sitting in the middle, this is the first time i’m sitting anywhere in the middle, then, probably the most the main difference from other shows is that...
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all the best and see you, come on! previously, the temperature
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in the workshop was like outside, in winter they were freezing, they ran to the stove to warm up, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, but now these are where they are, as souvenirs for gifts. hundreds of languages ​​and cultures! millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, now it will appear, what about a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. magnet - price, what you need, sausage will help,
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1599, opened the application, chose the car brand, and you? will select everything for this purpose, but everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national education project. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. mask, new season. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. find out your credit. compare the rating on the website or in the app, it’s free, take a look, do you have any arrears and has anyone taken out a loan in your name, keep your credit history under control, perhaps your credit history is better than you think, compare on your side, just delicious forty, rostagroexport, just try it, in
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try replacing them with ovisol. only in it the oats will enhance their milky ripeness. herbs and turmeric. ovisol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. good morning, about the weather for tomorrow: a heat wave has reached the south of the far east, which the day before slightly warmed transbaikalia, the amur region and the south of yakutia. now in the khabarovsk territory in the primorye region the temperature will be four or even 7 degrees higher compared to saturday, but there will also be more clouds. there will be light snow in places. in coastal areas the weather remains difficult. in kamchatka, kuril islands in the magadan region. bad weather is also approaching in southwestern siberia, snow, sleet, in tomsk, omsk, kemerovo, novosibirsk regions, in the southern middle regions of the krasnoyarsk territory, khakassia and tyva. in altai there will be sleet and rain, but as compensation, the temperature in some places will rise by 7 degrees . in the urals and volga region the weather is mostly
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cloudy, but without significant precipitation, and here it is also quite noticeably colder. in the rest of the territory. the weather is already trying on spring colors: it will be sunny in the north, northwest, in the center of the black earth region and even in crimea. the thing is that in the south an independent core of high pressure, the already familiar ridge of the scandinavian anticyclone stretches from the north. but there will be no exceptions at all. there will still be wet snow in the caucasus mountains, and there is another annoying minus: even on the black sea coast it is not as warm as we would like, maximum +1 in sochi. and about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be cloudy with...


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