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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 10, 2024 4:10am-4:56am MSK

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and a concussion, there are minor bruises, but this is not significant. tell me, how soon will he recover? well, he's a young, healthy man, so everything will be fine, but i have bad news for you. which? the fact is that he has traumatic amnesia, and he does not remember anything. can i talk to her? he can talk, but now he doesn’t recognize anyone. vadim, hello, you recognize me, vadim, i’m pastukhov, sergey, you won’t achieve anything like that, vadim, vadim, this is already superfluous, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. what are you doing? i
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i asked you. sorry, it's just really hard to see him like this. this will definitely pass. everything in the world passes. this too shall pass. but when? nothing can be determined in advance. maybe in 5 minutes, maybe in a week. what could he be doing on yegoryevskoye highway? are you asking me? more like yourself. so what? any good thoughts? nothing yet. damn, but he didn’t go on a date, actually he could have. what? well, if someone made an appointment for him there. in the forest. if he
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got involved in something dangerous, criminal, the forest is the best place for a showdown, well, good review, if he got involved in something dangerous, he would definitely call us, situations are different, maybe it was something confidential, vadim is not one of those who divulge other people's secrets. excuse me, but you are friends of the patient karasev, maybe i ’ll say nonsense now, but suddenly it’s important, say, i sat with him when he was unconscious, in delirium he constantly repeated some words, what words? igor, the secret cat and medium, medium, yes, he repeated them constantly. thank you for telling me. i'll be glad if it helps. igor, the secret cat medium, well
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what do you think about this, well , i don’t know about the secret code, but i should look up the name igor in my vkontakte phone, a weekly thought. hello, good afternoon, what do you want? we'd like to look at the patient's belongings.
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igor shevtsov, mobile, worker. during the day , vadim talked to him four times. igor, is your name familiar? shevtsov? no. i don't remember either. let's call this igor and ask them about everything. the subscriber's phone is turned off. yes, worker. hello, please, i can hear igor shevtsov, yes to the point, yes, yes, okay, i’ll wait, yes, and that didn’t make anyone worry, clear, clear, clear, thank you, i’ve already been away from work.
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purely. they were clearly looking for something here, and in great haste, whoever this shevtsov was, we need to find him, we need to give directions to the police and send his signs to hospitals and morgues, we received signs of the person you are looking for, he
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came to us today at night, where was he found? on the side of the road near the forest, the twentieth kilometer of yegoryevskoye highway, right? and what happened to him? he has a gunshot wound to the collarbone, multiple bone fractures, severe concussion, i think he was thrown out of the car at full speed, he is conscious, no, we put him in an artificial coma and connected him to a ventilator. what's the forecast? the condition is very serious, would you like to see it? yes i want to. of course you can, i'll accompany you. just put on a robe, please. yes, okay, it’s a real hospital, but , as i noticed, there is no security, only a guard at the entrance. previously, there was security, and then our
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budget was cut, please come here, okay. to this room, please. it can't be, the man who left the room, do you know him? no. the resuscitation team urgently, listen, come on general, these are shepherds, we urgently need to put guards at the wadi chamber. “serious reasons? yes, okay , i’ll deal with it, and you’ll tell me the details later . the ministry of internal affairs began an investigation and found out
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that the bullet with which igor shevtsov was wounded was fired from vadim’s pistol. so it turns out that vadim shot at his former classmate ?" so let's summarize: in the forest on the twentieth kilometer of the yegorevskoe highway there was a shootout, which means vadim was chasing someone, he was hit they shot, he lost control, turned off the highway and crashed into a tree, but in the same area they found igor shevtsov, an employee of the technical department of the ministry of special communications department. so this is the bullet that pierced.
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that’s what i think, and now we need to find out who captured this shevtsov, why, this is very important for us, i’m listening, leader, yes, thank you, we ’re leaving, vadim came here. anya, sergei sergeevich, i thought you were away? no, i came as soon as i found out how he was? not great, but he's getting better. the doctor says
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that my arrival. clear. he regained consciousness, his speech returned, but he does not remember what happened to him. hold on. oh, here's our convalescent. honestly, no, as
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soon as i try to remember something, everything immediately slips away , it’s bad, we need some kind of clue, there is a clue, we were told that you shouldn’t worry, believe me , the fact that i don’t remember anything worries me much more stronger, well , if that’s the case, let’s start over. in your delirium, you constantly repeated several words: igor, secret cat, medium. what does it mean? i can't remember. we found someone in your phone igor shevtsov. this is your classmate. well, right before the accident, you called him several times. i remembered
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, vadim, hello, great, igor, how many years, how many winters, i’m very glad to see you, how long have we not seen each other, about eight years, yes, about that, you look good, thank you, sit down, sit down, you’re ready to place an order , just a minute, okay. how are you doing? maybe we can get straight to the point, i see your voice is threatening in the crowd, let’s talk, what happened? vadim, i don’t remember who, but one of our people said that you work in some law enforcement agency, is this true? well, let’s say, for what purpose are you interested? do you see, vadim? it seems that i really need your help. which exactly? i work in the communications department
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of the ministry of foreign affairs, specifically in the technical department. well, for the last 2 weeks i've been working on improving the electronic code for meade employees' business correspondence. wait, igorep, are you sure that you have the right to tell me all this? i have no choice, vadim. the fact is that. i took work home, although this is categorically, in the most careful manner prohibited, i took a removable disk with a base code home, hell, in general, when i was driving home with the disk, i was cut off on the road.
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are you blind or something, i don’t understand, but what about you, you cut me off yourself, i signaled to you, your feet aren’t even burning, i signaled to my mother, in short, i left you hotspots, 2000 for what, you is it a greyhound or something, look, no, i just want trouble, you will have trouble, even if you came to visit, listen, i have a dvr in my car, i will show everything to the traffic police, who will you show what to, show me the traffic police? okay, let him roll, he has a video recorder, we can count them, he remembered you, your car, and then they just drove away when i got back into the car, by now the disk was gone, i can’t even imagine what to do now, i reported to the police, but what kind of police, i
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’m telling you, i broke the rules. igor, as far as i know, disks with such information should have good protection. there is protection, there is protection there that is quite reliable. well, why are you worried then? if anyone finds out about this, it will be the end of my career and reputation. it’s all over, what kind of career can they just open a criminal case against me. what exactly do you want from me? vadim, please find these scammers, give me back my childhood, otherwise i’m lost, well, remember! “we were once friends , remember, seliger, but we were very close then, i helped you, well, remember, vadim, you said that you would be in my debt, well, i remember, you then said that i didn’t owe you anything i have to, that’s why i’m turning to you as a friend, vadim, help, okay, i
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’ll try to help, i don’t know, car number, color, do you remember anything?" "yes, i wrote it down, here you go, you managed to find these scammers, i got the car through a traffic cop i knew, basically found it, and what next , i talked to him, you know, i'm sociable. bro, are you blind or what? what happened? did you scratch my car? for some reason
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i don’t see any fresh scratches, here’s a scratch, now you see, the car is almost new. do you know how much painting will cost? you're like an old scratch, are you a specialist or something, but there's no need to be a specialist, loads, yes, well, there's a little bit, i'll show you the scratch, i'll tell you i’ll show you, i’ll show you a note now, well, now that we’ve met, we can talk, i ’ll ask a question, and if you don’t hear a sensible answer to it, you’ll spend the next few years in prison. so, a couple of days ago you cut loch on a silver tang. it so happened that this sucker is my friend, and i really don’t like it when my friends are cheated. boss, i’ll be a bastard, we let him go. while you were sitting sideways and teaching the sucker, the case disappeared from his car. there was no
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money or jewelry in the case, but there was something that was very dear to him. so the question is where case? boss, think carefully before you answer, you won’t have a second chance, we didn’t look into it, i’ll be a bastard, who was given the case, who the customer is, we don’t seem to know the name, but i drove a medium from him, we worked with him before , well, yes, why did he need a case, boss , we don’t ask an extra question, we were told to trick the sucker to take the case out of the car, that’s what we didn’t sign up for, boss, we don’t rent out our own, well, if you sign up for him, that means for you'll go for a kitsch, i think you'll get ten it’s shining like a dozen, and there were secret documents in the case, and this is no longer just a road scam, but sabotage activity aimed at undermining
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the foundations of the state, do you feel how much it’s dragging on, guborev? greetings, captain karasyov , come to my row, yes, we need to detain three especially dangerous ones, lads, what are you talking about, this guy gave us a couple of orders, i ’m not going to spend time for him, boss , i’ll tell you everything, lights out, yeah, that's great, now let's go to this medium, my boss didn't sign up for this, well consider that i just signed you up for this, you can lead. come on, medium, buddy, your door is open.
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medium, medium, damn, he was dead, excuse me, people from the goyim voda came to the clinic, they want to talk to you, where are they now, in the resident’s room, they are talking with the nurse who was on duty. bed when your friend was rave. max, stop them and take them to his room? yes, of course, tell me more. thank you very much for the information. yes, we are definitely with you." hello, major nikitin opsn. hello. colleagues, i would like to talk to you a little. actually, we were going to talk with citizen
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karasev. well, citizen karasev will not run away anywhere. the fact is that he felt bad, and the doctors are now working magic on him. how's that? yes, the patient’s condition has worsened a little, but the situation is not critical, everything will be fine. when can we talk to him? soon, he is now undergoing pain relief. and he will be fine, but this won’t stop us from talking, could you leave us for a few minutes, yes, of course, thank you, well, let’s sit down, and what’s new, you wanted let us know what you found out? i think you need to write down what i say now, it’s okay, we’ll remember. vadim, please pull yourself together, we have very little time, i understand, wait, you came to the medium’s home and
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found him dead, what happened next, vadim, remember. what are you doing? wait,
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are you saying he had a scar on his temple? yes, right here, what is it? on the same day , igor shevsov contacted me. vadim, i'm finished. come on, calm down. what's happened? half an hour ago, some person called me and said that he had the stolen disk and that he wanted return it to me for a fee. well, not such bad news. did he name the amount? yes, how much? 3000. not weak, i said that i don’t have that kind of money, and he says: you have a car, an apartment, a dacha, you can
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sell it all or transfer it to our person, he made an appointment for me, when where? today, 3 hours outside the city, on the twentieth kilometer of yegoryevskoye highway, near the road sign. vadim, “i understand that i’ve already stressed you out a lot, but yes, i’ll go with you, and you came to this meeting, vadim, vadim, that’s it normal, simple, your throat is dry, you haven’t told us anything new, meanwhile the situation is that your friend..." is in deep trouble, the bullet that pierced igor shevtsov’s collarbone was fired from your friend karasev’s pistol, yes, but we don’t know , who
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pulled the trigger, we don’t know, and we are here just to find out, well, we came here to find out, then what is our conversation? is that all your evidence is against vadim karasev , indirect, and i don't want you to be biased towards him. "we don't they were going to be biased towards him, so what, what kind of conversation would it be? are you just going to talk, or are you going to put guards at the ward? listen, why all these questions? then, vadim karasev is my friend and colleague, and i trust him as much as myself. let's do this: you wanted to ask a question, while the crucian carp is being translated into feeling, i will answer your questions. ok, good. so, can you talk? yes, when we arrived to meet us, there was more than one helper.
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can you answer? yes. hello, yes, yes, okay, we need to get out of the car to go straight into the forest, they will be waiting for us there, what are you sitting, let's go.
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who's with you, this is my friend, i told you about him, unbutton your jackets, turn out your pockets, quickly, we don't have weapons, well, you brought money, show me first. i need to make sure you have it. disc in case. are you ready to buy it? i already told you, i don’t have that kind of money. it will take time to collect such an amount. or you reduce the amount. the amount will remain unchanged. tomorrow evening you give us the money, that's the deadline. well, that’s impossible, i won’t be able to collect that amount for day. then you will transfer all your property to me. we will finalize the deal with our lawyer.
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hush, hush, buddy. and who are you? and you? captain krykov, central department of the ministry of internal affairs. colonel vastukhov, upssm. comrade colonel, we have to ask you to vacate the room, if you have any questions, you can contact our superiors, i can give you the phone numbers. well, i see we have an interdepartmental conflict brewing.
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"hello, please tell us in order, everything you remember, he managed to tell everything, yes, well, let's go to the general, we need to report and think over a further plan of action, sergei sergeevich, they told me that the police came to vadim, he was in trouble, yes, small, but don’t
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worry, shevtsov fired at karasev’s car, and shevtsov was thrown out of the cabin, we decided to get rid of the witness , perhaps vadim shouldn’t have gotten involved in all this, well, what’s done is done.
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i sent an identikit and the characteristics of the criminal to the nia database, if he is there, the results will come soon. print it out for me, and i will go through my angedur network with it.
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good evening.
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“hello, citizen-boss , you can’t be bothered, it’s good here, it’s cozy, i’m trying , it means that life has improved, thanks to you, from the stumps, i would have been stuck on false charges , i’d have been gnawing my schoolwork at night out of anger, oh well, ok, you’re not so innocent , you did something too. business in your time, well, for what i did, i was already in prison, well, let’s not talk about the old things, it’s the old things that i came to talk to you about, alexey shpanev, nickname punk,
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you know him, i know, this one marked for him by solntsevsky in ninety-seven as a reminder, 10 years ago i was a troublemaker, but now i’ve calmed down and wiser. “she ’s just not crazy about where to find him, you know, well, i don’t know , i don’t know, but i know that he’s a player, a real one, i didn’t ride on excitement, i saw him several times on katran, in the maryanya grove, not far from the govan cinema , yes, but he doesn’t stay there for a long time, after 12 at night he leaves, mikhailovich, katran’s address, just for you, just for you, you mean a lot to me, there’s no you, and he’ll ask, you’ll say,
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a tramp, if he asks, from where, tell the assembly well-worn, just like in spy films, huh? hello, who is this? tramp, from where and where? downhill, downhill. come in,
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would you like something? thank you, hello, go title.
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i'll call you back. stand!
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who are you? upsm. are you detained? read you your rights. read it to your wife, the trash guy. you have the right to a lawyer. anything you say can be used against you. now get up.
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as you can see, we have plenty of evidence, in general i would advise you to be talkative, shpynyov, okay, your business, what do you want to know, what business you had with igor shevtsov, this friar himself found me through one of our mutual friends, in short, what needs to be done, but everything is simple, steal my case. and then demand a ransom for it,
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that’s it, what’s in the case? it’s better for you not to know this, i don’t work like that, okay, i’ll find another assistant, and you know how to negotiate, why do you need all this? what is in the case is worth money, i want to sell it, but everyone should think that it was stolen from me, it was cleverly invented, cunningly, but you will need a reliable witness , there will be a witness, hello, vadim, vadim, this is igor shevtsov. vadim, i really need your help, through
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a medium i hired three strong guys, they cut off shevtsov’s car, took his case, why did you kill vedinsky, a witness, a necessary victim, and what happened in the forest, why did you start a shootout, we must they were just trying to scare this guy away, it was nice, take aim and leave with the case, but the crucian carp got into the bull, and why did you throw it away? throw him out of the car, burn him out, why? there’s too much noise, we need to cut off the dancing, come on, and then i found out that this guy
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was still alive and... “you came to the hospital and disconnected it from the device, so yes , yes, you never caught me, if it weren’t for my scar, you ’re lucky that i’m marked, sit, come on , i’ve recovered, almost, vadim, i have a request for you, you’re next once. find an opportunity to call, huh? now about the main thing, the stolen disk with the base code was found in igor shevtsov’s safe deposit box, so all charges against you have been dropped, the incident, as they say in such cases, is over, you
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brought him an orange here, no, not yet, well , let’s go and eat ah... well, finally, let's have a real break, otherwise i’m really tired of this work, are you really tired, gen, you’re sitting in a soft
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chair, annoying people, but semyonovich, your chair will be softer, don’t be jealous, gen, you need to grow up to my chair. you will, yes, without any questions, semyonovich, but how did the mayor let you go for the weekend, yes marta, okay, i barely escaped from my wife, i had to promise her that i would send her and her daughter to goa in november, but i’m lofa, i single, you don’t need to ask anyone for time off, you collected coins for hunting, but what kind of hunter are you? you don’t even have a gun, how come you don’t have a gun, but what is this? your neighbor, well, yes, he lent it, talyan , you know what he said to me, why do you need a gun when hunting, you need vodka when hunting, but girls,
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thank you, you don’t even know how to shoot khrulev, shouldn’t we have taken him? he doesn’t even know which side the gun is on, you lyosha, keep quiet , they took you to steer, here are the steering wheels, six, that’s enough, we’re going hunting, to rest. maybe i should have stopped by the forestry department to get a ticket? lyosh, well , you’re shaking all the time, but some egor will come to you, you don’t have money for him give. oh, there’s a girl, and i’ve been saving up for a row for 3 weeks, so what?


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