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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 10, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zaboysty studio. it was at night that a humanitarian plane landed at the chkalovsky airfield and delivered it to their homeland. 32 children from a syrian refugee camp, all of them were kept in terrible conditions in temporary shelters in zaefrat under the control of the kurdish side. 12 girls and 20 boys aged 5 to 17 years arrived in russia. according to children's rights commissioner maria lvovay belova, they were accompanied on the road doctors, social workers and psychologists. in the near future, all children will undergo additional medical examination at a federal clinic. and social
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rehabilitation in one of the moscow centers, and then finally meet their families. all the children speak russian, everyone talked about how they dreamed of flying to russia to return to their loved ones, they talked about the difficult conditions in which they were, how hard it was for them, and how they, every time , when we came to pick up the next batch of children. we were waiting for them to be taken, and what’s special about this trip of ours is that this is the largest group from the rosh camp, according to the commissioner for children’s rights, there are another 110 children in line, for whom they will return in the very near future. in novosibirsk , tests are underway on a unique drone that can be used in areas of special military operations; it only externally resembles the legendary an-2 maize truck, on the inside. the most
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modern filling, thanks to advanced technologies, the device will be able to take off from limited area and deliver up to a ton of cargo over a distance of 1.00 km. when they plan to start mass production, mikhail chibanenko found out. the take-off is ultra-short, almost vertical, the ability to take off from small unprepared sites, it does not necessarily have to be a runway at an airfield. ease of piloting.
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distances of helicopters, here you can clearly see four blades on the lower wings, each rotated by its own electric motor, when a safe altitude is reached they automatically fold, and when descending they return again to working position. the partisan can deliver cargo up to a ton at a distance of up to 1.00 km. this biplane can be used in extinguishing fires, irrigating fields, as well as in air ambulance, for example, for the rapid evacuation of the wounded, which is relevant now in connection
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with passenger transportation. partizan will be especially useful for residents of hard-to-reach areas. if we look at the example of, say, the alaska region, transportation of hunters and fishermen, for example, is very common there. the same applies to the russian federation, on our vast expanses, siberia, the far east, of course, it would be possible to close off a significant part in this way, and a part of these here. tasks for transporting passengers and cargo. after the successful control flight of partizan, siberian scientists and engineers are not relaxing. there is painstaking work ahead to automate the biplane. no, they know how to lift a car into the sky without a pilot, but all the subtleties and risks must be taken into account. still, it’s one thing to have an electric car that travels on the ground, and another thing to have an aircraft. and here’s what’s important: almost all the equipment, domestic into mass production. the partisans will be ready to launch. already at the end
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of this year, they are working around the clock to improve this unique machine. mikhail chebanenko, yana fedorarishchego, ntv television company. activists of one of the public.
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they take sports milestones, having passed combat coordination, they coped with sports easily. the training itself is 2 hours, half of the time on the ice, a special sled for slash hockey is made at one of the samara enterprises. previously, the equipment was foreign, but due to sanctions had to switch to domestic ones, the local kulibins dismantled the foreign sleds piece by
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piece and made it even better, as they themselves say. the ice squad was literally gathered from hospitals, those who lacked courage and who could now take their mind off life’s problems. injury, hospital, amputation, now literally in their hands together, they pull out the game, themselves. guys, guys with character, that is, guys are very courageous, anyway they are distracted, say, from their everyday life, from everything that is good for sports, here comes the complete
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reboot, if you put a professional hockey player on an etisanka now, he won’t understand how to control them, yaroslav’s special sled in the hospital was amputated first one, then the other leg, a former sapper carried out mine clearance. on the eve of the next assault, i step with my left foot, it immediately came unfastened, and 10 seconds later i step with my right foot, but you know, at that moment i wanted to live like that, i ’ll tell you, death is not scary, i just really want to sleep, but i wanted to live, thought first of all about his mother, took out a tourniquet, which i had only one, although i had two legs , i pulled my leg , i was injected with painkillers, i turned over on the cart and got hit by a sposat, another ice battle with two sticks in my hands flies by unnoticed, at the exit yaroslav is met by his mother.
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and spiritual renewal. each year, the muslim holy month falls on different dates, depending on the lunar calendar. it is believed that it was during ramadan that the quran was revealed to the prophet muhammad while he was in spiritual seclusion near the holy city of
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mecca. this year the fasting period will last until in the evening of april 9, all this time the faithful are not allowed to eat or even drink water during daylight hours. relaxations are provided for patients. people, pregnant and lactating women, children and travelers. during ramadan, muslims give up entertainment and pleasure and devote a lot of time to prayers, the main one of which is called : brain, a suitable donor could only be found in israel and eva is already waiting at the clinic, but
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now all hope for a bone transplant can go there as soon as she can collect the required amount, about what we are talking about money, vlada kopyllovskaya learned. board games in the company of mom, tablet and communication, but only by phone. nowadays, eve doesn’t have many of the usual joys available to her. when going outside, in case of emergency, you need to protect yourself from colds, but eva doesn’t want to talk about how she lived. in the past tense, i play with my friends, play catch, play hide and seek. six-year-old eva has acute meoloblastic leukemia, a malignant blood disease, she was diagnosed last summer, then eva was visiting her grandmother in bratsk, it was just her little dream, a two-wheeled bicycle, but eva could no longer ride it as she wanted, she began to get so tired, pale lips, a high temperature, i started to get tired. shortness of breath and i couldn’t run fast, when we donated blood,
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i had the hemoglobin of a non-living person. as soon as the tests came, eva was immediately taken to the intensive care unit, she was given a blood transfusion, and her mother rushed from krasnoyarsk. eva is the only daughter of a granddaughter, she was born strong, 3.800, very active, always slept and ate well. such a child that we never we couldn’t even think that something like this could happen to us. already at home in krasnoyarsk, the doctors performed an evipuncture and soon made a diagnosis: acute leukemia, and difficult treatment began. mom yulia tries not to remember these three blocks of chemotherapy, how the child felt sick for 2 weeks and had a high fever. eva endured all this without tears. mom said that in order to return home quickly, we must hold on. we thought that we would get away with just a block of chemotherapy. and then halfway through the treatment... the doctor came and said that you need a bone transplant brain eva received a quota for transplantation in
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st. petersburg, but of the seven proposed donors, not one was 100% suitable. donors abroad are not yet available to russians due to logistics problems. this is a type of acute lycosis in which a 100% donor is needed, and because the risk of relapse and the risk of life is very high. two completely suitable donors were found in israel, one of them. eva already knows that a bone marrow transplant is a difficult operation with long, complex preparation and recovery, but she is really looking forward to it. her, and can show on the world map a place where they promise to help her, they will give me half of the bone marrow, and why do you even need red marrow, so that i can recover, after a transplant, patients have a high chance of a healthy life, for eva this is simply the only opportunity , the price of treatment in israel is more... 23 million rubles. part of the amount has been collected; our doctors could have done this operation just as well if our donor base had been
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wider. there are not enough bone marrow donors in russia. there are now 215,000 donors in the federal register, but at least half a million are needed. sharing bone marrow sounds quite scary. in fact, life-saving cells for patients can be taken from the donor’s blood. the procedure is considered safe and the body then quite quickly restores everything it gave up. now eva is the last one to pass. a course of maintenance chemotherapy in krasnoyarsk, we can’t delay it any longer, we need to do a transplant, there’s a month left to decide whether to have it or not. vlada koplovskaya, victor melnik, svetlana zakharova, evgeny matveev, ntv television company, krasnoyarsk. that's all for now, thank you for were with us, all the best and see you. what, what, what, does everyone need gifts again? a bag for your wife, a jacket for your sister, a fur coat for your mother, buy them all at once at split 006, 0 rubles per hour,
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on shak, if you overdo it, sometimes you need it perekul, i know you’re playing with me, but alas, in my game, i didn’t notice with you in the dance that we were left alone, i want to be with her, but do it pa-pam, divide it in half, that’s it, i i want to be with her, things to the heart, lips, quietly, so touch, i want to be with her, hey! if you are my tsunami, cover me. now, everything that happened between us, i would repeat a hundred times, this silence seems to hint, a couple more phrases.


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