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tv   Maska  NTV  March 10, 2024 8:20pm-12:00am MSK

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a symbol of the spirit and youth of the country, which , despite the devastation, poverty, sharashki, dreamed of space, was able to send the world's first man into orbit, was able to remain for the whole planet a very charming dreamer , an unambiguous symbol, everything is possible, and this clearly means that new worlds begin here on earth, with the determination of those who are not afraid to dream and do, this is his immortal and simple, let's go, when they are now talking about a new world, a new order, well... understand, we ourselves must take the steps that we consider correct, big things begin with them path, and we can walk it together, now , just days before the elections, we must clearly understand how important it is to come and vote for what we believe in. yes, for now the candidates continue to work in the regions, but early voting is already underway for military personnel of the ministry of defense and the national guard in the northern military district zone of our group of forces in syria, there are already almost 4 million who have applied for remote voting, and the central election commission is doing everything to ensure the purity of their...
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options there are many ways to take part in elections, from a mobile voter to voting at home, from early to remote, every vote is not just important , it is a duty and a right, for everyone for whom russia is a single indivisible home, where our children will grow up, so be sure to vote, it’s...
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emotions, unexpected turns, it’s breathtaking, just one question: godila , is it a girl who is hiding under the mask? in the last episode, the nominees for elimination were a harlequin, a cactus and a merman, the merman took off his mask, it turned out to be an actor, singer, showman, stas erushin, i have... version, damn it, there were 11 participants left in the mask show, it was great, and we keep doing guesses, there is anita tsoi, will you be able to recognize the star only by their voice, because the unique costumes completely hide their identity, take off the mask, they are guarded on the stage outside, every week only one of them is photographed.
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we continue the festive marathon, which is dedicated to our beautiful and beloved women and give you another gift: the fifth episode of the fifth season of the mask show, all for you! on march 8 , all the judges unanimously decided to open the mask of the mysterious vodyanoy, suspecting that the jury released vodyanoy for a reason, because now he's starting to have a busy time, because march 21 is coming very soon...
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the romantic fairy tale "the flying ship" is opening in all cinemas across the country, in which vodany is one of the main kings, and of course, he needs to focus on the premiere, so now vodyanoy we will see in a big movie, but in a completely new story. well, if we return to the merman from the musk show, let me remind you that the judges assumed that vladimir vinokur, efim shifrin and even bedrasker could be hiding in the barrel. but no one guessed that the merman was a magnificent musician, comedian, showman, stas erushin. stas, we say hello to you, you completely confused your tracks. we will find out at the end of the program whether our judges will be able to unravel the new mask today. in the meantime, it is my pleasure to introduce our highly respected jury. spring is an endless holiday, a time when you want it.
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make wonderful and unusual gifts, we imagined, what if our judges are also gifts, that’s what happened, if it were a gift, it would be a bottle of goodness. wine, because both wine and he can make any evening unforgettable and fun, besides however, over the years he only becomes better and more worthy. timur, let's just decide, are you white, red or sparkling? of course, sparkling, wonderfully, endlessly sparkling. singer, showman, actor, chateau de timur rodriguez, well, she would be a bouquet of flowers. where there would be lilies, and luxurious orchids, and delicate field daisies, original thorns, and two plantains, burdock, an aloe leaf, all this would be crowned with a postcard with the inscription, flowers are good, but the herbs tincture of otrigina is much better,
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dazzling, charming, with endless imagination and endless images, regina todorenko, well, regina, tell me who you are today. every lady would dream of receiving such a gift, plush but brutal. hare. firstly, we all remember him in this image in the second season of the mask show. and secondly, what girl would refuse to have him sit on her bed. timur, maybe you can open a business, selling bunnies with your face on them or full-length pillows. well, i'm ready to open
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my own business of squatting on girls' beds. this is such a service, now it will be favor, you’re lonely, there’s no one to sit on the bed, i’ll come and sit. i’ll come running, the hare crouches, scatter sowing russia, our timur batrudinov, if it were a gift, it would be a bottle of luxurious perfume, in which the top note is refined elegance, the heart note is all-consuming tenderness, and the trail is a talent penetrating the soul, luxurious , sophisticated, magnificent. people's artist of russia, valeria, if it were a gift, it would be a very expensive gift, a magnificent decoration with the purest, multi-faceted sparkling stone that conceals in its
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there are many interesting stories in depth. filip edrasovich, by the way, you didn’t think of releasing a line of jewelry when i ’m surrounded by people like that. goddesses , but why should i release any decorations, when here they are, the decorations of today’s show, our stage, music, this is quite enough, so i ’ll do something else, i ’ll still sing more songs, i have something to say and something to sing, and we will definitely be waiting, friends, our chairman, people's artist of russia, philip kirkorov, philip betroslovich, there is something constant in our show, and i don’t want it neglect and change, so we traditionally wait for parting words for the upcoming release. it is no coincidence that i dressed in orange like this today, because this is the color
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of happiness, this is the color of spring, and let each of you who will go out today, who are very worried there now, have an orange mood. because anyway, one of them will leave this wonderful show today, but we all should have the color of happiness, joy and good mood anyway, let’s start, friends, orange mood to everyone, we are starting the fifth issue of the fifth anniversary season of the mask show, and especially for timur batrudinov, let me remind you that our rules are almost the same as in the second season. timur, today 11 masks will appear on stage, under them are hidden well-known people, the whole country knows them for sure. at the end of the program, one of the participants, who will be chosen by the jury members and the audience in the studio, will take off his mask and show his face. there is only one innovation in the anniversary season - anniversary immunity,
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which was given to a cat in the first episode. once a season, a cat can use it if he is among the three nominees for elimination. by traditions, the participants are divided into groups, i represent the first group. in the last issue , regina todarenko called this mask grandfather. in response, this grandfather said that... he is a multi-billionaire, well, it’s getting more and more interesting, it turns out that a wealthy, elderly, very daring man is performing in our show, meet the cool guy! before, before, before, before, yet, yet, yet
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, before, before, perevet, hello, thank you, i love you, i've been waiting for you so much, finally i'm here, i 'm here again, hello, my dear, hello, gorgeous you look like a lovely suit always, mutually, mutually, i try to surprise, just like you, good, saved, i, yes, i also look good in shape today, i worked out, just in time, hi, hi. can you immediately tell timur batruddinov something that happened last time, tell me, lyosha vorobyov was sitting in your place, and clearly from his behavior and manner of communication and even from the intonation of our pepper, he understood who it was, the only problem is he i decided not to talk about it out loud, that’s right, timur, you missed me very much, so did i, of course, we know each other you, pepper 200. of course, that’s it, i know who it is, hand over your friends quickly, but i won’t tell you, are you serious or something, you’re all stunned or something
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, but listen, well, it’s obvious, you’re still thinking, guessing, it’s just clear who it is, who it is, i won’t say, well, you are normal people, a real friend, that’s what i understand, friendship, but what is this happening, you and i even end in c together, well, okay, one was probably it's already too much, i'll go too far. he told me who is who, and he never hit, just so you understand, the main thing is to be confident to say that he knows something, listen, let’s get serious now, after all, could it be that you once kissed my hands and thanked me, i will kiss your hands, of course, regina. of course it was, but we’re not asking about legs, could it be, could
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it be that you are planning a duet with nicole schezinger, but honestly, yes, yes, we have already recorded it, it will be released very soon on all platforms, it’s a sin not to brag about it, no , but everything that peretz is saying now is very consistent, it looks like emin agalarov is hiding there, excellent option, come on. bring the mask, and i’ll help you, no, we’ll do it later, wait, hints from the pepper, amigos, hello, you haven’t been thrown into the post yet, after all, the hot pepper has arrived, how was your week, mine was great too , didn’t i tell you, i moved from the freezer to the department for fresh vegetables, in short, now i hang out with cucumbers and tomatoes, i think boyce ben might get involved, let’s call ourselves vegetables, i think we can fly into the tops, you don’t like the name, it’s brutal with him, you’re not in vain
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believe me, vegetables are very popular, i’m actually a star, you know what they write about me on the internet, you yourself are stuffed with horns and peppers, no, on the internet they write not only recipes about me, but also that i’m handsome, cheerful red, then there is the pure truth, and you say, i’m hiding the secret of my personality, i’m not hiding anything, who? smarter immediately discerned my nature, by the way, why am i so cheerful and sociable? because i’m sharp inside, you know how it burns me, if i’m silent, i can’t hold on, now it’s burning again, i need to hurry run to the stage, sing a song, aribiderchi, men, i appeal to everyone who inserted a pencil to play songs on a cassette tape, who wore sweatpants, and not only to the garage, but in the office and at the banquet, who managed
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to look at it with their own eyes, what is a floppy disk , who did not know such words as party club, there was one word: disco, among the songs there are those that in a day or two will be lost among hundreds of others, and there are those that stay with you forever, so this is one of those . why are you sitting here? come with me. who are you, how old are you at all? i'm already 18. take me soon! kill me quickly, take me over a hundred seas, hey, hey, take me quickly, take me over 100 seas, seas, seas, take me quickly, take me to the table of seas, hey, take me quickly, take me over
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100 seas. collect me quickly, take me away for 100 seas, and kiss me everywhere, i’m already 18, collect me quickly, fire me for 100 seas and kiss me everywhere, i’m already grown up, collect me quickly, take me away for 100 seas and kiss me everywhere. 18 i already gather me quickly, take me away for 100 mali and kiss me everywhere, i’m already an adult, you today you’ve become more mature, you skipped school, gathered all your girlfriends, but what about me, it’s your birthday, i know you won’t
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forget me, i’ll kick you in the ass. eat , well, a kiss in yours is not enough for me, i want you to say, pick me up quickly, take me away for 100 seas and kiss me everywhere, i’m already 18, pick me up quickly, take me away for 100 seas and kiss me everywhere, i’m already an adult , collect me quickly, take me over 100 seas and kiss me everywhere, i’m already 17, collect me quickly. take me over 100 seas and kiss me everywhere, i don't i’m already an adult, pick me up quickly, take me 100 seas away and kiss me everywhere, i’m all an adult already, little one! kachina
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sat down! what a gorgeous bathhouse, what have you fried there, a hellish cauldron? black pepper, red pepper, i don’t know anymore whether you’re on the dark side of the forces or on the light side, and you’ll only find out with time, the time of gold, we want to know now , we have to pay then, yeah, what kind of bark pepper we have, that’s all he talks about money, someone needs a boiler, is it inexpensive? if you suddenly need to sell something, i’m here at any moment, the entrepreneur just says, i’ll have to sell something, now the salvage man will tell my grandmother, you sold your soul to the devil, no , i’m pepper, hot pepper, i want to ask you a very important question, it just seems to me that i don’t hear stas kostyushkin there at all, whom we assumed somewhat
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issues in a row, but we already assumed, and we assumed, today i want to ask you a question on july 8, 1987, in gatchina, what was happening, something very large-scale, interesting was happening, the birth of some great person, you just answered , yes, birthday, wait, again, you often been on the flywheel, then for money , well enough already, been on mokhovaya street, guys, to promote me, support me, please, but it seems to me that he is trying to promote you, you have already been promoted, because valeria suggested to me that there is something very hidden there popular artist, i’ll also ask a couple of questions, but of course, please tell me, but you and i organized something so lively on stage together, really lively, well, just really lively, well,
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it turns out we didn’t arrange it to such an extent without the boilers, of course. got by, but also simply there was smoke like a rocker, no one heard, but joseph hears, everything is fine, joseph doesn’t hear , check for sure, yes, yes, they arranged it, they arranged it, well, everything fits, everything fits, yuri muzychenko, and yuri muzychenko, leaders of the haters group, bright, vibrant, funny, with a wonderful sense of humor and a brilliant actor, i like your opinion of me, thank you, that’s it, there will be one version today. just like that, from a blank sheet of paper, he didn’t see the previous issue, he just made his guesses, so thorough, i know. who is there, well who is there, i was just blissing, i thought it was you timur, a very good actor, but you are a very bad actor
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, you can’t buff now, you are not a bad actor, in fact this is not true, don’t listen to anyone, you are very good, but he protects you, pepper, we know each other, just be honest, pepper , please, of course, yes, for you, a pot is a dish or a headdress, of course, yes, but what if? think, of course, yes, good, but do you have anything to do with the group? hi-fi, fi-fi, fi-fi, but there is a mustache, but you can’t see it in front of you, but under the mask, and i’m a pepper, what a mask, i there really is one, seriously, of course, i was born like this, well, whoever you are, respect and respect to you, thank you to all of you too. i ’ll take this and go, thank you, please be careful, don’t run into gorynych’s car, otherwise he’ll do it for you, and he’s mine , they work for me, as i understand it, everyone
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works for him, this is the owner of the showmask, a great entrepreneur , from march 21 in all cinemas of the country a magnificent gift awaits you, a romantic fairy tale, a story of love, a big dream and faith in goodness, a flying ship, let's go to the cinema with the whole family, the whole country, the plan is this: i will build a ship, a flying ship.
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he killed our ksyukha, we need information about one person, he was in our extreme camp, you will find him, 10 days before spring, he was there, burning
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our buses, the premiere, the russians came, who are you going to fight with, with me, here in crimea , on our land, tomorrow 20:00 on ntv, raise the scores! how do you like it, are we going on vacation? class! and we are going for the third year, and we haven’t started saving, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to vtb, it will be even more profitable. let's go to the bank, mountains, skiing, speed. you accumulated faster than you descended. vtb. together everything will work out, hearts sounded in unison, the melody of love played, what a pity, but it was just a dream, goodbye, my hope was fading, but
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parting is reborn, we will see you again, and louder i want to say fireworks, then the feeling is complete, give love and technologies with smart sber speakers, hair technologies give results and they are amazing, use technology and have fun, because this is hairs. everyone says he won't come back, but you you yourself believe that it will return, return at any cost, look now only at kion, where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? sports, an invincible car, let's go, go into space and send mom a star. from the sky, to be
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the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, to turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream, tradition into innovation, only here, in a country on... which never comes in the sun. tinkov. 40 million customers in the largest country in the world. in a separate application vk music all inclusive. only now subscription is 0 rub. for 3 months. go to the app and listen to an endless music library. popular podcasts about all over the world. thousand. audiobooks from classics to new
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releases and your favorite radio stations in an all-inclusive subscription to vk music, sign up for 0 rubles right now, now at the bigfest there are more benefits and a choice of five favorite products at a very competitive price, from march 11 it’s delicious, period, it’s a surprise sale on ozone, have time to surprise, incredible discounts, don’t miss it! now wi-fi equipment polaris with a discount of up to 60%. time for great falcon gifts, discounts up to 70% on everything. if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open a business account on in the last issue , regina asked if this mask always
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looks so impressive. and... that only on weekends, because, as the butterfly admitted, she is a party girl, decide for yourself whether to believe her or not, but for now, meet the personification of spring and love according to philip kerkorov, the butterfly. hello, hello, beautiful butterfly, our meetings are so rare and so short that i i don’t even have time to stop admiring you, they are so bright, good evening, good evening, butterfly, this meeting is especially bright for timur batrudinov, because you met for the first time, yes, hello, grandma, hello,
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timurochka. somehow i immediately liked you, it doesn’t happen that way, that is, you are now like grannies, yes, well, yes, age, age takes its toll, mutual sympathy, butterfly, well, in life we ​​also have it, in life we ​​have sympathy , yes, you constantly compliment me, that’s what he does to everyone, there’s a list from one to a thousand, yes, butterfly, i can i'm going to disappoint you, baby, he's beautiful to everyone. he compliments butterflies and even larvae, is he doing everything right, because there are no ugly butterflies and larvae? about the larvae - this is a slander, i’m waiting for it to pupate , for the butterfly to reach adulthood, before the butterfly sings to us, i would still like to answer honestly, we met at the rehearsal this morning, no, you’re lying like her and said, well, philip, what are you
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like? but she’s a liar, this is lyusya chabotina, and it turns out so strange that with her tour schedule, precisely on these days, when we are filming, the butterfly lucy ends up in moscow, it sounds good, the main butterfly hunter of the country, philip bedrosych, the butterfly ved, butterfly, i now want to draw your attention again, we forgot, it seems small to me huge detail. ketka, a huge heel, a very fragile girl inside the suit , and clearly short in stature, but at the same time very curvy, yes, i just wanted us to listen to the performance of a butterfly today, referring to annilok, well, suddenly, i have a different one there is a version, have you ever sung with masha sheikh, but no, i came with the same version
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today, with sergei lazarev? no either, but i would like to, but it seemed to me from the voice that it could be eva vlasova, yes, she is a very cool singer, yes, she is amazing, very talented, yes. the only thing is that i also brought this version here, but now i look at the butterfly and i understand that after all, eve is much taller, and either i shrank or shrunk, yes, an interesting physical ability pupated, my good one, pupated, let’s say so, well, dear butterfly, for now you can make your wings bang-bang, warm up before the performance, because for now we’ll look at the tips from you. hello my dears! the butterfly is with you again, you have already felt spring, and even if it has not yet gained full strength, i feel with your wings that the wind has become a little warmer, i just adore spring, because it means that there will soon be many, many
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flowers, and what the butterfly still needs warmth, wooding with snowdrops, nalandozh, long, carefree days, a lot of light, a lot of tasty things nectar, this is just paradise, i forage from dusk to dawn. i'm sure you already understand who the most elegant mask is this season. and all because i, like any girl, love bright outfits and shiny jewelry, because they give my image a special zest. i can afford all this thanks to the halva card. with it you can enjoy forgings here now, pay later, thanks to installments for 24 months. well, if you have many credit cards, replace them with one halva card and conveniently pay off your debts within 24 months. check out my butterflies at for details! so, while i
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’m picking out outfits and getting ready for this one, the rest of the insects are still sleeping, but i admit, i don’t miss them at all. it's so hard for me to find true friends among insects. i tried to make friends with the old man, but she makes so much noise with her wings, like a helicopter , you can’t talk at all, the fly also buzzes constantly, and even beats from the heat , i don’t understand this joke at all, the mosquito is constantly squeaking, the ticks are generally sitting in the grass. , the dogs are waiting for a ride, and i a butterfly of a rare species, i have a subtle mental organization, i need intelligent communication, so that i can make it to the stage with my favorite audience and judges, what a butterfly!
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when the distance down i'm back from my feet just the man and his will to survive so many times it happens to fast you change your
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passion for glory don't lose a greip on the dreams of the past you must fight just to keep them alive easy i am the tiger is the king will we take to f for the kill with the skill to survive, i am the tiger is the peel of the fight, rising up to the challenge of arrival,
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and the last n the night and he's watching us always behind, w the distance now i'm not gna stop just a man and his will to survive me i am the tiger in the feel of the fight rise it up to the challenge of arrival and no survival stuck playing the night and he's watching is always cool, oh, bravo, butterfly, god,
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even your microphones are flying, grandma, from a simply legendary song from the no less legendary movie rocky , well, you're in a fighting mood, guess the butterfly, we have there was a feeling that... i don’t want to let you go free at all, with every performance you strengthen our desire to bring you to the finals, you do everything so that we don’t have any chance not to think of you as a finalist, because you are a very cool singer, you are a person who chooses a cool repertoire, and this is not an easy song, but you sang it completely differently, it was clear that you went to rehearsals, because... thank you,
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but i want to note that before release, all masks are carefully selected, the material is selected and on nera especially for you, so that you like it, dear viewers and dear jury , and you are spying on other masks, to be honest, yes, only a little, oh you cunning one, i like pepper, i’ve already even agreed to go to it with him. .. a date, what a delight, i recognize bell peppers, they are always running around on dates, don’t trust anyone, but nevertheless , before us is a talented, beautiful, charming, bright spring butterfly, thank you for the wonderful performance today, thank you, i wanted to ask a question, do you consider yourself very attractive in real life? like this... “it seems to me that in every girl’s life
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there are moments when she looks at herself in the mirror and thinks that she is simply inimitably beautiful, but sometimes you look and think, well , something is not right, and what is not right, that’s what you don’t like it about yourself, you overate, you overate, the butterfly has a beer belly, overeat than overdrink, i don’t drink, eat to your health, oh well done, like pepper, oh, well, i feel the butterfly is in love with peppers, because he’s a billionaire, yes, the butterfly fell for it, after all, the mercantile butterfly, the butterfly fell for it, the billionaire wife, wait, if she loves money, greens, then she is a cabbage butterfly, a cabbage butterfly, a future billionaire's wife, not a billionaire's wife, i like pepper's sense of humor, he's funny. and i love men, if
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they have a billion, if i wanted to marry a billionaire, i would marry timur, how suddenly, i listened, but i heard which one of them wait, no, no, just pointed to batruddinova, but the trick is that she said that a sense of humor is important to her, but if she wanted to marry a billionaire, she would marry timur, that is, she at the same time i complimented you on the fact that you are a billionaire, but at the same time you have kind of humor... yourself, you know, but i wanted to know more, wait, excuse me, one question, you sang in a duet for a long time, there was a case, you took part in competitions , not always, there is a version that under the mask of a butterfly there is a unique, beautiful, sexy singer with an incredible timbre, seville, i also thought, or we already talked about this topic last time, i adore this girl. i know one butterfly
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that loves to eat, but it’s practically does not affect her figure in any way, she is charming, and i constantly show her signs of attention, too, so klava koka, you give compliments, played too, and we told you, grandma, and we warned you. by taxi plans for the evening, plans for the evening, we'll see you at the vote , see you soon, butterfly, fly, meet, my loves, double nectar is waiting for you behind the stage, our bartender has already prepared it, but... the intonation is very similar to klava, timuri. after the last performance, this mask was jumping on the bed so much, that we even thought, maybe it’s not a striping raccoon, but a jumping raccoon. we conducted
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a thorough investigation behind the scenes, it turned out that no, after all, poloskkun, at least he is good at rinsing his brains. it turns out, meet raccoon. genot, hello, hello everyone. listen, timur, in fact, this is one of the few participants who... absolutely relaxed, here, he doesn’t worry, doesn’t worry, just enjoys it, sometimes he even gets cocky, it’s obvious, he’s an ambassador of relaxation, it’s valerian, that’s it, let’s be honest, or motherwort, and you often use sedatives, no, i often do laundry, it calms me down, well done, timur, i need
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to wash something, it’s expensive, you’re a multi-billionaire. no problem, we'll launder a couple of billions. it seems to me that if you give a raccoon a washing machine, then he will lose the meaning of life, so continue to rinse and rinse the brains of the whole country in the form of tips. hello everyone, genot is with you, i already realized that you can’t cook porridge with you, you never have any goodies, but okay, i took mine, by the way. i'm now the most fashionable raccoon in the forest, i have a jacket philip kerkorov himself, now all the animals come to visit me, they want to try it on, there was an elk yesterday, it almost tore it, it’s already a healthy elk, but it’s fun, every day i have guests
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, and i treat them to mushroom soup or jam , then with condensed milk, then all together, you say, is this not useful? you’re mistaken , it’s always good to eat, here the cat and i are kindred spirits, i also love treats, diet is not for me, and you also come to visit, otherwise we’ve known each other there for a long time, and you’ve never been to my hole before, by the way, you don't need suits wash, i want to wash and rinse, well, not for free of course, i’m thinking about opening my laundry for...
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you look for where it is, and i’ll run the stage, who knows what else will fall from the judges? oh, this is my song, the train carries away into the distance. the train made you sad that you couldn’t forgive you, live with it forever, we said goodbye , we promised, not to meet, doesn’t suit you, black and white, lonely, no lonely
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nights, you’re unlucky, you run away, leave. you will regret it later and you will ask me to forget the day in which you and i now, we said goodbye, we promised... not to meet, doesn’t see you, black and white light, lonely days, lonely nights, doesn’t weigh yourself, run away. you leave your dreams behind, your dreams don’t suit you, the black and white color of lonely days
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, lonely nights is not fun, you run away, you look like you now.
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how suitable is this black and white color for you, the black and white color was magnificent, i ’m talking about the song and about you in this very thing, in this black attire. white, it was great, very unexpected, thank you for choosing the song, i sing it in my concerts every time
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it, because everyone loves it very much, they remember singing the choir with me, but what i just noticed is something amazing, firstly, the raccoon sang in a completely different voice today, in timbre, in articulation, it very much reminded me of the style of singing today keti tapuria, it’s really very or... it means that the raccoon specifically led us along this path today, so that we would finally move away from our some kind of stable version, it takes us in this direction, no, no, no, no , once again, no, and today's performance of the raccoon on stage took me back to the first program and my belief that anni loroc was hiding there. even at the end she forgot that she was a raccoon , she was so happy that she succeeded , that’s how she rejoices, that’s how she rejoices on stage, not lorak, just like that, listen, what
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a synchronization you had with the ballet, just incredible , this is how much work was put into the fact that they are expensive, especially while wearing these masks, guys, we always forget that some people have 10 kg on them, some have 15 kg, but i don’t know on a raccoon how much does this hat weigh, that's it
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it’s hard to breathe, he’s just a weasel, he’s still a drinker, he’s also a dancer, he’s a great dancer, i agree with katya tapuria’s version, another version is yulia sievert, yulia sievert has already announced her departure from the stage, maybe for the sake of the mask and leaving with scenes in a mask, the raccoon is a very professional artist, firstly, the raccoon, it seems to me that this is your best performance, from the point of view of plasticity, from the point of view of vocals, the raccoon came out so organically. went back into the choreography, that there was a feeling that he was constantly dancing in sync, it’s true, i completely agree with you, but i have
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another version that i can’t help but say, it seems to me that iowa can... stop being surprised, because here one performance is brighter than the other, but what if you didn’t have time for the start of the mask or want see the performances of your favorite heroes again, you can watch the program again in a separate application in vk video. download the application, watch on any device, at any time, watch showmask and even more in vk video. in the show: the mask hides faces, but
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the tick is thin, katya vannik is colored, the pancakes come in different varieties, until... in the last episode , valeria and the cat had an interesting dialogue: do you go to karaoke? asked valeria, to which the mustache replied: “i don’t like it when music distracts from food? meet the charming, lazy cat, the favorite of millions!”
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cat, our charming cat, timur, you also have a cat, i have a cat, and i just wanted to scratch the kitten behind the ear right away, i can do it for you, i’m scratching his ear. of course you need to get moving, run around, i know one lazy person who likes to eat more than sing, what’s his name, what’s his name, my task is to make sure i don’t guess anyone, i ’m guessing, to be honest, maybe it’s an azamat there, and you’re a good guy, you’re a bad guy, in my opinion, we’ve acquired the cossack’s name from us, yes, it will be difficult for us today, of course, he’ll beat him up.
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chi udikue. kridin. i see you love complex letter combinations. i'm clouding mine. i'll have some tea chiutli kue, it's that simple. and her husband, joke
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kutli. all. well, dear friends, tips. kiss meow to everyone. how are you, my dear little murziks. did you miss me? of course, without cats. life is different, it’s not me who’s saying this, it’s folk wisdom, don’t you agree? oh, yesterday i had such an eventful day, it was just a bomb. first, that means, i played with a ball of mittens, and then i went, ate and slept. i love this. do you like such busy days? is this called linitis? i gotta do it now my favorite month is coming, march. dear people, sometimes you complain, well, codes are screaming under the windows, but by the way, this
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is what love sounds like, we simply cannot be silent when this feeling comes to us, have respect, we also don’t like it when you get ready for work in the morning. you turn it on, you’re preventing us from sleeping, do we need a cat? it is necessary to watch dreams, they are things for us, but stress can be like that, and in general, if i sang under the window half the night, and jumped on the closets half the night, when should i rest, during the day, of course, so the next when your cat is sleeping, you quietly get ready by touch, don’t rattle the keys , don’t slam the door, gracefully, on soft paws , leave the house and the door, close it, understand everything, and so that without any catcalling to me, okay, i’ll go on stage to the audience, and you learn from me how to
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move carefully and gracefully. when the lights come on, wow, the city will expire. drink up, forgetting worries and affairs, it’s high time for you to go, dance, dance, girls dance, and let the guys stand all the time, dance, dance, dance, girls, let the guys stand,
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when the lanterns come on, the city lights up until dawn, forget worries and affairs, you paint your lips a bright color, where the music is light, it’s time for you to go.
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oh, the mind of these leaves is a whirlwind, today you will be carried away until the endless gray days, holy shit , every arrow is clear, changing right before your eyes, running somewhere faster and faster,
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i love this genre, this style, such folk, my dear, like me i love this aesthetic, how i’m crossed with a priest, it’s just cool, we were all shaking our butts as much as we could, having fun, i’m already out of breath, you know, i’m so i danced, you made me dance, cat, such an incredible presentation, you are so mysterious on the outside and so cheerful, so cheerful inside, hiding an incredible person with such.
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with these vocals, just an amazing number, even though the cat asked the guys to stand aside, it still didn’t work, even philip started dancing, it was impossible to sit still, because it was very cool, and this is such folklore folk presentation, you were not surprised, it’s just as if a person is familiar with the folk culture of our country, once again the cat was just misleading, well, here, as soon as you hear folk music. right away, well, who starts pilagea with pilagea, there is someone else pilagea , there is kadysheva, there is babkina, there is also the lead singer of the group zventa sventana, tina kuznetsova, why not, nadezhda babkina, you even sang with her, i even sang with her, yes sasha savelyeva too, sasha savelyeva, yes, she sings folk music, listen, well, since we are talking, since we are talking about such a manner in such a manner, despite her opera education and tosya chaikina sings. what do you think
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daughter-in-law, i absolutely understand why the cat has immunity, because you definitely don’t want to part with such a kitty, kitty, you ’re gorgeous, purr-meow, can i confess, i just got lost in the curtains, this is how it turned out to be a hit, this is how a fashion designer is born, draws lera just said, says who? one of our artists draws in the prompt was like this. i recently read a fact about diana arbenina, that she is an artist, and i also remembered that i recently watched one artist travel...
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cat, we’re letting you go backstage, see you at voting, just please don’t fall asleep in a convenient box somewhere, because you can sleep through the premiere of the wonderful romantic fairy tale, the flying ship, which will be released in cinemas across the country on march 21. i went to bed, yes, but don’t sleep through the premiere, we’ll meet you at the vote. and now the first audience vote, i ask the participants of the first group to come to us: pepper, butterfly, raccoon, cat, we are waiting for you.
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i can’t even ask, what’s going on here? pepper gives a bouquet of butterflies, butterflies? wedding, look, there's a raccoon witness, or a witness, here is an angel standing, a bridesmaid, what a bridesmaid, this is a woman in the zakse who reads the vows, do you agree, we need a red folder, urgently, of course. and the raccoon is a man who plays the keys in the zaksa, listen, and our entertainment program is ready, a gift from each member lived musically bitterly, bitterly, bitterly, now a pepper butterfly will appear, we will now have
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a wedding vote, judging apparently, we have never had anything like this before, so, dear viewers, it’s all the more interesting, take it in your hands remotes, now you will need to choose only one, the one who will become the first nominee to remove the mask, which means that today in the finale of the episode he can leave the show. let's determine who will be the first contender. voting goes like this: all viewers in the hall take part in the selection; the participant who now receives the most votes from viewers will become the first nominee to be eliminated from the show. let's vote. voting has been stopped. friends, the struggle was very intense. and it gets nominated with
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32.2% of the audience votes. to me we'll have to separate this couple for a while. before you go to the nomination. butterfly. next week and we are waiting for your new musical reincarnations, see you, raccoon cat, congratulations, we will see you already pepper, we need to concentrate on ourselves in the competition, well, on the butterfly, on more planes, and girls then girls later, yes, maybe he gave a bouquet and said, dear, even if i get nominated, i have already found the main thing in this project, of course, how sweet it is! don't be upset, pepper, there's always a chance, because you're in the final vote either the audience or the jury can save. we all love stories about love, a big dream and goodness, and if at the same time the music
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we love from childhood sounds, this is actually what we have been waiting for a long time. polina gagarina, leonid ermolnik, sergei garmash, fyodor dobronravov and other favorite actors. era tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. the pain can
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vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin. let's do without pain. hearts sounded in unison. the melody of love played. what a pity, but it was just a dream. goodbye, my hope was fading. overwriting is rebuying. we'll see you again. and i want to say fireworks louder, then the feeling. at a glance. give love and technology with sums of sberbank columns. my skin looks dry and dull, but now i have lapbiom from natura siberica. the lysate polyphenol complex in siberian chaga helps protect the microbiome, while liposamal hyaluronic acid deeply hydrates. i am again happy with my perfect skin, we are weakening from natura siberica. entrepreneurs, let's approach one by one, don't we detain people. what's going on here? didn't you know? you transfer money from your business account to your personal account. you pay the rent.
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what century do you live in? which bank do you use? individual entrepreneurs. btb does not charge commissions on transfers to your personal account. open a business account on vtb is a bank for your business. or maybe you and i should also open an account at vtb? renostp helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price. arenasop - double help promotes. restoration of the mucous membrane for each has its own wine. place meeting tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. for health and well-being, you need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. you don't have that option. a compact home cardio machine has all the functions of a full-fledged cardio machine, but takes up minimal space. an ideal solution for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. life and wants to improve his health without leaving home and without throwing money away. regular exercise
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without visiting the hairdresser, the nose trimmer will carefully remove unwanted hairs in the nose and ears, call and order a three-in -one razor leamax razer for rub 1,999. but call us right now and the razor will be yours for only 1,699 rubles. but only. today we have a free moisturizing aftershave lotion. liamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website 10 days until spring. premiere. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. the second group of participants of the fifth edition. in the last issue, regina made a compatibility layout. matryoshkas and philip kirkorov. the alignment went wrong. and showed that the compatibility of the explosion. nothing good will come of this, it’s better to immediately run away from the project, but our
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matryoshka turned out to be not a timid ten , she took this forecast as a challenge , meet the real russian matryoshka woman. hello little mother, well, i want to say, you just a heroine, because after what happened in the last issue, you found the strength in yourself, pulled yourself together and came to us again, and what happened, the layout for philip bidrosovich and matryoshka, oh, these riginine layouts, i remember them myself, but you know, these layouts suit me, i’m already just anticipating them. that moment when the little mother takes off this beautiful headdress, and there will be, perhaps, the same one
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with whom i really sympathize today, there is a very beautiful woman who sings very well. please tell me, did you work in group reflex? well, i’ll tell you this, well, well, how did i work, in general, i won’t tell you about the other one, as it is, but did you win the yalta moscow transit competition? i don’t remember such competitions, did you participate in musicals? well, philip took part, that’s all.
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tish, but i have a capacity with her , now, when i hear the tips, i ’ll immediately lay everything out for you, just throw off the money , just throw off the bill, i’ll throw off a kilogram of billions for you, such a beautiful woman, she should tell the truth at least once, not to lie all the time, so we look at the clues, look for the truth, good evening, my friends, the matryoshka is with you again, “spring is not only outside the window, but on the matryoshka. yes, yes, exactly, just look at what beautiful flowers i have on my dress, you also noticed that in the sun they turn from buds into luxurious flowers, but if i’m happy about the flowers, then i’m afraid of one thing, maybe in the spring more
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bunches will bloom, look, they haven’t pecked anywhere.” oh, good, because this happened to my motryoshka friends. by the way, my dears, do you have nesting dolls at home? oh, don’t be embarrassed, this is very good, i need to find friends, and you are good men, well-mannered, work, and also silent and reliable, i’ll tell you next time. i’ll bring their photos, and then you’ll see, by the end of the season you’ll be together? but people often ask me not about the matryoshka friends, but about the nutcracker? for some reason they think, since we are both wooden, we are relatives. my dears, firstly, i don’t spread gossip, and secondly, the nutcracker is not free, he’s busy, so,
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dear tv viewer, i hope you... go send telegrams with questions about where you can meet him, that’s it, men, you you think about the nesting dolls of your dreams, and i ran to sing, see you, oh well
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, but don't make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy, so you want to play with magic, but you should know what you found for, maybe do to do this, cuz we come and let you like dog, are you ready and flor, ren and flow, a brook stone, freak store.
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want to play with magic, oh you should know what you f, you should know, do this, you're
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ready for ready for a perfect star, perfect, perfect,
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the brightest number of our matryoshka, so far from all those that we seen, from the vocals, from the staging, from the interaction with the dancers, everything was so precise, every movement was not accidental, and the number was amazingly staged, and what kind of costumes, kzhel, these gates, either a growth oven, or a gate, and what kind of deflection there was, it’s simply impossible, nesting dolls usually don’t have such deflections they do, there is a tree in the way. the way she moved amazingly, it’s absolutely clear that before us is a great artist, a great singer, a great
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dancer and musician, i also have a new version, i already mentioned this name and it seemed to me that i found her in a butterfly, i’m talking about the beautiful dasha blakhina, she can speak in different voices, she sings beautifully, she is very beautiful, i look at those doll eyes and remember dasha’s eyes. maybe this costume was chosen for this reason, either the producer or tell you that the dancer or dasha she she listen i think that the artists can’t help but dance on the mask, well, no, there ’s a person here who’s been dancing for a long time, he’s well versed in movements, you even understand this voluminous costume there it wasn’t just the legs that moved, the hips moved , the whole body moved, very expressive hands.
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wait, it seems to me that that artist who we placed in another mask may be hiding there, dancing very well, really excellent, phenomenally great dancing and singing, eva vlasova, so she may be in a matryoshka, timur the hare, the matryoshka number captivated you, how i understand, yes i absolutely conquered. timur and tosya chaikina nothing will work out 40% compatibility is nothing timur and maksimova elena nothing will work out there even worse , she even made the alignment for you and elena vainga here too. nothing will work, 0% compatibility, all of the listed artists are not there, only with timur
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rodriguez, you are doing very well, both are independent, both move at the speed of light, an excellent tandem, friends, by the way, we are an excellent tandem, we introduced an amazing show on the ntv channel, the mass gon show, in which, by the way, our slava makarov participated wonderfully. hello, and you say, numerology is nonsense, numerology and herbs will save this world, matryoshka, it was great, continue to confuse us, we sincerely.
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margarita is already at the cinema, why did you come to our office? 3 rubles, if you don’t bring it, it will happen every day, but i’m tired of being a chespan, i want to go with the boys, you brought him, you get up with him, you’re screwed, boy, now with us, i’d like to pay for the horn, cutting off a car, that’s our road, i’ll give it back.
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you've driven your mother crazy, maybe your boys will save you when you're drowning, you're a kid now, you're off the street now, and you're lying all around, a boy's word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, soon on ntv, 10 days until spring , premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, so much to do? we can handle it, because i have complex vision. just one tablet a day to support health, performance and well-being. complevit is a vitamin and mineral complex of 21 components, 11 vitamins, eight minerals, rutin, lipoic acid. complements every day at an affordable price. alyon, shopping and gifting again. on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. pure
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products without harmful additives, this is the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones, and also the top choice, top quality 20% cashback on everything, multicookers with ceramic bowl for only 5.499 in emidio and eldorado, for dad, for mom, for brother, for woman, for grandmother, for a navigator in the car, for a tablet, for a smart watch, for home security, for a garage door, this is... .. this is how it plays, it’s all in my dad’s general balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, top up only one number, all the rest will be paid automatically, it’s convenient, it doesn’t fit into the bear anymore, it fits into the general balance by your side when you want to please your loved ones, yourself, but your toad vs. split the payment into parts with
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yandex split, split everything you want in different stores without overpayments. to be a woman is to wake up with the first rays of the sun, but allow yourself to lie down for another minute for your pleasure. or maybe it is above any stereotypes, or to meet the one who protects family comfort. or maybe it’s to give free rein to your feelings and... to be the one who needs care so much, maybe to be a woman is to inspire others, or maybe to find inspiration for yourself, to appreciate the beauty of the world, to create it yourself, to be a woman is to be different , to combine incompatible things, to be yourself and to be the most beautiful version of yourself, to be a woman is simply
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fantastic, march 8 got caught feel the silky softness of the absorbent pharynx pads deluxe for the most delicate skin of the pharynx good where the care is a bunch with sesame seeds two cutlets with onions special sauce cheese salads cucumbers legendary pete it's big hit big hit only pain with care for those closest to you, precise decision, free movement, entrepreneurs, come one at a time, don't hold up people, what 's going on here and you didn't know, translate money from your business account, cash,
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you pay a fee, what century do you live in, what bank do you use, individual entrepreneurs, vtb does not charge a commission on transfers to your personal account, open a business account on vtb is a bank for your business, but maybe you and i can also open an account at vtb? in the last issue , valeria tried to find out if he likes expensive watches and cars. regina tried to determine his personality by his height, and philip admitted that he was mistaken about him, since he did not immediately recognize the aristocrat. meet the mask that swims behind the buoys of imagination. shark!
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the question is, what does a person see inside, through the mouth, there is an assumption that through a duck, there is no inside, there is a shark here, to be honest, i also immediately thought about the duck, philip , forgive me, she is with me again, but i’m already used to it , and then i realized, she is your talisman, a shark, dear, dear, let her bring you good luck, because she really is, she is bright. she’s yellow, she’s like the sun, oh, that’s a radiant hollywood smile, like a shark, everything seems to be clear, but not a damn thing is clear, so that’s it, your wife is pregnant, congratulations, it’s starting
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, isn’t it, how do you know, and maybe yes, yes, the perfect start, you’re an insemination shark, i’m afraid to imagine who, ducks? lord, no, okay, let's move on, you like to sing, yes, and you like to produce, no, not at all, you have a daughter, not at all, no, you have a daughter, no, yes you have a daughter, not yet , i think the wind is blowing in the direction of the artist, singer, producer, elman. that's how things are, a wonderful version, dear shark, soon in all cinemas countries we will see the film flying ship, oh, i 'll go, there are three heroines: princess zabava,
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baba yaga, an overseas aristocratic witch, lady jane. how, which one will you choose as your life partner? no one, i’m already busy, and spawning is according to plan, right? but at the cinema on march 21, go to the premiere, definitely, definitely, like everyone else , maybe he’s in the leading role, i think he’s already got it planned, if he’s playing there, well, well, i know what we have planned next , i'm talking about tips from a shark, hello, there's a shark with you, i'm coming to you not from the still waters, but from the pacific ocean, like... yes, i’m here, and not there, it’s really quiet, but when i’m there, it’s very loud, eh, why am i so cheerful today, because i found myself a killer whale in moscow, mm, as they say , fire fish,
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lives in the aquarium, she allowed me to stay with her while i was participating in the project, and how we met, i invited her to the cinema premiere, which one? don’t you know about the coolest premiere of the season, the romantic fairy tale “the flying ship”, where the actors playing are fyodor dobronravov, leonid ermolnik, polina gagarina, in one of the main roles, a merman, a brotherly heart, so to speak, you can also sign up for yourself from march 21 in all cinemas in the country, but as for the killer whale, i’m afraid i won’t be with her for long. then i’ll still sail back to my ocean, that’s life, but i’m not heartless, i’ll send her my songs, like the guys, how long have you been sending them?
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they sing, in other shows there is some kind of dominance of people, it’s strange, look how cool we are, and by the way, i have an idea for the series word sharks, guys, read the script, but for now i’ll go let's stir up the stage waters a little. yes, i know how
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crazy it is, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you , love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, i don't know , where are you looking, i don’t know where are you looking, we’re going around in circles. the head just kissed you, it’s like acid decay, like falling from the sky onto asphalt, why would i do this, why, who would i be with, who knows who, darkness covers them all, only with you it wasn’t like that, only with you it wasn’t like that, my love, but i love you, i love you. oh i love, i want to be alone with you, i want to be with you, but
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i love you, i love, i love , i want to be alone with you, i want to be with you, like the moon, you give birth to a tide, in my heart, in my thoughts, but my sails are flapping, what 's your stern, i'm tired, let me break the chains, let me hug you tenderly , yes, i know how crazy you go, if you want to find out for yourself, if you want to find out for yourself, love, my, but i love you, love, love, i want to be alone with you, i want to be with you, but... i love you, i love,
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i love, i want to be alone with you, i want to be with you , i don’t know where you are with whom, i don’t know where you are going, i don’t know where we are looking, love, love, love, love, wow, na akula, almost, almost, almost fell into our net, but it’s unknown yet. this is the perfect time when the shark wants to say, “the dog is good.” yeah, well, really, it was amazing. and to be honest. here again is my version from scratch
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, davidik manukyan, dava, better known as dawa, oh well, today it also seemed that he might be there, i saw and heard dawa, i’ll tell you this, he’s hiding under the mask of a shark very talented person, there is a wonderful man who owns good not only with his voice, but also with his body, how... he got up from his knees, he jumped onto his feet from his knees, he can do this, well, i don’t know, either an athlete, or a dancer, or dava, dava, dawa - brilliant dancer, you know , yes, he really is a very talented artist, uh, but why is this so - for these releases of movements, yes, he is stingy in his movements, well, so that we don’t figure him out quickly. because dancing is his strong point, he dances amazingly, i
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agree that if it were, for example, dawa, he would under no circumstances be the opposite i would pour myself with choreography, but... dawa never sang like that, and here, in order to perform this song, you still need certain vocal abilities, it’s not true, you just weren’t, you weren’t, you weren’t with dawa in the studio in karaoke, dava, he just sings such a specific repertoire, but dava sings very well, no, well, look, there is one thing when a person sings well, and another thing when a person sings like this, that is, it was heard here, that it was just now, no, it was audible that the man could sing, i still thought? shark, shark , vakula, vakulenko, maybe it's basta, wow, oh, what a sunset , they swam well, in general they swam interestingly, in fact, they play a musical instrument , they took a dip and almost took a dip now,
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very athletic, but still young, very young an artist, or maybe it’s kirill nagiyev, he also sings, no, i haven’t heard him sing, but maybe... no, she’s young, but she’s already been on stage for quite some time, well , she looks a little like elman, but that’s all- there is something, i don’t know, a smile, a smile, yes, philip, it’s okay that i’m without a circle, my advice, i say it again, the circle is your talisman, an amulet for this project, try, of course, to wear it at least occasionally on... maybe it’s not summer? dear kula, i absolutely agree with philip, inflate your duck, your circle, he may help you in the vote,
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thank you everyone, let him save you today, see you later, well, thank you dear, when will you say it? we recently found out that this is a polyglot mask, because when asked by the jury members to say something in japanese, she immediately said it did, although maybe it was not japanese, but cactusian, the main thing is to confidently say, it’s true, timur batrudinov, oh yes, you speak japanese. thank god we didn't understand anything, now is your chance to speak cactusian, invent, meet cactus,
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hello cactus, hello everyone, whenever a cactus comes out i feel like i 'm watching. i thought we started watching the program in reverse, can you translate? i roughly said: dear cactus, i’m glad to see you, i hope you’re not married, straight away, in cactusian there is no word for you, the mask is fraught with intrigue, mystery and some kind of improbability, i
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see it for the first time, i’m already delighted, cactus, yes, we met in the kremlin today, again? i know, you always pretend that you don’t notice, but i ’m convinced that either the butterfly, or, well, the butterfly is somewhere 70 to 30, but here it’s just 80 to 20, 90 to 10 in favor of the fact that here is lyusya chebotina, and here is lyusya chebotina , the wandering fifth season, timur, it ’s called, our elusive artists timur, no, no, it’s not like that, there are other opinions, worlds with space, but i got one too another version, our dear beautiful thorn, but you were not born in moscow, that’s right, yes, you are not from moscow, and are you from
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minsk by chance, no, well, you ’re telling the truth now, yes, yes, but are you writing? songs for other artists, yes, yes, yes, and you dance a lot on stage, i dance, yes, but it seems to me that under this mask there may be... bianca, wow, what a beautiful version, amazing, maybe we let's listen to the number of our cactus today, we'll make sure of this, since bianca went like this, and we have no other options, we 'll listen to the number of rigin anyway, but i want to say that there is less and less water in our tips, look for the truth, tips from the cactus, everyone. green, then not yet ripe, ripe, ripe for
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the big stage, and even learned the main words: is the party with you again? don’t you think that if i say hello, olimpiysky, you can’t be heard , you can’t be heard, it’s because i can see far away, and my ears are not so sensitive, by the way, i want to tell the whole country that you don’t need me put. there is a computer near the monitor, i don’t promise to protect you from anything, but you know what will protect you, walks in the fresh air, you look, spring is outside the window, it’s time to go outside, watch how nature awakens, you have such beautiful nature, it’s not like that at home, the desert, it’s the same color in winter and summer, but for us there are cacti. here you have one catch, on the one hand there are no camels, no one will covet my thorns, you can walk without
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turning around, but on the other hand a cat is approaching me, i saw how he sharpened his claws on a birch tree and looked at me with an extremely interested look, i also watched the puppy, he walked near the trees, and it was better you don’t know what he did with them, i’m now thinking, what if he... confuses me with a tree , you saw, he has fur, he closes all his eyes, oh, if anything happens, you drive him away from me, okay, then traditions, let's throw our fists at good luck and i'll run up the stage to sing my song.
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for all that you want, it's another blaver , yeah, all that you want, all about your
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bombs, all about your bombs, so if you are inside and the day is right, she's the hunter, you're the boss, the can 't tell boys to talk to you, one talk forever, it's you like the special. but the morning is goodbye flashing her eyes she's going to get you all that you want is another baby she's gone tomorrow boy all that you w is another b yeah all that to one is another baby she's gone tomorrow boy all back to those in
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thank you, cactus, you are gorgeous , magnificent, took us back to the nineties, it was wonderful in green, it’s the same song, it was cool right away, considering that our respected artists who hide behind
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masks disguise themselves in every possible way, i will walk on the surface. i remembered another one a prickly performer, a christmas tree, also green, also prickly, it could also very well be, everything matches, everything matches, well, that’s how bianca told me, that’s how i saw bianca to the end today, judging by how thin bianca has lost today, in what she’s in shape, now lera just showed her photos and bianca lost 32 kg, how did you do it, every show is here... i’m losing a kilogram, and it’s not just me, it seems to me that we won’t recognize half of show business , wow, and my husband gained weight, like 15, so i asked him too, so joseph is just on the mass, this okay, from experience, well, it’s a good version, yes, it seems to me that it can be calm, but i still also like the version of katya adushkina,
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which we offered last time... but today i saw, yes, yes, i heard the singer, who sings “gagarin, yes, we heard, miyaboyka, but just her little voice, so a little cartoonish, so high, remember, there was such a girl, a taxi sang in french, her name was vanesa, that’s how our vanessa parodi was, but she i tried so hard to hide it." your own timbre voices behind this pretty timboros, yes, that she was playing today, before us is a most professional artist, the most popular , who dances, sings, and can do whatever she wants with her voices, a very interesting person, philip actually has experience, and i dream of seeing him as a producer,
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have you tried it or just wanted to hire someone? i have a whole gallery of green plants in this regard, yes, yes , a gallery gallery and now it will be like a herbarium cactus and anastasia sotskaya loroc sergey lazarev dima bilan, the tolmachevy sisters, the darredos group, natasha gordienko, everything was done with these hands, but the cactus, well done, thank you very much, thank you for the offer. i really like it when there are strong personalities nearby and it’s interesting to compete with them somewhere, argue and maybe create something together. it’s obvious that she made her way on her own. well done, yes, well, dear cactus, as far as i know, thanks to these spines, you absorb moisture, so drink some water, we’ll see you at the vote, you’re cool. cactus, thanks,
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bye. friends, quickly scan the camera qr code and install an exclusive set of stickers with new masks, star jury members and project hosts. all details in the official community, we have a new neighbor, who is he? my good friend, he doesn’t host anyone , he must be educated, let me introduce you , and negen is already in the cinema, everything that interests you is collected in vk video, even the show, what happened next, even, and also his own exclusives shows, and even top bloggers have vk video, well , there is, and that doesn’t happen here, everything that interests you is now available for vk video applications,
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the plan is this: i built a ship, a flying ship. raise your hand, please, i don’t see you, do you see me, the death of the enemy, who are the enemies too, are you bashing the berk? so this is him, our ksyukha, away from all your asses, please stop me, for ksyukha, for her laughter! eh, good, who are you, muscovite, i’m a doctor, now i’m also a muscovite, i’m also a negilyak, well, i would have gone to my own moscow then, you don’t want to go
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, i can’t stay, my father was there, we are them , now on opposite sides, crimea cannot be given away, i am for russia, you understand what we are up to let's go, dad, go away, they will kill you, 10 days until spring. who is our premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, we have different noses, and we tolerate light differently, it doesn’t breathe, there are different renost for different requests, renaostp helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price, and renost extra with menthol and eucalyptus helps to reduce. the duration of a runny nose is different for everyone, you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank under
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application. free online training with top trainers and sports stars to achieve your sports goals. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. everyone needs gifts again. buy polaris equipment with a discount of up to 70%. entrepreneurs, come one at a time, don’t detain people. what's going on here? didn't you know? you transfer money from your business account to your personal account. throw in a shabrok? what century are you living in? are you in which bank do you use? individual entrepreneurs. btb does not charge commissions on transfers to your personal account. open a business account on vtb is a bank for yours. maybe you and i should also open an account at vdb? in the last issue, valeria said that in four episodes he has matured
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musically, but i am afraid that over the course of the season he may not have grown physically, because then we definitely won’t be able to feed him. the favorite mask of philip kirkorov's children, the cutest well-mannered puppy. hi shinok, hi everyone, hi friends, me i want to say hello to my uncle, who works with my uncle’s dog, hello, uncle, hello, hello, i love you, i love you very much, too.
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with such plump ones, what do you think, is it a male or a female? and well, you know, there are such males, rare bitches, well, i don’t understand, honestly, why? well, friends, why are they all attacking me here? we didn’t run into you, you ’re so cute, puppy, our sunshine, you don’t yet know how they run into you here, the matryoshka suffered such stress last time, that’s why you’re completely in chocolate. i have a nesting doll, well, i’m like a matryoshka, yes, i am i understand, but i, well, okay, let ’s continue with me, but judging by the fact that the puppy was offended, apparently it’s a girl, in general, we have some kind of mysterious detective, i’m a puppy, i’m better than a dog, mysterious detective in the form of clues from a puppy, woof, the puppy is with you again, woof-woof, uncle guards, hello, how are you
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here without me, all the villains were dispersed, and since i didn’t find the mask, there are villains, but here everyone is good and cool, and who are you protecting us from then, i really like it here, woof, woof, because there’s a lot of space here, i can i can jump and run here, i just don’t have much space at home, i also sleep in a basket, well , like in a basket, in a basket? actually, it seems to me that it was a box from under the refrigerator, and the owner says that it’s a basket, so that i wouldn’t be offended that other puppies are sleeping in the basket, and i’m in the box, because there are no baskets of my size, but when i when i grow up, i will have a kennel, the owner has already started dismantling the barn for this purpose, i will probably be the only dog ​​who will have a kennel... with a tv and cows, because
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i love to watch and sing, show, wow, and you know that a dog is man’s best friend, i really want to be friends with you, i ’ll give you each a bone for your birthday, oh, i envy you, maybe i’m better than you i’ll sing a song as a gift, and i’ll keep the bones for myself, super , thank you, then i’ll go and sing on stage right now, and this is for you now, but as if for a birthday, wow, wow, that’s great, i came up with an idea, a talented puppy, talented in everything ,
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class, full of holds, full of dreams, sailing away astern, asking for alarm, englishwoman, return home with god, stone bridge over the water. it’s like you’re not my guard, london, london, i’m a stranger here, bathe london, london home, bathe london! what a dancer,
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for hundreds of years the clock on the tower has called the lords to a feast, and now where will they give us a souvenir full of a cold river as a souvenir? our dreams are being buried, londongay goodbye, i’m a stranger here, lamtam gubtai, he’s having a rest, it’s time to go home, give us a bath, okay forgive me, i’m a stranger here.
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home. well done! well done!
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time to go home! sinok! hello! hello! london goodby, puppy, hello. londonby, moscow, and dear russia, hello! well, we and i, as the chairman, are very interested, timur, who do you think is under the mask of this charming puppy. let's start with gender. well, it's, it's a boy, it's definitely a boy. i have two versions. so. when i heard this false set, as i understand it, at this stage this artist is already covering up in every possible way, he was already showing you something else. today he switched to false set.
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december, so 1973, and what happened to you, i’m not yandex to you, i don’t know, okay, let’s move on, listen, be honest with me, well, this is the year yes 1900, this is when it was like that , yeah, yeah, yes, yes, yes, well, yes, pretend you don’t remember, mother, marina, the severity of the orphanage, i know who my mother is, okay, father vyacheslav , when you got married, you explain to me that if in an orphanage, then these are such children, they don’t know, neither mom, nor dad, son, hello, okay, okay, let’s imagine that you’ve grown up, come on,
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your wife is a lawyer, lawyer, i don’t know, i don’t even know what a lawyer is, but what confuses you, and what confuses you, layer lawyer, well, no, it doesn’t confuse me as much as you did at first? they called it, of course, well, our dog, puppy , i have an idea who might be hiding there, come on, and first of all, i want to say that you have gorgeous hair, i would like to see you in some kind of shampoo advertisement, they they swayed so much when you jumped , any woman would be jealous, fantastic wool, and this is one, two, the performance is amazing, i can’t imagine what you experience there in that costume when you jump and dance, and third, dear puppy, it seems to me that there, under your huge mask, alexander shoa is hiding, wow, maybe your wife, the vocalist
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, i don’t have a wife, this is the place, oh, how do i know this , lord, yes, or maybe, or maybe volodya presnyakov, age test, by the way, a man, i know. chumakov, but it seems to me that he would talk to us on gley every 400 times, why should he fight, why should he fight, but he couldn’t stand it, he couldn’t stand five programs, we had, to be honest , a different version, it was voiced by dima bilan , in my opinion, he also heard zhan velimerov there. but now i hear chumakov exclusively, and now i also heard chumakov, damn it, and i you know what i’ll tell you, thank the viewers , thank you viewers, i read all your comments, i really like the way you put that emoticon, puppy, i’m just like that, you have
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an excellent connection with the viewers, i’m sure that everything is fine with you today it'll work out, puppy, we'll see you at the vote, thank you. second audience vote, i ask the participants of the second group to join us: matryoshka. shark, cactus, puppy, we are waiting for you, the strongest four, but nevertheless, one of you today. unfortunately, it will be nominated, dear viewers, take it in your hands
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remotes, the fate of these beautiful masks is in your hands, now you will need to choose only one of them, the one that will become the second nominee for removing the mask today. all spectators in the hall take part in the selection, the participant who now receives the most audience votes will become the second nominee for elimination from the show, we vote. the voting was stopped, again there was a very intense struggle in the second group, with the result of 32.8% of the audience votes, the second nominee is the bull-bul, the shark. matryoshka, cactus, puppy, congratulations, we we will see you 100% next week, we are waiting
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for you happy, cheerful, charged and , of course, cosmically talented, dear kula, today you become the second nominee, but in the final voting everything can change, you can be saved either by the audience or the jury, therefore, but better blow your lifebuoy, i hope it will definitely work today, see you at the final vote, shark, show mask hide their faces, but impossibilities, and we will not hide that with installments of 24 months for purchases and refinancing credit cards from the card you can afford more halva. holva - opportunities that are hard to miss. this is a new and already your favorite show “stars”.
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each star brought with it 2 million rubles, creating an unrealistic prize fund of 20 million rubles. where does she even get 2 million? maybe there’s a pension there , i don’t know, well, i’m young, i did the right thing, yes, thank god, here’s my 2 million. i didn’t know that i’d be able to sell my pajamas so quickly. only at the end of the project this amount will be received. one team is the winner, but how will we divide the money? 50% for me, 50% for arthur pirozhkov, he and i won’t just make money, we ’ll win an oscar with him, thank you bro, from the bottom of our hearts, we should be black together, i understand, the stars are with azamat musagaliev, what the hell don’t give a fuck, chaliapin, prokhar, don’t give a fuck, chaliapin, who next, mukhtar , or something, i stun, she sits on the splits, all the time, i’ll bury her first in a triangular coffin. next saturday at 21:20 on ntv. 10 days until spring. premiere tomorrow at
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boasted that he was paid in bananas. and at the end added. he was such a handsome guy from birth, and you can’t argue, meet the pink gorilla, the child of the sunset.
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a blank slate and i’ll figure everyone out right away, no, gorilla, hello, hello, you’re a singer, gorila, in this situation, i thought that sometimes a singer would come, sometimes a singer, but in general i’m an animal, we have a lot in common, me too sometimes a singer, but in general i’m an animal, let’s be friends, let’s be friends, great, that’s it, see you at the banana tree.
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romantic comedy, we’ll find out right now . will it be a complicated detective story or clues from gorilla. hello, hello, everyone, with you gary, we missed the charge of positivity, of course, and you know that gorillas are great at climbing trees. yes, we just love it, i can. i’ll show you, there’s a tree here, okay, i’ll show you later, and you also know what i love, sitting in my house, i just love what i’m doing there? yes, like all gorillas , i pour some tea into a mug , i read books, i love detective stories, and you know what a cool house i have, i made it myself from vines and
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sticks, a two-level penthouse, can you imagine, i don’t have any utilities, think about it, it’s cool , yes, really, no electricity yet and no running water, but in life everything is like that, where? maybe it’s a minus, by the way, you know that i’m just a master of camouflage against the background of a pink sunset, you can’t see me at all, i was thinking of staying in moscow and starting my own course on camouflage, you often have pink sunsets here, but it’s strange, and there are pink flamingos standing here, but where are you hiding then? i don’t understand anything, okay, i’ll still think about how to get bananas here in moscow, otherwise my supplies will soon run out,
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now i have no time to think, i need to sing, meet the stage, the gorilla. the aromas of vanilla, wow, oh, how beautiful, sweet water, clouds floating above me, disappearing into the distance, braids being braided, and... how beautiful, the grapevine, creating a smile, and a little
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tears, and a little tears, and the rain on the windows draws, reminding you of your kiss, the whole point is that duty does not risk anything. and i’m afraid that i’ve lost you, i miss you impossibly , i’m very sick, i’m almost dying, and somewhere you won’t recognize anything, and i’m afraid that i’ve lost you, and i’m afraid, ah... you’re on the wrong side, i am a shepherd wife, in funny pictures, we are not
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we find ourselves, we are left in the dark, maybe we are lucky, we are in the hunt for happiness. even my petal, even my petal, it’s like drawing on the windows, reminding you of your bats, the whole point is that the rain doesn’t risk anything, and i ’m afraid that i’ve lost you, it’s impossible to miss you.
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just no, bravo, thank you, thank you very much, i like it when you clap for me, thank you for today so far my favorite mask is the pink gorilla, it did something so completely intangible, but...
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they did it every sound, every rustle in arrangement, in music, thank you very much for this to our girls, huge applause and standing ovation. gorila, you won our hearts, and you probably saw how we were a little discouraged, we couldn’t even find the words to say, because your performance sank into our souls, you are a real artist, you are a very talented person, you
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clearly have a big heart . i would like to note the director’s decision with the disappearing pianos, because not only were they beautiful in themselves, but when they left this scene, they devastated our hearts, which was already torn apart by your performance, everything works out precisely because you have not only incredible musical talent, but crazy fantastic human qualities multiplied by this very talent, which gives this result when we just... thank you, well, if we really guess this artist, then how is it possible in such a torn to pieces, thank you very much at such a young age to feel like that, sing like that, and one more thing i want to note, you know, it’s so joyful that artists appear on our stage, talented, highly cultured , that's all he does on stage, it's very intelligent, but at the same time it
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's modern, because...
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cool, run to the finals, definitely run to the finals, how cool, general you march 8 , thank you, come on, unreal, information partner of the project, long-term unreal, gorilla, unreal, you are cool, industry leader, autoradio radio station, autoradio, moving only forward. where are you going, i'm picking up my brother, there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger to the cinema from march 14, everything you are interested in is collected in vk videos, even the show, what happened next, even exclusives, your own show, and even top bloggers have vk videos, well, there are, there are things like that, everything that interests you , now in the vk video application, 10 days until spring, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00,
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the decision of the jury remained with us. and we all saw how, because of her, philip kirkorov did not regret his own father, vodyanoy. meet harlequin. that's it, harlequin, hi, let's hurry up , i want to go to the toilet, now we'll just cover everything up like this, happy ones, i'm not kidding, it's called a suit, come to my house, my doors are open. i actually thought that, well , the character came out without a mask, timur, i’ll tell you a little backstory, in general, harlequin is the most favorite mask of philip bedrrosovich, and for the sake of harlequin, he did not spare vodyanoy for
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last week, although i thought that his father was in the merman, we will not say goodbye to the merman, because we will see a flying ship in the movie. you just confused us with your statement, we didn’t expect it and now we’re embarrassed to ask anything, well, dear harlequin, do you have a wonderful moment? while the clues are coming , hello, i'm arlikin, and you haven't forgotten, of course, it's hard to forget me, last week one very smart person advised me to always
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smile, so now i'll always be in a good mood, and for this i don't have to i need something that our cactus may not be indifferent to, but i need one thing, your love. love from the audience, it illuminates my myth, have you noticed how smart i am today? look how bright the new balls are! yellow, red, green, and this is not in honor of the traffic light, this is in honor of what they invented, spring, why three? but because everything requires a reasonable approach, a solid calculation and a good script, and how else to fill the circus cash register with coins, and the hearts of the public with joy, that’s it, you have to think, but in general i like you, you’re kind! mysterious, the same as our show mask, and
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which participants in this season, one is brighter than the other, it’s not for nothing that the anniversary season, by the way , do you think it’s possible to agree with pepper and zmey gorynych so that they perform in my circus, they won’t burn you don’t know me for such a proposal, i’m telling you, you’re mysterious because you communicate with riddles, unlike me, i would tell you the whole truth, reveal all my cards, now you know what i’ll do, i’ll go on stage, reveal your soul to the audience,
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with all the misery, can i could fit this way
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so gone i put the hold on baby oh it must be love you walks like a love it off like makes it feel all right
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just a holiday, spring, i’m proud, proud of my favorite, you’re even dressed today in support of harlequin. gave that inside this character, amazing, bright , cheerful, funny, there is such a vocalist, completely crazy, with someone with a dimensionless voice, and i don’t know, well, well, this mask has absolutely everything, and the visuals, the content, the abyss of talent , it was really amazing,
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it’s breathtaking, and in my opinion it’s perfect absolutely performance after you have been nominated, because if you are left in...
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your mask, you let us into the world of your skill, you let us into the world of your theater, your performance, you, of course, play with us like a tennis ball, just kind of... then you're a crazy artist, what else are you capable of, what will happen next time, today i'm just completely lost in guessing about who might be hiding there, i got a version, or rather, this version has already been heard. i agree with philip, he voiced it last time, i can see it right here anastasia stotskaya, and in the tips she again tells us that it was arlikin and there was something about the circus, by the way, nastya took part in the circus with the stars, so everything fits together, perfect lera, thank
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you for your support, because if there really is nastya, it will be a great gift for my birthday, because the finale is...
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but also to put your stay on this show on the line and save such a diamond for us, i'm sure this is really just the beginning, whoever you are neither were, because it's simple amazing, thank you very much , once again, i’m even a little sorry now that this didn’t start earlier, i’ll be honest, of course, everything happened the way it should have happened, but what priceless emotions both the jury and the audience received today from the performance, we’ll see you with you at the vote, and i also hope that you and i will see.
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joint problems and take care of you like those closest to you. ambien drugs. active joints for you. alen, shopping again. gifting. on marketplaces with a vtb debit card , 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone. and new neighbors. meet spring with wild greres. fun prints and solid colors from unicute will lift your spirits and add variety to your bedroom interior. choose with discounts on wildberries. it is important for us to stand out so that we can be noticed at any time of the day or night. our work is a race against time and the elements. to win it, we need someone who is fully involved, who is ready to devote himself entirely to the cause.
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up to 50%. a deposit is the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions - it is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate
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of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank online application. deposit is the best interest. it's more profitable with prime. when it seems that everyone is making you nervous on purpose, you need a two-in-one magnirod, economical and convenient. its special magnesium is highly absorbable and requires half as many tablets per course to reduce symptoms of stress. magnirod. bring positivity back into life. in the last issue he invited regina to her for 3:9 lands in khimki. and when she refused him, he asked not to pour more potion into regina. he was probably upset, regina, that you didn’t share the potion with him. meet an amazing mask, three in one. dragon.
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are you seriously? hello everyone , hello ladies, gentlemen, timur, hello, zmeynych, hello , snake, hello, somehow you have a strange reaction, timur, and he was upset because he was upset, and the word is in three parts for me shared everything, got upset, even, what happened, tripolar, tripolar? you line up and you are three people, well three, we are not human, timur, we are actually reptiles, you are three heads, no, i am a snake gorynych, i have three heads, the red one is where, the red one is in place, the red one is in place, the red one has a problem , guys, what's the problem, don't scare him, he was loved, unrequited love, the pressure is skyrocketing, we are suffering
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because of him, who refused him, who? godzilla, godzilla, yes, but godzilla, is it a girl? yes, this is a female, we checked, everyone except the red one, look, godzilla, which is our gorilla, no, gorilla is a gorilla, godila, this is godila, this from the seventh season, but the third, hello, to be honest, hysterical, i didn’t expect it, right?
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i can’t, lord, wait, maybe there , well, then this is a group of plants and not a factory, and i should be some kind of larisa alekseevna, no, well, no, maybe some small one, no, wait , don’t dismiss the option, let’s do it , rubalskaya, pakhmutova pakhmutova and who is the third, help, panarovskaya, well, maybe mozhenarovskaya, and if this is an option, yurik. muglachov and his cats, no, what if there’s someone from zapashny and his tigers, or safronov’s, oh, this is good version, the safronov brothers could be there too, yes, they sing so magnificently, look, yes, it’s all about tricks, but they can conjure a good spell, look, red trick,
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trick, you can focus on the bist, red, ginger. come on, the way he does it is legendary , look, he didn’t tear off his finger, you are our favorite, of course, you are ours too, philip, i always knew that you had good taste, my mouse, my mouse, i got it wrong, you know, i your mouse, i am your mouse, i will eat you, otherwise it was my bunny, these are different, they are both edible belly. not worry, okay, i agree with that too, listen, well, it even seems to me that a woman could be hiding in one of these masks, because it’s true, there may be two men, one of them singing, irina alegorova responded, i’m calling this irin sanna, no, no, not irina, not allegrova, there may be a very popular
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comedian, comedian, stand-up woman irina. great, guys, how are you? i’m with you again, the snake is in the building, i’m in a great mood, the demon has begun, well, should i tell you something again? so, i live at three past nine kingdom in the thirtieth state, a good place, but recently there have been a lot of inhabitants, it used to be that you knew everyone, now every pokemon, every
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turtle carried. he wants to come to us, it’s already very good with us, at 39, milk rivers, jelly banks, vanilla clouds, not life, a fairy tale, so i decided to rest.
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ore, edificierança, misterio,
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il nome mia nessun saprà, sulabora.
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well, just a sizzling performance, zmeynych, philip, over to you, i’m conquered, well, nesondorma is a great work, i never thought. that in the image of gorynych, it will be so in the very heart, it will be so reverent, so subtle , so beautiful, beautiful and you are crafty, in fact, you imagined everything perfectly, if you remember, the last time we performed the beautiful composition of bigis, you asked us to sing an opera sometime, we fulfilled our promise, today we dared this wonderful one, but you too... “you promise a lot, you keep saying, i’m waiting for you in the final, the ball is on your side, the ball is on my side, and i the boy said, the boy will do it, i always keep my promises, but here it’s not even necessary
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promise nothing, because it is already obvious that before us are the finalists of the show, mask, because we are already almost at the equator of our show, thank you very much, from all of us, it was incredible, we want to congratulate all our women on this holiday, be , please, princesses, be princesses! be a wonderful vasilisa, in general , be a fairy tale in our lives, my god, sometimes you can be frogs, and how do these practically tuxedos suit you, how elegant you are, what amazing brand snakes you have, just you, oh you, oh you, you are our favorites, i know who it is, but...
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i won’t tell you, because i want them to reach the final, no, not again, no, that ’s exactly what i know, i don’t allow it, no, i don’t allow it, let’s get together, ivanushka’s group, not well, older, karl marx, friedrich engels and vladimir ilivich lenin, wonderful things, dinosaurs of communism, tell me who it is, you’re making me crazy, philip. well , they, when they expose themselves, they will kill me for this, no, that will happen later, and you think that it’s better, it’s better to kill me later than now, speak quickly, don’t touch everything, don’t touch, timur, hold, timur, hold , look, you can’t hit him, hit him, look, this gesture won’t tell you anything, look, no, no,
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how did you understand what it was, how did you understand, what are they? heart, you can’t deceive the heart , it’s true, but well, well, they are, well, here, well, i, i’m not sure, i think that there is a group of roots, in general, a group of roots, regina should have said, she’s our herbalist, listen, but there is a very important point, what difference does it make who is wearing the snake mask at night, because this is the very case when it is more important not to take off the mask.
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being in these funny shirtfronts, you manage to move us to some kind of crazy state, because it was already beyond touching, and how wonderful you sounded, what an amazing polyphony, of course, how we were waiting for this final note, three funniest masks , and you watch, get wild pleasure and love your talent and thank you and bow to your amazing...
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abilities and the right sense of yourself in this show, because each of your outputs is incredibly accurate, thank you very much for that, well, in general, zmeinovich , after such a performance i can tell you that it will not be easy for you, but nevertheless faster, higher, stronger, you can do it, in the end you have the power of three, one faster, one higher, the other stronger, snake gorynich, we’ll meet at the voting, guys, guys in general,
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well, officially, this is a very talented trinity, and not officially even, however, dear viewers, you will have to make a choice, who? send in a nomination, pick up the remote control, the one who now gets the most votes from the audience in the hall, we don’t envy you at all, and will become the third nominee to be eliminated from the show, we vote as if it were the final song. spectators
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there are no votes for the nomination, this is not fair. the harlequin is sent for the nomination. gorilla and the snake. we will meet you next week, congratulations. you , support orlikin, he really needs your support, dear arlikin, well, you know what will happen next, we have a final vote, either the audience or the jury can save you, and i’ll find out how everything turns out very soon, we’ll meet at the vote , all performances of the fifth edition are completed, the most important thing is ahead, one of the participants will take off the mask, today the nominees are pepper,
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shark, harlequin, pick me up quickly, take me away for 100 mali, and kiss me everywhere, i’m already 18, pick me up quickly, take me away for 100 mali and kiss me everywhere, i’m already an adult, but i love you, love, love,
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thoth whoever now gets the most votes from you will continue to participate in the project. let's vote. voting has been stopped. and with a result of 44.6%. audience votes, today saved continues to participate in our
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show, this is the emotional swing of our show, harlequin was saved, he just got nominated, has already been saved by the audience, congratulations, you continue. now the word is yours, it is you who must decide which of these two should reveal his face today? i ask each of you to name only one name, whoever takes off the mask today will start first in... valery's decision, probably, for all the episodes,
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one mask was a big emotional swing for me. at first there was one version, then there was another version, the sum of these bright moments, some of my internal fluctuations, and i would like pepper to continue the show, the shark takes off the mask, the mask a shark is filming, accepted, timur batrudikov, my criterion is this: i most likely suspect who is hiding under... with a shark mask, so i call it a shark. 2:0. two votes for the shark. timur rodriguez, i would probably like to just give one zapert vote now as support, despite the fact that i like both of these wonderful artists, and i
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really don’t want to suddenly say goodbye to one of you, i want leave.
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akola's smiling mask. philip bidrosovich, let's start with you. this is so at first glance seems to be a smile. and behind the smile, you know, how asked, you know what. david manukyan is there. dawa. accepted. listen, today i proposed elman’s version. let there be singer
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and producer elman. thank you. timur rodriguez, i ’ll name this name now. realizing that most likely he is not there, in the hope that none of us will get there. nathan, accepted, valeria, well, i once thought that dawa was wearing this mask, but i’m not at all sure about it, well, i’ll just call it as it is, out of despair, thank you my battle friend for support, timur, i want to tell akula not to be upset, in any case. his creative path continues, and i understand that this is not very pleasant, but the more confident my version is inside, the more i doubt it, but let it be david manukyan, let ’s accept it, what a shark, what a pity
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to part with you, you cool, smiling, and i really wanted you to take part in our show a little deeper, i’m sure you would have something to surprise us with. but this is how the circumstances developed, so today you will take off your mask, but remember, in any case you are cool shark, we won’t forget you, well, friends, our loved ones are all together, mask. mask , mask, mask, mask, mask, mask, mask, mask, mask, moscow, mask, moscow, shark, mask, swim ashore, try candy and chocolate, red, less calories. no added sugar. red - your love and care. they are ready to do anything for eternal youth. cheeks, there’s
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all, who is this powerful shark? you are simply amazing shows, they are just in my heart, of course, i will say straight away, i am a little offended, because in five episodes i have not shown my genre, my voice at all, this is unfortunately offensive, but you are in my heart, thank you for. your every opinion, we tried to make it cool, i hope it worked out, here it is feature of our show, or you begin to show up earlier and demonstrate all your capabilities and risk being recognized earlier, it’s just very important on my own that arlikin succeeded, i probably was literally missing one step, but it’s cool that someone it’s a success, i stupidly flew out, guys, artyom about...
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everyone, everyone, everyone of the huge team, and the make-up artists, music producers, jury, audience, you ’re all just incredibly cool, i’ll even sometimes miss this complex state inside the costume , all masks are simple heroes, honestly, let's applaud them all , everyone, good luck, good luck, but the jury today will be a sad dance, that's for sure, not the right word, well, artyom, what song would you like
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to perform today, among all that you performed? tell me, girls, your girlfriends, that i am not sleeping, not dreaming at night, that she is the beauty of everyone, she is the cutest game, i myself wanted to admit. but
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i couldn’t find the words, i respect the beautiful eyes of the fire, tell me what else, i don’t wish for happiness that with tender passion...
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if only i had plucked up the courage, i would have told her, in vain you hide that tender you just had passion for me, say goodbye to your stupid mask. i think, on earth and new, i don’t wish for happiness, i have a passion for you, like i cling to yaahov, i want
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to give you my whole life. they are talking about you alone, bravo, bravo, shark, artyom kacher, you watched the fifth episode of the anniversary season. musk show, see you in exactly a week, next sunday, at the same time on mtv.
12:00 am
today, to make a new face or breasts, like going out to buy bread, there would be desires and money, but where to find that same plastic surgeon who... will tarnish dignity, correct flaws, and most importantly will not make you terribly beautiful, we will discuss today: gold threads, silicone implants, fillers, circular lifts and hair transplants, how stars get hooked on the beauty needle and become dependent on plastic surgery. my face is swollen , swollen, everything has moved somewhere, you hang, but it’s back, i don’t want to be a decapriu, i want to be the best, all the plastic surgeons say: yes, you are ours, i left for two weeks with a massive heart attack after what cosmetic procedure did the famous singer lose her face? right i understand that the eyes are not...


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