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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 11, 2024 3:10am-3:56am MSK

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look how beautiful it is, let's go in, of course, let's go, we can't come here, what's the matter, it's a closed party. well, maybe we can
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come to an agreement somehow, a closed party.
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now this floating hotel has been cordoned off, local operatives are already working. why did the cat do this in russia, i thought that he had been in england for a long time. so he has a pretty good business here, a fishing business, in my opinion. for his company is called the wise fisherman. by the way, schubert has a song like this. yes, i didn't get into it.
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oligarch and oligarch, actually max, he was not a simple oligarch, he was valuable to state as a person, he supported various initiatives of federal importance , built orphanages, schools, sponsored the construction of roads, parks, that’s why we were called, now his murder means the disruption of the construction of an important strategic facility, the moscow-volgograd highway, and why would he need his wife, most likely unwanted witness. they say she was expecting a child, firstly, there are no witnesses, no one saw anything, no one heard anything, the corpses have already been taken away, yes, they have been taken away, the forensic experts have already left, you’re so quick, yes, here are photographs from the murder scene, vadim, reception, and there are suspects, yes, there are two, the first is buranov.
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who cares ustinov , kataev’s old friend, security saw him leave the party at night, they found him, no, we’re still looking, his phone is turned off, it’s strange why kotaev’s wife doesn’t have a wedding ring, yes, we also noticed this , most likely, the killer coveted an expensive ring, or she didn’t wear it at all, but we haven’t checked that yet, look, i noticed, what did they shoot with? yes, an ordinary altered injury,
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passengers and staff were taken out into the fresh air, first. everyone was forced into the content room , it’s stuffy, it’s impossible to work there, we’ve been fiddling around for three hours already, so max and i are pushing through ustinov, vadim, anya, you’re here, that’s it, let’s talk to buranov, yes, let’s go, call buranov, buranov.
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it was completely unnecessary for the crucian carp to jump, he wouldn’t have swam across the volga anyway, by the way, this trick was dedicated to you, i appreciated it, buranov, are you stupid or something, and am i talking to you or? with whom? igor, allow me. yes please. thank you. evgeniy, how are you feeling? are you able to talk to us? it's not me. we're not
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saying it was you. why did you run away then if you didn’t kill? and yet, allow me, we will have this conversation. tell me, which ones did you have?
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this is true? tell me, did you drink before you saw kotaev among the visitors or after? after? but this doesn’t mean anything, i didn’t want to approach him at all, i just wanted not to think about him and that’s all. listen, i’m very happy with my current job, they pay the same, plus the river, fresh air. i have there was no reason to kill him, much less his wife. what then?
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max, let’s do some analytics, we need other versions now.
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who, what do you need? hello, i need anatoly ustin, he’s not there, please open the gate, oopsm. i actually don’t know anything about this, open up.
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aside. max, i’m on highway 83, driving towards volkovsk, chasing a suspect, mitsubishi outlander, silver 424. hang out with the nearest traffic police post, let them block it, got it,
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got out of the car, got out of the car, so quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, that's it, i understand everything, turn around, that's it i got it, hands on the car, thank you guys , you worked quickly, but you’re welcome, we ’ll talk to my friend here for now, do you mind, yes, of course, talk, well, in the meantime you can tell me a story. “i need to call my lawyer, this is an illegal detention, call from the cell, now
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you have a chance to tell me why you left the party on the floating hotel so unexpectedly, this is my personal business, i felt bad, or is this already a crime, a crime, if it sounds like a lie, kataev and his wife were killed that same night, wait, what do you mean they were killed?" "like we were with them last night, i can’t understand whether you’re pretending or not, if so, then the game is fake, haven’t you watched the news, listen, slava and i are friends, i i would never, but this can’t happen, well, who, that’s what i’m trying to find out, if you now...
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what does your wife have to do with it? yes, she spies on me everywhere, when i found out that
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you were following on my heels, i thought that it was she who sent you, but now, when she finds out, it’s all over, business, career, everything is over, well, let’s say you repeatedly borrowed money from kotaev , you drew up some debt obligations for yourself, so my wife covered all my debts, that is, you paid off all your debts to him, yes, of course, your wife closed them, that is, listen, believe me, i am not capable of killing, please believe me. i won’t believe it, but i’ll check, i’ll check, in his department, i understand,
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you, nikolai, call me, 10 days until spring, premiere, tomorrow 20:00 on ntv. well, what will you please, comrade officers? our killer used a converted gas pistol with a muffler attached to it. in yaroslavl i managed to install only one. a person who specializes in alterations, and why is there such little demand for weapons in yaroslavl? no, they just mostly use dug ones, well, from the times of the war, oh , that’s it, well, come on, show us your specialist, i’ll forward it. vyacheslav kiparisov, also known as glory to the cpsu,
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carried out his last murder order in the 2000s, then lay low, whereabouts. unknown, but according to rumors he is engaged in converting gas traumatic weapons into combat weapons, here khudyakov, director of the yaroslavl market, the glory of the communist party of the soviet union, carried out several orders for murder in the nineties. khudyakov is kataev’s main competitor. the fact is that kataev’s business suffered greatly from the caviar fish that khudyakov supplied to the market.
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hello to the veterans of the fishing front, guys , but you haven’t seen vasya, what kind of vasya, khudyakov, what is this, this is a khudyak, he was a khudyakov, but how can we communicate with him, maybe you have a mobile phone, what kind of mobile phone, this is fishing, all will you scare away the fish? khudyakov, khudyakov, you won’t wake him up with a gun, he was yesterday i took a good beating, add more firewood, uh, listen, don’t damage the boat, i’ll return it, i
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’ll take it to you now, i’ll return it, don’t be a bully, i said i’ll return it. are you okay, okay, baski, call, come on! yes, hello, vasya, hurry up, they're coming for your soul, you thin guys, stop!
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budyakov, don’t be stupid
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, my boat has just sailed into the caspian sea , that’s for sure, don’t worry, i’ve already told you where it should go, soon it will be towed, it will be towed, you still owe me for the boat , but what’s wrong with you? there are such greyhounds here, i remind you that you are communicating with an employee upsm, if you want to find out who owes what to whom, we can change the location, but no, everything is in order, boss. “don’t be offended, i ’m still a respected person in the city, the director of the market, after all, i’m not used to people running after me like a kid, i won’t fix it somehow,
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my guys, people are wild, not used to society, so you yourself started to run away, so i thought you were from the fisheries inspection, so many fish have disappeared, okay, what can you tell me about fame?” cpsu, what can i tell you? well, we decided with him in the nineties, since then a lot of water has passed under the bridge, we don’t communicate anymore, yes, you probably know everything about me , why do you need me, i’ve already served my time, before the law, cleanly, oh, my boat, thank you, who then ordered kotaev, kotaeva, literally , that the cat was tormented, or what?
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what are you talking about, boss, i haven’t been doing this for about 15 years now, i’m catching fish, that’s all i do. why should i believe you? yes , because slava has been lying with an injured back for two weeks now, he fell, they pushed him unsuccessfully, he can’t get up, he can’t sit down, he can’t wash himself, so what? you got me skinny, old man, for this poaching, wait, boss , we never agreed, and you and i haven’t agreed on anything yet, the address is where
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the cypress trees are, then maybe we’ll agree, okay, okay, wait, we’ll agree, who’s there, captain kuvshinova , i called you. yes, yes, come in, please come in, fedor, this is from the police regarding the matter, we need to look at the rooms and personal belongings of vyacheslav kotaev and his wife. their bedroom is on the second floor, fyodor will show you around. if you don't mind, my partner will take a look while i i'll ask a few questions. fine. gleb, come in. please, thank you, klavdia ivanovna, yes, yes, tell
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me, have you noticed anything suspicious lately, well , there is strange behavior of the owners, phone calls, guests, no, nothing like that, vyacheslav nikolaevich rarely received guests, he can be said to be a guest himself in his own home, that is, he was a guest due to frequent times. yes, she and alla sergeevna lived mainly in england, but she wanted to give birth there, now they came to fill out some papers and say goodbye, so they said goodbye. tell, you didn’t really like the landlady, did you? why do you think so? well, let's call it intuition, about the deceased, it’s either good or not at all. klavdia ivanovna, we are investigating. murder, every little detail is important here, you can call me crazy, but i am convinced that there was a love spell involved, i...
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it’s clear, in general, you didn’t notice anything suspicious. fetya, the head of security, mentioned that he had seen the same car for several days. near the mansion, taxi, what's wrong with this taxi? fedor said that the taxi stood for about an hour, in no one entered the car and no one got out of it.
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so i came to visit, but i don’t have a sanatorium, in order to improve my health here, i rearrange my legs myself.
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anya, there is something. “i didn’t find anything special with kotaev, but with alla, this is your invention , if only an acquaintance from the states had given me this, so what can this thing do, this thing, as you deigned to put it, collects all the necessary information about a person in seconds , analyzes it based on the collected data, selects passwords itself, amazing,
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amazing. despite the fact that we are all homo sapiens, the password for some emails is still made up of birthdays, dog names , closer to the point, well, yes, well, here’s her old email, i haven’t used it for five years, so our alla is not alla at all, i mean, she’s oksana potapava, i found her interesting correspondence with barygo, who trades in false documents. maybe i’ll still check, you’re too fast, well, get out of here, i’ll call the police now, it seems to me that the police will be out of place for your guest, i’ll let the dog out now, goat, goat, goat, ko to me, to me, cousin!
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resisting the arrest and assassination attempt of a upsm employee, while you are sunbathing in the pre-trial detention center, we will add all your sins to the mix, then you are unlikely to drink village milk, but at the same time i answer, one freak stole it, he stole it from you, thank you, don’t make me angry, i answer, i don’t work anymore, where do you get money for treatment, do you think i’m some kind of god? grandma's husband grabbed her in staggering positions? no, i had some savings, so i live on them, i answer, they stuck
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the gun, where, when? about two weeks ago i went to town on business. take laurels, let's hurry up there, i met one, well , they shot at me in an abandoned house, and just this devil comes out of him, me and korish rubbed this and that, and i went back down the stairs, and he apparently teased me, threw the infection down the stairs , while i was coming to my senses, he deceived me and grabbed the bagpipe, what did he look like, what did he look like, an ordinary fraer, but how could that be, but
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an ordinary fraer, he outsmarted you, an experienced mocker, so easily, a rat slayer, and what did he want from your colish? i was looking for the barrel, the sucker thought it was like being in a store, he came to besides the fact that he looked like a fraer , do you remember anything else , he wasn’t wearing a hood, i couldn’t see his mug, he didn’t have one finger on his hand, quiet, quiet, quiet, lie down, what were you thinking? ? should you be held accountable for your deeds? i found a taxi driver who stopped near the kataevs’ house several times. so what? well, some person paid him very well, in an expensive suit, black
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glasses, and there is a special sign. absence of two phalanges on the fingers of the right hand. yes, how do you know? our client showed up to the seller weapons. this means he decided to kill the kotaevs in his own house. yes, i just realized that it was a failure for him. security everywhere, cameras, i didn’t risk it, it’s clear, but what about the new information, gleb was talking about something, by the way, where is he? everyone went and checked one version, which one? version of the black widow, and what is it? in general, the murdered allataeva used to be oksana potapova, she was married four times, not counting the last marriage with vyacheslav kotaev, yes, husbands, all of them are oligarchs, but no, not that oligarchs, although wealthy people, here... a slave, so, these four shortly after marriages, suddenly died unexpectedly , some after a stroke, some after a heart attack, and in hiding nothing suspicious was revealed, the one on the right is apparently alive, that’s right, gleb is just checking all
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the information on him, but the most interesting thing is that the marriage between oksana and korablev have still not officially divorced, she is considered missing, which means it’s alla, oksana, who unexpectedly leaves her husband, then changes her last name. marries kotaev, that ’s true, but it’s not clear why alla, that is , oksana, if she’s a black widow, spared viktor korablev, and kotaev, while he was alive. listen, i don’t know about korablev, but kataev, maybe she fell in love, no, you know, usually black widows don’t have children, but oksana was pregnant. oh-oh-oh, girl, sorry, sorry, for god's sake, sorry, hello! that he dug up something , was spotted at the yaroslavl gas station at the entrance to the city, exactly 3 days before the murder, permanently lives in zarechensk,
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lesnaya street 24, apartment 10, here, of course, it’s not very clearly visible, but in my opinion, the absence of two phalanges is obvious fingers of the right hand, well done, good. this is kotaeva's wedding ring, where are you from? on the social network, on her page, the last photo with her husband was published , here it is 18:25, that is, a few hours before the murder, so we need to visit this korablev, max, call golublev, we need a warrant to search his apartment, the control center. situation, i’m in conflict, send an ambulance
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, please, people are waiting for help from them, dear, my dear, please come quickly, but the rescuers get in the way of ignorance, what are you doing, child if you want horror, stupidity, idiot, give up bandura, clinging to yourself and meanness, musorsky stole my money, and now i will be imprisoned for misuse of the loan. today you are withdrawing your application to balashovo, such a powerful approach, there will still be business proposals, you are leaving zoya and her plant alone. 5 minutes of silence, simbirsk frosts, sorry guys, you asked for it, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. so, here’s another thing from his case: korablev was somehow connected with crime bosses . there was a poker club, but it made a profit i was laundering money through a restaurant, so
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it was closed several times, but each time his friends strangely pulled him out from under arrest, apartment number 15, but it doesn’t look much like a businessman’s home, anya, i’m calling a local witness, okay. viktor korablev, yes, what do you owe, colonel pastukhov, and this is a warrant to search the apartment in connection with the murder of your wife.
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girl, you need dirty bills, why? let me sit down. let's find the clothes you wore when you killed. all this is for examination, of course, i ’ll tell you again, i didn’t kill anyone, but if that’s the case, tell us why you needed vyacheslav kiparisov’s pistol, i don’t know his wife, we’ll find traces of bark on her and send no kiparisov, however, while you explain the presence of allakataeva’s engagement ring in your apartment.
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understood, please note, i loved oksana very much, and i thought that she loved me too, i didn’t know anything, one evening we drank well, wait, well, wait, wait, wait, wait, i want a drink, that’s it , that’s it, let me in, okay, okay, wait, well, that’s enough for some people, okay, i’m a legal wife and have the right to honor of the anniversary to drink to the health of the newlyweds, what is the anniversary, you’ve only been married for a month, the tv show caught fire and the cat’s house caught fire. i
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accidentally, what are you, are you crazy or something , well, i went to get a towel now, you need to clean up here, well, come back quickly, well, the champagne is getting cold , i went to the kitchen for a towel, then what the hell are towels, something correct in general i got upset at some table, i come back and see oksana pouring some kind of powder into my glass? what are you doing? i ask, what is this? what is this what it is? what is it? i ask you, what is this? when i woke up, i realized that oksana had run away, the day before i had deposited a large amount of money into her account, she wanted to open her own business, she said that
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she did not want to serve as a menash, i did not report to the police , because the money was illegal, yes. i hired a detective to find her, and he found her here in yaroslavl, with a different name , married, by that time i already knew that she had been married three times and that all her husbands were dying, i then thought that another fool had fallen for hook, but then came detective, told me that she was pregnant, here i was in faith, for the wedding i begged her to give me a child, she laughed it off. i spoke only after the stamp in my passport, which means that i’m not serious with him, i abandoned business, a local authority was hitting on me, for a long time in the poker club, my friends turned their backs on me, life has lost its meaning, you decided to kill your wife in order to fill your life
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with meaning, she treated me cruelly , she paid for it, why did you steal her ring, out of spite, that someone had money. the bag succeeded to do what i couldn’t do, i wanted to throw away this ring to hell, then, when the emotions subsided, i decided to sell, things haven’t been great for me lately, and the ring costs a lot of money, but first they decided to kill my wife in her in my own home, yes, i watched... i thought about it for several days, but i realized that it was useless, how did you find it? was watching tv, accidentally saw her new husband giving an interview, to whom he said that he wanted to arrange a farewell party on the river, from which they would fly to england, and where allah would give birth to his son, then
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i realized that this was my only chance. thank you, the so-called black widow, law enforcement agencies have not yet commented on our source’s data, but it is known that one of the black widow’s husbands remained alive. yes, it's strange. what exactly? i don't understand this woman. all her life she cynically killed those who loved her, so, well, are such people capable of love? and it seems to me that love was given to her so that before her death she would feel everything that her husbands felt. vadik, is this
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some kind of philosophy? and you don’t go to him cling. we need a little mystical philosophy , well, for... variety won’t hurt, especially since there really is something to think about, just don’t express your thoughts out loud when the investigations are going on, well, so as not to embarrass your comrades, that’s when the case is over, then please, not max, i really can’t, mine are at the dacha, and i promised my wife to sort out the pantry on sunday, well, you know, olga, but... so excuse me, brother, we’ll go fishing next time, so registered with notification, some kind of fine, but no, i’m checking my email, okay, go ahead.


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