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tv   Kodeks chesti-7  NTV  March 11, 2024 3:55am-4:50am MSK

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what is philosophy? and don’t cling to him, a little mystical philosophy , well, for a change, won’t hurt, especially since there really is something to think about, just don’t express your thoughts out loud when these investigations take place, well, so as not to embarrass your comrades, when it’s over, then please, no max, i really can’t. mine are sitting at the dacha, and i promised my wife to sort out the pantry on sunday, well, you know olga, so excuse me, brother, we’ll go fishing next well, it's a registered notice, some kind of fine, but no, i'm checking my email, okay, go ahead.
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i didn’t understand that. i'm worried, is there anyone at home, are you flooding my apartment?
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and no fingerprints were found in the apartment, but in the trash we found an empty bottle of whiskey, we sent it for examination, we are waiting for the results, that’s all. no, we found out that the apartment belongs to a certain evgeniy burnaev, he permanently resides in goa, he has been renting out this apartment for a long time, he communicates with clients via the internet, his father gives them the keys, and accordingly takes the money, with we talked to our father, that’s right, my father is disabled , he rarely leaves the house, he said that a month ago he rented out an apartment to some young woman, he took a month’s rent, for the first , for the last, he gave the keys, in general, everything was as
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usual, but his passport details ? the old man said that he was going to write everything down, but he never got around to it, and she constantly had some excuses, either she would forget, or in general some other nonsense, of course, by the way , he remembered well what she looked like, so she over 30 years old, and green hair, informal, judging by the colonel’s description, she called herself helium, gelya, well and that the green -haired gelo left the phone, no, the old man said that he doesn’t use a mobile phone at all , it’s hard for him, he can’t see well, and he counts cell numbers as too long, and she carefully gave the money once a month at the same time, in the same place without calling, if they needed to negotiate something, he himself called her from home to home, there will be news, inform them immediately, there is.
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sour cream, what are you saying? yes, yes, i almost dismantled the pantry, you know, max, if i have anything in mind, now, max, i’m sorry, i’ll call you back, girl, wait.
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damn it! sorry general, i'll tell you later, sit down, sit down, sit down. when i was cleaning the pantry with an iron on the wing, something like that, let's get down to business, comrade officers, we'll joke later, a scientist working for the defense industry, a certain dmitry olegovich loptev, 35 years old,
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disappeared on the night from sunday to monday along with his colleagues to go for a test, but without warning anyone, didn’t show up at work, didn’t come to the station in the evening, this morning at work ... no, his home phone doesn’t answer, his mobile phone is switched off, of course, the management sounded the alarm, tavich general, and what exactly this locative was doing, who knows, he has the first degree of secrecy, it’s a serious matter, otherwise they wouldn’t bother us , he cut off all my phones in the morning, i asked for possible information, which means he ’s alive in a closed town for scientists, called cherry beam, here is his photo: check it out, he visits moscow on visits, but the address of the apartment where he stays is unknown to us, i think that the famous same general, do you have a version, there is, like
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a head , it doesn’t hurt, it’s okay, it will be stronger. at i’ve also been having trouble with my head lately, it’s noticeable that he’s listening to the shepherds, so i understand, thank you, see you later, they called from the rvd , the fingerprints of the crime boss yakov vetkin were found on a bottle from the pendant, vetkin, we’ll have to run around, a few years ago he left the prison where he is now is unknown, and how do you know everything, i’m surprised, there is one idea, once upon a time this yasha, yasha, did you know each other? no, that’s what they call him blatny. yasha had a joint business with one of our good friends, uncle makar, remember this guy? you will forget him.
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be careful, the doors are opening. like this. your little man will have to wait a little. and you also thought that uncle makarov would work for you for the cops, but the goat and i had a great laugh at your idea, i can’t find this vetkin in our database, moreover, he and yasha were not just business partners, but also best friends, until the mid-2000s, until yasha was abandoned by uncle makar, or something like that, there’s a dark story there, in general, now uncle makar has a big, sharp grudge against yasha. and what do you suggest? again you want to visit uncle makar in the cell, well, to be honest, i missed the balanga,
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makarov, on the way out, but look at the night, chief, not like at will, come on. come on, get ready, scratch with a good tongue, now i’ll just put a bookmark so that i don’t forget where i stopped. let’s go in, i’m already trying to do something, you’ll beat me, depending on how you behave, poke me, what kind of fate, i’m bored, or i need help again, i just need information, everyone needs information, but what in return? in return, you will simply return to your cell and have a restful sleep. something not he’s trying to talk to you,
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come on, boss, excuse me, it’s time to go home, my wife will be worried, i’m not tired of explaining, crucian carp, what kind of boy, stop making me angry, i won’t see that you’re a cop? well, what kind of prayer is this, do i have to sign here? this is an order for your transfer from here to a particularly high security zone, so if you don’t help us, you’ll rot in solitary confinement for another 10 years in a strict prison camp, and we’ll spread a rumor around the zone that uncle makar is collaborating with the cops, how do you like it? it’s in vain that
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we’ll talk, let’s talk. tell me about your friend yasha vetkina? yasha? why didn't you tell me right away? i had a friend like this, you were all gone. i’ll tell you, but you, uncle makar, don’t forget either. he promised that he would find a place in the workshop for pantovo. there was a mazar. let's see, tell me about me, it's hard to find me, almost
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impossible, why? but because it doesn’t happen anywhere, there is really one place where you can find him, but it’s impossible for a mere mortal to get there, he wanted to take my sneakers, i’m sneakers, well, take them off, but what will i wear? let's imagine, they live according to the laws of the streets, for if only we could pay the horn, it’s our road , but you’re an intelligent young man, we ’re the street, we’re the street, we’re the street, we’re the street, we’re the street , they fall in love according to the laws of the streets, do you want me to sing you something about love, our hearts demand change , legs... i’ll steal the bride , yeah, they fight according to the laws of the streets, the boys
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don’t kick, because the power, vova, it’s in the people, the young men, they’ve seen enough of the three musketeers and you think they’re all for one, and they die according to the law of the streets, well, what got you there, forgive me, the boys don’t apologize, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, soon on ntv, it’s a shame we didn’t take up arms after all, not according to the legend, sergei sergeevich, are you sure that the legend will screw up the fighter , there are still options, well, we could have gone as spectators, yes, which box office can buy a ticket there? well, that's it, continue on foot,
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get it out of here, we need yasha, he needs it. new fighters, i’ll ask petro now, hey guys, no need, petro, let’s figure it out ourselves, huh? that’s where our legend lay, yes, they didn’t last long, it would be better if they went as spectators, listen, petro, something’s wrong with the sled answers, sanya, sanya, welcome, what the hell?
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petro, petro, ah! swim, so what , what’s our plan next, we’ll split up, if only we knew, nothing, the war plans will show,
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“we’re like stars now, something like that, and this is what i understand, yasha, my friends, an amazing fight, but no one, including i didn’t have time to bet on you, to be honest, we didn’t come here for this, then why you came, i
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’m interested in the second place, one of you will fight, what if we say no, you have no choice, you're bandaged, the show goes on, so bandaged against bo-bo, bo-bo!
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who wins this brutal battle, will bubo retain the title of invincible? or we will find out a new hero of our club, let the strongest win,
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now it will be boba!
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you're a terminator, put him down on the ground , that's what he's telling you, by the way, tell your
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people to lower the guns, otherwise i 'm nervous right now, my finger on the trigger is twitching, well, they lowered the guns, and now everyone's heading out, the show is over. hurry up, listen, big guy, do you need a special invitation? tell him, bobo, go home, well, yasha, let's talk, let's go inside,
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i'm tired of the fresh air. what do you need, what did you do with dimka loktyev? what does dimka have? how do you know that i was with him? doesn't matter, we know that you were hanging out with him on saturday, just before the one who was kidnapped? what? dimas was kidnapped, what nonsense? we need to know what's wrong with... buddy and it's better for you not to play with us anymore, somehow you don't look like nadimka's buddies, don't be offended, but you don't like his friend either, but i'm the
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worst thing , his close friend, we haven’t talked since school, what school, what are you doing, how old is he and how old are you, the same age as dimka is 35, 35, yes, there is such a rare disease, progeria. not many people on earth are sick and i am among them. wait, is this premature aging or what? yes, at 35 i look and feel like an old man. well, let's say you were the last person to see the elbows before he was kidnapped. the interrogation is just like a prosecutor's, not a mental hour, okay, okay, just kidding. a week ago we had an alumni meeting, dimka dragged me to it, i myself, as you understand, don’t really want to show my beak in front of
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classmates, but dimka convinced me, i went there and quickly realized that they were looking at me like some kind of animal, this infuriated me very much, i got drunk and had a fight with him, shouted at him, and two days later. more details, nikolai? call you,
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10 days until spring, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. yasha took this photo at a meeting of classmates, actually yasha, elbows, gel and lyadov. the information in the thread has not been confirmed.
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the neighbors say that gel hasn’t been home for several months, well, they left an ambush just in case. the owner's father is removable loktev’s apartment was identified by gelivo from a photograph; in fact, she rented an apartment from him. so, what about this third one - lyadov, is there anything on him? yes, lyadov anatoly vladimirovich, 35 years old, our friend and former classmate.
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to be declassified for our investigation, so he is also working on the sight , he invented and is developing a sight called an eye, this is optical coordination equipment and, by the way, they were supposed to go to test this particular device before its disappearance, so what else is there on lyadovo?
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is this mansion the modest home of mr. lyadov? yes, he's pretty good at sights. yes. anh, how are you, ready? check the microphone. yes, everything is fine. there is contact. hello, i’m visiting anatoly vladimirovich, i’m aware. thank you,
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hello, hello, i’m talking about the interview, so, of course, anatoly vladimirovich is already waiting for you, you should go there, thank you, come in, anna sergeevna, hello, hello. you can, you can just anya, great, i don’t like officialdom either, please have a seat, thank you, you are on time, it’s nice, in our time a woman who is not late is a rarity, but i didn’t come for a date, it’s a pity, in this case i would be late , will you have a drink, no, thank you, we’ll proceed as you please.
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anatoly, the editors of our magazine decided to make an article about famous philanthropists and entrepreneurs, and i was tasked with interviewing you, okay, it seems he was getting off on. okay, i hope something comes of this, i think he's unhappy about something, i hope we don't have to calm him down, who knows, hello, it's private here territory. but did anyone come? no, we are standing here because we like it that way. anything else? what should i tell him? sometimes,
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the simpler the better. there is no need to change the main point. jaana should wrap up already. how is she doing? it seems to be finishing. just like that, slowly. i... found a direction in business and organized my own business. anatoly, tell me, can i ask a personal question? give it a try. the fact is that our readers, and especially female readers, are mainly interested in the facts of the personal lives of the heroes. surely you have comrades with with whom you have been friends since school, right? for sure. i have one photo from your recent alumni meeting. tell me who is who, this person, for example, anya, tell me where you got this photo, it’s a secret, journalists don’t disclose their sources, yes,
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your phone is funny, a rarity. yes, i’m used to it, dear as a memory, where did we stop? you can answer, i’m in no hurry, if i answer, you and i are unlikely to be able to come to an agreement, i’m really a very busy person, and remember, time is money, marina, come in please. anya, i have one very important matter, so if you have everything, i don’t dare detain you any longer, but you still haven’t answered me, they’re escorting you out, all the best,
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is there anything else you wanted? yes, excuse me, where are you cleaning?
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hello, no, this is not gelya. listen, you are dmitry loktev, i understand correctly. dmitry, please calm down, i’m captain kuvshinova, from the upsm department. tell us where you are and
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we'll get you out. anatoly vladimirovich, there are some devils herding us here, who are they? i don’t know, i asked them what they were doing here, but they they didn’t want to answer, they’ve been here for a long time. yes, yes, i understood, stay where you are, he ’s back, that’s it, we need to get her out of there.
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cover it, what's wrong with it? ready, don't shoot, we surrender, we're out of ammo, go check it, i'll cover you.
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faster, listen, this is just some kind of oversight, come on faster, i have very little time, where were you looking, anatoly vladimirovich, please forgive me, damn, max, max, damn, max, max. max, quiet, quiet, quiet, and damn it, hold on, max, hold on, shepherd, anatoly vladimirovich, stand, they killed the warbler, and andryukha too, i i give up, where are you going? “i ’m with my hands, face to the wall, face to the wall, i
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said, that’s good, don’t shoot, don’t shoot, i ask you, shut up, hold on, well, max, it’s bad.” we need it soon, friend, don’t kill , don’t kill, don’t kill, it’s not my fault , i have one cartridge left here, if my friend doesn’t survive, don’t kill, crisis management center, i’m giving birth, send an ambulance, please, people are waiting for help from them, my dear dear!” well, please, come quickly, but the rescuers are on the way
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ignorance arises, what are you doing, it’s terrible for a child to walk, stupidity, idiot, throw away the bandura, catch yourself and meanness, musorsky stole money from me, and now i’ll be imprisoned for misuse of the loan, today you ’re withdrawing the application against balashov, such a powerful approach, there will be more business proposals, you leave zoya alone, her name is... 5 minutes of silence, simbirsk frosts, sorry guys, you asked for it, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. i had a very successful year, you know, everything worked out, i finally brought to fruition my brainchild, eye, optical, coordination equipment supernova sight. dmitry olegovich, we are aware. “we
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got to the test, we were preparing, then , in general, it was a graduation party, geli and i of course went, met, we even managed to pull out the yashka, vetkina, yes, i felt something , drank to celebrate, i don’t drink at all, here tolya , let’s get it..." he called the next day and offered to sell my invention to him for a lot of money, i flatly refused, i knew that
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gelya took part in your kidnapping, they didn’t say me, but that can’t happen maybe this... “she really said that lately, lyadov planned to come to your home with a programmer and steal all the important information from your laptop. for this, he offered gelya a large sum of money so that she would give you sleeping pills while she left the apartment, and gelya agreed. it can’t be,
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i don’t believe it, but listen to the testimony.” gelya did everything, she gave him a sleeping pill and left, but when i came to loktev’s house, i saw that dima, or rather loktev, before falling asleep, decided to go to the bath, but it seemed he passed out there, i pulled him out of the bathroom , dragged him along the corridor, when i heard the doorbell ring, and then they began to open the door, the programmer and i hid in the next room, when this man felt the pulse of his elbow, i hit him on the head, after that, as you understand, nothing there was no other choice but to kidnap logtevo , and gel, as i understand it, you also kidnapped and killed as an unwanted witness, yes, yes, what else could i do, she would
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have ratted me out anyway, i was scared, i didn’t want it to happen like that happened. i just have the business could have all collapsed, maybe we can take a break, sorry, i loved her gel and believed her, i'm fine, ask, rummaging around. in your computer, lyadov realized that he could not find anything, then he said that he would save the lives of you and gelya if you gave him all the materials on the sight, and you agreed, right, yes, but he deceived me when i transferred the data, he ordered the guards
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to take me out of the city to kill me, in the forest i stunned the guard and fled. i took it from the glove compartment , his phone rang cell phone. i did not know, that she is no longer alive. ulyadov’s phone rang her just at the time when the employee was talking to him. he panicked and got scared. and he was always a coward. all three of us looked after geley. me, yashka, lyadov even had a one-on-one duel. “whoever wins deserves it, yashka and i fought, i won while i was in the section, but lyadov refused to fight, even the general chickened out, and what will happen to him now, the trial, and i think that
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the prosecution will ask for life, well and we, for our part, will try to help him with this." we have our own scores to settle, how is he? his condition is extremely serious, he was put into an artificial coma, but there are chances. we hope, flow, general, we hope, look tomorrow, girl, and change, please, get out of here, quietly, quietly, everyone stand. let 's talk about what you need, motherfucker, we
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guys are simple, so the plane is your transport, but we can't allow that, it's impossible, well then he'll kill, be ready, you'll help. oh the roads, the dust and the fog.
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aki and its tributaries settled and traded with neighbors. the oryol region is located in the southwest of the european part of russia, on its many ancient historical cities have been preserved in the territory. bolkhov, mtsensk, novosil, livny. from moscow to orel by rail is about 400 km, travel time by train is 4 hours. you can also get to the city by bus or car. orel is the birthplace of the writer and publicist ivan sergeevich turgenev, the city of youth of the first russian nobel laureate in literature, ivan bunin. the lives of nikolai liskov a' are connected with the oryol land. the city of military glory and
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the city of the first salute, the eagle can tell a lot about the military history of the country. in the center orlya, at the arrow of the confluence of the orlik and oka rivers, the oldest stone building of the city, the epiphany cathedral, proudly stands. in its place was an ancient one. slavic settlement, later a fortress appeared on the spit, which marked the beginning of the modern city, the fortress was founded in 1566 by decree of tsar ivan iv the terrible. the king made the decision to build a fortification during an inspection of the southern border lands. at that time the situation in the moscow state was very alarming. the entry of the russian state. the livonian war is very acutely raised the question of a war on two fronts, relations with the crimean khanate were no
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longer so great by that time, and the prospect of fighting on two fronts, of course, worried the sovereign, because the western direction was needed, it was important in terms of trade, and the southern direction, it was important in terms of security, including for moscow, the border of the crimean khanate ran right through the territory of the oryol region. that is, where the eagle now stands, it was, let’s say, the moscow side, and the fact that to the south there is the rybnitsa river, this is already the crimean khanate, the new abatis line was supposed to protect the southern borders of the state, the eagle fortress in the chain of fortifications was built as one of the strongholds. legend associates the name of ivan the terrible with the appearance of the city’s name, the symbol of which is the eagle can be found everywhere. according to legend , when he saw this place, an eagle was sitting on a lonely oak tree, and the eagle supposedly, seeing tsar ivan
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, fled, so the owner of these places flew away, said tsar ivan, and proclaimed that the name of the whole city would be eagle, but of course, the name eagle comes from the river orlik or eagle, by the way, they believe that linguists believe that this name comes from the turkic erlik, the river o. in 615, under the eagle near tsarev brod, prince dmitry pozharsky defeated his troops.
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over the next few centuries, military operations bypassed oryol winter. but not far from the eagle, an unusual architectural monument to military history, to russian-turkish warriors of the 16th century, has been preserved. 5 km from the eagle there is an amazing structure, on 20 hectares, only 7 hectares less than in moscow in the kremlin there is a structure that resembles a military fortress, but it is not a fortress, it is the fence of a manor’s estate, which is a symbolic monument to the first annexation of crimea to russia in the 17th century. the point is that the authors.
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at first it became independent, soon became part of the russian state, founded as a fortress city, the eagle became a participant in bloody battles in the 20th century. the monument to the famous aircraft designer nikolai polikarpov recalls pre-war times. nikolai nikolaevich was the founder soviet school of aircraft engineering. the oryol military history museum is dedicated to the history of the region. for almost 2 years, most of the region was under nazi occupation. oryol was one of the nine ancient russian cities that suffered the most during the great patriotic war. by government decree, it was subject to, well, priority restoration. of course, the damage was very extensive; practically
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there was not a single intact house left in orel. of course, life was very difficult for civilians. on october 3, 1941, the eagle was captured by the fourth tank division of the gudarian group. gaines gudarian himself recalled that his tanks entered the city so quickly that trams were still running through the streets, but the ease of victory was deceptive. goderian's further advance towards moscow was stopped by a tank brigade, the future first guards brigade under the command of mikhail katukov. under the eagle, the katukovites received combat. baptism. the first, that means, battles in three-fours and kv-1s at the heights in the area of ​​​​the village of ivanovskaya, they took the first battle, and all the way to mtsensk, even though godarian walked quickly, they already walked these 20 km to mtsensk 5 days, that is, the katukovites held them as long as they could, having pretty much battered gudarian, delaying the offensive. in the battles of umtsensk and orel , katukov tankers were used for the first time.


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