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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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you can’t beat someone like that, listened to the rodeka, drove as usual, nothing special, a story about a burning tank and a calm commentary from the main character of the video. to go or not to go, why did emman macron once again postpone his visit to ukraine? raids from the stratosphere. this will be a world record, it will be an all-russian record, and it will be for russia. russian skydivers are preparing for an extreme experiment in the northern city. the federal antimonopoly service opened a case against s7 airline due to, as the agency believes, inflated ticket prices. war, oh
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unconditional western support from finland about the goals of the soviet union, which were set and achieved by elizaveta gerson. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kolovanov studio. according to the ministry of defense, tonight 25 ukrainian aircraft -type drones were intercepted by air defense systems on duty over the territories of seven russian regions. moscow, leningrad, kursk, bryansk were attacked. tula, oryol and belgorod regions. eight rockets and one missile were also destroyed in the last air complex.u. and in the special operation zone in the southern donetsk direction, the artillerymen of the first slavic brigade eliminated fortified areas, fire weapons and gathering places in the ssu. the fire came from howitzer d-20 cannons. this provided support to our frontline units. to the west of artyomovsk , transbaikal paratroopers destroyed. in
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an abandoned house there was an observation post of the armed forces of ukraine, from which reconnaissance and attack drones were launched. the camouflaged position, along with its personnel, was destroyed by a guided missile from the fagot anti-tank system. this people cannot be defeated by this phrase about the russians, attributed to bismurk, which is best illustrated by the story of an ordinary siberian man, absolutely casually commenting on a video that was widely distributed on the internet. a driver with the call sign gingerbread cleared the road in his t-62 and came under a massive attack from enemy artillery and drones. the result is 12 hits, the tank is on fire, but the driver continues to move. what did he feel at that moment and why did he even decide to become a tank driver? ilya ushenin talked with the imperturbable hero. to whom to tell, hardly anyone will believe it, especially after the video where the vaunted american abrams are burning after the first hit. here
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are 12 all in one russian tank, all this time the combat vehicle was driven by this man with the harmless call sign gingerbread, but the usual story, the usual, says history, the footage that appeared in the public domain the day before surprises even people completely far from combat operations, lonely the tank controlled by the gingerbread man did the impossible, their task was to clear the passage for the advancing attack aircraft, in fact everything it turned out to be a battle for survival, the gingerbread itself assures that it was an ordinary job, albeit the best in the world, i don’t even know how i felt there, i listened to orders, these are commanders, i followed orders, i listened to the rodeyka, i drove as usual , nothing like that, for some reason i had no fear, i didn’t have anything, i didn’t feel anything, i was just driving, i was already thinking, rather going back, when i’m going back, i think even better, oh damn, i’m already going back, first their t- 62, which the gingerbread man respectfully calls the old man, was covered with artillery almost immediately.
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the rap system stopped working due to fragments, and only then the tank was attacked by a whole swarm of kamikaze drones. i was afraid that the equipment might just break down, a gooseneck here or an engine would fail, that i wouldn’t make it, i didn’t even think about anything, all this time their commanders were watching the heroic breakthrough of the t-62, it’s clear that the route was planned in advance and prepared for all sorts of surprises. at the moment, when such arrivals occur, the situation is immediately requested. connection, connection is stable. the old man still got it damage to the engine, rollers, radiator and is already in the rear for repairs. mikhvod pryanik received an extraordinary leave, but is still preparing for new raids towards the enemy, for now using a different vehicle. for the heroic breakthrough, the command of the southern group of troops has already presented the carrot to the order of courage, although he himself does not believe that he did anything special. the reward is on the way. ilya usheninin, maxim belikov, ntv television company. southern direction, special military operation. the russian
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military, together with the fsb border service, disrupted attempts by ukrainian armed forces to violate the russian border, the ministry of defense reported. according to the department, around 3:00 a.m. our aviation, missile forces and artillery struck them, killing about 60 people, five tanks and an armored personnel carrier. the second attempt to break into the border area in the mtr was made at about eight in the morning in the kursk region near the village of tyotkina. there, four attacks by sabotage groups were repulsed, and the enemy was driven back. emmanuel macron has once again postponed his visit to ukraine, which he had planned for mid-march. for security reasons , the tribune newspaper writes about this, and the political publication, citing one of the french diplomats, reports that macron wants to take a time out for negotiations with his allies in order to convince them of
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the advisability of a joint trip to kiev to eliminate the controversial situation that arose after recent speculations of the french leader about the possible dispatch of european troops to ukraine. at the same time, the secretary general. russian parachutists are preparing for an extreme experiment; they are planning a jump from the stratosphere with a landing on drifting ice base, altitude more than 1000 m, temperature below -55, thin air. the most difficult tests for both the human body and equipment. for what purposes do the participants in the experiment take such a risk, you asked alexander konevich. this is a pressure chamber on which we test high-altitude equipment. here, instead of a person
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, there are artificial lungs, which create, so to speak, the natural breathing of a person, and at the same time we will control the partial pressure of oxygen, first on the ground, and then at altitude. menta prove that special oxygen equipment in the stratosphere will definitely not fail; it was already used during the jump of russian paratroopers from 10 km in the area of ​​the land of france joseph archipelago in 2020. this was the world's first landing from 10,000 m in arctic conditions; the participants in the jump from the stratosphere to the north pole had the task of taking a different height in every sense. this is the leak. from 10, 10.5, better than 11 km, as far as the ice will drag us, this will be a record, this will be a world record, this will be an all-russian record, and it will be for russia, that’s the most important thing, russia should be the first, as you know, in 2007 we put a flag on the bottom of the arctic ocean, we need to do the same from above, it
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will be beautiful, the main initiator of the project is the pilot-cosmonaut, hero of russia, mikhail kornienko, he was on the iss twice, and his second expedition became a landmark and record-breaking one, for the first time in the history of international space... well, i won’t say citizens of other countries, here i was thrown why another state where and it is located quite far from the northern one poles of the state, yes we must do this and i was fired up by this idea ; it took several months to assemble a team of like-minded people; the oxygen equipment for the jump was developed at an enterprise near moscow, which... has long been making breathing systems for special forces of various government departments, jumpsuits are sewn using a special technology, their weight is more than 4.5 kg, there are special suspenders inside to distribute it evenly, the parachutists tested the suits in a thermal chamber at temperatures below -5 in the same conditions,
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what will happen during the jump. the parachutists will have to land at the borneo ice station, this is a unique camp that is created on a drifting ice floe almost to the dangers: well, firstly, of course, altitude, altitude, low pressure, rarefied air, and accordingly in this environment a person has less ability to control with its free fall, there is an ice floe below, not earth, there are cracks, another name for rivers with a depth of more than a thousand meters. there may be a polar bear there, however, future record holders all this does not frighten or stop, the main thing is that they are well prepared for all possible surprises on earth. there is less than a month left before the record jump and , of course, now its participants are in the most intense period, they still
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have several important and serious training ahead, one of them will take place here at the cosmonaut training center, in this pressure chamber, where on earth... create the same conditions as in the stratosphere, and they also have to land together from a height of 6 km, but from the very same plane that will soon... deliver future record holders to the drop point on the northern polis. alexander kanevich, parikov, artemy chenkov and alinurov of the ntv television company. the federal antimonopoly service opened a case against s7 airline. denis talolaev joins us, business news, denis, what did the second largest airline in russia do wrong? well, the dark polish people say that s7 has tickets at unreasonable prices. "the federal antimonopoly service continues to monitor whether anyone raises prices. last
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week, antimonopoly officers predicted inspections prices for taxis, yesterday they promised to reduce prices for food for cats and dogs, today it’s the turn of air tickets. fas stated that it had opened a case against the s7 airline due to the fact that it, as stated, did not comply with the department’s warning. according to this faz, the airline sells tickets of the same fare subclass at different prices. at the same time, as fas assures, the passenger was not provided with any additional services, and this is also not related to the carrier’s expenses. at the end of february it became known that the air transport operators association, it unites the largest air carriers, appealed to the fas, calling the increase in airport fees unfounded. the association said that tariffs for the same services at neighboring airports may differ significantly. the ministry of drafts announced the situation on the russian pharmaceutical market. stable, this is how the ministry responded to the results of a survey conducted by the specialized community of doctors
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of the russian federation, which was reported by the rtvidi channel. 78.5% of doctors surveyed said they had encountered shortages of some drugs. most often they talked about the shortage of antibiotics, insulins and drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiepileptic and anticonvulsants . the ministry of health responded by saying that the situation on the pharmaceutical market in russia. remains stable, and there is no shortage, as doctors call the shortage of medical products, which would affect the quality of medical care. the ministry of health adds that russian regions are provided with medicines from the list of essential drugs for more than 8 months. the ministry adds that the risk a shortage may temporarily arise in some form, dosage or specific name, but then one drug, the ministry of health continues, is replaced with a similar therapeutic effect. the russian stock market is now trading in the red, perhaps investors have decided that it is time to take
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a break, after the moscow exchange index grew for 8 days in a row, the foreign exchange market today is waiting for statistics on inflation in the united states, from which investors traditionally try to understand, and when the us federal reserve will begin to lower the key rate while the dollar is growing against the ruble 90-97, the euro is also becoming more expensive at 99.47. the french concern alstom sold it. all 20% of the shares of transmashholding that belonged to him, its russian shareholder, reports the rionovosti agency, citing the general director and co-owner of the company, kirill lipa. he refused to name the amount of the transaction, saying only that it was, quote, half of the objective value. transmash holding is russia's largest manufacturer of railway equipment; it makes locomotives, metro cars, passenger freight cars, ivolgo trains for moscow central diameters, even at the beginning.
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usa, the head structure of transmashholding is registered in cyprus. egor, everything about the economy. thank you, denis kololaev with business news. today is the 84th anniversary of the end of the winter war between the soviet union and finland. the fighting began in 1939 after an armed provocation of the finns on the border, and ended after 105 days of bloody fighting with the signing of a peace treaty between moscow and helsinki on soviet terms. several foreign countries then helped finland fight against the ussr. elizaveta gerson drew parallels between history and modernity. the winter war began, among other things, for the sake of staying. stand the winter palace, the hermitage and the whole of leningrad, a city with a population of just over 3 million people before the start of the great
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patriotic war. the blockade was not needed, leningrad should have been destroyed, so a special speech had already been prepared on the radio. for us finns, st. petersburg really brought evil; it is a monument to the creation of the russian state, its aggressive aspirations. broken russia contrasted great finland, finland, which from 1104 to... 1809 700 years was the heel of sweden, from 1809 to 917 as part of the russian empire, despite an extremely short period of independence, had great. germany is nothing special here, the struggle for living space in the east, the motive of the germans in the second world war. in the thirties, helsinki was united with the nazis not only by this name; in 307
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a squadron of german submarines came to helsinki , in the thirty-eighth the commander of the finnish one. we needed to move the border further from leningrad, starting in 1937, moscow negotiated with helsinki. the finns were offered an exchange of territories for the karelian isthmus, twice as much as the lands of eastern karelia. in general , the west was interested in aggravating soviet-finnish relations, that was.
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in the winter war, well-known promisers , instigators and intriguers played, england, france, the usa, these are our future allies in the anti-hitler coalition, who then delayed for so long before opening a second front, on the eve of the big war they tried to weaken the soviet union as much as possible under help from finland, what a familiar formulation, western partners declared finland the last outpost of a free and democratic europe standing in the way of its wild neighbor. everything according to the well-known pattern, paris and london sent aid to finland, trucks and fighters, the danes and swedes sent volunteer ski battalions. in december 1939, the first batch of volunteers from the united states arrived. former american president hoover actively collected money to help finland. the west was completely on the side of finland, the ussr was expelled from the league of nations. but
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the west did not go further than this. yes, information support from finland was absolute. failed to turn it away. the border moved back to where peter ii had drawn it with sweden for the safety of st. petersburg. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, ilya fedosov, anastasia vishnyakova and vladimir vypritsky, ntv television company. italy has issued a decree regulating the use of speed cameras. now notifications of traffic violations will be sent without supporting photographs.
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photos will only be provided if requested by the driver. decision is made against the backdrop of complaints about... the data passed a verdict, the mashtalers' spouses once served in the ministry of internal affairs, they successfully used the skills acquired over the years in retirement, organized something like a detective agency, there were enough clients, plus the mashtalers had a highly promoted friend a tax employee in the republic of coma, he sold them the necessary information, why they needed it, we’ll tell you in a few minutes.
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thank you, marat, emergency, further, well , that’s all for now, i say goodbye to you, until the next news release. ntv. see you at 16:00. u everyone has their own image of success. for one, these are views and likes. and a million subscribers. for others, this is the first time in 30 years to get on skis. and for some, to give their child the necessary education. into the future, we will not walk your path for you, but we will give you everything so that you can do it yourself, this is a surprise sale on nazon, hurry up... incredible discounts, don’t miss out, now polaris wi-fi equipment is up to 60% off , time for profitable gifts
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on ntv there is an emergency program in the studio of marat seddikov, we are live. the real mystery for investigators was the murder in yekaterinburg. there appeared to be three people in the apartment, a man and two women. grigory arkhipov is the same man who was later found dead. his beloved alexandra polymova said that she killed him, i wrote tastes. in addition,
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grigory arkhipova, came herself, is now under recognizance not to leave, and this is after as she stated that she was refusing. from her confession, because a few months later, having returned to the apartment where the murder took place, she says: she remembered that it was not she who killed her roommate, but her friend ksenia galimova, with whom she had a party that evening. according to alexandra, she heard her friend arguing in the kitchen with grigory, when she came to them, she saw the man already covered in blood. i look at the towel, grab the towels, wrap it around it like this, galimova slides down there, she sits there, like that, that is. she slid down there, i wrapped myself around him, shouting: “grisha, grisha, grishenka, now, now, now, he sits down, i sit down with him, and i see her that she...”


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