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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  March 12, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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who was with them in the apartment that evening, but they can’t communicate with her, why - tamara simonova found out that alexander polymov, who is accused of murdering his lover grigory arkhipov, came to the court herself, is now under recognizance not to leave, and this after she declared that she was refusing to give her confession, because a few months later, having returned to the apartment where the murder took place, she said she remembered that it was not she who killed her roommate, but her friend...
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here, she’s sitting covered in blood with her phone , says that i killed him, i killed him, then , according to alexandra polymov, her friend left the kitchen, and she ran to the neighbors, to whom she incoherently tried to explain what happened, i don’t see anyone else, there’s no one in sight, no i don’t see galimova, nor anyone else, and that is , this is what remains in my brain, that i killed him, the first thing i do is i leave the apartment, i open the door, i run out, i start to get hysterical, i knock on my neighbor and say, i killed him. the police arrived at the scene they took polymova to the police station, where she wrote a confession, stating that it was she who killed her lover. the woman managed to tell this version of the hereditary experiment, saying that she heard her friend swearing, took a decanter of water, hit arkhipov with it, and then grabbed a knife. the drunken, aggressive state of polymov’s partner says that it was a frequent occurrence, even leading to beatings, but she endured everything and had no intention of leaving her lover, with whom they had a common child. at the same time, her best friend...
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she already has a child, i also have my own life, well in general, we communicated, but not so often, that is, well, we recently began to communicate very well, well, that is, we... the fatal blow to grigory arkhipov was not dealt with a knife, as my client claims, and she spoke about it, well, almost immediately the same, about other objects, and the knife was absolutely. excluded, that is, the nature
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of the damage does not correspond to a knife blow. experts suggested that it was a piece of glass. the situation is complicated by the fact that now that same friend, ksenia galimova, does not remember the details of what happened. after incident, she spent a long time in the hospital, where doctors officially confirmed her memory loss, so investigators now have to study the results of all examinations as accurately as possible in order to recreate the full picture of what happened. stated that, if necessary, she was ready to communicate with a hypnotist. tamara simonova, valentin lyubimov and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. private detectives who bought and used secret data for their own purposes were sentenced. the mashtalers, who once served in the ministry of internal affairs, acquired skills over the years, they successfully used it in retirement, organized something like a detective agency without a license, but these are not clients.
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no matter how embarrassed i was. plus, the mashtallers had a friend, a high-ranking tax official in koma. he sold them the information they needed. stanislav kostikov will tell you why they needed it. spouses alexander and yulia mashtaller are used to doing everything together. they served in the ministry of internal affairs, retired almost simultaneously, and opened a private detective agency, where they worked in circumvention of the law. as a result, the dock too ended up together. the head of the family looked fearfully into the conference call camera and... the couple went from law enforcement officers to those accused of giving a large bribe and illegally collecting secret information in a few years; in retirement, the ex-policemen decided to conquer the capital as private detectives, a special license for they did not formalize this and acted essentially illegally;
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they used the communication skills they had developed during their service in... the authorities in searching for information for their clients, a list of services was published on the website and social network page, among other things, they proposed checking offices and cars for the presence of hidden cameras and bugs from... also conducting surveillance, the range of services included the collection of personal data in relation to individuals, as well as legal entities, as well as identifying facts of adultery, as well as data on the credit histories of persons of interest . soon , employees of real law enforcement agencies became interested in the active work of detectives. during a search in the couple's apartment, investigators found files with personal financial data for two dozen people. how it turned out that private investigators received secret information from high-ranking officials. preliminary conspiracy by bribing the spouse, the actions of a group of persons received from the chief state tax inspector of the federal tax service of russia for the komi republic
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information from information systems and resources constituting a tax secret. thus , they illegally collected this information, and the official disclosed it. initially , the official did not deny that he provided secret information to a man named alexander, whom he considered an operative and even received he received a monetary reward, but in court he renounced his previous testimony. the detectives also claimed that they found the incriminating evidence legally on the internet and clearly expected to go home from the courtroom. the verdict came as a shock to all the accused. for disclosing tax secrets, collecting secret information, giving and receiving large bribes, three of the defendants received more than 20 years in prison. at first, turkin was even
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unblocked from... an incredibly cynical and greedy swindler in nizhny novgorod, where the story of how the tv master connected two cables for 2000 rubles, called a specialist, an old woman whose tv had stopped showing, the repair, if you can call it that, took less than a minute, when the pensioner told her grandchildren and children about what had happened, they decided to find the swindler.
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an elderly woman’s bill was 22,000, and you understand , i was in some kind of shock here, i take out the money, i hold it, just like that, it’s right out of my hand like that, i took it like that, and this, now you and i even, raised us to be honest, friends, our deceive everyone who is not lazy, in the act of the work performed, eight items were far-fetched and unnecessary, for example, correction of light and sound. setting up the performance of cable 3690, setting up multiplex 1, 1690, setting up the signal in quality brackets 2,690. a young relative always helped troubleshoot problems, but this time he couldn’t come,
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and the pensioner didn’t want to wait. having calmed down, margarita krosilnikova pulled herself together. it’s in vain that detectives are watching, but they often show confrontations between the victim and the fraudster. we're calling
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denis kazenkov has already made himself an apartment worst advertisement in life handyman pensioner ran away with money. of course, he didn’t return it, contacting the police hardly makes sense as a crime, no, there is an agreement, everything is according to mutual desire, however, if there are other gullible clients who gave mikhail aka denise a fabulous sum for repairing equipment, this is already a reason for investigation. margarita krosilnikova keeps her hand on the remote control and still believes that a conscience will awaken in the deceiver. daria mosalova, valentin lyubimov and mikhail odinokov, ntv. celebrate their professional holiday today employees of the federal
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penitentiary service. 145 years have passed since the founding of the criminal correctional system in russia. the prototype of the modern department was the main prison department, created in the 19th century. today, these are over a thousand institutions, modern pre-trial detention centers, educational colonies and a correctional center, their modernization, according to the head of the department, is one of the main ones. good luck for the near future. we will continue to resolve a wide range of issues, including strengthening the material and technical base increasing production capacity, ensuring social guarantees for department employees, creating appropriate conditions of detention in correctional institutions, organizing systematic work on the resocialization of convicts. parting words, vsin employees received their congratulations from low-earth orbit today. russian cosmonauts handed over the iss directly to the iss, who took the department's flag into flight. you
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are carrying out a complex and responsible mission, restoring social justice, helping citizens who have broken the law, fix your life, start it from scratch . we wish you good health, optimism, family well-being, quiet work days and new achievements in your professional activities. take care of yourself and be attentive in your difficult service. the cars left autographs on the flag; they have already promised to place it in a place of honor in the museum in ssin. then they met 5 years later, the swindlers, deceived investors again sort things out in court, what new trump cards the prosecution has, why in 2019 the accused were sent home, you will find out, but in a few minutes. there was a burning of our bus, or are you now bringing your people to
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their knees, or are you probably thinking, i’m joking, but i’ve run out of jokes in kiev, and we have nothing to lose, he’s a criminal, do you even understand what you’re talking about, 10 days until spring, no matter what you get yourself into, i’m your father, come with me, are you a murderer? and your golden eagle also premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card , 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. after winter i want color power. with free credit. to have time to open the season on time, so as not to save money, buy
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platinum walls right away. hurry up to get a tenkov platinum credit card with a bright, limited design before the end of march and get free service forever. tincof. pay less. jubilee cookies 64.90. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes. using the code in the app pyaterochka, pyaterochka helps out, we are going on vacation, and we are going, for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster, i’ve come to a delicious spot for a convenient schedule, found friends here, and in general there are many reasons to stay
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, rosbank is a real opportunity, this is a surprise sale, you will have time to surprise, incredible discounts, don’t miss it, meat grinder for 3.839, homekat filler for 320. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking,
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movement, mood and sleep. and regulates the work of each of our organs. the brain is. electrical system. it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain. as brain cells age, they are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk. it's called azumopectinide. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all. they belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names of them. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phosphopides of the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, attention,
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thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age. we all feel a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy, it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration . brain therapy is produced in japan. the aging of the brain can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. prolong the youth of your brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985. 800 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product braintherapy. 10 days until spring. premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. there's another emergency going on live. we continue our release. the case of the death
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of an 18-year-old student from nizhny novgorod is beginning to be heard in court. rustam failed in sewer well. was open, but it was not visible under the snow, local officials were allocated money to improve the territory of the former construction market, but they did not do this, they are accused in the case , the head of the district and his deputy will tell you what sentence the former officials face daria vezovaya. these shots of the last minutes of rustam tolishboev’s life helped put a lot of things into place, including understanding who will have to answer for the death of an eighteen-year-old boy who was returning home... late in the evening fell into a sewer well, there was no hatch on it, it was not fenced with anything, it was impossible to notice the danger under a thick layer of snow. during the investigation , it became clear that the negligence of officials led to such consequences. there are two accused in the criminal case: alexander kulagin and maxim kulagov, the ex-head of the leninsky district and his first deputy. it was they who were tasked with beautifying the territory of the former market,
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including cleaning up the hatches. both appeared in court today. the letter contains signatures. that is, it passed not only there administration of the leninsky district, the fact that this is a tragedy, yes, the fact that i personally express condolences, yes, but then the trial, why didn’t they tell my mother this even once, why are you telling us, i’m not telling you, gentlemen, the speech is just about the very same order that was never fulfilled, here on the territory of the former construction market rustam often visited, went to see a military pensioner, whom he helped with housework in his free time from studying, that evening there was a strong snowstorm, the student decided to take a shortcut to.. .presumably, he was also sucked in.
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the order for improvement was given almost a year before the incident, during all this time officials did not even begin to implement it. at least like this he was up to his chest in water, having asked officials kulagin and kulagov, the investigators came to the conclusion that both were guilty of negligence, one did not carry out a direct order, the second did not check.
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under this article, they simply did not admit it, no one apologized to my mother, no one expressed any remorse, moreover, according to lawyer nikulagin, nikulagov, so much time after the death of the young man so and did not even express words of condolences to his mother, even in court, being only two steps away from her, they never approached her. therefore, it is unlikely that the court will be lenient . daria visa and aksana gonchurenko and anton lukyanov, ntv television company. after 5 years, people who trusted scammers and invested money in a financial pyramid began to hope that they would return their savings. for each of the defrauded investors, these were their last savings, but the scammers were able to convince them that they were successful investors and financial market tycoons. like it was necessary just wait. the fraudsters were sentenced back in 2019, but errors were discovered in the indictment, they were sent home.
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dayana shlyubkina found out whether investors have a chance to achieve justice this time. over the course of 8 years, these victims became true friends because of a common misfortune; they all believed the employees of a certain trust company and invested their money, but instead of solid dividends they were left without savings. in 2019
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, a loan from a bank secured by an apartment or from their employees of the eurasian trust management company, then they convinced them to take on an investor they knew under the same conditions, invest it in their company, and receive millions in return; to be convincing, the scammers rented offices in the city center, always with security, drove expensive foreign cars , dressed to the nines, everything showed that we were successful, join us.
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each apartment in this proceeding is a debt, this complicates eviction, but spasko, burlakova and bogatyreva may end up there, in their case behind bars, for many years, given that during this time new ones have appeared episodes of fraud. almost 5 years have passed since the verdict was overturned, during which time not only the list of victims, but also the accused has increased. the new face of this story was artyom golubtsov, as the detectives found out, he also participated in fraudulent schemes, and then disappeared and is now in international custody. during the search, meanwhile, those affected by his actions will have to prove at the next meetings that this was not a story of investment losses according to the laws of the market, but a well-thought-out scheme of deception. daana shlyubkin,
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nadezhda zypkina and alexey ermakov, ntv television company. but that's not all, see below. jaws, residents of the city of sukhoi lok complain to all authorities in the evenings, the owner of an aggressive pit bull walks his pet, the dog attacks people and animals, but nothing. there is no reaction yet, who will stop the pit bull named ice, we will find out after the advertisement, square 32 47 replenishment, you are always in full combat, you have a good commander, our whole squad is like that, oleg andreev, what kind of circus are you organizing here, a circus with horses, sergey borisov, you are casanova, he is a good team for us, may voznesenskaya, hello boys, well, they say that you are 11007 among us, who says names, surnames, roman kurtsin, and you are all so
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family to meet brothers and sisters. with everyone except the youngest, as long as i’m alive , i’ll still find her, will the older brother find his little sister after 30 years of separation, the village council called, well, well... a woman appeared, i wouldn’t even recognize her, i saw her the last time was 7-8 months, a lock of white hair , a lock of hair was so white, dad was still laughing, he talks about his daughters, she didn’t have time to be born , she says she’s already gone to prison, my mother said that my real name used to be galina, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv, in ntv live broadcast. emergency , we continue our release: no one wants to help the residents of the dry log, this is in the sverlovsk region, they write to all authorities, but to no avail, but the problem is that people are afraid to walk down the street, you can meet a man with a pit bull and unknown how this
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will end, they are already talking about about ten dog attacks, it attacks both people and animals, among the victims is a ten-year-old boy, all this is from the words of local residents, but they managed to film some of it. mistress scream a white samoyed in the throat, which was bitten by a pit bull, forced the inhabitants of all nearby houses to approach, the desperate attempts of a woman to snatch her pet from the mouth of an aggressive dog do not give any result, as well as requests for help to the owner of the fighting dog. but the owner of the pit bull didn’t even pretend that he somehow wanted to help, on the contrary, he kept it.
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in this situation, the fact is that he seems to be using his dog as a weapon and, as it were , doesn’t even hide from this, by and large, that i wrote six statements during this time, contacted the prosecutor’s office, and nothing, nothing happened, and even in this situation that arose the day before yesterday, when i called him, it was as if he had also told me that i would actually set fire to your apartment now, since then i have learned to resolve all the conflicts of the turtles with the help of my pet, they have already seriously dealt with his teeth several tailed animals and even a ten-year-old child were injured, in general, the reputation is bad, the owner with an aggressive dog is avoided, they fear... for the lives of the children, so they ask not to show their faces. after the dog attack, our dog was left without a paw, without a front one, and the child was left with scars on his arm for life. alexandra goshina also became
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a victim of pitbull cherepanov. at first, she simply quarreled with artyom during a walk, they parted ways, as it seemed to her, peacefully, but in reality, the dog’s owner tracked her all the way to the entrance, in order to eventually shout out a face. i turn around, i just see that he... near these poplars is running with a dog at me, he first jumped on me, bit my hand, and i started to fall over, he bit me on the leg, i fell, after that he switched to the dog, he stood straight , happy that this was happening, artyom himself cherepanov didn’t notice sadistic tendencies in himself, and in general he denies all the episodes that were not included in the video, they say the pit bull, his pride, smart, well-mannered, as they say , wouldn’t hurt a fly, as evidenced by the last case with the samoyed, i see that he’s rearing there i stood up on ice, well, i also lowered the small leash, he’s on the leash, i’m only naked , that’s all, they grabbed onto it, i’ll tell you, the samoyed, i’ll tell you, ice also has injuries there. cherepanov will most likely have to share his version of what is happening with
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law enforcement officers, the victims of another once they decided to contact the police and the prosecutor’s office, but with a collective statement. ivan gubin, valentin lyubimov, ntv television company, sverdlovsk region. more news on our website in the achpntv telegram channel. that's all for today. thank you for your attention. today in our program. crimean spring. ukrainian military intelligence is preparing.


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