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tv   DNK  NTV  March 12, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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that modern reproductive technologies, even if you want, can help you in the future, still find another one. mikhail, won’t you leave your love too? no, of course, entirely and completely only with her. i love you very much, and i will never leave you, i will never turn my back on you, and marry me. this is unexpected for me, this, yes, i agree, that’s it, i know that you have some special words for your girlfriend, you will become my wife, right?
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unexpected, of course, today we have a finale in such a topic, may everything work out for you all fine. remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help. we will continue tomorrow, a new dna test right now. watch tomorrow in the program abroad. “the husband wanted to strangle her , the woman assures, but her eighteen-year-old son saved her from certain death, and i open the door, i see that she is lying on the bed, and he is on top of her and he is strangling her, i could not resist, i started on him go, i pushed him, started hitting him on the head, if he hadn’t interceded, i would n’t be sitting here anymore, that’s just why i’m now in a coma, in a very very serious critical condition condition, 11 or how many fractures, and the guy faces 8 years, in addition to the fact that he was beaten,
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then he and his son threw his naked brother into the snow, this whole company needs to be brought to criminal responsibility, it’s just for this bestial attitude, i just i wanted to wait for my mother, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv, six of her brothers and sisters were taken from... ruslan kirillov turned to us for a dna test. hello, ruslan. hello. as i understand it, your family was dysfunctional. well, why dysfunctional, we had a good family, we have our own vegetable garden, pigs, our own horse, two cows, our own garden, that is, everything of our own. but how
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did it happen ruslan that the children were taken away? i still can’t answer this question, i’m already 45 years old, so it will be, and i still can’t answer this question for myself, because we had everything in the house, that is, it’s okay if we didn’t have anything there , that the children begged, we had everything, maybe at that time, at that time, well , i think so, i think that there were envious people, the neighbors might write, maybe not, well, well , there seem to be a lot of us in the family, maybe people, here for example, somewhere they’ll cough up something and...
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the mother will take it from the store, that’s how we fed the dogs, so i don’t know, when they ask me this question, i can’t answer myself or answer anyone, but how old were your brothers and sisters when they were chosen ? my brother died, drowned, natasha is 10, uh, so, spartak is eight, alesya, or sim, well, in general, well, that was the last pebble, galya was 8 months old at that time, well , our sister was the last one, that ’s how many children there are, there are eight of us, that is , the father and mother got along, the mother had an oleshka, that is, there are eight of us, because i have an older brother, well, he’s here now, i recently went to his funeral a month and a half ago, he died, but we always considered him the eldest, and he always lived with you, no, it happened like that when... mother and father
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they agreed, oleshka was small, for some reason they decided so, i don’t know, and i never asked myself this question, how can i explain it to you, oleshka, well i was brought up like this with my grandfather, with my grandmother, and his last name... he’s like kirillov, he’s like his teeth, they went to irkutsk, irkutsk station, irkutsk region to live, he wasn’t with you then when the children were taken away, yes, yes, absolutely right , where was your mother when all the kids were gathered, well , the thing is, i then went with my father to the kotol, to work with my father, but the rest stayed at home with their mother, supposedly people arrived by bus, and the mother left to a friend, and supposedly it turns out that... i don’t know why the mother was drunk and she was drinking with her friend and apparently galya was crying or something and the children where whoever was caught there they were loaded , that is, everything onto the bus and they went to us when they told me my father and i had arrived, we went to catch up with the bus but didn’t catch up
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with the bus because he had already left, my father i don’t know how he was talking to his mother how did it turn out that my father did not leave me at home for 5 days, he hid me in the village with friends. because the car was driving around people, they were looking for me, this information reached my father, and my mother too, then my father sold his horse, cows, received the entire salary, and my mother, i gave my father a lot, a lot of money, he took me to my brother in irkutsk to the station, i hid there for a year and a half, i lived there for a year and a half, this money was enough to support not only me. and to those children where i lived, you lived in irkutsk for a year and a half, then i lacked brothers, sisters, and parents, i begged my grandfather by hook or by crook, i came back to soragash, i - well, there were no children.
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well, my mother tried to enroll me in school, but they didn’t take me to school because i didn’t have my documents, because when they removed the children, they took me my documents, they took mine too, it turns out you didn’t go to school, yes, i myself am illiterate, me, well, the thing is, then let me look, by hook or by crook. i find out which boarding school they are in, and here our children from school are being taken to the pinets camp, i find out that from the virgin shirinsky district they will be taken to the same place where they studied with me in the boarding school, i
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came home, got dressed, the father says, son, and you where, i say, dad, i’m getting the kids, he says, sons, are you laughing, i say, no, i’m the kid. in this penets camp, when i was studying, when everything was fine at home , we were studying, my brother and i were in the pinets camp, when we went for the second season, i didn’t like it, i ran away from there, well, due to the fact that my brother stayed there, i went back i came back, that is, i knew everything there, i knew everything , everything in general, every step, everything, everything, that is, if it was like that, if in principle it was impossible to catch me, i arrived there, went through the checkpoint, they let me through, as if, well, i, in general, i was still a rusticist in the family, the smallest one, and you wouldn’t think that i’m so old and that i too here i find, this is how old you were, 15 , yes, well, that’s it, i find a little, i recognized a little right away, i recognized spartak, i recognized natalya, well,
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and olesya’s sister is sitting next to me, but i recognized everyone, and she sits crying, and i ask her, it’s been about 30 minutes , the whole pioneer camp is there, no one can figure out who is there and who isn’t, they’ll figure it out, but later, i had enough time to escape, i calculated everything, the disco has started, they’re next to me, they, because they know that i ’ll leave now, i say, let’s keep running, that’s it, we ran,
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i hid them in a fence with friends, i left myself table with my brother, they were brought in the morning and they were just brought, i was in... my parents saw everything here and there, of course, the police had already arrived, of course the police had already arrived, all my efforts, that everything was in vain, and i... just i saw, after only a while, well, the father came out with the mother, talked, they were allowed to put them in until, well, until the school year, before the school year, well, that they would stay, well, so that they could stay at home for the summer, well, on the parents, they were allowed to in general, they took it away again in september? well, as it should be, the car, everything is there, as it should be,
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it turns out that the father, and then after them the father also kills his friend in the same year, i’m going to take them to the funeral, and the tragedy with the father happened because of what, there’s something with a friend, a friend his father got him drunk and cut off his head, from ear to ear, his head held on... he lived for another 45 minutes, then died in the hospital, it was useless to save him, but how did you, how did your mother, how did you survive all this? well, i walked, because i was up to nine at the most, i walked the streets, well, visiting friends, because then my mother couldn’t go out anywhere and i couldn’t sleep, until the morning i was always with my mother, did you look after her? well, of course, then i went to work as a laborer , it was still possible to work with us then, i started where i worked as a metalworker, where
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i did carpentry, where and how, but it was hard for my mother, the children were taken away, my husband was killed, and something like that, plus she also and she decided on maternal rights and nothing, that ’s all somehow, that’s all, she didn’t try to regain her rights, to prove that she was worthy, good, she says, but how can i, well, have children? home? here they told her you had to do it for six months, well, there were 6-7 months, you had to provide some certificates so that the children could be taken into the house, and it so happened that we no longer had me at home, there were no livestock anymore, that is, the father half sold it so that i could leave while i was gone, there was nothing there anymore, and here my father is being killed, and whatever i do, i won’t do anything, and in general, my mother... well, in general , she went on a spree, she couldn’t cope, yes, but
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i couldn’t cope with it. now, if the family was not even registered with the guardianship authorities, the removal of children does not immediately indicate the origin of the children - this an extreme measure, this is an extreme measure, after long checks, after delivery for registration, they must come to inspect the living conditions, food, there are certain conditions in order to remove children, much less deprive them. it won’t, i still don’t know on what basis, i can’t answer for myself or anyone, but my mother visited the children in the orphanage, but the fact is that she didn’t go, she’s allowed maternity rights, well, i, at least i was allowed, i took a certificate from the village council every year and i, well, my mother and i, well, how
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it was supposed to be for the summer, that is, all the children were at home, they came for the holidays, the holidays were supposed to be for the new one, well, when after that they started to allow holidays for the new year, for the winter holidays, for the summer holidays, then they were all constantly at home, i have been controlling them for a while now, especially since we live in one. i, i have my own personal car, i also drive nadia 10-15 times, well, it’s either a habit or something, she always needs to know what they are doing, although i have a phone, now i have, well, of course, now everyone is advanced , you can call, and by phone, they will tell him, everything is fine, i was once a ruslan there, well, you had the littlest sister, you saw her after she was taken from the family, no, no, no, no, to the baby’s home. there is no right, well, i tried
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, well, when we grew up, i continued on social networks , let’s search, but there are scammers, like her sister, no matter what, i say, what kind of sister , how can she come, no matter, where is she, well, there somewhere- then behind the abakan, i say, well, wait a minute, i’m in person now, but my brothers and sisters have personal matters, i have personal matters. back and forth, i i say: come on, how old is she? well, it starts at 18, i say, how can it be 18, when according to the documents, i should now be 22 years old, that is, someone tried to deceive you? of course, of course, and repeatedly.
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so many years no one nothing 32 years 32 years have passed now now she’s 32 years old sister and over 30 that’s sharp sharp sharp sharp like that and i just like that you called this number yes i called once they didn’t pick up then they called back and forth and come on communicate with me, well, on the phone, well, a phone is a phone, to be honest, tell me, well, i definitely need it so that i i calmed down and reassured all my relatives , because everyone, and my friends, doubted that, well, suddenly everything turned out like this, here i am, a woman who introduced herself as your sister, today came to our studio to find her family of origin , our guest is daria abasova.
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hello, darya, hello, do you recognize ruslan? yes, but i understand that this is your first personal meeting, everything will already happen, yes, we probably met before via video. how did you find out that you were growing up in a stepfamily? in general, i started to see about myself, well, when i was 10-9 years old somewhere, you notice. that i don’t look like my parents at all, and after some time my mother takes me to visit my grandmother, she brought me and left, her friend comes to my grandmother, we sit at the table, talk, that’s all, and my grandmother’s friend says to me: dasha , and you know that you are adopted, your grandmother is in shock,
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your grandfather is in shock, she says: why are you bothering where?... you absolutely don’t need to, she has her own parents who would explain everything to her over time, grandma’s girlfriend goes home, grandparents cry, apologize, they say: i’m sorry that they didn’t tell you about this earlier, in general, that they took me from sabakan. at six, well, at 6 months i ended up in the abakan home of the people, then while the documents, my parents came, they saw me, who adopted me, while these documents were all collected, this is it, and i still ended up in my family at one and a half years old, you went to your mother after what you heard, well, i tried
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to talk to my mother about this topic, but i saw her reaction, how she reacted to... it, she started to have tears, hysterics, and i, you know, i somehow i think, well, if it’s destined to be like this, well, then so be it, i somehow omitted it, well , my mother said that this is not true, that you are dear, that you are the most, no, she told me that yes, daughter, we took you in, we adopted you, then honestly, in order not to traumatize anyone, i somehow retreated from all this, tried... they talk about this topic, now as an adult this topic came up again, but not so long ago , i know that my family is my own, it wasn’t dysfunctional, there are seven children in the family, i just wanted to get to know your brothers and sisters, and your
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mother helped you in your search, she told me, well, if you want for the sake of... well, that makes sense, she says, well, this is what it will give you, i say, mom, well, how is it, well, this is my family , whether you like it or not, i want it, my mother called the village where ruslan lives, explained the whole situation, how and what, and my mother was told, yes, we know this whole story, and my mother asked, can we somehow- something... they called her, gave ruslan the number, that ruslan agreed to contact me, my mother sent it to me on the phone, his number, and before that
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, in general, she told me that my real name used to be galina, kirillova galina, this is the only thing i know about myself, and why did you decide that ruslan is exactly your brother, my mother knows all of my childhood story. where am i from, what am i, what family are you from, yes, what family, she knows that i have a brother ruslan, this is the only name that my mother told you, yes, my mother knew how many of us there were in the family, but she only knows the name of my older brother, didn’t it bother you that there was such a information that, after all, the family is dysfunctional, and therefore leads the wrong way , but the moral way of life, honestly, no, i didn’t even think about it, because... in theory, i have a completely different family, so it’s as if i wouldn’t i was wondering how they are, what they are, because for me these are strangers, the parents
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are not the ones who gave birth, but the ones who raised them, so when you heard ruslan’s voice, what did you feel when giving, i was very nervous, i was in tears welled up, my breath caught in my throat, i just when i i saw, heard, i said, hello, it’s me , dasha, your dear sister, hello, i’m very glad to see you, i’ve been waiting for this for a very long time , i’ve been looking for you for a long time, i really hope that after all we are related people, well by the way, you know that ruslan has some doubts about the relationship, yes, i know, he told me about this,
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you told your brothers and sisters that perhaps your younger sister galina was found, well where, of course, when the village council called me , back and forth, when they told me everything, so on and so forth, then i i called this woman, my mother , as he said, in general, how everyone lives with me , how i go home, everyone lives like this with me, just go to another street, in general , let’s go around everyone, because should know from me personally, we all hope that we somehow found galya. before daria’s adoptive mother called, ruslan’s brother believed that
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galya was not worth looking for. in our studio anatoly kirillov. hello, anatoly, please come and sit down, why didn’t you want to look for your sister? well, i didn't know where she was lives, how does he live? maybe they adopted her, maybe she lives well and doesn’t know anything about us, maybe her parents didn’t tell them anything, well, i would have seen her and what would i have told her, and were you afraid to ruin her life with your appearance? yes, i didn’t know and no one told me that she lived well or poorly there, no one knew, and even if i had passed by, i wouldn’t even have recognized her, i saw her for the last time at 7-8 months , are you even sure that your sister galya was adopted, just hear? there were even rumors going around the village that she had been adopted, changed first name, last name changed, and where he lives , i didn’t know this, i didn’t even hear how you reacted when ruslan said that
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perhaps galina had been found, i didn’t believe it, i thought again or something was joking with me or something else well, then two sisters and another brother called, well, they said that they really had been found, so we all then gathered in a heap, and you remember galya well, well, i hung out with her, my mother... even taught me how to swaddle her, because the mother would come in to get straightened up and give cows something else, who would look after her, well, when they met, you think you wouldn’t recognize your sister , if you don’t look closely, maybe someone in the studio will seem similar to your family, this girl looks like her sister, like oleska, she even has oval faces, like her sister, she looks more like her side to the mother, anatoly, this is daria, exactly...
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i said to natasha: “run to your mother’s friend , call your mother here home,” she went out onto the veranda , and the door was closed, i went, the windows on our veranda opened, opened the window, and natasha, so that she could climb out the window, ran after mother, well, a few minutes passed, a bus pulled up, and a woman and two men got out of the police station, that’s it, i... well, i just looked out the window, they saw me, they said, who are you at home with, i said, what’s wrong with galya at home , i say, my sister ran off to get her mother, so they asked where, you know, where she is, well, mother is, yes, well, let’s sister get out here yourself,
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now we’ll go get her mother, that’s it, i gave galya myself and got out window, they all came to a friend’s place, the mother was drunk, natasha, spartak were also there, so they were loaded... the mother was loaded too they put us on a bus home , they took us all off , they took us all away, that is, she was not able to walk home, and we got to bograd, a woman with a policeman in her arms got out there, that’s it, i didn’t hear or see anything else about her, this was the last moment when i saw her, and you and your brothers and sisters ended up in an orphanage, we were brought first to the city of abakan, the reception center, we stayed there for about a week and we were taken to the orphanage together, yes, shirinsky district , the village of tselin, at first it was wild, we didn’t know what, why did they bring us there, then - about
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a day later the director called us all and said, you’ll live here for a while, without your parents, that’s it, we lived, and about a couple of days later he called us again... , said that your parents were deprived of parental rights because they drink alcohol, we understood that we would not see them again, but time passed, we still started to run home, of course we were caught, returned, punished, well, that is punishment is like a household room, this is where we did our homework, you’ll wash it for a week, this was a punishment, but maybe your mother at least tried to visit? you in the orphanage, my mother came to us about a year later, took us away for the summer , that is, she didn’t drink at all for a year, and my father worked, cheated, so she came, they gave her a certificate from the village council that she could take us
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pick us up for the summer, every summer she picked us up, the time you spent in the summer with your mother, she behaved with dignity, yes, she didn’t even drink, that is, we didn’t need food, we didn’t need things, we had everything was. and dad, dad worked, in the soviet union, a week there, a week at home, but how did you find out that you were no longer a dad? in 1995 the director called us and said that your father is no more. we didn’t believe it at first, then a day later my mother and ruslano came to pick us up, we didn’t know how he died, then
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they just said that they killed him, buried him, stayed at home for a week and... well, they came for us from tselinovo to the ruins and took us away back, how did your mother cope with this tragedy? well, she was drinking, but not as much as before. now anatoly, what’s wrong with her? mother died, but when she died, my younger brother and i were in the irkutsk region, with the eldest brother, we came to my home in abakan, my aunt drove up to me, she said, let’s go, what are you sitting, we say where we’ll go from, where, we’re just now from the train, she says, her mother died, that’s it, we came straight to the funeral, what happened to my mother, she got sick, it seemed like she had a cold here and there, she was already
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living with her stepfather, i say, oh well, i say, maybe in hospital? no, they say pills here and there, everything will be fine, well, fine, fine, i i believed it, i left my mother with me, i said, that’s it, get treatment here, because i’m at work, masha will look after you, i was detained for another two days at work, on the fifth day i returned from work, i’m going in. i say, mom, how are things with you, that everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, i say, i’ll go visit, i’ll go and well , let’s go and come, we sat, sat, i say, i’ll go i'm home, i feel a strong pull to go home, but i go home, i open the door, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, that's it, that's it, it turns out that she was being treated for what she needed , well, this is now clear to everyone, somehow they are pumping out the lungs, doing something there. in short, liquid, some kind of liquid there, in short
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, because of this, she died, and mom never said that she would like to see galya, but she always dreamed about it, i say: mom, be patient, be patient, i will do everything possible and impossible, i promised both myself and her, well, it’s not just that i promised, i wanted it. anatoly, and other brothers and sisters, just like you, believed that there was no need to search, or opinions were divided, no, divided, some 50/50, some. on the contrary, i immediately believed ruslan, but i didn’t believe him. daria, brother and two sisters ruslana and anatolia came today to meet you and see if you are their sister. in our studio spartak ges, olesya and natalya kirillova. hello. alesya, how did you find out that you called your brother? well, my husband and i were doing renovations at home, and he came
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and said that a woman called, galya was found, i say, as she says, she was found, well, my feelings were mixed, i believed her and didn’t i believed it because many years had passed, and i wanted to check it myself, of course, i wanted to, well, due to the fact that there are no contacts, i can’t check it in any way , it’s really her, and galya, did you even remember what she looked like, it’s as if i was small myself, i myself was 7 years old, she... small, as if i practically, one might say, i don’t remember. natalya, how did your brother tell you? i had fifty-kopeck eyes like that, little sister, hello, i say, well , hello, what am i saying, he’s so emotional, he says, we’ve found a sister, i say, what sister, galya, i say , are you laughing? , well, what is this anyway?
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but you understood that you wouldn’t be able to recognize her , if you didn’t eat, how could you not recognize her, she had, well, that’s what i assumed, she had it on her head, a lock of white hair, and right here like that, it was just in her when i was a child, i remember this, she was born, she had long hair, right here... here is a strand so white was, dad was still laughing, oh, the daughter said , she wasn’t even born yet, she says, she’s already gone to prison, in that case, natalya spartak olesya, take a closer look, maybe someone seems similar to your family, well, here, here, here, maybe this girl looks like, well, she still looks a little bit like olesya in her youth, me, when i was about 20, probably somewhat similar. i, too , was quite thin then, yes, she is more
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similar to olesya than to me, this is daria, daria, tell natalie, spartak, olesya, what do you know about yourself? well i know that in everyone in the family, against the sisters, but i only knew the name of ruslana, about the others i didn’t even know their names, nothing, i know about myself that i... once upon a time in childhood there was kirillova galina, did you have a strand of blond hair? i have it, i painted it over here under my hair when i was little. i saw it, i thought, am i already sitting, or what? mom says the sun just blessed you with rays. natalya, what do you remember about the day when you were all taken to the orphanage? galya cried a lot, she wanted to eat, she is a baby she was crying a lot, but i couldn’t calm her down, let’s run, i say, after my mother,
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i say, let’s go quickly, well, i don’t understand what condition she’s in, right, maybe i need to drag her, we they came running there, it’s... koena’s girlfriends , she’s sitting there, well, nothing at all, i say, mom, i say, galya is there, i say, at home, i say, she’s crying, she, i say, wants to eat, you understand, this is now, now she’s sitting, well , nothing, i say, mom, please, i say, she’s crying there, i say, she wants to eat, i say, i can’t do anything here, through for a while, while we were lifting it, come in, buddy, i’m still... doing what happened, we’re going, he says, i’m saying, where are we going, in what sense, i’m saying, we’re going, i’m saying, he’s saying, so he’s speaking for you we've arrived, i say, where , i say, we've arrived, i say, mom, i say, they're taking us away, i say, she's just sitting there, well , she doesn't understand anything, i'm saying, mom,
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you understand, i'm saying, they're taking us away, mom, she sits, looks at me at all, and i go out, he says, nadasha, come on, he says, let’s not run, i stopped, i turned around, i looked, the bus was standing , i walked up, and there were two women from the district police officer, the doctor was sitting, galya was on the district police officer’s knees, and these were sitting behind her, i went in, i said, give me a pebble, she said, she was crying, i said , it’s not supposed to, he says to you, i say, it’s not supposed to be, i say, you need to calm it down, and mom came out, with grief , she grabbed the bus , give it to me, she says, i’ll feed her, he says, it’s light, he says, you think that they won’t give you your children anymore, the precinct tore her off, she i fell on my knee, the bus drove off, we drove along the highway, someone apparently told dad or how they found out, i don’t know, he didn’t
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have time to ask, and my father also led the wrong lifestyle, no, we have him somehow i don’t know, for some reason i resisted... at that moment, my mother was warned how many times and they gave a warning, which she did, of course, they gave warnings and somehow dad told her: “svetlana, you refrain, that i’m going to work, it’s like, well, there was nothing like that, but like on this day my dad is gone, my older brother is gone, and my mother is here i asked her so , for some reason i felt something so bad was going to happen? everything could have been different, for me, of course, everything would have been different, and you would all have remained in the family, everyone would have been there and everything would have been fine and everything would have been wonderful, but you are interested in knowing how
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daria’s life turned out, oh, very, everything is wonderful, they still cherish me , they adore me, how old i am, everything is fine, i have never needed anything, i i was both dressed and wearing shoes when i was 4 years old, my father left us, my mother and i lived together for some time, absolutely, when i went to first grade, my mother met my stepfather, with whom they still live i've been loving him very much for so many years now. and we are generally grateful to him that he appeared in our lives with my mother. how many children do you have? i have one daughter. and if today a dna test confirms your relationship with your siblings, will you introduce your daughter to them? definitely, of course. why is the neighbor of the large kirillov family sure that the brothers and sisters were late in finding galya.
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we will find out shocking details and the result of the dna test immediately after the advertisement. grisha, grisha, it’s me, there was a burning of our bus, or you ’re going to put yours on your knees, or you probably think i’m joking, but i ’ve run out of jokes in kiev, and we have nothing to lose, he’s a criminal, do you even understand , what are you talking about, 10 days. until spring, no matter what you get yourself into, i am your father, come with me, you are a killer, and so are your golden eagles, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. alyon, shopping again, gifting, on
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“lady, hello, i’m behind you, under your leadership, the plant will burn or explode tomorrow, he seriously decided to kill us all,
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all of us, 5 minutes of silence, simbirsk frosts, there is always, today at 22:10 on ntv, the dna summer program is on air." well, she felt sorry for me, she just wanted to give me life so that i could live in a good, wealthy family. the adoptive mother said
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that before her adoption daria was called galina a family was raised in her blood family. for the children , the eldest of them was brother ruslan, and you say, in principle, the smallest of them, on this place in the village of saragazh, republic of khakassia, there once stood the house of the large kirillov family, the same , where perhaps daria was born, we had a kitchen over there, there was a bedroom here, there was a bedroom there, there was a living room, there was a stove on the other side, we loved the table, in the morning, whoever would jump forward on the stove, onto the little guy, the little guy there was such a great place to be. while mom warms up the stove in the morning, let's go there. natalia kirillova was 10 years old when the guardianship authorities paid attention to their family. the mother and father were deprived of parental rights, and the children were put on a bus and sent to an orphanage. they're pushing us into the bus, i'm sitting galya, this policeman there was a woman, she's holding me, i say, give it to me, i say her. she says no, it's not allowed. as it’s not supposed to be, i say, she’s crying,
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and they didn’t even let her mother feed her, her mother already. apparently she began to realize something, that they were taking away the children, she climbed onto the bus, and this one was crying, they tore her away, she said, give it to me, at least this child , galya, i’m completely screwed, i say, mom, and we told me, give galya everything, i burst into tears, in short, they tore her away, so she fell on her knees, and we drove off, they took us like this , turned around like this, like this along the highway along that one, we were lucky.
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next to the mother, this is the new cemetery, and then the old one, where the father and grandfather lie. ruslan hopes for a positive result in the dna test with daria and believes that she will turn out to be their lost younger sister, whom he has been looking for for so many years. i hope that dna will still show that we are family after all. and finally everything will work out. after so many years. anatoly, do you think you found your younger sister today? yes. i think it will be positive, and i also know that everything will be fine, she is ours, your mother’s neighbor doubts that you can find your sister, our guest is valentina odnokozova, valentina, how long have you
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known the kirillova family, oh, sveta’s family? i’ve known vova since 1983, we moved, we lived opposite each other, so we met and became friends with the families, what kind of people they were, they were very good, they loved their children, but how did it happen that the children were taken from family, well, how can i explain it to you, they started drinking, well, i talked to her, how much is this itself, i say: don’t file in order to be restored to parental worry, if anything , i say, maybe later you’re right, they kept getting ready, getting ready, but so, there was no time, then something else, they were worried that the connection with galia had been completely interrupted, they were very worried, especially ruslan, ruslan her 31 i've been searching for a year, do you
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know anything about galia's fate? i had a friend , they also lived opposite, one day i came to her for tea, and we talked to her about something, i said, you know, i said that nin, ruslan, i said, he was looking for galya, she said, but he didn’t she will find, i say, but she won’t find her, she says, adopted from a montenegrin woman, they say they are going to go to germany, i say, as in germany, yes, that’s what i heard, i say, who told you? she says i won’t tell you, so she didn’t tell me anything, i don’t even know whether they went to germany, whether they took galia or not, ruslan, what do you know about this, i’m hearing this for the first time in the studio myself, so many years, that’s it everyone knew, i’m the only one who doesn’t know anything, ruslan, don’t be offended, i kept thinking, galya, she was little, the neighbors, everyone said that she was
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very similar to my husband, to shurik, to there was no romance, i just came home from work one day, went into their room, vova was sleeping, and they were sleeping here on the veranda, well, we never scold anything. a woman called ruslan and introduced herself as his sister, the same gali, and today ruslan met that girl and got acquainted,
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if she, as you say, should look like your husband, maybe you will recognize her, this girl looks like your husband, to me it seems like a nose, eyes, eyebrows. we didn’t expect it, in any way, even, i didn’t even have such thoughts that this could happen, i’m shocked if honestly, i kind of don’t admit that it was like that, and i also don’t admit that even if it turns out that she won’t be my sister, but she will be my friend, well, i think 100% that she’s my sister, but what do you think you , you met your b... that yes, i really hope so, that yes, you are ready to hear the result of a genetic examination, yes, i invite our dna specialist
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daria popova to the studio, will daria turn out to be the eighth child of the kirilov family and will she continue? search for relatives if genetic testing does not confirm their relationship. dna test result will answer all your questions in just a few minutes. look, today at 19:00, one carrot against enemy artillery and a swarm of kamikaze drones. how a volunteer with a harmless call sign was able to take a tank off the battlefield after twelve direct hits. a former engineer was found dead in the united states. after he testified against the company and spoke about its big problems with assembling aircraft, coincidence, watch tonight at 19:00, on the website in the application there are already 10 days until
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burned our buses, or are you now putting yours on their knees, or, you probably think, i'm joking, but i the jokes in kiev are over, and we have nothing to lose, he is a criminal, do you even understand what you are talking about, 10 days until spring, no matter what you get yourself into, i am your father, come with me, you are a murderer, and so are your golden eagles, premiere . today at 20:00 on ntv. this is dna.
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ruslan kirillov received a call from daria abasova and introduced herself as his sister galina, who was taken to another family as an infant. daria, you have the floor. today , 44-year-old ruslan kirillov came to us for a dna test to find out if his thirty-two-year-old sister is his. recently, a woman called him and told him that she was his younger sister galina, from whom he was separated as a child. the woman knows that she came to malyutka’s house in abakan from a dysfunctional family with seven children. ruslan really grew up in a large family with three brothers and three sisters, but he is sure that... they had
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everything for a happy life, but his brothers and sisters were removed from the family when his mother went to see a friend, leaving the children at home alone. ruslan managed to reunite the family, but after 30 years of separation he was unable to find out anything about the fate of galina’s youngest sister. ruslan, are you ready to find out if daria is your sister? spartacus. anatoly, what about you? i'm already ready. olesya, natalya, can i open the envelope? daria, will you allow me to announce the result? yes, sure. i open the envelope. on the one hand, spartak, ruslan, anatoly, natalya and olesya kirillov. on the other hand, their alleged sister daria abasova. the likelihood is that all of you, dear ones. and brothers and sisters on the mother's and
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father's sides is 99.9, i told you, i told you, i told you, i told you, i told you, i told you, i will find you.
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i’m very happy now , as he said, i say, i won’t die until i find my younger sister, as soon as i find it, then i can say die, i need to help raise my niece , now we’ll take on more worries, giving, as you think, your joy your adoptive mother can share with you, yes she will support me, everything was fine. you will not part again, no, of course, to the lips, if you need a genetic chip, call or write to our editors, and we will return tomorrow with a new dent test result.
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previously, the temperature in the workshop was like outside, in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, but now where are these memories? for gifts, hundreds of languages , cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country,
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we have no barriers. conversation between the russian leader and leaders. vladimir putin held a meeting with the winners of the management competition, russian leaders talked about social elevators and personnel opportunities. the armor is strong. how a volunteer from siberia was able to remove a tank from the battlefield after twelve direct hits.


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