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tv   Utro  NTV  March 13, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we will find out the details of the emergency and talk about controversial situations with the first gear. on ntv there is a program about an emergency incident in the marat seddikov studio. private detectives who bought and used secret data for their own purposes were sentenced. spouses alexander and yulia mashtaller are used to doing everything together. they served in the ministry of internal affairs, retired almost simultaneously, and opened a private detective agency, where they worked in circumvention of the law. as a result, the defendants also found themselves in the dock together. the head of the family looked in fear...
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the communication skills developed during his service in the authorities were already used in searching for information for their clients. the list of services was published on the website and pages on the social network. among other things, they proposed checking offices and cars for hidden cameras and bugs, as well as conducting surveillance. employees of real law enforcement agencies became interested in the activities of detectives. during a search in the couple's apartment, investigators found files with personal financial data for two dozen people. as it turned out, secret private investigators received information from a high-ranking official.
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by court decision, mikhail turkin received 8 years in prison, alexander mashtaller was sentenced to nine years, and his wife to 7.5 years. unlike the other defendants, she will not go to jail immediately, but after her child from... turns 14 years old, during
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heavy snowfalls, road services save us from transport collapse, an honorable mission, i wonder what this is utility workers are working now, look, tons of snow that was shoveled and stored on the roadsides in the winter months, now graders scatter buckets on the asphalt, you do something yourself... it will take a long time to melt, it will take a long time to melt, of course, it’s ice, heavy equipment spreads the icy mass on the asphalt, the sills and sides of cars are shot by the icy buckshot, but the main thing is that on such a surface the risk of accidents increases significantly , the grip is worse, naturally with asphalt, some slippery situations arise, for those with front-wheel drive, i think there will be a problem for them, i think they are saving money. well on
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export, what kind of money is this, when is it exported, what is the problem, there are not enough dump trucks, or what? the expectation is that the wheels of the cars will roll out the ice porridge, unless, of course, it skids over anyone. we discovered a similar practice on another street, such a technology for melting snow could result in a massive accident, and some poor driver would be appointed as the switchman? unfortunately, most likely yes, the driver will most likely be found guilty, because in the traffic rules there is clause 101, which obliges the driver to choose a speed limit, including taking into account weather conditions. road workers can also be prosecuted for violating road maintenance rules, because the existing national standard states that there should be no foreign objects on the road, but if they are not eliminated, then this is a violation for which a road worker can be punished under article 1234 of the code of administrative offenses, from 200 to 300,000 rub.
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let's try to attract road workers, as they say , without leaving the cash register, we call the traffic police, here the public utility service, all the snow that was lying on the sidewalk is shoveled onto the road and people drive in the snow...
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all around, but there will be no deal, i won’t disperse the people, but the task is to blow up crimea from the inside at any cost, at any cost, 10 days until spring, raise the numbers, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. today, in the far east , the japanese cyclone is bursting into our atmosphere under the impact of the kuril islands in the south of the khabarovsk territory, the wind there before the hurricane , light snow on sakhalin, strong wind, there will be snow near lake baikal and in yakutia and no heat is visible even in the south of the continent, in vladevostok the maximum is +2. siberia on a cold wave in the north is also rainy
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the cyclone adds winter difficulties, in altai there is snow with rain and strong winds; in tyumen in yekaterinburg it is simply cloudy there and -4-5 in the european territory there is an anticyclone. now over the caspian sea, and it is turned to us on the right side, warm air rushed to the northwest, to the center, moderately warm, not yet above +5, but the main thing is the sun, it is in the entire middle zone from tver to saratov, but not on south, there is a balkan cyclone with clouds, rain and wind, warm wind for sochi there is +18, in sevastopol - 12, in rostov-on-don +7. in st. petersburg today it’s +6, it will start to rain in the evening, in moscow it’s +5 and bright sunshine, finally, that’s all about the weather. this was the weather forecast for the country. from which the sun never sets, only here, in the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million clients, tinkov, tinkov, 40 million
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clients in the largest country in the world, look, yes. morning, the best, listen to auto news from the main road, be surprised by the delicious news with sergei malozyomov, get acquainted with the world of show business, two mistakes at the cost of his life, a taxi car hit a courier on an electric vehicle in yekaterinburg, the driver could not stop on an unclean road and drove into the intersection on yellow, and the courier drove on red, he had no chance to survive. a duel over an accident: drivers started shooting after a small clash in the capital, inspectors stopped the shootout, hooligans were wounded. following the smell of pies, a probably hungry motorist rammed a store in
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ufa and drove straight to buloshnaya; baking will be expensive, and in addition to flour products , he will also have to pay for repairs to the bakery. blown me away gusts. the roof of a building in barnaul was torn off, it fell on 10 cars, a woman managed to get into one of them, she had small cuts from broken glass, there were freezing rains in the central part of the country, and then everything froze, icy conditions hid under a layer of freshly fallen snow, utility workers are working non-stop, in siberia creative residents also went out to clean the streets, next week there will be cloudless, in the south of the country it’s already spring. warm. child death due to adult drunkard. twelve-year-old volkswagen passenger died in the arms of first-class doctors. the driver of the mercedes had already been deprived of his license on the day of the tragedy and got behind the wheel drunk. to jail for a train accident.
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railway workers propose to toughen punishment for reckless drivers. if they cross a crossing at a prohibitory traffic light, they will not be deprived of their license for six. months, for a year, and those who caused a collision with a train will be sent to prison for up to 2 years. if the culprit survives, will such proposals be accepted in the state duma soon? let's find out! leap over the abyss! the loaf flew through a crack on lake baikal. blogger the extreme sportsman is now wanted. he faces a hefty fine. the river did not forgive the resident of primorye for carelessness. i couldn't stand the flight. the suv immediately went under water. the driver was not saved. small zolotnik. in novosibirsk , an aggressive boy tried to break an infinity. he tore off the mirror.
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good morning, live food is on the air, my name is sergey malozyomov all week, as usual, i have been following the scientific news feeds, what other interesting things have scientists discovered about food? there are still more benefits in fish than harm. in pregnant women, this has been proven by scientists from university of bristol. they studied analyzes of several thousand women and their children from the seychelles, where they traditionally eat a lot of fish, as well as english women who consume this product less often. it turned out that even if the level of mercury in a pregnant woman’s body is slightly increased, it accumulates in fish, especially predatory fish, like tuna, but this does not have a harmful effect on the child.
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the benefits in the form of fatty acids, iodine, vitamin d and selenium outweigh and even neutralize the harm from the toxic metal. but here's the drawback fish in the diet is much more likely to lead to disturbances in the development of the baby. experts recommend that expectant mothers eat at least two servings of seafood per week. the city of haarlem will be the first in the world to ban advertising of meat and processed products in public places. this will happen by 2024. the main reason is environmental damage from livestock farming. for this reason, as city authorities remind, they cut down forests and use fertilizers that pollute the soil. and, according to the un, raising livestock on an industrial scale produces a significant share of emissions greenhouse gases. fresh. the study showed that of all food products , the production of lamb and beef causes
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the most significant damage to the environment and requires the most resources, so to obtain just 1 kg of beef you need about 15,000 liters of water. however, not everyone supported the decision of the harlim authorities to ban meat advertising . dutch experts are asking the question: is it right to destroy one of the most important industries of a place for the sake of improving the environment? the country's largest pumpkin was chosen, the final of the russian championship was held in ulyanovsk among farmers growing giant vegetables. the contestants were transported to the volga region using trucks and manipulators. the smallest of the contenders was a pumpkin weighing just over 200 kg. well, the winner was raised by farmer andrei gusev from the moscow region. multiple winner of similar competitions. we
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understand, 783 kg is hanging in front of you. the world record belongs to italian farmer stefan cutrupi from tuscany. last year he showed a vegetable weighing 1.226 kg. growing such a miracle is a labor-intensive process. but as they say agronomists, there is nothing dangerous in giant vegetables. they are absolutely edible. in india , the pre-wedding party, which was thrown for his son and his bride by the richest man in asia, muket ambani, died down. he invited more than a thousand guests to the three-day celebration, including billionaires and bellywood stars, and invited rihanna to perform. how much did all this cost him? how did you entertain guests when? the wedding itself is expected, which could become the most expensive in history, this is the show business news today. the indian city of
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jamnagar in the western state of gujarat has become the site of the most luxurious social party of the year, which cost more than 100 million dollars, rihana’s performance alone cost 7 million, given that riri rarely appears on stage now, it took very convincing arguments to persuade her. among the 1,200 guests from the boxes were billionaires and celebrities from america, ivanka trump with her husband and daughter, mark zuterberg with his wife, divorced bill gates, new lover, the heads of disney and google, and almost... all of bollywood, including its king shahrukh khan. the stars of cricket, which is in india, have arrived national sport, especially since the mbani family, who hosted the party, owns one of the most popular teams. jamnagar is home not only to the oilman's family estate, muket shambani, but also to the world's largest oil refinery, which he built, as well as an eco-friendly village
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for workers created by his wife nita, and an animal rescue center owned by his youngest son. ananta, it was in his honor that a holiday was held. in mid-july , twenty-eight-year-old anand will marry twenty-nine-year-old rafiki merchant, also girls are not easy. her father is indian millionaire veren merchant, who owns a large pharmaceutical business. the bride and groom have known each other since their youth; they have been dating for several years. by the way, in 2016 , anand shocked the whole world when he was able to lose 108 kg in a year and a half, although he then gained it back. but this does not bother the bride. in honor of the upcoming wedding, members of the ambani family distributed food to the poor, this is a long-standing tradition. they also built and renovated as many as 14 temples in jamnagar. when it came time for the wedding of my youngest son anant, i there were two desires: i wanted this celebration to glorify our roots and that it would be dedicated to our art. the three-day
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pre-wedding party truly became a hymn to indian culture. everyone danced. groom's mother. showed the classical style of indian dance phara tanatyam, which she studied since childhood. the bride mastered it only a few years ago, but she also performed a number and then danced with her future husband. bollywood stars, led by shahrukh khan, repeated the viral hit natu-natu from the film “the revolution roars nearby” on stage. all guests dressed in traditional costumes. along with the invitation to the celebration, they received nine-page instructions with the dress code that will be needed for each. the services of make-up artists, stylists and saree droppers were available to everyone free of charge. chefs from different countries prepared 2,500 dishes for every taste, including 75 types of breakfast, 225 lunches, 275 dinners, and another 85 for those who like to eat at night. these three-day celebrations are being described as just a trailer for a july wedding
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that promises to be even bigger. 6 years ago, when muket gave his daughter isha in marriage, he invited 2,000 rich and famous guests, for whom they rented five five-star hotels, and gave them diamond bracelets as gifts. the celebration itself took place in the family's twenty-seven-story mansion, and the wedding ceremony for the newlyweds , biyonce, was rumored to cost 5 million. the entire celebration cost $100 million , but more has already been spent on the son's current pre-wedding warm-up, so the wedding, apparently, will be the most expensive in history, the task of meeting... it’s definitely not worth it, except maybe within the budget some small state , such is the show business news today , marina kazantseva was with you, see you, smiled, it means you recognized, smiled, it means real,
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they recognize, remember, appreciate, for real , psb is a bank for the real, hello, ministry of emergency situations , we have to go, 5 minutes of silence, new season, hold on, hold on, i’m already close, from monday 20:00 on ntv. until spring premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. hair lacking vitality? gliskur, exceptional hydration. fills hair with the power of hyalurn. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors. try gliskur - exceptional hydration. almagel fights heartburn and pain in the stomach, carefully
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enveloping its walls. almagel a knows its stuff for heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts at zdravsiti. home is where the family is, at domrf bank 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. sintek oil with moly gard technology increases engine life. sintek is always a smart choice. it is important for us to stand out so that we can be noticed at any time of the day or night. our work is a race against time and the elements. to win it, we need. one who is fully involved, who is ready to devote himself entirely to the cause, who feels the strength in himself, the power to help, destinies are at stake, and
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we accept the challenge, jatur t2, a hero by nature, what is your mood today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. your favorite coffee now has a new name. monarch. also high quality, the same favorite aroma taste. for different you. one magnet cosmetics half-maliv shower gels with up to 39% discount. the price is what you need. i am irana ponoroscu. i don't want to revolve around technology. let them spin around me. and haer knows how to do it. let technology revolve around us, and we use it and enjoy it. hair is a technique inspired
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by life. when diseased joints become an obstacle to a comfortable life, use ambene drugs, which bioactively solve joint problems and take care of you like those closest to you. ambien preparations for active joints. myasorubskie old farmstead for... we chop its meat finer so that the taste is milder. finely minced meat , old-time meat mincers, tasty meat mincer, professional coloring sios, long-lasting cream dye, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine of dyed hair, sios, hair like after a salon. don’t be twitchy to the confectioner, i understand, the boss, where did he get such manners from, what he did, he threw out of the car the wrong person whom others would have liked. yesterday i also managed to break the nose of the austrian envoy, i already want him, well, which one of me should be the national guard, honestly, i cleaned it from the brain to the bones, and not an office one, a typical garbage cat, here in
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st. petersburg i can’t defend you, i’m sorry, but hide it until the time of vyborg, there is such an opportunity, captain watering, your order has arrived, since we’ve met, i want to believe, we’ll work together, the estate of a brutal cop with an alpha male, he walked into the office, i immediately wanted it, where did he even come from, what time? tribute from all over, big business, medium business, and if the field captain gets in the way, then excuse me. pritorian, premieres from monday at 22:10 on ntv. this new and already your favorite show “stars”. each
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star brought with it 2 million rubles, creating an unrealistic prize fund of 20 million rubles. where does she even get 2 million? maybe there’s a pension there, i don’t know, but i’m young, i did the right thing, yes, thank god. here we are at 2 million, i didn’t know it would be possible to sell my pajamas so quickly. at the end of the project, only one winning team will receive this amount, but how will we divide the money? 50% for me, 50% for arthur pirozhkov, we won’t just earn money, we ’ll win an oscar. thank you bro, from the bottom of our hearts, we black people should be together, understand? stars with azamat musagaliev. what the hell, shalyapin. horseradish, chaliapin, volochko, who next , mukhtar, or something, a chair, she sits on the splits, all the time we will bury her first in a triangular coffin, on saturday at 21:20 on ntv,
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she smiled, which means she recognized her, she smiled, which means she’s real, they recognize, hmm, love. they remember and truly appreciate. psb is a bank for the present. the morning continues, the best. let's ask the chef about a new recipe. we have the right to receive legal assistance. we transform your home into your dream apartment. let's go north let's eat matryoshka.
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it’s great to observe fasting and arrange unloading for the body, the main thing is not to abuse empty carbohydrates at this time, but to pay special attention to products with vegetable protein and fiber. that's why today i decided to make some amazing zucchini pancakes with a fantastic green sauce. go! first of all, i'll prepare the sauce. for this i need greens. i'll take some dill and cilantro. i’ll immediately remove the hard stems from the parsley, don’t throw them away, you can put them into broth later, i’ll chop the greens randomly, right away i’ll put it in a glass for a blender or a chopper, whichever is more convenient for you, and i’ll add a little thyme to the greens, oh, how fragrant it is, and i’ll add a clove of garlic.
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i’ll chop it arbitrarily, the piquancy of hot green pepper, a little lime zest and a little lime juice, don’t forget to add salt, not too salty, literally a quarter of a teaspoon, vegetable oil, two or three tablespoons, and now i turn everything into... into a homogeneous mass , well, everything is simple here, the longer you beat it, the more homogeneous the sauce turns out, by the way, this an excellent vegetarian sauce, but not only for vegetable dishes, but for fish, meat , and anything else, zucchini pancakes will be
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my main dish, so i’ll make... a light side dish for it, the simplest one is tomato salad, i cut the small tomatoes into two parts, the larger ones into four, send the tomatoes into a bowl, i could add a little greenery here, but i’ll do it much simpler, i’ll take a little green sauce and send it. tomato, there is oil, salt, and herbs, yes, and this amazing green sauce can be used as dressing for green salads, let it marinate slightly, well, now let’s prepare the dough for pancakes, grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, you can also use zucchini, but zucchini will be more expensive. i’ll take a clove of garlic
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, grate it on a fine grater , grate the carrots on a fine grater, the carrots will give additional sweetness, color, and of course, add some vitamins , salt, leave for about five minutes, then squeeze, you don’t need to press too hard, i’ll add flour here. i mix it well, add a little baking powder, that’s it, let’s start frying heat vegetable oil in a frying pan; it is better to use refined oil; fry over medium heat.
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i transfer the fried pancakes to a plate, be sure to serve the pancakes with tomato salad, and don’t forget to add it to the amazing green sauce. decorate all this splendor with a sprig of greenery, it’s very tasty, it’s very beautiful, it’s very easy, be sure to prepare this lenten dish during lent, even if you don’t follow it, and you will find even more good, correct lenten recipes on the kitchen website, be sure to go ahead, i'm sure you'll like it, with this i say goodbye to you, my name is grigory mosin,
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we'll see. the court in a similar case noticed that the debtor, at the same time before the financial problems arose, entered into similar loan agreements secured by the same apartment with two unrelated
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vendors, well, that is, there seem to be signs of some kind of misrepresentation . both creditors had a trusting relationship with the debtor and confirmed their claims with the same set of documents. in conditions bankruptcy of the debtor, the court must prevent the inclusion of unfounded claims in the register and suppress challenges to the latter’s transactions in order to overcome the seniority of the pledges. well that's obvious. even if we proceed from the right of other creditors to refute previously made conclusions regarding the debt, then in relation to the general provision on the binding nature of judicial acts, as the supreme court said, in essence the conclusions cannot be questioned. made by the court earlier in a dispute between the same persons, only in civil proceedings, and not in bankruptcy case, although, of course , the bankruptcy law has killed a lot of things in our legal space, we have talked about this more than once, but some lawyers believe
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that it is still possible to overcome court decisions made outside the framework of bankruptcy, for this you just need to use a mechanism challenging transactions on special or general civil grounds, that is, without resorting to challenging decisions according to the rules... or on bankruptcy, but in any case, if the circumstances of the invalidity of the transaction on general civil, so-called grounds have already passed judicial control, this excludes the possibility of reviewing decisions, read article 16 of the arbitration procedural code. the supreme court in this case indicates that competition between judicial decisions should not be allowed. yes, there is an objection from the lender that, for example, the loan agreement is fictitious, but in any case, the confirming one must be challenged. this requirement is a court decision, otherwise the requirements strengthened by a judicial act will simply be included in the register automatically. well, as we've said many times, don't try without a lawyer. understand bankruptcy law. there, in addition to many norms, you also need to monitor
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the changing judicial practice, so you simply cannot do without a qualified specialist. hello, this is a housing issue, i’m oksana kozyreva, today in the living room our heroes have transit lightning in the form of a lamp like the one at the moscow metro station barrikadnaya. there are no losers in bike races for zhanna, lisa and fyodor chumakov; more important than speed is a fascinating route, the most beloved in the native back streets of lyusinovskaya street, one of bright. stars of which their own house, a building with arches, resolites and porticos , was supposed to become part of the ambitious high-rise quarter of the architect grigory zakharov, but due to harsh criticism of khrushchev, it remained alone. i was born in this
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apartment and we didn’t change the layout here much, but since there is stucco on the ceilings, we wanted the hallway to also have a combination with stucco, somehow it was in harmony that we made changes to the arches and this main room we made a checkpoint due to, well, not... doors here we made the ceiling in the shape of clouds, it gives a little bit of grace, it seems to me, to the room. at work at the bank, zhanna is the head of the department, and at home she is the chief designer and decorator, her love for the classics has not touched except the kitchen, where fyodor is completely in charge. this room, it appeared on the wave of this love for santa barbara, all these, like isauras, these ones, there was definitely space there, this is pure santa barbara. you have to understand that this is the end of the last century, to be honest, come up with something, but i know, zhanna, that you really love boroque, i do, yes, but fyodor’s eye twitches when he hears about it, all these names of different
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styles, for me it’s nothing at all, that ’s it, baroque modern, who knows what that means, exactly, it’s important for me that this room is now separated from the kitchen, that is, to somehow combat this. the housing issue has undertaken to update the twenty-three-meter walk-through living room in the stalin house, we have already gotten rid of the old decoration, and to level the floor we use a dry and easy in every sense method: we roll out the vapor barrier from polyethylene film and fasten the damper tape around the perimeter. the filling of our pie is weightless, but dense. pro series polystyrene foam boards.
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the reliability of the structure will be ensured by gypsum fiber floor elements. we assemble the frame from main profiles, direct hangers and crab connectors. we process the end edges of moisture-resistant drywall with a roughing plane. now we sew up the structure. the living room will be separated from the corridor by a portal. we lowered the ceiling a little lower above the load-bearing columns, now we are installing plaster in the hole lamps, we will return the rich linden decor to this stalinist apartment, we lower the high cornice along the perimeter, we decorate the ceiling with curlicues and thin moldings in the corners, we decorate the future portal with decorative consoles, a round rosette will mark the place of the dining table, all the elements are made of durable materials. polyurethane. now let's add color to the space.
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we chose a neutral gray background for the ceiling, linden and part of the walls, and azure blue to highlight the arch to the kitchen, the portal and the corridor in front of the living room. on a dry screed with a french christmas tree we lay engineered oak boards from krasnodar. we use a fast-setting hybrid adhesive. it insulates against impact noise. the top of the wood is treated with protective oil. meanwhile, wall decoration continues in the heroes’ living room. for the remaining ones, we ordered cutters. the coating itself is non-woven fabric with a thin layer of plaster, onto which a pattern is applied using digital printing. we install a guide made of painted anadized aluminum above the kitchen arch. a system of carriages with rollers will ensure silent , smooth movement of the sashes. they themselves are in elegant frames glass inserts. decorated with photo printing
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, we build tall cabinets under the top of the blue portal, an arched shelf made of birch plywood and solid ash will stand near the window, we assemble it from four separate modules, for another cabinet we assemble it in a niche at the entrance to the room, it will be almost invisible against the background of the walls, a new sofa has arrived, opposite a tv with a diagonal of 140. we put an led strip in the ceiling dome lamps, we mount a track next to it , we fix white spots, they can move along the busbar and turn in any direction. side, in the corridor there are two mini-spotlights in black housings, and this latin lightning claims to play the main role in the living room. its length is 4 m, another
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crystal beauty hangs nearby. family lunches and dinners will now certainly take place at this extravagant table. and here are the chairs, already familiar to our heroes.
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and there’s also a surprise waiting for you, you’re the chief designer , or something, so look, the stars , if we look at the sky, we can see two, three, four, and best of all five stars, i really like that we have still, bright colors, here we got
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several such moments in the room, and a bright yellow table, these blue arches, although it seems to me that it’s at the stage of corridors. from the very first step into the apartment , i was pleased that finally the piano had found its place, you know, the lighting, again this chandelier, i think it may be central in this room, but it is moved here closer to the window.
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well, i think i’ll definitely get used to it, i’m in murmansk, the capital of the arctic and also a town of heroes. during the war he was very destroyed, so there are few historical buildings; in memory of those who defended the arctic, one of the important memorials of the kola peninsula, alyosha, stands here. from here you have an excellent view of the port bay; the most delicious souvenirs are sold at the port. some shops even organize tastings. it gives you something in your mouth and there is some kind of sweetness, so how much does this service cost? 350 rubles is just a little thing, 350 rubles clears everything up for you and even explains it perfectly, thank you, interesting, for good measure,
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of course there is no live scallop from murmonsk you bring it, here’s a branded fish matryoshka , it’s a fatty halibut stuffed with drier pink salmon, a cool idea in general and even tasty, i really like this balance, right where there’s not enough fat content, here ’s the second fish that gives it to you, it’s very tasty, but now i don’t know , what to try next, marinated in maple syrup with honey and pepper, wow. i really feel the fishy taste, but at the same time there are also sweets, it seems to me that this is a bamboo souvenir, small packaging, convenient, probably inexpensive, really, how much is acceptable, 500 rubles. another one delicacy, dried midi, i have never
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even heard that it was possible to dry midi, i am delighted with the very idea. your imagination in this store is boundless, you also have moss here, it’s like moss moss, hello, this definitely needs to be brought, that’s for sure, imagine, you’ll come to your friends, oh, i have a souvenir from murmansk, what, what that, moss, it’s a brilliant idea, delicious souvenirs have been bought, you can move on, although no, it’s impossible to leave murmonsk without preparing anything. and i will do this together with maxim goletsky. he studied to be a ship's cook, cook, but never went to sea. but maxim loves to cook fish, and not only does he love it, but
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he does it in a very original way. i want to cook our most important fish, which is probably triska. we even have a monument to her, there is an opinion that cod is such a lean dry fish, in fact this is not so, i bread it in nuts, serve it with seaweed, vegetables and sea urchin sauce. first, the cod needs to be salted and estrogenated. tarragon, also known as tarragon, goes very well with fish. eh, that's enough, i i think testragon will be enough. yes, let's take a brush now, we will now generously grease our cod with melted butter. yes. can. don’t regret it, wait, but i heard about breading, yes, we ’ll bread it now, first we’ll make a shell of butter with you, all the juice will remain inside, and then either nuts, khidir nut and mint will stick to the butter. they need to be pre-fried, well, go ahead and pour them in here, yeah, not sparing the nuts, the
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most important thing is not to overcook the sauce, otherwise it will become dry, that’s why we have this steak here with you, well, about 160 g, we will cook for 8 minutes at 180°. while the cod is getting ready, what are we going to do? we will prepare a side dish, yes, for this we will need seafood. seaweed , kelp, also known as seaweed, i boiled it first, because it is quite rough, it must always be boiled, firstly, it removes excess iodine, which is so rich, so, well, it becomes soft, because it needs will chew, in principle, you can use ready-made seaweed for this dish at home, yeah, buy it in the store without any additives, and throw it on a drain, rinse it a little with water to remove the oil, vinegar in which it was marinated, and its waste. for this side dish. sauté carrots and onions cut into strips in butter until soft, add fish broth and
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seaweed. simmer for 10-15 minutes. let's check how we are doing there. you know, i like the onion, the color is very bright, the texture, it seems to me, aldent. yes. that’s right, just in russian, you know how it’s aldente, like in the raw, like in the raw, raw, well, aldenta. we can do it, hold the spoon, yeah, add it wine, put it all out, don’t be sorry, on average
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, one hedgehog contains 12 g of so-called caviar, yeah, if there are specimens that are small, he’s like that boy, so we usually put them together , just everything, by the way, small, large, well, the size is for us uh, age tells me, but this is the scree, from about 40 to 80 years old, why did you tell me this? so many hedgehog grandmothers have i eaten in my life, yes, 78% of the hedgehog’s dna coincides with human dna, practically our ancestor, of which yes, 75%, 78 even, that is, uh, let ’s, like this, find two differences, it looks like in general , add cream to the saucepan, prepare the dish, pour in two types of oil, one iskinchit, and the other is dill. sprinkle with grated baked potatoes and decorate with microgreens.
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you recently said that many people mistakenly think that cod is a dry fish, and i would add that many people mistakenly think that cod is a banal fish, and judging by the way you cooked it today, it seems to me. this stereotype, it’s incredible, not just delicious, but noble, thank you, so maxim, thank you very much for the new life hacks, new tips and a new recipe, hmm , she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she’s real , they recognize, love, remember, appreciate, truly,
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psb is a bank for the real, who is hiding under this smiling mask, singer and producer elman dava. dava, dava, but i’m not at all sure about this, artyom koter, who will be next? mask, anniversary fifth season. sunday, 22:00 on ntv. 10 days until spring. premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. appetite anywhere. papamaybe, only papa will tame, papamaybe, papamaybe there is a beast sausages, dad, maybe now it will appear,
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well, there’s a card that... earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. heartburn can cause a lot of discomfort, but it can be stopped. one capsule of rabgiprozole - north star in the morning helps fight heartburn all day. northern star, they trust us. petelinka - pure products without harmful additives. home is where the family is, in the bank of the house of the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. favorite scents spirits invariably return us to the past,
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awakening distant and such pleasant memories. but where can i find that one now... the most aroma, of course, is vlyamax. perfumes , perhaps, were a sign of special luxury and grace. make your dream come true now. the two most popular scents may be paris and london. the perfume is long lasting and is used very sparingly. perfume can be a great gift for yourself or a loved one. call and order a set of two long-lasting legendary scents, maybe for only 990 rubles, but that’s not all, only today, absolutely free, you will receive a chic hair chignon in five colors of your choice, for simple and elegant styling every day, leamax purchases with a plus, call or order on our website meeting place, today at 14:00 on
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ntv. genergy fsint motor oil presents. the source of my victories is how you prepare for the race, keeping yourself and your car at their peak. genergy fsint motor oil is intelligently formulated with targeted additives to protect your vehicle. genergy hold engine in shape. where are you going? i'm behind my brother, there is still hope. there is always hope, belly passenger in the cinema from march 14th. about the weather for today in the far east, the japanese cyclone bursts into our atmosphere under the impact of the kuril islands , south of the khabarovsk territory. the wind there before hurricane sakhalin is light snow, strong wind, there will be snow near lake baikal and in yakutia and the heat is not visible even in the south of the mainland, in vladivostok the maximum is +2. siberia is on a cold wave in the north and a stormy cyclone adds winter difficulties; in altai there is snow and rain and the strong wind is calmer in tyumen in
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yekaterinburg, it’s just cloudy there and -4-5. european territory, the anticyclone is now over the caspian sea and it is turned to us on the right side: warm air rushed to the northwest, to the center, moderately warm, not yet above +5, but the main thing is the sun, it is in the entire middle zone from tver to saratov, but not in the south, there is a balkan cyclone with clouds, rain and wind, warm wind for sochi there is +18, in sevastopol - 12, in rostov-on-don +7. in st. petersburg today it’s +6, it will start to rain in the evening, in moscow it’s +5 and bright sunshine, finally everything about the weather. there was a weather forecast in a country over which the sun never sets, only here, in the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million clients, shadows, 40 million clients in the largest country in the world.
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will identify the symptoms of the disease with your doctor, prepare a cupcake with yulia vysotskaya, get acquainted with the wonderful news with sergei malozyomov, and talk one day with people's artist tatyana peletskaya. the drug gripferon is a prevention and treatment of colds and flu, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life. the cough is so painful that it is impossible to sleep and breathe normally. such complaints at a doctor’s appointment are now quite common, how to properly treat a cough, what needs to be done first in order to immediately alleviate your condition, and is this even possible? we will look into this today together with experts.
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good morning, on the air. your doctor and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello alexander davidovich, i am very glad to see you. on our show, alexander davidevich, i would like to talk to you about something very well known... to what extent is this whole ideology of making macrota liquid, is it correct, how much does it help, how necessary is it in what situations? mucolytics have a clearly defined task, to make sputum more liquid and make it easier. discharge, for what diseases, so in general this is exactly the task we have? the question is not so much how much this task is worth in diseases, but how much this task is worth to a specific
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patient, yes, the task is to liquefy the macrota, which means a - this macrota should be, b - it should be thick, poorly discharged, well, in general, it is absolutely logical, yes, if there is no sputum and there is nothing to liquefy, that’s in people’s logic. yes , i cough, i don’t have sputum, so for a dry cough you need to take a mucolytic, a mucolytic is not a cure for a dry cough and not a cough medicine at all, it’s for the discharge of macrophages, if it’s not there, then maybe it just really isn’t there, there is a cough , but there is no sputum, but there is no phlegm, no, there is some kind of disease, yes, let’s say it’s severe bronchitis, that’s what now they call it copd and... with this bronchitis there are also subtypes: the patient has a lot of viscous, thick sputum, purulent viscous macrophage, well, in fact, this patient will actually tell you that he has difficulty
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expectorating, spitting, macrophage in thick pieces , it’s all green, yes, well, in this case, yes, that is, it’s better to liquefy it, it probably needs to be liquefied, severe pneumonia with the okra not going away very well. but this is bacterial pneumonia most often, it’s not viral, you know, it’s not so important, small bags in the lungs bronchial tubes, in which macrophages accumulate , it is thick, and there is often the cause of this sluggish disease and the reason for the exacerbation of this sluggish disease - these are precisely these sacs in the bronchi filled with thick sputum that does not come away, let us prescribe mucolytics and that is, every time you need to understand, yes, that in order to prescribe a mucolytic, you need a medical understanding, i emphasize, medical understanding, that the patient has macrotae, and this macrotasm is thick,
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poorly discharged, and in order for this illness, this sputum cleared up better, you need to prescribe a mucolytic, then everything is just fine, alexandrevich, here’s another way to look at the situation, we have a part of the disease where there is a certain stage, yes, that is, at first there is a dry cough, viscous macrota, then as the same pneumonia resolves, the macrota becomes more liquid, so if we use these mucolytics in order to speed up this phasing, it works or it doesn’t work, or it will happen on its own anyway, and the macrota from dry knit? will become liquid simply because the disease has already passed into a secreting form, or what else can it be called? yes, many diseases have stages. if a patient has a respiratory viral infection, then
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he probably does not need any mucolytics at this moment. let’s say, in an unfortunate set of circumstances, this was complicated by some kind of bacterial infection, the patient had severe bronchitis, well, in some... isolated cases, because in acute, even bacterial bronchitis, mucolytics are rarely needed, completely unlucky, complicated by inflammation lungs, and there is difficult to separate macrota , which we, naturally, want to remove from this patient, we prescribed mucolytics, again , some of the mucolytics have some additional properties, they have, this is not their main task, but... certain properties, in including some restorative and anti-inflammatory substances. thank you very much alexander davidovich for raising the topic, thank you, good health to everyone and see you again, hello,
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excuse me, please have a seat, please, thank you, how can i come to you address? denis, denis, what brought you to my appointment today? denis has been undergoing treatment for a week, there is no fever, no runny nose, but the cough is very bothering, because of it denis had to reschedule several work meetings, given what we received. you are diagnosed with acute bronchitis, if you have seen pictures, and i am sure that you have seen them more than once, when the bronchial tree is depicted, yes, accordingly, today we will not talk about the lungs, today we are talking about the bronchi, if we same with you on the bronchus, this is a tube with a certain diameter and inside it is lined with mucous membrane, in this case you have acute inflammatory diseases.
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which is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane, it is thickened, hyperemic, so, you know, full-blooded, and sputum accumulates there, but it is very viscous and comes out very poorly. in addition, taking into account the inflammatory process and the lack of oxygen, clinical recommendations for the treatment of acute illness include mucolytic drugs. rdst is considered one of the most modern mucolytics. it promotes faster and more efficient separation macrotes from the lumen of the bronchi, it reduces the inflammatory process in the lumen of the bronchi, and we are definitely talking about local immunity here, it helps to improve the strengthening of local immunity, in this case in the bronchi, its antioxidant properties are very important in the treatment of acute bronchitis, so what are we treating? yes, of course, we are undergoing treatment.
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today, pharmacies offer a fairly wide selection of drugs for the treatment of wet cough. the newest generation among them is the erdosteine ​​molecule, which was developed italian scientists. our company promotes the original drug erdestein under the brand name edomari. it was on it that all clinical studies were conducted, which proved the effectiveness and safety of the drug. for example, edomari has been shown to have a more powerful mucolytic effect compared to acytelcysceins. and already on the second day of therapy, the patient feels relief due to a decrease in the intensity of the cough. due to its special chemical structure, edomari has a complex effect and does not cause side effects with side of the gastrointestinal tract slows down the progression of the disease. edomaria is a modern remedy based on erdosteine ​​for... treating wet cough, it
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helps to liquefy and remove macrota from the lungs. edomari, freedom to breathe, freedom to live. the drug gripferon is the prevention and treatment of colds and flu, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life. so, 150 g of sugar, 150 g of butter, start whipping. and one by one we introduce three eggs here.
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here i have 250 g of flour, i add tea here a spoonful of baking powder, a pinch of salt, mix and carefully add it here into the bowl where i have butter, sugar, three eggs, half the flour, now i cut the bananas into small pieces. to make it easier for them to become one with our dough, we carefully add a blender here, the remaining flour with baking powder and salt, we can say that our dough is ready. look
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how wonderful it is, how homogeneous it turned out, you see, uh-huh, i add 100 g of pine nuts and two handfuls of dried cranberries here, instead of cranberries, you can take cherries, instead of nuts, you can take any other nuts, instead of pine nuts, and now we lay out this dough like this, this cake is baked for quite a long time, about an hour, temperature 180°. hot air mode, the oven should be well heated, the cooled cake
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jumps out of the pan absolutely easily, oops, oops, well , it seems to me, well, he really really wants it. and so that there is powdered sugar on top, and i understand him, i also want it to have powdered sugar on top when it has completely cooled down, i now i’ll cut it for you, you can cut it, and look how beautiful it is, well, you know , it’s for tea, even for breakfast, even to gather there at 5 o’clock, afternoon tea, so to speak, or what the english call fo clock tea , this is ideal, because it is very easy to prepare, well, just cut it like this, it is very tender, it is very juicy, just look, yes, yes, for dessert we have such a cupcake, bon appetit, hurry up to the table, in broadcast
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a miracle of technology, a program in which i, sergey molozyomov and my team test everything on yourself, eh... what did scientists and inventors from different countries surprise us with this week? right now the miracle of technology is on the air, fifth place in our traditional hit parade of scientific and technological news. according to scientists from the university of copenhagen, they were able to make non-alcoholic beer uncompromisingly tasty. they genetically modified yeast so that it could produce volatile molecules known as monoterpinoids. they take on the function of distribution. taste aroma, which usually fades after removal from beer alcohol. researchers are confident that the drink without degrees will now appeal to everyone, and gmo yeast will even allow the use of fewer types of hops, and still satisfy gourmets. and we rise higher in
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our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology. what's on the fourth line? robots will soon be able to, at least in part, replace industrial climbers, reducing the number of workers. accidents: a machine crawling not only on walls, but even on ceilings was created in britain. the robot also rests on uneven surfaces using powerful suction cups on fans and moves on rubber wheels. it can carry a load of up to 6 kg, which is enough, for example, for painting work or ultrasonic inspection of structures. third place in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. use specifically. trained microbes instead of ammonia fertilizers, suggest scientists from washington state university. using genetic engineering, they created a strain of soil bacteria of the genus azotobacter that is capable of capture large quantities of nitrogen vital for plants from the air and saturate the earth with it. researchers are confident that
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the technology will be very beneficial for farmers and environmentally beneficial, and myonic fertilizers are often accused, for example, of polluting water bodies. and this is what... i, sergei malozyomov, put the news in second place on our hit parade, discoveries and inventions of this week. before death, a person falls into a state similar to meditation or dreaming, and most likely sees vivid images. scientists from several countries after studying the electroencephalogram of a dying patient. after his heart stopped, his brain experienced a surge of gamma waves, which are associated, among other things, with the processing of memories. and for some time afterwards the nervous system still worked. scientists say that understanding pre-mortem processes can be of great importance, especially for transplant resuscitators. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week?
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first place in the hot five. wires for data transfers may finally become a thing of the past. a new record was successfully tested in china. a fast principle for transmitting information over the air, perhaps it will become the basis for the 6g standard. during the experiment, an entire terabyte of data - that's, for example, 500 movies in normal quality - was sent over a distance of a kilometer in just one second. developers from tsinghua university and shanghai university have used so-called vortex millimeter waves, which can carry more information; due to their three-dimensionality, they are compared to merch, and ordinary with ripples on the water. the problem has always been the defocusing of such waves with distance, but now they have been able to concentrate them, the creators call this a real revolution, promising, however, the commercial launch of 6g only by about 200. by the thirtieth year. one morning on ntv. i,
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sergey mayorov. hello. today, the heroine of the project is once a movie star of the soviet period, an outstanding actress of our time, people's artist of the country, tatyana peletskaya. she is 95 years old. she is still in demand and loved by viewers. this is history st. petersburg. tatyana lvovna lives there. your excellency, how long have we not seen each other, but 23, no, 24 years, how quickly time flies, yes, yes, yes, yes, men age surprisingly quickly, tatyana lvovna was married three times, with her first husband , a captain of the first rank, konstantin peletsky, she lived in the arctic for 15 years, and was born into that marriage. he is so kind, so
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smart, because i love him, mom, yes, of course you do, group member, you will be very happy, everything was fine, probably his, so to speak, friends, acquaintances, there was no way, this other people, yes, well, these are sailors. well, then the polar horse brought a liter of milk for the week when natasha was born, well, a small room of 9 m, it was all very difficult, well, i probably couldn’t, we were friends until the last days of konstantin, he called here, congratulated, that’s all very, he is a very good person, when you are not here and i am suddenly drawn to you, then maybe i will come with...
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a difficult period, a very difficult period, i was left alone, and we were filming in dundici with
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one actress, a gypsy, margarita shumskaya, beautiful, wonderful, after this film we were very friends with her, she always came to me, wonderful, then tanya called somehow, i was in charge of the concert, she was in the gypsy ensemble. i finished my song, he says, i’ll come to you, i say, come on , of course, only i’m not alone, zanuk, here is the door, i open it, ritka is standing, and behind her is a handsome young guy, i’m in the kitchen, i say, what are you doing? i’m out of my mind, why are you so young, i’m not for myself, i say, ritka, what are you saying, i have nothing to treat you with, but we bought him, he says 200 g of sausage and a bottle of rum, here i have it, by the way, there’s an empty roma here, of course, it’s still standing , on the shore, yes, right there under
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the tv, on the shore, wow , there was a table like that here, for some reason he undressed in some kind of shiny jacket, i think how strange , i don’t know who he is, what he is, but it turns out he wasn’t completely finished after the act, well, we sat down, drank, that means, rum, ate sausage with black bread and went into... he turned around and said, can i have you? i’ll call, i say, you can, 45 years old, honored artist of russia boris dmitrievich ageshin was a classic of soviet pantami, worked in the moscow music hall and line concert, collaborated with edita piekha and alexander bronevitsky for many years, in fact, your love began with this bottle, but not with a bottle, no. no , well, in any case, we, of course, drank it , naturally, i lived a happy 45 years,
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it’s been 5 years since he’s been gone, i still can’t come to... i’m alone, and this is very bad, only theater, when i come to the theater, i come to life, if i had not gone to the theater, i don’t know how my biography would have turned out, but there is no education, like in the theater, and i took a risk when i i came to the leninsky komsomol theater, then i saw this stage, the largest stage in the city, larger than the alexandrinka, larger than the marinka. at that time there was an artistic director , a wonderful director polosh khunsky, so he taught me how to walk on stage, one day he comes up to me and says tanya, i’m starting a performance, i offer you the role of roxana, in this role he taught me how to walk on
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our stage , speak, not the way he speaks now, you won’t understand, but how you should... speak there were no microphones, you need to let me they heard it there, and we have 1,700 seats , there was still a balcony then, literally step by step, we played this flower at the age of 16, i played it 604 times this year for 60 years, as i am on stage, at 95, tatyana lvovna is not going to say goodbye to her profession, in her native theater named after lenin komsomol, now the theater... baltic house, she played almost all the classics, from the last performance benefit, lyrical comedy, rock and roll at sunset, what kind of dancers are we? , but it doesn’t matter how it turns out, where do you get your strength right now , it’s physical, and moral strength, memory, but your memory
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is excellent, your memory is excellent, i’m not complaining about memory, it’s about strength. i was, yes, now i rarely write , i rarely write, recently a muse visited me and calmed you down, i haven’t forgotten, but everything around me became so terribly aggravated that the rhyme simply didn’t fit, that’s all, this was born, yes, today i’m visiting
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my grandmother on granddaughter liza peletskaya, an artist and employee of the russian museum in st. petersburg, dropped by for tea. how are you feeling? okay, everything is fine, when you work, i feel good, but without work i can’t, at 95 years old dreams still exist? no, no, now i have only dreams, so that i can only have health, all sorts of illnesses , so that they don’t touch me, so that i can come to the theater, work, meet with the audience, at 95 the sins remain, i don’t think about them, but love, no, love on... i was just so sick, well, i love some things, i don’t like some things, i cut off some things, well, my character, i’ll tell you, secretly deteriorated, i began to find fault more, to notice things that used to be, i notice, well, judging by the number of flowers, the viewer loves you, and this
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ok, viewer, oh, that’s how it was, that ’s how it was, it’s already withered, it was already the twenty-fifth, we played. rock on roll, the audience screamed , they were all excited, it was very good, bravo, arms, legs and eyes, what’s wrong with you, dragonfly, where did your fuse go, because it was, where did it go, i give my fuse to the stage, like animals in the arena and i appreciate all this and thank you from the bottom of my heart. this is my mood now, what kind of people, such stories, i’m sergei mayorov, see you on ntv tomorrow morning, happily, the best for today, beyond. eleven fractures, traumatic brain injury, intensive care and coma, this is how
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a quarrel with his eighteen-year-old stepson ended for ochima, he is under the apparatus, he is connected. in a very serious critical condition, now the guy faces 8 years, and if he dies for some reason, he will go to prison for murder, how many times did you hit him, about 10-15 blows to the head, but the mother of the accused... assures that her son saved her life, because her husband wanted to strangle her, he pressed down this hand with his knee and with his hand he began to grab the neck like that, saying: i don’t care about you now i’ll strangle you, there’s no one to stand up for you, the younger one jumps in and says how there’s no one to stand up for you, so whoever attacked who should be in prison, he repeatedly sat over her, in addition to being beaten, they then dragged him out of the house in his underwear thrown out into the snow. i just wanted to wait for my mother, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled,
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it means she’s real, they recognize her, hmm, they love her , she remembers her, she appreciates her. truly psb is a bank for the present. well, are we waiting for a provocation? grisha! if i didn't say anything. and they left with an explosive device. you sign, there is no criminal case. all around. but there will be no deal. and i won’t disperse the people. we have a task.
7:55 am
yes, stay healthy, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we are all in con bank, we take out loans, they are approved quickly, we are in sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by car brand, appetite anywhere, only dad will tame sausages, dad can, for different you. one magnet cosmetics facial skin care from libriderm with up to 13% discount. the price is right! new big special bbq bacon is already in combo
7:56 am
for 469 rubles. home is where the family is. and at domf bank there is 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months. the most important contribution to the family. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed and sublime. find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. they say that life is like a journey. embark on it with the jettour suv, your new companion on the road to discovery and exciting experiences. bold design, functional interior and... logy comfort: choose your jetur. special conditions for purchases in march. i like that you can control tipleco from your phone. tepleko
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has high efficiency, does not burn oxygen and is absolutely fireproof. only now tiplek heater at a special price. rabiprol northern star, pleasure from life without heartburn. mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies on avito work.
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urvis rina treats even a persistent runny nose. urves rina, don’t let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. and now about the weather for today and stormy the warning is in effect for the kuril islands and kamchatka. there is only light snow on sakhalin today. tomorrow there will be no precipitation, but it’s cold throughout the south of the far east, it’s cold, real spring is not in a hurry here, it’s not in a hurry to siberia, in the north the temperature will actually rise sharply, in norilsk from -25 to -17, but against the backdrop of snowfalls , this is hardly noticeable, feet of precipitation in some places and from -6 in novosibirsk to -3 in chelyabinsk. the european territory of russia is surrounded by a cyclone, one is already covering the south with clouds. it starts raining in crimea, another cyclone tomorrow will break through to the northwest, but for now it’s warm there
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with no precipitation, in the center without... until the end of the week, today there’s also bright sun and a slight increase in temperature to +5, but in the volga region it’s noticeably more modest, in saratov you should n’t expect above +3 , and the nights are frosty. in st. petersburg today it’s +5-7, it may start to rain in the evening, in moscow it’s +4:6 sunny until saturday. everything about the weather, cleanse your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol, only it contains oats of milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol avalar is number one. for liver cleansing, clean the liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol, only in it milky ripe oats are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver.
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clear the path before and move forward. sappers pave the way for attack aircraft in the ugledar direction. take a breath. well, bastards, this is ukraine, i apologize, how can you beat your people, their houses, this is hoarding. how do those who did not leave avdeevka live now when they begin to rebuild the city? a little to kyiv, a little more to warsaw, america is trying with all its might to maintain the combat effectiveness of russia's neighbors, and the german army has begun to experience a total shortage of ammunition and equipment.


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