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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  March 13, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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the doctors do not tell the patient’s wife what exactly they treated their spouse with; it is not clear why they keep this information secret, but , of course, they did not expect such a reaction from the body. mikhail popov now sends such videos and photos from the ward to his relatives, from all over his body , the skin is peeling off, this is the result of improper treatment, the man is sure, he had a fever for several weeks, he tried to overcome the disease himself, but when his relatives realized that everything was to no avail , insisted on going to the doctors. mikhail was urgently hospitalized in a hospital, where he i was in bed for 3 weeks, injections, ivs seemed to be on the mend. mikhail was discharged home, but was advised to undergo further examination at a city clinic; when he got there, the doctors prescribed a new treatment, although, according to mikhail, they never received the test results. when on the third day everything turned red and itchy, they almost said it’s normal, it will pass, but when on the sixth day they already climbed into the valdari and the skin began to peel off, they canceled it.
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reaction, so that he warned, he warned, said, more to what, food the one they gave at the hospital, he said that they steam it there, that’s all, so i don’t know, let the doctors figure it out, mikhail popov’s relatives have already written a complaint to the regional ministry of health in the hope that the specialists will definitely understand the results of such treatment, they hastened to explain that the reaction was caused by antibacterial therapy, but it was almost impossible to determine which particular drug caused the allergy. after all, the man took
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too many different medications even before he got to the clinic. now mikhail has been cheated on treatment plan. the man is under 24-hour medical supervision. the condition is also assessed as moderate, but stable, with a positive effect on the background of the therapy, that is, he is under the supervision of doctors, anesthesiologists, and resuscitators in the intensive care unit. the doctors plan to carry out more detailed ones. laboratory tests to predict all possible consequences for mikhail, despite the fact that the man felt better, the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee became interested in the story. currently, investigators of the investigative department for the arzhenikizovsky district of the city of perm are carrying out verification activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. based on the results of the inspection, the investigator will make a procedural decision. investigators will have to establish what exactly the hospital employees did and how they performed their duties. and
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responsibilities, because their actions caused serious harm to health. the results of the checks are primarily awaited by the relatives of mikhail popov. if they never receive an action report treating doctors, then we are ready to turn to lawyers, and then go to court. the main thing is that a similar situation never happens again either to mikhail or to other patients, because next time everything could end completely differently. tamara simonova, valentin lyubimov and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. a man who beat a disabled woman in dmitrov near moscow has been detained, and the issue of oreste is being resolved. victoria abakomova is deaf and mute, a woman works in a taxi, right in the traffic, someone approached her car an unknown man broke the glass and began beating victoria, she suffered a sprain and bruises, severe psychological trauma. it must be said that the attacker, when he came to his senses, tried to pay off, well, that’s what provoked the attack of aggression, he will tell. stanislav
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kostikov. the car registrator footage from inside a taxi shows a chronology of the frightening events that formed the basis of the criminal case. driving is a hearing impaired victoria bakumova. a woman looks around carefully , looking for a place to pick up a client, when she suddenly stops out of the darkness. an unknown man appears. a grimace of horror froze on the woman’s face and... she tried to explain with gestures of misunderstanding, she doesn’t hear anything, with all her appearance asking a silent question: for what? one of the passers-by, seeing the shocking scene, stood up for victoria and called the police. this is a girl, this is a girl, afraid of the consequences, the troublemaker hastened to hide in a black suv, but then returned and tried, as they say, to hush up the conflict with money, offering 50,000 rubles. the woman refused, victoria’s relatives arrived at the scene and filmed the aftermath of the attack on the phone, salon. the car is covered with broken
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glass, the victim's face is covered in blood. after the incident, she was taken to the hospital. doctors spent several hours removing shrapnel from the wounds. now family members are taking care of the woman. there are bruises left. a bump on the forehead, hair pulled out, probably leaving a scar. victoria continues to recover from her injuries at home; after the attack, she is tormented by severe pain and panic attacks. after everything happened, we arrived home at 4:00 in the morning, for these two days i didn’t sleep at all, i was very scared, suddenly someone would come after me someone is watching, that is, i can’t go outside, i’m worried about... my family, about my children, secondly, i’m very worried about how i’ll continue to be without work, because now the car is damaged, working in a taxi - her only way of earning money, victoria is a driver with fifteen years of experience, and also a mother of three children, for whom what happened was also a big shock, i started crying,
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i tried really hard to hold it in, but when i saw it, i just didn’t understand how this could happen to do, but it’s all very... it’s important to see how your mother, how your mother is beaten, how she, in fear, shows that she does not hear, thanks to the fact that victoria managed to photograph the license plate of the suv, the attacker was quickly detained, forty-three-year-old sergei kshnyaykin, already at the police department, told his version of what happened, a taxi car was driving in front of us, then stopped, then continued moving, the driver did not respond to the signal, i got out, knocked on the window, there was no reaction, after that i broke the glass, i thought that there were hooligans driving, anything could happen, how could you accept a fragile a disabled woman for road hooligans, the detainee could not explain; now he himself has become a defendant in a criminal case. a criminal case has been initiated under paragraph a, part one
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of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is hooliganism committed with the use of violence against citizens. investigators will have to find out what condition it is in. when he injured a woman and crashed a car, a preventive measure should be chosen for the rowdy in the near future. stanislav kostikov, vladimir avdeev and alexander tutarinov, television company ntv, moscow region. eternal love and 2 million rubles. the storekeeper from narofaminsk, veorika kondratyuk, promised for the murder of her own husband. she decided to get rid of her husband when he found out that she had another. scandals started in the family and so on. to prevent divorce and division of property, kondratyuk came up with an idea of ​​who could play the role of killer. her lover agreed to commit crimes. pavel kuznetsov will tell you whether kontratyuk kept his promises. renat kozhgaliev’s doomed, lost look can be understood. firstly, he
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during interrogation in the investigator's office on suspicion of murder, secondly, he was brazenly deceived by the one he loved, and for whose sake he agreed to commit a monstrous crime. storekeeper veorika kondratyuk convinced her colleague. galieva, one has only to deal with her husband, eliminate, so to speak, a competitor, and they will now be together, and even promised the young suitor a reward for the murder, not only her feelings, but almost 2 million rubles. kozhgaliev fulfilled the order, although the hefty wad of five thousand rubles ended up being a fake, joke bank tickets, as they say, selyavi. so, here was the knife, yes, then what did you do? i took it out and put it here. the knife was intended to commit what crime? but at first the detectives believed that the murder in this apartment, which is now sealed, was a consequence of a banal drunken quarrel, if not for the testimony of neighbors, the deceased medical center security guard sergei don did not drink alcohol at all, in which case, as
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they say, look for the woman, but in the baked widow was interrogated, she clearly did not seem heartbroken, she quickly explained what was what, you they put a box in this bag for... he’s 27, the attention of a young man is nice in a feminine way, and she didn’t leave her husband. it is interesting that sergei don bought the apartment in which the murder took place quite recently,
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took out a mortgage and renovated it on his own in the evenings, it turns out that he did everything for the sake of his family and children , despite his wife’s infidelity, he could have simply gotten a divorce, but veorika kondratyuk, apparently decided. calculation as a result on the night of march 14, the accused arrived at an apartment located in the village of selyatina, norfominsk urban district moscow region , in which the victim was located, he inflicted at least two blows to the man’s head with the butt of an ax, and then stabbed him in the neck, the victim died on the spot from the injuries received, the customer who ordered the crime was detained quite quickly and was already officially separated, veorika kondratyuk went to women's pre-trial detention center
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the estuary in the khutropisanaya area, in the krasnodar territory, became a little cleaner than the minibus driver who used this place as a dump, they forced him to clean up, the man was picked up by local residents, he came to shore and pulled out old furniture from the bus, and some other garbage, the video got into... several strong men unload furniture from a minibus and throw it into the lake, the author of the video runs up to them screaming and indignantly asking them to stop, take your garbage back, take your garbage back, why did you make a garbage dump for us here, we are planting flowers here, why did you make a garbage dump from under the estuary, i’m in ghana. after the woman threatens to send the filmed video to the right place, the driver reluctantly obeys,
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realizing that now he definitely cannot escape punishment, he demands to delete the filming and after even attempts to hide in the cabin of his car, you have no right, we are planting flowers, here we have this wash , i don’t need yours, you will come and clean again , the words of the author of the video turned out to be prophetic, later for some time the impudent minibus driver was punished, he actually came to the place, took everything thrown back, also apologized, they immediately found the company that owned the minibus and, accordingly , immediately found the driver, with the driver a conversation was held, he was recommended , accordingly, to take certain measures to clear this territory, it so happened, it happened by chance that on the eve of the cleanup day this whole situation happened and the company responded with the majority of its employees coming out and taking part in... i definitely didn’t expect it, the video from local resident tatyana reacted quite harshly to this effect from the public of anapa. i
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just asked him, don’t throw him away, if he left, i wouldn’t write anywhere. i even feel a little sorry for this man, he of course, he’s stupid, because well, you can’t shit on where you live, but nevertheless , as i understand it, he was fired from his job and given a fine. the hero of the video, andrnik ambaryan , worked for a local transport company. his colleagues say that the man was not very concerned about the state of the environment. after the conflict is resolved. i immediately put the application on the table and chose to leave the city, i hope that notoriety will not haunt him. we ourselves cannot understand what kind of idiot you have to be to take your sofa to plavni. yes of course it is basically an isolated case. his children live in krasnodar. perhaps he left. maybe he went there to work. this is not the first time that garbage has been dumped into the estuary near the sandy farm. residents regularly go out on cleanup days, armed with gloves and large bags. in them people collect everything that lies under their feet.
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you can find anything you want, someone threw away the case of an old tv, here ’s a car tire, by the way, next to it is a bathtub tray, the residents of the pishchanova farm, of course, hold clean-up days, clean here, but so much household and construction they simply physically cannot get garbage out of here, yet people are happy that at least one violator was captured on video, he was punished by the dismissal of the barn for the transport company, everything is unlikely to end , its leaders still have to communicate with the environmental prosecutor’s office, and then
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an unexpected verdict, man , who was brutally beaten in ufa, learned about how his offenders were punished in a hospital bed, a year after the attack he cannot come to his senses, but what about the criminals you will find out after the advertisement, like you in our sochi detachment dronova, you get along, it’s ineffective for you at one base, as they say, it’s not clean, it’s a new place, why are we in sochi? do you have a new task? new problems. it’s okay, i ’ll show him the devil’s baldness, i’ll be silent. new squad. and there are never too many shots. dream team. dreams come true.
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of youth. 8 800 100 exactly 14 18. 8 800 100 exactly 14. 18 free anonymous call 10 days until spring premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. the sister told galina that she was a foundling and that on christmas day her father’s young mistress left her on the porch. there was a big quarrel, she said that my father's mistress brought me for christmas, wrapped in diapers. galina did not believe this story, but the sister's words. the older brother kept repeating, this woman gave a certificate, the certificate said 5 months, when she brought you, this mistress gave it to her father, he said, this is our daughter, all her life she considered her mother to be a woman of someone else’s blood, and her father’s mistress really gave birth to her, i used to notice that i didn’t seem to be like them, a small village, if
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only it were true, someone somewhere had spilled the beans, my mother was at first offended by the folder, and then accepted it, i didn’t see that my aunt was pregnant, i open the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air and we continue our broadcast. the false investigator detained in moscow will have to find out how real law enforcement officers work; rustam zakuev will conquer the capital; he arrived in a foreign car with flashing lights and the symbols of the investigative committee on the door. according to the man’s expectations, such illegal tuning should have somehow protected him, but on the contrary, it attracted attention.
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a package of white powder found in the car's interior bears little resemblance to a movie prop, while the pseudo-detective was given administrative charges protocols, in the near future the man will most likely have to familiarize himself with the criminal code. oleg ivanov was counting on a different punishment for his offenders, who still cannot restore his health, but a year has passed since he was brutally beaten by several people in ufa. oleg underwent several operations, was in a coma, his loved ones spend almost all the money on his treatment, and dayana shlyubkina will tell you how he sees this picture in court. what happened in these frames
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completely turned the life of oleg ivanov upside down. behind for 2 and a half years, the student was still unable to regain his health, so when the verdict was passed, one of his offenders was in the ward, and he learned about the events in the courtroom via sms from a lawyer. abdu mohammed, he is the second accused in this case, listened to themis’s decision calmly, as if. not involved in this story at all. abdor came in lightly today, he was sure that he was like that, what was the punishment? well, i assumed it was honestly logical in general, what do you think? well, i think so. well, you repent, at least now, with some lesson will serve you for the future. exactly, he did not wish for all the best when, as part of a drunken crowd, he attacked oleg ivanov. it all started with a verbal conflict, then a brawl. the student had to fight back alone. at some point, muhammad suddenly strikes the first blow, after which he is injured. could no longer get to his feet, taking advantage of his position, one of the group of aggressive party-goers began to finish off the young man already on the ground, as a result ivanov received a fracture of the skull bones,
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a severe brain contusion of almost 2 i spent weeks in a coma, i had to relearn how to sit, stand and walk. please tell me your last name, ivanov, oleg alekseevich, move your right leg, lift it, try. yeah, despite such consequences, obvious video evidence, abdu muhammad was first involved in the case as a witness, later he was nevertheless sent to a pre-trial detention center for six months, and then the preventive measure was changed to a ban on certain actions. at each meeting, the defendant made it clear that this knockout blow was retaliatory. when i got closer they were fighting with khamzin, i shine stood and received a push in the chest area. i hit, couldn’t resist, everything was boiling inside me. i threw one punch. evgeniy khamzin is another participant in the brawl. according to investigators, he struck the student 30 times on the head; even the fact that ivanov
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was already unconscious did not stop him. having assessed the severity of khamzin’s actions, he was sent to a colony for 3 years for causing grievous bodily harm. but the defendant did not agree with this decision and tried to challenge it. as for abdo-muhammad, he was found guilty only of causing bodily harm. by stat the court acquitted him of hooliganism. and... he appointed a year of restriction of freedom; he will have to pay 100,000 rubles as moral compensation, which causes bewilderment among the victim. now i’m in the city of kurugan, in the center of ilizarov i’m undergoing a difficult operation on my leg, these are all the consequences of this situation, i’m still recovering, that is, i’ve already spent a lot of time, money, energy, 100,000 is just nothing, then this is not even close to what i... experienced, what pain i experienced, how physical and moral. initially , the prosecutor's office asked for a million rubles for such damage to health, to send obdo muhammad to a general regime colony for 3 years, so
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it will happen in the near future. but that’s not all , look further, unstoppable, use small arms, first air, stand, in volgograd several police crews chased the offender, they blocked his road, asked him to stop and even shot at the wheels, which the man in the white foreign car tried to hide, we’ll tell you, but after a short advertisement,
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you are our heroic hero, vyborg rambo, and we are in complete ass. you took part in the act provided for in part three of article 332 of the ukrainian code under 6 years of age, well , fell silent, pritorian, andrey frol, interesting movie, pritorian, premiere from monday at 22:10 on ntv, live on ntv again an emergency incident. and we continue our release: a large underground drug laboratory for the production of synthetic drugs was discovered by fsb operatives in chekhov near moscow , the attackers were taken by storm, the drug dealers settled on the territory of a private household, where
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they organized a handicraft production in the garage , laid out substances on a rag spread on the floor, then mixed the composition in a bucket, fossored it and sold it through online stores, it turned out that... fsb officers opened a criminal case, members of the criminal group were taken into custody, they face punishment up to life imprisonment. he confessed to the traffic police officers why he was so furiously
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evading pursuit. a resident of volgograd was chased by several crews on the streets of the city, asked to stop, blocked traffic , and was eventually forced to open fire on the wheels . what was the man in white trying to hide? ivan gubin will tell you. this chase on the streets of volgograd was filmed from several angles at once. city cameras were responsible for the general plans. for first-person footage , the dps crew's video recorder. according to herossimo in the courtyards we go to krakosovsk. do not turn into narrow alleys. in non-dangerous terms, as they say, the driver of the white foreign car could not get his tail off. the harder he pressed the gas pedal, the more insistently the police asked him to stop. we stop ril. we. there was no reaction, the inspectors’ patience had run out, the time had come for the last argument: first air, stand, stand, use the weapon, even after the shots, the reckless driver was in no hurry to press
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the brake out of excitement, or because of an excess of alcohol in the blood, he backed straight out at speed into a lamppost, and it seemed that this was the finish line, but the driver decided to go to the end, tried to escape, it didn’t work out, why did they try... to hide and didn’t stop at the request of a police officer, i didn’t hear, didn’t hear what, didn’t hear a special signal , after the shooting you also didn’t hear a special signal , after the shooting i tried to hide because i was not in a sober state, the detainee refused to back up his purely cordial confession with a medical certificate, at a minimum, so he will have to give up his rights, and considering how many if the reckless driver violated traffic rules during the chase, then the man’s pedestrian status is most likely guaranteed for many years. several reports of administrative offenses were drawn up against the driver, including for driving through a prohibiting traffic light, driving into the oncoming lane and lack of insurance; for disobeying the legal request of a
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police officer, the court sentenced him to administrative arrest for 10 days. in addition , the city administration can also issue a bill for damage to property. by the way, myself the car was damaged, of course. more than a pillar, now the foreign car has been placed in the impound lot. ivan gubin, oksana goncharenko, ntv television company. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today in our program the vampire ball, western elites have been parasitizing other nations for centuries, which vladimir putin also talked about.


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