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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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station, gets off the train, there fans meet her, a little boy runs up to her , hands her a postcard, borisovna says , please sign, she looked at him like that and said: grow up a little, then we’ll sign. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv. goodbye.
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usa. green cosmetics - uniform standards. a new state regulation on natural organic products will appear in russia. ksenia ignatova found out what and how they are made from. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in studio egor kolovanov. so, vladimir putin gave a long interview to tv presenter, ceo of the russia today media group dmitry kiselyov. the conversation lasted more than an hour and a half. the president spoke to the voiceover. in the west, the idea of ​​​​sending nato troops to ukraine, the prospects for peace negotiations, possible progressive taxation, as well as the innovative future of the domestic economy. key statements by the head of state in the material by anton talpa. the interview with vladimir putin turned out to be very informative, and in it the world agenda, and a conversation about domestic politics, the president commented on recent statements by european heads of state about the possible deployment of troops to the territory of ukraine. the fact is that.
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well, the thing is that this opposition there is behaving even more aggressively, well , let’s see what they agree on, we are watching this so closely, well, they are using these british and american missiles, this does not change the situation on the battlefield , yes, they simply cause us damage, of course, this is obvious, but in essence it does not change the course of actions in
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those consequences that inevitably occur for the opposite side. however, despite the fact that the west continues to supply ukraine with various types of weapons, russia is still able to ensure its security. vladimir putin recalled that russian weapons are not inferior, for example, to their american counterparts. ours is more modern, with all the nuclear components. in general, in terms of carriers and in terms of charges, we have approximate parity, but ours is more modern, they are now setting the task of increasing this modernity, i’ll bring it, they have a corresponding plan there, well, we also know about it, they are developing all their components, and so are we, but this does not mean that, in my opinion, they are not ready for tomorrow.
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they want to start this nuclear war, well, why do it, we are ready, but the logical outcome of the ukrainian issue should be negotiations. vladimir putin noted that our country is ready for them, although it is important to understand that...
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by means, but we must clearly and clearly understand for ourselves that this is not a pause that the enemy wants to take for rearmament, but this is a serious conversation with security guarantees for the russian federation. continuing the theme of respect for national interests, vladimir putin spoke about the golden billion, about the era of the dominance of the strong over the weak.
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that in the western elites in the western elites there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing unjust state of affairs in international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets. money, but they must understand that the vampires' point is running out. vladimir putin spoke in detail about what is now happening in the russian economy; the decline that america and europe were counting on when introducing their sanctions did not happen; on the contrary, russia
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is recording growth and sees development prospects. the economy is growing, this is a fact, and a fact that is recorded not by us, but by international organizations, economic and financial. we have truly gained purchasing power, overtaken the federal republic of germany, and taken its place, fifth place among the world's largest economies. to achieve even more economic stability in russia , new qualified specialists are now being trained, and high-tech industries are opening, for example, new engineering schools are appearing, now there are already 30 of them, and this year there will be even more. one of the main tasks today is to increase labor productivity.
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this is what the government should do in the very near future, together with deputies of the state duma, submit a proposal. in an interview, vladimir putin touched upon the topic of national projects. we were talking about construction of new infrastructures. families with children cannot get to sochi by car, everyone stops somewhere in the gelnezhik region, novorossiysk, because the route is very difficult, serpentine, there are several construction options there, we will literally discuss this in the next few days, or do it before dzhubga, dzhubga.
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the money will be used to continue the maternity capital program, construction and renovation of schools, kindergartens, as well as benefits and other social payments. anton talpa and stanislav polukhin. according to the ministry of defense, that night and in the morning the territory of russia. was subjected to a massive attack by ukrainian drones. 58 aircraft-type devices were intercepted over the kursk, ryazan, bryansk, belgorod, leningrad and voronezh regions. in ryazan, three people were injured during an attack on an oil plant; in kursk, one local resident was injured. moreover, further groups of saboteurs broke through into the territory of the same region and the neighboring belgorod region, but the attempts were thwarted the day before, the ministry of defense says. concerning. nwo zones for per day, enemy losses exceeded 1,100 military personnel, and the ministry of defense also provided
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footage of the destruction of mi-8 helicopters of the ukrainian air force at the podskok site. this is a field airfield near the front, allowing you to increase the range of aviation. the site was located near the settlement of novopavlovka in the dpr. the leaders of france, germany and poland will meet in berlin on friday to discuss aid. ukraine, and the politika newspaper writes about the upcoming negotiations. according to the publication, which refers to german and french officials, specific agreements and signing of documents are not expected from the meeting, the main thing is a demonstration of unity. what european leaders are lacking is cohesion. for example, bloomberg writes that french president emmanuel macron and german chancellor olaf scholz have not gotten along since the first days of working together. all the same, politics calls their relationship open. what do european leaders share? according to analysts, the struggle is for the unofficial title
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of eu leader. in france, the resentment of fallen white greatness, in germany, an attempt to overcome the complex of those responsible for the second world war. the rivalry is intensifying against the backdrop of the fact that washington is moving further away from european affairs and regional security issues. support for ukraine from the white house is minimal; if biden is replaced by trump, there may be a flow of aid. who in the end, no matter how it all ends for ukraine, for berlin and paris the key question, kiev, will determine the further paths of development of the old world. macron's resonant attempt to take on the role of kiev's savior by the creation of a coalition to send a european contingent to ukraine does not find support even within france itself. as polls have shown, almost 80% of the republic's citizens are against it.
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there is no good news about the personnel, the army is aging and shrinking, there is not enough everything, there is not enough ammunition, spare parts, radio equipment, tanks, ships, aircraft. among the countries that refrained from sharply criticizing macron, britain is open to the idea of ​​a baltic state; in warsaw, they were condemned the day before. and they let it slip that military personnel from a number of nato countries are already in ukraine. i would like to thank the ambassadors
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of those countries that took this risk, i will not specify which countries we are talking about. nato secretary general en stoltenberg did not go into details; he simply reprimanded macron , saying that before making statements about sending troops, it is necessary to consult with alliance partners. well, joe biden and donald trump surpassed the 50% mark in their votes. internal party elections, the figures appeared after the primaries and caucuses in georgia and mississippi and washington, as well as hawaii and the northern mariana islands. this allows biden and trump. to be nominated as official presidential candidates of the democratic-republican party. the american media, commenting on preliminary calculations, write that for the first time since 1912 , a former us leader will challenge the current one. opinion polls say that trump and biden's ratings are almost identical. economist magazine notes that 12% of voters are still undecided on who
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they will vote for, so the race for the white house will be no less acute than 4 years ago, when joe biden. ahead of his opponent with a minimal advantage, now many are wondering whether he will be able to repeat this number a second time. in the november election , biden will face the same difficulties that plagued him during the democratic primaries, most notably voters' concerns about his age. he is 81 years old, already the oldest american president, and he causes some concern among some of the democratic electorate, his ongoing support from... the economy is on the rise, inflation is falling and he will now be traveling around the country a lot to remind and prove that all this is the result of the laws that he signed during his first term. the european union excluded
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the company's co-founder from the sanctions list. previously, the agency wrote that he would be one of three individuals who would be removed from the eu sanctions list after march 15. arkady volosh has been under european sanctions since june 3, 2020. on the same day he announced that he would resign from all posts in yandex. and in august last year he published a statement in which he spoke out against the fighting in ukraine. and he noted that although he has been living in
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israel since he was fourteen, he understands that he bears some responsibility for what is happening. as for business, arkady owns yandex. half of it remains, but only part of it for now. in february, yandex's parent company, the dutch yandex nv, in which arkady voluzh owns 45% of voting shares, announced that it was selling its russian assets to a consortium of private investors. in in russia, the yandex brand remains, but the dutch company will change its name by july 31, the yandex brand will not be used, and will be engaged in several startups that have broken away from yandex, for example, drones, cloud technologies. the russian economy was in a slight positive in the first half of the day, but now, judging by the index, you can’t say that oil at these minutes is trembling by more than a dollar and a half. today investors are waiting for statistics on russian inflation in february. the ruble, after yesterday’s strong fall, is periodically trying to rise in price today, but the movement
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for now, it's more symbolic. the dollar at these minutes is 91.50, the euro is 100 rubles. 19 kopecks today is artificial intelligence day at the russia exhibition, and sberbank is participating in it. the first deputy chairman of the board of sberbank, alexander vidyakhin, said that large language models will become a common product on the market, plus small but narrowly focused models will appear, they will become multimodal, they will recognize voice, video, pictures. and another important thing, of course, is the creation of artificial intelligence agents that you can use. give instructions: do this or do that. now we have applications on the phone, but when you click you get some information, or you can do something yourself. now it will be enough to give an order, the agent will go to do what you instructed him to do. alexander vedyakhin reported that all lending decisions for individuals in sberbank are now made using
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artificial intelligence, and the bank will earn approximately 450 billion rubles from it this year. that the railway will free the passenger from constant concern about registration and presentation of travel documents. speaking in the state duma at the government hour, oleg belozerov announced that the digital process is being replaced by artificial intelligence. how elements of such a system are already used in practice today. for example, in the urals and volga region we are implementing a pilot project for online contactless fare payment using geolocation. eight agglomerations have unified transport cards, and three have implemented the possibility of free transfers of traffic management schemes. and oleg belozerov reported that now in seventeen cities the city train project has been launched. egor, i have everything. thank you, denis talalaev, for business news. viewers in the capital will then be treated
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to an episode today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. countries affected by western sanctions have formed a serious alliance of like-minded people, which will still have their say.
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to take care of the environment, according to the developers of the state standard, these criteria will guide manufacturers and buyers among the abundance of so-called green
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care products. ksenia ignatova understood problem. the remedy, of course, is a rose, our own. exhibition of participants in the competition of domestic brands knowing ours. among the 15 winners are the green cosmetics business, christina and her husband dmitry. and sochi. and it seems that even the president was interested in the entrepreneur’s story about the minimal impact of production on the environment. we are one of the few companies in the world who have learned to extract the active substance without killing them. to understand what green cosmetics are, we go to visit christina and dmitry, at the production site, located on the sochi part of the caucasus range. 35 species of plants are cultivated here, from mountain lavender to cactus apuntia aloe vera. don't forget about snail mucin, which is so valued by lovers of skincare cosmetics. this greenhouse is called a climatron.
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it's 15 degrees outside, but here it's 30 degrees. humidity is still around 70%. for a person this is simply something completely impossible, but for snails it is paradise. about 600,000 individuals live here. they live under these pallets. and already here in the laboratory the main thing happens the mystery is obtaining that same mucin, but not with the help of shaking in a centrifuge, as in other industries, here the snails are placed in such spa capsules, where they are first relaxed, as in a bathhouse, and then with the help of a contrast shower they are put into a state stress. you hear, hissing and foam started, and this is just the street. began to isolate musyn, a mountain area of ​​7 hectares is cultivated and processed only by natural methods, for example, they use an aerator like this to
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saturate the soil with oxygen and fertilizers provides a small poultry farm headed by the family, powering the office production from solar panels, as a result , a full-cycle enterprise produces the most natural composition, in small steps, with the development of the company, we have reached this idea. and realized the goal of completely organic production. this approach to the production of cosmetics is becoming more common. in russia, the volume of the green market in monetary terms is growing quite quickly. in 2018 , almost 6 billion rubles worth of such cosmetics were sold in the country; in 2023, according to preliminary estimates calculations are more than 14 billion. annual growth is 8.10%. in the eyes of consumers , natural cosmetics are a big plus, because people understand that they come from one.
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roskoshestvo came up with a proposal to create the first state standard, which will clearly clarify who is who in the market of natural cosmetics and perfumes. at the first stage it is important that consumers. drivers are accustomed to the gost requirement, because the gost is really a document applied on a voluntary basis, but in the future it is planned to consolidate it, just as happened with the organic products, was first adopted in the sixteenth year, gost was adopted, in the eighteenth year a federal law was adopted, which established that the inscriptions about organic, eco and agricultural products can be applied only if you carry out production in accordance with gost, the first edition of gost is already ready, the standard obliges
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us to take care of the environment during production, regulates the composition of products, clarifies what is considered organic and what is natural and what is the list of ingredients and, of course, what package finished products, and most importantly, representatives of domestic brands were invited to discuss the document. ksenia ignatova, roman kulazhenkov, anton kovalev, dmitry benedichuk, ilya khristinin and ulyana talpa, tv broadcaster. in the pentin region in a village. bedevka put into operation a new gas pipeline, it will allow connecting virtually an entire residential neighborhood to the networks, which is one and a half hundred houses, both already built and those that are still being built. gas was among the first to reach the cottage of a large family the abuzyarov family, they submitted an application for additional gasification at the end of last year. the pipeline to the boundaries of the household was laid as part of the presidential program in order to extend communications already inside the site; the spouses, as beneficiaries, took advantage of the regional one.
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subsidies, here the payment amount is about 100 thousand rubles. by the way, the penza region is 90% gasified, so it is among the leaders in this indicator. 25 social facilities, these are healthcare facilities, schools, potential for gasification in the penza region, they too will be implemented as part of the second presidential order on gasification of social facilities. in his address to the federal assembly, the president identified another task. this is the gasification of snt. a long-awaited decision. our summer residents will now have the opportunity to supply gas to their country houses. as part of the social gasification of snt , more than a million russians will be able to provide communications to their dachas. the active phase of the international naval exercise of the navies of russia, iran and china has begun in the gulf of oman.
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safety train from our country the missile cruiser varyak and the frigate marshal shapochnikov of the pacific fleet are involved. in total, more than twenty ships from three countries arrived in the arabian sea. the crews conducted joint maneuvers and fired at surface air targets simulating unmanned sea and aircraft. the final stage of the exercise is scheduled for march 14. the maritime safety train maneuvers are being held for the sixth time. prices within limits. defense orders should not grow along with an increase in the volume of purchases, prime minister mikhail said mishustin at a meeting with the head of the federal treasury, roman artyukhin. the head of government instructed the treasury, as the main auditor, to join in monitoring the pricing of the fulfillment of budget obligations in the defense order. i understand that for this you need the assistance of the federal antimonopoly service; pricing is also part of
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the functions of fas. but the treasury, as the main auditor and analyst, should take an active part in this. under the leadership of the government of the russian federation we will provide and assistance and assistance is necessary, all our analytical capabilities and resources will be used to solve the problem you set. the uk ministry of defense presented a video of the first field tests of the dragonfire laser weapon. the operating principle of the system is as follows: several fiber-optic laser channels are combined into one powerful beam. bye. that this is only a prototype of a combat installation, but scientists note the importance of the tests, since the data obtained will form the basis of a new generation of combat lasers, which will enter service. laser systems in the future will allow significant savings on ammunition, radiation lasting 10 seconds will cost only 13 dollars, and that much remains only to be found, where to get the necessary components in the uk itself; they are now purchased abroad.
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a short pause and then look. a new cargo-passenger ship, built under a state program in the interests of residents, began to operate between kamchatka and the north kuril island of paramushir. and the explosion on takeoff, the launch of the first a private japanese launch vehicle ended in failure, more on that after the advertisement. this is moscow, this is moscow. at bigfest, a cheeseburger costs 39 rubles. and other
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let's continue. the flight of the first private japanese launch vehicle was spectacular, but short. the aerospace company space one, created less than 6 years ago, promised to launch into orbit. satellites as simple and cheap as sending goods by courier service. the main vehicle was to be the cairros rocket, which is the name of the ancient greek god of luck. numerous spectators. gathered in the vicinity of the launch site for a bright show and got it. the debris fell in the mountains near the launch site, along with the rocket also burned down the reconnaissance satellite that it was supposed to launch into orbit. the device was intended to monitor north korea. regular sea connections.
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anatoly cherneev is called upon to provide a new vessel between the northern kuril islands and kamchatka. flights from paramushir island to petropavlovsko-kamchatsky and back will be weekly, and their number may increase in the summer. a significant plus is that, in addition to transporting passengers in comfortable cabins, the ship can also deliver more than a thousand tons of cargo. how long will it take to get there? what is the advantage of the sea route sergey antsedin. for the new vessel a... cherneev, this is not the first time at sea; in just six months of operation, hundreds of tons of cargo were delivered on board to a remote village in kamchatka, chukotka. meanwhile, the ship is also designed to transport passengers, and the first who had the opportunity to take seats, according to the purchased ticket, were residents of the kuril island of paramushir. we set off on the voyage as scheduled, and a modern ship couldn’t handle a little rough seas. the ship is reliable, duplicated by many security systems. that is, one engine broke down, the whole
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ship went to pieces, this will not happen. transport accessibility is one of the main problems for residents of severo-kurilsk, the only settlement in paromushir, with a population of 2,500 people. the territorial island is part of the sakhalin region, but to get to the regional center of yuzhno-sakhalinsk or even to the mainland, kuril residents have only one way: to kamchatka, which is neighboring in every sense. the shortest distance to the peninsula is by far eastern standards, the distance is 300 km. and the fastest way to overcome it is by air, a helicopter gets to petropalovsko-mchatsky in just a couple of hours, however, fast does not mean regularly, due to the conditions, flights to paramushir are often canceled, for example, as now, on such a day, of course, the helicopter will not fly , on our island the weather changes every hour, and there are even cases when a helicopter taking off from petropalovsko-kamchatsky simply does not reach the island, turns around and returns back to the vagaries of the weather, if not consider... strong winds, sea transport is more stable, until recently
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a small motor ship gepanis sailed between kamchatka and paramushir, but due to its venerable age, the ship was also behind schedule and was undergoing repairs. in 2018, the kepanes went to the dock unscheduled after it crashed into the severokurilsk pier while moving. a new and more reliable vessel was really awaited impatiently in severokurilsk. the ice-class motor ship was built at the okskaya shipyard in the nizhny novgorod region. in the transport development program system, anatoly cherneev reached the far east by the northern sea route without incident, and now that the old steamer gepanis has again moored to the shore for maintenance, he performs weekly socially significant flights to the island of paramushir. the journey lasts about 20 hours, but the conveniences at the port allow passengers to spend this time in comfort. they have at their disposal 15 double cabins with showers, a mother and child room, a dining room and even a gym. entrepreneurs.
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cargo in refrigerated containers, then why gepanis could not do, we will be able to transport construction materials, large cargo, and vehicles, today it is unique, there are no more such ships in the far eastern basin, a new cargo-passenger ship is literally in high demand, it is for... cherneev will not leave the route to later, when the old ship is repaired. sergey antsiden, maxim mintsev, ekaterina zenina and anton zaitsev, ntv far eastern bureau. weather forecast time, irina polyakova is with us. irina, we hope for spring prospects. the atmosphere is all set to be warm, details after a pause, clean the liver with folk
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remedies, try replacing them with avisol, only in it milky ripe oats are enhanced with herbs and turmeric, avisol evalar, number one for cleansing the liver, if you have a runny nose, sinusitis, do not allow sinusitis, take orvisrino, urvis rina even treats lingering runny nose, urvis rina, don’t let your runny nose turn into sinusitis, even in warm weather. a runny nose can turn into sinusitis, treat a runny nose correctly, take orrvin tablets from the valar company. orvis riina even treats a persistent runny nose. orviserina, don't let the runny nose go in sinusitis. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with ovisol. only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. and the cheerful valar is number one for cleansing the liver. so, warm spring plans are still in force, but now it will not only be the sun that will help in their implementation. cloudy cyclones will also present their services. they carry
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atlantic air, and for us it is warm, warm, saturated with precipitation. solid portions from snow to rain are prepared for murmansk, arkhangelsk, vologda regions, for... for the republic of kome, it will be at this price that it will get warmer there this time. the north-west will receive a wave of warm air with rain, the middle zone will receive light precipitation in the north of the tover, yaroslavl regions, kostroma, for everyone else there will be sun and an increase in temperature by another 1-2°. in lipetsk, by the weekend it’s always sunny up to +6, well , a balkan cyclone has come to the south along with the rains, the air it will pull in will be cool for the south. in crimea there is heavy rain, with snow in the mountains at night; in kuban there is heavy rain on friday. this was a weather forecast in a country on which the sun never sets; only here, in the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tenkov. tinpov - 40 million
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clients in the largest country in the world. in st. petersburg tomorrow afternoon it will be +5-7, rain in moscow is also +5-7, but again the sun, pleasant spring sun. weather forecast from irina polyakova. that's all, thank you for being with us, good luck! alfabank for business! register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay! for every hundredth person, alfabank is the best bank for business. it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas. the ultra-pure rolf ultra engine oil base, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao, ensures maximum
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