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tv   Za granyu  NTV  March 13, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum rosbank - real opportunities, beyond, her eighteen-year-old son faces 8 years for beating her stepfather, but the mother assures that... her son saved her life, because her husband wanted to strangle her. in the studio galina kvochka. hello, galina, what happened with you and your husband that your son had to intervene. on february 23, a friend came to help repair her car. 6 o'clock in the evening they finished it, came in, drank coffee, everything was fine. and who are they? husband and girlfriend. she left, an hour later his brother came.
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they celebrated the holiday on february 23, my brother left , they went to bed, my husband brought up the topic, we won’t go to my mother-in-law anymore, but before that he drove, i say, and there’s no point in going, he was deprived of his driver’s license, well, here’s the car it’s broken, i say, while the car is gone, it doesn’t matter, i say, let’s buy ourselves time, i say, there’s still another three years, that’s all, that’s it... what did i hurt with this, i don’t even understand myself, maybe somehow, i sat down on the bed, and he said , i’m going to strangle you, that’s it, he rushed to strangle you, and he strangled you with his bare hands, his hands, i was just sitting, sat down on the sofa, he, it turns out, pressed this on me with his knee hand, and with his hand he started to grab your neck like that, grabbed it, and said, i ’m going to strangle you now anyway, there’s no one to stand up for you, little one... he probably
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just came in from the street, from a walk, and he jumps in, says, how is there no one to intercede, he hit him twice, he hit him with his hands, where he hit him, with what - he hit him in the face with his palm, he covered himself up hands, while i went to get dressed, then i came back for the phone, my husband was already sleeping, that is , after everything that happened, he fell asleep calmly, yes, yes, yes, he had a split lip and he was just sleeping, he was snoring, for that, what... your son saved you, can he be imprisoned? yes, do you think this is unfair? i think it’s unfair, it turns out that if he hadn’t stood up, i would n’t be sitting here anymore. was this the first time he choked you? no, this is not the first, but the son knew about it, that this is not the first word, you see, here you understand what the situation, firstly, after he hit you the first time, you forgave him, and this will be repeated periodically, yes.
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that is, you yourself pushed your son to commit a crime, this is the first, second, i want to briefly tell exactly the same incident from my life, only i was 17 years old, i come home from training, open the door and see a picture of my stepfather sticking a knife, in the mother's leg, the mother covers herself with a pillow, he sticks it in her leg, horror, blood is gushing, i silently drag him out onto the landing, from the second to the first...
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no, he didn’t write a statement or write anything, therefore, i didn’t bear any responsibility, which means you can understand galina’s son well, of course, i can understand, i’m completely on his side, konstantin, we agree, in his son’s place too. would stand up for the mother in such a situation, pull her away, maybe, i don’t know , somehow, but still try to solve this without physical violence, naturally, unplug, but not beat, but yes, without physical violence, somehow, well it’s possible to try this , he had a state of effect, it’s impossible there it could just be some kind of reflex, because the bar falls when, well, mother, no, i fully support it, in his place , most people, including me, would have done exactly the same thing, without thinking about what would happen to you, but i didn’t. galin, did he often raise his hand against you before? no, not often , it was in august of twenty-three, the first time he raised his hand, you work a lot, you have to quit, the house is not clean, you pay little attention to me, well, it started with fists at first,
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and then he rushed to strangle me, i managed jump out in window, fortunately at least it was on the first floor, i was running in a robe, screaming help, i was running to where the people were. and he was running after you, he was running, yes, after me, he was running in his shorts, there was a group of people relaxing nearby, three guys, they detained him, i broke the glass in my car, took a blanket and i was on the street until the morning, i didn’t want to in this form, even go to the children, you suffered greatly then, and there were hematomas, bruises, your forehead was pierced, you spent a week on sick leave at the traumatologist, your husband bore responsibility for this incident, or did you forgive him, on for the first time i think i will forgive. evgeny, is it worth forgiving a man after such an incident? the short answer: no, but if you look at it more broadly, then galina is such a classic, if you like, christian victim, your husband is such a classic executioner, torturer, galina’s son, he was forced
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to unconsciously take on the role of a rescuer, truly , in psychological terms, the injured party is galina’s son. galina, after your husband hit you for the first time? he kept himself under control for a long time, it turns out that six months have passed, here he just started performing, i jumped out into the entrance, he jumped out after him, where did you go, i jumped home, closed the doors, i didn’t let him in anymore, he just kicked the door, he went to his brother, he calmed down until the morning, he came in the morning, that’s it it was normal, there were other cases , well, the last one was february 23, yes, this is galina, why did you... forgive him for all this, i was just afraid for my children, he raised his hand against the children too, this happened against the children too , raised his hand and said, i listened to all this, i’ll take them out to the trunks somewhere, i’ll mutilate them, no one will look for them it will happen, but why, if you were afraid for your
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children, you didn’t turn to the police for help , i went to the police myself, well , they did the right thing, they accepted my statement, everything, well, to be honest, i thought he would fix it. there was even such hope, how old were the children when you married him? oh, well, they were already adults, 4 years, we just met, lived, and for 2 years we were already officially married, three times in these 2 years he asked you, wow, maria, if a woman comes to the police and says : my husband threatened to kill me, nothing other than these words she has no evidence, the police will take this seriously, no, not seriously, because any threat to kill must be real, that is... at the time of the commission of the crime there must either be a gun , or a knife, or here is strangulation, yes, of course, yes , she can appeal to the prosecutor's office of the russian federation if a decision has been made that does not suit her, we have a judicial system, it works, but such women, for me personally, who are beaten, they
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forgive , turn the other cheek there and so on further, they don’t deserve any sympathy from me, oh well, she, she accepts the abuser, but there are children for whom you are responsible, you know, there was just a case in my family when... the father came in quotes and beat the mother , what my mother did , got a bull terrier dog, and he never crossed this threshold again, she raised everyone in order to protect her children, you know, there is always an option, if you like living with an abuser, at one point they will kill you, live, you have children, your carelessness, it led to this result, you see, there is no need to say that it’s all her fault, but it’s necessary, it’s necessary to say that it’s her fault, it’s not her fault that she found herself in such a situation. i’ll explain why now, she lives in the outback, believe me, there are still not such comrades there who kill their legs and legs, we haven’t seen such situations here, i recommend that under article 119, this is a threat to murder, go to the magistrate’s court, you
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must provide evidence, these could be beatings inflicted on you, and some bruises sadena, witness testimony could be those same neighbors, same. what are you afraid of? galina, at the very beginning of your relationship there were no alarm bells indicating that your partner was a dangerous person? no, it wasn’t, we went everywhere, everything, and i wasn’t even afraid at all, but why did he charm you in the first place? well, you know, he was somehow purposeful , he showed signs of attention, he drove him to work, we first wanted a car, we bought it, then an apartment, we... took it out on a mortgage, we were already thinking about a dacha dacha in addition, how did he accept your children? ok, he
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perceived them, the eldest , he then sent him and his brother to work in moscow, he says , we’ll see later, but when the problems started, probably when we started living together with the children, it started either from jealousy, i don’t know about the children, what he gets less attention, i don’t even know, he put the cup in the wrong place, then there’s something else there, so... this has already begun to irritate him, your husband is now in the hospital, yes, in what condition, in a serious condition in an induced coma . has your son already been charged? yes, 8 years in prison, what kind of article is that, serious? physical, these are serious consequences , coma states, but if, god forbid, an even more serious one occurs, then there will be part four with death, there are from eight to ... investigative actions,
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this will not be highlighted, because you must declare this , your son will say that he defended you, this must be mixed with something, in this case it may even be possible to reclassify your son’s actions, well, let’s say to 113, this is a state of effect caused by illegal ones. brother could handle an adult alone the victim is sure that your son galina is not a man. yuri kvochko in the studio. hello, yuri. hello. what is your brother's condition now? it is located under the ventilation, under the devices, and is connected. he is in a very serious critical condition , he is in an induced coma, yes he is in an induced coma , what kind of injuries does he have, multiple fractures
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, there are 11 or how many fractures , broken ribs, a traumatic brain injury - very serious, that is , yulia’s man was brutally beaten, and such injuries about what they can speak? that there are fragments that can damage soft tissues, including the lung. tissue, then complications from shock to hydrothorax and hemothorax, yes, we can get, also internal bleeding, and another question, also traumatic brain injury, i’m interested in this nuance: your husband was sleeping with snoring, at what point they called an ambulance, he he slept the same way, yeah, maybe after the trauma he didn’t sleep. that is, there was already a state of stupor, and the very state of coma
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indicates that we are in death, death cells, and our nerves, yes, that is, here we can predict what is possible, predict disability in the future and predict mortality, initially he was in the neurosurgical department, then he was only transferred the next day to intensive care, so you can before ... that there was an active attack on this person, completely
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disproportionate to what he had done before , maybe he was just in a bad mood, decided to take advantage of the coincidence of circumstances to settle some scores there, and so on, here you need to judge what the outcome is that the person is in the hospital and it is unknown whether he will survive or not, pray that your husband remains alive. carry packages for him, talk to doctors, you know , ask how you can help and so on, so that he survives when your son is judged, he stood up and said, excuse me, i... forgave him and so on, then maybe the court will give him not 8 years in prison, but maybe some more lenient punishment? i'm sure there won't be any retraining, there will be at least part one 111, if the victim survives, i cannot agree with my colleague, i will explain why: if you take all the injuries, all the injuries that
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the stepfather received for 100%, then in order to save the mother, it was enough to commit 10% of them, then all these... the remaining 90% of the injuries that were inflicted were not inflicted for the purpose of protection, for the purpose of protecting the mother, for the purpose of punishment, retribution, and so on. there are cases when courts can recognize exceeding necessary self-defense as not a crime, yes, that is, free a person from responsibility, but in this situation there must be a sudden nature of the attack, when the person who is defending or defending does not have time to orient himself. appreciate the degree of public danger and consequences, but the son, in principle, already knew this situation, he couldn’t suddenly, as if not know that this was happening? firstly, this happened systematically, galina said about this, secondly, two circumstances are important here, this is that there was a psycho-emotional outburst in the son, the son comes in, the mother is being strangled, what state should the son be in,
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naturally, this is an outburst, anger , whatever, these are emotions, the second point, these are the illegal actions of the victim himself... in this case, the injured stepfather, he strangled galina, this is illegal, these facts will be evidence for two establishments of two circumstances , which indicate the infliction of grievous harm, very precisely in a state of emotional outburst, this is an affect on illegal actions, as if here, this is article 113 of the criminal code, if we talk about the first part of 111, then in my opinion this an article that is obvious to the investigative authorities, they needed to open a case, they did. now there is still an investigation underway, there will be events, a medical examination will be carried out, interrogation of witnesses about the circumstances that occurred, including the need to highlight the relationship with your spouse, how it lasted , how the children felt about it, how the person who committed the crime, yours, felt about it son, eighteen years old, all this accumulated in him and it came out in exactly this kind of
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emotional outburst, about the effect, of course, an examination must be provided, of course, yes, but we distinguish... four main types of effects - this is physiological, there is pathological, interrupted, and the cumulative effect, the so-called, that is, it is really possible, you mean, yes, yes, due to a long-term psychotraumatic situation in which the individual finds himself, but it is, among other things, accompanied by a narrowing of consciousness and the inability of the individual to predict the consequences of his own actions, here we see that , most likely, aggression has accumulated over the years, then, ultimately, she found her outburst like this.
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already somewhere around 10 o'clock from the police, when i was already on my way to the hospital to see my brother, the police contacted me and asked me to come, i told the police that i was going to my brother, they asked, no, excuse me, come back to us , that is, we will talk with you, then you will go to your brother, when i arrived at the police station with them, they told me that your brother was beaten, was in serious condition, uh, that there was a fight between galina’s son. that he was severely beaten, beaten to such an extent that he was lying unconscious in a coma, but there they were in shock and told a little about the situation, how it happened, the police were in shock, yes, they said, this is the first time we’ve seen someone beat like that, it’s not, he says, they weren’t beaten, it’s just they killed a man, in addition to beating him, then the two of them, his son, his brother
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, naked in his underwear, were dragged out of the house into... they were thrown into the street in the snow, and the neighbors already called an ambulance when galina was interrogated, which struck the police even more than anything else, when she answered their question that if he survives, i will finish him off, really? mother and son planned a murder, that the accused himself will tell about the fateful evening, new details immediately after a short advertisement, transfer debts from credit cards to kholva , conveniently repay them in installments for 24 months. who is hiding under this smiling mask singer producer elman dava davidukyan dava dava, but i’m not at all sure about it. who will be next mask - anniversary fifth season
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today, in honor of the premiere, you can buy yuna not for 7,900 rubles, but absolutely free when purchasing one package, call 8800 101158, call within russia free, 5 minutes of silence, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the bounds, this is beyond the bounds, the wife assures that her husband wanted to strangle her, and her eighteen-year-old son saved her, but the guy beat his stepfather back home and now he faces prison. that evening she and her husband had a big fight, says forty-four-year-old galina kvochka from the city of semiluki, voronezh region. the man lost his temper and began to choke her. at that moment , the son returned home and attacked his stepfather with his fists.
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lomov reber, he is still in intensive care without consciousness, said the man’s brother, forty-seven-year-old yuri kvochko. he is sure that an eighteen-year-old boy could not have mutilated his stepfather like that alone. after they beat him, when he was already lying unconscious, the two of them took him, pulled him out, naked , and simply threw him out into the street in the snow. this is a real atrocity. galina, did you really drag him naked outside into the cold after what happened to him? yes, i... pulled him out of bed , threw everything out into the street, dragged him out into the street myself, and i probably really have that much already boiled over and you tell me how you came running to me, what my wife told me this morning, yes i came running, i ran and said, let him go get his brother, you had such hatred for the man that they dragged him into the street, anger, probably, honestly , there was not so much hatred, but anger, and you weren’t afraid that you would kill him with this, are you on the ground? and you
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really said to the police that if he survives, then you will finish him off, no, i just asked how much it wouldn’t be if i myself, let’s say, yes, not a child, i would take care of him myself stood up for herself, no matter how long it took, but he says 5 years, i say, then it would have been easier if i really had even figured out who should take the blame for whom, but they beat the two of them, as he beat them and their son, all the children, he just hates
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her, the apartment, if it is in a mortgage, then it is not subject to division, only if after payment, the division can be the part that has already been paid under the mortgage, and the amount that will be paid in the future by one of the spouses, it may be further distributed among claims, but look, the mortgage was issued to the husband, that is, let’s say they got divorced, he continues to pay the mortgage, half of the apartment still belongs to galina, and half of the apartment after the divorce, if the husband continues to pay, then this half.
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i wouldn’t have been able to deal with him, that is, you think that it was a conspiracy, a planned crime, yes, yes, yes, the fact is that, as it later became clear, one thing became clear, i asked my eldest son, ivan, where are you from? ? found out about this situation when you appeared there, how he explained what he found out not from galina, not from yegor, he found out, yegor’s friend called him, that is , yegor’s friend was also there, yegor’s friend at home, friend of his youngest son, yuri, and you generally know galina’s youngest son well, but i knew him after that, how they arrived, that is, i invited them here, when they asked for help, galina and her brother arrived first. so i settled them with my friends, galina’s children lived with their grandmother and grandfather, that is , the grandparents called and said, take them away urgently, they were ready to leave the eldest, but they said yegor, take them away categorically,
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because he, yes, yes, he is uncontrollable, we can’t cope with him, he quarreled with them, he ran away from home, he could have run away, not spent the night, as galina herself said when she tried there... something egor to punish, the same thing was repeated, yegor ran away from home, the next day his grandmother bought him a phone so that his grandson would calm down. well, did your brother know about this behavior of galina’s youngest son before the wedding? yes, it means that after all, your brother had a love for golina, he signed with her because she lied to him that she pregnant, she lied for a year and a half, that is , the first time she was pregnant, when i told him, i said, i don’t see that she’s pregnant. i say: take her to an ultrasound, go together and check, that is, it turns out that galina married your brother, then again, oh, sorry, i was mistaken, but now i’m definitely pregnant, galina, judging by the fact that you
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are silent, it’s true, but no, the point here isn’t that she was deceiving, he really wanted children, he didn’t have periods, that was before he came here, there wasn’t a hospital there... there was already a hospital, you sincerely thought that you were pregnant, you thought yes, when it turned out that this was not so, it turned out not to be so, when he took me 30 km from our house, in the sense of a sign 30 km, now i’ll tell you, that’s already once for that matter, he came, picked me up from work, it was at 10:00 pm, he said, sit down, let’s go, we ’ll talk to you, he said, he dropped me off 30, he knocked me down from the house, and what, where was it 30 km from the house, that field is a forest, this is a forest field, yes, he beat me there, got into the car and drove off, after that she said, i don’t want children, nothing if
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a person mocks you, 30 km away, why did you live with this person, they endure for the sake of some benefit, because then it’s just that i’m married, this is inherent nonsense from my point of view... and what is the benefit of an apartment? to be married, we have only had an apartment for six months galin, did you see any benefit for yourself in this marriage? honestly, i didn’t even see any benefit , all the time i wanted it to be like people, humanly, like people, you know, i forgave him once, i forgave him a second time, well , yes, exactly like that , he forgave her once, the second time forgive me, can i ask a question, we are now...
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on the sofa with some guy and they tell my brother, well, well, what’s wrong with that, it’s just not, do you think this is an excuse, a healthy man beats a woman, well, you knew that that he beats her, they beat each other, they beat each other, he is not a man, you understand, by nature he can kill, i just agree with olga, they beat each other in relation to two men, more or less i understand, in relation to a man . woman, i don’t understand this formulation, right? evgeniy, how would you comment on the situation with psychological point of view? everything that comes out of galina’s mouth is a so-called socially approved motive. when i voice this motive, society understands why i endured, say, two or 3 years
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of beatings and humiliation. the fact is that the key thing that is present in the victim’s position is a feeling of resentment, and from this feeling of resentment the victim can do things in different ways, for example, it’s really just everything. endure to endure, and maybe, provoking the executioner, creating some piquant unambiguous situations, so you woke up with a man somewhere and go there prove, there was no betrayal, and this one is already neurotic, i went with... i went with my brother, and i have to sit and think, where is galina now, she is now falling asleep there with someone and waking up, you know, ultimately this is what all led to such a relationship, and i am still convinced that the truly injured party here are galina’s children, in particular her youngest son, you know, evgeniy, galina’s son says that that evening he was thinking about only one thing , how to save your mother and her life. in the studio of egor larchenko. hello, egor. hello. tell us in detail what
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happened that evening. and i went for a walk with a girl, i returned home, i went into my room. i hear my mother’s voice, that she says in a grunting voice: let me go or something like that. i open the door, i see that she is lying, well, on the bed, and he is on top of her and he is strangling her. i couldn’t resist, i started walking towards him, i pushed him away and started hitting him on the head. how many times did you hit him? about 10-15 blows to the head, head. yes, did the stepfather defend himself? yes, he covered himself with his hands so that i didn't hit him. when you stopped hitting him, was he conscious? no, he lost consciousness, after which his mother took him by the hands and pulled him out into the street, we went - it turns out to his brother, well, that is, to be taken away, but he was not able to, we returned while you went to see your brother, he was on the street, he was on the street, lying unconscious, yes, we returned from my brother, it turns out that my mother and i put him in the entrance and... we went to the apartment, because it is unknown what he will do next when
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he arrives consciousness, if he was very unconscious, why didn't you call him soon? and i was in a state of shock and did not understand what to do at that moment, you defended your mother, but you could have pulled him away, hit him once, taken his mother, run away, but 15 times, don’t you think that this is no longer self-defense and protecting my mother already, yes, i understood, but i was more worried about my mother, there was a case when he also attacked his mother, it was in the kitchen, my mother... called me, i approached, he began to swing at me, i hit him, he fell, i went to my room, he naturally goes to the toilet and comes up again he begins to swing at me, that is , nothing helps him at all, for which the eldest son blames the mother and that her colleague will tell about galina’s family, we will continue to sort it out in a couple of minutes, well, we are waiting for a provocation, grisha, since i could not do anything and you took. you sign a criminal case, no, all around
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the most important contribution to the family, at bigfest a cheeseburger for 39 rubles and... i also managed to break the nose of the austrian envoy, i already want it, well, what kind of national guard member am i, honestly, i’m from head to toe, and not an armchair, a typical garbage cat, here in st. petersburg i can’t defend you, i’m sorry, but hide it until the time of vyborg, there is such an opportunity, watering captain , your order has arrived, since we’ve met,
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i want to believe, we’ll work together, the estate of a brutal koop with an alpha male, he's like in i entered the office, i immediately wanted it, where did it even come from, what difference does it make? anyway, you have to bring him down anyway , you’re starting out a bit steeply, andrei, you’ll have problems with the capital letter, if the car was burned, it means it was not without the yunesovskys, who is it and what is it and they collect tribute from everything, big business, medium business, well, if the field captain gets in the way, then excuse me. the british: premieres on monday at 22:10 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. the stepson beat his father with a modak, but assures him that it was so saved his mother from certain death. egor. your brother has a version that you and your mother could
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have planned, firstly, the massacre of yours, and secondly, you beat him together so that you could not cope with him alone. well, i didn’t want to, but when they came running , they knocked on our windows, knocked on our doors, my wife didn’t let me in, what were you shouting, let’s do this, i ’ll kill her, no, well, no, well, that’s how it was, egor, we went to them, we wanted to ask them to take him away, that is, he was on the street, and that is, we were afraid that something will happen, we knocked on the windows , no one opened it for us, we went into the entrance
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when people came in, i knocked, my godmother opened the door, that is, his wife, she said that he couldn’t say anything and do nothing, but first of all queue, an ambulance was needed...
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you can see that he had already talked with lawyers, he was consulted, he has a completely chopped phrase, which is aimed primarily at softening his wine, but this is the circumstance that has now become known, that they pulled out a man there with their mother and threw him in panties to the ground, it completely changes things, it seems to me that this whole company should be prosecuted. it’s just because of this bestial attitude towards himself, towards people , and so on and so forth, this is what they did, this is generally called leaving him in danger, and i think that they actually beat him together, they could not help but understand , that in the winter time a man is there in his underpants, he was left on the street, here is a young man, and apparently there are lawyers there, in their province they are very weak there, because he now, in fact, he’s adding to what he already has, when he...
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there’s still a shadow left, here he is, like that, he was strangling me by the neck, all that was left were scratches on my face, scratches on my neck and here, in this the moment eighteen-year-old yegor larchenko returned home, the guy remembers how he burst into the room and saw a terrible scene, holding him with his feet. hands and strangled him with both hands , i just ran away, i pushed him, his head was towards the radiator, well, i gave him about 10-20 blows to the head, after which he lost consciousness, how could i act differently if he strangled my mother before my eyes. yuri, you really don’t see your brother’s fault in family conflicts, it’s mutual, i’m not making excuses, not my brother, that is, i and galina hosted there. 50% 50 to 50, your wife agrees with you, she believes that galina deliberately provoked her husband, in the studio natalya
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kurnitskaya, hello, natalya, hello, why do you think that galina herself provoked her husband? because i talked with my neighbor, i talked with her neighbors, and the neighbor told me how she heard through the wall how galina was her husband... provoked, but have you known galina for a long time? firstly, we are kumevya, i am the godmother of this boy egor. we met 18 years ago. i worked with galina’s husband, stepfather, and he often came to us at work. and he invited us to visit. then galina was married to someone else, someone else. and what kind of relationship did she have with that person? how galina let it slip to me. in short, her husband began to suspect her of cheating, she left for someone else, this is when i filed for divorce,
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yes, i said, i won’t live with him anymore, it was out in the open. natalya, but galina told us that her husband repeatedly beat her, to put it mildly, believe it, well , maybe he beat her, but not to the same extent as he is currently in, what condition he is in, my husband was sleeping. it was 11 o’clock exactly, egor was breaking in on us together with galina, egor began to tell me, i don’t know if he’s alive or not, i’ll kill him, i’ll finish him off, i’ll kill him, and give me your yurik, i’ll kill him, egor, it was like this, i told them to take their brother, because he was just lying around without consciousness, i didn’t know that he was unconscious, but i didn’t take it seriously, that is, you thought that they were talking about...
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egor is your godson, now he may face punishment, seriously, everyone must be responsible for their actions, you don’t feel sorry for him, on the one hand you feel sorry for him, on the other hand you don’t feel sorry for him, but yegor beat him before, he used to throw himself at him too, throw himself, just throw himself at an adult man.
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did you see ochima before the ambulance took him away? yes, i saw him, he was unconscious, and it was clear that there were signs of a struggle, his lip was broken, your knees were scraped off, but you understood that the consequences would be serious, of course, i understood, because when i had already arrived, the police were there, and i was scared, what was going on here, what was happening to my mother, what was happening to my brother, since my stepfather was at that moment i wasn’t really, well, interested, but you also didn’t love this man, well, without sympathy, or was it that he regularly beat your mother? well, yes, and that also influenced it. why didn’t you ask your mother to leave? yes, i asked repeatedly. why didn't she leave, do you think? perhaps she loved him and forgave him all this. it’s like i couldn’t. do you think it’s your mother’s fault that it all ended this way? well, one way or another, is it her fault? there is, well, not the main one. whose main one? on my stepfather. well,
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have you tried talking to your stepfather? the man, of course, tried, calmly, without any swearing, but he answered, he raised his hand at me. olga, you are listening to ivan now and you are in tears, why? you know, i myself am a mother of four children, it’s real, i’m just like, my heart is breaking, namely, that two adults didn’t think at all that their children would become hostages and...
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stood up for my mother, everything would have ended in tragedy for her, i think she would no longer be here. ivan, and if you were in igor’s place, honestly, what would you do? me, i think i would do the same. do you think your brother doesn't deserve to be punished? she deserves, but conditionally, to work with a psychologist, in my opinion, but galina’s colleague, who has seen her more than once, also thought it was necessary.
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so he also came with threats, we kicked him out of the store several times, and what kind of threats, well, i’ll also beat her up for any reason i could call it that, she often went to work with bruises, well, yes, it happened, she even covered them up on her face, but they were visible, she had a lot and was on sick leave because she couldn’t go to work, how you found out that galina’s son beat her husband, the team found out that her son is now facing a threat for beating, come on... years, but since we all knew that he repeatedly mocked her, but naturally the son stood up for his mother. we have an official comment from law enforcement agencies. february 23 this year, late evening in the city semelukev, a conflict occurred between a forty-four-year-old man and his partner. the woman's eighteen-year-old son decided to stand up for his mother and beat
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ochim until he lost consciousness. citizens. they found the victim on the street in an unconscious state, soon the suspect was identified by the investigative department, the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the semeluksky district opened a criminal case, based on the elements. a crime provided for in part one of article 111 of the criminal code of the russian federation. we will find out in a few minutes whether the victim will become the accused, whether galina faces punishment and what future now awaits her eighteen-year-old son. the sister told galina that she was a foundling, and that at christmas her father’s young mistress left her on the porch. there was a big quarrel. she said that my father's mistress brought me to christmas, wrapped in swaddling clothes. galina did not believe this story, but her sister’s words were confirmed by her older brother: the woman gave this certificate,
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the certificate said five months, when this mistress brought you, she gave it to her father, he he said, this is our daughter, has it really been the case that all her life she considered her mother to be a woman of someone else’s blood, and she was actually given birth to by her father’s mistress. i used to notice that i didn’t seem to be like them , a small village, if only it were true, someone somewhere had spilled the beans, my mother was offended at first by the folder, and then accepted it, i didn’t see that my aunt was pregnant, i i’m hiding the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. stars, premiere, saturday at 21:20 on ntv. alyon, shopping again, gifts. in a package with a man, the gold standard for pain relief at a maximum concentration of 5%,
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, eighteen-year-old pasank faces 8 years in prison. ahmet. you see mitigating circumstances in yegor’s case. yes, definitely, timur. firstly, about all the facts, events, beatings, torture, and so on, you will need to get information again procedural decisions to the police authorities where you applied, so that you have a history of your applications, so that you can say that this happened systematically. ivan, and naturally, the testimony of her sons , ivan’s testimony that this was systematic, the testimony of a colleague, very good testimony that she saw her constantly beaten, constantly with some kind of bruises, all this should be in the compartment as evidence that can help mitigate the punishment that will be assigned to yegor, i can offer you my all possible help so that this does not remain in history, maria, and galina can be brought in as an accomplice if the investigation establishes that, yes, that galina. also committed
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some actions, that is, they inflicted these injuries with four hands and four legs, and they hit him more than twice on the street, 11 fractures were formed, after all, they beat him together, yes, then, of course, there will be responsibility for galina, corresponding, also under this article, because serious harm to health, everything will, of course, plus everything depend on whether, god willing, he wakes up and what testimony he will give, because for now, well, if everything is confirmed that he really strangled...
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who is in a hospital bed in a coma, if, by the way, he dies, his brother will be recognized as the victim, well, here i also wanted to add in the direction of the young man who i didn’t think at all, about the fact that you can’t hit another person, that you can’t throw snow at him, there in his shorts and so on, and also finish him off at the same time, but considering what’s happening, all those people who... will be
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involved in the investigation of a criminal case, judicial review, they are also obliged to protect him, but not...


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