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tv   Pod prikritiem  NTV  March 14, 2024 1:45am-2:31am MSK

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come on, come on, come on, you’re going, like i don’t know who, the reserve is needed. help, soya, zoya, zoya, baby!
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come on, show me the lynch! stop, creature, there , there, comrade lieutenant colonel came running, you managed to see his face , you didn’t have time to take off the mask, zoya, zoya, baby, how can it be, come on, let’s be careful, carefully, just like that, that’s it, even myself , like this, like this. hold on!
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put down the gun and take off your mask.
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how are you? it’s better now, and you’re fine, thank you. let me go check on our passenger, how are you here, no way, you deceived me, didn’t give me antidotes and now i'm going to die. it’s unlikely
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that they injected you with ordinary glucose, it’s difficult to die from it, but you can try, though you ’ve already been in the isolation ward, but what about glucose? yes, are you okay? i'm sure you're interested in something completely different. you're right, to hell with politeness. we have tarusov in development, but you got to him faster, and this is another point in your favor, thank you for helping, i’m in your debt again, i don’t really understand what you’re talking about, from now on we’ll take care of tarusov, but what about
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procedures, the procedure will be strictly followed, thank you again for your service, what's being released soon? doctors say you're doing great? so i mean, just lie down and take your medicine, they’re the ones hanging around me, well, modesty is good, hello, hello, hello, what are you going to do next, i don’t know yet, i need a person with the same experience as you . the same restraint, well, in general, i need you, don’t say anything now, but lie down, think, fortunately you have plenty of time, valery, as highness mikhailovich, mikhailovich,
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get well, vitamins, thank you, well... of course, they really had tarusov in development, but now it doesn’t matter what they found out about him? on it there is murder , human trafficking, the organization of the minotaur website, where weapons and drugs are traded, and this terrible bull remote control, who would have thought that our visa had such a terrible passion, not only him, many influential people used the services of the minotaur. .. people for tarusov it was compromising evidence and leverage over them, yeah, who did these two find out? the man with the scar is someone swindler, the corpse from the river is his a colleague in the special forces, a karbike, this is how he
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looked during life. this corbake was killed by arkin, their colleague and bodyguard of tarusov. yes. why didn’t they share it? during one of the operations, karbake left them wounded in a hot house and escaped himself. when he got out of there, he went to zhulin’s fiancée, dani papescu, and told him about his heroic death. the groom, here is her photograph, according to sand, a noticeable young lady, noticeable, and zhulin and arkin miraculously survived, yes, they survived, and then, in search of income, they began
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to carry out certain orders from tarusov, but when zhuli got sick, he appeared before his bride alive and unharmed, she told him, that’s all, they say, the love has passed. so they say and so, your place is now occupied , the carbake is occupied, well, of course, he did not forgive this, he handed over dana to tarusov in order to lure the corbake to himself and so that he would bring a ransom for her, they waited for him to bring them the money and there he was sentenced . oh, it already smells like barbecue, oh, finally, did you escape or did the doctors let you go? well, of course, he ran away, well done, now the complete set,
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he scared me, i didn’t do it on purpose, but i knew that everything will be good. so i'm driving, where is the shamray, yeah, thank you. shamraev fedorovich, for example, investigator of the prokofiev bureau of internal investigations. what do i owe? i am investigating the murder of citizen arkin and you will have to travel with us. murder, yeah, death occurred as a result of a severe stab wound, today at 5:20 in the intensive care ward of the twentieth
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clinic, you have such a document, and how you feel is already normal. well done, i missed you. and it was worth it, your task,
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somewhere? "will come to us soon, yes, i i understood what happened, from a human perspective, i understand you, he threatened the life of your partner, but from a professional point of view , don’t allow this.” besides, this is not the first time this has happened to you, you have very serious problems,
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i already understood that, as far as i know , you were fired from the authorities where you work, now you’re just looking for a new job, yeah, unemployed, what do you live on, on modest savings, what did you do in tarusov’s house and how did colonel sobol end up there, well, i guess this is you'd better ask me... i can, and we'll ask, we’ll definitely ask, but in the meantime i’d like to hear your version. “i am ready to accept your invitation if
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you help shamray, but the situation is not easy, prokofiev is an extremely principled person with terrible initiative, but i will try to do everything that depends on me, everything i can , thank you, no need to thank me, tell me, honestly, team c'. sobolya is able to catch the ghost? why this question? it’s just that if you work with me, you won’t regret it, we’ll catch the ghost earlier, and your career will take off. okay, but i don’t care about this for the sake of career. commendable.
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what can you say about that fighter, he comes here often, and i regularly, i’ll be right back, okay. you're doing well, yes, thank you. can you show me a couple of tricks? unfortunately, i can’t today, i have an important meeting. you know who i am, just as you know who i am. 3 years ago you left your official position. yes, right. yes. only i didn’t really understand where. what do you do? at the moment i’m talking to
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you, but in general i’m intensively working on myself. how are you doing? it turns out, how about a cup coffee, not this time, thank you for the conversation, thank you, good training, i don’t dare detain you, irinavna, i understand that you are an active person with us, and your track record is impressive, but maybe it’s not worth it. with conclusions, i really didn’t think that the response would be so fast, you separated shamraya, i guessed that this was a call from above, what are you talking about, rinsanna, could you really think that i could interfere with your investigation, oh, well you, no, of course not, i'll just take this as good advice from someone more experienced colleagues, it’s good to hear, i will continue
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to work honestly on this case and will continue to conduct the investigation. i have no doubt that you understood everything exactly as needed, yeah, i can go, yes, of course, great, thank you very much, yegor famevich, i am very grateful to you, i am your debtor, let's have lunch together, gossip, that's it, we agreed on ... i haven’t said goodbye for a long time, it must be a tough nut to crack from prokofiev, she’s not on time, but does that happen on time? yes, that’s also true, we need to come up with something here, otherwise she’ll make noise, and you will have to forget about the ghost, not
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today, tomorrow the leadership will change. so it’s time to decide with whom , there’s nothing to do here, europe is waiting for us, it’s waiting, it can’t live without us, the command is not silent, we’re sitting, waiting for the order, let them know that crimea is either ukrainian or deserted, these will tear it apart, or else beast, and you are really ready to shoot at them, you are ready to just leave, then everyone decides for themselves with whom to live and work, crimea cannot be given away, i am for russia, all the days until spring the premiere is tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. a unique country with a unique destiny, unique culture, unique
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people. original and full of mysteries. with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. i don’t understand why you need this, well then what do you think, the law is the same for everyone, or i
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’m wrong, this is citizen khlystova and colonel sobol. are you sure about what you told me here? what did i tell you? i just gave you a thread, pull it and you will see what happens. i'll pull it, don't worry if shamra works for sobol, i have no personal motives, i just follow the letter of the law, just like you, as my boss says, it’s nice to hear. “you look great, and i feel the same, why did you call, do you remember our affairs?” “three years ago, i don’t remember, i don’t remember at all, i didn’t understand, but you ordered
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me to forget, i succeeded, now let’s remember, but if you insist, you don’t have any uncovered tails left for him, why, to get burned? i i gave everything to you and it seems to me that you were satisfied. well, i don’t know, maybe maybe some copies. i'm not my own enemy. i believe you. but great. that's it, you can go. all? yes all. that is, i went. go.
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so let's go to the interrogation room in about 20 minutes, weren't you told that irina aleksandrovna, shamray was released in the morning, as they were released? roman vlovich, what does all this mean? irinavna, i understand your indignation, but your ward was released, according to this order. so now it turns out that shamray was performing a special task, right? all questions can be directed to the data of the department, and to the person whose signature appears on this document. you can rest assured that i will do so. it is unlikely that their answers will satisfy you. it's me. not as a colleague, i say, but as a true friend, how noble, oh,
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what people are free, so prokofieva let you go, i suppose, she was left no choice. well, how did you like it, stern lady, i offer pizza on this occasion, uh-huh, right here now, you decided to accept dorokhov’s offer, we have the same goal, a ghost, do you know what will happen? i know i will have to stop all contact with you, and do you agree with this? well you're on your own
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they said, it’s unknown what kind of snowflake can start a trap, but what if this snowflake is prokofiev’s, do you think that dorokhov’s pitch appeared with coffee? well, the crucian carp didn’t just appear out of nowhere, if i know every step of dorakhov, i can stop this trap, you... just returned to the squad, yes, i was undercover for a whole year, why not try again, this is a list of calls for the fifteenth year, five whiplash calls from a mobile phone from sobol, that’s where she is now in moscow, though under someone else’s name, she has a ban on leaving, uh-huh, due to suspicion of drug trafficking in the country of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, under the guise of medicines . yeah, if we don’t get to lystovo, all our efforts are in vain, track
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all her movements, we’re already doing it. igor vasilyevich, stop. please take this for your boy for surgery. irina, please take it and give it back when you can. i ask you to. yes. thank you, it's ready, we'll find out now. oops, try it, well,
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well, shamry chicken. get excited, cool apron, don’t tell me, i don’t i can’t stop looking at it, it’s a feast gift, she’s already giving you gifts, but it’s for your birthday, she says , an irreplaceable thing for a bachelor, for any, see you.
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strategic move, getting me out of prison, your job? that’s why you go out to the road, mash, hello, how great are you doing?
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“mash, masha, unfortunately, maria’s initial diagnosis of cathetonic stupor with waxy flexibility is progressing, last time she was in such a difficult state for 2 weeks and any emotional arousal can cause such a reaction, and i i’ve already told you this, and that you ’re suggesting that i don’t visit her, visit, visit, but don’t make contact, but this didn’t happen before, it got worse after she was informed about the death of her mother, who was informed by her stepfather. prokofieva irina
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aleksandrovna, she has a very high percentage of investigated cases, she did not find any tax or any other violations. she is the perfect servant of the law. she grew up in an orphanage, but there she was not very well behaved, but then she came to her senses and became an excellent investigator. have no children, divorced, she devotes all her free time to work. there is a patient at the neurosis clinic, maria rybakova. for the last year, prokov paid for her treatment and maintenance in full. yes. relatives, no, just about kokofiev , 3 years ago she was involved in a case of rape and the victim was this same maria rybakova, but the matter did not come here, because the accused, a certain fellow fyodor ilich, entered into an agreement with the mother of the girl, they agreed to monetary compensation after the case was hushed up, the girl became very ill, she was diagnosed with catetonia, a consequence of rape,
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i think so. due to the stress of the fact that olupka did not receive any punishment at all , this also became a personal blow for prokofieva , she was never able to bring olupka to justice, maria’s mother, an alcoholic , died 2 months ago, which is why she now lives in her apartment, drinks heavily and doesn’t care for his stepdaughter at all, but this olupka has his own foundation, he is very active in helping orphanages and doing charity work, let's take care of this block, let's help prokofieva.
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and what they will become, how we will raise them, what we will put into their hearts, after all, this depends on the fate of not only our homeland, but the whole world, how can you comment on the scandalous situation with maria rybakova? a dirty slander - this is a strong blow to your reputation, how were you able to survive this? you know, i have long gotten rid of idealistic ideas about reality, for me the main thing is that i myself believe in, allow me, as the immediate director of the orphanage i must say that i, like no one else, know how much attention fyodor ilyich pays to us, without his support we would have nothing, dear fyodor ilyevich, on behalf of all the children of orphanage number 23 we want to thank you. this toy, made by our hands with warmth and love, thank you very much, oh, i’m just looking for you, this is a list of arrested drug dealers on
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sobol’s orders, 15 kg of illegal drugs were seized from them, but according to the testimony of the detainees, they had 16, that is, a kilogram is still around the corner, yes, that’s quite will cost a million euros. are we looking for people to whom sobol sold drugs? good excellent. wait, let's do something else first. i am investigator prokofiev, i have a few questions for you, citizen khlystova. or is it better to call you lala khly? i didn’t die, i’m alive, i’m alive, don’t hope, one spark and this
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port will fly into the air, as soon as the ship passes the roofing platinum, stop this ship, i understand. 5 minutes of silence, simbirsk frosts, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum russia. has this minotaur spoken? no, also, we want to change the interrogation technique. so, i
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’ll talk to him myself, introduce him, bye. what do you say? valery. this means that you are now citizen buzenkova , and not olga nikolaevna khlustova, as it is said in this false passport, it is not fake, no, but of course it was executed perfectly, but were you really born in leningrad, as it is written here, and what does this mean to anyone? worse, maybe maybe this is the crystal dream of my childhood to be born in the cradle of the russian revolution and go to aurora every day to look, eh? “i’m only afraid that our criminal code , which has a bad attitude towards forgery of documents, will not like your crystal dream, it will all end in karelian forests, what kind of manners, almost karilian forests, well, i don’t know, maybe you’ll get
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magadan, as far as i know, there it’s very beautiful, and as far as i know, you haven’t been there yet either, but what exactly do you need from me, i have an ordinary boring business, but don’t be modest, among money washers, drug dealers"? you have no equal, these are not drugs, these are medicines , they actually save people’s lives, everything else is envy, rumors, and your business with sobol, this is also envy, rumors, that’s what it’s all about , such a respected person, nati to you, just some kind of medieval quackery , by god, have mercy, consider my morality too old, i have nothing to tell you, imagine what... will happen if a ghost finds out that you are collaborating with us, i am with i’m not cooperating with you, but we can help him think like that, help him, well, yes, you think he’ll believe it, that you didn’t let it slip when
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they took you lukewarm and all your creativity was revealed, if you count the criminal articles under which you are charged, your prospects are extremely bleak, if you want to remain silent, be silent, no one imagines a knife to your head, and i’m here with you i’ll argue, i’ll argue, but i’ll go get some tea and pretzels? i want you to drink a cup of tsekuta, wait, wait, well , finally, i’m listening to you, what guarantees do i have, you’ve done so much, guarantees, my word and good will, all i can give you, okay, i’ll tell you what i know is more
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and it’s not required, all attention, 3 years ago, sobol asked to launder a large sum of money, how much, large, a million euros, yeah, well, it’s recorded here. you will
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get your million, what a prudent olga nikolaevna you are, thank you for your assistance, uh-huh, wait, but we didn’t agree that way, and we didn’t agree with you, you’ll have to travel with us, we’ll assume that you realized your guilt and decided to help the investigation , let's go. yeah, well, you know him, but finally, you see, we’ve all been waiting for you here, i found something interesting. the victim claimed that
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olupka filmed the rape, but the recording could not be found, they simply stopped looking for her, after allabka agreed with the mother of the girl, everything is true, but i’m sure that it’s also a matter of the date, the date, explain, the rape of rybakova , that is, the recording, occurred on the canon of christmas, like the birthday of maria rybakova, and what, but this changes everything, if aluka made this recording when rybakova was already 18, then for him this is one article, because ...already by the law is an adult, but if not, then for him this is a completely different article, this is the seduction of minors, yes, and you think that he stores this recording somewhere, for such types as alubka, such recordings are a trophy, which means all we need is to find the video footage.
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fedorka, you will have a minute to talk to me, for you a young lady, whatever you want, i am not a young lady, i am a police officer, much more, i am completely surrendering myself into your hands, and why such an interest, my humble, from -for this. olupka, fyodor ilyich rapes underage girls, punish this bastard, he should go to jail. the police received this anonymous letter accusing you of sexual harassment. do you know who it could be? i’ve been doing charity work for many years now, i don’t expect any gratitude, but you can’t imagine how many ill-wishers i have, life is sometimes like that. bitch , but i’m not complaining, please come
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in, thank you, we believe that this may have something to do with the rape case of maria rybakova, you knew her, yes, i did, and this there was a very unpleasant incident , you really did it, what are you saying, the case was closed, it didn’t even go to trial, please go ahead, i’m now... i shouldn’t have taken her attempts to seduce me seriously, i ask you, dater, to seduce you, uh-huh, just like that,
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the very thought comes to me, they raped a woman, do you really think that i will understand... his will would begin to show her signs of attention. help yourself. this is a handmade scaled, custom order. mm, yeah, really great. this, this is what i later found out that she not only hanged herself on boys, peers, but on teachers.
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what about a poor girl against an insidious philanthropist, and you decided to pay off, it wasn’t me who decided, it was my mother and stepfather who extracted a large sum from me, then they didn’t have time to divide it, as a result the poor girl got sick, do you want some water? yes very. no, i don’t blame her at all, i understand that it was they who suggested that she accuse me. we are confident that sooner or later, the author of the letter will commit a crime. what do you think? no,
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you can't be involved in this matter. please, on... oh, the kids love you, this alupka is good the actor himself believes what he says , he almost convinced even me that he is a victim of an insidious plan, in my opinion, he is just a schizoid, well, one
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does not interfere with the other, i don’t think that this camera will give us anything, he is very careful, if he does his dirty deeds somewhere, it ’s definitely not at home, by the way, i don’t know how... important, but after you left there was one telephone conversation, show me, hello, misha, how’s it going? paris, i wanted to know if you remember our agreement, and which is more expensive than money, well, i’m happy for you, well, let’s say hello to the french chicks, who he called, just a second, there’s a certain mikhail dzyuba, he was once a successful jockey, but then... and she’s no longer there, he sold her back, he sold her 3 years ago, three 3 years ago, and after that dyuba moved to paris 3 the rape of maria robakova was just 3 years ago, this dzyuba.


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