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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 14, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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oh, i made the lights, i filled my pockets full, and i wonder how we are losing weight there now, a recipe, a poisonous recipe for cooking, i understand, but it will go like this. well, and not only for pregnant afghans, too. russian special services exposed saboteurs who added poison to cereals for fighters and residents of territories annexed to russia. following the positive emotions, there are problems at home. citizens of moldova who attended the world youth festival in sochi will be checked for violations of the laws of the republic. us congress against the most popular chinese social network. “we want tiktok
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to continue working, but not under the control of the chinese communist party, as america is trying to put pressure on the middle kingdom with the help of tiktok, and also medicine for the elderly in russia can increase the number of geriatric doctors, who are they, why are they necessary? about this and more right now on ntv program today in the studio mikhail chabanenko, hello, only one day left until the most important political event in our country, the last presidential elections at the polling stations preparations, voting starts on march 15 for the first time and will last 3 days, you can cast your vote from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, and those who for some reason cannot do this at their place of registration have the right to participate in remote electronic voting or they can call a commission to your home. in addition, early voting has been going on since february 25; almost 1.5 million people, members, have already made their choice. election commission visited
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residents of remote regions, fighters on the front line, today is the last opportunity for presidential candidates to attract voters, the campaign will officially end at midnight. on the eve of the elections , vladimir putin addressed the russians. dear citizens of russia, dear friends, tomorrow , march 15, polling stations will open throughout our vast country.
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i would like to emphasize that the only source of power in our country is the people; this key legal provision is enshrined in the constitution. its main meaning is that only you, citizens of russia, determine the fate of the fatherland. you have to not only cast your vote, but firmly declare your will aspirations, about personal involvement in the further development of russia
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, because therefore a lot in the coming days depends on each of you, i will say frankly, participation in the elections today is a manifestation of patriotic feelings, this is well understood by the residents of donbass and novorussia, who are in the most difficult conditions, they voted in referendums for unity with russia, these days they will also make their choice, our soldiers will vote at the front, and not by showing courage.
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this is the successful future of our beloved russia. thank you. and abroad during the presidential elections about 300 polling stations will operate in russia. they will open in almost 150 countries. however, there are states that openly prevent russians from fulfilling their civic duty. the commissioner for human rights in russia, tatyana moskalkova , said that she would appeal to the un high commissioner for human rights. the reason was the decision of latvia. check your residence permit in the country when entering a polling station, and if the residence permit is expired, deportation will follow; in moscow they consider this an unprecedented, gross violation of rights person. the un has already analyzed the latvian position; the organization stated that riga has the right to take measures to
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ensure security, but they should not discriminate against anyone. as tatyana moskalkova noted in an exclusive interview with ntv. the international system of rights and freedoms in general.
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food, and then deliver them under the guise of humanitarian aid. in addition, the criminals hoped to carry out terrorist attacks in russian regions and, as it became known, the actions of the cell were directed by ukrainian intelligence officers. yulia ablitsova. read more. these shots the recruited saboteurs specially filmed it for their handlers from ukrainian intelligence, as proof of the completed task. in an improvised laboratory set up in an ordinary garage in st. petersburg, accomplices mix highly toxic chemicals into food products. the substance, according to the guru's plan, poisoned food and medicine was supposed to be sent under the guise of humanitarian aid to the northern military district zone, so over the phone the curators give clear instructions to their charges, the scale should be industrial, so at a discount, so you i understood that one g already causes
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the body to not work, yeah, you just mixed in about four, this amount of poison could be enough to poison several thousand people, the ukrainian neo-nazis were going to stage a terrorist attack... against the backdrop of the success of the russian army at the front, the liberation of avdiivka, the offensive on hours yar, the destruction of american air defense systems. this is it, as i understand it, it will be suitable for military personnel, right? well, not only pregnant women, afghans too. the fact that humanitarian aid would not have been distributed only among the military, but also among the civilian population, none of the organizers of the terrorist attack worried. according to ntv military correspondent ilya ushenin, who is now in donbass, the consequences of this sabotage would be catastrophic. poisoned products. could easily get on the table, including children and the elderly. for example, the day before we were filming in yasenovataya, where there is a temporary accommodation center for evacuees from ovdeevka, there are a lot of pensioners, children, women, and of course, but somehow check here these food products, which
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are delivered there as humanitarian aid, are cereals, some kind of pasta, porridge, it is clear that all this is checked by the canteen employees who prepare food for these people, of course, they have no way... . could not the poisonous metal that the saboteurs used, having entered the human body even in a small dose, can lead to irreversible consequences, toxins are used in industry to carry out the plan and acquire poison, the saboteur... took advantage using forged documents from a certain law firm, four residents of st. petersburg were detained who had joined a secret cell of the so-called russian volunteer corps, a terrorist organization created in ukraine. it is already known that the ukrainian curators initially checked the recruited adherents of the radical right for a long time, asking them to perform simple tasks, for example, photograph military or fuel and energy infrastructure for subsequent drone attacks. conducted intelligence activities. processing plants, a railway depot, a drone production plant and its
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owner, and then the special executive assistants were given a more responsible task, essentially committing mass murder; they coldly discussed the possible number of victims and future preferences over the phone. by the way, i hope for this whole topic, you just talked about the medal, like it ’s like yours or something or from zelensky, so that you get a medal. received from zelensky, we need to sentence 50 people, and for us to sentence 50 people, we need to do a lot, a lot, a lot of porridge, and not so long ago, ukrainian intelligence was already planning mass murder using military poison in a cache, which showed that a recruited resident of the kherson region discovered an analogue the chemical warfare agent bz, widely used by the armies of nato countries, was going to mix taksin into food in city canteens in melitopol; these plans would also be thwarted against the saboteurs; criminal cases were opened in st. petersburg. it is known that they were also
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preparing a series of terrorist attacks using improvised explosive devices. yulia oblitsova, alena kryukova and konstantin torup, ntv television company. artillerymen of the central military district thwarted another attempt by the nationalists to renew personnel near avdeevka. our military hit the area where manpower was concentrated with a hail multiple launch rocket system. the sighting shot was followed by a series of accurate ones. we cut off the enemy on the approaches, we destroy the infantry, we destroy the attack aircraft, we destroy those reinforcements that they are trying to transfer precisely to the zone of active operations, we destroy the accumulation of equipment, we do not allow them to come close, in the zaporozhye direction the scouts of the dnepr group discovered an enemy unit. who were trying to equip new positions, the attack was carried out by crews of the portable anti-tank missile
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system mitis, under the fire of artillery from the vostok group of troops from geocinths they defeated the fortifications of militants on the line of deep defense, in the severodonetsk direction the crews of k-52 attack helicopters hit strongholds and locations of ukrainian nationalists. reconnaissance and combat vehicles were hit by unguided aircraft missiles. well now. urgent message: ukrainian armed forces fired at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, as the press service of the nuclear power plant reported, the nationalists dropped an explosive device 5 meters from the diesel fuel tanks. the fuel storage facility is part of the plant's critical infrastructure. and according to nuclear power plant specialists, if explosives had gotten into the bikes, it would have led to a disaster. we will monitor incoming messages. for now, on to other topics. the french do not support macron’s anti-russian policy and fear
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that his belligerent mood could lead to world war iii, said the grandson of the first french president charles de gaulle. this is not our war, both the people of france and all the peoples of europe are convinced of this. unfortunately, president macron is trying to drag out the conflict in ukraine in order to justify the illegality of his tenure, to justify what he does not have. programs both for france and for the whole europe. they have no vision of the future, they have no knowledge of history. they don't know the russian soul. they are accustomed to lying both to the french population and to the population of all of europe. pierre de gaulle came to moscow as an observer for the upcoming elections. the chairman of the state duma committee on international affairs, leonid slutsky, met with him, discussing international relations, the interlocutors agreed that us hegemony was coming to an end, and russia was becoming the center of the new. multipolar world, in which every country has equal rights, a new world
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the majority is now being formed, russia plays a system-forming central, pivotal role in this, mr. and many other european politicians understand this well, they are not for russia, they are for truth, they are for peace. they are for each country choosing its own path of development. the ldpr leader noted that people are drawn to the ideas of peace and equality. in eurasia and africa in latin america. austria is expelling two russian diplomats. this was stated in the local foreign ministry, and the employees of our embassy were recognized as persons of nangrat. in the statement the ministry said that they allegedly committed an action incompatible with their diplomatic status. however , the austrian authorities did not provide any evidence. the situation has already been commented on by
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the russian embassy, ​​where they noted that this is a purely political decision and moscow is preparing a decisive response. at the same time , responsibility for the deterioration of bilateral relations falls entirely on vienna: diplomats must leave austrian territory by march 19. moldovan politicians who attended world youth day in russia sirius, in their homeland they can now be subject to criminal charges, as the prime minister of the republic said; people in the country are identifying people who undermine statehood. the actions of the moldovan delegation will be checked for compliance with the law. last year , the local parliament adopted amendments to the criminal code according to articles. separatism and conspiracy against moldova, the authorities believe that delegates in russia could allegedly receive instructions to destabilize the situation in moldova. and the head of the gogauz autonomy said that the official chisinau is exploring the possibility of punishing her for her meeting with vladimir putin, which took place during the festival.
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the number of geriatricians in russia may increase. they treat illnesses in older people. the ministry of health plans to create offices where they receive such people. specialists in each hospital. the changes will also affect departments in hospitals; currently there are not enough doctors in this field, but according to experts, the innovations will help reduce the burden on doctors and involve other specialized specialists in consultations. alina repina talked with doctors of a rare specialty. kalina dmitrievna is 75, her head is spinning and her heart is racing. in general, something is happening to her that people who are not too tactful will say: age, what can you do, though. in fact, there is something to be done, and medicine is actively engaged in this. can you squeeze my hand with both hands? try as hard as you can squeeze it. well done, thank you, there are regulations, the doctor is given 15 minutes, for example, but besides the appointment , there are also people who provide a certificate for those who need it,
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that’s how she is, of course, we, well, sometimes 15 minutes are missing, how can we help in 15 minutes? for those who have not one disease, but 10, who are weakened , forgetful and often abandoned, lonely, why do children have their own doctors, pediatricians, and for the elderly, geriatricians are just beginning to appear, although there are 31 million people over sixty in the country, every sixth of them needs in geriatric care. on the one hand, we have the task set by the president to increase life expectancy, on the other hand, due to some - well... not specifically independent of us conditions, those generations who were already educated in modern russia, unfortunately, cannot replace new or old, or rather, serious specialists in their places. since 2018, seeing a geriatrician has been included in the list of services available under compulsory medical insurance. the only problem is that
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there are many times fewer geriatricians in the country than there are places to work. in 2023, geriatrics became the most scarce. specialty in the country, there were 0.1 resumes per vacancy, my grandmother was admitted to the hospital after a fall, it’s not just a fracture that needs to be healed, there’s a traumatologist for that, you have to understand, she fell because the shoes were wrong, or she was not eating well and her muscles were weakened, in her youth valentina ostapenka helped life to be born, as a therapist she worked with pregnant women, now she helps life not to fade away, this mosaic is always formed in different ways, this one the drawing is always formed differently. and it doesn’t turn into some kind of routine, the patient i saw, she was already about 80 years old, had a huge number of different problems, her granddaughter sent me a video where she was flying in a hot air balloon. 10 years ago valentina ostapenko underwent retraining and became one of the first geriatricians in the country. since then , geriatrics departments have opened in more than
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thirty universities; you can choose a residency if you are just studying to become a doctor, or go through... a deal to whom dano will sell his russian business. vladimir putin revoked some provisions of his decree from july last year and thus canceled the transfer. after the french company announced plans
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to transfer control of its russian business. 13 factories were established in russia, after after they came under the control of the federal property management agency, the minister of agriculture of chechnya, yakub zakriev, became the general director of danone russia. perhaps the current decision - to withdraw don's russian assets from the subdivision of the federal property management agency - is due to the fact that the authorities have finally agreed on a deal to sell these. 3 weeks ago, the financial times wrote that danone was planning to sell its russian business to the dairy company vamin tatarstan. it belongs to twenty-nine-year-old mintimer mingazov, who, as financial noted times, was appointed to the board of directors of the russian danone immediately after yakub zakriev became its ceo. american stock exchanges did not decide to take any serious steps towards the closure of trading. today statistics on producer prices in the us for february will be released, and this is the last. important statistics that will be released before the federal reserve meeting, which will take place on march 19-20. the russian stock market continues the downward correction that began yesterday, although oil is still at
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its highest for the year. yesterday's appreciation of the ruble turned out to be short-lived, the dollar is now 91.72, 100 euros and 37.36, sorry. the ministry of energy announced that there is a surplus in the domestic fuel market and there is no risk of rising prices at gas stations. the ministry says. quote: measures are being taken to... chinese social networks in washington accuse the application of transferring american data to the middle kingdom, where intelligence services have access to it. because of this, the states are confident that beijing is definitely interfering in
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the country’s presidential elections. candidates for major political office have already realized that tiktok can play an important role in the outcome of the vote. trump even officially promised not to block the social network, although 4 years ago he himself began attacks on the chinese application. and now the republican hopes to win over young people to his side. alexey veselovsky about the american ticking clock for tiktok. this is not a tiktok ban yet, but something is already very, very close. the house of representatives of congress by a majority vote demanded that the owner of the popular social network sell it within 5 months. and if this does not happen, then tiktok may be banned in america. the reason for this ultimatum is tiktok is owned by the chinese company bydens. in the united states, she is suspected of having close ties with china. we want the work to continue, but not under the control of the chinese
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communist party, there is nothing new in the demands for sale. when a chinese company bought the grinder app, the us government found out that american users' information had fallen into the hands of a chinese company, they also demanded that the app be sold, and this happened quickly.
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to ban the us social network, but the decree was blocked then president trump tried with his decree in the courts, and the only thing the white house managed to achieve was to ban
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government employees from using tiktok. since then , some states have also joined the ban for employees, but talk about the possibility of a complete ban on tiktok in the country has only just begun. biden, by the way, still supports the ban, despite the fact that his campaign headquarters recently joined tiktok itself and is actively inviting young people there. mr. president, you still support the tiktok ban, will you sign this law? if accepted, i will sign. it is unclear and what should the authorities do if the law is passed, but tiktok refuses to comply. in this case.
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institute of pharmacy, chose recipes from old books,” maxim berezin found out. at bikfest, cheeseburger for 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank. it's delicious, period. when diseased joints become an obstacle to a comfortable life. take advantage of ambien drugs, which bioactively solve joint problems and take care of you like those closest to you. ambien drugs, active joints for you. she will appear now. well, what's there? a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. new big special barbecue bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. magnet - the price is what you need. oil blago 99. the
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victories at the new stadium. it will support the spirit of sport in the new playgrounds near the house in any weather. this sign does not move forward against the background of great talent in the updated cultural center. and he will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the sign of russia's national project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national projects of russia by decision of the president. dna, today at 17:50. deposit is the best interest rate in sberbank with clear conditions, it is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum, quick registration in the sberbank application online, deposit is the best interest rate, it’s more profitable with prime. where is it cheaper to buy osago? i’ll compare on the website or at application. here insurance companies offer the best prices. compare in your country. this is forty
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enhanced the therapeutic effect. pharmacist and pharmacist, edition of 905, this is still an imperial one, everything is collected here, both medicinal plants and ointment formulations, about how future pharmacists can be useful to the front, the head of the department dmitry kompantsev thought after a conversation with a soldier, returning from lbs. the serviceman noticed that a tactical first-aid kit could use a rubbing balm or a zinc-based ointment...
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i used it, but this component, it has been tested for centuries and it works well now, after all, this is an original recipe, approved substances are added to each ointment homeopathic essences that enhance the therapeutic effect, all innovations were proposed by students, there is
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a need for restoration, disinfection, pain relief, for each aspect of pathology the guys suggested that we could put this ointment there, the students also thought out the packaging for the ointments, what the army used in... doctors need them when evacuating the wounded from the front line, when they need to stop the bleeding and deliver the soldier alive to the operating table. the new development will go to the front after all the necessary tests. maxim berezin, maxim ushanov, sergei pakhtyukov,
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north caucasian ntv, stavropol territory. that's all for now, stay on ntv. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing it. them to avisol. it only contains oats milky ripeness is enhanced by herbs and turmeric. avisol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. if you have a runny nose or sinusitis, avoid sinusitis. take urvesrin. urvis rina even treats a persistent runny nose. urvis rina. don't let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. even in warm weather, a common runny nose can turn into sinusitis. treat a runny nose correctly. take orvis rina tablets from valar. orvis rina even treats a persistent runny nose. orvis rina, don’t let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with avisol. only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol and volar are number
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one for cleansing the liver. and now about the weather for tomorrow. hello, in this issue the european territory of russia and sunny weather for almost all residents of the middle zone. i was just very lucky with the synoptic situation: high atmospheric pressure is holding back the appearance. not only precipitation, but also cloudiness and during the day tomorrow it will already reach +4 +9, and the cyclone has won back the north and south, the southern one is the stormiest, loaded with heavy rains, after the crimea, tomorrow they are in the krasnodar region and a thunderstorm situation is predicted, so a cold atmospheric front is coming, and the northern cyclone, not only with rain, rain for the northwest, but also with snowfalls, is a warm atmospheric front, warm air is coming, and in the forecast for the northern regions of the central region and the volga region it is also worth considering precipitation, the probability is not... but there is more in the kirov region and the capital in st. petersburg tomorrow + 7:9 with rain in moscow at night even before five frosts during the day bright sun and + 6-8 about the weather all this was the weather forecast in country over which never
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the sun is setting, only here in the largest country in the world could he appear...


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