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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:25pm MSK

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poisonous sabotage, the scale must be industrial, 1 g already causes inability of the body. who tried to send poisoned humanitarian aid to the northern military district zone? such a spring, zero visibility, kamchatka was covered by a powerful cyclone with a blizzard, plans to seize, correspondence of ukrainian security forces dissatisfied with the authorities who planned the bunch leaked from closed internet resources, quietly approaching to strike with direct fire, about the military tricks of tankers and artillerymen, mikhail chernov. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kolyvanov studio. it starts tomorrow.
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russian presidential elections, voting will continue until march 17. on the eve of the opening of polling stations , vladimir putin addressed citizens. let me emphasize that the only source of power in our country is the people. this key legal provision is enshrined in the constitution. its main meaning is that only you, citizens of russia, determine the fate of the fatherland. you don't just have to give yours away.
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and the package must be located in the video surveillance zone; almost all election polling stations are equipped with video recorders polling stations, here they will see this video wall, where they will see how people vote at this or that polling station; in total , 94,000 polling stations have been prepared in the country. the mi-8 helicopter made a hard landing in the middle of the tundra in the magadan region, one person was killed, two were injured, the board was on a flight.
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ordered by a gold mining company, the passengers were shift workers from the mine and representatives of contractors. according to the information agency, the crew managed to report an engine failure. however, among the possible causes of the emergency are pilot error. to the place accidents in severe snowstorm conditions. rescuers were able to get there with difficulty; the survivors must be evacuated to magadan. a powerful cyclone with a blizzard covered kamchatka in the capital of the region. wind up to 60 m/s. all flights depart from the main one. peninsula airport has been postponed until at least tomorrow. a storm warning is in effect in the baring sea and pacific ocean. sergei antsigin will tell you about the surprises of march in the far east. classes for schoolchildren in most districts of kamchatka were canceled the day before. before the cyclone comes and what is the solution was true, the inhabitants of the peninsula are convinced today. in the capital of the region, petropalovsky -kamchatsky, it has been snowing since the very morning, and the roads are icy. inspectors received
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hundreds of calls about car accidents; a massive accident occurred on the highway to the airport. nine cars collided here. visibility is zero. stormy winds, gusts of which reach 34 m per second. destroys city infrastructure. he knocked down a traffic light pole, knocked down road signs, tore roofs off houses and scattered trash cans. residents. apartment homes complain about power outages and lack of mobile communications. everyone who hoped to fly outside kamchatka on regular flights was forced to return home to hotels. planes to moscow, magadan, khabarovsk and vladivostok were delayed until friday, and air traffic between settlements in kamchatka was also cancelled. flights from moscow and vladivostok are directed to an alternate airfield in the city of magadan. flights departing from petropavlovsko-kamchatsky have been delayed. public transport works. in regular
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mode, but there is a difficult road situation. kamchatka rescuers recommended that local residents cancel all trips within the peninsula itself. on the highway in the area. village of nachiki, just in case, they set up a heating point for those who are caught off guard by bad weather. a special warning was issued for winter recreation enthusiasts, skiers and snowboarders. for the next three days, weather forecasters predict the danger of avalanches ; being on the slopes of mountains and volcanoes is life-threatening. now the cyclone is gradually moving to the sea of ​​okhotsk and the northern settlements of kamchatka will be at the mercy of the elements. until the end of the week, the forces of the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations have been transferred to increased mode. the fsb in st. petersburg uncovered a secret cell of the russian volunteer corps banned in russia; its members were preparing to send a batch
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of poisoned food and medicine to the northern military district zone under the guise of humanitarian aid. details from yulia oblitsova. these shots were specially filmed by recruited saboteurs for their handlers from ukrainian intelligence. proof of completed a monstrous and vile task: in an improvised laboratory set up in an ordinary garage in st. petersburg, accomplices mix a highly toxic chemical into food, then carefully pack everything into cardboard boxes; according to the gur’s plan, the poisoned food and medicine were to be sent under the guise of humanitarian aid to the svo zone, over the phone the curators give clear instructions to their wards, we are here now, you still have sugar, yes, yes, i have sugar for... so at a discount, so you understand, one gram already causes the body to not work, great, the scale should be industrial, yeah, you just mixed in about four, this amount of poison could be enough to poison several thousand people,
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the ukrainian neo-nazis were going to stage a terrorist attack against the backdrop of the success of the russian army at the front, liberation of avdiivka, attack on hours yar, the destruction of american air defense systems. the kiev authorities are not the first. resort to terrorist methods, trying to strike from the rear. this one, as i understand it, will go to military personnel, right? well, not only pregnant women, afghans too. the fact that humanitarian aid would be distributed not only to the military, but also to the civilian population did not concern any of the organizers of the terrorist attack. according to ntv military correspondent ilya ushenin, who is now in donbass, the consequences of this sabotage would be catastrophic. poisoned food could easily end up on the table, including to children, and a very large amount of humanitarian aid goes here to the donbass, for example, the day before we filmed in yasenovataya, where temporary accommodation center for evacuees from ovdeevka, there are a lot of pensioners, children, women, and of course , somehow check these food products, which are delivered there as
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humanitarian aid, these are cereals, some kind of pasta, porridge , it is clear that the canteen employees who prepare food for these people can check all this, it is clear that they , well... the poisonous metal that the saboteurs used, once in the human body, even in a small dose, can lead to irreversible consequences, toxin used in industry, in order to carry out the plan and acquire poison, the saboteurs used forged documents of a certain law firm, four residents of st. petersburg were detained, who joined a conspiratorial cell of the so-called russian volunteer corps, a terrorist organization created in ukraine. it is already known that the recruited adherents of the ukrainian right have radical views.
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moreover, not so long ago, ukrainian intelligence was already planning a mass murder using military poison in a cache, which a recruited resident of the kherson region showed that they discovered an analogue of the chemical warfare agent bizz, widely used by the armies of nato countries. thaksin was going to be mixed into food in city canteens in melitopol. these
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plans were also thwarted. criminal cases were opened against the saboteurs detained in st. petersburg. it is known that they were also preparing a series of terrorist attacks using improvised explosive devices. victims. hispaniola and a number of its leaders were supposed to become volunteers, fsb officers are identifying all those involved to a large-scale crime that was prevented. yulia oblitsova, alena kryukova and konstantin torup, television company: ntv. ukrainian troops fired at a critical infrastructure facility at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this was stated by the press service of the nuclear power plant. the explosive device was dropped 5 m from diesel fuel tanks. the arrival site was shown to inspectors magatta. and on the front line in the zaporozhye direction, reconnaissance forces from the dnieper army group used anti-tank missile systems to destroy the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine at one of strongholds at a time when new positions were being prepared there. under the fire of artillery , the vostok group of forces struck the fortified positions of the vsso in the depths of their
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defense. the fire was brought in from self-propelled guns by geotsient s. on the vremeevsky ledge , the russian infantry advances along with artillery to cover the tanker. they already have a lot of destroyed enemy equipment, including german leopard tanks. and a signature technique helps crews successfully carry out combat missions. which one - mikhail chernov found out. tank tv. hits with direct fire, shot for a shot, when ukrainian fortifications are in sight, turns out to be many times more accurate and many times more dangerous; having fired quickly, you must quickly leave without stopping fire. here, in the area of ​​the staromaisky and sheltered vremya bulge on the left flank, there are intense battles, tankers with sudden sorties distract attention to themselves, the infantry at this time occupies a gray zone, a neutral zone, we mainly help our infantry. with our infantry unit, so to speak, we go out, cover them when they advance, or
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divert the maneuver to ourselves, which was not the case before we leave, fired back, they were helped, our infantry came in, flew in, there are already ukrainian positions over the horizon near staromayorsky, from this field tanks, self-propelled artillery are hitting the ukrainian fortifications, the range is a little more than a kilometer, the enemy is tracking down the annoying sudden tank raiders as best they can. at night, dropping ammunition from drones, they copied them, started working, dropping - shells from the old rpg7, 10 pieces were dropped, six hit the car, four nearby, well, all our armor worked, as if in the car minor damage was caused. while risky tankers shoot in direct line of sight from ukrainian positions, self-propelled artillery works carefully and from afar. under cover. the terrain, acacia self -propelled guns are dismantling ukrainian fortifications from closed firing positions, the crew
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is experienced, they have been fighting together for a year and a half, due to the fact that we now have experience, we hit with the second, third shell, that is , much better, well, the range is i think 18 km, many guns do not reach mine crew before it, for this they allow you to work at a long distance and get away from the enemy in time, their combat acacia has just been repaired, the consequences of the arrival of the kamikaze drone, the crew managed to leave the car. and after the explosion he took her to a safe place, and fortunately the catia remained on the move, here he just scratched his hair here, well, look, that’s when it broke off, well, if it weren’t for it, it would have worked out, well, maybe it pierced the tower , recently the work of tankers and artillerymen has noticeably increased, there are four trips a day, infantry slowly but surely moves forward, forcing the enemy to transfer reserves, and therefore expose other directions. mikhail chernov, andrey beldyanov. the ukrainian military
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, dissatisfied with the politics of the country's leadership , plans to seize the verkhovna rada. ria news writes about this with reference to correspondence received by russian specialists from representatives of the elite units of the armed forces of ukraine , the security service of ukraine and the national battalions. on a closed resource, ukrainian security forces, dissatisfied with the country's leadership , discussed options for overthrowing the current authorities and command of the armed forces. it was also about creating something radical. a party with a military wing, when the staff is recruited, the fighters are trained, the masses are ready, writes one of the chat participants, there must be support from the military, without this nothing will come of it, the main driving force, from the trenches they will say that the people will join us, notes another, especially when the people see that the military is at the helm and the rest of the military is following them, they automatically take the right side, the third agrees. troubles among the ukrainian security forces arose against the background months-long confrontation between the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine.
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new owners will appear soon. vladimir putin canceled some provisions of his decree from july last year and thus canceled. the transfer of russian assets to the french company danon under the management of the federal property management agency, the nationalization of the russian danone occurred several months after the french company announced plans to transfer control over its russian assets. there are 13 factories in russia. after they came under the control of the federal property management agency, the minister of agriculture of chechnya, yakub zakriev, became the general director of danone russia.
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perhaps the current decision is to withdraw danone’s russian assets from the sub-department of the federal property management agency. is due to the fact that the authorities finally agreed on a deal to sell these assets. just 3 weeks ago, the financial times wrote that danone plans to sell his russian business to the dairy company vamin tatarstan. it belongs to twenty-nine-year-old mintimer mingazov, who, as noted by financial times, was appointed to the board of directors of the russian danone immediately after yakub zakriev became its ceo. answering the question why the decision to transfer the property was cancelled, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said today that this was due to expediency, and the kremlin would not give any other comments. the russian stock market continues the downward correction that began yesterday; during this pause, after many days of growth, investors have time to think about the likely introduction of a progressive scale for income tax
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individuals increase income tax for companies. yesterday's appreciation of the ruble turned out to be short-lived, however. and the domestic currency is in no hurry to fall either. the dollar is now 91.54, the euro is 100 rubles. 18 kopecks the ministry of energy announced that there is a surplus in the domestic fuel market, and there is no risk of rising prices at gas stations. the ministry says. quote: measures are being taken to ensure the necessary utilization of oil refining capacities, and the actions of oil workers and russian railways are also being coordinated. surplus of fuel supply in the domestic market the ministry of energy calls it sustainable. and reports that it was formed after the ban on gasoline exports was introduced. dealers may soon end the period of discounts on foreign cars, not chinese cars, all because stocks in warehouses are decreasing. as the kommersant newspaper writes, citing calculations by the gazprom bank lising company, there were approximately 94,000 cars of chinese brands in russian warehouses at the end of february. we are talking about the 16
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most popular chinese brands, which accounted for half of all sales last year, this stock. says gazprom-bank-leasing, this will be enough for dealers for 2-3 months. dealers began to accumulate large inventories of cars last fall. due to the fact that the central bank raised the key rate, loans became more expensive, the demand for cars began to decline. in order to get rid of cars that have already been received and not spend money on maintaining inventory, importers and dealers began to give discounts. and now, as market participants say, distributors have heard the pain of dealers and have stopped shipping cars. and the chinese new year also helped, because of it, deliveries from china have also decreased, in addition, discounts on cars may disappear because from april 1, dealers expect an increase in prices for cars coming through parallel imports, because new rules for importing from the territory of the eurasian economic union will come into effect. egor is all about the economy. thank you, denis. today in russian cinemas the premiere of the military drama call sign
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passenger is based on the events of 2015 in the donbass, in the center of the plot is a popular moscow writer. is almost not interested in what is happening in the country until he finds out that his brother, a volunteer, has gone missing, helping fighters from lugansk and donetsk. the main character goes on a search, it’s just that the passengers are scared here, no, it’s hard to get used to. the film is based on the novel by alexander prokhanov, the murder of cities, the creators plan to direct part of the funds collected from the rental to the needs of russian fighters. next, watch the chps program on... marat sedikov, marat, over to you, and egor, today we will tell you that in the saratov region , 10 years later, the cannibal alexei gorulenok was detained, all this time he wandered throughout the country, in the far east in siberia, in the south russia, moved only at night , hid in abandoned houses, dachas, hunting lodges, and apparently decided that they were no longer looking for him, went to his mother’s house, there
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he was detained, grulenko, one of the same fishermen who went in 2012 catch. taimen in yakutia, where they got lost, the car sank in a swamp, the search lasted from august to november, then the missing fishermen were found, but only two. you will find out in a few minutes what happened in taiga for which grulenko was sentenced to 12 years in prison. thank you, state of emergency, further, well, i’m done with this i say goodbye to you until 16. see you. everyone is delighted with the delicious coffee, period, favorite cappuccino, as well as raft, flat hook, hot chocolate and desserts in the cafe. hmm, she smiled, it means she recognized, she smiled, it means real, they recognize,
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time he wandered throughout the country, in the far east, in siberia, in the south of russia, moving only at night, hiding in abandoned houses, dachas, and hunting lodges. alexey gorulenko is one of those same fishermen who in 2012 went to catch taimen in yakutia, got lost, and were looking for them. for 3 months , all the media reported about the discovery of the fishermen, but only two of the four survived. then the investigators, and after them the whole country, found out terrible details of what happened in tayag. well-fed, well dressed in a quilted warm jacket, a knitted hat, you can’t say that you’ve been wandering around cities and villages for 10 years. alexey gorulenko, nicknamed the cannibal, was hiding in different parts of the country. in siberia, in the far east, in the south of russia, he moved mainly at night. and he took refuge in fishermen’s huts, and sometimes in dilapidated forest huts.


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