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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  March 14, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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today in our program, how are they going to win, now we are in a two-year bloody impasse, an expensive toy, the cia chief is persuading to give billions to kiev, and macron is for zelensky. spit on his farmers,
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what else will western leaders do to save their favorite whore? prudence is not weakness, a power grab. the ukrainian military is thinking about a coup. what are the secrets of kiev? the russian military found out from a closed chat of the armed forces of ukraine. we need shells, we need charges, we need reinforcements of people, we need equipment. crazy grandmas. a trash streamer is willing to pay $2 million for a greeting from. president, isn’t it time to start dispossessing millionaires from social networks? guys, this was simply the best experience in my life, watch it right now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i’m andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we’re working live, let’s start with news from...
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died today, the press service of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant reported attack by the ukrainian armed forces, here i will go into more detail i’ll stop, vanya will return to belgorod later, which means that critical infrastructure facilities have come under attack, as they say in the official telegram channel of the nuclear power plant. the drone dropped a bomb on the fuel storage of the nuclear power plant, well, fortunately, it missed, now you saw what kind of crater was left, the director of the zaporozhye power plant, chernechuk , said. were not injured, but if the hit
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had been accurate, as he said, i quote, it could have led to dire consequences. representatives of magathe were notified of the incident, they confirmed that they are aware of today’s shelling of the nuclear power plant, but they will release an official comment only tomorrow. well, the russian ministry of defense today announced another attempt by ukrainian saboteurs to penetrate the belgorod region. the attack was repulsed. in the area of ​​the village of spodaryushino, strikes by our aviation and artillery, according to the ministry of defense, destroyed about 200 ukrainian military personnel, five tanks and four armored combat vehicles of the ukrainian side. now let's get to the messages from the federal security service, they showed footage of the detention of four terrorists in st. petersburg. these terrorists were preparing on instructions from the ukrainian special services, preparing to poison humanitarian aid that was supposed to be sent to the northern military district zone, and they were also attempting terrorist attacks there separately.
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organize. during interrogations , the detainees admitted that they were going to poison more than a thousand people using highly toxic poison obtained from ukrainian curators. the poison was mixed into food, which was then supposed to be sent to the front under the guise of humanitarian aid. terrorists preparing for sabotage were filmed on phones, as were negotiations with ukrainian agents. now all these video audios are being studied by our fsb. after the terrorist attack, the detainees even hoped to receive medals from the terrorist zelensky. the suspects also conducted surveillance... over the objects of the fuel and energy complex of the defense industry, both in st. petersburg and in the leningrad region, essentially designating targets for enemy drones. the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case on terrorist activities, the court placed the detainees under arrest until the end of april. well, the western media are trying to get some kind of reaction from the president of the united states to yesterday’s interview with vladimir putin. as we have already said, western media heard this interview in their own way.
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and the main thing they took from there is that russia allegedly threatens the world with its nuclear arsenal, we told you about this the day before, so they turned to president biden with this question, president biden acted, well, in his own style, he ... these poorly listening journalists decided not to talk to them at all and just run away. mr. president, you are concerned that putin is using nuclear weapons. are you worried that putin might use nuclear weapons? the lack of response and such a joyful and even carefree appearance of the president of the united states so puzzled western journalists that they immediately rushed to call biden’s press secretary, karine jeanpierre, who was in the same helicopter. which at that moment was air force one and they began to ask: is biden even aware that putin gave such an interview in which discussed some nuclear topics, well , let’s listen to her answer: the president was informed about putin’s interview and his comments about nuclear power, excuse me,
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nuclear weapons, the president is aware, we understand that vladimir putin was asked about nuclear strategy, he talked about it , but despite this, nuclear rhetoric... i had to comment on dmitry peskov, who reminded that, firstly, all these statements about nuclear weapons, they are taken out of context and distort the words of the russian president, and secondly, this shows an unwillingness to hear what putin actually said. estonian prime minister kaja kallos also spoke about the russian threat. she spoke to members of the local parliament, who gathered to discuss macron’s napoleonic plans. about what kind of troops can be sent to the ukrainian conflict zone, here are the estonian deputies, in general they are not completely fools, because they demanded some kind of guarantees from kallas that the estonian military would not participate in this whole adventure, kallas such guarantees stopped making, i don’t make such promises, because circumstances can
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change, in your opinion it seems that intervention can be anything, our military assistance to ukraine can also be regarded by russia as interference, we have clearly chosen here. side and this is the side of ukraine, because russia is a direct threat to us. can i say with confidence that there will be no estonians in ukraine? i can not. can i say or make a promise that if circumstances change, we need to take different steps? i can not. meanwhile, the western press is wondering what else to expect from macron, who is meeting today to make an address to the nation and the main topic of this address will be the situation in ukraine. in kiev, apparently, they know something about this. because one of the talking heads of the terrorist zerensky, andrei ermak, called in the near future, i quote here, to wait for important news from france, just before macron’s speech, excerpts from secret reports of french intelligence were leaked to the french press, as the local press calls it. the material was published under
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a telling title: in the face of the russians, we are an army of majorettes. for russian people, in general, the word majorette is not the most common, it sounds quite funny, that’s what they usually call those dressed in...
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on march 15, 16 and 17 the body will naturally cover all this, if you ’ve seen our announcements, we have a whole team there telecom tv team, but this event, of course , attracts the attention not only of ours, but of our enemies too, firstly, this can precisely
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explain the increase in this terrorist activity on the border, well, in fact , vladimir putin also spoke about this the day before, and if we talk about geopolitics, then there are two now...
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the cia chief spent more than an hour talking to congressmen, trying to convince them that if they approve the allocation of $60 billion to ukraine, then it will be able, quote, to deliver a strategic blow, and also enter into negotiations with stronger position, while burns for the first time outlined the timing of future negotiations with moscow, early 2025. russia is interested in such negotiations, where it can dictate terms, without additional support.
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the last ironclad argument of the head of the cia, while congress is deliberating, russia is increasing military power, produces many times more artillery shells, and has also allegedly established supplies of drones from iran and north korea; something needs to be done about this urgently. putin believes that time is on his side and certainly believes so.
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that this won't last long. i am announcing an emergency aid package to
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address some of ukraine's immediate needs. this was made possible thanks to unexpected savings from contracts awarded to the department of defense. and this is the help in which ukraine desperately needed to hold the front line. due to supplies to ukraine, a $10 billion hole has appeared in the pentagon budget, since compensation for...
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the current white house administration, he understands that the change that will occur will most likely end in retirement for him , he needs to do it. in the twenty -third year, when there was the aspan security forum, mr. salevan, the council...
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i understand everything, but why, what was the need to name this date, the beginning of the twenty- fifth year, ukraine will be forced to start negotiations with the russians, well, in fact, we understand that these issues are going on behind the scenes, and our president voiced that they are contacting us through various channels and want to freeze the conflict, because they are running out of shells and cartridges, but this is not profitable for us, and we will speak only when there are
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real guarantees, and only the americans can give guarantees, but in my understanding this is the end of the current cadence. throwing all the blame on biden, and there is another important point, look, now those in power in the united states are located specifically in the white house, not in the elite, just specifically in the white house, the people who started ukrainian history, they cannot just physically go to some kind of substantive negotiations with russia, essentially i mean those that vladimir putin wants, and not those that they offer him by freezing, because this way they admit that
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their entire policy on ukraine was a failure, then they will definitely not be re-elected, since the american voter will ask: dina, where is the money? it turns out that when there is a change of administration , something arises in america, and some kind of yes, even this is not a window, it’s possible, this is some kind of amazing time when you can blame everything on the idiots who were before us and say,
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but we are completely different, but i have great doubts that this will happen, it has already happened . doesn’t happen, everything is summed up and so on , moreover, so that just people understand, ukraine produces from 30 to 35 medium and heavy drones per day, per day, per day, so that they understand how this all happens, so count on that that there will now be some kind of crisis in the ukrainian army, don’t count on, especially since the shells purchased through the czech republic are already on their way,
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i have the impression that we are watching some kind of universal conspiracy, because... somehow things are happening that are not very pleasant for kiev, you tell us you convince me that this is all some kind of special operation, that it’s all a lie, that the media is lying, can i finish, so he says that in reality everything is not like that, all the weapons are coming , how do you know all this, explain, i know very well, then what i know, i know. i have quite a lot of sources where all this comes from so then please confirm to me that you understand, i’m asking where from? i see that we are faced with a global conspiracy, we are faced with the fact that there is a collective war against russia, and
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that means, look, we must help ukraine . he did not say that ukraine must hold out, hold out until the beginning of the twenty-fifth year, and after that ukraine will independently, victoriously end the war, enter moscow, and the conflict will be over. burn said we must urgently help ukraine, because if we don’t do this, then at the beginning in the twenty-fifth year, ukraine will be forced.
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whom i know, i won’t name their names, these people will continue to support ukraine, but maybe i can even then introduce a world conspiracy, as i say myself, a world conspiracy around russia, let’s now
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move a little away from the united states and towards europe let's see, because there you see we have two real gentlemen, there is a scandal in a noble family, because the one on the left, he continues to get cocky, listen, speak differently than andrei vladimirovich, one person and another the person who is this person on the left, on the right with last names, please. support his desire to intensively help ukraine, in the pompous style of madame monsieur we can, french prime minister attal also spoke. on behalf of the french government, from
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the rostrum of the national assembly, i say this from the depths of the soul that hurts the french. glory to ukraine. and on friday, macron is going to put the squeeze on olaf scholz. at the meeting in berlin they will discuss various nuances in one technical issue regarding ukraine, so vague. said scholz's representative, what kind of the official did not specify the nuances, but the politician’s publication heard this: because of macron, the long- accumulated tension began to boil, the cautious schols opposes any plans to use the ground forces of european countries in ukraine. the leaders expect the meeting to be a show of unity after a tense period in which franco-german tensions over ukraine escalated into open hostility. macron even postponed what had long been planned. visit to ukraine due to tensions with allies. to what extent will they be able to demonstrate unity is difficult to say. on the eve of the meeting , the liver chancellor stamped his foot and said that
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there will be no performance of german soldiers, i mean , how is this, listen, i thought you at least knew, it means a performance, why we are inviting you, so that you open our eyes to what -that means there will be no macron’s speech, there will be an interview with two leading french tv channels, and this interview will take place at 20 o’clock in paris, this is 22 o’clock in moscow, so the audience, who is really waiting , is watching when the information will appear, relax, it will begin to appear. they sit and wait to see what’s there, you know, the famous meme about a young man and a girl who are lying in a post, she looks at him like that and it says again, he’s probably thinking about his women , but he has different options, that’s probably what have you forgotten if you were intrigued professionally , since you were intrigued, no, not to the same, not to the same extent, so that everyone would sit and wait for what he would say, not everyone, but 10-20 percent will definitely sit, they live from your
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program from one to another. so if you now you’ll be rude to me too, no, if i’m in free sailing, then i, first of all, i wanted to fail, i’d like to talk about bers, who is not soldered, who is a tserushnik, because you said the phrase that his speech was somehow strange , some kind of, i didn’t see anything strange either in his logic, or in the sense of his speech, or in his motivation, or in what he said at all, because his motivation is absolutely clear, to force the people who make the decision to they voted money.
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in fact it is true that if russia if it turns out to emerge victorious in this confrontation, then... what is the point, what is the fear? is that any other countries will begin to more actively declare their rights to send the united states and nato to hell, because they will see that this is possible, for them this is really fear, this does not mean that china will attack taiwan, he is talking about china in order to scare the same republicans who are afraid of this china, but the very meaning of this logic is that if russia wins this confrontation, that the west will be looked at differently and... talk differently and not be afraid of the response from the west, this is the absolute truth, there’s someone we just showed to scare, who said, it’s a republican who was talking about a bloody dead end, we are at the end of a bloody dead end, so it’s impossible to kindle the fire of a bloody
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deadlock, i would simply kill for this such speeches, where zhivenovsky in general that he cannot agree there in order to hit their monies colleagues, in fact, of course, they are speaking in the same way, as you put it in relation.
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about ukraine, in fact, about ukraine in general no one really cares, the task is as follows: russia is pursuing a certain expansionist course, this is a fact, and not only in ukraine, which means this course is expansionist, somehow, well, nato countries, european countries want to stop, here’s how to do it, they have. because this is not expansion, but because this is defending one’s national interests as a result of one’s own security, we need to take a break, let’s continue after a pause, okay, a short break, my
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earth is spinning, there are all the big cities, i’m going to take you to court. 1.8 eva engine and automatic transmission. march 17 russia is at the finish line of the presidential elections. the voice of each of us determines the fate of the country. we will watch the voting results with you live. the
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latest numbers from polling stations and the first comments from the candidates. we will see data about each ballot flowing into the election center. we will show how regions that elect a president for the first time vote. and how do they make a choice? those who defend the country advanced, and, of course, we will discuss what this day means for russia and the world, we will sum up the results of the russian presidential election on sunday evening together for... 10 days until spring, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. new big special barbecue bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from yours. you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a
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season, sunday at 22:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. and let’s start this part with the sensational materials published by the rionovosti agency. in journalists got their hands on information about a military coup being prepared in kiev. plans to seize power were discussed in a closed chat on the telegram social network, russian specialists gained access to it the day before, participants in the conversation, presumably representatives of the elite units of the armed forces of ukraine, the security service of ukraine and the national battalions, there are more than a hundred of them in the chat, sharing plans to overthrow the terrorist zelensky and seize the verkhovna rada. to carry out their plan, the conspirators want to attract military personnel from the front, interlocutors complain that the authorities are deliberately pitting civilians against the military, forming from the armed forces of ukraine.
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they are not at all afraid for their own safety, because at the end of march they are preparing to adopt a long-suffering law on the mobilization of half a million ukrainian recruits, in fact , this is the number of soldiers who must go to the front under this law, as the financial times writes, the document will allow replacing about 300,000 exhausted military personnel , located on the battlefield. the publication cites comments from the military themselves, who complain about low morale and fatigue from the war. they don't want to fight and civilian. this article provides data
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on a sociological issue, according to which only a third of ukrainian men aged 25 to 60 are ready to go to the front. so with the ukrainian news, i have this now such a stable expression in the fool, everything is stable, i remember many years ago , an unknown hope was going to blow up the verkhovna rada, something like that, i want to return to the conversation that was interrupted with alexander nikolaevich, because we separated in interpretations of some passages from st. augustine, then you said. russia is implementing an expansionist plan , which in the west, for some reason or somehow, they want to stop, i didn’t agree, but nevertheless, they want it, here’s our foreign policy course, we just didn’t let you finish, so it continues
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this is a statement about bloody, because there is no continuation of this, it is necessary...
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and it probably will not bring any special successes to our opponents, but nevertheless, this is such a forceful option , apparently, after all pressure on our country, it is connected with the fact that just these days sweden became a new member of nato, and now somewhere here we have drawn, vanya likes
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to point his finger at the map today, now it is not visible, the island of gotland, that is, the swedes are now perceived as something. such a chance, in a military sense , to somehow put pressure on russia, to do something so that the russians there are scared and stop pursuing this expansionist policy of theirs, as mr. sitin says. let's see. we are talking about the largest swedish island of gotland, which is located 330 km away by sea from kaliningrad and the headquarters of the baltic fleet of the russian navy. gotland is considered strategically important due to its location in the baltic sea. nato strategists figuratively call it an aircraft carrier from which it can fire missiles at russia and control air and sea traffic. military experts have long been concerned that russia could dominate the airspace over the baltic sea by seizing gotland and merging it with kaliningrad, where
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western intelligence officials say moscow stores a number of nuclear weapons. accession of sweden. will make it easier for nato to burst the russian bubble. swedish prime minister ulf christerson, in an interview with the british financeal times, complained that all these years sweden has paid too little attention to gotland. there was only a small military presence there, just one regiment of swedish soldiers, although at the end of the last century it was defended by as many as 25 thousand troops. now christerson vows that sweden, as a new nato member, will study how best to give. russia on gotland, for example, an island could become a logistics base for the alliance’s troops and equipment, which would facilitate the defense of latvia, lithuania and estonia.
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the only threat to... i do not rule out, by the way, that this will be done in order to provoke us, to cut through a land corridor to kaliningrad, the so-called suwalski, and thereby expose
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us as aggressors and, as it were, unleash approximately the same formulations constantly on there were about transnistria, so i wanted to remember about the year 22, because maxim anatovich, when they started talking about the blockade of kaliningrad, all these baltic states, even barel was alarmed there and said no, no, no, we don’t want this, we don’t need it, let’s roll it back and i’m like that... no, no, there is no blockade, and even our cars can go through lithuania to kaliningrad, but some kind of viscous blockade is not the creation of a huge number of obstacles, when formally there is no blockade, but everyone understands that it is so inconvenient to go there and drive to the ship to approach the ship, that it becomes for us straight up muddling.
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nearby, he is very close, and not yet visible lithuanian ports, there’s klaipeda , it’s hiding under the coat of arms, if, let’s say, they ’re completely crazy and decide to prepare some kind of attack on kaliningrad, well, they ’ll probably place anything in gdansk in klaipeda , they’ll start this operation, that’s another matter, that they won’t start, because no one will fight for kaliningrad with conventional means, if they start attacking kaliningrad...
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to state some logic, why are we there, that is, what are we actually doing in nato, in this in a sense, this is also kind of an ideological story, so we are defending this gotul, but the main story is that they defend estonia, lithuania and latvia, including, yes, that is, this is at the forefront of nato, yes, from these positions, but on the other hand, a more important argument, the one that was voiced , indeed, a case of hostilities, but if everything is already covered with a copper
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basin, this is truly a strategic territory, one of... so it’s time to decide who you are with , there is nothing to do here, europe is waiting for us, waiting, it can’t live without us, the command is silent , we are sitting, waiting for an order, let them know that crimea is either ukrainian, or deserted, these will tear them apart, or else they are beasts, but you are really ready to shoot at them, you are ready to just leave, then everyone decides for themselves with whom to live and
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work, crimea cannot be given away, i am for russia. 10 days until spring, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, 5 minutes of silence, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. there are few good clubs these days, so i decided to make my own. the quality is no worse than imported ones. and in order to keep up with demand, i act proactively and take out a loan for business development. manage reduce the cost of the loan by 11%. the chickens have finally arrived, how you have grown up , and now where is this, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you , here you go, where is it all from, you are retired, and you registered your pension with vtb, and there are rates for pensioners on the vtb savings account account, up to 18% per annum, how thin you have become, and good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in
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will give you everything so that you can do it yourself, give gifts with free vtb credit card, 20% cashback on everything and 200 days without interest. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, so, move on to control and accounting. first, i will personally report on my accounting, ekaterinburg residents, you can say so, dear, dear, i i invite you to the zheleznodorozhnikov palace of culture this saturday, i’ll fly in on saturday, then i’ll fly right away, because... i’ll have to go to work urgently due to the elections, then my concert program can be seen in moscow, at the magnus locus club, there really are less than twenty tickets left, but on april 6 in tambov, in the center of ivushka, on
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may 25, come all dear friends to pyatigorsk, sofia palace of culture, there is a huge hall for 2,000 people, even more, you will drink healthy water, improve your health, and i will create a good mood for you, so now what concerns the accounting of various bad citizens, yes van, whom he is counting. we quote, and the former ambassador to the united states in russia, john , you know his face well, we often see him salevan, he has already left, in total there are more than 220 names on this list, americans are now prohibited from entering russia, and employees of us government agencies are also on the blacklist. top managers of the military-industrial complex, founders of private military companies, heads of university research centers, as well as judges and journalists, all of them, as our mit explains, are united by involvement in the development of washington’s russophobic course, and
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the stop list should hit the american agents of influence in russia. well, the state duma today shared details of the development of a bill on foreign agents receiving, or rather not receiving , royalties. these funds continue to be proposed to be sent to the needs of the northern military district, thus also to agents, like the same okunina, ulitskaya and so on, they become sponsors of a special military operation. deputy ivan sukharev came up with this initiative. he believes that those who fled abroad singers, artists, musicians and artists who sponsor the armed forces of ukraine should be forcibly deprived of income from russia. first of all, the deputy advises paying attention to those who have been recognized as foreign agents. and extremists and terrorists , sukharev has already sent a letter with proposals to first deputy prime minister andrei belousov, and some who left, however, have already come under criminal charges, so the day before
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a criminal case was opened against the foreign agent mikhail zygor, for what for fakes about russian army, the former editor-in-chief of the foreign agency tv channel rain now faces 10 years in prison, according to the shot telegram channel, the reason for opening a criminal case could be zygor’s publication on social networks. there he spoke about the massacre staged by the kiev regime in bucha, it was still april of twenty-two, just the day before it became known that zygor could not get his status as a foreign agent removed, the moscow city court refused to satisfy his appeal. so, taking into account and controlling only bad people, accounting and control, as a topic of discussion, we will talk about russian citizens, and they cannot be called so indiscriminately, but bad.
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but also on the same streams where he places bets and wins suspiciously often. according to his own words, for one such broadcast he is paid about one and a half million rubles. melstroy, apparently, really has a lot of extra money. he recently announced a competition among his subscribers, during which he pays huge sums for greetings from famous people. the belarusian allegedly paid 30 million to the french striker kylian mbappe. another 182 million rubles. he now owes the usual lithuanian.
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dubious mentoring courses, participation in his podcast costs 10 million rubles. they come there to literally talk about their successful success. recently, kasenko collected 20 million rubles from subscribers, in exchange he promises to teach them how to shoot reels in a cool way. tips in the spirit of borrowing ideas from popular bloggers. by the way, the matter is not limited to divorce among russians. under the pseudonym mister thank you, kosenko, in broken english, is looking for global brands for employees. his favorite
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content - spectacular destruction of expensive cars, here he is in shorts, the quote “makes history”, blows up his bmw worth about 10 million rubles. litvin threw his friend’s mercedes down from a crane, and in return gave his friend a new chinese crossover for 3 million rubles. we'll go right now and see if this car is a good one. what happened to her? can it be restored? how painful it is to watch this. it is known from open sources that litvin earns about 300 million rubles a year from his videos, but how much taxes he pays from this is unknown. to by the way, roskovnadzor recently calculated that the russian market is influencer marketing, and this is precisely advertising by bloggers. last year grew by 90% to 30 billion rubles. so there is something to look at. tax officer
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, well, specifically about taxes there we will talk separately, andrei arkadivich , listen to you like this, you would put them all behind bars, so you explain to me, in general you are not a poor person, do you care that some imbecile-looking young people, in general , cheat suckers; they give them money for some kind of thing, and to hell with them, that you do that you're worried, i'm a patriot of russia, i'm worried about the future of our country, millions of deceived citizens
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, i emphasize, but wait, you explain to me what the threat to the national people is, as far as i understand, uh, well, they generally give this money voluntarily, look, all people voluntarily give to scammers, you don’t understand the degree of influence of nlp, scientology, hypnosis, well, if the head of a department of the central bank of russia, the head of a department of the ministry of finance, like a grandmother or some other person became victims of telephone scammers a young man can cope with this, it’s impossible, they lose everything, you know, the victims. disabled people - people with mental retardation, young children, then in your version we are talking not just about banal tax evasion, but about a more serious matter. of course, of course, of course, we don’t always see them from the participants in this video, he explains, there are bloggers, well, i paid a blogger a million rubles, a blogger a million rubles and for advertising the grebnev estate, he paid 6% of turnover, to him
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there is no question at all, you advertise furniture, cars, but they also advertise pyramids, betting, online casinos, and they themselves act as organizers of often such uh-huh, uh-huh. they are working further, but i have a feeling that they are simply untested. i don’t think that the legislation, those who have been verified, well, let us as a society be interested in a company to fight these bloggers, not because i like them, they are not attractive from an ethical and aesthetic point
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of view, but i want to guess, but why has the hunt for them started now, and haven’t you? as a society should be interested in protecting citizens who... many of these people are deceived in justice, because an ordinary citizen, he pays taxes, sometimes he doesn’t even see it himself, the employer pays for him, here he sees the people who are there about taxes, again separately, here he sees people who work hundreds of millions on the border of the criminal code and nothing, you say wonderful things within the framework of fine adjustments, we would get to them, but first we need to deal with something much more more important, why now the hunt is starting for them, because that’s all... those who are hunting them, the fsb, the prosecutor’s office, the investigative committee, the tax authorities and others, they must, by law, by the constitution, be independent of each other, control each other, and indeed, as we are all saying here now, strives for compliance with the laws by all citizens, but it turned out
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that they united into such a corrupt, powerful fist and we are discussing, you may get a counterclaim, i’m just warning you.
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it’s clear, that is, there is none of this in your picture of the world. come on alexey gennadvich, they’ve already tried something there , firstly, so to speak, who are the bloggers, who are we attacking, who are we attacking, those who sell there, well, relatively speaking, the infotsigan, the trash streamers,
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this means that culinary bloggers, whom we are now attacking, as it were, or want to attack, this is the second question, who is society? request for justice now can
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really be in the conditions of the svo, you know, i mean there is no public a small fan of hiding behind a special military operation, but nevertheless this demand is really increased, andrei vladimovich, i’m just afraid that who is throwing money around, who is leading such a lifestyle, what is the public demand, the people who are carrying it?
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listen again to the question, why do we pay attention and accept as the main thesis the argument of the stubborn ones, who are jealous, who are annoying, who scream, you don’t feel sorry for people who have lost everything and committed suicide.
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normal, decent men, okay, so, yuri aleksandrovich, nevertheless, returning to the question, to this one, to which so far in this noise i have not received an answer, is there any question of justice here, is there any injustice in the behavior of these people, these are their victims, i i’m saying, are they suckers or are they really unhappy people, including young people, who strive to be like people like that, so that their ideal, the only one , is to take a wad of money and burn it, which is what actually causes, as far as i understand, andriy arkadyevich. fears for the future of the country, well, let's not go into numbers, let's go, let's go into some kind of historical
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ideology, a person who publicly throws money around really irritates the population very much, because he also scattered money, he gave it away, yes, but here they are, as we see on the screen, cars are killing there, abandoned, burned, and so on, at that moment, until mom or... here, probably, the most important thing is, who is a blogger? yeah, in the legislation of the russian federation i don’t see who a blogger is, he
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has no boundaries, no description, no legal status, no criminal articles administrative code, no rights, no responsibilities, we have been talking for a very long time about look at the screen, how scary people are, how they are, what they are doing, how to stop them , let’s close the sites, let’s do this, let’s do that, a proposal for legislation. sit down, do some research, legitimize the concept of a blogger, we have a legal concept of the media , which is simply squeezed - for every poke, for every movement, for every word, and there are pirate bloggers who, outside the legal framework, can do whatever they want, their the main trend of the last few years is to enrage the population, burn money , organize illegal actions, on the other hand, the same population gives them this money... there is some kind of, unfortunately, this kind of impunity, it
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shares the wrong thing let's stop now about impunity, but let's look at a few cases in more detail. is there impunity or is there the inevitability of punishment, a short break, this is a new and already your favorite show of stars, each star brought with them 2 million rubles, creating unrealistic prize fund, 20 million rubles. where does she even get 2 million, maybe there’s a pension there, i don’t know, well, i’m young, that’s about... how are we going to divide the money? 50% for me 50% arthur pirozhkov. we will not just make money with him, we will win an oscar with him. thank you, bro, from the bottom of my heart, we blacks should be together, understand? stars with
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azamat musagaliev. what the hell is fluff? chaliapin, prohar, don't give a fuck, chaliapin, volochko, who else, mukhtar, or something, a chair, she sits on the splits, all the time, the first in the triangular coffin of the funeral. saturday at 21:20 on ntv. general partner of the show, vtb bank. everything will work out. 5 minutes of silence, new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. tenkov - 40 million clients in the largest country in the world, with an iota you can speed up, with an iota you can do everything to
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every month you will get 2% of your interest rate back in bonuses. thank you! hurry up to get a loan with cashback. savings with prime is more profitable. when diseased joints become an obstacle to a comfortable life, use amben drugs, which. actively solve joint problems and take care of you like the closest ones. ambien preparations for active joints for you. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue. for us, the past year 2023 has become such a turning point in terms of the state’s attitude towards all sorts of fraudulent bloggers. infocygans and so on. the state finally took a closer look at them. there were arrests, there were also many millions, and, i would even say, for many hundreds
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of millions. and it all sounded very, very solemn. but then, again, here’s the request for justice, there was a feeling that all these people somehow got off easy. we came back to stay. on march 1 , internet marathon runner valeria chikalina and her husband. was released from criminal prosecution under the article on money laundering, and a year ago the girl was accused of tax evasion; the enterprising marathon runner worked through several companies in order to pay less taxes, and the state ended up missing half a billion lerchikov rubles. the blogger recently paid the full amount. these were probably the most difficult days of our lives, but we learned a lot of lessons from them. lerchik made her fortune thanks to marathons on weight loss and personal growth, then created. the cosmetics brand began producing and delivering dietary dishes, and it seemed that after paying a round sum to the tax authorities for the blow to his information empire, lerchik would take a long time to come to
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his senses, but after 2 months the family moved to a new luxurious mansion, because they have bad associations with the old one, and they immediately returned to their previous craft. the main complaint of your subscribers is that when you returned, you immediately started posting advertisements, i always sold on the blog, yeah, and... i never hid that it was a sale, that it was an advertisement, we sold this place on the blog for 37 million. probably the most unenviable position now belongs to the former marathon queen elena blinovskaya, several criminal cases have been opened against her, also for tax evasion, she owes the state almost one and a half billion rubles the blogger had 60 accounts, 20 real estate properties, four luxury cars and about 100 million in cash seized. the lady is humane at first. i was put under house arrest, forbidden to go online, but the marathon runner decided to throw a party at home for the new year out of habit, posted all this splendor on social networks, again breaking the law, and
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ended up moving to a pre-trial detention center. the punishment at this time is excessive, excessively severe under the current circumstances. i have been investigating the case for almost a year. we have seized all property of the account, which fully cover the damage. the investigation is logically coming to an end, and i can. to be much more useful to the tax authorities and the investigation, while, of course, not being in custody. another marathon runner and information gypsy sasha mitroshina. the girl made money by selling six-month support for pages on social networks, advising people on how to become rich and popular, and her services cost 50 million rubles for consultations. as a result, she was caught in fraud involving evasion of taxes amounting to 127 million rubles. she also has another 80 s fines. more than millions. problems with the tax authorities inspired mitroshina to create a new project for bloggers who lack financial literacy. starting from about the age of twenty, i did not pay due attention to the field
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of accounting and taxes, and accordingly, there was no focus on this area, there was not enough attention, in general i was, as i now understand, completely irresponsible about this, so yes, i admit my mistake, and indeed some taxes were underpaid. evgeniy vyacheslovich, tell me, as a tax specialist, if you are correctly presented, and this is normal , this is a common thing when the state shows such humanism towards people who, in fact, did not give to the state, that is, stole hundreds of hundreds of millions of rubles from the state, because i know history, they appear in the news feed every the day when a person ends up in a colony for much less money, in a maximum security colony, then everyone seems to give the money and move on.
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childish girl, because, as far as i understand, she now makes money by explaining they’ll understand, they’ll figure it out, it’s as if she’s not very like that, she made mistakes, didn’t pay extra taxes, so she has to pay them and well done, really well done, she still earns money for herself, it’s unlikely that we’ll give her an increase, i continue your logic, first of all, the question this is n, i understand correctly, there are 6% of them, i don’t know how she usually had a lot of individual entrepreneurs, okay, so you’ve screwed up the nineties?
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if this, if this is beneficial, including to the country’s economy, as i understand it, why then this chicken, whose eggs are golden, we did this quite well with oil companies, with with banks, it’s quite possible for us, if these people, who are making money in a way that’s unclear to me, have finally reached a turnover comparable to banking, then let’s apply the same measures to them , then they deceived the state, so they got into politics, these people, and these are not deceiving the state, they are not deceiving the state.
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here is the story with lerchik, the story with blinovsky, bloggers whom i know are much smaller in scale, smaller, microfinance organizations in comparison with these, we are all microfinance organizations. well, he is also an accountant, they study the laws of the russian while in the process they are now behaving as legally as possible, they, they have brought themselves into the federation, god forbid, some kind of advertisement in the cart for 5,000 people comes out, but i didn’t mark it, they’ll come for me, and that is, this has already had an impact , if you need an effect, then the effect is already there, okay? on this
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part, maybe there is an effect, on those that we showed before, there is no effect at all, wait, they infuriate you, infuriate you, find me 10 differences between a blogger like this and a state duma deputy, this an honest person, and these are scammers, how is it, how are they criminals, these are criminals, how can you compare, come on, let's, yes, look, these must be bright people, why are you lying to him at all,
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quietly, andrei nikolaevich, let's have your turn , is there any legislative solution here, i think that it is still necessary to divide, there are those entrepreneurs who really produce normal, adequate content, place advertisements, pay taxes and these are the majority, we are now talking about only a few, and i'm here in this studio this is not the first time, and in general we are discussing about a dozen, maybe 15, of the same bloggers, doesn’t it seem strange to you that we somehow discuss them all the time? well, zhirinovsky once said that the less we discuss them, the less income they will have, but that’s not the point, well, in general, that’s how he treated the problem, but what is the situation with regard to such bloggers in principle. there are various kinds, so, articles of the criminal code, what they have now gone through on a large scale, well , they did the right thing, many were arrested, some sent to a pre-trial detention center, and this work must be continued in relation to those who actually break the law, in relation to all other
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bloggers, sorry, the work must be continued, and what is the result, they come out after serving their sentence, and they can, no, look, and can continue this activity, how to continue, now already, as andrei said, firstly, already in all our... bodies of the ministry of internal affairs, fsb, well, everywhere there are already created departments, yes they are large, but practice is being developed, one, two , the technology in general is changing in relation to the engines themselves, there is vk, other companies, well, of course, there are prohibited networks where, unfortunately, we cannot influence in any way, that’s why something is blocked there, that is, firstly, i’ll emphasize again, our investigative authorities are developing practice, once, second technological practice is being developed by our companies and roskomnadzors of blocking.
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but shirley-myrli is not my movie, let’s stop for a short break, don’t miss it, central television is the first information show about the events and people of the week, movie stars and fashion bloggers are pulling again humanity in the bronze age, why did all shades of bronze again become the main skin color at all fashion shows, how they make a fortune from tanning and earn more than from selling oil and drugs, why? can tanning be a form of drug addiction? i don't want to die at 26. can the sun really kill you faster than cigarettes and alcohol? i have tumors all over my body, they are all inoperable. and most importantly, who, under the guise of
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order a free medal by phone number or on the website medalkazanskaya.rf. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay delivery of 299 rubles. all medals are illuminated. call and order right now by phone or on the medalkazanskaya website. rf 5 minutes of silence. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where
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everything becomes clear, which means andrei nikolaevich and i agreed before, well, in the sense we ended the conversation when i asked him, that is, all these measures that he listed will lead to the fact that it will be observed legislation is law, but regarding this public irritation, here we don’t seem to have such a common understanding, so as we often do when discussing such topics, we look at how it is... controlled, taken into account abroad in other countries, of course, here we will first of all take china, why the chinese managed to comply with the law, this is it, well, not completely eliminate it, but at least seriously reduce this level of irritation of the public, chinese bloggers it is forbidden to give advice on issues not related to their specialized education, that is, only a certified person can talk about medicine.
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end anonymity on social networks. first of all, this applies to those whose content is sent to last year, the chinese authorities decided to break with the party's policy and those who have more than half a million subscribers are required to tell the moderators of the social network their real name and other personal data. in case of refusal, the account will be deleted forever. if you have enough followers, you
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will no longer be able to hide and use anonymity for your own purposes. china seems to be saying: criticize the authorities as much as you want, but do it in your own name. china is waging a battle over the moral character of its bloggers; in particular, they are prohibited from boasting about luxurious life, show off western luxury brands, cool cars. violators are blacklisted, now there are 88 people there, income.
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these are some, i don’t know, horrors of totalitarianism or, on the contrary, reasonable measures that allow some kind of balance to be collected, well, it’s as if i didn’t live as an adult in the nineties , but i probably think that entrepreneurs who in the nineties they have been doing business for years, they are glad that now the conditions are better, because the legal space, blogging, is also, as they say, a hype industry, it strives to some kind of regulation, it is important that this regulation, it is simply conscious, i just want to cut everyone off the shoulder, you know, that is, in principle, the chinese are very cool, because they created.
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the chinese experience is interesting, it is all aimed at the monopoly of the ccp of china, excuse me, just the ccp, respectively, if in china there were independent bloggers who have their own income and do not express themselves according to the approved ccp, and what’s bad about that, what’s bad about that, because in some village there on the river bank.
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on arab countries, the arabs really pay a lot of money, attracting bloggers from all over the world, the entire it industry, americans, silicon valley and so on, creating conditions for them and talking.
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they are sitting trying to understand how to dismiss these actions from the fact that this is filming or a violation of public order.
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china, they introduced clear concepts of the blog environment, and legitimized and described the ethics within the blog environment, but there is one big difference, what is the number, there are 3 billion and this ninety million blogger is like ours thousandaire, and as such, we need to give bloggers another opportunity to cover the market, because the market for bloggers in russia is only... which is 40 million, and not 3 billion, as in china, respectively, and really those who pay the money, must separate, there are sponsors, and then there are citizens, so citizens should not pay bloggers, let’s stop, yes , let’s pause now, let’s ask the final question, the pensioner is afraid that she will be killed by her own stomach, which will soon drag along... you’ll come to the bathhouse and your stomach is just about to sit down and he’s on my knees lie down, i walk with two canes
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he was talking about a different matter, but it also fits today’s topic, where the big money comes from, the man is sitting in restaurant, studying the menu, a waiter nearby, a visitor, says to the waiter: what
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is this you have here, fish 50 g costs 10,000 rubles. what kind of price is this? the waiter says: well, you see, this is such a dish, if you cook it incorrectly, you can die, he says, yes, that means crucian carp, oh, you underestimate! the talent of our chef. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. the russian military prevented a new attempt at a ukrainian breakthrough into the belgorod region. poisonous sabotage. 1 g already causes inability of the body. who tried to send the nwo zone from...


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