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tv   Za granyu  NTV  March 14, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious period. beyond the border, a woman sings in a city ensemble, knits and cooks well, but she is afraid that her life is about to be taken. not your own belly, hanging down to your knees. in our studio larisa beltyukova. larisa, hello, please come in, take your time, i understand it’s hard for you , as i understand it, you are an active person, you were active all the time, even spent the evenings, as...
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they call them now toastmaster, but at the moment i’m even already in my family, i probably won’t do anything like this, because i can’t stand for a long time, i have a lot of flowers, that year without help it was completely hard for me, every day it’s getting harder and harder, and my granddaughter is like... then she said, grandma, why do you need so many flowers if you can’t, these are the last ones? 2 years, especially for me, it’s already hard for me, i can hardly do it, in the garden, for example, i can almost do it while sitting, my husband made me these beds at such a height, so i lean with one hand and plant with the other hand, there i’m loosening, scorching, but it doesn’t work, it’s the excess weight that immobilizes you, not the excess weight, but my belly, last year. in the winter i noticed that
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when you come to the bathhouse and your stomach just sits down and he sits on his knees, right on his knees, well, it wasn’t always natural to get better at all, when you started not at the age of 23, i gave birth to a son, during pregnancy i gained 13 kg, everything returned to normal, and before giving birth, how much did you weigh? 78, i was like this until the year ninety-seven. until i was 32 years old, for 9 years i was at this weight, then , it means that my uterine fibroids grew very quickly, benign, i had to have it removed, and during this time i, this is how the fibroids grew, i gained 14 kg, but in in november the district hospital decided to remove it for me. this means the fibroid and the uterus are together, i
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prepared everything, i passed all the tests, everything that was needed, and the uterus had to be removed too, but it turned out that in 2 months i still managed to get pregnant, i was very happy, and then i went for a consultation, i thought that i could be preserved, but the doctor categorically said, no, remove everything, at 32... what a horror, what term were you in then? i was about 11 weeks pregnant, the doctor said that if you are left at home, you will bleed, they may not even save you, they won’t take you to the district hospital. after this operation, i still recovered, i was with... 137
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kg, after 15 years i am just as fast cysts grew on the ovaries, they removed the cysts with the ovaries along with... and the analysis before the operation, my tests were good, when the histology was done after the operation it turned out to be cancer, it was at the initial stage and i went through six courses of chemotherapy, now i have been under observation for 12 years, remission, yes, but since that operation i have gained weight, so in december . i was about 145 kg, but what is your height? 164. elena, could the treatment that larisa underwent cause weight gain? it is possible that some kind of hormonal therapy, which provoked it
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as one of the risk factors. plus , of course, at that age, yes, almost at the age of 30, the uterus was removed, as one of the factors, again stress, in the aggregate, yes, led to such afterbirth. anastasia , the situation may be different, but we can assume that the person has simply neglected himself, does nothing, there is a problem, he does not solve it, and the problem is getting bigger, bigger, bigger, and we see what we see, of course , because the problems of habits, incorrect lifestyle, which led to the initial the reasons why the first operation was performed, and the root reasons why it all snowballed, you need to turn to initially, but what about lifestyle? what led to the first operation in general , to weight gain in general, what habits did she have in her life, because larisa says that she leads an active lifestyle, she has enormous energy, but it is not realized, obesity here follows a certain type, according to hormonal type, post-stress type, because uniform
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fullness is caused by health problems alone, and the belly - this is often called a malfunction of the adrenal glands, this is an increased level of cortisol. if there is uneven obesity, well, the bells should have been rung, probably, when the weight was approaching 100, and not when it had already exceeded much, olga, why is fat deposited unevenly, if it is fat at all, yes , it accumulates in the lower abdomen, here depending on what kind of fat we see, we only see the shell, it seems to us that this is subcutaneous fatty tissue, again we see several tiers, but if you look inside, it... could be prolapsed hernias, that is not only the skin is stretched, the same thing happens with the muscle wall, it is like a flabby bag, it no longer holds the organs of the abdominal cavity, they fall out, there may even be a strangulation of the hernia at any moment, that is, the muscle of the abdomen will contract, there will be
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strangulation of the hernial orifice and necrosis of the intestines will simply begin, here, after all , it is not the type of fat deposition, but hormonal disorders - plus also genetics, the person even before giving birth, before everything, her normal weight was 78 kg, so even then for some this is already the point of no return, with a height of 164, what should be a normal weight on average the same 64, that is, height minus 110. larisa, is only your stomach growing now or is your weight also increasing due to communication? it seems to me that only the stomach, how many kilograms does the stomach weigh? a lot of? exactly 15, probably a kilogram, i don’t know , i carry it in front of me all the time, i walk with two canes, 3 years ago my knees and lower back hurt, but it seemed to bother me all the time, now it’s especially bothering me. ekaterina, do joints always suffer when
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you are overweight? they absolutely always will be. suffer, first of all, the joints of the lower extremities suffer, yes, these are the retrocostal, knee, ankle. even an extra 5 kg of weight increases the load on the joints significantly. you can show on a model what happens to the joints of a person whose weight exceeds the norm. this is the knee joint, this is the knee joint, yes. it has its own parts, yes, cartilage, periosteum, bones are separated from each other by an interarticular gap. in this gap there is a bowl of synvial fluid. they protect joint cartilage from damage during movement. what. occurs with high weight, load, in itself there is swelling here , nutrition is disrupted, yes, that is, the trophism of the cartilage itself, it does not receive the necessary microelements, the joint space narrows even more from the load, and as a result this cartilage
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begins to deform, the joint space decreases and when moving the surface cartilage begins to touch the nerve ending, thereby causing pain, this can... lead to complete disability, to complete, that is, they are not restored, nor the cartilage of the joint, recovery is possible at a certain stage, with an integrated approach, but without losing weight is impossible, but what... is the risk that something will fly out, break, break at such a weight and with such a load on the knees, a very big risk, destruction of cartilage, also the development of osteoporosis, pathological fractures and fractures in general, as they say, right out of the blue, that is, great fragility of the bones. laris, when serious problems of being overweight began to appear, did you try to somehow turn the situation around, when your belly began to hang down, to go on a diet. maybe somehow increase physical activity i
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don’t eat any sweets at all, i don’t eat any cookies, well, if i give up bread, i can’t live without bread for more than six months, in six months i can lose 10 kg without eating bread, then these kilograms come back, then quickly come back in a month or maybe less? what to do if you can’t lose weight on your own, larisa says that she seems to be trying, yes, but the progress, firstly, is negligible compared to her weight, and then she constantly breaks down, of course, if a problem arises, we can put it off a solution for a certain amount of time, until this problem grows into such a huge task that there is nowhere to go. when something doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out, it’s hard
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here, it hurts here, it’s in the way, but only when the problem has grown into a huge task that already needs to be solved, because the quality of life has decreased many times, plus on top of everything else, i would ask a question , has it ever happened that you come home tired after using up a lot of energy and you eat up before going to bed, plus these... a stressful event, when larisa, already having a problem, that is, already having fibroids, gets pregnant, she rejoices in pregnancy, and imagine how stressful it is when there is this joyful news, a joyful event, and a person is forced to undergo an operation to remove the uterus along with the child, this is terrible stress for a woman who would really like to give birth. another child, larisa, tatyana is right, you still can’t get over what
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happened, now, especially, i still think, if only we had a daughter now, one thing reassures us, our son got married at 18, at 19 he already brought us a grandson, we wanted children so much that we compensated for the loss of our own child with grandchildren, and now we also have a granddaughter, i take care of them, we sing songs, we take part in concerts, aren’t you afraid that your huge belly will simply kill you, if i weren’t afraid, i wouldn’t have come here, anyway, my quality of life is completely different and is inaccessible to me, i see with my eyes, to do i can’t, last year i went through all the doctors, everyone said that surgery is necessary, even the endocrinologist called me.
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after this operation, after a while another would be needed, that is, your hopes, laris, are only for surgical intervention, my hope is that after this transfer i might be helped. larisa, your husband is afraid that it will not be your stomach that will kill you, but the operation to reduce it, in our studio andrey beltikov. hello, andrey, hello. andrey, how long have you and larisa been together? since 1988, we got married, 36
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years will be 36, this is a huge time. how did you meet? we met, we are still in school years, when she came to her grandmother in the village, well, we hung out, then like everyone else, in the sixties, the army, after the army, we hung out for a year, then we got married, and remember why you liked larisa, well, in your soul. at the time you met, larisa was not overweight . when she studied at a technical school in voronezh, she went in for sports, took places, athletics, running, at her wedding, she was also in great shape, well, yes, a miracle, blood and milk, a real village woman, you can still see that blood is milk, well, an unstructured girl, i should have felt a little better if i had picked it up earlier, i don’t believe that
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my belly could have grown so much in 2 years, well, it can’t be like that, but there are all the factors. age-related changes, those operations, the psychological factor, i also think there is, but, of course, we lost time, this should also apply a little to you, that you did not insist that larochka, well, you need to lose a little weight, well, you should hold your appetite there or something, andrey, do you remember when your wife began to gain weight, it probably started after these operations on the female side, they didn’t blame her for being overweight, well, or at least they didn’t hint to her about it, well, it was...
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she’ll come back, what are the consequences? well, are you afraid that she will simply die on the operating table? yes, i’m worried about this, well, it’s just that life is getting more and more difficult, when i was active, now i can’t even walk without support. olga, in larisa’s case, what kind of operation is needed, what does she call plastic surgery, that is, we remove the excess flap, and here again there are two tiers, like two bellies, we are the lower tummy. at least they should remove everything from the navel to the shoulder, in simple terms, let’s do it this way, everything that you are telling, could you demonstrate to us on the interactive board, of course, here is the figure, this is what it looks like before giving birth, before gaining weight and breaking diets, but here we have such a pear, right up to the knee, here
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we have the first tier here is the second tier. i’ll even draw it on the side now, to make it clearer, and here again we have this two-tiered apron, and what’s inside this apron, if we have muscles here in the anterior abdominal wall, then it may also have stretched and some there are fallouts, but maybe there hernias need to be examined, we first reduce them, strengthen the abdominal wall, but here with this... fatness, we probably still have visceral fat here, that’s all, these are living cells, so to understand, we have this kind of fat in the organs there is such fat here that the surgeon removes during the operation, this is only a skin-fat apron, skin and fat under the skin-fat tissue, but there are operations when
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we go deeper, we remove the omentum, that is, this is an open operation it will be anyway because we are up to... normal, for all this to heal, for the tissues to grow together, there must be a good blood supply, but what kind of suture is most likely to be? a transverse seam above the pubic area, and it will extend to the sides, in this case even according to the type of torso plastic surgery, torsoplasty is when we have a seam going in a circle, but again, the longer we make this scar along the length, the... we simply don’t have enough blood supply to nourish this entire flap and maybe tissue necrosis simply won’t allow the flap to heal. what are the risks of complications after surgery 100% there will be a syroma - this is an accumulation of fluid , a hematoma, an accumulation of blood, an ichor, and before that you still need to survive the anesthesia , it will be quite difficult to survive because it is a long-term anesthesia, the load on the body
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is large, yes, yes, but you can do a combined anesthesia, intravenous sedation and epidural anesthesia, or... what will we do? money to share 50% me 50% arthur
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to yourself? you imagined, of course, yes, medicine will still have the last word, i think so, but you think that there are simply no other options, you want life to be easier. ekaterin, is it possible to somehow solve the problem without surgery in this case? i think it would be possible to try, but it would have to be an integrated approach. observation and treatment by an endocrinologist, a psychologist, a therapist, possibly physical therapy. massage, physiotherapy, because even before going into surgical treatment, yes, you need to stabilize your sugar levels, yes, blood pressure indicators and in general, in principle, and a comprehensive examination of the body. larisa, do your relatives have problems with excess weight? well, i had my grandmother and mother, they were all overweight, but not like me, i really am, i have a sister, she has problems with...
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weight, well, yes, there is, but not, no, not to that extent either, you often communicate with your sister on the phone, she lives in voronezh, we saw her a year ago, she supports you, supports you, if, if there are no more, well, i don’t know, that’s all they say to lose weight, lose weight, but how to lose weight if i don’t eat sweets, don’t eat flour. that means my plate is a little larger than a tea plate, my saucers are also here, here, larisa, your sister thinks that you are openly neglecting diets, in our studio elvira tolkacheva, hello, hello,
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you are in tears from... from that, that you finally saw her after a year or from the way she looks, maybe during this year the situation has become worse, well, yes, even worse is the fact that you haven’t seen each other for a long time, during your last meeting your sister’s belly was smaller, smaller , less, even you can visually determine this, yes, yes, and do you know how much she weighs now, no, i do n’t know, she always hid how much, all even when...
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the weight is a secret from my sister, and in general i never told anyone my weight i spoke, and my husband never knew about my weight, what did you have to forget about because of such a heavy knife, i just can’t walk , i do everything sitting down, i adapt everything, sitting down yes, but how do you wash the floors sitting down, well, i already have the floors i don’t wash it, my husband washes it, my granddaughter washes it, you cook like that while sitting, but i can do everything sitting, i can sit. make pies, i can make dumplings, you everything, peeling potatoes, andrey , what your wife can’t cope with without your help, cooking everything you bring, in the summer the garden too, i can’t water it anymore, for example, carry heavy things, i can’t, but you have problems because this quarrel, due to the fact that larisa is now limited, cannot do much on her own, at first it was, now he is already used to it, we have a story about how you
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are coping now. fifty-year-old larisa beltyukova from the village of kyrmysh, kirov region, spends most of the day in her favorite chair in the living room, knitting, rehearsing before concerts and even makes dumplings. i knit things like this, circles, rugs, i can even make dumplings here in front of the tv, we put a large board. we knead the dough here, i put it on a stool under my nose and make dumplings, in the kitchen the hostess cannot stand near the stove for a long time, her huge stomach weighs her down, so here larisa does everything while sitting on a stool, and if she needs to serve something or take it to the oven, her husband always on hand, raw potatoes, a piece of meat and cereal, then we put everything in the oven here and after an hour and a half, the soup is ready for us, in
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matters of hygiene. larisa also can’t do without the help of her husband, there’s soap, shampoo, i give her everything, she’s the one who washes herself, behind her back, but i can’t even get my legs there, even my legs are scrubbed. in a dream, a woman cannot fully rest, because of the giant ballast, in order to turn over to the other side, she has to get up, her stomach is very large, i can’t turn over, so i get up and lie down on the other side, like this. in the pensioner's wardrobe, she mostly has loose -fitting dresses that help hide the drooping waist. knees belly, the woman says: the stores have not sold her size for a long time, so all new clothes have to be ordered via the internet , i still try somehow to look good, larisa moves around the house, leaning on a cane or holding
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on to the walls, and then only intermittently , because shortness of breath begins and my knees hurt a lot. i always have two canes at the ready if they are not nearby. “so i ask my husband or someone who is at home to give me some, and i go like this, so that my wife can go to the local cultural center for rehearsals, my husband bought her electric scooter, while the iron horse is stored in the apartment and waits for spring, probably two, or even three times the rear wheel was changed, after all, i have a lot of weight. larisa, it’s scary when a person becomes a hostage to his own body, you know, it’s not even that this is beyond the bounds, this is what we can say about this, it’s incredibly pathetic, it’s a pity for a person who can’t do anything, it’s already clear that she’s trying , well, at least in my head, i can’t do anything, i feel sorry for my wife, who
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even feels sorry for my grandchildren, it’s hard, very hard, natalya, what impression did the plot make on you, it’s heavy, but what we noticed with nikolai, we had sausage in the frame, is this... what kind of dietary food are we talking about? i also noticed sweets, so when we say that we adhere to some kind of diet, we are always disingenuous, every person is always hiding something, so in reality there is probably some kind of need here - a food diary, well, to show the nutritionist that we eat? elvira, why do you think your sister started gaining weight? well, i think after the operation, the hormonal process, well, like everyone else they say you can't eat it. you can’t eat this, but what does she eat? sweets, cakes, you think larisa can’t have all this, well, i think, yes, diabetes, it’s like she can’t have sweets. what type of diabetes do you have, larisa? the second one, i think, when exactly was it
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installed for you? about 13 years old, probably. elena, you can explain with the help of a mannequin how insulin affects the human body. let's start with what insulin is in general. insulin is a hormone produced by pancreatic cells that is produced in response to for eating gastric food where we have the pancreas, and in response to taking glucose, we contain glucose not only in sweets and pure sugar, but also in fruits and baked goods, cereals, including potatoes, yes , that is, almost all of our food contains carbohydrates, in response to the intake of glucose with food, so you... here and the pancreas produces insulin in cells, this is precisely the main difference, and between the first
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and second type, that the first type of diabetes - this genetically determined, hereditary, this is an incurable disease in which there is precisely a lack or absolute insufficiency of insulin, that is, the gland does not produce it or in insufficient quantities. in this case , it is necessary to inject insulin preparations from the outside, the second type, it is acquired, is more likely associated with a violation or incorrect lifestyle, poor diet, physical inactivity or low physical activity, as a result of which the situation is somewhat opposite, simply insulin in the blood actually in fact it’s already off the charts, there’s a lot of it, so it turns out to be a vicious circle when the level of glucose in the blood is increased and the level of insulin is increased. what happens to the body when such a situation arises, well, here it’s just chronic hyperglycemia, in fact, the fact is that glucose, when it exceeds its certain threshold, yes, this is a very favorable environment, in principle, the first environment for the development of bacteria, which is fraught with danger, yes ,
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where do gangrenes come from, the risk of gangrene, tophic ulcers, do not heal well early in the first place, so of course, until we normalize blood glucose level, surgery, surgical interventions, yes, but what will happen? if this diabetes mellitus is not treated, if the body is constantly under such stress, there may be a trivial diabetic coma, that is, coma, cerebral edema, everything larisa, but everything we just heard sounds terrifying, and with all this you do you allow yourself to eat cakes, what is your sister talking about, it’s true, i can only try cakes, well, try it like, well, i can eat this strip with tea, tea, i drink coffee without sugar. anastasia, but what larisa is showing is probably harmful, she shouldn’t do it at all. eat such foods, because
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you can lower blood sugar not only with insulin, you can with certain foods , yes, yes, this is fiber, first of all, there is a vegetable garden, a vegetable garden is a huge amount of greens, even bread, which she loves, there are loaves, and there is, for example, protein-polbina bread, which contains 60% fiber. you don’t have to deprive yourself of bread, but choose the right bread, which will also give you protein, fiber and contain a low amount of carbohydrates, fish... i didn’t see omega-3 at all, fish oil is a great way to reduce inflammation, reduce the risks of type 2 diabetes and have an anti-inflammatory effect, precisely due to balances and changes in diet , which no one does, and the person doesn’t know how to eat properly, that’s what i want to understand, you laris, you really just don’t know this, or you’re not afraid for your own life, nutritionists, i’ve been to nutritionists in a sanatorium: they say, a plate less for yourself
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did you go to the endocrinologist? i have been seeing an endocrinologist for 13 years when i have diabetes, what do they say, what do they advise? they don’t advise anything, but they told you about a food diary, i’ve only been keeping it for 2 weeks, let’s take a look at your food diary, february 8, 2024, 10:30, oatmeal, coffee with milk, bread and butter, 12:30, cabbage stewed with mushrooms, tea-halva 15:30 borscht without potatoes, buckwheat porridge with milk, 18:30, pork, stew, bread, 20:00, just cabbage, february 11, 2024, 9:30, coffee with milk, bread with sausage cheese, 11:30, pea soup, 13:30, baked fish, tea, bread, sausage cheese, 17:00, apple, tea, 20:00, sausage, plus baguette, tea, ice cream.
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february 12, 10:00, omelet, coffee with milk, 12:00, noodle soup, apple, 14:00 , dumplings, bread, cookies, omelet, coffee with milk, 18:30, wheat porridge, coffee with ice cream, apple, 20:30, noodle soup, bread, what will the doctors say about the state of health of larisa, whose weight has exceeded 140 kg, the surgeon in a few minutes, be careful. march 17, russia is at the finish line of the presidential elections. everyone's voice of us determines the fate of the country. we will watch the voting results with you live. the latest numbers from polling stations and the first comments from the candidates. we will see how data on each ballot flows into the electoral commission center. we will show how regions that elect a president for the first time vote. and how do they do it? the choice is those who defend the country on the front line, and of course, we will discuss what
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bank, you can ask for time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open an online deposit reliable in rosbank at 16% per annum rosbank. real opportunities, alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback, i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, priitorian, i’ve worked from the brain to the bones, and not an office with a typical garbage code, premiere from monday at 22:10 on ntv, beyond, this is beyond, a man is afraid that his wife will die on the operating table if she decides to have... surgery, she is sure that without plastic surgery her own stomach will kill her. anastasia, let's now we will analyze in detail what larisa eats in these 2 weeks, yes, let’s start from the first day. breakfast, complete lack of complete protein. a baguette, accordingly, is an absolutely empty food, it is essentially pure
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sugar, there is no fiber or protein, and any expert will tell you that in order to enter a food diary, you need to record your weight. you need to weigh the number of servings and be sure to write down how this food is prepared, if we talk about the second meal, cabbage stewed with mushrooms, you can stew it by adding a huge amount refined oil, and the same halva is a huge amount of sugar and this, in my opinion , is a super-calorie story and sugar, it seems to me that it is generally prohibited for diabetes, of course, halva is strictly prohibited, and here again, note, there is no protein at all, third reception. borscht without potatoes, it’s not clear what broth it’s in, it’s lean borscht, it’s pork, lean, again only carbohydrates, look, there’s no complete protein, coffee with milk, again lactose, and most likely coffee is drunk on an empty stomach, which damages the tear lining of the stomach , increases acidity, that is, the entire
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gastrointestinal tract is already suffering, bread with cheese is most likely a baguette again, cheese sausage cheese, excuse me, this is not... food at all, then let’s say, a 17:00 snack , apple, tea, this is a jump in blood sugar, but the most interesting thing is the number of meals, with type 2 diabetes , snacking is strictly prohibited, you need to have three full meals, because any snack in between, yes, this is a race, again same blood sugar and this constant is this one amplitude of changes in sugar, there is no diet, one day it nourishes...
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our body increases appetite, just to close nutritional deficiencies, a person does not hear about any sensitivity, intuitive, according to needs, there is a huge distance between your desires and results. olga, given larisa’s diagnosis, abdominoplasty, is it out of the question? in case of diabetes mellitus, possibly plastic surgery, you need to adjust your sugar level so that it is stable. this is to adjust the weight by taking into account what adjust the diet, medications, but it must be stable, again, if larisa
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continues to eat biscuits, sausage cheese , baguettes, they won’t take her for an operation even for a lot of money, kill a person, just under all other conditions, even if she loses weight, even if there there will simply be a skin-fat patch left, but healing, then another period of rehabilitation, this is definitely the longest period of plastic surgery. healing, compared to all other plastic surgeries, is difficult for young healthy people to endure; healthy people can have a lot of side effects, well here, that is, the chances of good healing are simply zero. larisa, we looked at your diary, you may eat a little, but you eat the wrong thing, you understand that, now i understand it, but someone should still teach me how to eat then, or what? larisa , of course, turning to doctors on... here one way or another shifts the responsibility for resolving this issue to the doctors, so one doctor says, another,
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a third, i watch larisa, and she has such a slight smile, for me this an indicator of such rejection, larisa is sleeping now, it is very important for her to take that very responsibility, to understand that she needs to immerse herself in this topic, study it, understand it. yes, maybe with the help of specialists, but you yourself want to get your bearings in everything, so that you can start living differently. tatiana, larisa’s friend completely agrees with you, who believes that she simply needs to be supported in her fight against excess weight. our guest is nina peletnyova. hello, how long have you known larisa? we have known each other for more than 20 years, when you met, she wasn’t at the same weight as she is now, no, she wasn’t at that weight, she was, well, like
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all women, plump, of course, she was plump, neat, but why do you think she can’t lose weight, well, first of all, probably, diet is the most painful issue for us, but not everyone, not every person can deny themselves something, but also of course... she has a sedentary lifestyle, but you think that she just needs lend a helping hand, well, yes, that she needs to be supported, that she cannot cope on her own, well, yes, i think that yes, she needs help, elena, but how to lose weight in general with diabetes mellitus, a clearly drawn up nutrition plan, diet, correctly selected medications, well, in general, here’s a daily routine, probably a lifestyle modification regimen, and above all to stop feeling sorry for yourself, the first thing a person must do is to really really want to solve this problem. secondly, of course, when we
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turn to specialists, we do not shift responsibility onto them, but take responsibility for ourselves, understanding all the recommendations, then there is immersing yourself in this topic for yourself, in your own interests, that is, you must also want to do this. plus, of course, you need family support. i understand that...
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mothers, grandchildren without a grandmother, the danger is absolutely real, you have many diseases, from life, in your diet, you will leave your son without many, you have already dealt with it, i’m talking about oncology, you have defeated it, you are ready to fight for myself, i’m ready, always ready, you’ve already been examined in the capital’s clinic and let’s see how it was, breathing heavily with difficulty moving along the hospital corridor, misa beltyukova heads to the office of a moscow plastic surgeon. the specialist carefully listens to the patient’s complaints, studies the tests, and then palpates her abdomen. that year, i noticed that in winter my belly began to grow, for some reason one half is larger, the left one, and the right one smaller, the belly itself
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is large, where it is quite voluminous, after which the doctor does it for larisa. ultrasound of the abdomen to assess the condition of tissues and subcutaneous fat . have you had any infections before? no, weren’t you sick? i invite plastic surgeon artur dzatsoev to our studio. arthur, let’s start with the main thing, in larisa’s stomach, is there fat or fluid or something else, hernias, what’s there? we looked at the ultrasound of larisa’s belly, half of her volume is edematous fluid, half of the volume is fat, regarding hernias, considering that her layer thickness is more than 15 cm, well, no less, from this we can definitely say that she has a hernia or not, it wasn't possible, but she had a ct scan before, on the ct scan hernia was not described, that is , she does not have hernias as such, what is larisa’s
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weight now, we weighed her today, her weight was. about 155 kg. larisa, do you understand that you gained 10 kg, well, in two months, it turns out, right? well , in clothes it’s 155, at least 150, but not 155. but why did larisa and arthur grow to the knees? i looked at her chart, where she undergoes a routine examination, where the results of her tests are recorded; over the past few years, her tests have been getting worse and worse. this is the belly such a unique indicator that shows that her health is deteriorating gradually, that is, if a few years ago her stomach was smaller, then the tests were better, now the stomach has become larger and the tests are worse, that is, relatively speaking, if back in the twentieth year she her kidneys were functioning quite normally, but now they are no longer working adequately for her, that is, in fact
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, the edematous fluid that is in the stomach is... partly due to the fact that the kidneys cannot remove the entire volume of fluid, which the kidneys are not working well, kidneys are not working well secondly, even her cardiologist writes that there is heart failure, that is , the heart cannot cope with the amount of blood that needs to be pumped, and part of this is related to weight, because if a person weighs even more than 100 kg, the heart is the same plus - everyone has a minus, and the heart needs to pump blood through these 100 kg, given that she... still has a lot of weight, the heart can’t cope on its own, and in order for there to be less blood, fluid takes this blood from there, and fluid goes into the stomach, kidneys they don’t have time to remove this fluid yet, in the end it turns out that the worse the heart works, the worse the kidneys work, the more fluid it accumulates in the stomach, this is what she has, that is, if she didn’t have such a big belly, this fluid
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could accumulate in the internal organs. this fluid could accumulate, it is also known that it is worse, yes, this is very bad, the fluid could accumulate around the heart and cause cardiac tamponade, that is, the heart would simply stop contracting on its own, there could be a lunge in pleural cavity, this is around the lungs and then the lungs would not expand completely , she would not be able to finish her life, if nothing is done, then the prognosis is very bad, even death, that is, she urgently needs to take care of her health and... lifestyle in including. how to save larisa from her belly hanging down to her knees? let's continue after a short pause. a resident of the perm region promised her dying mother to fulfill her last wish to find out the fate of her younger sisters who ended up in malyutka’s house. she always remembered them always. she remembers how
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you can’t do it if larisa were absolutely healthy and there would be no contraindications from its indicators, then technically the operation is performed easily and simply. but in this case, her tests are so bad that, unfortunately, not a single anestheologist, not a single clinic, will even put her under anesthesia, why, because anesthesia itself can lead to death, to death , until she stabilizes her indicators , will not improve the function of internal organs. how then can you help larisa? larisa first needs to see specialized specialists, a cardiologist, a nephrologist, to normalize her indicators and... she needs
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work together with specialists, participate in the treatment process, and you also need to take care of yourself, your weight, reduce this weight and change your lifestyle. elen, well , now i’m listening to arthur, i understand that we should leave larisa without medical help, but we simply cannot. what can you do on your part for her health? well, for starters , we can take her under control and invite her to our clinic in the near future. examine comprehensively together with specialists not only an endocrinologist-therapist, but also gastroenterologist and cardiologist, first of all, and draw up a treatment regimen, a treatment plan, and from myself i can say that yes, the main problem is diabetes and excess weight. larisa must understand that this is not only a sentence, but some kind of one, now, it really is a way of life that needs to be adjusted, we need to accept, understand, yes, just start to fight it. i’m ready
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to advise larisa on nutrition, check her diary, provide her with help and knowledge, i understand that you were sad to hear from a plastic surgeon that your problem it won’t be easy to solve, but you understand, there is no miracle pill, not only your stomach is at stake, but also your life, for the sake of all your loved ones you will...
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will contain great nutritional value, after which the nutritionist takes larisa’s blood for hidden analysis food intolerances, in order to then adjust her diet in accordance with the results. this is a laboratory method that measures the concentration of class g polyglavulins, which are produced in response to the nutritional proteins that you get from food. accumulate and often cause chronic inflammation. next larisa goes to the therapist. the doctor fills out a medical history, measures the patient’s blood pressure, oxygen level in the blood and finds out the condition of the woman’s joints. tell me, do your ankle joints hurt? no, no, just the knees, right? afterwards , larisa takes a general blood test and goes to the office of an endocrinologist-nutritionist. the specialist gives her an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and gives recommendations for treatment. in diffuse, structurally small changes there are changes in the thyroid gland.
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the thyroid gland can also have, so to speak, mixed conditions, yes, it is connected.


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