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tv   Mi i nauka  NTV  March 15, 2024 1:00am-2:01am MSK

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no less, they are in first place, in second place we will have housing, then the penal system - this is a pre-trial detention center, less received than last year, but then the establishment of a pension system, russian, but in first place are refusals to initiate criminal proceedings, refusal to initiate a criminal case is the most rude. violation
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of the constitutional right to access to justice, and here we are together with the prosecutor’s office, and the prosecutor’s office cancels a huge number of such refusals to initiate criminal proceedings, conducts an investigation, here we we work together, together with the investigative committee, which, within the framework of departmental control, cancels such decisions, they said that the international system was indeed
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imposed, even so, but it always , well, some things directly, let’s say, we were transformed, adapted and became exclusively ours systems, because today we have implemented, that is , introduced into our legislative system , almost everything that is contained in international norms of law relating to humans, all the norms, the universal declaration great... thank you very much for the conversation, thank you, kirill.
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hello, it’s a decade of science and technology in russia, the ntv television company and the state corporation rosatom. science will change our lives in the next 10 years, i’m vladimir antokhin, and i’m ekaterina shugaeva, and you won’t believe it, in 10 years science will ban vegetarianism, why won’t you believe it, i, i really believe in it, that’s why i invited optimists, who believe that in 10 years science will really ban vegetarianism, this is elena myasnikova, industrial engineer, catering, good evening, and antonina starodubova, nutritionist, cardiologist, hello.
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our first food is breast milk , then the first and main stupidity: we are mammals and there is food of animal origin, there is not a single person who was born a vegetarian, well, maybe someone was fed almond milk, now everything is possible, our body is adapted precisely to food of animal origin, our most distant ancestors were definitely not vegetarians, and
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ate any food they could find, and preferred animal rather than plant food, because it contains more calories, this is... understandable, because for the existence of any individual , energy obtained from food is necessary, and if for animal food the energy value ranges from 20 to 40 kilojoules per gram, then for the most high-calorie plant food, well, for example , for my favorite pea soup or fried potatoes, this figure does not exceed ten, fried potatoes were applied, like this. but i have a personal question for you: can you easily do without meat? no, i can even do this gray piece eat with pleasure, i really can’t live without meat at all, and you, me too
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, and it’s easier for me to give up potatoes than lard on fried potatoes, and olga vladimirov, indeed , kapustin told us today that not a single person ... vegetarianism is not born, in principle, what did a person eat in order to become a person? thanks for the question, it’s a tricky question , it seems to me, well, firstly, when the first man appeared, either when he became upright, or when he began to use fire, this is also a huge field for research, and hypotheses are still being created, and we are still in this space of hypolysis, well, if we start from the fact that, well, relatively speaking, somewhere... millions of years ago , our ancestors appeared, who were somewhat similar to us in certain qualities, then , probably, there is one point of view, that there was gathering, another point of view, that there was hunting, hunting for mammon was also hunted, no, those who
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adhere to the first point of view is that yes, the man was a vegetarian, he was based on this gathering , collected plants, ate, and on the basis of this, he actually lived his life... but this point of view, it is generally so insufficient, in general , scientists have lately adhered to the idea that man , this is such an omnivore, a universal omnivore, which at different periods of its evolution consumed different foods, that is, let’s say, before the ice age, they were probably mostly plants, because carbon analysis there shows that in tartar even in for some people - the remains of starch, yes , the remains of starch, the remains of plants, which indicate that, probably, this was the main food, after all, at the same time, when living conditions change, when a completely different catastrophic ecological situation arises, a person also immediately
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he is forced to adapt to these conditions and is forced to change his lifestyle and his diet, that is, he develops, well, a kind of new philosophy of food, and here, of course, he adapts in the following way: he begins... to consume more animal food, other scientists suggest that, in general , this is not connected with the ice age, even before the ice age, but there was also either hunting, not even hunting, there was a period when a person ate carrion, that is, a person consumed, for example, the bone marrow of other living creatures, or just the brain, the actual tools that he made, they were adapted just to scrape out this marrow from these...
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perhaps he hunted only to protect himself from predators, only then this classic hunt , it has developed much more recently than at a minimum, a person always fed on breast milk when he was born, of course, but this is also an interesting difference, how a person fed on breast milk in ancient times and how he feeds on breast milk now, that is , in general, the period of weaning from the breast is now carried out much earlier in our country, a person a person can be excommunicated at one year, maybe at three, maybe even earlier, and earlier at four, at 4 and a half. 7 years, like the monkeys, our ancestors, yes, according to some scientists, this period, of course, it stretched out, that is, now a person is weaned from this, from this basic nutrition, from breastfeeding much earlier, this is a completely different situation, that is, we are constantly
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in this situation of refuting our hypotheses, and i cannot say that what those facts i have now reproduced it, these are indeed facts, this is exactly space. hypotheses with which we live. thank you. okay, so just in time for a new food philosophy. antonina vladimirovna, when did such a movement as vegetarianism arise and for what reason? still no, perhaps. a unified approach to what is considered pure , relatively speaking, vegetarianism, that is, that this is a complete refusal of food of animal origin, only the consumption of food of plant origin, or is, for example, flexitarianism, when sometimes a person, maybe once a month, can allow himself to eating meat, or peskotorianism, when you can eat fish, or lactovo vegetarianism, when you can eat eggs or milk. a wide range of different approaches and the lack of uniform
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use of the term vegetarianism hinders us understand its real health implications. well, we’ll discuss this later, but after the advertisement, i ’ll take the meat to the kitchen, the advertisement is on ntv. this is a new and already your favorite show: stars. each star brought with it. we won’t just make money, we ’ll win an oscar, thanks bro, but souls, we black people should be together, understand? stars with azamat
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the largest country in the world, wow, this is the universe, and these are our own farms and production, here comes the minced meat from which you cook favorite dishes, cosmically delicious, cherkizova, minced meat from our own farms, what’s your mood today? light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find the vernel scent to suit your mood, in the shadows of insurance we simplify life, issue policies and accept applications from ttp online, send pokask for repairs in just one hour. car insurance with cashback up to 30% for
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we vote for russia. the program is on air. science and we is a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. in 10 years, science will ban vegetarianism. our expert, professor kapustin, tried to find the benefits of vegetarianism. according to the latest statistics on the planet. there are now approximately 400 million vegetarians, their number is growing every day, for a variety of reasons, the main thing is that it has become fashionable, in the usa alone the number of vegetarians has increased by 600% over the past 3 years. personally, i have a negative attitude towards vegetarianism, but i was
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interested to know what vegetarians themselves think about vegetarianism. turns out. vegetarians are protected from cancer, they have a low risk of heart disease, and how do they care for the hungry, because one serving of meat can be replaced by seven servings porridge, their care for the animals, because they are so cramped in the pens, it turns out that animals on farms are subjected to torture, well, vegetarians call vaccinations torture, and even you won’t believe it, animals are treated like... soulless machines, and poor chickens cannot sleep from -for constant lighting, because holy birds grow faster, horror, horror, dead animals are used as food for their own brothers. vegetarians forget one thing: there are billions of people in the world who can only dream of
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a meat diet. oh, and poor mammoths, so suffered, suffered so much when... elena nikolaevna, what sciences besides dietetics today study nutrition issues, in general, how they do it, on whom they conduct experiments, quite a large number of scientific and industrial branches are involved in nutrition, let's start with science, and one of the industries that i consider to be science , which is dietetics, which underlies the fundamentals, we all know and understand perfectly well, and those who are associated with nutrition, and doctors and food technologists understand perfectly well that everything actually began with dietetics. a biochemistry, biochemical processes, biotechnology, which is now quite relevant and developed, because in fact the issues of storage, issues of production, storage and promotion to the market, they directly
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depend on biotechnology and on the level of development of biotechnology.
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parktics, politics, economics, ours is less susceptible to this, that is, we really listen more, we should listen more to our nutritionists, you know, yes, i agree, this is the problem that has arisen lately, very often we see that dietetics is equated with nutritional science, they equate nutritionist and nutritionist, but i categorically disagree with this , why, because a nutritionist is, first of all, a doctor. and nutrition problems should be dealt with by a doctor, a nutritionist is a specialist who may not have a basic education, often
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does not have a basic education in medicine, but he may be well versed in fashionable new trends in nutrition, yes, undergo, say, a little training, maybe even some kind of online course and decide what it can give adviсe. that’s just a question for a nutritionist, here’s antonina vladimirovna, these are these proteins, fats, carbohydrates, what else is there, fiber, vitamins, this is it, this is why we need it all, this?
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thank you, the main nutrients, we 'll call them macronutrients, they make up the bulk of the food we consume, let's write macronutrients, macro, these include three main groups, let's start with the main thing, proteins, proteins, absolutely. carbohydrates, what we know about proteins, the main thing is , of course, a source of energy, oddly enough, but they will also be a source of energy carbohydrates, and the main substance where energy is stored is fats, in addition, we also need fats for the construction of cells, the main component is cellular. membrane structures , cell membranes and proteins are also needed for plastic function, that is, construction,
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and construction of a variety of structures in our body, in addition, we need them for protection, immunoglobulins, interferons are the basis of the immune system, protection, hormones, this too proteins, yes, yes, and fats. isn't it, the main thing is in the structure - these are proteins, transport function, oxygen is not enters the cell without hemoglobin, yeah , transport, the most important substances are transported, including due to molecules contained in proteins, there is also dietary fiber, which is soluble and insoluble, yes, which also play a very important role, and one of the most important functions is maintaining the health of the intestinal microbiota, which is also very... herb, which, yes, including, it is necessary, this one here for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole, yes
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, let me not dwell on the small details, we still need discuss micronutrients, these include vitamins and minerals, the word vitamins itself is already translated as vitals (life), it is impossible to live without them, absolutely right, vitamins, yeah. and we need minerals to maintain a variety of metabolic processes , the same work of hormones, enzymes , etc., without them we would also have a very difficult time, but there are also minor biological active compounds, we knew little about them before, but now we know that without them life too, a full life is impossible, they are in including... they also support metabolism, antioxidant functions, protective functions help the functioning of a whole other organelle, and these are minor ones, for example, you’ve probably heard of coenzyme q10.
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yes, or biotin are substances that we need in small quantities, but without them it is also impossible to maintain metabolism, and if we return to macronutrients, we saw that the main function that we are discussing is energy, in addition to food, and the rest, here in the energy contribution to the diet, yes, fats, fats should make about 30, plus or minus 5% of the energy value of the diet
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, 50% of carbohydrates, 15% of proteins, what is 30% of fats, in the daily diet, of the daily energy value of the diet, the contribution of fats is 30%, proteins are 15, once again, these are irreplaceable amino acids that are found only in proteins only from food. elena nikolaevna, vegetarians say that they do not give up protein in principle, they simply replace animal protein with
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vegetable protein, that’s it. but in some ways animal protein differs from vegetable protein, well, not in principle, but for the health of the body humans, differs and differs quite significantly, precisely in those essential amino acids that antanina vladimirovna told us about, in products of animal origin, meat, fish, milk, lactic acid products, eggs, there are all the essential amino acids, there are enough amino acids in them a lot , but 20 amino acids are found in food products, eight of them are essential, that is, these are the amino acids that are not synthesized in our body, but must be supplied only with food, only with food, and that’s all essential amino acids are found in products of animal origin; there can also be a lot of proteins in proteins in plant products ; i’ll give an example, but let’s say total protein.
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in meat, in beef, for example, 22%, yes, in the same soybean up to 35%, but this is a fundamentally different protein, amino acids in products of plant origin, they are limited in some essential amino acids, that is, some essential amino acids are simply not there , simply not, in some, for example, vegetable proteins, there are two or three essential amino acids, in...
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products, yes, it is processed soybeans, it can be soaked there, crushed and so on, in order to reduce this negative effect, but again this is not a complete product from the point of view of the amino acid content of complete amino acids, vegetarians advocate for what they get protein from products of plant origin, for example, from nuts, well, in order... to get somewhere around 4% protein in nuts, but in order to get the daily dose, the daily norm of protein, you need to eat this amount of nuts, which will be very difficult to digest once, then fats, that’s it, there will be so much fat that that same, that very balance, it will simply be disrupted, so here again there is such a problem, those who refuse animal products
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, does not receive... vitamins of group b-12, not only the proteins are incomplete, but also , for example, there are no vitamins of group b, group b-12 in particular, this is not just one vitamin, there are several of them, this is a group of vitamins...
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article that in 20 years food products in general will simply disappear, disappear, and we will for breakfast for vow dinner, there are tablets , and the blue one, for example, for breakfast or the pink one, yes, the blue one for lunch and the green one for dinner, we will get all the useful macro and micronutrients, uh, you know, these 20 years have passed, and much has passed more time, well, fortunately, probably the healthiest people still live in the villages, which... methods of heat treatment, for example, of the same meat products, this
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still remains relevant, and this is a need, and this is undoubtedly a great pleasure. thank you very much, let's take a break for a moment, commercial on ntv. vadima, come to your senses, with whom you are going to fight, with me, with my brothers , they wanted crimea, now i’m a bitch, i’ll give you crimea, face down, stop resistance, let’s go, days until spring, the finale, what are we going to do, but to you did it in their place, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. mask, new season, sunday at
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a bunch of flying flies, 5 minutes of silence, a new season, it’s even wrong that rescuers sometimes die, everyone needs to be saved, including good people, dumpsters, from monday at 20:00 on ntv , the program is on air, science and we are a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years, in 10 years, vegetarianism will be banned, and our expert, professor kapustin, will talk about the dangers of vegetarianism. of course, vegetarianism is stupid and evil. avoiding meat is harmful, especially for the brain. the brain consumes 20% of all energy, although it weighs less than 2% of our body. and it was meat that made us human. in many countries , the attitude towards veterinarianism is negative. german society. food was prohibited for children,
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for teenagers and pregnant women a vegetarian diet. in belgium, you face a prison sentence for forcing children to become vegetarians. you can also get a sentence for the same diet, you won’t believe it, for pets. abstaining from meat consumption really affects the human brain. a very inhumane experiment was carried out on children in kenya. 500 schoolchildren were divided into three groups. they were fed differently: some were given meat soup, another group were given milk soup, and the third were given vegetable soup. after 7 years , the level of intelligence was compared. children who every day given meat soup, were significantly superior to their peers in intelligence. you can treat your body as you like, but you shouldn’t experiment on children. however, if you want to make your children idiots, start with... from the first day, feed them only carrots or broccoli, well
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, you will end up vegetarians, it’s not for nothing that children don’t like broccoli, they have a sense of smell, and sergei mich, life expectancy, by the way, a person depends on the balance of proper nutrition, in general on proper nutrition, there is whether it’s scientific or not, let’s define what proper nutrition is, here are my colleagues, nutritionists and nutritionists, they are all about dietetics. it turns out that that’s it, all science comes down to us as machines, and we sit at the table, we are dressed differently, we have different food preferences, which means different worldviews, our genome is also different,
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the result is, that one more coordinate is needed in order to assess the impact of food, but...
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they have changed, but we eat as before, we eat as before, our body responds to this, what begins, it generally seems to me that people have never had so many products in their lives, well, humanity has simply never eaten as much as i do now, it’s just on the shelves, you know, we can talk about what they ate and didn’t eat and so on, you can follow
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the first law of thermodynamics, we eat less, we will live longer, by the way, i compared the duration and quality of life. stanskaya current, and there was a fairly large sample of 1000 people, in fact, something like 95 or 96 thousand, in general, half of these people were vegetarians, and scientists have found that as vegetarians they actually have a lower risk of developing diabetes, they have lower cholesterol levels, they have generally some
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indicators that suggest that they will be less prone to diabetes. have cardiovascular disease. and zhivus, but this may not affect life expectancy at all, you know, that is , other factors will kill them, here, well, in fact , it turns out this way, in relation to cancer, when someone optimistically declares that they have there will be fewer oncological diseases, this is all very ambiguous, because we cannot take into account all the factors that will affect a specific life, a specific individual. okay, antonina vladimirovna, but i have a successful case in my studio. when at first there was, let’s say, protein food of animal origin, and then pure, pure vegetarianism, so you see, as you see, he feels good, looks great,
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but with an animal, everything is more or less clear, but what about can happen to a person if he is not given this since childhood animal protein, on the contrary, first give him, let's go, here, and then deny him animal protein, it will be just as stubborn, the question is interesting and very important, there is a theory of a thousand days, it is believed that from the moment of birth, this happens within a thousand days the laying of all the main systems and organs, this is such a vulnerable period if the child receives everything he needs during this period. then it develops well in the future, lives a long time, then you can become a vegetarian, but in the beginning there must be a supply of all the necessary nutrients provide.
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if a person came to a nutritionist, a vegetarian, then this is an adult, uh-huh, then this is his, as a rule, this is his personal decision, which may be due, among other things, to some ethical, religious influences, here i can no longer influence him, but i must definitely explain to him the risks, and i must, that is, if the decision is clearly not subject to change, then how can a nutritionist choose a diet for him that will reduce the risks of vegetarianism, explain to me what risks he will have if. .. i’ve already talked with elena nikolaevna that , for example, there are eight essential amino acids, which are only found in animal protein, but if a person doesn’t
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get them, how quickly will he notice that something has changed in him and what exactly will change ? it is said that we live in the era of evidence-based medicine, the first thing we know for sure, what has been established and proven, is that non-restrictive diets, vactarianism is one of the options in any variant, yes, in any of its manifestations, it is restrictive diet. restrictive diets lead to an increase in the risk of various foods insufficient, for example, protein-energy , these are medical terms, medical diseases, micronutrient deficiency, protein-energy deficiency, each, for example, iron deficiency, we know, there will be anemia, vitamin b12 deficiency, a whole range of neurological or other manifestations maybe, uh, calcium deficiency, vitamin d deficiency, bone problems, and so the deficiency can continue. more unsaturated fatty acids, which, if a person does not eat fish, yes, then there is also a lot various negative health consequences. okay, a quick experiment,
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would you like one? well, look, here are two burgers for you, one with real meat, the other with soy, try, what do you think, which one is which, you can smell it, try it, but i don’t have to eat the bun, you don’t have to eat it, you can, you can only cook cold meat, you can cook warm ones. it definitely needed to be in burgers, you could fry normal meat, you have to suffer for the sake of science, okay, well, well, this tastes better, i can’t explain why, here, here, this one tastes better, let’s check, i didn’t guess. hmm , at the same time, how can i imagine how much, you know, it tastes better , because there are more chemical additives , so you, so you don’t doubt it, yes, please, yes, there are simply
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more chemical additives, you fed me chemicals, so yes, that’s right, it’s saltier than soybean, yes, it ’s tastier, it seems, elena nikolaevna, so what breakthroughs in nutrition research do you expect in the next 10 years? can, say, soybean completely replace meat, for example, will they be hooked on tastier, here this is exactly the job of food technologists, right? a number of food additives, which actually brought this soy burger closer to meat, i am categorically against calling
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products made from plant materials analogues, but a steak is made from soy, a steak cannot be made from soy, a steak can only be from the corresponding parts of uh beef, yes, and if it’s some kind of cutlet, i don’t know what you can call it, it’s... the number, especially of young people, they are influenced by fashion, they’re just hooked on vegetarianism, and i must say, it appeared
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a whole industry, in the food industry.
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there’s no need to say anything secular, let’s ban it, ban the science of movement of all kinds of scientific directions, it’s impossible, but you can competently, correctly carry out educational activities, explain the benefits and harms, especially in relation to children, teenagers, that’s exactly it, this needs to be placed and emphasized, let’s now
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pause for a moment, advertising on ntv. in the mask everything is new every time. regina, what are you eating, you are so cheerful. and that's all fugotherapy. regina has new images. i say, a little jubilant. rodriguez has new jokes. the basques will grow a beard, he will be a bearded holly. valeria has new versions.
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will be in limited social groups according to religious or some kind of fashion trends, trends, this is, please, as physiological, it is not suitable for all of us, as for the human species, then with what probability can vegetarianism be banned, and well, again, if we let's take the hindus by religion -
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it seems to me that science really does not have punitive function, at least at the current stage of development, but nevertheless we went through the ban on genetics, through the ban on cybernetics and through punitive psychiatry, in fact, these are precedents,
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they can arise, but if we imagine a situation when they come to power experts, well , in quotes or in quotes, experts will broadcast some kind of legislative framework, in this case, perhaps it... will be banned, its phenomenon of vegetarianism will be banned, but it seems to me that i would allocate 5% to this, no more, 5%, thank you very much, antonnila vladimirovna , do you have a forecast of what is the likelihood of science recommending a ban on vegetarianism? we have already said that there are such precedents, they actually are not exclusively of such a punitive, punitive nature, but rather for prevention, and we are talking about certain groups of the population. these are children, pregnant, lactating, first of all, or people with certain diseases, and secondly, these are certain versions of vegetarianism, the strictest version of vegetarianism is veganism, that is, a complete rejection of all
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products of animal origin, in this case there is a fairly high probability that we as a community will recognize that this is impractical and carries certain health risks, in this case i will leave 80%. 80%, thank you very much. with a 40% probability, according to the forecast of our guests, science will ban vegetarianism, i really understand our guests , science is really not a punitive body, it is not recognized to prohibit anything, but however today, it can at least recommend, and optimists and skeptics agree that vegetarianism, especially strict veganism , does not bring anything good, it is just such a conventionally fashionable trend, by the way, but forgive me, please, with your permission, can i ask you, which of you is ready to give up meat in life? you would be ready, yes, i already refused, yes, precisely in my conscious life, and my children would be deprived of meat, no, in fact, here it is always a question of our conscious decision in adulthood, in adult life, you know, there is what you can’t
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do, but of course, that sometimes children are not given the meat they need so much, animal protein that carries essential amino acids, this is very strange, i really want to recommend that science strictly recommends not to refuse. elena nikolaevna mentioned the magazine - science and life, that they wrote that a person will have, a person will eat pills, but i remembered an anecdote about this, that a person of the future will have small hands, because robots will do everything for him, they will be small legs, because he will be driving all the time, he will have a small stomach, because that he will eat high-calorie pills, he will have a big head because he will think a lot. think about where to get these pills, so that you, so that you don’t worry without meat, you fried that piece, god, my dear, thank you very much.


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