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tv   Pod prikritiem  NTV  March 15, 2024 2:00am-2:46am MSK

2:00 am
there’s so much you can’t do, but of course , the fact that sometimes children are not given the meat that they so need, animal protein, which carries essential amino acids, this is very strange, i really want to recommend that they strictly recommend not to refuse, well, elena nikolaevna mentioned the magazine science and life that they wrote that a person will have, a person will eat pills, but i remembered an anecdote about this, that a person will have a future... will have small hands, because robots will do everything for him, there will be small legs, because he will drive all the time, there will be a small stomach, because he will eat high-calorie pills, there will be a big head, because he will think a lot, think about where to get these pills, so without meat, you fried that piece, my god, my dear, thank you very much
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, i love meat, it was a program, science and we are a program about how science will change, including our lives with you in the next 10 years, try to eat right, have a nice good appetite, see you in a week, bye, bye,
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2:03 am
why are you stuck there, damn scar, arms, arms, arms uphill, arms, i said, now you twitch, i’ll knock you out the second time, where did we stop there? yes, remember that you are being outrageous, that you are looking at me, you think i’m not here, you better tell him what he needs, don’t make him angry, i’ll ask again. who ordered the scar? i already
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told you, are you hard of hearing? i don’t know, it’s not that you can’t hear well, it’s okay, now we’ll turn it up louder, uh, what, uh, do you hear, what are you up to, and uh, uh, wait, wait, oh, i’ll say, that’s it, it’s good, in my opinion, he is ready for dialogue. where, what are you doing? i'm listening to you carefully.
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that’s all, i said, they sent the little guy to put a scar on a peak, they promised you, the little guy is from someone, from a respected person, the man’s name, he doesn’t have a name, in my opinion he’s not lying. oh, timur, greetings, welcome, where is the boss, he is waiting for you, as always in uniform, yegor
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famich does not betray himself. greetings, ah, glad to see you in good health, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, a seagull, i won’t refuse.
2:07 am
baran, but you are still the same, you don’t change, you too, it will be with you, or maybe, if something happens, well, let him help, if he can, and where is the old man, he he didn’t even meet me, he gave you another chance, i was against it, as i understand it, everything you need is in the bag, if you call him an old man again, i’ll strangle him. i believe
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we are still waiting for someone, so i gave him a chance. well, well, i envy your organizational abilities to manage such an armada of people, this requires a true state mind, how do we lack people like you in power? come on, pete, i’m an ordinary business person, although i’m not indifferent to the well-being of my subordinates, i’m glad that they took the pharmaceutical company under their wing. bison had to because biochemistry is a very weak point in our state. and i heard that you are not one of those who throw their money away. sasha, let's do it as usual.
2:09 am
another hunting rifle, an exemplary gift for an exemplary deputy, i am sure that the shares of your company will soon skyrocket in price, i wondered if they would buy me some, well, this is a far-sighted decision, when you are ready, let me... i know, i didn’t expect any other answer from you, yes, everything is in our hands, all the best, all the best.
2:10 am
here you are, where the crucian carp has already been searched, well let him look, i can’t be there, everything there is white, like in a hospital. sit down , there is no excuse for us, behind the scar they screwed up, because the people of the ghost are among us , look, here are the affairs of the guys who died while transporting the scar, this is what i will tell their families, did they lose their children? husbands, sons, boys died, fulfilled their duty
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, but their feat will remain unknown to anyone, because we will hide the true causes and deaths for the sake of the highest state interests, and what is the life of one person, compared to these fucking interests, tell sable that we know how to recognize our own. mistakes, well, the servant of the people has left, left, yegor faminevich, forgive me for being curious, why are you bothering with him, so far he has been useful to me, and do you really want to sell?
2:12 am
shares, i’m waiting for a report from you on the r-98 virus, your people weren’t hurt, this time everything worked out, i don’t feel sick from the gas, not anymore, thanks to rachinsky, he identified us in time using our cell phones, what happened during the transportation of the sharam indicates that what do we have in intelligence indeed... she kidnapped the biochemist zernovsky from the czech republic and transported him to a place known only to her,
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presumably this is germany, frankfurt, and dr. zernovsky himself, now he is developing a new generation virus r-98. the ghost is also connected with this virus, according to our data, he is not only connected, but is actively interested in this virus, which means that our target is radlovo and zernovsky. yes, the dossier on them will be handed over to you, this is already very close to a ghost. this means the game becomes even more dangerous. the investigation team is still is conducting an investigation into the disappearance of the famous biologist andrei zernovsky, who went missing. for the last 5 years , zernovsky lived and worked in the czech republic. he is responsible for a number of significant developments in the field of medicine and general biology. according to researchers, scientist. could have been kidnapped by a group of criminal radicals operating in europe.
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there is a certain connection between radlovo and the biologist zernovsky. i'm still working on the details. what about the virus? r-98, was modified from viruses of the previous generation, used to create biological weapons in the eighties. the plague of the future, a person literally rots alive in a few days. if it spreads. then 1% of the population will die, only 1%, this is a terrible figure, and this is evgeny lyubich, a diplomat from the dakan embassy, ​​most likely he is helping radlova, oh, look, tarosov showed up, from which side did this handsome man appear here, he had an agreement with radolova, this all concerns smuggling and human trafficking, perhaps this connects him with the ghost, which means the ghost needs the virus. remember the files, who were being hunted by a ghost in the mermaid case, someone tried
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to get these files 2 years ago, that someone was radlova, somehow the ghost got these files, where did this information come from, why is there such urgency, it was impossible to call ? it’s impossible, i could be wrong, but it seems to me that recently i’ve been bugged, by whom? more likely? he wanted consent to work with me, he gave it, but i think that he wants to check that i am not playing any parallel game, i report everything to him, and this looks like him, yes, he did everything so that we they didn’t bypass him in this matter, he takes failure with a scar extremely painfully, we do too, no one likes losers, but that’s not
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the only thing that worries you, yes, i involuntarily overheard one conversation, karasev from dorokhov. what prik somehow got hold of these files from the secret folder that the mermaid wanted to download, how we cleared everything out, i personally returned dorkhov’s flash drive with the files, it’s a pleasure to deal with you, i don’t know, dorkhov and karasho keep this a secret , besides, from this conversation i realized that radlova was even before the mermaid. download these files through her hacker, but she didn’t succeed, and what does dorokhov want? i think that he wants the birth, the scar and the main ghost to simply disappear, the disappearances will never arise again, yes, i understand him, only the trouble is that we cannot know this for sure,
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which means radlova has... the r98 virus, and the ghost probably has secret files that radlova needs, we assume that he does, provided that everything is exactly as dorokhov said, karpov heard, in any case, this version needs to be worked out, it looks quite good logical, we agree, everything is correct, the question is what will they do with it, exchange secret files for r98, such a deal cannot be done through random intermediaries, that’s why they jumped into it. scar, they need an intermediary, since radova has many contacts on the black market, we must get the virus first, we love what the problems will be, a diplomat, just a diplomat, where is the shamray?
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the task is not to take his loving eyes off while we look around his apartment, uh-huh, well, as you can see everything, good, we can see everything well, don’t worry, well, to hell with it, it seems like lyubich in his red car, showed up, not dusty, what a fashionable darling, and how does he like it? given for one salary, here you are, study the film , someone already needed it, also irreplaceable , lump, inhuman, you can see everything, you can see, don’t fuss, where did he go, i would like to know, listen, i dug up some information here
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, listen, follow lyubich, he dug up information there, yes, i’m watching, i’m watching, not a single one will fly past me, so about the information, six months ago lyubich bought a safe that has fingerprint scanning sensors, but why did you get it before? didn't dig it, as before, what to suffer or something, what are we going to do, cancel everything for today, we need a print of the lover, without it we won’t open the safe, and the necessary documents are most likely there.
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and what do you know about these people and what they do? well, this is their personal matter, it has something to do with me, and in general i am not a citizen of russia, if you want to make me a defendant. some case of yours, then you will need more compelling evidence, i envy you, evgeniy sanch, but why? your salary as a diplomat, driving around in such a beautiful car, like a pop star, perhaps you have additional income , you don’t remember, you didn’t sell information to anyone, well , some... state secrets,
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you know, it’s time for me to get going, let me, i ’ll pay for the trash, yes, do a good deed, all the best, for the meeting, we have fingerprints, we schedule the operation for tomorrow, which apartment, fifty-eighth, uh-huh, we survived, we’ll go to lyubich’s house and check it out. how does our dear diplomat live? just get it right to the very fucking of this little boy! good luck!
2:23 am
kuliben, what have you got there, quiet, quiet, quiet, no it’s boring, look, he’s bored, he’s bored , did you go there to have fun, how can you not have fun, why does shavray get the most interesting task, i’ve been hanging around for half an hour and nothing happens, i can do more, you can, you can do everything with us, just don't screw it up today. well, uh-huh,
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what is lubitsch doing there? nothing, he looks around. he's waiting for someone, he's nervous about something, all the time ... so he leaves without waiting for anyone, he lathered up somewhere, where did he lather up, how do i know, take a taxi, i understand, you're here, i'll pick up rachensky, what the hell a person like this nothing can be trusted.
2:25 am
how are you? some embassy papers , lists of nothing worthwhile, it looks like mine too, oh, i know her, she works at the embassy, ​​well, now, she works in the cultural relations department, not married, name is teresa katz. yeah, wow, obviously an office romance.
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it looks like it’s his ex, it looks like she only found out about this now, wow, who knows? teresa, teresa, you don’t need to tell me anything or call me to see you. i don’t want to, as they say, you’re chasing two birds with one stone, right, right, nothing, uh-huh, wait, look, zoom in, zoom in.
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i’m draining, let’s go, i think that the visit to lubitsch’s apartment was not useless, even so, even so, the indian woman has never let me down, and what does she tell you, release?
2:28 am
yegor khamich, everything is ready, they are expecting you. thank you. good morning, colleagues, how are you? everything is fine, we are waiting for good news from you too. i will accept your reports on the work done later, now i ask for your attention. each of you must prepare. draft proposal for joint activities of our company with state enterprises of the chemical industry. filtering and summarizing your thoughts, i will write business letters to the state duma and the government. this needs to be done quickly, without delay. if someone doesn’t have any sensible thoughts on this topic, it’s better not to write anything, don’t upset me.
2:29 am
take care of my precious time. well, now some information for inspiration. based on the results of the first half of the year, our company made a very serious leap forward. our assets grew by 33.5%. naturally, this will reward you at the end of the year with a thirteenth salary in the amount of double salary. that's it, gentlemen. in 2 hours we will continue our meeting, i ask no one to be late, thank you, gentlemen, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, then so, basin, egorov, filipenko, dismissal, it will be done.
2:30 am
how is our young lady teresa? still in despondency. he persistently reads some women's novel, trying to forget this asshole lubitsch. what insight. you are just a female psychologist, phillya, a heart expert. in general, you will become a heart expert here. i could die from idleness like this. well, you wanted to work on the operational field outside the office. enjoy,
2:31 am
so this is where they took pictures. why, you don’t need to explain anything to me, i was there and saw everything myself, that’s it, don’t call me again. listen, she jumped up like mad, ran somewhere, what to do, you already know, i know.
2:32 am
here the devil himself will break his leg with some chaos from folders, don’t rush, what do you have there? nothing interesting so far, personal photos, music, a couple of melodramas, although, wait a minute, there are several folders corrupted with remote access, try this, i follow teresa, i think she’s heading to her home, can you hear me, home, we already guessed this without you, you’re our quick-witted one? so what should i do then? nothing, the main thing is we didn’t sleep, she brought something difficult, where did he come from here? guys, let's
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pack up, lyubishch has come close, he may have the key to the apartment, even if he won't get up without a door, did you find something there? we are in the process of studying information, it seems there is something that may interest us. in a short chick, look, i think she put on her outfit right in the store, so she knew where she was going, the bastard knows how to confuse a woman’s
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heart, a small gift for you, i don’t know whether it pleased you or not. you think he’ll forgive you, girls choose diamonds, i told you what’s going on there, we have santa barbara here, come on, come on, hurry up, what passions, ours has completely lost his head, yes, he’s lost it, only about his interest does not forget that, is that what you wanted? with a tag, let me explain to you now, well, i thought i ’d come now, i’ll tell you everything, i went to the store, bought such an impregnable dress, you’re all mine changed plans, lyubich is heading to the entrance,
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hurry up, let’s do it, they’ll get up in about three minutes, give it, we’ll have time, what ’s taking so long, come on? this kalomaga can go faster, calm down, a little more.
2:36 am
greetings, evgeniy santovich, this is an account statement from a swiss bank, an account in your name, perhaps, but it is unlikely that you will be able to connect them with me. we will not bind anything, we will simply hand over these documents to the dakan government. i wonder what they will do with a diplomat who sells information for bucks. you still have it there is the death penalty still allowed? okay, what do you need? radlova, where is she hiding? you know who i'm talking about, right? what did you call him?
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caesar? modestly, we need to buy him a cleopatra. are you leaving already? yes, without me, maybe i ’ll be useful, then catch up. here you go, thank you. are you still thinking about the scrub?
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no, i don’t, a year ago my son was hit by a taxi driver, he suffered a severe brain injury, but in general everything in the world, the doctor told me that i need to prepare for the worst. thank god it turned out okay, what do you call it? i wanted to bang this taxi driver, so i i understand, well, or almost understand, i didn’t say it in vain. look, this is my hamster, look
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how cool it is, and what’s his name? caesar, he came up with it himself, yeah, what does he eat? yes, everything in a row, seeds, apples, even cucumbers, he also loves music.
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in my opinion, this is them, the location of the radlovo gang and i confirm, tselkovsky street 25. “so, i think radlov needs
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to be arrested, even if this breaks the thread that can lead us to the ghost, okay, we will find the virus, the ghost will come up with more something, for sure, perhaps, so we we’re different from him, that there are things that stop us and that we can’t give up, i’m not asking you to give up anything , i’m just asking you to take some time.” he came off, handsome, simply handsome, these people served in special forces, so they are well prepared if we make a mistake, then civilians will suffer, so we will carry out the capture operation when the streets are empty at 2:30 in the morning, capture of radlova, shouldn't we have waited
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for her to come into contact with the scar, because i don't know that, it's still a capture , you you understand that we will no longer have such a chance, if they use the r98, we will not have a chance to save civilians. and that is, we are consciously going to the fact that we may miss both the scar and the ghost, this decision was not made by me and is not discussed, i ask you to leave your personal motives.
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let her go, you freak, you have a gut , i see this grab is also ahead of everything, we’ll just take a step back, we’ll definitely take the ghost’s charms, but later, i really want to believe in it. but for some reason it doesn't work? ian, it’s not your fault that yul died, yes, but what does it change, you and i are standing here, we talk, talk, talk, talk, but she’s not there.
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i'm not doing anything stupid, bro , while everything is quiet, nothing is happening , they ordered pizza, they need it, no more movements, the fact that it's quiet is good, we'll start soon, don't worry, everything will go according to plan, i really hope so, as
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shamray, something is going on with him , it’s okay, he can handle it, focus on the operation, i... i’ll be there soon, yes, i would eat pizza now too, let’s just not pass, okay, four cheese, stop it, my stomach is growling . knock-knock, oh, how are you on time, the soldiers are hungry, wow, listen, you saved us, just a little more and i would have died from brain fog, thank you, m.


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