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tv   Doznavatel  NTV  March 15, 2024 3:30am-4:11am MSK

3:30 am
can i be sure that this is what i need? of course, otherwise you can always find me. this is true, always.
3:31 am
well, the job is done, i don’t dare detain you any longer, why are you delaying, just a second, we ’re not finished yet, are we? shoot, do you want a kiss goodbye? what the!
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so i recorded everything, what is your damage? so much is broken, i won’t say it right away, you need to make a decision, it’s clear, but how do you decide on the full list for our department, i understand, goodbye, come on, come on, dial what you are, and even children, guys, well, you’re not greyhound, what? well, why didn’t he wake up with this, he’s sleeping like the dead, so okay, take him away, yeah, yeah, wow, for a minute, please take this bottle with the glasses, too. so it’s empty, and
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give it to you full, and you take it for examination for the sleeping pill itself, and you think, what should you think, have you been drinking? he’s with his friends anyway, they gave him sleeping pills, the door is open on the back side, well , you can get a medal for opening it, remember, vova, drinking at work is bad, asokkin also says this, but he’s right, between by the way, uh-huh, ah... listen, it’s heavy , what a man, sprinkle yourself, let’s go already, or maybe it’ll come on its own, well, let
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’s hurry up, no, today i can get some food, today, listen, and where should i sit, well, choose, either you or the watchman, that’s it, come on, i’m on... so that it’s not boring to get to the department, let’s go, i understand what apoltus, hold on, i got there quickly , marathon runner, why are you laughing, huh? one alone, well, well, the last word is mine, i understand, go, go,
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talyan, what are you doing? listen, my mug of tea was stolen, while i was getting sandwiches, i just made some fresh baikhovy. ha, that's how it is ok, there are cops all around, it’s funny. so where? well, like a day, calmly, a stabbing in an irish pub, but
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they left before they arrived, the rest is small stuff, so i’m reporting the theft, clearly, that’s what’s going on here. sasha. he probably let me go, promised to bring me some cognac, i kept hearing,
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suvorov, yes, well, well, i hope there will be a car? no, then go yourself. yes, well, that's another matter, i'm going down now. yes, the car is waiting for you, although it’s a 5-minute walk, but i ’ve already been here for 24 hours, why theft?
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khamenka, what are you doing here? i’m working, but where is the owner, who called the police? neighbour, i saw that the door was open, says the young guy lives, well, he moved in for six months, who doesn’t really know him, uh-huh, well, no owner, no statement, no statement, no business, it won’t
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work out, the owner will show up sooner or later anyway, he will have to work , you see, he just has to work, the apartment is without security, and there is no cctv camera in the entrance, now we’ll see on the street, well, something with locks, but they ’re flimsy, you don’t need much intelligence to break them, let’s go behind me, look, oh, it’s not thick, and what are these, syringes, the poor thing is probably sick, yes, that’s it already interesting, huh.
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wait a minute, you can’t come here, what do you mean you can’t, let me pass, i said, you can’t come here, let me pass, well, let’s at least register witnesses for the drug dealer, yeah, hey, guys, guys, where are you going? you can’t come here, what are you doing here, i repeat the question, what are you doing here, man, you should first introduce yourself and hold your bulls, otherwise you can eat 15 days, by the way, you too, wait there, i’m a deputy sergey valnov, this is my apartment, if you please. who let you in here? calm down, let's avoid scandals, your neighbor
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he called the police and said that the apartment had been robbed. i’ll deal with the neighbor myself, we’ll assume that nothing happened, no theft. i ask you to leave my apartment. yes, but i told you, there was no crash. and the door and locks were broken. which department are you from? who is in charge today? yes. are you, a former employee, explaining things so competently? phone number of the person in charge and your last name. listen. what’s the problem, you didn’t even have time to see if anything was stolen or not, i said there’s nothing in this apartment stolen, and what is this, i see you don’t understand normal words, i’m calling the main headquarters, general prokhor, and this is your right, and in the meantime we will formalize the seizure of narcotic drugs by witnesses, as it should be, but you won’t formalize a damn thing.
3:44 am
hi, hi, marish, well, congratulations to you, thank you, no matter how old you are 200, they don’t live that long, come tonight, listen, well , if i just drop by for a little while, i’ve already been on my feet for two days, so, okay, sasha, be sure to come , i'll come, i'll come. well, i told him so, can you imagine, i don’t see in this is no problem, absolutely, they caused it, i don’t know, i don’t know how, but today this folder should be on my desk, today, that’s it, the conversation is over.
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theft, here comes the owner of the apartment , cancel it all quickly, there was no confirmation, so you understand, no examination, yeah, that means, let me teach you, yes, yes, i will, as agreed. what in 30 minutes. and i wish you good health, vonces,
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thank you, okay, yeah, well, yes, accept my condolences, thank you, i accept, well... what was buried, buried, who, well, grandma, buried, grandma, and no, what are you talking about, ugh , how can that be, wait, but lebedev told me, no, no, you got it mixed up, that is, we moved it, oh, that is, grandma changed her mind, that is, everything is fine , uh-huh, i understand, ashot , i understand, pull yourself together, pull yourself together, well, understand , my grandmother really wanted to see me, so she made up this story about death, wow , well, thank you, ashot, thank you, god bless you, your grandmother, health, yes , yes, yes, work, work, oshotik, well, that’s what i understand, that’s another matter, they love and
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respect the bosses. how are you, and what are you doing? and guys, everything is fine, no, grandma is alive, she just made up this story, she just wanted to see me, just a little, what’s the matter, marinochka, i congratulate you. thank you, wish the best for yours, let's have a drink, oh, thank you, so that your eyes never become sad, so that your soul never suffers, thank you, very beautiful, this is a real toast, and you know what i brought you, you just look here, come here, look, look, before i forget from
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the surveillance cameras, thank you, what’s up, come on, oh look, what is this?
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great, i, i’m coming to you, i already understand, there is something, everything is there, come on, let’s go, wait , you have bobos, listen, i’ll give it to you later,
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i answer, i’ll give it to you, i need it urgently now, you what, fool? well, i need it now , you know me, no, no, bro, this won’t work , there will be buses, then that’s it, come, otherwise, no , excuse me, wait, you, where, where, home, there’s work to do, uh , wait,
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which deputy is this? well, yes, what kind of person is he? you know, i didn’t work with him much, the meth seemed to be good, but then i started playing too much, yeah, was he fired or was he himself? well, he gave the rapport himself, listen, let’s sit down, yes, come on , you know, they said a lot about him, but you know, i don’t like to retell gossip, and if it’s not gossip, well, sanya, there’s generally... .his osb dug up a lot of things, but he says, he paid off, then he filed a report, then he has some serious connections in moscow, in general, he has already moved there as a deputy, if you want advice, san, you wouldn’t
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contact him, he is a shady person, and his family, well, what is his family, well, where is his family, i have no idea i think he had a son, so he’s here in st. petersburg, so you can dig me up, please, something about his son, huh? just on the sly, well, you somehow interest us, i can buy you some more pies, that’s right, 10 pieces, then the guys there also dressed them, san, why are you sitting there, let’s go buy them.
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who are ours, what do we need, guys, i don’t know, there are so many people frying here,
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listen, we have serious roofs, why do you need problems. yes, so what, this is his son anton, he is 20 years old, when his father moved to moscow, he stayed in
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st. petersburg, he bought him an apartment, the same one on whom we went to see yesterday regarding theft, well , he studied at law school, then he was kicked out , absenteeism and all that, pavel nikolaevich, he’s a drug addict, and how do you know, he made inquiries , i told you, don’t meddle in this matter, he’s not just ... koman has a weapon, you saw, pavel nikolaevich, he saw, and what, and nothing, can’t you hear me, he’s sash, let his father deal with him himself, this is not our business, i understand, our business - side, are you still here, why are you looking at me like that, i know where you’re going, let anyone do it, just not us, yeah, allow me to contact colonel osokin, i will contact you. i’ll address you like this, it won’t seem too much, then return the disk, i ’ll have all that’s left, well, that’s it, free, come on, come on.
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well, what a punishment, and boris, borisovich, this is lebedev, hello, a table for you, no, thank you, me! hello, something happened , i didn’t want to call you on the phone, what is it, surveillance camera footage near your son’s house, the brake eater, what’s there, you yourself know that
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listen, “we weren’t enemies with you, but we weren’t particularly friends either, so, partners, so to speak, just partners, forgive me me for the beautiful words, but i am still sure that cops should help each other, even if they are former cops, listen, leave this for others, how much do you want for the disc, there is a copy, 10 thousand, that’s enough, dollars, 20 , okay, 50"! "you didn’t understand me, i didn’t come to you for money, but why then, i thought that you needed my help, after all, it’s your son, i can handle my son myself and no one will help me needed, you thought well, maybe it’s time to tell me, and we ’ll come up with something together, there’s nothing left you can’t imagine, understand, i remember your anton as little as he was, but what if he starts
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shooting?” you understand that no one will stand on ceremony with him, you understand that, i can handle it myself, sergei, well, tell me what the problem is, and i will try to help you, i owe it to you, i remember that you received a bullet because of me, thanks to this bullet i became wiser, i realized that in this country everyone cares about everyone... it’s your business, i don’t need help, thank you, although i should have refused the money in vain, well, it’s a good team, we can handle it, anything else?
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will you order anything? ok, thank you. they found him, so go ahead, let's go. yes, hello, and it’s you, yes, yes, yes, i’m coming, i open it, i open it, come on in, he’s in the first room, the potos are already there, ah, money, hey, come on.
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4:01 am
yes, what? do i understand what is there? did you take him? what? he killed max and nikolai. stop the car. sergei mikhailovich, you still have connections in the local headquarters, it will be possible to come to an agreement , i don’t think they like me there, in any case , the issue can be resolved, murder is an
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effect, your son will receive a minimum sentence, but i don’t care what sentence this one gets bastard, even if they keep him busy for the rest of his life, then my whole career will collapse, you understand, everything will collapse, do you understand? so hello, marinochka, hello, giltsya immediately for examination, let them run through the database, well, of course, marisha, yeah, what do we have here, well, we woke up, take us out. “hello, hello, marish, yes, and this is from the pocket of the murdered man, thank you, uh-huh, come on, come on,
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do you at least know who he is, no, but he should, his father came to the department, suvorov is with him i was talking, yes, and what, i don’t know, so i pickled these cucumbers”? hushed up, i was told not to interfere, who said? lebedev, of course, simply, apparently, the son of a freeman killed three people tonight, two of his daddy’s guards and another man from the brothel. damn, i told you,
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sasha, but you have materials on the case of volny’s son? yes, what kind of materials, an acquaintance from the headquarters told me something, the guy is a drug addict, and a serious one, he doesn’t cut the clearing anymore, look at stas. well, think about it,
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okay? what are you watching?
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young man, it’s closed here, vodka, i don’t understand, it’s closed, hurry up, what am i saying? he said clearly, they are completely insolent, boris borisovich, here are the results on weapons, read it, it’s clear that the situation is getting out of control.
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valnov, my former partner, and he asked that there be no business with the alleged theft. boris borisovich, what about the recording that i gave you, the recording that i gave to you, yes, i gave it to volnov. yes, where is the address, have our guys left? i understood everything, the patrolmen spotted the junior, he sat down in a cafe. he has a waitress hostage,
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just like that, don’t whine, he has a first aid kit, some medicine, let’s bring it. quickly, come here! come here. so where is this one?
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amon? today, football is all cordoned off. what we are going to do? but how do i know that? wait? kir, maybe we can go in through the back door? i said wait means wait. kumach comes to me, uh-huh, quietly, well, what, like you here, where is amon, we are waiting, kira, i came with sosokin, he demands you, so. no frills , stas, yes i understand, i understand why i
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don’t have any weapons at all, stop sitting there, here, go, come here, here, go, i said, no need, well, let’s go, let’s go. police stand! young woman!


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