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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 15, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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hurray, the far east and siberia are already voting, central russia is joining the presidential elections, let’s show the situation at the polling stations. having announced plans to send several guys to odessa, he turned back again. france will never go on the offensive, will never take the initiative in military operations in ukraine. why is macron, who is meeting with scholz in berlin today, seeking attention from european leaders. and also the place is being kept secret plans, no. a german company is going to build several weapons factories in ukraine. not about this
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only right now on ntv the program today in the studio of mikhail chebanenko. hello! voting for the presidential election has started in our country. sites opened at 8 a.m. local time for each region. they will work from 8 to 8 pm for the first time voting will take place on 3 days, including sunday. presidential elections are the most important political event for our country. it is being held for the eighth time, citizens will have to decide who will...
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which has never happened in the history of new russia, so, of course, we are proud of technology, but even more, we are proud of the strength of spirit of our people, hurray, this time russians can not only come to the polling stations, but also vote remotely, more than half a million people have already made their choice in this way, in total they can cast their vote... and just a couple minutes ago, sites opened in the southern regions in the north-west and the european part of the country. in moscow , our correspondent, anton talpa, came with the first voters to the elections, and now he is in direct contact with the studio. anton, good morning, i understand that only a couple of minutes have passed since the opening of the site, but still some activity is already noticeable? well, to be honest, we did not
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expect that there would be such activity from the very early morning, we already have about four people here, the first ones, voters even came in advance, one woman showed up today at 15:8 and was surprised that, well, it’s impossible it was possible to vote earlier, but i would like to remind you that polling stations open in moscow from 8:00 in the morning and will remain open until 8:00 in the evening, and it is worth noting that the process of voting and opening of the polling station today began with... the anthem russia, you listened to the russian anthem, then our doors opened and now behind me the first voters began to vote, well, let me remind you that we are now in the north of moscow, not far from the altufivanny metro station, at one of the 94,000 polling stations that are opening and will be open throughout russia these days, our site is number 510, and before these sites were opened, the last ones were held here.
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preparations were printing ballot boxes, also the very kaibas, about which they talked so much a long time ago, enough convenient systems for counting, for electronic counting of votes, systems for the mobile electronic system for mobile voting have also been sealed and will be used, and i propose to look at how preparations for the opening of polling stations went today. please start sealing... security at the elections will be ensured every day in moscow by about 1800 police officers, today, by the way, there are about 5 of them here , so of course we are not worried about security, well, it’s also worth it remind you that early voting began on february 25. march opened early
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voting for those who are in russian consulates in countries abroad, voting has already begun, but these... elections, as everyone knows, will be held from the 15th for 3 days, and we will remain here for the election station number 510 to monitor how the event will be broken down here, we will try in the next few minutes to talk with those who have already voted to find out their feelings, impressions of how they like today’s organization presidential elections, and maybe they will tell us some details and tell us what they expect from these elections and... we will talk with them and, of course, we will show our conversation in the next broadcast. michael. anton, i can’t help but ask, since you are now at the polling station yourself and will be there for some time, will you take advantage of the opportunity and vote?
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yes, of course, i will vote, but you know, regarding electronic voting, this is of course all very cool, but i would like to take a ballot for the good old days. go behind the screen with it, check the box to put it in the ballot box, of course these tactile sensations are not enough, so i will most likely vote in the good old proven way. okay, but for now, keep an eye on the situation, it was anton talpa, he is monitoring the voting process in moscow. well, traditionally , kamchatka and chukotka were the first to start voting in the country, then. the rest of the far eastern regions joined and opened thousands of polling stations for residents. russians who living in remote, hard-to-reach areas were able to make a choice ahead of schedule. sergey antsigin, about how the first day of voting is going in the far east. there are 11 regions in the far east, in each of them
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voting began without delay at exactly 8 am, and the first, not only on the scale of the federal district, but in russia, were polling stations in chukotka and kamchatka. governor of the kamchatka territory vladimir solodov came with his family to vote early in the morning at the youth palace, while the head of the region did not fill out or receive a classic ballot, and voted remotely using an electronic voting system. kamchatka is the only region in the east of the country where this system is used. it’s a very simple procedure, i just went through it, it literally takes less than a minute, but maybe a minute and a half, so it’s imperative to express your opinion, your own. make a contribution to strengthening the country, to support the development that we have. in vladivostok, the opening of polling stations was monitored at the public observation center, here on monitors in real time the image is displayed from web cameras that are installed at all polling stations in the primorsky territory, in total there are more than one and a half
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thousand. today , not only observers from candidates and parties were able to evaluate the work of the center. i can already see that there is activity in the areas, people are walking, but in this case, well, it can’t happen. and studies, there are many nonresident students at the main university of the far east, but russian election laws allow them to vote at a place other than their main place of registration. we are not unattached and are attached here on campus far eastern federal university, we have three polling stations and today 100 students will come to determine the choice of their
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country and vote for the president of the russian federation. the atmosphere at the university today is more than festive; the fact is that they decided to combine participation in voting here with the celebration of maslenitsa. this year it coincides with the election marathon. in the sakhalin region , 290 polling stations opened their doors this morning; in total , more than 370 thousand are registered in the region voters, the governor of the sakhalin region valery limorenko has already made his choice. we sakhalin residents came to the polling station today, i was one of the first to come, by the way, there were already many voters here in a good mood, congratulating each other on the holiday, and of course voting for a great russia for development. during the voting period , 10 temporary polling stations were also formed in the sakhalin region for the convenience of citizens. they are in hospitals at the yuzhno-sakhalinsk airport on the island of matua. sergey ansydin, maxim mintsev, far eastern bureau of ntv. voting is now in full swing in siberia, more than
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12 thousand polling stations have been opened there, most of all about 2.0 are located in the krasnoyarsk territory, including in places of temporary stay of citizens. these are hospitals, airports. railway station, residents of the novosibirsk and tomsk regions, as well as the altai territory, will be able to participate in remote electronic voting. also, for the first time this year, presidential elections were joined. russia is elected abroad, you can vote at consulates and embassies, 295 polling stations have been opened in 144 countries, which is less than in the elections 6 years ago. some states openly prevent russians from fulfilling their civic duty, for example, the latvian authorities are trying to intimidate voters by checking types of knives. and deportation, in the usa this year there are no polling stations, in the west of the country
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there is no mobile voting, they abandoned this practice due to the mass expulsions of our diplomats and threats received by embassy employees. the military who are currently in the north military district zone can also make their choice. for their convenience, early voting was also carried out, it took place from february 25. the soldiers in the front-line areas and polling stations voted first. were equipped directly in the dugouts, despite the special conditions, the process took place in full compliance with election legislation. military personnel who are currently stationed at the khmimim airbase in syria and serve on ships of the pacific and black sea fleets also voted early. the election commissions also reached our military personnel performing tasks in hard-to-reach territories in the lighthouses of the murmansk region, the kuril islands and the arctic archipelagos. defense emphasized that these elections are especially important for the military, since the president is the supreme
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commander-in-chief, but in the meantime, in the northern military district zone in the severodonetsk direction , su-25 attack aircraft attacked strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine, fired with unguided missiles, all targets were destroyed, the pilots returned to the base without losses, in the southern donetsk direction anti-aircraft gunners from primorye destroyed drones that threatened the advance fighters in the vostok grouping, the thor missile system is successfully operating here. in the rabotin area, this is the zaporozhye region, military personnel of the dnepr group did not allow the nationalists to bring up the reserve to the contact line, the enemy’s movement was tracked by reconnaissance copters, and the artillery struck, and this is the donetsk direction, where kiev lost a tank, crew, mortar gun d-20, goals. the upcoming
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meeting of the leaders of france and germany, emmanuel macron will head to berlin today. the main topic of the conversation will be the issue of support for kiev, as politics writes, the purpose of the negotiations is to resolve differences and send a new signal of unity. they don’t believe that the leaders really want to reach an agreement in the west after macron announced his readiness. the media, as american journalists note, macron wanted to unite european efforts to support kiev, but his initiative led to a large-scale split. according to journalists, germany is still not ready to turn assistance to ukraine for self-defense into an open conflict with russia. unexpected...reality to moscow may be due to the fact that berlin is now building new gas power plants and
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can count on russian energy resources. in any case , the german media write about this; they note that the conflict between the two countries once again proves that there is no unconditional support for kiev in the european union. and before his trip to berlin , macron gave an interview to local television channels in a conversation, the french president tried to fight off the wave of criticism that hit him after. military operations in ukraine, besides, he admitted the obvious, defense french industry is not prepared for a high-intensity conflict. elizabeth gerson listened to macron's statement. the lemon newspaper compares macron to a bird, low-crowing, a welding pigeon that has turned into a hawk. under this headline, the newspaper reports that...
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french military sent to ukraine, european states. when asked whether he, unlike his guests, said that he was not ruling out anything, marine lepin called macron an intemperate verbiage. macron's bellicose statements were unanimously rejected by the international communities from washington to berlin, from oslo to madrid. taking this opportunity, i would like to remind those of our officials who confuse verbiage with firmness.
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the unconquered france party declared that france should not isolate itself in the nato camp, that it must fight for peace. french society did not swallow and digest macron’s words, the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, like frog legs, but are still choking on them. the french are afraid that macron will bring a nuclear strike on their heads, they are afraid that he will completely destroy unity the european union and nato, against the backdrop of negative statements about the possibility of sending troops from germany and a number of others. european countries more adequate than estonia. the french suspect macron that he is simply trying to score points for his party before the european parliament elections or to distract farmers, to distract farmers from the problems in their garden beds with the coming war. macron also tried to blame all the problems of his domestic politics on moscow, along with heaps of manure in french cities. he
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stated that the ukrainian counter-offensive is not going as expected, that is, not the way he would like. at the same time, he answered the main direct question about the possibility of sending troops as follows: under what specific conditions will the soldiers of the french army fight in ukraine, when the russian army makes a decisive breakthrough at the front or when it receives the key to odessa, france will never go on the offensive, will never take take the initiative in military operations in ukraine. france is a force for peace. in short , the only clear promise regarding the dispatch of... not troops, but several guys, was made not on camera, but privately, with glass in hand almost a month ago. what kind of guys are these, the french are worried, the funny elena guys from the series of macron’s youth, but the president, answering clarifying questions, julit: to go to russia alone, he’s worried even just in words, so today he’s holding another meeting with scholz and tusk, clearly
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egging him on these guys to your company. macron is even afraid of being alone. to kiev after the russian armed forces launched a high-precision missile strike on a hangar in odessa, not far from zelensky’s motorcade of greek prime minister mitsatakis. elysian the palace took this information very seriously at the time, and macron rescheduled his visit. now he is not going to ukraine alone, with the heads of the baltic countries, romania, the czech republic, great britain and the netherlands. edek in one move, and you can prove the unity of the west, behind the broad back of kaikalos, if that. germany is going to open four weapons factories in ukraine for the production of shells, gunpowder, and armored air defense vehicles. the construction will be carried out by the german military concern rain metal. he expects to earn up to 3
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billion euros per year. the company's management announced this at the annual report, in addition, raimetal. boasted about the growth in annual revenue and quoted the special benefit that the conflict in ukraine brought. the kremlin has repeatedly stated that any ammunition and equipment that the west supplies to kiev will become a legitimate target for russia; pumping the country up with weapons does not help resolve the conflict. with this we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia. see you. deposit - the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions - it is reliable and a profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum, quick registration in the sberbank application online, deposit - the best interest rate, more profitable with prime. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will
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kamchatka and the surrounding areas will still have to endure a very snowy and windy cyclone, the rest of the majority will have sunshine again, and the south will still be warm. in ladivostok +8. the spring warmth is due to siberia, it will come with snow, from the north-west it will reach the south, and there the warming takes place without precipitation, in tyumen it is already +3, in novosibirsk it is still -6, but this will not last long. in the urals in central russia the weather borrows the theme of paint from russian artists, despite a hundred years ago, the paintings are almost the same. igor grobar, martovsky. konstantin yuon, a spring, sunny day at last, boris kustodiev’s maslenitsa, here it is. and it will really be this bright until the end of the week. it will be better in the south, there is already a little rain, tomorrow it will begin
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to warm up, while in simferopol it is +10, as in pskov. the atlantic carries heat to the northwest, so precipitation still occurs. in st. petersburg there is light rain and +7, in moscow the same, no precipitation, only windy. this there was a weather forecast for a country where the sun never sets. only here, the most. in a large country in the world , an online bank could appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million clients. tinkov, tinkov - 40 million clients in the largest country in the world.
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