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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the first three-day presidential election in the country's history has started in russia. manufacturers of european household appliances began to block parallel exports of their products to our country. about new statements by emmanuel macron, elizaveta gerson. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, today is the first day of the presidential election. polling stations opened at 8 a.m. local time for each region. to the center of the election committee, where all information about the ongoing vote flows.
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has already ended, approximately 36% of voters came to the polling stations, and the example based on the results of the first day of voting, it is set by the heads of regions, more than twenty governors have already fulfilled their civic duty, 94,000 polling stations have been opened throughout the country, but here in the center - the election commission began its working day with the performance of the anthem of the russian federation, and the chairman of the central committee first of all talked with her colleagues. from new regions,
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i greet you, my dear, deeply respected, courageous people, denis vladimirovich pushelin, head of the donetsk people 's republic, for several days now, active voting has been going on in the first russian presidential election in the history of our republic, an objective picture is provided by numerous reports by journalists and thousands of posts on social networks posted by the residents themselves.
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what impressed me the most. i monitor the progress of the voting, check that everything is in order. and at the moment, i see that everything is absolutely wonderful. in general, these elections are very similar to voting in my homeland in montenegro and i hope that all this will be for the benefit of the russian people. well, i must say that international observers have a very busy schedule. according to ponfilova, they are going to visit at least 52 russian regions. the sbercom center, naturally, meets them halfway and does everything necessary for productive work. international observers,
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early voting has already been completed, it took place from february 25 to march 14. the central election commission provides the following figures. as of today , 2,600,000 people have voted early. the sites were created in including in places of temporary stay, these are hospitals, sanatoriums, boarding houses. by the way, there were the most sites there, 1056, then there are ships that are currently sailing 957 sites. not surprisingly, the country is choosing the future. thank you, alexey prokin from the central election commission, well , the far east was traditionally the first in the country to start voting, and polling stations there were closed, just 5 minutes ago, voting continues in siberia, ntv correspondents in the regions are following the voting of a large country. on there are 11 regions in the far east and it’s the first day in many of them. the elections are already close to
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completion, we are talking primarily about chakotka and kamchatka, the easternmost regions of the country, where there is 1 hour left before the polls close. in vladivostok , a public election observation center was launched in the morning. which are installed at polling stations , images from web cameras are displayed here throughout the primorsky territory, in the region there are more than one and a half thousand of them in real time. today the center was able to operate assessed not only by public observers from candidates and parties. these days , a delegation of ten foreign electoral experts from germany, spain, belgium, serbia, north macedonia, kazakhstan and even from distant argentina is working in vladivostok. i can already see that there is activity in the polling stations, people are walking, in this case, well, there can be no doubt. that excuse me, this is all this tv show, so i see that people are walking, people are taking ballots, people are filling them out, they are putting them in the ballot box, for 3 days foreign observers have the right to visit any polling station without warning; today their attention was attracted by the far eastern federal university on russky island. three
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polling stations were opened on campus so that students, graduate students and teachers, about 6,000 people in total, could vote without interrupting their studies and without leaving the island. non-resident students were assigned to university students in advance. site through government services, among them there are residents of the krasnoyarsk territory, about my colleague, vlada kopylovskaya, will tell you how voting works in their homeland. in krasnodar, the presidential elections opened with the performance of the russian anthem, which could be heard by those who came to vote right at 8 a.m. at the polling stations in the arkady gaidar library. the first comers had to wait in line, although there is no shortage of polling stations. in our large region. it’s my wife’s birthday, the presidential election, so the whole family is here, so this is a holiday for us. naturally, in the year of the family, the family also votes of the year. kruglovs, laureates of all-russian competitions, holders of the order of parental glory. the family has six sons. the older ones have lectures, so they will vote tomorrow, and
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the younger ones are not yet mature enough. but the family always comes in full force. parents say that citizenship begins in childhood. they never missed it, even when they were in the maternity hospital. i went to the polls with a child who was 3 days old, yes, so he also already knows from such a young age that he needs to go to the polls, the younger ones have requirements moderates towards the future president , governs the country, he introduces new laws, can remove old laws, the earliest birds among siberians were the residents of kuzbass, two sections of the enterprises started working at 6 am so that everyone could make it before the start of the shift, bright personnel... in buryatia , residents of the village of ulintui rode up to fulfill their civic duty on horseback. no one was surprised at the polling station; voters there were also greeted in national costumes. it wasn’t just that a resident of buryatia had to appear in the guise of a bear, he barely passed through the metal detector frame, but then it all ended by voting. while
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polling stations were opening in siberia, the urals were just waking up, but now i’m thinking, can i ask my colleague olga zenkova, how is the situation? yes, vlada, all 2446 mobile phones are open in the sverdlovsk region. a voter who gives the opportunity . also during presidential elections, there is a mechanism to vote anywhere in the country, regardless of the place of registration. for example, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, i work in a public observation center, in a youth palace, and i physically will not be able to go to to my home at the place of registration in order to vote there, so i chose
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the mobile voter function, attached myself to this site in the youth palace and voted here. if voters have any questions about the voting procedure, they can be asked by the hotline operator, it was launched in public center all voting points are equipped; they include workplaces of election commission members, voting boxes and ballot distribution areas. in addition to cameras , mobile groups will monitor the legitimacy of the elections observers. in case of emergency situations, experts will go to polling stations. olga zenkova, sergey antsigin, vlada kopyllovskaya,
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ntv television company. on other topics: manufacturers of electrolux household appliances, stephanie brown, began to block the supply of their products to russia. further business news and denis. lolalaev, denis, what does this threaten to consumers, the fact that after the cessation of official supplies, parallel ones may disappear. foreign manufacturers of household appliances began to block parallel imports of their products in russia. an interlocutor of the kommersant newspaper among retailers says that foreign brands sign a document with partners in other countries that, under the threat of breaking the contract, directly prohibits the re-export of goods to russia. the mvidio eldorado group says that parallel imports to russia are limited, for example, by the swedish electrolux, which owns the brands electrolux itself, zanusi and aeg. marvel distribution clarifies that. strives to ensure that her products are not even on marketplaces, and they also say that supplies to russia, that parallel imports to
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russia began to be tracked by the brands tifal, brown and raventa. true , a businessman’s interlocutor at one of the large retailers says that supplying parallel imports is not profitable now anyway, because the final price is too high, so the newspaper’s sources argue that probably brands that have begun to limit parallel imports will completely disappear from russia. but mvidi eldorado optimistically states that brands from china, turkey and eac countries are taking the place of those who have left. this includes armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, and kyrgyzstan. boris kovalchuk prematurely left the post of general director of one of the largest energy companies in russia, interrao, which he headed for the last 15 years. the media predicted this event last week. on march 15 , sergei dregval was appointed general director of interau. he joined the company a little over a month ago. and before that he was vice-governor of st. petersburg. boris kovalchuk’s new place of work
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has not yet been officially announced, but the newspaper’s sources , businessmen from the bloomberg agency, said that he will get a raise, probably quite noticeably. boris kovalchuk is the son of yuri kovalchuk, whom forbes calls a shareholder of the st. petersburg bank of russia and the national media group; in the ranking of russian billionaires they place him in forty -ninth place with a fortune of $2.700 million. after yesterday’s decline on friday, the russian currency decided to take a wait-and-see approach: on the first day of the presidential elections in russia, the ruble also demonstrates calm in every possible way, but the truth is getting a little cheaper: the dollar is 91.80, and the euro is higher again 100. bulgaria and romania will soon begin issuing schengen visas to russian tourists. from march 31, both sides will partially join the schengen zone and as reported by the association. starting from april 1, russia, bulgaria and romania will begin to issue schengen visas instead of
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the previous national ones. the bulgarian diplomatic mission confirmed their readiness to begin issuing schengen visas. they did not specify where exactly visas will be issued and how long it will take, adding that the systems are currently being tested. at the end of january , ator reported that things had become somewhat easier for russians apply for schengen. visas can be obtained most quickly for switzerland, as well as for italy, spain and france. croatia, which is currently the last country to join schengen, according to tour operators, issues visas the longest, you have to wait up to 2 months. egor, everything about the economy. thank you, denis. in moscow, the fsb detained a russian who was launching drones near military installations in order to confuse the air defense with false targets. according to the investigation, the man himself established contact with representatives of the ukrainian special services and one of them.
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in the escalation of the conflict in ukraine, macron stated this in a long television interview. with his address to the nation, he tried to calm public opinion after his own statements about the possible sending of troops to ukraine and the absence of red lines in relations with russia. but he only brought even more fear to the french, as the figaro newspaper writes, literally all political forces in france considered that their leader was playing too hard at war. elizaveta gerson on reactions to emmanuel macron's interview. lemon newspaper compares macron to a bird, not to crowing, with a crowing dove that
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turned into a hawk. under this headline , the newspaper reports that on february 21, at a reception at the elysee palace, macron, with a glass of whiskey in his hand, announced that he was going to send several guys to odessa this year. 5 days after this, the french president gathered the heads of twenty european states. to the question, will there be french military? unanimously rejected by the international community from washington to berlin, from oslo to madrid. i would like to take this opportunity to remind you to those of our officials who confuse verbiage with firmness, the best strategic ambiguity is silence. having received a hook from the right from marine le pen, macron received a hook from the left. this tuesday , the french president brought up the issue of
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military assistance to ukraine for discussion and voting in the national assembly, although the majority of votes were in favor, macron had to listen to this position. a lot of unpleasant things, the head of the group of parliamentary communists, fabien roussel, proposed starting peace negotiations with russia to try to prevent a third world war. the left party, unconquered france, stated that france should not isolate itself in the nato camp, that it must fight for peace. french society did not swallow and digest macron’s words about the possibility of sending troops to ukraine like frog legs, but are still choking on them. the french are afraid that macron will call them out like that. heads, a nuclear strike, they are afraid that it will completely destroy the unity of the european union and nato. against the backdrop of negative statements about the possibility of sending troops from germany and a number of other european countries that are more adequate than estonia. french people macron is suspected of simply trying to score points for his party before the european parliament elections or to distract farmers, to distract farmers from the problems in
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their garden beds with the coming war. so, in the third week after my statement. but he didn’t really explain anything, he just said that a russian victory would be an image defeat for europe, that’s what he’s worried about, that he’s the first and last macron to promise victory to ukraine, he’ll now look stupid. the price of gas, the state of our economy, the cost of grain and what followed. economic shocks, all these are the consequences of the war unleashed by russia. if russia wins this war, europe's authority will be reduced to zero. macron also tried to blame all the problems of his domestic politics on moscow, along with heaps of manure in french cities. he stated that the ukrainian counteroffensive was not going as expected, that is, not as he would like. at the same time
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, he answered the main direct question about the possibility of sending troops as follows. under what specific conditions? french army soldiers will fight in ukraine when the russian army will make a decisive breakthrough at the front or when it receives the key to odessa. france will never go on the offensive, will never take the initiative in military operations in ukraine. france is a force for peace. in short, the only clear promise about sending not troops, but several guys, was made not on camera, but privately, with a glass in hand, for almost a month. back, what kind of guys are these, the french are worried, funny elena guys from the series of macron’s youth, but the president, responding to clarifying questions are up in arms, he’s worried about going to russia alone, he ’s worried even just about words, so today he’s holding another meeting with scholz and tusk, clearly inciting these guys to join his company. macron is even afraid to go
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to kiev alone after the russian armed forces launched a high-precision missile strike on a hangar in odessa, not far from the motorcade. heads of the baltic countries, romania, czech republic. now he is going to ukraine not alone, from great britain and the netherlands. this way, in one move, you can prove the unity of the west, for kalas's wide back, if anything happens, hide. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, natalya markevich and vladimir vapritsky. tv component. macron will discuss the ukrainian issue in berlin today at a meeting with his german and polish colleagues. any specifics are not expected from the rendezvous with tusk and scholz. european media, citing their highly placed sources, write that politicians will try to resolve the contradictions that have arisen around the conflict in ukraine and demonstrate european unity within the framework of the weimar triangle.
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experiment, three accomplices explained in detail how they dealt with the elderly businessman, they committed murder for the sake of profit. according to the detectives, sergei koshkin, yaroslav bilyansky and viktor evdokimov, they knew that the entrepreneur was introducing money, so they still had to figure out how to get hold of it, rdt bazarov, that was the man’s name, always complied with caution in business, therefore... shoes, many knew that the man often carried large sums of cash with him, posing as suppliers and coming up with fictitious names, the counterfeiters made an appointment with the businessman, promised to bring him
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goods, they... filled the empty bags with wallpaper under kind of camus to create a...


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