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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:50pm MSK

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you can’t 14:00 weekdays ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. the first three-day presidential election in the country's history has started in russia. manufacturers of european household appliances began to block parallel exports of their products. trying to explain what he meant: first to the national assembly, then to his own citizens, about the new statements of emmanuel macron, elizaveta hertsson: there is a shortage of nannies in russia, why the demand for them is growing and which nannies are especially in demand today, inna osipova found out. and russian railways showed the design of new trains for high-speed lines. hello,
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you are watching news on ntv. in the studio egor kalyvanov. so, today is the first day of the presidential election. polling stations opened at 8 a.m. local time for each region. at this hour, the turnout in the country as a whole exceeded 23%. to the electoral commission center, where all information about the ongoing voting flows. our correspondent alexey prokin is working. the all-seeing eye is the center of the electoral commission in the atrium on the first floor, on the fourth, information screens where appearance data flows in, right there. and here journalists work and you can monitor how the whole of russia votes; there are 90 thousand cameras installed at polling stations. the first violations that were recorded, the reason for the most serious investigation , they will not affect the voting process, but violators will be brought under criminal charges, as the central election commission reported in several regions at once, these are the kurt region, voronezh, korachaeva and cherkessia, intruders into the ballot boxes poured ink, and did this. for money, it is alleged that someone
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called them, promised money, they will receive this money or not, but the fact that there will be an investigation, according to which they very likely can get a criminal record, then this, of course, is already an event that can be considered accomplished, the court of course he will make his decision, and of course there is no need to argue here, we can talk about morality, but people voted, they cast their votes, for whom it is his right, a bastard came, poured ink on him, and stole these votes from the people who voted, because he doesn’t care there is no way to vote. we are trying to restore these ballots and i would like to once again appeal to those who are called and promised 5-10,000 rubles for going. we have video surveillance, video cameras at the polling stations, we have people who will be witnesses to this offense or crime, so why do i need this suicide in front of everyone?
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strengthen the security of polling stations, which, according to the head of the central election commission, impostors from civil initiatives also tried to penetrate today, which, as panfilova put it, they tried to carry out illegal actions , however, the russian central election commission is not the first to cope with provocations, including from abroad, we will cope,” the head of the central election commission noted, work began here today with a video conference between the central election commission and new regions. greetings, my dear, deeply respected, courageous people, denis vladimirovich pushelin, head of the donetsk people's republic, for several days now active voting has been underway in the first presidential election in the history of our republic russia, an objective picture is given by numerous reports from journalists and thousands of posts on social networks, which are posted by the residents themselves, this is a picture of a truly holiday, a huge one...
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great, in general, these elections are very similar to voting in my homeland in montenegro, and i hope that everything it will be for the benefit of the russian people. observers have a very busy schedule. according to pomfilova, they are going to visit at least ...
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in fact there were observers, we hope that this figure will at least remain approximately the same. but early voting is already completed, it ran from february 25 to march 14. the central election commission provides the following figures. as of today, more than 2,600 thousand people have voted. the sites were created , including in places of temporary stay, such as hospitals and sanatoriums. by the way, the most such sites were organized there, 1056. next come the sites.
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local election commissions are analyzing the turnout of voters who found it more convenient to come to the polling stations today. residents of sakhalin voted most actively on the working day. more than 47% of stravetians have already filled out ballots and dropped them into the ballot boxes. in vladivostok, the voting process was monitored from a public observation center.
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images from web cameras installed at polling stations throughout the primorsky territory are displayed on large monitors in real time; there are more than 1,500 of them in the region. today the center was able to operate. germany, spain, belgium, serbia, north macedonia, kazakhstan and even from distant argentina. people are walking, in this case, well , there can be no doubt that, sorry, this is all a tv show, so i see that people they go, people take ballots, people fill them out, put them in.
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family of the year, the kruglovs, laureates of all-russian competitions, holders of the order of parental glory, there are six sons in the family, the eldest have lectures, so they will vote tomorrow, and the younger ones are not yet grown up, but the family always comes in full force, parents say, citizenship begins in childhood, they never missed it, even uh, while in the maternity hospital,
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i went to the polls with a child who was 3 days old, yes, so he also already knows right from such a small age that the elections you need to go, among the younger ones... runs the country, he introduces new laws, he can remove old laws, the earliest birds among. began the shift. vivid footage from the plots of kusbas residents. two areas at the enterprises started working at 6 am so that everyone could make it to buryatia. residents of the village of ulentui rode up to fulfill their civic duty on horseback. no one was surprised at the polling station; voters there were also greeted in national costumes. it was not easy for a resident of buryatia to appear in the guise of a bear. he barely made it through the metal detector, but then it was all over. by voting. while polling stations were opening in siberia, the urals were just waking up, but now i’m already thinking, you can ask...
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if voters have any questions about the voting procedure, they can be asked by the hotline operator, it was launched
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at the public observation center, to answer calls volunteers, lawyers and experts from the public chamber of the sverdlovsk region answer. we have read all the provisions in order to understand the information we convey to people so that it is reliable, respectively, and also we were tested yesterday, so to speak, we received calls and were asked various questions. for 3 days, specialists from the public observation center will monitor compliance with order during the presidential elections. for this purpose, an online broadcast has been organized from the region’s polling stations ; all voting points are equipped with video cameras and video recorders; they are monitoring the workplaces of election commission members, voting boxes and ballot distribution areas. in addition to cameras, they will monitor the legitimacy of the elections mobile groups of observers. in case of emergency situations, experts will go to polling stations. olga zenkova, sergey antsigin, vlada kopylovskaya, ntv television company. the progress of the voting is being closely monitored at the candidates' headquarters, vladimir's headquarters.
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in the morning she already managed to visit several sites, she says there were no comments, and this is footage from another meeting with representatives of the parliamentary assembly of the countries of the collective security treaty organization, which, in addition to russia, includes belarus, armenia, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan and tajikistan. the first conclusion of csto observers, preparations for the elections met international standards. well, today we are meeting with candidate coritomum, then slutsky with davankov, well, this is for the first two days, well, then,
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in the regions, this is the central one on tverskaya street in moscow, the main characters are also computer operators, well, here is the headquarters of the fourth candidate nikolai kharitonov from the communist party of the russian federation is not working today; it will open only on the last day of voting on sunday. manufacturers of household appliances electrolux tefal and brown began to block the supply of their products to russia, they gave business news and denis talolaev, denis and what this threatens after the termination. official supplies will disappear and parallel ones.
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foreign manufacturers of household appliances began to block parallel imports of their products into russia. and an interlocutor of the kommersant newspaper among retailers says that foreign brands sign a document with partners in other countries that, under the threat of breaking the contract, directly prohibits the re-export of goods to russia. in the group emvy eldorado they say that parallel imports to russia are limited, for example, by the swedish electrolux group. which belong to the brands electrolux, zanusi and aeg. the marvel distribut company clarifies that electrolux is trying to ensure that its products are not even available on marketplaces. and they also say that... unofficial deliveries to russia began to be tracked by the tefal brown raventa brands. true, a businessman’s interlocutor at one of the large retailers says that supplying parallel imports is now unprofitable anyway, because the final price is too high, and there is a possibility that brands that have begun to limit parallel imports will completely disappear from russia. but mvidio eldorado
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optimistically states that brands from china, turkey and the eac countries are taking the place of those who have left. which includes armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan. the russian stock market took a wait-and-see attitude in the morning, but has now switched to growth, however, the reason for this growth was that the ruble began to fall noticeably in the afternoon, and this supports exporter shares. as a result, the dollar is now more expensive than 92, the euro has again climbed above the 100 mark. the chain store is going to open a coffee shop under the brand together, the kommersant newspaper learned about it. another participant in the blagoveshchenskaya project. good coffee, as the newspaper notes, recently vkusvel has been very active in the catering market, bought a chain of anderson family cafes, is developing a network of cafes with enthusiasm, in the near future, as the vedomosti newspaper wrote, it will also launch its own pizzerias under the rimbline brand, all this not to mention that fkusvil has separate cafes in their stores, but the truth is they also make, for example, magnet, azbukovkusa and
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perekrestok. some market participants note that vkusvel enters the caffeine market quite late, and it is... already saturated. bulgaria and romania will soon begin issuing schengen visas to russian tourists. from march 31, both countries will partially join the schengen zone and, according to the russian tour operators association, from april 1, both bulgaria and romania will begin to issue schengen visas instead of the previous national ones. ready to start issuing schengen was confirmed by the bulgarian diplomatic mission. they did not specify where exactly the visas will be issued and how long it will take, adding that testing is currently underway. system at the end of january, otor reported that it has become somewhat easier for russians to obtain schengen visas; they can be obtained most quickly to switzerland, as well as to italy, spain and france. but croatia, which is currently the last country to join schengen, according to tour operators, issues a visa the longest, and you have to wait up to 2 months. egor, about
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everything in the economy. thank you, denis talolaev, for business news. the russian government has increased social benefits for rural doctors, which have been provided in addition to their salaries since last year. in small villages, in towns with less than fifty thousand people, their maximum amount for doctors will increase to 50,000 rubles. and for middle staff up to 30,000 rubles. and in settlements with a population of 50 to 100,000, support will be 29,000.
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expressways, the main color scheme is black and silver, only the nose stands out part, the so-called mask, it is red, there are no corners, only a streamlined shape , which improves aerodynamic properties, after all, the trains will accelerate to 400 km/h, this is only a sketch for now , they will begin to assemble the cars in 2026, well vladimir putin started the construction of the first line on which these trains will run between moscow and st. petersburg the day before, thanks to the new one. the release is expected today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. france will not take the initiative in escalating the conflict
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in ukraine. emmanuel macron stated this in a long television interview. by contacting us. he tried to calm public opinion after his own statements about the possible sending of troops to ukraine and the absence of red lines in relations with russia, but only brought even more fear to the french, as the figaro newspaper writes, literally all political forces in france felt that their leader was playing too hard war. elizaveta gerson on reactions to macron's interview. the lemon newspaper compares macron to a bird, not a crowing one, but a boiling dove. which turned into a hawk. under this headline , the newspaper reports that on february 21, at a reception at the elysee palace, macron, with a glass of whiskey in his hand, announced that he was going to send it this year. several guys to odessa, 5 days after this, the president of france gathered the heads of twenty european states. when asked whether the french military would
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be sent to ukraine, he, unlike his guests, said that he did not rule anything out. marine lepine called macron an unrestrained verbiage. i would like to take this opportunity to remind those of our officials, who confuse verbiage with firmness, that strategic ambiguity is better than silence. having received a hook from marine le pen on the right, macron received on the left. this tuesday , the french president brought up the issue of military assistance to ukraine for discussion and voting in the national assembly. although the majority of votes were in favor, macron had to listen to a lot of unpleasant things from the opposition. the head of the group of parliamentary communists, fabien roussel, proposed starting peace negotiations with russia to try to prevent a third world war. left party. macron's words about french society did not swallow and digest the possibility of sending troops to ukraine like a frog’s legs, but is still
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choking on them. the french are afraid that macron will bring a nuclear strike on their heads, they are afraid that he will completely destroy the unity of the european union and nato. against the backdrop of negative statements about the possibility of sending troops from germany and a number of other european countries , it is more adequate. than estonia. the french suspect macron is simply trying to score points for his party before the european parliament elections. so, on to the third a week after his announcement about the possibility of sending troops, macron decided to clarify to the worried french what exactly he meant. he announced an emergency speech on television, but didn’t really explain anything. he only said that a russian victory would be an image defeat for europe. that's what he's worried about, that he, macron, is the first. the latter, who promised victory to ukraine, will now look stupid. the price of gas, the state of our economy, the cost of grain and the economic
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turmoil that followed are all consequences of the war, unleashed by russia. if russia wins this war, europe's authority will be reduced to zero. he stated that the ukrainian counteroffensive was not going as expected, that is, not as he would like. at the same time , the main direct question about the possibility of sending troops. answered this way: france will never go on the offensive, will never take the initiative in military operations in ukraine. france is a force for peace. in a word, the only clear promise regarding the sending of not troops, but several guys, was made not on camera, but privately, with glass in hand almost a month ago. who are these guys? the french are worried, but the president, answering clarifying questions, insists: go alone to russia. he is worried even just in words, so today he is holding another meeting with scholz and tusk, clearly enticing these guys to join his company. france, it is already drawn into the war in ukraine,
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in fact, it indirectly takes part in this war, and judging by the statements of mr. president, it is not averse to increasing its involvement. macron is even afraid to go to kiev alone after being in russia. the elysee palace then took this information very seriously and macron rescheduled his visit. now he is not going to ukraine alone, with the heads of the baltic countries, romania, the czech republic, great britain and the netherlands. edek, in one move, you can prove the unity of the west, you can hide behind the broad back of kaikalos, if anything happens. and just at these moments in berlin there is a meeting between macron and his german polish
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colleagues, which elizaveta gerson just mentioned, behind the routine smiles of scholz and macron at the meeting, a relationship that, according to the european media slide into outright hostility. on march 1 , bloomberg, citing sources , reported that they did not get along with each other from the very beginning of their interaction. the french leader believes that his... colleagues from germany lack courage and ambition, the decision from their today's negotiations, in the spotlight, which is not expected to help ukraine, is simply an attempt to correct the rift between france and germany, which is not beneficial to the entire european union. but before the start of the meeting, the official representative of the german cabinet of ministers, stefan schebestreit, commented upcoming negotiations, said that the german chancellor has not changed his position on the issue of the possible dispatch of western ground forces to ukraine against the backdrop of macron’s statement. on a related topic, a little later donald tusk will join the two leaders; his participation should also demonstrate at least the appearance of european unity regarding the ukrainian conflict and support
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for kiev. well and. germany, by the way, is going to open four weapons factories in ukraine for the production of shells, gunpowder, and armored vehicles for air defense systems. the construction will be carried out by the military the rain metal concern, which expects to earn up to 3 billion euros per year on ukrainian territory. the military conflict has already brought good profits to the company, as stated in the latest financial report. the fsb detained a russian in moscow who launched drones near military installations in order to confuse the air defense with false targets. according to. during the investigation , the man himself established contact with representatives of the ukrainian special services and one of the paramilitary terrorist organizations banned in our country by the russian freedom legion. detained said that on one of the assignments, the curators asked him to set up fireworks when ukrainian saboteurs tried to break into the territory of the belgorod region. fsb officers discovered and seized a cache of components that the russian used to commit
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sabotage. according to the article about government changes. the man faces punishment up to life imprisonment. on other topics, there is a shortage of nannies in russia. over the past year alone, demand for this service has grown by 40% and continues to increase. at the same time, in specialized personnel agencies are receiving more and more applications for male nannies. inna osipova knows what caused this and how the state helps solve the personnel problem. year-old daniil considers his nanny ideal; she picks up the boy from school and works as his friend’s mentor until his mother comes home from work. your opinion looks like meping, yes, exactly yes, how is it similar? everyone, it seems to me, just doesn’t know how to fly with an umbrella. tatiana used to organize concerts; as a professional nanny, she was offered a position in a domestic staff recruitment agency after a psychological testing. nowadays, mothers probably
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want more. there is indeed a shortage of nannies in russia, as confirmed by services whose specialists not only recruit nannies, but also train them. over the past year, demand has grown by 40%, and this is not the limit, the main reason is that a new generation of parents has grown up. young parents of the new generation, they are more active, they are pursuing a career, they want to devote more time to themselves, and they are more comfortable delegating care for
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their children. build huts, and similar things, there are jousting, anything, anything that educates after all, boys have speed, courage, and a masculine outlook on life. an increase in demand generates an increase in wages, if in the outback it is from 150 rubles per hour, then in moscow and st. petersburg from 400-500, but there are free ones, we are talking about social nannies, such a service has already appeared in several regions,
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somewhere you can count on help from a state nanny can. this is to relieve mommy a little, give her some opportunity to do some household chores, we call this short-term childcare, it is possible to help with two hands with four hands, more precisely feed the children, wash the children, change the
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diaper. i think that’s it , it’s just a prison from which you can’t get out, and just when my nanny comes, i feel that i’m still alive, that i have some dreams, goals of my own, there is always help, the need for such help is growing more and more, this year several regions at once decided to provide social nanny services for the families of svo participants, because dad protects the country, you need help in looking after the child, because there are other forms.
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the new big special bbq bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank. you can take time off.
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who were standing in line for humanitarian aid were again attacked. eyewitnesses said it sounded like tank or artillery fire. in the first hours, the ministry of health reported twenty victims and 150 injured. now local media are writing that the death toll has risen to 100, and 200 people were injured. the palestinian ministry of health blamed the incident on the israeli military. the defense army of the jewish state called the reports false and... that they began an investigation, the first such incident occurred in gaza on february 29, then let me remind you that as a result of the shooting, more than 100 people were killed, over 700 were injured. and refugees from the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, whom accepted by russian regions, gradually establishing their peaceful life. a quarter of those who came to the chechen republic have already found work, and soon people will have their own housing. now apartment buildings are being built for them in the republic. fatima dadaeva met with displaced people.
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the place will not be temporary housing, but a real
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home. fatima dadaeva, tamir khadzhiev, oleg utulov, north caucasus bureau, ntv, grozny, chechen republic. the ethnographic museum of st. petersburg has launched a series of unusual educational events with a life-long twist. it will last all year. for visitors will talk about the role of cats in russian culture. the most popular pet in our country is shown in all its artistic diversity. in the correct st. petersburg museum, kutoculture lies in wait already on the approaches to the exhibition. there are cat's paw cookies in the buffet in the foyer. a new series of programs
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called with tail through life is counting on success, having been awarded the honorary title of a museum of high cat culture, the ethnographers decided to start with local cats, the oldest appeared in the world. century, made of thin bone plates, they frolicking on the decor of a toilet chest, arching their backs with threaded devices for washing and ironing, the heroic life of representatives of the cat family is immortalized even in lace, but if you believe experts in the variety of breeds, man-made cats are explained by the desire to create the most expressive image of a lion. lions, as we know , were never found in russia, and accordingly, the man, the master who performed this work, he depicted... since he saw him, he could see some kind of book miniature in a church book, he could to tell some, i don’t know, merchant who traveled to overseas countries, they could really look like cats or even have human faces, this can be seen very well in house carvings. among the wooden carved images of the volga region you can
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find an almost czech smile, but the museum staff rightly consider the most informative to be a tiled comic book, a stove with multi-colored tiles on... of which the red cat is depicted, purchased in 1910 in the vologda province. our museum is inhabited by a variety of creatures, and those close to real, fabulous, mythological, cats, horses, birds of all kinds, deer, and mythical creatures, indrik, a beast, and a half-mermaid, a half-maiden, a pharaoh, the birds of the sirens and alkanost. and yet, on the very first day of spring , sparrows replaced the birds of paradise in the museum courtyard. and the main hero of the occasion, the mustachioed and striped one, was absent for a good reason. the staff cat of the ethnographic museum, barsik, is a relatively new employee. today began his third working spring. while he is on leave , he will start working closer to may. then here at the administrative building will display his traditional bowl of food. yulia leshchenko, mark
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tyunev, ilya utkin and kira paliy, ntv petersburg. irinakova is ready to tell. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol, only in it milky ripe oats are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. if you have a runny nose or sinusitis, avoid sinusitis. take urvis rina. urvis rina heals even protracted ones. urves rina, don’t let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. even in warm weather, a normal runny nose can turn into sinusitis. treat your runny nose correctly, take orviserin tablets from the valar company. orviserina even treats a persistent runny nose. orviserina, don’t let the runny nose turn into sinusitis. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol.
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only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. and the cheerful valar is number one for cleansing the liver. so, the sun fills the middle zone with a spring mood, and until the end of the week no one will be allowed to disturb it. it won’t be possible to increase daytime heat much, but at night it gets warmer, in the north-west , cyclones pave the way for spring, so far the results there are even more impressive; in petrozavodsk it’s raining, but during the day it’s +6 warmer than in lipetsk. the remaining cities are comparable in temperature only to the southern ones in veliky novgorod and pskov up to +10. in kaliningrad it’s +13 like in sochi, but this is the last warm day before a very noticeable cold snap. then it will visit st. petersburg, that’s how cold the beginning of next week is likely to be, and the south is still recovering, the probability of precipitation is decreasing in the rostov region, in the crimea, in in the azov region, the temperature will rise to kuban 10:15, the main precipitation will fall in the caucasus and the daytime temperature there will immediately drop. it was a weather forecast for a country where the sun never sets. only here, in
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the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million clients. tsinkov: 40 million clients in the largest country in the world, in st. petersburg tomorrow with rain and +7:9, in moscow it will warm up to +9, or even up to 10, the sun will remain, on sunday it will also be warm and sunny. weather forecast from irina polyakova, well, these are the main news for this hour. thank you for being with us and see you soon, pay as conveniently as possible with alpha pay. with any smartphone, get a supercake every month, it’s not just profitable , alpha is profitable, if you want to become a modern ip and
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my daughter is 5 years old, are you her official father? and documented, her official father. and what is your daughter's name? catherine. i named her after my grandmother. that is, you were the initiator of choosing the name. so you had no doubts about your daughter? well, initially it wasn’t, she convinced me that this was my daughter. i was at that time, well, at the moment of conception, i was actually on a business trip in novosibirsk, tomsk. she says no, she says. like, you came for one day, like, i say, then got pregnant, i say, how could you get pregnant if we are two for almost 2 years, they say, we tried, nothing worked, then i came for one day, they say, i left, and you tell me, as they say, that after the end some time that you were pregnant, although at that time i knew that she was already there, while i was on a business trip, she was already dating another person, and you knew this, she was telling you. people called me and told me.


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