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tv   DNK  NTV  March 15, 2024 4:50pm-5:56pm MSK

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my daughter is 5 years old, you are her official father, documented, her official father, and what is your daughter’s name, ekaterina, i named her in honor of my grandmother, that is, you were the initiator of choosing the name, which means you had no doubts about your daughter, well initially it wasn’t , she convinced me that this was my daughter, i was at that time, well, at the moment of conception i was actually on a business trip to novosibirsk, she says no, she says like you came for one day, like i said then i got pregnant , i say, how could you get pregnant if we with you...
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well, did they see her there in company with some men, with other men, and that she always had guests at home, did she always behave like that? no, initially it was for the first time , when we lived here, at first my mother succeeded, well, she studied like that, everything was fine, then we moved into an apartment and began to live separately, then we moved to a private house - we rented, well, this was before katya was born another thing - somehow she already started saying live there in a private house, she started saying a little weird there, i’m leaving for work, and i i worked day and night at two houses, it turns out that after the night session i arrive there, then it ’s not adequate, then the guests are also there, that’s the system they say, well, i also started to get bored, they began to swear gradually, i stood there, well, i’ll leave there , well, maybe i’ll live there for a week with my mother and come back, or i sensed it.
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what is possible, since i’m not at home, you can, they say, go for a walk, lead a moral lifestyle, they say, dubious friends, dubious girlfriends appeared there, your neighbors and people around you saw all this, naturally, i it turns out that when i came back from a business trip from tomsk, i arrived home, she told me, she was sitting there in the company of friends again, she just told me i love this person, i don’t love you, i just took things. and left, and then she called me between july and june and july , informed me about the pregnancy, suggested that we would either have an abortion or give birth, but i told her, i say, i don’t know, while i was on a business trip, with whom - it says there, i lived with someone, it turns out, i say, i don’t know, do it abortion, after which she said like, well, give me money for an abortion, i say, whoever i lived with , i say, let him give it,
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i was never in a hurry, after my first marriage i had enough, i was still trying to get into the groove, but what if she offered a few since it’s already there, like, let’s sign, but somehow i didn’t strive for this, because with this way of life they say, we have enough for a long time, again, divorce, why do i need this, now you still continue to live with your partner , no, i haven’t lived with them for more than a year, how long can you endure, but how long will you tried to build a relationship, from the sixteenth year we lived together until... the second, and you
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are ready to give up the girl who, apparently, from birth considers you a dad, well, yes , i looked at the timing, as she said, like, what am i, when i came in may on may 9, at that moment i thought i was pregnant, then i figured when she gave birth on march 12, i figured, well, she can’t carry that long, it’s almost 10 months, almost 11, in your opinion, when the child should have been born, well, somewhere approximately. and was born in march on march 12, that is, it turns out that she i got pregnant later, well, naturally , it turns out that way, they say, but specific doubts started when they started, when katya was already born, there she starts a scandal at our house, there’s something or swearing there, so she starts, this is not your daughter , there is a fifth tenth, they say, it goes away in the morning, well, it calms down, that’s it, this is your daughter, right away, that is, she herself told you that katya is not your daughter, yes, yes, yes, so... they asked
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directly if it’s not me, who’s the father, katya? well, i asked her several times, she didn’t say anything, just like, well, you’re the father, that’s all maybe you're really in the heat of the moment? with igor , while i was leaving her there, he was with her for a month , they say, he will live, run away, she calls me home, being pregnant, as i understand it, well , how it turns out, before pregnancy, she had such a system and after pregnancy already, van, you have the right to doubt, based on the information that i now say i heard, well, the only thing that confuses me is that you returned to the family, if a woman went to the left, goodbye, yes, i kept thinking that she might settle down, calm down , it is said, it will be normal, they say, i kept thinking what they say , there will still be a normal family, but this is what continues, as
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they say, over and over again, which is why your daughter was taken away by the guardianship authorities, where she lives now, in a special boarding school, how long has she been there, weeks, probably two? i was in the hospital , they were already sent to a special boarding school there, you said them and your eldest daughter, and you have another daughter, this is not my daughter, this is her daughter, i met her when i got together, she already had a daughter, natasha, she was about a year old, if doubts have overcome you from the very beginning started why you didn’t offer anastasia to take a dna test, i offered it repeatedly, she refuses, she tells me too, i say i’ll file for alimony against you when i left her, i say please give it, i say, well, i’m talking about alimony. through the court, well, that is, through dna , i say, i’ll pay, he says , i have money, i say, he’s a working man, as soon as it comes to dna, you just start , he says, alimony is immediately forgotten, which means i understand, she has doubts, so i also arrived in february on a business trip, i have money,
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i told her, i say, give me katya , i say, i need to go to novosibirs, well , to visit my sister, i say, this is to take her, she finally understood why i should take her, she immediately went to the refusal room, no, that’s it, ivan, but nevertheless... hello, anastasia, i’ll ask you straight away, directly, who is the father of your youngest daughter katya? katya's father, ivan, are you sure about this? yes, 100%, i'm sure of it. why did you then tell ivan that your daughter was not his? i've never told him that. well that's
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just a lie. how many times has she told me? actually, you always said, especially lately. you say that before the scandals, you constantly told me during the scandals. then you move away. you, your words were when i arrived on may 9, i became pregnant, you were on a business trip in tomsk, well, when you came, once, well, this is your child, 100%, when ivan came, do you remember, no, well, it’s gone for
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how long, on may 9, the tenth, you personally saw me off, but what, yes, you don’t remember yourself, but what, well, yeah, of course, here you are suddenly, yes, you even remember what kind of people they are? what less, anastasia, but as ivan told us, i remember that i would no longer be sitting, vanechka, but not that ivan doubted even during your pregnancy, even when you just said that you were pregnant, because ivan’s dates do not match. when did you get pregnant? i didn’t count because i didn’t really need it, i got pregnant and i wanted this child. well, you gave birth on time, yes, i gave birth on march 12, at what month did you find out that you were pregnant? well, the time was still short, we were just sitting with a friend, and that is, i feel what makes me nauseous, well , it’s like i already have a child, an eldest daughter , that is, everyone seems to know each other, but i went to the pharmacy, bought a test, found out that i was pregnant,
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well, what month it was, i won’t tell you , what month was it, spring, summer, winter, what? well, it was the end of june, the beginning of july, what are you doing, you’re sitting there as a reader, right? i need these deadlines, how would they be, well, why do i need this deadline, let’s say i know exactly the date on date, okay, but do you remember, when you registered for pregnancy, i registered, but i it’s been a month, probably three pregnancies , four, so what month was it on the calendar, i don’t remember what month it was, i’m saying, a lot of time has passed, anastasia, listen, maybe you’ll think about it and start right? elena, how can you explain
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this kind of amnesia, i can’t explain, i can’t explain, i’m also a mother of two children, i remember everything, when i got pregnant, when i moved there, when i was born, well, i mean, i ’m sitting here with my hair on end and you know , which confuses me very much, and ivan said that anastasia called and said, come on or have an abortion we will do it or we will give birth. yes, they didn’t give me any money, i gave birth , that is, this is the attitude towards the child , then she sits and says that i really wanted it, what kind of abortion i suggested to have, why are you lying here, you’re sitting here, when you called me, the dna test is still all the same will show, i didn’t even say a word to him about abortion, because i didn’t even think about abortion, you know, here we are all women sitting here and we’re all mothers and we all remember everything , we know everything about our children, but you all forgot why your children now on...
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well, i don’t know there, maybe the neighbors called, called the guardianship authorities, came to pick them up already to my house, my mother, they began to take the children, we didn’t send them to any place, of course , they were like, like, like, children, well, to a hospital, like , that’s not necessary, they said, let’s go back home there, we’ll look for a birth certificate, we started birth certificate, they photographed everything, since natasha has a dash in the father column, and... for katya, i have, as they say, documentary evidence that i am the father, we won katya, she stayed with
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me, natasha had to go with her with the guardianship authorities, take him to the hospital, there they say to leave it, the next day it turns out i went to the boss at work, took an advance, asked for time off, i said that i would be late for a couple of hours from lunch, i went , bought sweets there, they say, there are coloring books there, as they say, a felt-tip pen and took to the hospital, but nastya, as i understand it, appeared at the hospital only on the third day to pick up the child from there, supposedly that guardianship allowed her to pick up the children while i was at work, she came from home, she took katya, maybe be, anastasia, you don’t remember either, the children were taken away once , you don’t have to lie anymore, but your children are now in a boarding school, children are taken away when their life and health are threatened, for a reason, that is, what kind of condition did you have that they even took away children, well, i had just friends at home and, well, such a company, that’s your way...
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igor, well, of course he’s not alive now, he died, but they both knew very well that i
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was pregnant, that is, igor included knew that i was pregnant from vanya, and vanya knew that i was pregnant from vanya, and yet you lived with igor, being, as you think, pregnant , it’s not that i lived with him, well, he would come there to spend the night, but he would come during the day, help, something, and you were sure at that moment that the pregnant woman was not from igor , this will definitely happen... maybe you don’t even remember the season, i’m not even talking about the date, month, you don’t remember the season when you got pregnant? anastasia, why did you break up with ivan? ivan and i broke up because, well, i’m tired of his attitude towards me, he’ll come home drunk, he insults me, you’re a brute, you’re such and such, you don’t have parents, i’m also tired of his attitude towards children, that is, he became indifferent to children, okay, i understand, the eldest daughter is not his, he also,
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as they say, gave a damn about the youngest daughter, we even have katyusha piggy bank, we and... well, it turns out that at first i didn’t receive benefits, i did when ivan and i met, i received a pension for the loss of my parents, that is, when we started renting an apartment, i paid the rent, well, he worked, but it’s as if the money didn’t come in very well, because yeah, he has it from his first marriage
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daughter, he also helped there to a large extent, well, yes, well, yes, what did we live on then, you explain to me, what are you doing? anastasia, how did ivan’s family perceive him? at first, ivan’s family took it well , we lived, at first, until we rented an apartment, we lived with his mother, that is , everything was fine, and then at one fine moment they all just abandoned the child at once, no help, nothing , that is , they will not call even once, will not ask how the child
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is doing, maybe they need something, that is, neither ivan nor his relatives, no one interested in life. well, what was the reason? they just, i say, sit there, listen to each other, maybe you did something? i didn't do anything bad to them. how old was your katya at that time? well, ivan began to doubt that supposedly it was not his daughter, well, three years after the birth, and he had never told you about this before, there were no doubts before, from the time the child began to grow, doubts began to arise that it was not like it had become like if only he would say that it’s not his. even he says that the child is supposedly igor, i have katyusha fair-haired, igor was dark-haired, i ’m dark-haired too, well, no way, katya can’t be , i say, this is 100%, i’m sure of this, that this is vanya’s daughter, no matter what he says, anastasia, if you are sure that this is
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ivan’s daughter, why did you then refuse a dna test when ivan offered it to you, well, because? i didn’t want to sort of quarrel with him about doing a dna test, he always said, it’s for fun, no need for dirt, how many times do i say, she calls me, i ’ll give you alimony, i say, there will be alimony only through dna and about the elements i immediately forgot about the elements, wasn’t it so , i forgot about the elements, because i just already, so why are you, here i am in february, when i arrived, i say, let me katya go to the city, you don’t help me gave it? notice your attitude towards the child first, you are not interested in the child’s life and you want me to give you the child, no, you won’t see it, take both, well, on the one hand, why should i, if you wanted to take the child, i was there for you conversation, yes, he suggested, give me katya, i told him, take both, but they can’t live without each other, they’re bored, i
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say, then take two of them with you, especially natasha, she too, she called him dad. that is, i’m used to him, as if, i say , take two, let you have two , no, i’ll only take katya, i won’t take the eldest, i say, well, since you don’t want to take the eldest, then i say, sorry, then and i won’t give you the youngest, but what if ivan really wanted to take katya to take a dna test, well, he would have gone to the city with her, as he said, well, let him take the older one, let him if the eldest would also go for a ride with him, how would it be so important for you or you just avoided the quiet, i don’t want to just sort of separate you even.
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you won’t believe it, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. this is the dna program. the man underwent a genetic examination with his official daughter to prove to his ex that he could not be a father. anastasia, you said that at first you had a good relationship with ivan’s mother, and then she, like all relatives, stopped recognizing her granddaughter. i won't talk to her. the only thing is. as far as i know, uh, ivan, once, well , my girlfriend, talked to him, well, she once asked him a question, why can’t you take katya with you, let’s say, on the weekend or something, that ivan sent her a voice message in which he said: “i don’t want my mother to reprimand me later for picking up a child from the street, this there’s no need to lie anymore,
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it’s a pity that i don’t have that voice.” she doesn’t consider herself katya’s grandmother? tatyana sukhinina is in the studio. nastenka, aren’t you ashamed ? i’m not. how come you don’t? why should i? be ashamed? even someone else's child that she hung on her son. for a stranger? if he thought it was a stranger, why did he then? didn't write it down, because you talked him into it, my dear, maybe i also forced him to wear the hem, of course , yes, you forced it, you are like that, well, consider it this way, yes, i think, i think that she is not my granddaughter, i have five grandchildren, they all have birthmarks, but yours doesn’t, tatyana, this is your only reason for doubts, she doesn’t even look like him, look, his face, which is the same, is kind of long, she has round eyes like who do they look like?
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or i took her, treated her, that is, got around , that’s what the girl doesn’t look like ivan at all, you also saw this from birth, yes, uh, most, the neighbors, those who are the same, saw the man from whom he, they immediately said, this is from this man, this is from what kind of guy, this man, well, somewhere there lived nearby, either igor or lyosha, i don’t know, i haven’t seen him, but people say, we have a photo of katya, let’s take a look.
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let's see, compare with vanya, what 's there, she has eyes, that's it, that is , she has a round face, she's the spitting image of vanya, ivan, the girl looks like you, well, to be honest, not too bad, let's say, that's the character that she has her now , yes, how is he similar to mine, because well , it’s because i’m raising her, she’s already typed, she’s on her face, they say, she’s the difference, she’s like vanya, everyone thinks so, only for some reason, vanya and... and his relatives don’t notice this, the springs, the neighbors who know that man with whom the neighbors maybe also held a candle, like your girlfriends held a candle, but my girlfriends know my life better when i lived with your son, of course , she will recognize, of course, the girl looks like her mother, she is the spitting image of her mother, the child will grow up, but they are constantly changing, it’s not ours to judge by the photograph,
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it changes right from birth and nothing good. listen, well , we loved her for 3 years, we put up with her, but now you can’t it will be a shame if a dna test shows that this is his daughter, you can tell the whole country , it won’t be a shame, because i have been with her since the very birth. alexander, who do you think katya is like? it seems to me that there are ivan’s features, hair, eyebrows, dna will show who she will look like. tatyana, when your son introduced you to anastasia, do you remember your first impression? what about us? the first impression is that i have an eldest daughter-in-law who knows her, who studied together, she immediately told him, don’t get involved there, it’s a dysfunctional family, he immediately, she said, well, vanya. wife , you can’t convince me, she fell in love, she was probably good, but over time, over the course of 5 years, she became so good, forgive me, when my son comes home from work, the children are sitting in the corner,
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they have a shalman in the kitchen, what the children saw , do you think it was right that they took the children from anastasia, right, sober, she is good, mother, i don’t want to say she is good, she, as they say, will braid them, take them to kindergarten, but when i’m sorry. all this will fall, look, tatyana, katya knows you like her grandmother, well knows, because they didn’t take her anywhere else, she calls you grandma, well, she calls you, and the older one calls you, and the younger one calls you, but what if they took your own granddaughter now , we’ll take it too, if you don’t take the children, we’ll find out for sure, then this is the same , we’ll take it, if the girl turns out to be not her own, let her stay there in this boarding school, so what, why should i, i have five of my own, don’t you mind? i’m not too young to run around with them, shouldn’t the official father, who recognized the child of his own free will, bear responsibility for this child? responsibility, she
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is, that is, he helped her, so she will call, vanya, how she wants to eat, vanya is visiting the store, carrying food, vanya, well done, there is no firewood, vanya is carrying firewood, there is no coal, well done, he has a child there, that’s how we’ll find out . dna then everything will fall into place. anastasia, your neighbor says that katya’s father could be anyone, but not ivan. in the studio olga shestakova. why did you come here? this is a question for you, what have you forgotten here? well, good luck, what did you forget here? what the hell are you doing here? what side, and that she didn’t see it all, she was still holding it, that they saw it, but god, i got to her once, that it wasn’t, nastya, when igor
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was there, christina, your friend was there, there was another girl there someone else was there when it was december, winter was just around the corner, and the music was screaming, and the children were running, vanka, what... he said to igor, turn down the music, what he answered was, i don’t want to swear, fuck off , you’re not the boss here, i’m the boss here, it’s okay, it’s your guy sitting there, and you, you don’t care about him at all, nastya, you don’t care about him at all you can’t imagine, well, it didn’t happen , nastya, or you don’t remember it at all, i remember, well, i remember it too, well done! and how you were lying around, what are you doing? yes, another one who, according to rumors, lives, but i’m sorry, i don’t , you know, nastya, we’re talking not only about them and me, it’s all swamp talk, when you
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lived in the east, you said that the operator was in a taxi , a taxi always comes to you, he was not at home, yes, they even said that he was with gifts. they came, that the train didn’t come then, god, it was in the swamp like a mitten dog, i just didn’t have my bobby there, and half a swamp there, nastya, half a swamp, yes, i was standing at the bus stop near the boarding school for work, it was 7 o’clock, your music was already screaming, olga, well then at the same time , ivan had a relationship with anastasia, which means he can still be a father, well, how can he be a father, excuse me? me he was on duty where in tomsk in omsk you were? well, he arrived, we sat on a bench, talked in person, nastya is pregnant, i say, how have you been on shift for 3 months, excuse me, what is he doing? i sent it to her in a jar by mail,
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i don’t understand how they can take it away, it turns out that you were the first to tell ivan that he was a loser, she put everything on his nose, and he’s like a sucker, why did you tell him that, what if is he such a whiner? if he is constantly, he cannot stand up for himself, that’s it, he lives by rumors, we said, that’s right, and you are on him, because you realized that he is such a loser, and so are you. there are such eyes, such, such a face , it looks like, well, igor is there too, and alexey, who
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is he, yes, i don’t remember his last name, here she is similar to him, well, who are you leaning towards, alexey, igor, ivan, well, maybe alexey, maybe igor, or maybe it’s not clear whose she is, maybe she herself doesn’t know who got her pregnant, it’s vanya’s child, so everything that ulga tells, but maybe she’s telling her own story, maybe she has some alexei and so on. fantasy, i don’t even have any acquaintance alexey, well, maybe you forgot about him, look how the situation unfolds, anastasia agreed to a dna test, well, doesn’t this prove that anastasia i’m sure, i know, if it happens, vanka, then thank god, and if not, then i don’t know what she ’s thinking at all, i don’t know, anastasia, we met with your other neighbors, listen to what they say about you, in the town bolotnoye, novosibirsk region, named after anastasia boyarova. has long been associated with unpleasant stories, she is called
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a walking woman, she is a walking woman, she leaves the children alone, locks them up, left, they are sitting alone, here they are at home, and she can also leave her with these, with strange men who are now abusing all sorts of people all. that's ivan sukhilin’s ex-wife turns to anastasia, she considers herself a decent woman, saying she should have held on to ivan and not changed lovers like gloves, especially since no one stayed in her life for long. usually, normal people simply separate if they are not happy with the man , she simply divorced him, went their separate ways and arranged a life for themselves, but she rushes from one to the other, she then immediately runs after him, brings him back, then throws him out again, again...
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when i looked at it, i said, lord, this is it, i say, probably katya’s father, she says , well, yes, this is katerina’s father, here’s one person, his name is lyosha, this is far from my neighbor, this is olya ’s mother, they don’t live near me, but nevertheless they know about you a lot, but we bought houses from her, but she’s not a neighbor, no, it’s not that the house, nastya, you know, ours is swampy, swampy.
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stars, each star brought with them 2 million rubles, creating an unrealistic prize fund, 20 million rubles, where did she even get 2 million, maybe there’s a pension there, i don’t know, well, i’m young , i did the right thing, but thank god, here are my 2 million, i didn’t know that it would be possible to sell my pijo so quickly, in the finals of the project only one winning team will receive this amount, but how are we going to divide the money: 50% for me, 50%? arthur pirozhkov, we won’t just
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can the sun really kill faster than cigarettes and alcohol, i have tumors all over my body, and they are all inoperable, and most importantly, who is it for? under the guise of dubious beauty standards, he is selling certain death to humanity, this will be on your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. in the dna program studio, former cohabitants find out if they have a child together? anastasia’s friend believes that katya is just a copy of ivan, and that means the results. everyone present here in studio from ivan’s side, no one sees the similarity between katya and ivan, only you see? well, of course, because ivan is such a person
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, he is afraid to take responsibility, he is just such a greedy person that he doesn’t want to give the girl money, that is, it’s all about greed, do you think when was the last time he gave something away, how many times have i been there to help, it’s not he who doesn’t help, but why should i help, why should i, and why do i have a lot of money? men's companies, well, now she is a young girl, as if yes, she is free, she has it happens, well, that she has male, sort
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of male acquaintances, that is, yes, she can now afford to bring someone there to visit, but now at the moment she doesn’t have any men in her house, for a week like there’s no one , but maybe, if anastasia is such a good mother, why were her children taken away from her, you didn’t cause the stink of guardianship on her yourself, when she kicked you out , when she caught up with you, no, in august...
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the girl got drunk, i i don’t argue, but she has changed a lot now, that is, she is doing everything to take the children away, they didn’t take her away
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children at all , her rights weren’t decided, i’m not even limited in rights, you’re such a good mom, she went, she went, and dad came to see his daughter at least once, but dad wasn’t here, dad, at least just call there, it’s elementary i’ve already taken the children away many times, more than once , no, no, once it’s... what the social services told me, well, get treatment, get a job, bring coal firewood, i did it all, we did everything, let’s see if you’re ready for the girls' return, we have a plot. anastasia boyarova will never get used to the fact that there are no beloved daughters near. mentally remembering ivan with an unkind word, she shows the electric stove that
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she now has instead of a gas stove. he doesn’t care what i cook with, as they say, it’s a fire, i’ll go out and light it on the fire. of the two burners, only one works, but the tile generates the most electricity in the house, complains anastasia. another problem here is the lack of water. it turns out. since there is no water in the house, i go for water myself, with this flask, plus i also take this bucket and carry it on myself, since i have two children, i still need to eat , cook, wash at the same time , clean the house, the roof needs repairs , when it starts to rain, the ceiling above the stove immediately darkens from dampness, here at first it was just... wet, that's how it gets in the summer it was raining heavily, so the water just ran out here, and this one over there also started flowing, which was
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also from the rains. now the house is comfortably warm, anastasia stocked up on firewood, i have coal here, i also bought firewood, that is, so far there is half a car here, now my salary is there first i will receive or the allowance will be thrown off, i will buy another half a car of firewood, anastasia works as a cleaner at a local school, and as soon as she gets the opportunity, she goes to the boarding school to visit... i bought them a lot of gifts, that is, natasha has been asking me for a diamond mosaic for a long time, here i am i bought it for her, as if katyusha loves me to play with blocks, especially since i’m going to school soon in the first grade, i bought her alphabet blocks to study letters, her girls love to draw, weave
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beaded bracelets, and tell stories at the chest a ruddy baby doll, this is katya’s favorite toy, that is, when they were taken to the center, i slept with him and , as they say, did not let him out of my hands, because my daughter’s favorite toy, that is , she herself... cannot live without him, i don’t know how she is there now, because well, it was impossible to leave him with her, that is, we went to kindergarten with him, when we bought her this toy, she went to kindergarten, she forgot it at home one day, we came to kindergarten, she has tears, a lot of toys, children's books, coloring books in the three-room apartment of ivan's mother tatyana sukhilina, her grandchildren visit her regularly, and grandma always knows what to captivate them with, they
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come for the summer, for the holidays, i have five of them, all of them are diverse, they are all cars and soft toys, while listing her grandchildren, tatyana deliberately does not mention katya, whom he does not recognize, but after a dna test everything can change, the woman assures, well , you haven’t listed yet how i will know for sure that she is mine, that is, my granddaughter, we will take her, play, why are you crying? because, well, it’s a shame for yourself, for the children, that’s okay, for yourself, as if paraffin, well, let them paraffin, for the children it’s a shame, but what did they wax on you, that you lead such a lifestyle, is it our fault, or what? do you miss your children? i miss you very much, now all i have to do is repair the stove, and
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i’ll take them home, but if you ’ve been helping you all this time, ivan, would it be easier for you? well, i think so, i don’t even think so, but i know that it would be easier, only there is no help from him, and the girls miss their dad, the girls don’t, they don’t even remember him, because he doesn’t call, doesn’t ask how they, that they are not helping, they have already forgotten how he it looks like if the dna test proves that ivan and katya are still father and daughter, you will apply for alimony, before i didn’t want to apply for alimony, even if he doesn’t want to help, as if he were voluntarily, he will help forcibly, well, like you yourself do you think he will pay, i think not, because he has a first wife, here is marina, she filed for alimony, they seemed to have agreed on one amount voluntarily, that i would voluntarily pay myself alimony, i don’t know how much they agreed on 6.00 , he
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paid the full amount, i don’t know, maybe once or twice it happened in thousands, yes. he paid four, three, that is, the full amount, even the agreed amount, he doesn’t pay, he somehow didn’t have money, even marina calls him and says, well, nastya gets it, let her give me money, well, instead of vanya, alimony pay, why did i have to pay it to the first child with the children’s money, that is , you will buy a debt for the first child, why did you sit there saying that i have no debts for the first child - of course, she just made it up there , what's 1.00, i can let’s say i give it 1.00 now, she’ll look at it for me. elena, what do you think, is ivan abandoning his daughter? i think that
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ivan is abandoning his daughter, well... i see that anastasia leads, well, an inappropriate lifestyle, but she is so sure that ivan really is also the father, at first everything was fine with them, very i want to. doctor of biological sciences, will anastasia have to change the middle name of her five-year-old
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daughter, we will find out the result of the dna test in a few minutes. sooner or later, the call of blood will still take its toll, and even a long separation cannot weaken the mutual attraction of loved ones. 25 years ago. antonina lost contact with her sister. we have the same father, but different mothers. natalya is a daughter from her first marriage. we are children, it was important for us that we still have a sister. in 1999 , we were about to leave the republic of uzbekistan, and so were they. the last time we saw each other was at the embassy in tashkent. and since then he has been dreaming of finding her. i kept having dreams there when we were at home, and that i was walking home to them. and also the incredible story of sergei mikhailovich, who has been searching for 43 years. employee volgograd airport, if i don’t fly away today, she will arrest me, she led me up the ramp, handed me over to the turdes and said wherever you want, put him there, but he has to fly away, i didn’t even ask her name, wait
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800 100 exactly 30 27 8 800 100 exactly 30-27 find out details about the emperor's secret, free anonymous call, happiness to you and good luck in love! mask, new season, sunday at 22:00 on ntv, is it over? what's going on here? this is a complete star here. andrey frolov. weapon obs. pritorian. interesting movie. premiere from monday at 22:10 on ntv. this is the dna program. the man initiated a genetic examination of his own official daughter.
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will depend on whether ivan sukhinin takes his official daughter home from the boarding school, five-year-old katya sukhinina, the girl was sent there by the guardianship authorities due to the immoral behavior of her mother anastasia vayarova. ivan and anastasia are not married, but the man agreed to register anastasia’s daughter as his name, and even chose her name himself. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the official father is ivan sukhin, on the other, his official daughter, katya sukhinina. the probability that 5 years ago, you, ivan, became a father is 0%. that's it, that's it. otherwise you’re sitting here tearing your claws,
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this can’t be, but how can it not be, that’s it that’s what it turned out to be, this simply cannot be, olga, and why are you so happy , why are you happy, the child will remain in the orphanage now, the child will remain in the orphanage, the worst thing is that the child, let her cares, she is a mother, she must take care of the children, she gave birth to them and must take care. ivan, what can you say, what can i say, in principle, i expected it, completely, i can’t understand how this could happen, well , it can’t be like that, i should have looked less at other people’s men and led them, i’m up to igor, as they say , was only with vanya, that's it, let's try to remember who could be katya's dad, igor can't be the father, alexey, but i don't know any.


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