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tv   Doznavatel  NTV  March 16, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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you see him, yes i see him, of course. he’s calm
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, yeah, well, we’ll have a long time to steam here, but we’ll have to wait, we’ve already been stuck here for 3 hours, nothing’s happening, look, he ’s also drinking beer, and if someone poured me a beer, i ’ll pour it for you in the evening, there they are ready, ready, yeah, that's it, there, let's go, stand, police, on your knees, police, on your knees, said, on the ground, car. well
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, they put the garbage in, i’ll dump it, quietly, quietly , quietly, quietly, quietly, i don’t understand, i’ll dump it, i say, let’s talk, from me, let’s come up with something now, and put it away, come here, quickly, i can’t, what, you ’re going to fire me, yes, i’ll knock him over, i’ll hit the ground, i’ll run over rocks, this one won’t do us any good now, let’s sort it out in the department, let’s move.
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here's a beer for us, you understand, comrade, an investigator, and i'm not an investigator, i 'm an interrogator, but what difference does it make, and i already explained, what's the difference, sit down, i said, well, well, there's an interrogator, what the hell difference does it make to me - then, you understand, comrade investigator, it’s a joke, they were joking, you are familiar with the word, joke, ha-ha, hee-hee, and i also already explained this to you, from the point of view according to the criminal code, your joke is qualified for up to 7 years in prison, of course, 7 years, yeah, but we just wanted to get to know the girls, sometimes you need to get to know them, you know that, so you came to the nightclub and introduced yourself as employees.
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the fsb showed them their id, but they’re not real, well, i mean the id, they’re girls, it says, oh, fsb, what is fsb? i know perfectly well, but what about the fsb? no, you’re so strange, but why? just kidding, harmless. oh, and you are 7 years old? hmm, well this inhumane, after all. well, first you meet girls by deception, and then decide to commit a real crime. who knew that these girls of yours were studying at the police academy? ugh, the police , instead of friendly sex, they will show this vigilance of yours, uh-huh, thank you, uh-huh, okay, take a chair, sit down, that means, i’m waiting for an explanation from you in writing, then we’ll think about what to do with you next, well, come on , tolik, be careful here, yeah, what? look out,
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why, if there’s someone you need to keep an eye on, so it’s up to you, you’re nothing but trouble, i don’t understand, what happened just now, is it you? like he was joking, but what am i saying, this is what comrade colonel says about you, yes, yeah, and what else does he say, and he also says that you and him with your adventures will give us a heart attack, yeah, well, you understand how always, we are the last ones, so i didn’t move in, you left or something, don’t interfere with work, how about a beer, oh, listen, i need to go take a shower , i stink all over the swamp, it’s clear who they took today, yes, an old showdown, yes ours? what's new with you?
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hi, is there a payment at the entrance? let me go. oh my, lilya, hi, did you forget? oh damn, uh-huh, there’s not a single light bulb in the house , everything’s burned out to hell, i forgot, well done, oh well, just think, i didn’t have time to buy a light bulb, lil, what are you doing for the sake of it, so where are you going, what
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it’s like this, to mom again, some insightful, yeah, and what this time, i’m tired, tired, that, well, if you want, i ’ll go get a light bulb, even now, i’m tired of everything , you’re always at your job, at home... .to the mess, this renovation, when it's finished, finally, you don’t have time, then you don’t have money, you have no conscience, listen , the renovation will end, you need to be patient with everything a little, but i’ve been patient for a year now, constantly these suitcases, cans of paint, year, year, this it should be noted, it’s a year, but take your hands off , you can do whatever you want, but i’m going to my mother, to my mother, that means to my mother, yeah, well, go ahead, i’m not taking you anywhere, my car is being repaired , how is this, and how is this, uh, and how am i with two bags, stasik, take me. yeah, now, instead of coming after work, it’s okay to eat , but by the way, there’s nothing to eat except sausages, i have to go to your mother’s in pushkin, then back into the night, i’ll divorce you, it’s clear , in order to divorce me, you must first marry me, in i mean, on the contrary, i’ll marry you, i’m a bastard, goodbye, lilya, but what
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is this, and should i take it away? it's all a bastard. well, let's go, little fish
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, it's okay, the house is nice, yes, of course, it's nice, yes, i hope you're really alone there, well, of course, i told you already completely alone, well, you all say that, then you come home bag friends begins, for that kind of money the little fish could lie with everyone, make noise, little fish, you won’t get bored there, you make yourself comfortable, sit down, don’t be shy, here’s the sun, the sun, help yourself. and we’ll just go straight to bed, or we’ll still be there, no, no, you go straight to the shower, and where is our shower, and our shower is around the corner, what should i pour you, wine, right?
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what else? i explained to you in russian that i am not going to sell my share in this business. “listen, you call me at least 100 more times, nothing will change, so fuck you, you sheep, i’m your robe here i took it, nothing, nothing, you won’t drown in it, and you poured me wine, i’m pouring it, well, well,
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you said that you were alone, listen, well, i’m alone, alone, well, maybe it’s the neighbor who came, i don’t know, now let’s see, yeah, who’s there, it’s the police, sergei arkadyevich, please open up, what’s the matter? who are you? senior lieutenant kuharkov. criminal roseus. i need to ask you a few questions. what questions? what is the problem? can you still open the door? or will we just talk like this? as you say, your name is senior lieutenant kuharkov, criminal wanted yes, you can call our duty officer at the department. he will confirm my credentials. okay, tell me your id number. yes, i’m listening, police, duty officer khamenko. hello, duty officer khamenko. eh,
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tell me, please, do you have such a senior lieutenant kukharkov in your department? that's right, this is our employee, are you having any problems with him? yes, no, he just asks me to open the door for him. i have his service id number. i'm like this now, take my advice. i don't tell you i advise you to interfere with the actions of a law enforcement officer. while there in the room, what are you going to do , well, they don’t trust the police, but hello
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, so what do you need, what are these late visits, what do you owe, i need to ask you a few questions, where can we talk, well, go to the kitchen , just keep in mind, i have very little time, but i’m listening to you carefully, lord! sashka, hello, hello, why are you so
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gloomy, honestly, i just didn’t get enough sleep, yes, well, what’s her name, who interfered, do you really want to hear this bitter the truth, you see, no one stopped you, that’s why you didn’t get enough sleep, you probably need to get married, but did you all agree or something, then homenka, then mom and dad, now you, mom and dad, by the way, won’t give bad advice , of course, it’s good for them to reason from a distance, yes, but where are they with you, far away, well, where in one distant, distant galaxy, oh, oh, do you remember that today is thursday, yes, i remember, yes, so that i don’t call before you? okay, hello, tolik, are you still here, your duty is already over, good morning, khamenka,
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some are good and some are not, i looked at you like water, what, what is it, but only troubles from you, from myself and from kukharkov, so, okay, boys, i’ll go, and you sort it out yourself, people are waiting for me, didn’t you get enough sleep, or something, khamenka, let’s get some sleep with you, of course, why are you grumbling, what happened, otherwise you don’t know, right? no, i don’t know , well, of course, everyone already knows, listen, you, everyone knows, but i don’t, tell me exactly what happened, but your cook friend, stas, killed some farmer last night. how did you fail? how supposed, with a control in the head to death, cooks? yes, yes, your cook, what are you doing? hey, return the button, solve the tach-colonel, come in, sit down, major kumach!
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senior detective of the criminal investigation department, and this is colonel goncharov, from the department of internal security, we saw each other, yeah, and i see, comrade colonel, you were unhappy with our last meeting, since you came to us again, and you didn’t joke about me, no need, business- it’s very serious, well, uh-huh, mayor kumavich, well, stop these jokes of yours, but the matter is really serious, you know, but i don’t see any case, how can i not... i see, like this, like this, let’s go in order, what can you show to my employee? it is not me who is presenting it, but the prosecutor’s office. well, okay, let's say you have something specifically? there is testimony from a witness, elena solntseva, 23 years old, that in her presence , senior lieutenant kukharkov committed the murder
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of businessman chvanov, shooting him in the head with a pistol with a silencer. very convincing, but what kind of girl do we have, a prostitute, as far as i know, what kind of testimony can we talk about, who will believe them? kirill, well this it’s not serious anymore, so what if she’s a prostitute, she’s first of all a witness, and everyone is equal before the law, okay, let ’s say, then what, she identified him, she doubts, you see, she doubts, which means she didn’t identify him, at what time the murder occurred at about 10 o'clock in the evening. where were you at 10 pm? i you, you, you, yes i was at home, sleeping, away from home, who can confirm this? hmm, no one, in general, this is not the point, this whole thing is sewn with white thread, colonel, it’s not the children who have gathered here, but a call to the duty officer, what a call, you know,
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killer presentation. moreover, this businessman called our department and spoke with khamenko, well, he already testified, they told him the number of stas’s service id, these are the pies, where is your id, i already have his id, so they confiscated it, well that means so, we will figure out how this is , the killer is your employee, but no, not ours. or it’s not yours, he entered the apartment using your employee’s official id. senior lieutenant kuharkov was suspended from service, he is still in the prosecutor's office there will be a lot of questions and answers, but let me digress. we
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will inform you about the progress of the verification. star, how much money did they pay you for ruining this business , what are you talking about, stas, i was joking, well, i was joking, stas, why are you so small, well, well, we’ll figure it out, well they didn’t come out like that, well, by god, a hundred! thank you, bon appetit , put it back, stas, it’s good to drink, you would be in my place, oh, okay, listen, remember at the picnic even a girl recognized me and nothing, san, what does this have to do with it, i don’t belong they believe, khamenka, he’s good too, but tolik is here, and he was just doing his job, and lilya, where
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was you last night, where, where, went to see your mother, again, i ’m amazed at you guys, and we ourselves to yourself. we are amazed, what is it this time? repair and this is a light bulb, what kind of light bulb? well, the light bulb burned out, and i promised to screw it in, lilka asked, promised for 2 days and didn’t screw it in, that ’s clear, listen, give me a drink, otherwise, you don’t need to drink anymore, it won’t help, but what will help, you need to find a real shooter, wow , how simple it is, let's go, let's find it, so, come on think logically, come on, there are two options here, either he had your asset, no, this can’t be, that means it’s a copy, but how is this, listen, i have a guy going through a case right now, he and his friend decided on.. .to get acquainted with the girls, showed their fsb id, asked them to get into the car, and one of the girls turned out to be a cadet at a higher police school, well, she figured out that the xivs were leftists, handed them over
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to the patrolmen, okay, san, what are you suggesting, look, i’ve been calling him for a long time i'm wondering where he got these xivs, and he says that there is a site in on the internet, where you can get almost everything, and there is a site address, i have to try it, i persuaded him. well, for the success of the event, great , great, why are you doing this early in the morning, and pashka is screaming, and you know, brother, what alcoholism is, and you never drink a lot, when you need to smell something in the morning, why did you come to treat me? is it? and another one is touchy, okay , that he found out, but why find out, the matter is stalled, that there are no developments at all, but what kind?
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come on, come on, reporting is stupid, the case should be closed, even on paper, kolyan, well, there must be some options , this is not a kamnikaker, we need to negotiate at the top , okay, good luck, well, look, sasha, we got you a new mailbox especially for this matter, yeah, that is, all letters will go there , i see, uh-huh, uh-huh, okay, let's move on, look how interesting we have. website, i will assist in obtaining a license, a certificate of an assistant to a deputy, in my opinion, this is exactly what is happening in your case, oo, ministry of internal affairs, oo, fsb. no, well,
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apparently, we need something else. what else? well, not llc, but something more real. here's something more realistic, please. certificate, ministry of internal affairs and upc, for sale, write a personal message. where is it more realistic? here, write. so there is interest in the police crust, in the sieva, in the crust, crusts, so the crusts, so, how much does it cost, how to get it, don’t rush, well, i wrote, yes, now put my email, i’ll put your email, uh-huh, that’s it, correct it, that’s it , you think it will work out. i don’t know, i’ve talked to you many times, but you don’t listen to me, so what did you say, put yourself in the place of the criminal, think like him, ashot, i
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law-abiding citizen, no, i’m saying , think like him, don’t act, how would you sell these crusts, i don’t understand, well, how would you sell crusts to clients, well, be careful not to get burned, that’s right, their security is serious , you see, in general i... surfed the internet for half of these scam ads, but, but i have nothing to show them, uh-huh, you won’t come to us with a statement, saying, guys, i wanted to buy a left hand car, but they cheated me out of money, i won’t come, well of course you won’t come, but they have security and the insurance is serious, for example, it’s ready for use in the storage room at the station, yes, uh-huh, uh-huh, you pay the money. you get the cell number and its code, understand? well, it’s logical , that’s the only way, as i think, to hire a seller, this is to try to buy not... but
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just one, but two, which, in the sense of a batch, and so, i’ll go buy myself some ice cream too, i want to be smart , how are you, take it, eat, uh-huh, thank you, why did you give him my ice cream, well, bunny, i’ll buy it for you, but i don’t want to, i’m at home, i wanted to watch football, let's go, go to football, now you'll have football at home, and you can't even add boiling water to it to make it brew better, okay, kostya, call kunitsky,
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i received emails, everything suits me, yeah, 10 grand bucks, work for a day, okay, me everything is fine, call, sit down, don’t twitch, and what does that mean, you haven’t heard, 10,000 us dollars, no? you guys are normal, the goods
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are immediately available within 24 hours, and this is only an advance payment , i don’t have it with me, i told you, it’s a badge, you have to hurt it, wait, call your boys, so that the money will be here in an hour, otherwise i’ll bury you, i understand, but don’t you be afraid, guys, the city center, huh? this is our club, fool, no fly can fly here without our permission, it’s me, listen, well, i agreed with the boys, we need to bring in the money, 10 grand, yeah. he's been demanding for the whole hour, thank you,
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let's, well, guys, let's dance until the end of the day, it's nice. somewhere , thank you, they could treat me too, not before you confirm your ability to pay, you need to know what words he knows, and he’s at least on your fuse, but sit there, you’re not a smart guy, smart guy, yeah, it’s been half an hour already passed.
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listen, friend, you can’t go a little faster, but like the goyim, i’ll resolve the issue myself from the police. fine. 10 minutes left , well, you promised, go sort things out, friend, sorry, hello, criminal deputy korolev, what, you left your id at home, it happens, yes, you have a lot of cops around here, let’s go figure it out.
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will you recount? are you completely frostbitten or what? who would say? not only is there a problem with him, but if they had failed you, and well, they didn’t fail you, well, they could , they could, they couldn’t, they did the main thing, they haven’t done it yet, they haven’t done it yet, why didn’t you take them right there? and what will we present to them? that's right, you need to take them with the goods, yeah, interesting, how do you imagine this? so why do you need it? so yes, you understand, they need photos for photos of, well, all sorts of corrupt cops, and so it was him then, it’s very funny, you’ll make an agreement with me now, make your face more serious, please, so stern, hamenka, why are you smiling, i’ll
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tell you this is the fifth time i’ve said it, that’s it, come on, harden the hairpin, please, so khamenka, that’s it, go, go, sit, watch how normal people take pictures, let's take a shot. so , i don’t understand, just sit there, what’s going on here , why is there no one on duty, like there’s no one, i left you, again, or what, no, no, this is suvorov, labotryas, suvorov, what are you doing here? i organized a photo shoot, and this was boris borisovich, for the wall newspaper, suddenly some kind of inspection from the main office will come again, they like it at the main office so that everything is beautiful, so i decided, well, okay.
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well, you brought it, the guy is slowing down, you brought the second part of the money, or you’ll use it again a hint, what a hint, a call to a friend, in this sense, everything is fine, he brought it, what are you talking about, come on, are you completely crazy? guys, it’s okay, show me the product first , show me, look, the venikov company doesn’t knit like
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the real thing, like the real thing, i’ve agreed 100 times, it’s a one-to-one copy, all the stamps, holograms, everything is in place, doesn’t it glow in ultraviolet light, but who checks this, right? listen, everything is fine, only suvorov is the interrogating officer, and you have written the detective for especially important cases, exactly, well, excuse me, so that i can see, go ahead, well great, dear, great, come in, sit down. tell me, i won’t tell you anything, give me a lawyer and this is it, yeah, that means i don’t have time to sharpen my words here with you,
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i’ll explain everything to you on my fingers, i absolutely don’t give a damn about your business, but did you sell the xiva? not a very good person, a killer, and because of this killer i am in a lot of trouble, but what am i doing there? maybe he bought it somewhere else? no, only you make copies; your partner has already split. tvoryuga, so, i’ll explain it to you popularly, hands on the table, so, you hand over the killer and you have one article, but if you don’t hand him over, i’ll catch him myself. well then, i’ll already bring you an order, and why
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are we staring at half-glazed eyes, and i don’t have time to talk here with you, we’ll be silent, okay, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, this is so as not to stain the walls with blood, sit, well... let's talk, huh? we’re silent, yes, okay, i don’t understand what we’re counting on, luck, that’s all, it’s closed, come back in an hour. is already open, i don’t understand how they
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copied my data and where? listen, you never know where they could have set your fire on fire, here you are, for example, you like to go to the bathhouse, right , well, yeah, well, you don’t wash with it, well, of course , i lock it in a locker, but there is no such locker that cannot be opened, look, this is a real one, it costs money alone, but the same copy , but also with real data, completely different, oh, sanya, a forest without... dance on the table 3400, who knows what the prices are, whatever you want, the boss’s room, where, and who are you? oh damn, it's there, yeah, yeah, thanks. oh, this seems to be
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a private room, yes, this is where everything happens, listen, but the door is closed, yes, yes, look, come on, it’s not open, turn on the light. a hundred, take the cord, so, goodbye, all the best, uh-huh, come see us again, he, no, that’s right, i know this one, this one is on the federal wanted list.
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this one is not, listen, if you erased it, i’ll bury you right here , i never erase my client databases, you never know, here he is, for sure, for sure, yes, he doesn’t look like me at all, listen, this photo needs to be taken down urgently , how did you contact him, by email, and by phone, once, write the number, yes, guys, the phone number hasn’t been around for a long time... yes, the cellular company still has the data for phone calls, and the place from where the connection was made can also be determined. i also did other things for him, yeah, we’ll figure it out. everything is calm here, we are waiting for instructions, everything is under control, the object did not pass through.
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good afternoon, colleagues, major bulan, fsb. what's going on here? yes, we are only as support, there is an operation here, they are looking for one particularly dangerous person. i see, otherwise i look, one car is in the yard, then another. thank you. new, we’ll take him under surveillance, what else is there, the hut is removable, well, you saw it, and if he won’t come back there, i saw that the refrigerator is full, which means it appears periodically, we’ll wait, well, yes. we are still needed , but the men are not free, it’s so calm for now, but everything is fine, only the major, the older brother , was interested in why you were hanging around here, well, he’s probably watching, probably, which major, but he passed by and pointed out , yes, an ordinary major, a long time ago, yes, just now, san , what are you talking about, but he can have different ksivs,
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damn, where did this major go, yes, it seems like there, it seems, they at least looked at the runaway. listen, no man passed by here, uh, what are you talking about? you do, but stop! that i didn’t find him, no, where, where, where, where, where, kukhalkov, well, call him
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now. the criminal rozots was running away. oh to the catcher, as they say, so quickly to my office, maybe later, come on, come on, come on, without talking, quickly, i told you, i told you, let's come in,
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yeah, well, how's the cook, they called , they found out, well, this is it, the operation was performed, will he live? yeah, they told me today, well, you tell kukharkov, yeah, that’s it, the check is closed, everything is fine, as the french say, there’s bphenibene, everything’s fine, that it ends well, mercy bakutovich is a colonel, and this shooter zaripov is a tough nut to crack, but i think they will finish him off in prison, oh well, well done, eagles, free, yeah, yeah , yes, by the way, suvor! yes, boris borisovich , well, i’ll ask you to stay, yes, listen , what’s wrong with the wall newspaper, and for some reason i ’m not watching it point-blank, but, comrade colonel, you understand, i don’t understand, well, you you know, i don’t know, you have to keep up, you have to keep up with everything, well , at least you did something, did it, come
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on, show me, please, what is it, well, i let's go, well, what do we have here? i didn’t understand , phew, osokin boris borisovich, head of the rvd, yeah, asokin boris borisovich, what’s the district police officer, well, i’m here for you now, and the kumach, suvorov, well, i’ll show you, and hello, can i go to kukharkov, please come in, great, great, keep it for the blood, well, just like yourself , nothing better, like, well done, the doctors said i was lucky, so be happy, yeah,
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i’m happy, can’t you see how joyful i am, yes , listen, asokin told you this. apparently so that you recover faster, ksieva, listen, stas, well, i i want to ask you, those 10 bucks that you brought, i honestly thought that you would bring a support group, but you are just money, a lot, where did you get so much? yes, they were laid there for a rainy day, and there is still a lot lying there. no, there is nothing left, i decided that such grandmothers will not bring happiness, hello! is it possible for kukharkov? yes yes. okay, get better. oh wait, here's another one.
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here you go. san. a? thank you. let's. hello. hello. i'm sorry. okay, sasha, i have to go, i
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have to get up early tomorrow, i have a shoot in the morning, early, early, bye, sasha, why, you won’t even treat me to tea, i told you, it’s early to get up, well... when not today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, well, just tell me when, i understand, not today, sasha, well, no be offended by me, okay, okay, bye,
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damn, where were you, um, oh my god, how you scared me, where were you? sorry, what are you doing here? answer my question. please. sorry, i don’t remember that you had keys to my apartment. keys to your apartment. sunny, you seem to have forgotten that this is my apartment. you live in it, i do i want, well, show me what you have there, well , well, come on, show me, well, well, lord, what are you
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doing, i have to film tomorrow, i didn’t get enough, i had to do more, even spoil the beauty, go away, what, leave. mishan, where are you? you mean in paris? oh, so what, they haven’t stolen the e-dress yet, huh? uh, what's the matter, guys, next time, cop. we'll just bury you, got it, right?
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300 rubles for a haircut, normal, huh?


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