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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 16, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello on ntv program today in the mikhail chibanenko studio. today is the second day of voting in the presidential election in russia. polling stations have already opened in all regions, all information from them goes to the central election commission and they work there in these areas.
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million people, nevertheless, many voters prefer to go to the polling stations the old fashioned way, which is called voting. activity in these elections is quite high, many voters come live to the polling station, many choose electronic voting, but classic paper voting is also respected, there are quite a lot of ballots. we issue, at the end of the day
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we transfer the ballots from the stationary voting box into safe packages and put them away for storage in the safe, as a result, yesterday we decided that we will make two safe packages, that is, we will not, as it were, all in one, which indicates a fairly high turnout and the popularity of the paper ballot. the head of the central election commission, ella pomfila, also decided not to change traditions and voted today at the polling station at her place of residence. she also said that the electronic portal.
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turnout is observed in the regions of donbass, zaporozhye and kherson regions, they are participating in the russian presidential elections for the first time, and there at this moment the voter turnout was already more than 60%. mikhail, yes, inna, thank you, inna osipova works at the central election commission and from there she monitors the progress of the presidential elections. the military also vote, the procedure takes place at polling stations that are located in the regions where formations and military units are deployed, and many come to cast their vote for candidates along with their families. in other news: sergei shaig was shown footage destruction of western equipment in the northern military district zone. the minister of defense held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of forces and heard reports from the commanders. only american ones.
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moved to the firing line and, after several sighting shots , struck at the given coordinates with unguided rockets. in the kupinsky direction, an army aviation combat group destroyed enemy strongholds. the k-52 reconnaissance attack helicopter, the mi-35 transport aircraft and the multi-purpose mi-8 went on the mission. and on the ground. on the same
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direction, crews of mstas howitzers destroyed engineering structures and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. high-precision ammunition was fired at fortified positions, causing maximum damage. today a special date is being celebrated in crimea; exactly 10 years ago a referendum on the status of the peninsula was held there. almost 97% of crimeans, more than 95% of sevastopol residents voted for reunification with russia. this fateful event went down in history as the crimean spring. it united the entire country and restored historical justice. over the course of 10 years as part of russia, the peninsula has changed to unrecognizability. one of the main achievements of the construction of the crimean bridge, which connected the republic with the rest. russia , also on the territory of the peninsula, new highways appeared, in particular the famous tavrida, large medical centers, social and sports facilities, the tauride and baloklava power plants were built, a modern airport in the city of simferopol, and our specialists also improved the children's
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camp artek, which in the ukrainian period was practically did not develop. in finland you can no longer drive cars with russian numbers, such a ban began to take effect today, for violation of the rules. vehicles may be seized, a duty imposed or taken outside the eu. the new rules do not apply to students who permanently reside outside the eu, employees who have an employment contract with a local company, or cars with diplomatic license plates. it is expected that drivers with russian license plates will be stopped on the roads and checked for their right to drive a car in the country. a similar ban came into effect this week in lithuania and estonia; a month earlier it was introduced in latvia. the farewell ceremony for the president of the satire theater alexander shirvint will be held at the theater on monday, march 18, and this morning people have been bringing flowers and candles there. shervint directed the theater for more than 20 years and was on stage until the last day. the people's
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artist passed away the day before; he was 89; vladimir putin expressed his condolences to his relatives. viewers remembered sherwind for his bright roles in films, among them the irony of fate or with light steam, three in a boat not counting dogs, a station for two, he ’s probably not an artist after all, much less a director, his profession is unique, he’s shirvint, mark zakharov wrote about his friend, it’s my husband’s anniversary today, it’s a joy, could you play for him a dying swan, well , you can, a dying swan, i can do anything, he will do it, thank you, thank you, girl, blabay, i’m dying. “smile at me, as i do at you, so does lela, and shirvin always agreed with this , said that he doesn’t have this manic desire to always be on stage, in his youth he even wanted to become a taxi driver, but his son is a violinist and the actress initially had no chance to go into a creative profession, they didn’t go, but flew
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, we’ll figure it out, fastened ourselves with excuses, the flight was normal, the shchukin school, the theater on the small armored vehicle, and then..." the satire theater, where his friends andrei mironov and mikhail already served derzhavin. short, short , short, long. 30 years later he will become the artistic director of this theater. shirven formulated the essence of his profession much later, receiving another order from the hands of the president. i always envy when the guys come out here, yes, in the heat and they say, without any long words: “i serve russia.” i also say: i will make russia laugh. he really made people laugh, and with a stony expression on his face, for which he received the nickname mask. their duet with mikh-mikh, mikhail derzhavin, was adored by the entire soviet union. the
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other day, the mother of the famous american movie star, sylvester stalona, ​​came to moscow. she hinted that she dreams of finding a bride for her son in moscow. if she's lucky, there will be sylvestralons. their strong friendship , which lasted only 72 years, would be interrupted only with the death of derzhavin. a little earlier mark zakharova became, mironov left even earlier. losing those with whom they lived so much, legends are made about the antics of this company in the theater world. shirvint once said that he was tired of burying his friends. towards the end of his life he called his age the crazy years and complained about how quickly everything was changing.
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yes, he asked me, he’s not local either. for those who found it difficult during the pandemic, not to go to the theater to go on their favorite fishing trip, maybe it was then that a new genre appeared. and the sound was as if this boar was made of a steel blank, into the auditorium
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i was already ready to neigh and whistle, at this time i, who was always famous for my resourcefulness, jumped up, and they overcooked me again. in 2021, he resigned from the post of artistic director and was even proud of it , saying that usually they are either kicked out or carried out of the theater feet first, but he did not quit the stage. in his last performance he played almost himself, an old clown with sad eyes. so, it means that before the performance mashenka, with the help of skill, a comb and my gray remaining hair, is trying to make an image out of me. how old are you now? i have this feeling sometimes, that in my
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years the calculation will end with the help of ntv viewers, i need a wiki from moscow, a nine-year-old girl has cerebral palsy because of this , the child has problems with the musculoskeletal system, now she is engaged in a rehabilitation program and goes to school, according to doctors, her condition can improve thanks to our support. more details alexey ivliev: you and i lay and hook. it would seem that it would be easier to put on a skirt, but for nine-year-old vika this is a real test, like hundreds of other ordinary everyday tasks that we do without even thinking about it. automatically. vika was born an ordinary child, but after falling from a great height, doctors eventually made a disappointing diagnosis - cerebral palsy. the parents were told, not only... that she won’t walk, she won’t get up on her feet, look how i can be, in order to literally
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put the girl on her feet, the parents moved from the kaluga region to moscow and turned to the charity service of the mercy of the marina convent , for the fourth year now they have been studying in this unique center, where children are taught to live independently. the difference between this rehabilitation center and others is the fact is that children come here not for a short course of treatment, but for... they have been studying here for several years, and a unique rehabilitation program has been developed here, to become like the main desire of little patients, they achieve amazing results. vika was let in at the age of 9, but she went to first grade, and after school she bombards her mother with questions, when are we going to go to the rehabilitation center, i pick her up at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, she’s like that for class, i say, no, we have a day off today, she’s like that on saturday morning i get up for classes, i say, no, today is a day off, i say, no, she ’s running to class, straighten your arm, let’s go , push, one, come on, come on, push, push, push, two,
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smart girl, but absolutely everyone, the staff of the rehabilitation center, and its little patients, their parents , dream of the appearance here, in the monastery of magic mittens, of domestic development of software equipment with a glove that allows you to resuscitate the work of nerve endings, it is interactive with biofeedback. and the most interesting thing is that it really turns on, you can develop a small motor skills, you can restore this function, you can develop a better wrist joint, the work of your fingers, hands, the charity service mercy appeals to ntv viewers with a request to collect 195. rubles to purchase such necessary medical equipment for a nine-year-old girl, the girl needs to use her right hand, and. .. maybe we’ll be able to raise money right away for a left mitten for other kids diagnosed with cerebral palsy,
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or even find funds for several sets of magic gloves so that the wonderful specialists at marfamarinsk the monastery had the opportunity to work with children of all ages. alexey ivliev, anastasia altukhova, stepan lesakovich, gennady lisitsky, eduard smirnov, ntv television company, medical center of the marthamarinsky monastery, moscow. that's it for this minute, mikhail chabanenko was with you, stay on ntv. this is moscow, this is moscow. hey! now it will appear, well, what about a card that earns money on its own, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%,
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what kind of broth, dezherak - the secret of taste in the broth, if more than two. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors magnet dzhem makheev 999 magnet - the price you need at bigfest. for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period. this sign is modestly hidden behind the big victories at the new stadium; it will support the sports spirit at the new grounds near home in any weather. this sign does not move forward against the background of great talent in the updated cultural center. and he will certainly fade into the
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background at such a solemn moment. sign of the national project of russia. easy to miss, but impossible to miss the changes he brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. mask: new season, tomorrow at 22:00 on ntv. i found out my credit rating and chose the right loan. check your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. and we will select the most profitable loan, taking into account your current payments and credit history. find out, compare. chose, compare on your side, everyone has their own image of success, someone dreams of overcoming gravity and flying into space, someone has a personal space of your own apartment, and for another
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territory of russia. first, about where we expect bright changes, this does not mean pleasant ones. the cyclone is gradually covering the north-west of the country. on sunday there will be rains, it’s a shame , the temperature will drop, the sharpest by 10 degrees in the kaliningrad region, the smolensk degrees of sodium, this will most likely be on monday, according to preliminary calculations the cyclone will not be able to penetrate deeper into the middle zone, it will not be able to greatly adjust the weather there it can, but tomorrow it won’t even touch much, pleasant spring warmth, only there are more clouds, precipitation is not excluded in the south, they will cover the lower volga more, there will be wet snow there, wet snow in the mountain and foothill regions, in stavropol on sunday... while we are hoping for the sun, everything about the weather, cleanse your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with visol, only it contains oats of milky ripeness at silentra.


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