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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  March 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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pasha, prepare me a dossier on sergei sumin , work with this phone, i urgently need to know everything about the owner of the sim card, and also, if gleb’s house has cameras, connect to them and start monitoring everything that seems suspicious, report immediately if pasha has not mixed up anything. the seeds are in this house, i didn’t mix anything up, his mother lives here, he himself is registered here, by the way, i found out who owns the phone number from which they threatened gleb, is it really sumin, well, not with you interesting, you know everything yourself, sergei himself is at home now, no, 5 minutes ago his mother was talking with a friend and complaining that there was no one to even go to the pharmacy for medicine, of course. olya, go talk to your mother,
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try to find out where sergei is now. okay, pasha, give me the video with ollie's camera, just a second. well, what's the matter, pavlik? i don’t understand it myself, the signal is not getting through. no video, no sound, so, now we’ll figure it out, we need to figure it out before the operation begins, how many times do we tell you the same thing, sure enough, nothing will happen, there’s only one pensioner there, pavlik, it’s not for you justifies, mikhail ilyich, i noticed something interesting on the video from cameras near gleb’s house, someone is near his car. pavlik,
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this is a bomb, where is gleb now? at home now? gleb, are you still at home? no, no work. today you do not leave the apartment, at least until the police arrive. yes it happened, your car was mined, oh , just in time, something happened, gleb’s car was targeted, it’s not clear from the video who did it, maybe he did, by the way, we managed to find out something new about him, and why weren’t you following me, unfortunately, no, pavlush nothing is working today, i asked you not to call me that. and i asked
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you to take your responsibilities responsibly , don’t get into trouble, there wasn’t much need to keep an eye on him, after his release sumin didn’t show up at his mother’s, he called once and disappeared, so she doesn’t see any money or help from him, it’s a pity, well, i installed a camera on the landing, so that if he comes to his mother, we will find out in any case, if pavlik with his equipment does not fail, mikhailoch, i promise, now everything will be fine. i really hope so, okay, okay, we'll call you, thank you, egor , hello, hello, hello, you don’t let us get bored , we’re trying to figure out how the situation is, they found a bomb, yes , they found it, there’s a sapper coming and neutralized it, so sumin
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, no matter what you do, decided to kill gleb? it looks like gleb is your client, and who is sumin? sergei sumin, a football fan, served 5 years in prison, has just been released, and has had a grudge against gleb for a long time. i have now sent you all the materials on this case. chief, can i take a look around here for now, come on. this is a good idea, you can help us at the same time. i mean, what need to do? well, watch the fence in the baby netgan. ah... come on, it’s funny to call me, hey, man, man, stop, stop, where are you going , this is a closed area, come on, let ’s go beyond the fence, the police are working, no outsiders are allowed, what does the police have to do with it?
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are the police here, did they kill or rob someone? this is classified information, in any case, you can’t come here, girl, who are you, are you from the police? i’m not, but it doesn’t matter, you can’t take me here anyway, but wait, well, girl, let me do it myself... i’ll decide what i can do, and what’s not allowed, if you’re not from the police, then listen, i’m not you, i’m with the police, what’s the matter, but here’s a man pushing for the fence, not listening to anything, they explained to you that the area is closed by the police, so what, what happened , you can’t just explain to me who you are as a journalist, no, i just have a car there, i need to go on business, documents for the car, but now, oh, i think documents for the car “i was worried about getting home with the car, so i ran out without documents, i’ll bring them now, come on, some strange one, uh-huh, such weirdos every incident
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i’m tired of today, so many cameras had to be installed, but now we have the blip under almost round-the-clock surveillance, do you think sumin won’t back down? yegor said that the explosive device was made conscientiously, apparently, he was determined to end greb’s life. i can’t even imagine where we should look for him, perhaps his fellow fans could tell us something. but they themselves still need to be found, and they are also hiding from someone, just like his dead brother was part of a group of fans, they, as you know, try not to come to the attention of the police. the doctor
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has already sent you the video to your home. goodbye, be sure to take the medicine he prescribed. sergey says hello to you, don’t say anything, he can’t come to you now, yeah, here’s the money, i ’ll come to you in a few days, please don’t tell anyone that i was with you, thank you fetenka, goodbye, oh, thank you, this is already a trace, pasha, i urgently need to establish the identity of this doctor, i’m already working, if this... is really an unknown doctor, then i will quickly find him, that is, this peter, who did a real doctor really come to see sumin’s mother? yes, pavlik found out that he works as a therapist in a clinic, albeit at the other end of moscow. i wonder how he can be connected with sumin, i don’t know, maybe
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a school friend, maybe also a football fan, so you ask him yourself, i’m not me. pasha, where is our doctor? judging by the signal from his phone, he is heading in your direction. yeah, i already see it myself, well, that’s your way out. chief, what should i tell him? come on, time is running out. pavlik, i hope everything is all right for you now in order. i’m waiting for a video with olga ’s camera, mikhailovich, i promise there won’t be any problems today, i’ll give you a picture, hello , hello, and you know each other, not exactly, but
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you’re a doctor, thank you, yes, i don’t remember something, i have you were treated, no, no, i wasn’t treated, i’m nina mikhailovna’s neighbor. “what a nina mikhailovna, smart, well, you came to see her this morning, and i went into a cafe, saw you and i’m thinking whether it’s you or not, but now i definitely see you, girl, i don’t really understand what you’re from you want me, you know, i accidentally came through the door heard that you, mikhailovna , conveyed greetings from sergei and money, and i really need to see him, maybe you can help me, but it’s just that seryozha and i met before he..." was imprisoned, girl, i don’t really understand, what are you talking about, i don’t know either nina mikhailovna or sergei, you were mistaken, everything is fine, pavlik,
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and you are very attentive now, peter was clearly nervous after talking with olga, he will probably call someone now, no... worry , i have everything under control, well, you saw, i ruined everything, let’s go. call, martyn, it’s me, they’re looking for my bag, that’s right, right, right, some girl just interrogated me, you didn’t say anything about seryoga, where is she from, from the police? no, this is definitely not the police, but this is serious, i feel that seryoga should probably be transported to a new place, don’t panic, we’ll meet tomorrow and discuss everything, but for now, go home and don’t talk to anyone else, end of communication, okay, pasha, urgently take care of this martyn, i need to know about not... that's it, how is it, pavlik? that's it,
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calm down, gleb is already asleep, maybe you should rest michal oljechu? no, i'll keep watch. but you, let’s stop working, tomorrow the morning will be full. is that why you let go? and therefore too. she ran to her yoga class again. by the way, you did what... i asked you to do, but why, i made inquiries about the yoga center that olya goes to, nothing criminal, an ordinary center, okay, that’s it, go rest, so, mikhailich, strangers on the site near the apartment gleba, i’ll give you a picture on the monitor. urgently call yegor and budigleb, i’m there, maybe we’ll wait for the police, but there’s no time,
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they won’t have time to stand, police, stop, be quiet, don't pull. i understand, you left a legacy in me, yes, this pepper here, martyn, should know where he is, vadim martynenko, 30 years old, several reports to the police, fights, hooliganism, like a deadline, i checked, he is included in that same group. what about sumin? there is a photo of them together, apparently, the guys are completely frostbitten,
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first they beat them, then they ask what they need, so mikhailoch, you got off easy at night, dasha, you can’t be left alone at all, well, why did you have to do everything yourself, it was impossible they wouldn’t have had time to wait for yegor, pray, gleb could have been seriously injured during the fire, it was necessary to remove this bastard overnight. if it weren’t for his leg , he wouldn’t have left me, well, let’s talk to martyn, just be patient for a couple of minutes, i’m scanning the apartment, boss, look, it’s not martyn , wow, he came on his own, well, let’s talk, just a minute, in the apartment martin was left with a working laptop and mobile phone, i give you an image from the camera.
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why does this max live in st. petersburg, sumin wonders if it’s possible to come visit him for another month, i decided to deal with gleb and cook, it looks like it was there, egor, sol, they are already at the door of the apartment, now i’ll give you an image. don’t rock the boat, police
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, what do you want, i’ve already done my time, but consider it, i haven’t even started serving time yet, the court will evaluate two attempted murders of glebazarov as they should , what kind of attempt are you talking about, what are you talking about, but i myself was kidnapped, just a little bit they didn’t kill you, that you’re a storyteller, i see, it’s just hanz christian anderson, egor, wait, sergei, what are you talking about, who wanted to kidnap you, how do i know. when i got out of prison, i hitched a ride, well in order to get to the station faster, well, the driver there is an inadequate guy, it seems that we got into a conversation, he introduced himself, edik introduced himself, well, he offered to drink. to celebrate your release and that you agreed? yes, and then i don’t remember anything, i woke up already tied up in the basement of some abandoned house, barely got out of there, went to my mother, and there again this freak attacked me with his fists, wanted to drag me into his car, but passers-by prevented , he got into a car and drove away,
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but i gave in to the run, egor, i want to check sumen’s words, maybe he’s not lying, lead him to us. we will draw up an identikit and check if we lied on ourselves, hello, why did they call me so urgently, they found sumen, but he claims that it has nothing to do with a completely different person hunting you, what nonsense, i have no more enemies. with the wordman , we compiled a photo tribute, look, he introduced himself, you know this person, no, this is the first time i’ve seen him, i’m sure, absolutely sorry
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, it’s time, i need urgent work. well, did gleb recognize this edik? he found out, but he decided not to tell me about it. actually, i have a feeling that i’ve seen him somewhere. chief, can you give it? look at the sketch again, pasha, are you following gleb’s car? yes, he is moving along the trade union side of the center , okay, exactly, chief, i remembered, i saw him, where gleb’s car was cleared, i
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talked to him, so, i filmed everything there on video, there should be his image. pasha, find the recording, try to establish the identity of this ethicist. i understand, i feel, we have come out the light of a real criminal. there is a match with the passport database. this is ivan nazarov, gleb’s brother. just like that. is there ivan's home address? yes, i 'll send it to you now. i think gleb is just on his way to his brother. olya, call egor, let him also catch up, i feel we can’t do without him. olya, what do you have there? i followed the gleve and he ran into
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the entrance. this is where his brother's apartment is located. i know you said not to follow him, but every minute counts. egor, let's be careful, you can expect anything from this ivan, everything is clear, don't worry about our will, i won't let myself go ahead. we didn’t have time, egor, he’s faster than him, come on, hit him with a car, i think, with proof
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ivan's fault. the police will not have any problems, especially since instructions for making an explosive device were found in his desk. glepa, why didn’t you tell us anything about your brother? yes, i didn’t even think about him; we didn’t see each other for three years after that situation. what are you talking about now ? three years ago, ivan’s girlfriend, katya, became my wife. wow, yeah, it turned out ugly, we couldn't help it. and i do everything at once. i told ivan, it seemed to me that he forgave me, apparently you were mistaken, yes, he did not forgive katya, he beat her right at our wedding, for this his father kicked him out of the house, since then we have not seen each other, he lived in his grandmother’s apartment, he inherited it. it turns out that ivan knew about your problems with sumeny and was waiting for him to come out
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so that he could pin the murder on him. it turns out that way? to be honest, i didn’t expect such hatred from my brother, it also makes me feel uneasy. now you have nothing to fear. it is unlikely that ivan will be released soon. yes, thank you for. if it weren’t for you, i would n’t be alive, so if anything happens, contact any moment, and now excuse me, it's time, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. boss, well, i’ll probably run too,
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otherwise i have classes today, i don’t want to be late, let me give you a ride, by the way, ol, to be honest, i don’t know how to say it, in general, i read something here about this yoga , writes that it is really very useful. could you show me a couple of exercises for my leg, otherwise i can’t do anything with this leg of mine, of course, of course, at any time, come on, if you want, right today, you have classes, yes god bless him with this activity, i ’m ready for anything for you, well then, i don’t know, maybe at my house, well, let’s go, let’s go,
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3:24 am
ira, sasha, why did you come? and i'm glad to see you. sash, why did you come? i miss you. i wanted to see you to talk, well , you don’t answer my calls , you refuse to meet, i can’t, what’s the matter, you
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have some problems, i can help, don’t, don’t, it’ll be better for you, that’s all for now , ira, hey guy, now you 're going to have problems, who are you guys, i get it, you idiot, i'll break your arm, i get it, listen, man, this is not your problem at all, so i don’t see you near this girl again, i understand, the last warning, i ’m making your life more difficult, listen, i work in a cop. if you want , i’ll provide you with 15 days, but you’re nobody and there’s no way to call you, if i see you around this girl again, i ’ll break you, the puppy realized. thank you, you are free
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, it’s me, yes, we are there, no, everything is calm , really, the idiot is hanging out in the yard, yes, interrogator, okay, let’s go, yeah, here please, i can’t understand everything, damn it.
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take off those what's his name rose-colored glasses, i don't understand freud, that you didn’t understand, you understood everything , moments, but you can’t offend the cops, you dig up data on this daddy for me, and i’ll carry out a couple of preventive measures with him, what are they, and what if we put him in a monkey house from the frost, with the patrol officers will work with them, well, you know how...
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why are we so serious, guys, please help, open the door, i really want to go to the toilet, please open the door for us, and maybe then we can dance with me, of course, of course, of course, it's okay for the service, everything 's fine, what's up, please move away, oh, i got the number wrong, what is this, what is this? we'll see you again at the club , we'll pull out your legs, i understand, we don't need junkies here, who are you, take your hands off, what are you doing, are you on a prank or something, let's call off the cops, what kind of cops, you know who i
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am, and you know who i am, so... i don’t know, just a minute, but wait, sit, sit, sit, are you okay? that's right, boris borisovich, you know, when khamenko is on duty, the city can sleep peacefully, that there is a city, a country, a country, a country can sleep peacefully, the enemy will not pass, khamenka, you, no, what are you, yeah, tolya, and you feel fine, everything is fine, boris borisovich, in general, in this department i have the best brains of everyone, yes, yes, okay. work, work,
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okay, khamenka, what are you doing here, and what are you reading, if it’s not a secret? now, just be careful, please, don’t remember the pages, well, teach me more, so, so i don’t understand, what is this? what, what, i’m asking, what is it, what is the book? delicious healthy food, tolya, and you didn’t accidentally mix up anything, where do you serve, you ask such questions, where in the police, of course, well, what, well, so, i see, our conversation went in circles, but tell me, khamenko, what are you like, here, at the post, read...


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